Yet Another Xp_cmdshell Problem SQL Server 2005

Nov 16, 2006


I have to named instances on one server. I'd like to use xp_cmdshell for some interfaces.

I've "activated" the xp_cmdshell feature. I set a proxy account und and gave the sql user the right to exec xp_cmdshell.

Unfortunately the command

EXEC sp_xp_cmdshell_proxy_account 'DOMAINproxyaccount','APassword'

throws following error:

Msg 15121, Level 16, State 200, Procedure xp_cmdshell, Line 1
An error occurred during the execution of xp_cmdshell. A call to 'LogonUserW' failed with error code: '1326'.

... and yes, the username and password should be valid ;-)

When I exec (makes no sense, I now...)

EXEC xp_cmdshell 'echo 123'

The following error occurs:

Msg 15121, Level 16, State 200, Procedure xp_cmdshell, Line 1
An error occurred during the execution of xp_cmdshell. A call to 'LogonUserW' failed with error code: '1326'.

Has anyone of you an idea?

Thank you very much, Frederik

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Administrative Commands Via XP_CmdShell In SQL Server 2005

Dec 13, 2007

SQL Server 2005: Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition (64-bit)
Microsoft Windows NT 5.2 (3790)

SQL Version 9.00.3175.00

I have 2 identical servers... one for DEV and one for TEST. On the DEV server, I can use xp_cmsdhell to execute "administrative commands" such as NET SHARE and AT. On the identically configured TEST server, I can not. Those command return the "System error 5 has occurred. Access is denied" error. I CAN run other commands via xp_cmdshell (DIR, NET USE, etc.). This is true regardless of the account I connect as.

The SQL Server service accounts in both instances are domain accounts belonging to the local admin group.

I "know" that I ran across this when setting up the DEV server and am "fairly sure" I found a reference to a known problem with 2005's xp_cmdshell and administrative commands. But for the life of me I can not now find any such reference, nor can I find any differences between the DEV and TEST servers in the area of users, groups, policies, or anything else security-related. (99.9% of the internet searches I do end up being about either enabling xp_cmdshell -- done -- or setting up an xp_cmdshell proxy account -- not needed).

Any input is greatly appreciated.


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Xp_cmdshell Problem SQL Server 2005; Or Perhaps I Am Attempting The Impossible...

Mar 7, 2008

I am using the xp_cmdshell to run a batch file that is trying to open the Adobe Acrobat Reader.

When I run the batch file in the command prompt, it opens perfectly.

When I run it in SQL with xp_cmdshell, it returns the contents fine, and I notice it tries to open Acrobat, but it is under the username "system". And I cannot get it to load in a visible area, and for some reason it doesnt seem to load properly under system.

Any ideas? Any Suggestions?

Please advise.


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Performing FTP Using Xp_cmdshell In Ms Sql 2005

Feb 27, 2008

I want to copy xls file from remote server to my server.
i want to use xp_cmdshell to perform this operation.
can anybody help me out how to pass parameter to xp_cmdshell.

thanks in advance,

Chetan S. Raut.

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Xp_cmdshell Execute Rights (2005)

Sep 11, 2006

I was trying to grant access for an application user for executing xp_cmdshell, but I got some error message saying that either doesn't the user exist, or I don't have the permissions to grant this. Does the user need to be a user in Master ? Or, don't I when logged in as "sa" have the sufficient permissions to grant execute on a SP in master?

I solved it by checking "Control server" under "Properties" > "Securables"
for the login, but I don't actually want this login to have full control.

(And yes, I've read that allowing xp_cmdshell usage isn't recommended at all.)

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2000 &> 2005 And Xp_cmdshell Stopped Working!

Jun 18, 2008


I'm just moving over one of our databases from SQL2000 to 2005. Everything is working fine, and all web sites are working, however I just can't seem to get xp_cmdshell to function on the 2005 server.

I have enabled xp_cmdshell, and when I run a stored procedure, which writes the contents of one column to a text file, it says "invalid object name". This table is definitely there, and is actually updated earlier on in the same SP, so permissions for that are fine.

This is the line causing the problem (if I take it out, the rest of the SP works no problems):

--write the text file
EXEC master.sys.xp_cmdshell 'bcp "SELECT newslettertext FROM mydatabase.dbo.newsletters" queryout D:ewslettertext extbody.txt -U -P -c'

Error = [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid object name 'mydatabase.dbo.newsletters'.

SQLState = 37000, NativeError = 8180
Error = [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Statement(s) could not be prepared.

