Xml Task: How To Validate Using Multiple Schemas

Mar 26, 2007

I have an xml task that I have set up to validate my xml using a XSD. It seems to be working OK. However, I have had to wrap my xml in a SOAP envelope before I send it to the validation task so I need to include an additional schema for the soap message header. That "header" schema has an <xsd:import> of the soap envelope schema. When I try to <xsd:include> the message header schema I get this:

"Warning 313 The targetNamespace 'blah blah' of included/redefined schema should be the same as the targetNamespace ' blah blah blah' of the including schema."

Is it not possible to use the Xml Task to validate the entire document including the SOAP Envelope due to the differing target namespaces? Thanks for any suggestions.

(I have SP2 installed.)

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Task Failed To Validate No Schema To Use In Validation Was Found..

Aug 20, 2006

I have a package with an XML Task with OperationType = Validate. The source is a string variable and the second operand is a file connection to a schema file. The schema file <include>'s other schemas. I run the package in debug mode in Visual Studio with no errors. I exit Visual Studio. Then I open Visual Studio again and run the package in debug mode like before and it fails in the xml task with error: "Task failed to validate "No schema to use in validation was found.". I don't understand why it fails since no changes were made. The strange thing is that if I click the File Connection Manager for the schema file and click Browse and then reselect the same schema file again then it runs OK. Note that I have to exit Visual Studio and not just close the package in order to repro the error. It seems like exiting Visual Studio frees some resource that is essential to the validation. Reselecting the schema file in the Connection Manager seems to restore the resource. (SP1)

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Multiple Database Vs. Schemas

Jul 24, 2007

We have a system with multiple modules, for each module we have a separate database. Is it better to have multiple databases or have multiple schemas. Performance, advantages, disadvantages...
When is too much too much, 10-25-50-100 Schemas???





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Transfer SQL Server Objects Task Doesn't Work With Schemas

May 31, 2006

The task has a fault if you try to copy a table with a schema like [test].[table1]

The error says

Error: 0xC002F363 at Flyt til DM, Transfer SQL Server Objects Task: Table "table1" does not exist at the source.

Even though i just selected it from the table list minutes before.

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SQL 2012 :: Multiple Databases And Schemas

Jun 9, 2015

I have a SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition install that I am needing to do the following:

- Provide db_owner access to a single user. Have the db_owner privilege apply for the user in all Schemas of the database (this is a generic AD account that is being used for an application).

They are wanting me to do this because they do not want to get so granular as to tell me all of the objects that the user will need specific access to in any of the given Schemas of the database(s).I have 8 databases, and each one has additional Schemas. These are all contained in a Default instance.I am finding that without explicitly applying permissions to the various objects in the Schemas that are not the default Schema for this user, I am a bit stuck.Is there any way to have the db_owner permission apply to the single user for all the Schemas in a given database (without making them a Sysadmin)?

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View Of Multiple Databases With Identical Schemas

Aug 24, 2006

I have several distributed databases with identical schemas that I have added to my SQL server as a set of linked servers. For the sake of simplicity consider a schema with single table with one column called Info. I would like to present a view with columns DatabaseName and Info, that presents all the rows from all the databases in a single view.

How can this be achieved this using a SQL Server View?

If not is not possible using Views, what approach you recommend?

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Apr 2, 2006


I have the following scenario: N identical Databases (corresponding to different Fiscal Years, with names <Company Name>.<YEAR>). We want to consolidate the N DBs to a New Datawarehouse.

In SSIS we have designed a Dataflow that reads through a OLE DB Source (Connected to one of the N Databases) and maps to a OLE DB Destination (Connected to the NEW DB).

The question is, how we loop in SSIS through the N identical Connections, so to repeatedly execute the designed Dataflow, each time with a different Connection?

Thanks in Advance,

--Dimitris Doukas

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FTP Task For Multiple Files

Dec 18, 2007

Hi i have a FTP task on my SSIS package where i want to select 3 files from a directory, this directory already contains other files but i only want 3 of them how do i only pull down the 3 files from the FTP site i can't seem to find a option on the FTP task to select what files i want from the direcroty.

