XML Parsing

Jul 24, 2002

I am trying to process an XML document that contains the attribute 'from_x'. However an openxml query can't seem to find any column with a '_x' suffix. For example if I were to execute the following fragment:

declare @hDoc int, @Message varchar(200)
select @Message = '<BACK_FM from_x="12"></BACK_FM>'
exec sp_xml_preparedocument @hDoc OUTPUT, @Message
select from_x from openxml(@hDoc, 'BACK_FM',1) with (from_x int)

I get back a null value from the openxml query. Attribute names 'fromx' and 'from_y' work ok but nothing I have tried with a trailing '_x' will work.

Does anyone know if this is a known SQL Server bug? Is it a bug at all or something about XML that I don't know about?

Wayne King

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Aug 13, 2001

I need to figure out how to parse a comma separated value.

Lets say I have a variable equal to a comma separated list.

SET @Variable = '045, 032, 025, 653'

I need to create a dynamic sql string to look like:

SET @Variable = ''' + '045' + ''' + ',' + ''' + '032' + ''' + ',' etc...

Can someone teach me a optimized query to do this?


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Mar 9, 2005

What is parsing?? can someone give me an example please?? this what I got from BOL

Returns the specified part of an object name. Parts of an object that can be retrieved are the object name, owner name, database name, and server name.

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Help With Parsing

Feb 8, 2007

Hi -

I am new to SQL server and was wondering if someone can help me with this one. Thanks
My table holds 2 columns (SECTOR and TERM) with following example values

Hybrid 6/18
Hybrid 9/19
Hybrid 10/17
Hybrid 3/13

I would like to find out the rows where my values from SECTOR before '/' does not equal TERM

Row 1 where 6<>8
and row 3 where 10<>7


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Parsing A Sql Field

Jul 6, 2007

Can you parse a SQL field? Let's say, FULLNAME field got a TEXT datatype with the following data: <firstname>Norm</firstname><lastname>bercasio</lastname><Color>blue</color>then using a select statement, parse the field to find the lastname then write it to another field called LASTNAME on the same table, same rowID. Can you send a select statement how it can be done? I am using SQL 2003 or 2005. thank you so much.

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Need Help Parsing Out Info

Jul 22, 2004

Hi All,

I'm using a SQL selection to fill a DataGrid. One of the fields I have is called diagnosis. This field in the database can contain multiple diagnosis. But I use a set of characters to divide each diagnosis.
Example : Sick!@#$%Hurt!@#$%Ill!@#$%
My problem is this is how it looks in my Data Grid. Can someone tell me how to parse out each diagnosis.


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String Parsing

Jun 7, 2002

How to remove same repeated string in a column per row from a table? Looked at
replace, stuff string functions, but none take a column name as a parameter.

Help is appreciated.


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Parsing Data

Apr 21, 2000

Do anyone know of any functions I can use to parse the following data eg.
M 3480-7 should be 3480
M 3477-19 should be 3477
M 28-10 should be 28

Thanks in advance,

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Parsing A Name Field Using SQL

Aug 18, 2000

Anybody out there ever take a column containing names and parse it out to salutation, first name, middle initial/name, last name, suffix using Transact-SQL? I think I know how to do it using an array in a procedural language, but using SQL I'm drawing a blank.

Any ideas or help will be appreciated!

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Parsing Strings

Feb 27, 2001

I have a varchar field that contains answers to questions separated by commas. Say there are 4 questions for each user. Here is an example of what the table would look like:
User Answer
1 Good,Fair,Good,Bad
2 Bad,Good,Good,Good
3 Fair,Good,Bad,Fair

I need to write a stored procedure to report off of that separates the Answer field into 4 different columns. How can this be achieved? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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Parsing XML Data

Nov 7, 2003

I have a SQL Server table that holds XML documents. Is there a known SQL Server XML parser ?....how can I export XML data into a readable format ?


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Parsing Data

Sep 13, 2005

Does anyone know any good URL's for examples on parcing data using SQL?

As an example, i've got First/Middle/Last name of a person inside a single field, I want to turn that into 3 fields.