Could it be to do with permissions on the master.sys.xp_cmdshell? If so, wouldn't it give me a "permission denied" error?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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Xp_cmdshell Statement Worked In SQL2000 Not In 2005

Dec 7, 2007

Code Block
Hi All,

I've got a stored procedure called from a trigger on another database. There are two xp_cmdshell statements in the procedure. One writes a couple variables, passed from the trigger, into a text file. The second fires off an executable that uses the text file via a batch file.

Here's the code that worked on the old 32bit SQL2000 box

Code Block
declare @cmd varchar(150)
select @cmd = 'echo ' + @sVariable1 + ',' + @sVariable2 +' > c:aFolderTextFile.txt'
exec master..xp_cmdshell @cmd

declare @cmd2 varchar(150)
select @cmd2 = 'c:aFolderRun.bat'
exec master..xp_cmdshell @cmd2

The new box is 64bit SQL2005. When invoked the stored procedure executes without an error. The textfile is written sucessfully. But, the executable called from the second xp_shell statement does not produce the expected result. Because there is no error I'm having trouble determining where the failure lies.

To troubleshoot the problem I've tried:

Running the batch file from the command prompt in the system32 directory... Success

Using sp_xp_cmdshell_proxy_account to be sure of the credentials of the running xp_cmdshell... Failure

My questions:

Does 64 Bit SQL2005 have a different set of parameters when invoking an executable from xp_cmdshell? ie Do I need to rewrite the batch file?
Is there another way call an executable, SQLCMD maybe?

Any help is appreciated...

Code Block
The batch file if you're curious:

"c:Program Files (x86)someVendersomeAppsomeEXE.exe" "C:aFolderTextFile.txt"

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Problem In Executing Xp_cmdshell With Least Privileged SQL Login Account In SQL 2005

Jan 26, 2007

I have a least privileged SQL Login €œClient€? and have granted execute rights on XP_Cmdshell SP at master db. When I execute master.. XP_Cmdshell €˜dir€™ I€™m getting the below error.

Msg 15153, Level 16, State 1, Procedure xp_cmdshell, Line 1
The xp_cmdshell proxy account information cannot be retrieved or is invalid. Verify that the '##xp_cmdshell_proxy_account##' credential exists and contains valid information.

Please note it is SQL Login account and not windows account. I have checked everywhere for similar problem and no luck.

Thanks for you help in advance

With regards

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Xp_cmdshell Under SQL Server 7.0

Oct 7, 1999

I am trying to issue an xp_cmdshell command via a guest account. I have given the guest user in the master db exec rights, and when I do something simple like

execute xp_cmdshell 'dir c:'

I just get the reply that the command completed without any returned data. However when I am on as 'sa' I get the results back as expected.

Any ideas anyone!

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Does Xp_cmdshell Work In SQL Server 7

Jan 31, 2002

And can I send an argument with the command in the commandline.

Thanks in advance from a student in Norway

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Xp_cmdshell Problem With SQL Server 6.5?

Mar 19, 1999

I have an external program which runs by the xp_cmdshell. This program get data from serial port and then store it back to the database (directly, by JDBC) It seems to me that when xp_cmdshell is running a program, the whole SQL server stop responding to any other request. (Is this normal?) Anyways, I insert a record into a table and this triggers an external program to run. But then the whole SQL server is hold at that stage. Logins are ok but no SQL or T-SQL commands are accepted. It seems to me like the SQL server (xp_cmdshell in specific) is waiting for the external program to terminate but the external program is waiting for the server is be ready to accept data. They are both waiting for each other. Any suggestions here?

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Xp_cmdshell Sql Server 2000

Feb 8, 2007

hi,does anybody know how to enable/disable xp_cmdshell in sql server2000.i our server this sp has been disbaled for security puropse.but i needto use it in a please can any body guide me?thanks for the help.-Shark.

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Clear SQl Server Logs By Run Xp_cmdshell

Nov 3, 2004

how i can clear sql server logs by run xp_cmdshell stored procedure.
(my user in sql server is a admin).
i don't want use enterprise manager . i want write a query and use at xp_cmdshell .
befor thx.

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XP_CMDSHELL- Access Denied Accessing Remote Server

Jun 20, 2007

I am using XP_CMDSHELL to run 2 Windows commands (from a SQL 2005 SP2 server) that access files on a remote server (called webserver). The two commands are:

1. cscript.exe \webserverwwwrootEur_SaveProductImages.vbs
2. dir \webserverwwwroot
Up until very recently this worked fine. Now I am getting Access Is Denied errors:

For #1:
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.6
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. All rights reserved.
CScript Error: Loading script "\webserverwwwrootEur_SaveProductImages.vbs" failed (Access is denied. ).

For #2:
Access is denied.

This happens if the above commands are run through a job, or directly with Query Analyzer as SA.