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Run A Task Multiple Times

Oct 20, 2006

I have a situation where I run the same taks multiple times during the execution. I would like to have one task which runs every time, instead of duplicating the task over and over 14 times in my script.

Basically, it is an audit log, which I set variables and then insert into a SQL table the variables.

I would like to do this:

Task1 ------Success-----> Set Vars -----Success--> Log
Task2 ------Success-----> Set Vars -----Success-| (do the Log task again)
Task3 -------Success-----> Set Vars -----Success-| (do the Log task again)

This works, however, I have to duplicate Log over and over and over. No OR does not work, because it still only executes the Log task once.

Another option I thought of, but cannot find a way to implement is: Make the Log task "disabled" with no dependencies, then in the Set Vars script, enable and execute Log and disable again.

Any ideas?

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Multiple SuccessValues For ExecuteProcess Task?

Jun 25, 2006

I have an execute process task to run Red-Gate's SqlDataCompare synchronization.  The normal exit code is 0 indicating successful synchronization.  However, if the tables are already identical and require no synchronization the process exit code is 63 and the task fails.  I do not want the task to fail if the tables are identical, but it seems I can only specify a single value in the task's SuccessValue property. I tried separating values with a comma, e.g. 0,63.  Any suggestions?

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Task With Multiple Inputs Not Executed

Apr 26, 2007

I have modified my workflow to take conditional branch. The workflow terminates after the branched tasks finish without continueing to the next task no matter how I set the flow out condition. I found I have this problem when a task take more than one input. Does SSIS has a seeting for limiting the inputs to be taken?

Thanks in advance for the help!

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FTP Task Reading From Multiple Subdirectories?

Jan 29, 2008


I'm looking to copy multiple files from multiple subfolders within a directory via ftp.

So our FTP server will have a /Logs directory with multiple subfolder reprisenting different machines
So you may have /Logs/M_987, /Logs/M_123, etc, etc... the number of machines is variable as they can be added or removed.

And I'm trying to make an import routine that will go through all the subfolders on a remote machine and FTP the log files contained within them over to a local machine for importing.

The one thing i'm struggling on is making the FTP Task loop through remote folders and copy all *.log files.

I can get it working on a single folder within /Logs but need a way to "wildcard" the subfolders or loop through all subfolders within /Logs?


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FTP-Task: Multiple Files Not Downloaded

May 11, 2007

Hello all,

I am new to SSIS and have a (maybe) simple question:

I use the FTP-Task to download two excel files from a FTP server. The task succeeds but only one file is downloaded instead of

two. I tried both: RemotePathVariable = false with /FTPTest/*.xls as RemotePath and RemotePathVariable = true with a variable

containing the same path. Both bring up the result described above.

Thank you in advance


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File System Task - Multiple Renames

Nov 20, 2007

Hi SSIS-fellows!

I am stuch at a problem that sould be very simply but it is not. At least for me

Here is the initial state:
Working folder: E:123DTS and E:DTSArchive
files: akarmi.zip, akarmi2.zip (there are one-one mdb files inside)

What I want to do with the package:
a) unzip the first file (there is an unzip.exe for this task)
b) rename the unzipped mdb (its name can be anything) to default.mdb
c) use the mdb with another package (that is not yet designed so I haven't added this one)
d) delete the default.mdb
e) move the first zip file into E:123DTSArchive
f) do a-e with all other zip files in the folder (so only once more in this case)

What I did:
1) I created a foreachloop container to do these with all the zip files, I correctly configured the enumerator to *.zip and created a user::zip_files variable
2) put an unzip ExecuteProcessTask. Its argument was the user::zip_files variable (this worked great)
3) I created another foreachloop container because I don't know how to rename the only existing mdb file in the folder (I wasn't able to use wildcards here)
3.1) this time the enumerator was *.mdb and the variable was user::mdb_files
3.2) I put a file system task into the container to rename that mdb file to default.mdb. I used variables for source and destination, too. Source variable (SourceRename) was an expression made of WorkingFolder variable (that was E:123DTS) +

user::mdb_files. This supposed to work but didn't When I put the exact name of the mdb instead of the user::mdb_files variable it worked without any problem.
4) another 2 file sytem tasks to move the original zip file into the E:DTSArchive folder and to delete the default.mdb file
5) end of the loop

I had problems with task 3) I even tried to make it run separately but without success

I would think that the solution is very simple. I would be grateful even if someone just send or upload me a package that renames every mdb file in a directory into default.mdb (it might sound stupid but if there is only 1 mdb that's okay and since this container is inside another the other default mdb files can be overwritten after using them in another package).

