Writing Storeprocedure For Change Data Load Operation

Apr 28, 2008

i am trying to write a store procedure which inserts data from flat file to table but i want to align the rows for data transformation, like which column should be transferred to which column on the existing table. can anyone help me with this..i know how to do it thru DTS or SSIS but just want it in script...


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Not Able To Load The Application In Case Web Farm Garden When We Load Data Through Background Thread.

Dec 14, 2007


Here I will describe my problem.
1. We are loading large amount of data from database on background thread which is starting on Application_start event in global.aspx.cs file.The data is later cached for subsquent request to improve the performance.
2. Now when we put the application on web farm garden, it is not able to load the application.
3. We are sending the request the servers through Router kind of application.
4 This application is working fine on single server enviornment.

Please help us.

Ajay Kumar Dwivedi

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Load All Data Without Knowing Old One Was Load In The Previous Time???

Apr 27, 2007

I just have done the SSIS example in the tutorial document included when install SQL 2005 ENT. I have a problem that whenever I test to run, the service load all data from source with out noticing about the data (I mean it load all the data to the destination), I do it several time and it continue to load all without checking. That mean the data is dublicated when the schedule run???

I think there should be a paramete or something like that to help the engine just load the new data to the destination. Could you help please?


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Problem With StoreProcedure

Feb 5, 2008

I write a simple StoreProcedure, but it shows error: "Error converting data type nvarchar to float.", please help with thanks:
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.getLastQID @lastQID nvarchar(50) OUTPUTAS SELECT @lastQID=Str(Max(QID))   FROM Questions   RETURN @lastQID 

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Aug 12, 2000

Hi there,
Can I be able to call a Activex DLL from Sp or from triggers.

Looking for a answer..

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SQL 2012 :: Current Operation Cancelled Because Another Operation In Transaction Failed

Nov 20, 2013

I'm using SQL Server 2012 Analysis services in Tabular mode and connected to Oracle Database and while importing, I'm getting below error after importing some rows.

OLE DB or ODBC error: Accessor is not a parameter accessor.. The current operation was cancelled because another operation in the transaction failed.

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Call StoreProcedure But Does Not Return Value.

Apr 2, 2008

I try to run the storeprocedure to get retRandomCode.Value, but it returns no value.
 Using myConnection2 As New SqlConnection(connString)
 Dim myPuzzleCmd2 As New SqlCommand("GetRandomCode", myConnection2)
myPuzzleCmd2.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
 Dim retLengthParam As New SqlParameter("@Length", SqlDbType.TinyInt, 6)
retLengthParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
 Dim retRandomCode As New SqlParameter("@RandomCode", SqlDbType.VarChar, 30)
retRandomCode.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
 Dim reader2 As SqlDataReader = myPuzzleCmd2.ExecuteReader()
myPuzzleCmd2.ExecuteNonQuery()Catch ex As Exception
 Response.Write("sp value : " & retRandomCode.Value)                       <----- no value
Dim iRandomCode(1) As StringReDim Preserve iRandomCode(1)
iRandomCode(1) = Convert.ToString(retRandomCode.Value)Session.Remove("RandomCode")
 HttpContext.Current.Session("RandomCode") = iRandomCode
myPuzzleCmd2 = Nothing
End Try
End Using

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Using A Storeprocedure In A Select Statement

Aug 10, 2004

i would like to use a storeprocedure as the from clause for a select statement..

something like

select * from exec spGetData

which obviously doesn't work.. anybody know a way i can do this?


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Sql Storeprocedure Transfer From Local To Server

Mar 6, 2008

 Hi everyone,I have a problem. The problem is my local database which I have to transfer from local to server. I can transfer all my table but I cant transfer my all Sp.Please Somebody help me.What I can transfer all my database from local to server.I real need help. 

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Storeprocedure Having Two Variables Having , Seperated Values

Mar 15, 2008

can u give me some idea how to make Sp who having two variables as a parameter having values seperated by ","
now thses vaues have to insert in to two tables tbColor .... colorname,product_id
                                                           and   tbSize.......sizename,product_id

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Exec Storeprocedure - Multiple Joins