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SQL Parsing Challenge!

Nov 9, 2004

Hi guys!

Can anyone tell how I can parse the WHERE clause of an SQL statement to check for special characters such as ''' (single quotes) in fields of type varchar?


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Anyone Know About Parsing An Email?

Mar 20, 2006

Hello everyone

Heres what it looks like:

I have a large file of over 40k email records. The emails are all mixed up and come in various formats but i noticed that most of them are in this format:


For all those emails with the period (.) in between, the (.) actually separates an individuals first and last name.

My task is this, to separate all the emails that are in this format into first and last name fields. I'm stimped folks and I'll really appreciate any pointers or ideas on how to go about solving this task.


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Parsing A Name Field

Aug 9, 2012

I have a name field that has many variations and been fighting with it for a few days. The possible name variations are:

Smith, Mike
Smith, Mike K.
Smith, Mike K., JR.

I would like to parse each of the for pieces in a separate field.

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Parsing Address

Feb 13, 2004

Parsing Address
This is not really a reply, but I saw the problem and the replies look very promissing.
I'm using ss2k, I have a table with an address column.
here is some example of the records under ADDRESS :


What I want to do is to write script that runs daily and parse the street names (RED BARN) and street types (Dr, PL , etc.. ) to 2 colums. As u can see there is no fixed length or fixed number of words ...etc ...
Any help would be really appreciated.

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String Parsing

Apr 12, 2008

I found an article about string parsing but its done using db2


can anybody translate to Transact SQL specifically the example of create function elemIdx i didnt understand how he used recursion may b cuz the language is odd to me i didnt get it

Thanks much

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SQL String Parsing

Apr 18, 2008

I have a string that is coming from a legacy system


How can I convert above string to comma separted values

like one below so that it can be used for IN Clause for my SQL


Thanks in advance

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Dts Parsing Street Name

Aug 1, 2006

hi, im running into a bit of a problem. i will like to string parse the street name into what you see below using DTS. How can i get around this?

12 north plaza boulevard apt.16

12|N|plaza blvd| apt16

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SP Strings Parsing

Dec 11, 2006

Hello everyone, I have this SP and can't get it to work on my SQL2000 server. I just can't seem to figure out what syntax error I am making.
(This works on my test SQL2005 server)

Truncate Table [SecurityEvents_Temp]

Insert Into SecurityEvents_Temp (
[BankNumber] = '001',

[UserName] = (Select [Value] From [dbo].[fn_Split]([Strings],'|') where idx = 3)

[DomainName] = (Select [Value] From [dbo].[fn_Split]([Strings],'|') where idx = 4),

FROM [SecurityEvents]
JOIN [EventsToLog] on [SecurityEvents].[EventID] = [EventsToLog].[EventID]

Query Output:
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 28
Line 28: Incorrect syntax near 'Strings'.
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 30
Line 30: Incorrect syntax near 'Strings'.

Thank You,

John Fuhrman

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Parsing Of Full Name

Jun 19, 2007

I have a name field that has fullname in it and i need to parse it to firstname, lastname, middle initial and suffix.
I used the below query to parse the Last Name and first name.

SUBSTRING([FullName], 1, CHARINDEX(' ',[FullName]) - 1)AS LastName,
SUBSTRING([FullName], CHARINDEX(' ',[FullName]) + 1, LEN(FullName)) AS FirstName
FROM CustomerTbl

There are middel initials and suffix present in the full name. How do i parse the middle initial and suffix.

The Sample Name that appear in the table:
JONAS VICKY ==> Format without Middle Initial or suffix
MAYES MARY T ==> Format with middle initial
MCGEE, III CLIFTON ==> Format with suffix

Pls advise

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Parsing Data...

Mar 5, 2008

Table1 includes a column for email address. I'd like to parse everything up to 8 chars before the '@' symbol in this column. My script doesn't appear to be working, and I'd appreciate any assistance in troubleshooting it!

select substring(UPPER(substring(email,1,charindex('@',email)-1)),1,8)
from table1

The error produced is;

Invalid length parameter passed to the substring function.