I've uploaded my packages with the files here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/mrd2jh

I was dealing with this one all day (with some interruptions) and I can't believe it can't be done.

Thanks in advance,


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Data Flow Task Multiple Destinations

Sep 21, 2006


The further i get with doing my current SSIS package the more i am starting to wonder about best practices and performance.

My current package loops through CSV files in a specified location and extracts events from these files. Each file contains multiple events which are a mixture of different types. Depending on the event there are a different number of comma seperated values. In the package i firstly set each event to one column seperated by a comma delimeter. I then create an array for the event which is split by the delimeter. In a script i weed out all elements of the array that are common to all events and set the remaining events to another array. After some processing i come to my conditional split transformation which splits the processing of each event based on the EventID. This is where i'm having doubts on whether i have approched the package correctly. There are approximately 60 different events so each one of these has a seperate pipeline to process the remaining parameters in the array and output them to the destination table. The destination table is differnet for each ID. Is it viable to have this amount conditions and paths when creating the pacakge and is this likely to have any detrimental effect on performance. Is there possibly another way that i could approach this problem?

Many thanks, i hope that made sense.


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Multiple Attachments In Send Mail Task

Dec 21, 2006

I have a DTS that creates multiple .zip files in a folder. Each zip file has a different name. My goal is to attache all the zips to a single email in a Send Mail Task. I have tried to do so with something like "C:Folder*.zip", but have had no luck. Any suggestions?


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DTS - Using Multiple Stored Procedures In One Execute SQL Task

Jan 3, 2008

I'm running this legacy DTS package under SQL Server 2005, and need to make some changes.

I have some (say, 3) stored procedures, and they all have one same parameter. Each SP returns a dataset. I need to import each dataset to a table using DTS. Both the SPs and the destination tables are in the same database.

So, I created an "Execute SQL Task" and typed in "SQL Statement" something like this:


And the execution returns an error: No value given for one or more required parameters.

Is it possible to assign a parameter to all three SPs? What is the work out if I don't want to change the SPs, and I don't want to create 3 Execute SQL Tasks?

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Loading Multiple Variables From Within The Same Execute Sql Task

Aug 28, 2007

Hi All,

I was wondering if it is possible to assign values to multiple variables from within the same execute sql task, ie I want to use only one execute sql task and have multiple T-SQL statements within it and then assign the results of these sql statemenst as values to multiple variable.

Typically I would declare variables var1 , var2 and var3 , then can I just add one execute sql task and have mutiple sql statements within it? something like this

select max(id) from table1

select max(id) from table2

select max(id) from table3


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How To Validate Tables In DTS

Jan 4, 2000


Can any one suggest me how to use the DTS to validate and transfer data from couple of tables of one database to different Server database
Is there any procedure how to pass variables (validations) while using DTS.
Can I use the following code for validation in DTS, if so can any one direct me how to use.

For example"

SELECTsource column FROM sourcetable
WHERE sourcetable.sourcecolumn <> [some value]
ORDER BY sourcetable.sourcecolumn
INSERT INTO destinationserver.destinationtable(Destination columns)
SELECT source columns
FROM source table
WHERE source column = @sourcecolumn

Will appreciate for your time

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Validate Telephone No.

Aug 6, 2004

i want this column to accept telephone number of this format

what's validation expression do i use? or how can get this db to accept this tel no. format
i use varchar for data type

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How Do You Validate And Scrub Using DTS?

Feb 11, 2004

When I use the DTS GUI and insert a "Bulk Insert Task" the main tab says:

"Import text files into SQL Server. You cannot validate, scrub, or transform data using this task".

So my question is, what shoud you use to validate and scrub?

