XML Source

Apr 4, 2008


Why does XML Source in MS VS 2005 Integration Services Data Flow Sources XML Source not pick up the root element?

The problem is the following example:
<root createddate="2008-01-01">


The XML Source picks up everything after the first element which is the root element but it does not seam to pick up the root element where there is a need for the createddate attribute.

Is there a soultion for this problem?

Thanks for help.

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Integration Services :: Metadata Change In Source Disturbs All Configuration Of Source

Jun 18, 2015

I have a got a package with source as sql table which has got 50 columns. We are using only 10 columns out of this. Recently one column name has changed and thus throws error invalid mapping. When I open the source to do the changes noticed that all the colums are prselected now and also the datatypes got changed to default ( I had changed the datatypes as per my requirement while i developed). So now I had to select required columns from source and redo the datatype changes in advanced editor.Is there any option which doesnt disturb this settings and we just need to correct the mapping alone. 

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XML TASK XSL Variable: Exception 'Property New Source Has No Source Xml Text'

Dec 20, 2005

I want to transform an xml flow to an html flow. For this, I create an XmlDataDocument, I add on it, all that I want, and I store it in a file (in a dataflow task).
After that, in an xml task, I set the input properties like that:
Operation type: xslt
SourceType: File connection
Source: ras.xml
All works fine. But now, I want to use a variable to store my xml data. So, instead of storing my data in ras.xml, I store it in a variable like that:
Dim v As Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.IDTSVariables90
Me.VariableDispenser.LockOneForWrite("RAS", v)
v("RAS").Value = doc.OuterXml
and in the xml task, I set configuration like that:
Operation type: xslt
SourceType: Variable
Source: user::RAS
But when I execute, I got this following exception:
Error: 0xC002F304 at Format HTML Mail, XML Task: An error occurred with the following error message: "Root element is missing.".
Error: 0xC002928F at Format HTML Mail, XML Task: Property "New Source" has no source Xml text; Xml Text is either invalid, null or empty string.
Furthermore, when I want to debug it, in replacing the xml task, by a script task, I can see that in my RAS variable, I get the xml data which is well formed.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<root> €¦
(When I store it in a file, I can see it in IE)
Have you got an idea ?

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Loading Data Using Ole Db Source With Input Source Being A View

Dec 13, 2007

I was trying to load data using SSIS, Data Flow Task, OLE DB Source, source was a view to a OLE DB Destination (SQL Server). This view returns 420,591 rows from Query Analyzer in 21 seconds. Row length is 925. When I try to executed the Data Flow Task from SSIS, I had to stop the process after 30 minutes, because only 2,000 rows had been retrieved. I modified the view to retun top 440, 000 and reran. This time all 420, 591 rows were retrieved and written in 22 seconds. Next, I tried to use a TOP 100 Percent. Again, only 2,000 rows were return after 30 minutes. TempDB is on a separate SAN Raid group with 200 gig free, Databases on a separate drive with 200 gig free. Server has 13 gig of memory and no other processes were executing.

The only way I could populate the table was by using an Execute SQL Task and hard code an Insert into table selecting data from the view (35 seconds) from SSIS.

Have anyone else experience this or a similar issue? Anyone have a solutionexplanation?

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Using XML Source In SSIS Vs Script Source To Parse Xml Files.

Sep 14, 2007


I am having a huge xml file with nested section.
i also have a xsd file for that xml.
i have a destination table where the data from the xml should be loaded into.
i am using the xml source transformation. But o get all the data i need to use multiple merje joins to get the data in a single row which i can insert into the destination.i was not quiet convinced with using so many joins.

so i tried using the script source transformation where i am using xml objects to get the node and dynamically construction the data row. and the output is then inserted into the destination.
on comparing the two approach the one using the script source is working much faster than the xml source transformation.

i wanted to know is there any limitaion using the script source to parse through xml files.
also i would like to know any other better way of getting the data from xml source without using the joins.


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An Error Has Occurred During Report Processing. A Data Source Instance Has Not Been Supplied For The Data Source DetailDS_get_o

Mar 13, 2008

hi ,

i am trying for a drill through report (rdlc)

ihave written the following code in drill through event of reportviewer, whenever i click on the first report iam getting the error like

An error has occurred during report processing.

