XML Task Validation - No Detailed Errors

Sep 18, 2007

I am using the XML Task to validate an XML file against the XSD schema.
Everything works fine, but about detailed errors in the case of the failed validation?

1) I specified €śOperationsResult€? Destination property to save the task execution outcome into a file.
2) Also, I turned on all possible events for logging.

Unfortunately, neither option produces a detailed validation error message.
Option 1 saves one single word €śtrue€? or €śfalse€? to a file.
Logging produces the following message:
Task failed to validate "A validation error occurred when validating the instance document.".

As end result, it is impossible to pinpoint the problem with the xml file and, consequently, fix the issue.

The expected behavior should be a detailed error message like the following (produced by StylusStudio):
file:///c:/temp/fafa/feed_bad.xml:12824,52: Datatype error: Type:InvalidDatatypeFacetException,
Message:Value '244212' must be less than or equal to MaxInclusive '4'.

It shows a precise location of the error in the XML file plus the specific XSD rule which failed.

Any idea what could be done to get the detailed error message for the XML Task Validation?


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Validation Errors

Feb 16, 2008

I am having trouble with the SSIS wizard results. The connections to source and destination test good, but when I execute a task to copy all tables from a hosted OLEDB to a local SQL native connection, I get this error:

Error 0xc0202049: Data Flow Task: Failure inserting into the read-only column "eventID".
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

Error 0xc0202045: Data Flow Task: Column metadata validation failed.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

Error 0xc004706b: Data Flow Task: "component "Destination - diary" (25)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_ISBROKEN".
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

Error 0xc004700c: Data Flow Task: One or more component failed validation.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

Error 0xc0024107: Data Flow Task: There were errors during task validation.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

The actual table that it is trying to write to is empty. What might I need to do, in order to correct the situation?


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Suppressing Validation Errors?

Mar 15, 2007

I created a package that will, on it's very first step, create a temporary table that will be used throughout the package. In the final step I drop this table.

Running the package bit by bit works, however the moment I attempt to run the full package (or the container that holds the bulk of it) i get a validation error because the table does not exists.

Anyone knows how can I suppress this validation from occurring? I know the table wont exists until the package starts executing and it telling me it cant proceed because the table does not exists is preventing me from doing anything.

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Integration Services :: Validation For Errors Before Truncation

Jul 10, 2015

I have a pretty easy data load and design of my package flow is like this : Excel -> Stage -> operational_table. So now everything is working fine and the operational table will be called for front end applications. So far so good.

Everything is truncate and load operation. Yesterday, my stage to operational table load failed because of truncation happened for a column.  Is there any way I can validate for errors and if at all there are any errors I wont truncate my operational table. I'm thinking of this way .. If
max(len(stage.column)) >   COL_LENGTH('operational table','[column]') 

stop truncating operational table.. Is there any other better way or just above works fine?

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Trapping Validation Errors And Sending Email

Jul 20, 2006

I have a DTS package that I'm moving over to SSIS. In place of migrating this package, I've choosen to recreate it. This package moves data from an Informix database to a SQL database.

In the old package the first task was to make a simple connection to the Informix database and if the task failed, it would send an email and stop the package.

The biggest reason for this is because the Unix server that I'm getting the Informix data from forces the user passwords to be reset ever 90 days. So in my old package, if I forgot to change the password and the connection started to fail it would send me an email.

In my new package, SSIS performs a validation before starting. There are a number of task that uses the connection to the Informix database. Under testing, if I put in a bad password, the validation process generates a validation error. I've tried catching this validation error using the Error Handling events but I've had no luck. I can send out errors PreValidation and PostValidation but OnError appears not to fire under a validation error.

Might anyone have any suggestions on a proper way to validate and be able to send out email notification if a connection fails? Any assistance would be appreciated.

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How To Capture Validation Errors Inside SSIS Package

Oct 24, 2007


I have created a package which executes every 10 mins. Last week end for maintenance purpose, I shutdown my database. Now as an initial execution process, my package does the default validation steps on which the database connection validation step fails. As this is the default functionality of SSIS I am not able to capture this error. Is there anyway to capture this error inside SSIS Package?