In particular I have fixed-format text file with some occasional bad records (e.g. wrong length, empty record). What should I be using? If you suggest vbscript could you show me some examples? I'm new to vbscript.


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How To Validate Timestamp

Aug 31, 2013

How to validate timestamp,i have tried so many time ,but iam not getting correct result, hwo to validate source data has timestamp or not ? i would like result s if the data is timestamp that should be 1, if the data is not timestamp that should be 0 ,iam using code like this

WHEN TO_CHAR(OE_TECH_VLD_FROM_DTTM,'ddmonyyyy:hh:mi:ss.sssssss') then 1

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Validate By Column Name

Jan 17, 2006

I would like to validate a large file using an IS package before importing it into a table using IS. The Validation rules are stored in the database against each column name

1. Is there a way I can get the column names of Input (coming from the file)? (So I could check them against the validation table)
2. Can I store these rules in memory, may be using an array if so how do i create an array?
3. What would be the best way to go abt doing this?? (I really appreciate any ideas)

Appreciate your help...

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DTExec /validate

May 23, 2008

HI, with a dataflow that has delay validation property = true, DTExec will not try to validate it when I call it with /validate option. Is there a way to see if the dataflow validate even though the delay validation property is set to true?


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Integration Services :: Unpivot Task For Multiple Columns

Mar 31, 2009

I have a situation where i need to unpivot multiple columns  using ssis. The data looks like

Name  Age  products1 products2  orders1 orders2
abc      23    cycle        radio          12         24
Name  Age  Products   orders
abc     23      cycle       12
abc    23       radio       24

Is it possible to do this using the unpivot task in ssisMy actual data is  has 18 columns which needed to be unpivoted into one and another 18 into another one.when using unpivot task it gives an error saying only one pivotvalue key is allowed.

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Trouble With Pivot Task (multiple Problems) - Long

Oct 5, 2007


I am having difficulty with an SSIS package that is simply to pivot a table, and perform calculations used in reporting.

A sample set of data is being tested to pivot for reporting purposes. The sample set of data being used is 2226 rows that will pivot to 6 rows having nearly 400 columns.

Problem 1:
This all seems quite simple except that when I try to pivot on one set of data it works perfectly, I try two at a time, again great. However, as I add three or more groups of data from a view (thus creating 3+ pivoted rows) SSIS throws an error of "-1071636293" and points the to the column containing the values to be pivoted. The error output dumps ALL source data rows with the same error code and message, even on data groups that were successfully pivoted and written to the destination DB all with correct mappings (including the noted with the error code)

Running the package on each group of data one set at a time, creating one pivot output row, always works for all data sets without throwing any errors. How is it possible that SSIS would run perfectly on each data set creating one row without any problems/errors/warnings, but when when run on all data at the same time it would fail?

Problem 2:
When running on multiple sets of data creating many pivoted output rows, the error output viewer and log file contain duplicated data rows from the original query. For example if I received the row the pivot id 1001 ONCE in the query from the DB as it is written out to the error file and viewer I see this ID TWICE for each data group. So if each data set were to contain 100 codes to match and I ran this on three data sets, creating an original 300 rows from the db query, the error file and viewer will have 303 rows. This occurs for only different ID's in depending on the data set, but one ID in particular is duplicated for ALL. How could a row be duplicated in the error output in one case but not another when the source data does not contain ANY duplicates?

Problem 3:
When running the package for three sets of data SSIS will note an error and redirect the row to the file I specified with no problem. However, as I run it on 4 or more data sets that cause more errors I receive the message: "The buffer manager attempted to push an error row to an output that was not registered as an error output. There was a call to DirectErrorRow on an output that does not have the IsErrorOut property set to TRUE." Why would the error logging work for one failure but have problems with more?

I am monitoring the package execution by:
1) logging all available output from SSIS to a file.
2) redirecting all errors from the pivot to a file which works only on the small data sets where I am expecting 1-2 rows to be the pivot result.
3) Placing data viewers on all directional arrows from original db query and pivot

Finally, even with all the errors or warnings all data is pivoted as desired and inserted into the destination database as if nothing was wrong, sometimes. Same package, same data, same errors, but delaying the package with breakpoints causes SSIS to either be successful or fail. I'll question that one later as I gather more information.