May 5, 2008

Hi,I am written a store procedure that would access four tables and grab appropriate fields.. I am using JOIN functionality because it can have multiple rows. ( The goal is: )Step 1: User can search by ID  or MEMBER_ID or both .. grab all the data from mainTable based on the search. WORKS.Step 2: TABLE 2 (userTable table) get EMAIL for each record that was grabbed.. based on the ID. WORKS.Step 3: TABLE 3 and TABLE 4.. I am having some problems combing into the query.. how to add multiple JOINS… Is it safe? Please see below what data needs to be combined into the query.--Code works for Step 1 and 2.declare @ID varchar(20), @MEMBER_ID varchar(20) set @ID= null --testing data.. set @MEMBER_ID ='15552' –testing data.. Select MainTable.REFNO,MainTable.ID,mainTable.MEMBER_ID,userTable.EMAILFROM mainTableLEFT JOIN userTableON mainTable.ID = userTable.IDWhere (mainTable.ID = @ID  OR @ID IS NULL) and(mainTable.MEMBER_ID = @MEMBER_ID OR @MEMBER_ID IS NULL)TABLE 3:  (works by itself)SELECT  SR.COMPANY, SR.LOCATION_NOFROM    SI INNER JOIN  SR ON      SI.SR_ID = SR.SR_IDWHERE   SI.ID = MainTable.ID)ORDER BY SR.DATE_RECEIVED DESCTABLE 4:  (works by itself)I will be retrieving LOCATION_NO from SR table and comparing the value to the below query: for each record that was found in  the mainTable.select LOCATION_NAME from locationwhere LOCATION_NO= SR.LOCATION_NO       Please help me solve this.. Thank you  

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An Issue With Calling A Function From Storeprocedure.

May 9, 2008

This is an issue with calling a stored procedure, which calls a function.this input parameter of the function is a list nvarchar.where i am giving the input like : 1,2,3,4,8 here for the corresponding id's 1,2,3,4,8i wanna take all the details and displaying it ina crystal report........  CREATE FUNCTION iter$simple_intlist_to_tbl (@list nvarchar(MAX)) RETURNS @tbl TABLE (number int NOT NULL) ASBEGIN DECLARE @pos int, @nextpos int, @valuelen int SELECT @pos = 0, @nextpos = 1 WHILE @nextpos > 0 BEGIN SELECT @nextpos = charindex(',', @list, @pos + 1) SELECT @valuelen = CASE WHEN @nextpos > 0 THEN @nextpos ELSE len(@list) + 1 END - @pos - 1 INSERT @tbl (number) VALUES (convert(int, substring(@list, @pos + 1, @valuelen))) SELECT @pos = @nextpos END RETURNEND create proc [dbo].[Comparison](@ProductVersionID VarChar(50))asbeginselect PV.Productversionname, F.FeatureID, F.Title, F.description, F.Modifieddate,PVF.IsPresent, FG.Title from features F,ProductVersionFeatures PVF, productversion PV, Featuregroup FG where F.FeatureID = PVF.FeatureID and PVF.productversionid = PV.ProductVersionID and iter$simple_intlist_to_tbl(@ProductVersionID) i ON PVF.productversionid = i.numberendThis is my Storeprocedure, where i am calling a function in this stored procedure but when i am trying to execute the Sp, i am facing an error liek this :Msg 195, Level 15, State 10, Procedure Comparison, Line 4'iter$simple_intlist_to_tbl' is not a recognized built-in function name. can any body please help me why this is hapenig, how can i solve this issue  

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Error Writing Data To Same Destination In Single Data Flow

May 12, 2006

I am getting the following error running a data flow that splits the input data into multiple streams and writes the results of each stream to the same destination table:

"This operation conflicts with another pending operation on this transaction. The operation failed."

The flow starts with a single source table with one row per student and multiple scores for that student. It does a few lookups and then splits the stream (using Multicast) in several layers, ultimately generating 25 destinations (one for each score to be recorded), all going to the same table (like a fact table). This all is running under a transaction at the package level, which is distributed to a separate machine.

Apparently, I cannot have all of these streams inserting data into the same table at one time. I don't understand why not. In an OLTP system, many transactions are inserting records into the same table at once. Why can't I do that within the same transaction?

I suppose I can use a UnionAll to join them back together before writing to a single destination, but that seems like an unnecessary waste and clutters the flow. Can anyone offer a different solution or a reason why this fails in the first place?

Thanks in advance.

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Data Has Changed. Operation Cancelled.

Jul 31, 1999

When attempting to update or delete data using Microsoft Access, this error often occurs. The data can be updated or deleted directly through SQL Server and the problem is not resolved by closing and restarting access. The tables accessed have primary keys.

Any ideas?

It occurrs with both Access 2 and Access 95.