Thanks in advance.


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XML Task - Validation Fails

Oct 31, 2006

Now is this a limitation in SSIS or am I missing something. I have an XML file that needs validation. I am using the 'XML Task' control for that. The validation runs fine so long as the file is below a certain size. I am not sure what the cutoff size is but the validation runs fine if the XML file size is 60Mb. I include a few more records in my XML file to make the file size 65Mb and run ETL again and validation fails!

There is not much detail in the error message other than 'Task XML Validation failed'. I dont think there should be any kind of timeout issue. The whole process takes less than a minute before failing.

The issue is definately not with the new records that get added. I have verified the new file with xmlspy and it validates just fine. I have also validated the newly added records (5 Mb) through the same ETL process and that runs fine too.

Please suggest if I should spend time finding what the issue is or simply move on assuming its a known bug? Has any one experienced this?



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Validation Problem Bulk Insert Task

Jan 28, 2008


I use a "Bulk Insert Task" inside of a "ForEach Container" and set the ConnectionString-Property of the "FlatFile-ConnectionManager" with an expression, pulling from a variable.
The packages works fine, but I get an Error-Message in the Output-Window:

Fehler: 0xC001401E bei Package, Verbindungs-Manager 'FlatFile': Der in der Verbindung angegebene Dateiname 'c:old.txt' war ungĂĽltig.


Error: 0xC001401E at Package, Connection-Manager 'FlatFile': Cannot open the file 'c:old.txt'.
(Sorry, in this office is the no english version available).

'C:old.txt' is the initial value of the variable.
The new value is 'C:ew.txt' and I can see the new value in the Debugger or in a Scripttask.

Before the execution of the "Bulk Insert Task" starts, SSIS makes a validation. I have tried to stop the validation on setting the property "DelayValidation" = True (Package,ForEach-Container,BulkInsert-Task,FlatFile-ConnectionManager), but it is not possible to stop the validation and the error-message.
After printing the error-message, the variable is evaluated and the package works fine. After the first loop, there is no more error-message.

The error-message is a problem, because the operators look at the error-output.

As a workaround I can set the property in a Scriptatsk. Is there another solution????

Dan has a blog to this problem, but no solution:



Berthold Neumann

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Task Failed To Validate No Schema To Use In Validation Was Found..

Aug 20, 2006

I have a package with an XML Task with OperationType = Validate. The source is a string variable and the second operand is a file connection to a schema file. The schema file <include>'s other schemas. I run the package in debug mode in Visual Studio with no errors. I exit Visual Studio. Then I open Visual Studio again and run the package in debug mode like before and it fails in the xml task with error: "Task failed to validate "No schema to use in validation was found.". I don't understand why it fails since no changes were made. The strange thing is that if I click the File Connection Manager for the schema file and click Browse and then reselect the same schema file again then it runs OK. Note that I have to exit Visual Studio and not just close the package in order to repro the error. It seems like exiting Visual Studio frees some resource that is essential to the validation. Reselecting the schema file in the Connection Manager seems to restore the resource. (SP1)

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Validation Error. Data Flow Task: OLE DB Source [94]:

Nov 8, 2007

Dear all,

I am trying to executed a packege so that it loads data from from the excel file to the SQL Server Server database.
When I execute it, it prompts the following error message and 1 warning
The excel file has three colums, Week, Item and Value

Error 4 Validation error. Data Flow Task: OLE DB Source [94]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E14. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle" Hresult: 0x80040E37 Description: "ORA-00942: table or view does not exist ". Test - GET NW PERF 1.dtsx 0 0


Warning 1 Validation warning. Data Flow Task: OLE DB Destination [36]: The external metadata column collection is out of synchronization with the data source columns. The column "DAY" needs to be added to the external metadata column collection. The column "TCH_AVAIL" needs to be added to the external metadata column collection. The column "PDROP" needs to be added to the external metadata column collection. The column "P_HR" needs to be added to the external metadata column collection. The column "SFAIL" needs to be added to the external metadata column collection. The "external metadata column "VALUE" (90)" needs to be removed from the external metadata column collection. The "external metadata column "ITEM" (89)" needs to be removed from the external metadata column collection. Not in use - GET NW STATS.dtsx 0 0

Could someone give me a hand here.