Any help on one or more of these questions would be a great help...




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Iplementing Multiple Lookups In A Data Flow Task

Jan 9, 2008

I have implemented a single lookup and would like to know the optimal approach to implement multiple lookups within a single €œdata flow task€? i.e. my question was if I had to look up multiple reference tables to obtain surrogate keys. I am oversimplifying for illustration purposes€¦

Source Table

Destination Table



Customer Name



Name Key

City Key

State Key


Los Angeles











Reference Tables

Customer Name

Customer City

Customer State

PK Key

Customer Name

PK Key


PK Key











Los Angeles



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SQL 2K5 Schemas

Jan 28, 2008

I'm trying to understand the schemas in SQL Server 2005. I have a script which was given to me by someone as follow and I'm trying to run the script but it gave me an error at the create view section:

Assume an empty database has been created.


CREATE TABLE [tblABC] ( ... ) /*note: it didn't bind the table to the above schema*/

create view mySchema.vwMyView as
SELECT * FROM mySchema.tblABC

However I'm confused because the above CREATE VIEW made a reference to the table with the schema. Can someone help clarify. When i tried to create the view, it gives me an error that it is unable to find the mySchema.tblABC table. To me, the error is correct as per my understanding of binding a table to a schema ---> If you do not create a table and bind it to a schema, you are not able to call it together with the schema.

What I'm trying to understand is, without explicitly stating [mySchema] during the table creation, is there a way where it is mysteriously binded thus the CREATE VIEW somehow understood that tblABC has been binded therefore it called the table in the view? or is this just a script error.

Btw, this script was generated from a working database.

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Help Needed To Validate 2 Users At Once

Sep 12, 2007

hi all, i want to ask about validating 2 users (2 userids and 2 pws) with one button. my database table called login and it has loginId and password.have tried
"SELECT * FROM login Where loginId = '" + hoName + "', '" + toName + "' AND password = '" + hoPassword + "', '" + toPassword + "'"
please help me!!

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Validate Sql Statements Before Inserting?

Mar 31, 2005

Hi experts!

I need to know how can i validate the sql querries so that they don't contain any scripts.

I am not using any web application or any other application.

I am only using query analyzer to write statements and execute.

So all my co workers are doing the same thing to insert the information
in database by using query analyzer. And at the end of the each day the
database files are shipped at another warehouse.

So where in sql server 2000/7 i can validate those statements before inserting them.

I don't want the my co-workers to know that i am validating their querries.


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How To Validate Timestamp In ETL Studio

Aug 31, 2013

How to validate timestamp, I have tried so many time ,but iam not getting correct result, hwo to validate source data has timestamp or not ? i would like result s if the data is timestamp that should be 1, if the data is not timestamp that should be 0 , I am using code like this :

WHEN TO_CHAR(OE_TECH_VLD_FROM_DTTM,'ddmonyyyy:hh:mi:ss.sssssss') then 1

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Validate Subscriptions, Turn It Off

Feb 17, 2006

I added Validate Subscriptions to my publication using the procedure outlined in BOL. Procedure is listed below. I want to stop the validation for this publication. I do not want to validate any longer. How can I stop this process?
To validate transactional data using SQL Server Enterprise Manager

At the Distributor, expand Replication Monitor, expand Publishers, and then expand a specific Publisher.

Right-click a transactional publication, and then click Validate subscriptions.

Choose whether you want to validate all subscriptions or just specific subscriptions, and if you want to validate specific subscriptions, select those in the text box.

To choose the type of validation, click Validation Options.

Choose whether you want to compute a fast rowcount based on cached table information, compute an actual row count by querying the tables directly, or compute a fast row count and if differences are found, compute an actual row count.

You can also choose to enable Compare checksums to validate data, a binary checksum (if the Subscriber is running SQL Server 2000), and you can choose to stop the Distribution Agent after the validation has completed.

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How To Validate The Parameter Values?

Apr 25, 2007


Is there any way to validate the input paratemers for the report? For example: I want to restrict the value to be less than 100 in one parameter. How to achieve this?

Thnx in advance.

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