A data source instance has no
t been supplied for the data source "DetailDS_get_orderdetail".

the code is

using System;

using System.Data;

using System.Data.SqlClient;

using System.Configuration;

using System.Collections;

using System.Web;

using System.Web.Security;

using System.Web.UI;

using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;

using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;

//using Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data;

using Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms;

using DAC;

public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


ReportViewer1.Visible = false;


protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


DAC.clsReportsWoman obj = new clsReportsWoman();

DataSet ds = new DataSet();

ds = obj.get_order();


ReportDataSource reds = new ReportDataSource("DataSet1_get_order", ds.Tables[0]);


ReportViewer1.LocalReport.ReportPath = "C:/Documents and Settings/km63096/My Documents/Visual Studio 2005/WebSites/drillthrurep/Report.rdlc";


ReportViewer1.Visible = true;


protected void ReportViewer1_Drillthrough(object sender, DrillthroughEventArgs e)


DAC.clsReportsWoman obj = new clsReportsWoman();

ReportParameterInfoCollection DrillThroughValues =


foreach (ReportParameterInfo d in DrillThroughValues)


Label1.Text = d.Values[0].ToString().Trim();


LocalReport localreport = (LocalReport)e.Report;

string order_id = Label1.Text;

DataSet ds = new DataSet();

ds = obj.get_orderdetail(order_id);


ReportDataSource reds = new ReportDataSource("DetailDS_get_orderdetail", ds.Tables[0]);


ReportViewer1.LocalReport.ReportPath = Server.MapPath(@"Reportlevel1.rdlc");




the code in method get_orderdetail(order_id) is

public DataSet get_orderdetail(string order_id)
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
cmd.Parameters.Add("@order_id", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
cmd.Parameters["@order_id"].Value = order_id;
ds = SQLHelper.ExecuteAdapter(cmd, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "dbo.get_orderdetail");
return (ds);
}pls help me.

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OLE DB Source To Flat File Destintation Using Fixed Width Columns - Determining Source Column Width

Feb 13, 2007


I am trying to create a program that transfers tables to flat files.
At this point in time, I have suceeded in created one that creates delimited files.

However, I am now trying to create fixed-width files as you can do with the SSIS designer, but programatically.

Is there a way to programatically determine the width of a column from the source table? I can not seem to find any kind of function or member that stores this information or allows me to retrieve it.

I know what I need to change in order to set a width for a column, but I just don't know how to find the width without just asking the user to provide one.

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Amo And Creating Data Source And Data Source View Code

Feb 2, 2008

In this code how can I create a new data source and new data source view and model and structure that it run dynamic.
In this code I have a lot of errors, that they are about server and database don€™t have in current code,
In this code, first I should definition server or no?

Database dbNew = new Database (databaseName,
Utils.GetSyntacticallyValidID(databaseName, typeof(Database)));

How can I create data source and data source view and model and structure?
Please say code of that, and guide me.
databasename and srv is unknown.
Do I add other reference with analysis services?
Please explain about these codes:
RelationalDataSource dsNew = new RelationalDataSource(

dsNew.ConnectionString = connectionString;


RelationalDataSourceView rdsv;

rdsv = db.DataSourceViews.Add(

rdsv.DataSourceID = ds.ID
OleDbConnection cn = new OleDbConnection(ds.ConnectionString);
OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(
"SELECT * FROM [" + tableName + "] WHERE 0=1", cn);
OleDbDataAdapter ad = new OleDbDataAdapter(cmd);

DataSet dss = new DataSet();
ad.FillSchema(dss, SchemaType.Source);


// Make sure we have the name we thought

dss.Tables[0].TableName = tableName;

// Clone here - the original DataTable already belongs to a DataSet


MiningStructure ms = db.MiningStructures.Add(miningstructureName, Utils.GetSyntacticallyValidID(miningstructureName,
ms.Source = new DataSourceViewBinding(dsv.ID);
ms.CaseTableName = "Customer";

Add columns:
ScalarMiningStructureColumn smsc;

// From table "Customer" we will add a couple of columns
// CustomerID - key
smsc = new ScalarMiningStructureColumn("Customer ID",
Utils.GetSyntacticallyValidID("Customer ID", typeof(ScalarMiningStructureColumn)));
smsc.IsKey = true;
smsc.Content = "Key";
smsc.KeyColumns.Add("Customer", "customer_id", OleDbType.Integer);


MiningModel mm = ms.MiningModels.Add(miningmodelName,

mm.Algorithm = "Microsoft_Decision_Trees";
mm.Parameters.Add("COMPLEXITY_PENALTY", 0.3);

MiningModelColumn mc = new MiningModelColumn("Customer ID",
mc.SourceColumnID = ms.Columns["Customer ID"].ID;
mc.Usage = "Key";


Please exactly say, whatever I want
Thanks a lot for your answer
Please don€™t move this question because I don€™t know where I should write this.