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Package Failed Validation From The ExecutePackage Task Error

Feb 8, 2006

I have an SSIS package which calls two other SSIS packages as part of it's control flow (using the Execute Package task). Both packages are stored in the same parent folder on the same server. The first child package runs successfully, the second does not. It ran fine for days until yesterday. Not sure what I might have done. I have tried to delay validation and recreate the connection. No go. Has anyone else run into this. I am running SQL 2005 RTM and VS 2005 RTM on XP Pro SP2. Any suggestions would be welcome.

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FTP Task. / Validation Makes Mainframe Downloads Impossible.

Jul 24, 2007

When attempting to use the FTP task to download a file from a Mainframe system the task fails stating the filename as invalid because it doesn't begin with a "/".

Adding the slash to the front of the file name causes the mainframe to be unable to locate the file.

Commandline version of FTP.exe mimicks this behavior by working perfectly when the filename has no slash, and being unable to find the file when the slash is present.

Why does microsoft force a filename to start with a "/" and is there a way to make SSIS skip the validation phase for the FTP task?

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Integration Services :: Size Of XML Document Limitation For Validation Task?

Aug 14, 2015

Out of Memory when working with big XML Files:when validating XSD it process small files but when size close to 1gb it throws .I have 16 xml files out of which 8-10  files size will be around 1gb processing one by one in FOR EACH LOOP container in SSIS[XML Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.".Task XSD Validation failed.

system configuration :
processor:Intel(R) Xeon (R) CPU E5-2670 v2 @2.50GhZ 2.50 Hz
Installed memory (RAM): 61 GB
System type: 64 -Bit operating System
Visual studio:2012,32 bit 
virtual memory : 12499 MB

whether the size of the XML Document a limitation for the validation task ? or any system configuration i need to improve?

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Integration Services :: SSIS Package Hangs On Validation Of Single Task In Visual Studio

Jun 16, 2015

I've built an SSIS package in SSDT 2014. The package was running successfully

When I close and open the package it hangs on validation of single task out of all.


I have tried several times to close the SSDT and open but facing same issue.

These seems like bugs in SSIS/SSDT. What would cause the relocation of some script code to hang the validation process like this?

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SQL Task, Result To Variable Errors Out

Jan 31, 2008

I have looked thru several similar threads with errors like this, but have not found a resolution. I have a SQL Task that runs this query:

Code Snippet
select NetRevenue = cast(sum(Base_Price + AL + MI + PO) as dec(10,2))
from Lancelot.DataWhse.dbo.GrossMarginDetail
where tran_date_key <= ? + ' 23:59:59' and
label_group <> 'X' and
not (ar_ship_key in ('S999991','S998101''S998102')) and
Document <> 'Cust Bal Debit Memo'

There is a parameter mapping of "User::LastSaturday" of type date. I also have a result set with a result set name of "0" with a variable name of "User::GrossMargin," which is defined as a double in the package. The task has a resultset type of Single row, and at the moment the answer that is returned is 66228637.10.

If I change the package variable to a type of string it of course works, but then I cannot do comparisons against it. I have step by step manually copied this from an existing DTSX, so I am baffled why this isn't working, and I'm ready to throw myself under a truck!

I also tried to bring it in as a string, then convert it in a script task, but I cannot figure out how to reference the input and output variables. I can't seem to find any relevant docs on how to do that...

If anyone has any ideas, I and my sanity would greatly appreciate it.

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Errors With Custom Task (Could Not Get Value For Property ...)

Jul 5, 2007

I wrote a custom task following the outline on MSDN. I signed it and installed it into the Tasks folder and in the GAC.

When I go to an SSIS project and add my task, the properties window shows "Could not get value for property 'd61935d9-430b-4c93-9f3e-a29f720d8659'. Specified cast is not valid." (where the guid is different obviously) for many of the properties.

