I have the following XML in an XML column in a SQL 2005 Database.
<DeliveryList xmlns="http://schemas.adventure-works.com/DeliverySchedule">
<Delivery SalesOrderID="43659">
<CustomerName>Steve Schmidt</CustomerName>
<Address>6126 North Sixth Street, Rockhampton</Address>
<Delivery SalesOrderID="43660">
<CustomerName>Tony Lopez</CustomerName>
<Address>6445 Cashew Street, Rockhampton</Address>
I need to query that column using the value method to retreive the address
of the first delivery. I come up with this,
FROM Sales.DeliverySchedule
but it tells me
XQuery [Sales.DeliverySchedule.DeliveryList.value()]: There is no element
named 'DeliveryList'
I have tried every permutation of the path and I can not seem to get it to
work? Any ideas?
in this computer sqlserver express edition is installed, i want to remove this express becoz in configuration manager it show two SQLSERVER'S are running. when i browse from COMPUTER - 2 for network servers it show server name as HASH/SQLEXPRESS, but not the main SQLSERVER.
can anyone help me how to connect these two computers and remove this express edition
Does anyone know why this works: SELECT [MyXmlColumn].query('/root') FROM [MyDatabase].[dbo].[MyTable] But this produces an error: SELECT [MyDatabase].[dbo].[MyTable].[MyXmlColumn].query('/root') FROM [MyDatabase].[dbo].[MyTable]
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid column name 'MyXmlColumn'.
Hi,I am using xquery to extract XML fragments from my database. How do I xquery a table containing XML (typed) and return only nodes that meet the xquery.For example, the following returns empty cells if there is not @id = "op1". How I I only return values and not empty cells? SELECT xmldata.query('declare namespace ACM="www.mydomain.com"; (
I am trying to query data in an XML variable and I am having troublegetting the data out in the format that I would like. Given thefollowing XML:declare @myDoc xmlset @myDoc = '<OwnershipTeamGuid="23EA393A-3926-4A55-8329-FE747593379D" TeamName=".NETFramework"><Roles><Role Guid="93BDB4E2-95A0-438D-96E4-43032EB2BA16" Name="API ReviewPM Contact" ContactAlias="John.Smith" Inherited="0" ArtifactName="" /><Role Guid="8A7145EF-B48B-4A93-BFA5-28B53995C022" Name="Architect"ContactAlias="John.Doe" Inherited="0" ArtifactName="" /><Role Guid="BF727283-B18C-415A-A38C-CEC15CD341D9" Name="Corp VP"ContactAlias="None" Inherited="0" ArtifactName="" /></Roles></Ownership>'What I would like to do is run an XQuery against the variable and getattribute data back in normal rows and columns like the following:Guid NameContactAlias------------------------------------ ---------------------------------93BDB4E2-95A0-438D-96E4-43032EB2BA16 API Review PM Contact John.Smith8A7145EF-B48B-4A93-BFA5-28B53995C022 Architect John.DoeBF727283-B18C-415A-A38C-CEC15CD341D9 Corp VP NoneI've checked the Query and Value methods and have not been able to getthem to do this for me. Is this even possible w/XQuery? Do I need touse OpenXML to do what I am trying to accomplish?Thanks for your help!