What am I doing wrong? The logic in the script looks good to me...

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Formula Parsing

Jan 26, 2006

Hi,I have three tables in the following structure (simplified):Table 1: Containing the customers-------------------------------------------------create table Customers([cusID] int identity(1, 1) not null,[cusName] varchar(25) not null)Table 2: Containing the customer data fields---------------------------------------------------------------create table Data([datID] int identity(1, 1) not null,[datName] varchar(25) not null,[datFormula] varchar(1500))Table 3: Containing the customer data values-----------------------------------------------------------------create table Values([cusID] int not null,[datID] int not null,[valValue] sql_variant)In this structure the user can add as many data fields to a customer ashe wants (e.g. Country, City, Email, Phone, ...). I have added triggerswhich create a view similar to a pivot (I am working in SQL 2000) andadd triggers to the view so it is insertable, deletable and updateable.What I would like to do, is allow the user to create new fields wherethe values are based upon a calculation. This calculation would be donethrough a formula similar to what he would do e.g. in excel (thisformula is stored in the dimFormula field then).An example might help. Let's assume the user created a field 'Sales'(containing last year's sales) and 'Invoices' (containing the number ofinvoices that were created for him last year). Now, he wants to createa field 'AvgSales' with the formula '[Sales]/[Invoices]'.(Note that through adding these data fields, the above view was created(let's assume it is called vw_Customers and contains the columns [ID],[Name], [Sales], [Invoices], [AvgSales]).What I am looking for is a function which can parse this formula into at_sql query which runs the calculation. So, the formula'[Sales]/[Invoices]' would be translated into (let's assume there areno records with NULL or zero invoices):update vw_Customersset [AvgSales] = [Sales]/[Invoices]from vw_CustomersI am able to do the above with simple calculations (where you can evenuse sql functions e.g. year, len, ...). Now I would like to take thisone step forward into the possibility of using functions with morevariables.For example. Let's assume, the user wants to add a rating (field called'Rating') to his customers based upon the result of 'AvgSales. Heenters the formula 'if([AvgSales] > 2500, 'A', 'B')'.If anyone could help me on this, I would be very grateful. Thanks.M

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Help Parsing Field

May 13, 2007

hi..i need help for my exam, I retrived data from my sms inbok andinsert to table.The record just like this:ID1,12x100,56x12,90x90..,how to pars the table in to:ID First SecondID1 12 100ID1 56 12ID1 90 90Thank for your help...===================

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Parsing RTF File

Dec 3, 2007


I need to parse an regularly outputted rtf file and was wondering if it is possible in SSIS. I am trying to use the flat file connection manager to do this.

Now, I can't treat tab stops in an rtf like tab stops in a csv, since when you treat an rtf as a text file, you see the format code of the rtf. If I open the rtf in a text editor, the entire file is one line, with lines breaking with:


Columns are tab delimited in the rtf, and they look like this when you treat the rtf as a text file.

plain abfs16f4cf0cb1

(or something like that, the word "tab" is the important part.)

So I use the "plain ab" part to delimit in SSIS, since that is consistent (planning to parse out all the garbage later on). The problem is, sometimes lines don't have a "city" and "state", so it "tabs" right over to the next field. So like this (looking in MS Word):

Phone <tab> City <tab> State <tab> Date <tab> Other fields.....
847-111-2222 <tab> Omaha <tab> NB <tab> 9/14/2007 <tab>
222-222-3333 <tab> 9/14/2007 <tab>
555-121-1212 <tab> Houston <tab> TX <tab> 9/14/2007 <tab>

Now, if you treat an RTF as a text file, it has only one "plain abfs16f4cf0cb1" after the phone number, so even for the missing line there is only one tab, not 3. This is because in the beginning of the row tabs for each row are defined like this:

tql x90 ql x840 ql....etc...

with "tql" and "tx" tags basically saying where all the tab stops are for that row. So for the row above with missing info, it lists fewer tab stops. So the "date" (and associated garbage) ends up under "City" for this row. All of the "Houston" row's data starts appearing in the sql server output table's 2nd last field, as you might expect.