What have I done wrong?

Update: I know this isn't my code because I tried a simple task that just returns success and doesn't do anything. I get the exact same errors, so I must be installing it incorrectly.

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Handling Errors When Using A Lookup Task

Jul 13, 2006


I am trying to use this painful new SSIS process. I basically need to use a lookup task to check to see whether a record exists or not. If not, then I need to insert the record. However, because this is treated as an error situation (which is stupid in itself), I get a problem when the number of records not found reach the MaximumErrorCount, and the rest of the package fails. Is there any other method of doing this type of thing, without simply increasing the MaximumErrorCounty to some ludicrous value. I could do this type of thing very very very easily when using DTS packages using the Data Driven Task, it seems so stupid that I can't perform the same kind of task using SSIS.

Any help would be appreciated



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Execute SQL Task Gives Varying Errors.

May 31, 2007

I'm brand-spankin'-new to SSIS, so I hope this is a simple, easy problem to fix, but I need everything in one-syllable words, thanks.

I have an Execute SQL task attempting to run a stored procedure:

exec risp_extract_pos_direct_data_competetive_test ?

(the SP has two parameters; I get the same results with two question marks. The connection is an OLE DB connection.)

I have two input variables mapped to the Execute SQL task, User::company_sysno (GUID) and User:: start_period_sysno (LONG). Depending on the iteration, I also have a returnvalue variable mapped, User::ErrorCode (I have tried every data type I can think of). The stored procedure does contain a RETURN @m_intErrorCode line, but the behavior I'm getting does not change if this line is commented out.

When the ResultSet is set to "none," I get the following error:

"Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done."

When the ResultSet is set to either SingleRow or FullResultSet, I get the following, somewhat different, error:

There is an invalid number of result bindings returned for the ResultSetType: "ResultSetType_SingleRow".

(Obviously, change the last bot of that to "FullResultSet" when FullResultSet is selected.)

I've found a handful of webpages dealing with each of those errors separately, but have not discovered one that deals with them in tandem, so I'm not even sure where to start looking. For that matter, I'm not even sure what else I need to tell you to give you an idea of what's going on. I'll post the stored procedure if necessary, but it's rather long, and my company are a tad paranoid about releasing code into the wild.


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Package Validation Error : The Package Designer Deletes The Code From Script Task.

Jun 14, 2006

While Creating a script task in Control Flow, I am getting "Package Validation Error". Here is the complete message:

Error at Validate File and Load Data: The task is configured to pre-compile the script, but binary code is not found. Please visit the IDE in Script Task Editor by clicking Design Script button to cause binary code to be generated.

As mentioned in the message, I opened the script IDE and added the code I need. When I close the VSA IDE, package designer displays the same error message.

The worst part of whole story is that if I close the package designer and reopen it, I find that all the code I wrote in the script task has been deleted by the package designer. This is not at all acceptable as I saved the package the and still lost all my work. I did all the coding from scratch for that task.

Please respond if anyone faced similar problem.

Thanks in advance!


PS: If any one from Microsoft is reading this, please see what you guys are coding there. Due to the buggy software you deliver, I am loosing my credibility.<P< P>

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SSIS - Can Not Trap Package Task Errors

Jan 29, 2007

I have an SSIS package that fires an OnTaskFailed event whenever any of my tasks fail.
I would like to put any SSIS task failure message into a user defined variable.
Any idea how to do this?
Any help appreciated.

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Catching Errors In SSIS Backup Database Task

Aug 28, 2006


In my SSIS package, I have a backup database task. When I run the package with DestinationAutoFolderPath set to a folder ("Network Service" account has full permission on this folder) and DestinationCreationType set to Auto, the task works just fine creating a backup with its own name. (similar to database_date<count>).

But what I want is in my front-end I am allowing the user to specify the name of the backup file. So I want the task to create the backup file in the name I supply. I set the DestinationCreationType to manual and in the application code added the DestinationManualList with the path from the UI.

Now the pacakge runs fine but does not take any backup. There is no errors as well. If I set the FailPackageOnFailure and FailParentOnFailure to true, then I am getting the DTSExecResult.Failure but I am not getting the actual error from the backup database task.