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How Do I Add An ODBC Connection Data Source As A Data Flow Source

Mar 2, 2007

I have set up a new connection as a connection from data source, but I cannot see how to use this connection to create my Data Flow Source. I have tried using an OLE DB connection, but this is painfully slow! The process of loading 10,000 rows takes 14 - 15 minutes. The same process in Access using SQL on a linked table via DSN takes 45 seconds.

Have I missed something in my set up of the OLE DB source / connection? Will a DSN source be faster?

Thanks in advance


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Create Data Source, Data Source View From XML?

May 8, 2007

hi everybody,
i want to create data source and data source view for data mining, with using C Sharp.
i have create data source and data source view and export to XML file, but when i change to another computer, run those XML file, it return error, when i run statement to create and biuld mining model, what can i change on xml or how to run XML on another computer sucessfully,
and have i build data source and data source view, how to do it.?

thanks for you helps

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Cannot Create A Connection To Data Source 'data Source Name'

Dec 11, 2007

Today I was making a few reports.
When I tested the reports in Visual Studio, they worked great: I got the expected result.
But when I deployed the reports to our reportserver the problem started.
When I click on the directory in which my reports are deployed, I got my 4 reports.
Till now everything worked correct.
But when I click on a report to view the results it went wrong.
I got an error:
"Cannot create a connection to data source 'Live'"
(Live is the name of our data source).

We are using the Windows Logons and I am sure that I have all the rights on the server, I gave myself 'sysadmin' rights, so it should work.
I also have tried it with all the roles assigned on my account, but then it still won't work.

When I modify the data source, and set it to another server en database it works.
The datasource 'Live' exists on a x64 MsSQL server, en the other datasource is on a x86 MsSQL server.
Maybe that is the problem?

Can someone tell me what is wrong?

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HELP: A Data Source Instance Has Not Been Supplied For The Data Source

May 20, 2007

Hi there,

I'm trying to build a report for Windows Forms (C#) using .rdlc files.

But every time I run it, I get this error message. I've followed the step-by-step from MSDN instructions... but it doesn't work!

Could anyone help me?!

Tks a lot!

Luis Antonio - Brazil

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Datareader Destination As Source For Other Datareader Source ?

Aug 30, 2006


as far as I know from docs and forum datareader is for .NET data in memory. So if a use a complex dataflow to build up some data and want to use this in other dataflow componens - could i use data datareader source in the fist dataflow and then use a datareader souce in the second dataflow do read the inmemoty data from fist transform to do fursther cals ?

how to pass in memory data from one dataflow to the next one (i do not want to rebuild the logic in each dataflow to build up data data ?

Is there a way to do this ? and is the datareader the proper component ? (because its the one and only inmemory i guess, utherwise i need to write to temp table and read from temp table in next step) (I have only found examples fro .NET VB or C# programms to read a datareader, but how to do this in SSIS directly in the next dataflow?


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Xml Source

Apr 30, 2008

I have created a ssis package which uses an xml source and and ole db destination.
It basically transfers the data from an xml file on my machine into a table in the sql server database.
This .xml file is in c:DownloadsV5 CDS Composites1209558837833.xml

This is the file that has been placed here automatically by a third party tool.
When my ssis package imports the xml data into sql server, I then move this .xml file into another folder on my machine.
So every day there is a new .xml file which has the same name except the numbers are different as follows:

Thursday --> V5 CDS Composites1209558837833.xml
friday -> V5 CDS Composites65496845732.xml
saturday --> V5 CDS Composites1642389243.xml

In the xml source, xml location what do I put there to only look for the xml file which starts with V5 CDS Composites
is it something like V5 CDS Composites*.xml? - notice the asterisk


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XML Source

Apr 18, 2007


I'm basically new to using XML source, so forgive me if this is basic XML stuff, but here it goes:

I've been given an XML file to read with lines like this:

<action><ap name="date">20070214</ap><ap name="time">10:33:49</ap></action>
<action><ap name="date">20070214</ap><ap name="time">10:48:49</ap></action>

When I setup an XML Source and pump into a table I get this:

Name Text ActionID
Date 20070214 1
Time 20070214 1

When what I want is
Date Time
20070214 10:33:49
20070214 10:48:49

How to do?