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Writing Data To CD

Jan 18, 2007


I am trying to use a recordable CD as the storage medium for a comma delimited flat file destination in an SSIS package. I am running the developer edition of SQL Server 2005 on Windows XP SP2.

I discovered that in the file connection manager for a flat file, the path to the file can point to a directory on the CD-R. When I set the file name for the connection manager and point it to a file on the CD, the path looks something like this;

C:Documents and SettingsjuserLocal SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftCD BurningArchiveMonthlyMCTxnDetail_Archive.txt

When I run the package, the packge executes without a problem, but no 'burning' occurs. When I check the directory specified in 'file name', there is a header in the directory that states, 'Files Ready to Be Written to the CD'. The file I want to write to is listed there.

Is there some executable I can kick off in another task to complete the process of burning the file to the CD?

Thank you for your help!


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Aggregate Operation Cannot Take A Nvarchar Data Type

Oct 5, 2002

I recently upsized my acess 2000 db to SQL 2000, but I am now having errors . . .

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E07)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The sum or average aggregate operation cannot take a nvarchar data type as an argument.
/data_count.asp, line 4

The code within the asp file:
<% dataSQL = "SELECT SUM(filesize) FROM DL where show=1"
Set datacount = my_Conn.Execute(dataSQL)
anBytes = datacount(0)

Can someone point me to a solution?

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Writing Text Data

Mar 30, 2000

Hello, historically it has been frowned upon to store textual data in sqlserver. In v6.5 and before, 2k pages were allocated regardless of actual data size. Is this still the case in v7.0? I have a situation where the intranet application wants to store documents/images/etc. Currently, we need to have security granted to each user who connects to the web server to allow them to write files. However, if we write the data via sqlserver, then the application only needs permission. Is this the recommended method? What other options can I use? tia, Lee

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Writing SQL Data To XML Files

Sep 7, 2005

Hi guys,I have been trying to write data from a database to XML files andalthough i have been successful in doing that, the file(s) that are madeare not of the form that I would want.I am using:SQLDataSet.WriteXml(strFileName, XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema);to generate the files where strFileName is the name of the file. Thefiles when viewed with XML Editor are seen as lines of data instead ofthe regularly generated XML where each row is one below the other. Whenviewed with WordPad/Notepad i see elements /&gt;&lt; betweeen the dataand somehow I think this has to do something with the problem.Can someone help me with this?? Any help or suggestion would be greatlyappreciated.Thanks.*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***

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Writing UTF-8 Data To SQL Server

May 5, 2007


I am working on a project where data is stored remotely in a Postgres database. I need to download some of the postgres data and store it in the SQL Server. The data in PG is in UTF-8. I use another application to write the data to the PG database. To talk to the PG database I am using the npgsql data provider (http://gborg.postgresql.org/project/npgsql/projdisplay.php). The data I am trying to download is arabic.

Everything seems to work fine except when I get the data from the PG DB and write it to SQL Server. I've done lots of debugging and can see that the data is correctly in arabic write until I do the update on the local dataset which saves it in SQL server. For some strange reason it makes the data into jibberish (just question marks).

I am using SQL Server express 2005. If anyone can help me with this I'd be extremely grateful as this has become a big problem and I've tried to find a solution without any success.

Thanks in advance.


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OLE DB Destination Not Writing Data

Jul 5, 2006

I am using OLE DB Destination to write data to a SQL server database. However, nothing is written to the database though there is no error reported. See the following output:

SSIS package "Tbl_Dim_Dates.dtsx" starting.

Information: 0x4004300A at Tbl_Dim_Dates, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.

Information: 0x4004300A at Tbl_Dim_Dates, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.

Information: 0x40043006 at Tbl_Dim_Dates, DTS.Pipeline: Prepare for Execute phase is beginning.

Information: 0x40043007 at Tbl_Dim_Dates, DTS.Pipeline: Pre-Execute phase is beginning.

Information: 0x4004300C at Tbl_Dim_Dates, DTS.Pipeline: Execute phase is beginning.

Information: 0x402090DF at Tbl_Dim_Dates, OLE DB Destination [2396]: The final commit for the data insertion has started.

Information: 0x402090E0 at Tbl_Dim_Dates, OLE DB Destination [2396]: The final commit for the data insertion has ended.

Information: 0x40043008 at Tbl_Dim_Dates, DTS.Pipeline: Post Execute phase is beginning.

Information: 0x40043009 at Tbl_Dim_Dates, DTS.Pipeline: Cleanup phase is beginning.