Am I missing anything here?

Thanks in advance,

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Send Mail Task In SSIS Weird Errors

Aug 31, 2006

Hey there all,

i am having a weird problem with the send mail task in SSIS. I have tried to different things, and i end up with two different errors:

Firstly, i have setup a data dump to excel, and the send mail taks emails this to specific email addresses.

In the Send mail task i have validated to SMTP server, and its correct.

I have manually entered all the information in the Send mail task, and i am sending to multiple email addresses. These are all seperated by a semi colan. I run the task and it fails on the send mail task with the follwoing error:

Error: 0xC002F304 at Send Mail Task, Send Mail Task: An error occurred with the following error message: "Unable to send to all recipients.".

Task failed: Send Mail Task

I have validated all the email address and they are correct. I did some searching and someone suggested to replace the semi colan with a comma. I do this and i get the follwoing error"

Error: 0xC002F304 at Send Mail Task, Send Mail Task: An error occurred with the following error message: "Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: 5.7.1 Unable to relay for rpwallis@bigpond.com.au".

I have checked that the IP for the SQL server is on the list of allowed relays on our exchange server. Does it make a difference if i am running this from Visual studio on my laptop?? by this, does it pick up the ip of my laptop when i test this or does it use the ip address of the server?? This would explain the relay message error if so..

Could someone please explain if i should use comma's or semi colans to seperate email addresses? and also lead me in the right direction in relatio to my problems..

Many thanks in advance

Scott Lancaster

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Capture Errors From SSIS Execute Process Task

Jul 22, 2006

I have an Execute Process Task within my package that executes a BCP command which outputs the resultset of a query to a file in the network share. It works fine most of the time, however sometimes for unknown reasons, the following error message gets logged in my log table -
In Executing "c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90ToolsBinncp.exe" "Select Comments, SoldToCustomerNbr, ProductGroupingCode, ProductGroupingName, RevSumCategoryCode, RevSumCategoryName, ValidFromDate, DTSCollectPct, DTSPrepaidPct, DTSPickUpPct, DCCollectPct, DCPrepaidPct, DCPickUpPct From ShipmentTypeCustomerBlend" queryout \xxxLOGShipmentTypeCustomerBlendLog_060719201440.txt -c -t" " -SDummyServer -T -e"d:SSIS Error LogsJob ExecutionBcpErrors.log" at "", The process exit code was "1" while the expected was "0".

The above error was captured from the System::ErrorDescription variable, by the error event handler, that was attached to the Execute Process Task. This error does not help me to debug the issue.

On running the below statement from the command prompt, i get the actual error message, which is the expected behavior -

"c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90ToolsBinncp.exe" "Select Comments, SoldToCustomerNbr, ProductGroupingCode, ProductGroupingName, RevSumCategoryCode, RevSumCategoryName, ValidFromDate, DTSCollectPct, DTSPrepaidPct, DTSPickUpPct, DCCollectPct, DCPrepaidPct, DCPickUpPct From ShipmentTypeCustomerBlend" queryout \xxxLOGShipmentTypeCustomerBlendLog_060719201440.txt -c -t" " -SDummyServer -T -e"d:SSIS Error LogsJob ExecutionBcpErrors.log"

Expected Error Message -

Unable to open BCP host data-file.

This error message indicates that either the network path - \xxxLOG is not available for the output file creation or the file - \xxxLOGShipmentTypeCustomerBlendLog_060719201440.txt could not be created for some reason.

I 've tried to capture the error message from the StandardErrorVariable and the StandardOutputVariable properties of the ExecuteProcess Task, but in vain.

Is this a bug ? If so, is there a way to get the actual error message from the task ?


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Suppressing Exception Errors In Execute Process Task

Apr 12, 2008

I have an execute process task that kicks off gzip to uncompress files within a for each loop. We get a LOT of bad files which causes gzip to throw an unexpected EOF error. This gets bubbled up into SSIS as a Win32 unhandled exception error which then throws up the VS JIT Debugger interface. I know what these errors are and do not want to debug. Is there anyway that I can simply ignore the exception and just throw it away?