I understand that XP_CMDSHELL commands are run in the security context of the SQL Server startup account. The SQL Server startup account is called SQLServer and this account exists on both webserver and the database server. On both servers the username & password are identical and the user is in the local Administrators group. The two servers are in a workgroup.

Things I have tried (with no effect):

1. Restarted the servers
2. Deleted and recreated the SQLServer login on both servers
3. Changed the startup account for SQL Server through the SQL Server Configuration Manager to another account and back to SQLServer.

The most revealing tests are these:

1. If I log into the database server myself using the SQLServer account I can run the above commands in a Command Prompt with no problem

2. I installed SQL 2005 Express SP2 on webserver using the same startup account (SQLServer). If I run the same XP_CMDSHELL commands as above but accessing files on the database server, the commands work!
So, an XP_CMDSHELL command run under SQL Express using the local SQLServer account to access a remote server works, but an XP_CMDSHELL command run under SQL Server using a local SQLServer account (that is supposedly identical to the same named account on the other server) does not work !!?!?!?

It is almost as if XP_CMDSHELL commands run under SQL Server are NOT using the SQLServer startup account, but using some other weaker account. How can I tell if this is true?

How can I get this back working (as it was a week ago). The only thing I can think that happened on the servers to cause this is the installation of Windows Updates.


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SQL SERVER 2000 - EXEC Master..xp_cmdshell Permissions

Jul 20, 2005

Hi allI have a stored procedure that has the lineEXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'dtsrun /Stestjob1 /N testdts /E'If I run the SP from an access front end as a trusted user or from ascheduled job it runs fine and exectues the dts.If I run the stored procedure using VB6 as a standard connection the dtsjobwont run. I get back Execute permissions denied on xp_cmd.. on databasemasterdb_connect_string = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;UserID=test_connect;PWD=pw1test;Initial Catalog=testdb;Data Source=" &database_name....Set cmd = New ADODB.Commandcmd.ActiveConnection = db_connect_stringcmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProccmd.CommandText = "testStoredProcedure"cmd.ExecuteDo I need to give test_connect permisions to run the test stored procedure.I hoped that because the VB called a stored procedure and the connection hadpermissions to execute the SP then it would be the SP that called thexp_command....can anyone tell me the accepted way to do thismany thanksAndy

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How To Write Errors In Event Log Of Machine From SQL Server Through XP_Cmdshell

Feb 15, 2008

How to write errors in event log of machine from SQL Server through XP_Cmdshell

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DTS & Xp_cmdshell

May 15, 2001


I am trying to create a directory containing the date and then copy all the files in the current directory to it.

If I run the T-SQL script found below within Query Analyser it works fine (directory is created and files are copied in to it).

But if I run it as SQL task within DTS, only the directory is created. The files are not copied in to it!?!

I thought it maybe a permissions problem, but the SQL Server/Agent account is a local administrator and has sysadmin role with SQL Server.

I would be grateful of any assistance in this problem.

Thanks in advance,


declare @directoryname varchar(200)
declare @doscmd varchar(255)

select @directoryname = 'e:Audit_table_archive' + rtrim(cast(day(getdate())as char)) + rtrim(cast(month(getdate())as char)) + rtrim(cast(year(getdate())as char))

select @doscmd = 'mkdir ' + @directoryname

exec master..xp_cmdshell @doscmd

select @doscmd = 'copy e:Audit_table_archive*.* e:Audit_table_archive' + rtrim(cast(day(getdate())as char)) + rtrim(cast(month(getdate())as char)) + rtrim(cast(year(getdate())as char)) + '*.*'

exec master..xp_cmdshell @doscmd

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Ftp Through Xp_cmdshell Help?

Jul 9, 2001

does anyone know how to execute a FTP command through sql server 7? I am creation a table and need to ftp the result set. I have it currently creation the table, turning it into a CSV txt file and placing it in a directory. I have to then manually ftp the txt file. I want to automate this process but I cant get the FTP command to execute throught the xp_cmdshell. It will work at the DOS prompt though so I know the syntax is correct. Any sugetsions would be appreciated.

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Aug 10, 2001

hi everybody
My requirement is, I have to transfer database backup files from one server to another server to take tape backup. Generally in my backup folder there will be 4days backups. I want to schedule a job so that after database backed up, today’s backup file only copied to the other server. I wrote following code, upto xp_cmdshell every thing is working fine.
But xp_cmdshell statement is giving error. I have to use variable value with sp_cmdshell. Please give me the solution for this.

declare @year1 as varchar(4),@month1 as varchar(2),@day1 varchar(2),@filename varchar(40)
set @year1=ltrim(str(year(getdate())))
if month(getdate())<10
set @month1='0'+ltrim(str(month(getdate())))
set @month1=ltrim(str(month(getdate())))
if day(getdate())-1 <10
set @day1='0'+ltrim(str(day(getdate())-1))
set @day1=ltrim(str(day(getdate())-1))

set @filename='EMPTest_db_'+ @year1+@month1+@day1+'*.bak'

xp_cmdshell @a


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Aug 17, 2001

I am trying to run a Visual Basic Script using the xp_cmdshell stored procedure. When I try to run the file, the MS Script Debugger application is started.