Any suggestions how to pull this in in SSIS during the transformation? I could deal with it after I pull it in, I still have all the data. I'm thinking the logic to do this could be complicated though. I take the data out of the last two fields of the missing row into some other table, use UPDATES to shift the values 2 fields to the right, and then figure out a way to take the data I just put in a temp table back in, but it all sounds a bit complicated.

Let me know if this makes sense--I've almost got it going, I just need to sort this last bit out.


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T-sql String Parsing

Jul 11, 2006

I have a series of strings (field name FullName) in a table (FullNames) that look like this:



macdonald, ronald

Doe, John

I need to extract the first and last names. Here's my code:

select substring (fullname, 1, patindex( '%,%', fullname)-1) + ' ' +

substring (fullname, patindex( '%,%', fullname)+1, len(fullname) ) from FullNames

I hate having to use patindex twice in the same SELECT. Is there any way around this?



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SQL XML :: Parsing Xml Data

Jul 29, 2015

Having never used SQL for anything serious I have been asked to look at importing multiple data files into a database and have come to a dead stop. The XML file is a repeating structure with but the number of <SampleVial>s and the number of <Particles>s in each file is a variable...example shown below

  <SampleVial id="1">

I need to pull all of the particle data associated with each <SampleVial>.

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Parsing Transaction Log

Nov 13, 2006

I want to write a program that works like SQL log rescue or ApexLog or one of the many other programs that are too expensive to buy. I would like to ask the question, does anyone know how the format of the log works? Or how can I parse the binary file into readable text? Can I contact Microsoft about this?

Please do not reply and tell me to buck up and buy one of the 3rd party software packages available.

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Parsing A QFX File?

Jan 19, 2008

i am trying to read a qfx file from quicken.
it looks like xml, but its not, but i cannot figure out how to grab what ive got to parse the line.
i put this into a derived column, but its not getting it

SUBSTRING([Column 0],FINDSTRING("<STMTTRN>",[Column 0],1),FINDSTRING("</STMTTRN>",[Column 0],1))

because inside the data, it lools like that's what brackets a tranasction; the data looks like this and varies by trntype, but the columns are tagged like so

<MEMO>01/24 ENGLWD CLIFF NJ 8015V200006
<MEMO>01/26 NANUET NY 8015V215116

i tried the xml transform and unpivot, but have not cracked it.
thanks for any light you can shed

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Help With Parsing Data

Apr 28, 2008

This is what I have:


bob johns 555-123-5678

barry molsen 111-222-3333

333-444-5555 mary smith

566-234-0987 randy miller

This is what I want to have:

Field 1

Field 2


bob johns


barry molsen


mary smith


randy miller

I am looking for a way to take information from one and split it into 2 fields.

We are currently using one for two different type of information. Name and phone#. The info in the original field is mixed with the name first sometimes and other times the phone # is first.

Can you think of a way to using sql to separate this data into 2 fields?

There are 30,000 rows with the info like this.
We are using sql server 2005


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TSQL Parsing

Jan 9, 2008


I've got a third party application that stores information as such

EntryNo Source
139633 "113";"0";"DOC001";"";"0";"10000"

and I've been trying to figure out to parse out the Source field so that each value delimited by the semi-colon is shown as a separate column such that the output would look like:

No Qty Documnet Qty Item
113 0 DOC001 0 10000

I know how to do this through vb or even vbscript and just parse the Source value onto itself until no more semi-colons exist but how can I achieve that in SQL?



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Hi,parsing The Fields

Apr 11, 2008

in my project,i have the 6 record types,in the flat file ,

i have to load the data into the loadaccount table like ( evrey record type has certain fields and i load those fields in to the different accounts.)

could anybody help regarding this issue?

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Parsing One Field Into Many

Oct 6, 2006

I am trying to parse a single field into many. A sample of the data in one of my fields is:


I would like to parse it into 9 fields. I am sure that this is easy, but, since I am new to SQL2005, I am having a few probs with this simple task.

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.


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