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Runtime Errors In Send Mail Task - Properties With Expressions Failing

Nov 26, 2005

I'm programmatically loading a package that was created with VS 2005. The last task in the package is a Send Mail Task. It has two properties, FileAttachments and ToLine, which are set to expressions whose values come directly from package variables. The package runs in debug and non-debug (under VS) correctly.

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Correct Approach To Catching Execution Time Errors In A Custom Task

Jul 12, 2006


I'm building a custom task and just wondering what is the correct way of passing errors back to SSIS. Is there a rcommended approach to doing this. Currently I just wrap everything in a TRY...CATCH and use componentEvents to fire it back! Here's my code:

public override DTSExecResult Execute(Connections connections, VariableDispenser variableDispenser,IDTSComponentEvents componentEvents, IDTSLogging log, object transaction)
 bool failed = false;
  * do stuff in here
 catch (Exception e)
  componentEvents.FireError(-1, "", e.Message, "", 0);
  failed = true;
 if (failed)
  return DTSExecResult.Failure;
  return DTSExecResult.Success;


Any comments?




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Detailed Db Configuration With MS SQL

Oct 23, 2001

I would like to determine the configuration for a given database in Microsoft SQL Server 7.0/2000.

If you examine the properties of databases using SQL Server Enterprise Manager, you can see that certain options exist for a database.
For example:
- ANSI NULL Default
- Recursive triggers
- Auto Update statistics
- Torn page detection
- Auto close
- Auto shrink
- Auto create statistics
- Use quoted identifiers

Can this information be obtain via a stored procedure?

What about information regarding the SQL server configuration itself?
If I use SQL Server Enterprise Manager, I can get properties for the
For example:
- "Dynamcially configure SQL server memory" vs "Use a fixed memory size"

Is this information available?


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Detailed Log Information

Apr 5, 2004

We just started using SQL Server. I'm new on the SQL side of things. We have SQL setup in a test environment with users connecting and performing job related functions. An in house programmer has developed software for our users which connects to the SQL Server

I'm looking for information pertaining to events that have teken place within SQL. Does SQL give you details on updates and changes made to specific tables. I'm looking for some way of looking up item numbers and the user that entered the data. We have noticed that some of the users may be entering in wrong data within certain tables. And would like to educate them on what they are doing wrong.

I need to know what certain users are logging and entering into our SQL Server.

What are the most detailed logs that SQL Server provides that has information on what the users are doing has far an entering in data.

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More Detailed Logs

Mar 17, 2008

How do I get more details on maintenance plan tasks? I have "log extended information" checked but it doesn't add much detail.

For example, I would like to see all objects listed on the update statistics job like this:
Object 'cpf' was successfully marked for recompilation

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Detailed View In C#

Apr 19, 2007

Hi there,
I was wondering if there is a detailed view control (that can be linked to grid view control) in ordinary C# applications as we have in ASP.NET applications? Please if anyone has information regarding that let me know.


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Detailed Technical Design (DTD)

Apr 10, 2007


I'm a newbe in SQL Server and I have to build "Detailed Technical Design" Document regarding the SQL Server . If anybody knows something or has an example / structure about this document please send me a replay.....

Thank you in advance

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Detailed Date Calculation

Jul 25, 2007


if a customer DOB is 1933-06-30 and a date of service is on 2007-06-21
that makes them 73 and not 74. How do I calculate an accurate years of age?

Thanks in advance.

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Detailed Error Reporting. How To?

May 25, 2006

The best I can get out of my detail log is this which is no help. How do I find out what really happened. My windows app log is no help either

Date 5/24/2006 9:51:41 PM
Log Job History (DTS_xx)

Step ID 1
Server xx
Job Name DTS_xx
Step Name DTS_xx
Duration 00:00:01
Sql Severity 0
Sql Message ID 0
Operator Emailed
Operator Net sent
Operator Paged
Retries Attempted 0

Executed as user: xxadministrator. The package execution failed. The step failed.

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