This querySELECT DeliveryList.query('declare default element namespacehttp://schemas.adventure-works.com/DeliverySchedule;<DeliveryRoute><RouteNo>{ sql:column("D.DeliveryRoute") }</RouteNo>for a$ in /DeliveryList/Delivery/Addressreturn<Address>a$</Address></DeliveryRoute>')as ResultFROM Sales.DeliverySchedule DReturns this XML<DeliveryRoute xmlns="http://schemas.adventure-works.com/DeliverySchedule"><RouteNo>3</RouteNo>for a$ in /DeliveryList/Delivery/Addressreturn<Address>a$</Address></DeliveryRoute>I need it to return this XML<DeliveryRoute xmlns="http://schemas.adventure-works.com/DeliverySchedule><RouteNo<3>/RouteNo><Address>6126 North Sixth Street, Rockhampton</Address><Address>6445 Cashew Street, Rockhampton</Address></DeiveryRoute>What am I doing wrong? Any ideas? All help is appreciated.TIA, ~CK
UPDATE Sales.DeliveryScheduleSET DeliveryList.modify('declare namespacedf=http://schemas.adventure-works.com/DeliverySchedule;replace value of (df:DeliveryList/df:Delivery/df:Address)[1]' with "7194Fourth St., Rockhampton"')WHERE Sales.DeliverySchedule.ScheduleID = 1This query gives me the following errorXQuery [Sales.DeliverySchedule.DeliveryList.modify()]: Invalid sourcecharacter 0x2019Any ideas? What am I doing wrong here? Thanks for any advice.TIA,~CK
Im using the Xquery:SELECT @xmlDoc.query(' for $item in (/Collection/Content) where $item/Html/root/DocInfo/Webinar = "White Paper" order by $item[1]/Html[1]/root[1]/DocInfo[1]/Title[1] ascending return $item '); I only want to return the TOP 5 nodes (not the entire nodelist). What is the FLOWR expression or simplest way to return the limited nodeset? Thanks
I am trying to learn XQuery and Xpath in SQL Server. I created a sample file and uploaded it to a Table with 2 columns ID, XMLDoc. The below code is within the document in the XMLDoc column so it is the only record in the column.
I am trying to query the file so it will show all the results in a table like a normal select statement would. How would you construct the select statement to select all the information like a select * ? How would you select one field like all suppliers? I would like to select the supplier, requestor for each item.
Hi,does anyone kown if the final release or one of the next Betas ofSQL-Server 2005 will support XQuery-Statemets including the LET-Feature.Thanks,Tobias
Hi,I haev the following code:DECLARE @x xmlSET @x='<Root><row id="1"><name>Larry</name><oflw>some text</oflw></row><row id="2"><name>Joe</name></row><row id="3" /></Root>'exec sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc OUTPUT, @xSELECT * FROM OPENXML(@idoc, '/Root')This gives the following detailsidparentidnodetype localnameprefixnamespaceuridatatypeprev textI want to get the same details using XQuery, please let me know how togo about it.Regards,Shilpa
I want to evaluate a math formula inside of a function, so I can't use dynamic SQL.
I found that the query on an XML-variable with a literal works well.
DECLARE @sParsedFormula varchar(200); DECLARE @xFormula xml; SET @xFormula = ''; SET @sParsedFormula = '1+2'; SELECT @xFormula.query('3+3') , @xFormula.query('sql:variable("@sParsedFormula")')Output (1st value is correctly evaluated, 2nd not): "6", "1+2"
I can't directly pass @sParsedFormula to the query otherwise I get "The argument 1 of the XML data type method "query" must be a string literal". What is the correct XQuery-syntax to evaluate the SQL:variable?
I am trying to use xquery to get event data back from extended events. I am trying to use some sample data from Grant Fritchey but I am getting null records back. Below is the xml - I just want to retrieve a distinct list of the client_hostname and client_app_name.
WITH xEvents AS (SELECT object_name AS xEventName, CAST (event_data AS xml) AS xEventData FROM sys.fn_xe_file_target_read_file ('C:LoginTraceShared_0*.xel', NULL, NULL, NULL)) SELECT distinct top 1000 xEventName, xEventData.value('(/event/data[@action_name=''Client_APP_Name'']/value)[1]','varchar') Client_APP_Name, xEventData.value('(/event/data[@action_name=''Client_Host_Name'']/value)[1]','varchar') Client_Host_Name FROM xEvents
I have implemented a caching strategy using the sqlcachedependency and sql server 2005 backend using the broker service.This works fine and well when i am connecting to the SQL Server 2005 under service account that is in the role db_owner. In a production enivironment i am reluctant to do this so i created another service account that only has execute permissions on the stored procedures.When i use this limited service account for my ASP.net web application, the broker service does not send any messages to the web app to invalid the cache. When checking the event log and SQL profiler i get errors all relating to the user not having access to the SqlQueryNotificationService queue. So i did a lot of googling and tried running the grant scripts below with no luck using this limited service account. Keep in mind everything works fine if i use an account with db_owner priviledges. These are the grants i have tried based on numerious articles GRANT CREATE PROCEDURE TO three_d_ss_loginGRANT CREATE QUEUE TO three_d_ss_loginGRANT CREATE SERVICE TO three_d_ss_loginGRANT SUBSCRIBE QUERY NOTIFICATIONS TO three_d_ss_loginGRANT RECEIVE ON QueryNotificationErrorsQueue TO three_d_ss_loginGRANT REFERENCES ON CONTRACT::[http://schemas.microsoft.com/SQL/Notifications/PostQueryNotification] TO three_d_ss_login These are the grants i have tried that does not work GRANT SEND ON SERVICE::SqlQueryNotificationService TO three_d_ss_loginGRANT RECEIVE on SqlQueryNotificationService_DefaultQueue to three_d_ss_loginCan some one suggest what i need to do to get sqlcacheddependencies to work with a sql2005 backend under a limited priviledged service account? ThanksJim
I'm using custom authorization in reporting services 2000 to restrict the users. To do this we created a dll customauthorization.dll and placed it in reportserver bin folder and performed changes in rsreportserver.config, rssrvpolicy.config, and web.config files. Now its time to upgrade our servers to SQLServer 2005. Now in SQLServer2005 what new enhancements were done with respect to security and what all extra steps should i follow to perform the upgradation with custom authorization. Please give me suggestions how to upgrade my reports to SQL2005 so that my custom authorization still works.