Information: 0x4004300B at Tbl_Dim_Dates, DTS.Pipeline: "component "Date extract to file" (924)" wrote 3652 rows.

Information: 0x4004300B at Tbl_Dim_Dates, DTS.Pipeline: "component "Raw File Destination" (2518)" wrote 3652 rows.

Information: 0x4004300B at Tbl_Dim_Dates, DTS.Pipeline: "component "OLE DB Destination" (2396)" wrote 3652 rows.

SSIS package "Tbl_Dim_Dates.dtsx" finished: Success.

The program '[2708] Tbl_Dim_Dates.dtsx: DTS' has exited with code 0 (0x0).

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Writing XMLReader Data To A File

Nov 26, 2007

I'm trying to do this: ------------------------------------- 1) Have SQL server return some data from this simple stored procedure. It returns XML: SELECT * FROM eAccessTypes FOR XML AUTO ------------------------------------- 2) In my C# I capture the return value in an XmlReader like so: XmlReader xmlr = mySqlCommand.ExecuteXmlReader();
After this i want to write the xmlr data to a file.
Any ideas

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Writing Data From XML File To Database

Feb 16, 2008

Hi Guys
 In my project I need to write the data from an xml file to Database through a stored precedure.
On line a lot of help is available for writing data from Database to xml but I didnt see much info
about writing xml to database.
If any one could give me some code I will really appreciate it.(I am a newbee).
This application is developed using asp.net 1.1 and sql server 2005.
Thanks for your help in advance.

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Reading / Writing Binary Data To Db

Sep 9, 2004

I'm trying to read a byte array of an image datatype from sql server, and then to put this in another field in the database. I get a byte array, but somehow the image doesn't get into the db well with the sql parameters. Does anyone have an idea how to tackle this problem?

Thanks a lot, Hugo

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Writing Data To Textfile From Sql Server 6.5

Aug 1, 2001


DataBase i am using is Sql Server6.5.
In a trigger i had written code to transfer updated records from one table to
other table.These updated records needs to be written into a text file.
I had used xp_cmdshell but it is taking time.Is there a way to write data to
flat file.

thanks in advance

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Reading/Writing Data From A SQL Database

Feb 14, 2008

I have a data structure called 'Quote' which contains a number of different variables and controls ranging from text boxes, check boxes and radio buttons, i need to be able to read and write this from a database.

First I think a description of my overall project is needed:

Project Description
I have been given a brief that basically says: i have to create a programmed solution in VB to solve a problem. This problem can be anything we like, and I personally have chosen to create a program that manages quotes for building Log Cabins (this is very contrived and far from anything someone would do in the real world).

My solution will allow a generic user to create a quote (using a form with controls such as text boxes, check boxes, radio buttons) , and then save this to file. These users may then wish to load/edit this quote at a later date, from another form.

Whilst completing this project, i'll only have up to about 5 records (quotes) within the system, so i dont need the ability to store hundreds of records. And each record will be relatively short, with only about 10-15 data items within the data structure.

Also the Admin (or business owner in this case) need to be able to view all saved quotes in a presentable format, and edit them if needs be, from within this same program.

This solution does not need to be absolutely perfect and 100% efficiently coded, or have all the bells and whistles a real-world program would have. This is for an A level computing project by the way.

So basically, i need to be able to read from the database (to populate a Data Grid (i imagine this is best way?)) and so Admin can access any quote and edit it (editing is not vital, but viewing/printing is. Maybe i should stop at just viewing any quote?). Also i need generic users to be able to fill in the Edit Quote form and then save this data into the database.

And is a data structure really required for me to use a database?

I've never used databases in VB before (but have used them elsewhere, mainly Access) and so am completely new to this. Any help will be much appreciated.

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ASP Writing Data To SQL Server 2000

Oct 24, 2006

I am having a problem with an ASP program that inserts data into a table on
SQL Server 2000.

No error msg is returned upon submission and the confirmation msg that
displays after the commit command is sent to the server displays, but when
we go to the DB, the data sent isn't there. This is an occassional
occurance and usually the data is there, just some times, it isn't. Other
forms function just fine, using the *exact* same file to perform the submit
function (all the forms "include" the same submit page). The only
difference we can find is a trigger on the table having problems which
executes upon update, capturing the information about who updated the record
when. From what we can see, this is the only programmatic difference. The
other thought tickling our minds was the possiblity of a simultaneous
submission, since all the users submit with the same db user name via the
form, if user 1's data gets written but not yet commited, user 2's data is
submitted, then the commit transaction is submitted by user 1 as the program
steps run in sequence, would the commit by user one cause eiither of the
records inserted but not commited to be lost? If so, why wouldn't that be causing problems on other forms ...