I run the script like this: "xp_cmdshell 'D:ScriptFilesSpaceMail.vbs'"

I can run it from the DOS prompt successfully, but not from Query Analyzer. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to prevent the MS Script Debugger from running?


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Sep 7, 2001


I am trying to run bcp with xp_cmdshell inside a trigger. Whenver I update table the server is hanging. It creates the file in specified location but of ZERO size and I cannot delete it unless I stop SQL server service.

The smae code runs from a stored procedure without any problem.

Can you pl tell me if there are any LIMITATIONS with xp_cmdshell and Trigger.



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Apr 14, 2000


Can someone help me?
How can I get the result of following execution in some stored procedure, and work with it:

exec xp_cmdshell 'dir c:'

Thanx in advance

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Using Xp_cmdshell

Nov 1, 2000

while using XP_cmdshell for renaming a file , can I concatenate the current date to the file?

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Nov 28, 2000


What is best way to compare two files and get the most recent one using xp_cmdshell?



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Nov 28, 2000


I am trying to execute this command.
use master
exec xp_cmdshell..'dir estserverest_dataInventory_Files*.txt /b'

I am getting the following error..

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.

I am logged on as 'sa' for that server.

Any suggestion on how to resolve this?

Thanks in advance.

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Mar 8, 2000

Hai ,

I beleive this is simple question but I have problem using this command

I was trying to delete contents of a temp folder thru TSQL.
Correct me if wrong
For example
xp_cmdshell " del c:emp*.*"
This is leading me to prompt 'Are you sure to delete Y/N'.
How do I write a command to say Y.
I want to schedule this every week. Is there any other way to do this task
like using AT command ,etc.

Thank you in advance

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Mar 1, 2000

Hi !

I am trying to use xp_cmdshell
xp_cmdshell 'dir abcc$'

where abc is host name
and C$ is shared name

I get the following error message
"Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password."
I execute the same command at the dos prompt , I get the directory listing

Any suggestions??


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Using Xp_cmdshell To Run An .EXE

Jul 6, 2000

Hi Guys,
i am trying to run an .exe file from queryanalyzer for my testing.I am using the following command
exec master..xp_Cmdshell 'C:extEXEproject1.exe -SCHEETAH -Uvijay -Pbell'
CHEETAH is my server name
User :vijay
the problem is its running forever in QueryAnalyzer,when i tried to run the
same thing from dosprompt its executing fine.
Please help me in this
thanks for any help

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Jun 6, 2003

SQL 7.0
I have given a non sa user permissions to run xp_cmdshell via his NT logon. When he runs it and does a "dir" of the server it works. When he trys to do a "dir" of his own machine it comes up with "Logon failure unknown user name or bad password".
SQL Agent is running under a domain admin account. I have placed SQLAgentCmdExec in the servers local administrators group. I have de-selected the option from SQLAgent propertiesJob System which restricts non sa users executing CmdExec stuff. I did attempt to Reset Proxy Account and Reset Proxy Password. When I clicked on these it just gave me message that the account and password had successfully been reset without asking me for username, password or domain.

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Sep 24, 2003

Hello, friends,
This is probably not a question for DBA forum, but may be someone knows the answer.
In the stored procedure I'm using xp_cmdshell command to copy file from one dir to another.
How I can receive any indication what the process succeded?
xp_cmdshell return 1 or 0 if the stored procedure was invoked,
I would like to receive an indication that the file was copied.

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Aug 22, 2001

How to create directory and file using xp_cmdshell..?


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Xp_cmdshell In

May 12, 1999

I tried to use the external procddure - xp_cmdshell - to copy a file from a local drive to a network drive, but failed. Yet the attempt succeeded if I tried to copy a file from one place to another in local drive.

It seems that SQL Server 6.5/7.0 did not recognize any network drive.
I greatly appreciate your help/assistance and/or any hint(s). Thanks a lot

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Nov 2, 1998

Hi there!
Is it possible to supply variable for the xp_cmdshell parameter?
here's an example:

declare @@okay char(20)
select @@okay = "dir c:mssqlinn"
exec master..xp_cmdshell @@okay

but this doesn't work. is there any workaround on this? instead
of writing a new extended sp to cater for this.

thanks in advance.


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