Hello,I installed sqlserver2005_express on my PC (localhost) and I try to execute a sql query with ASP.NET.Here's my page :Dim mySqlConnection as SqlConnection = new SqlConnection("server=JOE10155SQLEXPRESS;Trusted_Connection=yes;UID=sa;PWD=xxxx;database=xxxx") Dim mySqlDataAdapter as SqlDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Entreprise WHERE (EntrepriseNr =999)", mySqlConnection) Dim myDataSet as DataSet = new DataSet() mySqlDataAdapter.Fill(myDataSet,"Entreprise")The problem is :System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Autorisation SELECT refusée sur l'objet 'Entreprise', base de données 'xxxx', schéma dbo'.if someone have an idea?
hello, What are the requirements to install sqlserver2005 in my pc.I am using windows xp sp2 in my pc. One of my friend said, windows server2003 is compulsory(to get data base functionality in sqlserver 2005 and other features) in local pc .Is it correct? And i am not getting database features in xp sp2. Can any one help me?
hello everyone i have created a table in sqlserver2005 named "Departments" - in this table different departments of a telephone ( landline ) company are to be stored,which deals with complaints registered to them by there users. i want to know the name of these different departments which deals with complaints assigned to them like if i do have complaint from a user who has problem with his handset then that complaint will be assigned to "Maintance dept." as i was never in indusrty , i need the help in filling the table. just do write me name of departments and the nature of complaints wh they deal with!!! thanks for the consideration
I had installed the sample database " AdventureWorks ",but i couldn't find it in SQL Server Management Studio,and I noticed than it was installed into "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Samples" directory,but not "Microsoft SQL Server" directory,what can I do to find the datebase. I am a beginner,and learning sqlserver by using tutorials,someone help me? many many thanks.
I have 0 experience with SQLMail, and I don't want to go too deep into it as I already am trying to learn more than I can with the other parts :) I'm wondering, is there an easy way to have SQL Email me when anything strange happens with the SQL server? It would be awesome to get alerts to my phone.
(New to SQL Server Installs)I installed SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition on a WinXP-SP2workstation and can see some enterprise databases on the network justfine.My problem is I cannot register a local database on the local drive fortesting/education purposes.(I accepted all of the defaults on the install and thought all waswell.)There are a couple of small databases that are in development in ourgroup and I need to work on when offline from the network.Short of uninstalling the whole product and doing it over, what stepscan I take to remedy this so I will be able to work with DB's locally?Thanks.
hi all, what is the best way to remove SQLSERVER2005 from my computer running XP-sp2 when i try to remove from tha ADD and Remove program from the control panel it's start the wizard but going to stuck..
There is no prompt ' UPGRADE' when I install SqlServer2005 Also check select @@version after installed Still be 'Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.194 (Intel X86) Aug 6 2000 00:57:48 Copyright (c) 1988-2000 Microsoft Corporation Enterprise Edition on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 2) ' Why does this happened? OS is Windows2003 Server Thanks
Hi, Can any1 tell me how to connect to Sqlserver2000 from sqlserver2005 ...I cant see sqlserver2000 instance name when i try to search in database engine