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Problem Writing Data After Upgrading

Feb 6, 2007


I was using for years an application that had an MSDE database.

Recently. I've upgraded my computer to Windows Vista, so I had to upgrade MSDE to SQL Express.

I've managed to attach the old MSDE database of the application to SQL Express, and I am able to retrieve my data from within the application.

My problem is that I can not write or update data from within the application anymore. However, If I open a table in SQL Management Studio Express I can write/ update data with no problem.

The company that build the application I was using doesnt exist any more so I cant take any support from them.

The only thing I know for a fact is that the application is connecting to the database using the sa user.

Any ideas?

Thanks a lot in advance!!!


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The Sum Or Average Aggregate Operation Cannot Take A Nvarchar Data Type As An Argument.

Feb 6, 2007

how to solve this problem ....
I want to select te sum of nvarchar column and this error always happen
what is the solution this is my query
"SELECT Datein AS Date,SUM(Durm) AS DurationMin, COUNT (*) AS 'Number of Hits' FROM Rayyan_Log WHERE (DNIS = '"+DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text +"') AND (Datein between '"+TextBox2.Text+"' and '"+TextBox3.Text+"') GROUP BY Datein ORDER BY Datein"

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Writing Data To Multiple Tables (Howto)

Sep 23, 2006

Can someone show me the command string required to write data out to 2 or 3 tables at once?  How about how to write 2 entries at once?  Write now my solution writes 1 record to a table and then I write somewhere around 40-200 records to a second child .  Write now I'm writing like this:Open --> Add 1 record in table #1 --> closeOpen --> Add 1 record in table #2 --> closeOpen --> Add 1 record in table #2 --> closeOpen --> Add 1 record in table #2 --> closeOpen --> Add 1 record in table #2 --> closeand I'm just wondering if there is a better approach, such as writing all the data at once.  Something like:Open --> Add 1 record in table #1 --> Add 5 records in table #2 --> close

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Viewing And Writing Data On An SQL On A Seperate Server.

Jun 29, 2007

I have a project were I will have it so that users can sign in and change information on an SQL server. The catch is that this site will be from a different domain name and from a different hosting company then where the SQL database is located. Sorry if this is a dumb question but how can I utilize asp.net to change and view an SQL database that is located else-where.
For example: a user logs into www.something.com and he/she can view and edit SQL tables from www.somethingelse.com's database.
Thanks in advance.

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Writing Binary Data To A SQL Table (VB CODE)

Mar 9, 2006

First of all let me say that ASP.NET a new programming environment for me so please forgive my ignorance.
Can someone please tell me how to write data to a SQL table that is a Binary data type?  I have a stored procedure on the SQL server that I am calling to insert data into a table.  I build a parameter list and set the values.  It worked just fine before I added a binary field to the SQL table.  My problem is that I don't know how to set the Binay data type to pass it to the stored procedure.  Here is part of the code:
GetCMD = Myconnection.CreateCommand
GetCMD.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
GetCMD.CommandText = "SCHEMANAME.InsertLineItem"
GetCMD.Parameters.Add("HEADER_ID", SqlDbType.VarChar, 150)
GetCMD.Parameters("HEADER_ID").Value = "some value"
GetCMD.Parameters.Add("@OPTIONS", SqlDbType.Binary)
GetCMD.Parameters("@OPTIONS").Value =  HOW DO I SET THIS VALUE????
rowsaffected = GetCMD.ExecuteNonQuery()
I assume serialization but have not figured out how.  Anyone's help is greatly appreciated!!

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Writing Data In To Excel Spread Sheet

May 14, 2008

Hi All,

Here is the scenario:

I am inserting data into a spread sheet from user interface(power builder). But at the same time some one can open that excel spread sheet to read the data. Then the process was going to fail(it won't able to write the data in to the spread sheet). How to avoid this situation? I really appreciate if anyone can shed some light.

Thanks in advance!!

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Writing Data From The Integration Services To A SUN LDAP

Oct 29, 2007

Hi All,

I currently have the problem that I have to write some data into a SUN Directory Server 5.2 LDAP directory.
Does anyone know how I can do this. I already found some articles in this forum that provide solutions how to access
the active directory - but how can I access a none Microsoft LDAP Server?

Is there any way to use the OLE DB Destination or do I have to implement my own LDAP adapter in VB.net?

Thanks a lot for help.

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