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Xml Source

Apr 30, 2008

I have created a ssis package which uses an xml source and and ole db destination.
It basically transfers the data from an xml file on my machine into a table in the sql server database.
This .xml file is in c:DownloadsV5 CDS Composites1209558837833.xml
This is the file that has been placed here automatically by a third party tool.
When my ssis package imports the xml data into sql server, I then move this .xml file into another folder on my machine.
So every day there is a new .xml file which has the same name except the numbers are different as follows:
Thursday --> V5 CDS Composites1209558837833.xml
friday -> V5 CDS Composites65496845732.xml
saturday --> V5 CDS Composites1642389243.xml

In the xml source, xml location what do I put there to only look for the xml file which starts with V5 CDS Composites
is it something like V5 CDS Composites*.xml? - notice the asterisk

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DSV Available In OLE DB Source?

Apr 16, 2008


I've created a DSV based upon a data source an d would like to use in in an OLE DB data source, is that possible?

When I double click upon the OLE DB data source the Connection Manager does not display the DSV. Shouold I be able to see it?

The data source is using an Oracle view.

Thank you,


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OLE DB Source

Jun 13, 2007


Im making a query in my Ole DB Source.

How can I use a variable in my query?

Thank you.

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Sql Data Source

Oct 31, 2007

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="dsBorrowers" runat="server"
               SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [BORROWERS]"
                ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:OxfordLibrary %>">
if i put this code inside source code then i can bind my gridview
i want to bind gridview when button is clicked using a sqldatasource control 
could please tell me the way i can do it 

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SQL Data Source

Feb 6, 2008

I am coding a VB.Net 2005 application.Is it possible to configure a SQLDataSource to point to a connection string specified in the web.config file?

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SQL Data Source Help

Mar 31, 2008

Hello,  I am trying to figure out how to hard code a value ("Outage") in one of the Parameter fields.. can someone give me an example of how you would do this?  here is the code snippet<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlOutage" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:EDCCConnectString %>"
SelectCommand="OUT_GetDailyDetails" SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure">
<SelectParameters><asp:SessionParameter Name="StartDate" SessionField="StartDate"
Type="DateTime" />
<asp:SessionParameter Name="EndDate" SessionField="EndDate" Type="DateTime" />
(Here is what I am trying to hard code in )"Outage" Type="String" />

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SP & Source Safe

May 3, 2001

Can anyone tell me how I can copy store procedures from SQL Server 2000 to Source Safe 6.0? I right-click the store procedure and cop
y it but when I got to the visual source safe it will not work. I therefore went through the soruce code control on Tool menu which I cannot see such commands. I do really need your help.


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Moving Source

Nov 25, 2005


At a high level, this is what I need to do in a stored procedure:


-the reason for creating the view is that the number of columns in Sheet1$ is not static.
By creating the view, I then can determine with sysobject/syscolumns how many columns I have to process for each row.


OPEN my_cursor
WHILE <etc>
DO STUFF WITH EACH COLUMN IN THAT ROW (as noted above, this will never be a static list of columns)
CLOSE my_cursor
DEALLOCATE my_cursor

…so, I’m obviously stuck on what I’m going to fetch my_cursor into. Am I limited to scalar types?

…and, inside the WHILE loop, can I refer to the columns by their index (i.e. which column number they are in the result set as opposed to the name)

…or is it back to the drawing board for a completely different approach.

Thanks for any input.


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Dynamic Source

Apr 30, 2008

I have a source file name which changes every day , basically the filename like 9500 , the next file would come is 9501 , then next could be anything may be 1000Q. I need the source connection to pick dynamicallly those file name. is their any way i could achieve this in SSIS.

I would not know what is the name of the file i would expect

please advise

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OLE DB Source &&amp; SQL Command

May 3, 2006


I am trying to set the OLE DB Source Editor. I am using the following option for Data Access mode

SQL Command from a variable and uses my sqlQuery variable.

sqlQuery variable contains a sql statement but I am getting the following error

ox80040E0C, Command text was not set for command object,

Additional information HRESULT 0xC0202009

Does it mean I have to give the variable name containing the stored procedure?

Please Guide

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Data Source (Using More Than One Data Source)

Apr 23, 2008

I am having a problem in visual studio. I have a report written using one data base. Now i want to add another database to the same report but cannot figure out how to do this. They are both shared data sources. I am pretty new to this but i can write reports using one source but cannot figure out how to use more than one data source.

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Xml Data Source

May 19, 2006

what is the connection string for a xml datasource in the reportin services


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Bug In XML Source Component??

Dec 3, 2007


I have an XML data file and an associated XSD file with properly defined datatypes. However, the datatype of all the data elements are always "string" datatype. For example, in my current xml file, all the data elements are of Decimal datatype which is properly defined in XSD file. However, datatype of all the output columns are of string datatype.

Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong?


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Xml Source Issue

May 20, 2008

i'm using an xml source for my data flow task.
sometimes its giving 900 rows.
sometimes its giving 2265 rows as output from xml source?
have you ever face this problem?
i could not understand this issue!
(the xml data would be coming every month, same fields so same XSD) i suspect the problem with xml data or data processor!

i welcome any posts related to my issue!

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Resultset As Source

Mar 20, 2007

According to the BOL documenation of the ExecuteSQLTask you can populate a variable with a resultset. I specified a variable of type 'Object' and followed the instructions and everything is fine.

Now I have TWO issues.

1) I want to filter some unwanted rows from this variable and add into another recodset. For filtering i am using foreach loop and putting condition on variable. It works fine till here, but how to update another 'Object' type variable.

2) How to make the result set as source in a data flow task. I want the filtered result set to become source in a data flow



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OLE DB Source Editor

Dec 20, 2006


I am using SSIS to extract data from sql server and import into MDB file. In
the process, under data flow task, I have used OLE DB Source Editor as source. Here
i have choosen SQL Command as mode of data population. In the box below i
have typed the following statements.

"Exec Site_Address"

I have used many temperory tables in this procedure.
When i run this procedure in the query analyzer window i get the desired data which has to be imported to an MDB. After typing the above statements and when i
click the button preview i can see the data. But when i click the
Columns.... i dont see anything there. I am unable to see any columns there.
This is getting to my nerves because, when i use OLE DB as Destination i am
unable to map the columns and i get an error.

I dont know how to solve this problem. cannot we map columns in temp tables .... or wat is it ??

Please help me to find a solution.

I will also paste the procedure code that i have used.

Create procedure Site_Address



create table #Data_For_Site_Address_Table


unitid varchar(20),

city varchar(50),

cust_num varchar(40),

zip varchar(20),

CountryID varchar(20),

CreatedBy varchar(20)


-- tblcrdsiteaddress

insert into #Data_For_Site_Address_Table

select distinct * from


(select top 1 fsu.ser_num

from fs_unit fsu

where ca.cust_seq <> 0 and fsu.cust_num = ca.cust_num

order by ca.city desc) as UnitID,ca.city,ca.cust_num,ca.zip,


WHEN ca.country like 'Luxembourg' THEN 'LU'

WHEN ca.country like 'Deutschland' THEN 'DE'

WHEN ca.country like 'Austria' THEN 'AT'

WHEN ca.country like 'Czech Republic' THEN 'CZ'

WHEN ca.country like 'Denmark' THEN 'DK'

WHEN ca.country like 'CHINA' THEN 'CN'

WHEN ca.country like 'CROATIA' THEN 'HR'

WHEN ca.country like 'Egypt' THEN 'EG'

WHEN ca.country like 'Germany' THEN 'DE'

WHEN ca.country like 'Hungary' THEN 'HU'

WHEN ca.country like 'Jordan' THEN 'JO'

WHEN ca.country like 'Korea, Republic Of' THEN 'KR'

WHEN ca.country like 'Poland' THEN 'PL'

WHEN ca.country like 'Switzerland' THEN 'CH'

WHEN ca.country like 'United Kingdom' THEN 'GB'

ELSE '- N/A -' END AS CountryID, CA.CreatedBy

from custaddr ca

) al

where unitid is not null

Select TT.Unitid as Short_Site_Name, TT.City as Site_Name,'N.A' as Street_Po_Box,TT.Zip as Postal_Code_City, Null as State_Region,

TT.CountryID as CountryID,Null as Zone, Null as Note, TT.CreatedBy as UserID, GetDate() as Date, 'A' as [Action]

From #Data_For_Site_Address_Table TT



Meher Krishna.V

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XML Source Error

Jun 21, 2006


i am getting the following error in XML Source after generating the schema . if i click the columns

Error at Data Flow Task[XML Source[1]]; There was an error setting up the mapping . The root
element of a W3XML Schema should be <schema> and its namespace should be 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema'

what could be the reseaon ?


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When Is A Data Source Not A Data Source?!

Feb 19, 2007

I have 3 reports in my project which I've deployed.

When users run 2 of the reports they get the following message (the third report runs fine)

An error has occurred during report processing.
Cannot create a connection to data source 'Windowmaker'.
For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors

However the data source the message shows isn't the data source it's the project name.

I've tried setting the users to have various permissions under reporting services with no luck.

Thought it might be a windows server permissions issue, but they can run the third report. (I'm in the WS administrator group and the reports run for me).



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