Zip Code Database Import Issues...
May 6, 2008
Hi all,
I have a file with the following zip code data...
I have replaced the double-pipes with commas to enable a simple copy/paste when I use the "INSERT INTO" commands.
However, when I use this method, I would have to insert a single quote before and after each state, city, and county to get the row inserted without error. Obviously I'm not going to do that for 7,000 rows of data...and input 21,000 single quotes.
When I try importing the file using phpMyAdmin, it takes absolutely the point where I cancel every time because I'm pretty sure nothing is happening.
Is there any resolve to this? How do I get this data into my ZIPCODES Table? I've spent hours trying to manipulate my commands, the data, and anything else I can think of. I'm sure there is a solution, I'm just limited in my knowledge to figure it out.
Hope all is well and thanks in advance for any help or response!
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Oct 31, 2006
Anyone have some code to import bank files to SQL Server 2000 tables in the formats BAI or BAI2? I'm using a DTS package currently, but I'd like to have more control over this by using T-SQL or vbscript or something.
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Aug 30, 2006
I know my question is kinda weird but it seems I have to do this way or threre are some better ideas.
Could you show me a sample C code to connect to a data server and call a stored procedure to import an image file into SQL Server 2000?
I am writing an extended stored procedure in VS 2003 .NET and it seems extended stored procedure can only work with C code.
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Nov 1, 2006
Anyone have some code to import bank files to SQL Server 2000 tables in the formats BAI or BAI2? I'm using a DTS package currently, but I'd like to have more control over this by using T-SQL or vbscript or something.
These files have complex structures/multiple record types. Not to mention my main problem of trying to use a bulk insert which doesn't seem to work because of something to do with the row delimiters. Not too sure what's up with that because I usually do this for all my flat file imports. I'm certain vbscript will work, but I'd like to know if anyone out there has already built something for these particular files??
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Jan 5, 2007
Hi All,
can some body help me out ?????
Requirement: i want to export a complete database into an excel file... i can do this from wizard available in sql server 2000/2005 (DTS Export/Import wizard).
but i need to do it through an application (windows or web)....
and i also want to import the same excel file on single button click...
can some body help me out
with regards,
Bhanukiran M R
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Sep 7, 2007
I'm trying to read a text and load the data from the text file and import the data into the database.please help!!
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Jan 29, 2008
Please do anyone know a VB 2005 code to export and import SQL server table to Oracle. Thanks.
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Nov 29, 2006
I am trying to simplify a query given to me by one of my collegues written using the query designer of Access. Looking at the query there seem to be some syntax differences, so to see if this was the case I thought I would import the database to my SQL Server Developer edition.
I tried to start the wizard from within SQL Server Management Studio Express as shown in one of the articles on MSDN which did not work, but the manual method also suggested did work.
Trouble is that it gets most of the way through the import until it spews forth the following error messages:
- Prepare for Execute (Error)
Error 0xc0202009: {332B4EB1-AF51-4FFF-A3C9-3AEE594FCB11}: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft JET Database Engine" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Could not start session. Too many sessions already active.".
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Error 0xc020801c: Data Flow Task: The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "SourceConnectionOLEDB" failed with error code 0xC0202009.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Error 0xc004701a: Data Flow Task: component "Source 33 - ATable" (2065) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC020801C.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard).
There does not seem to be any method of specifying a number of sessions, so I don't see how to get round the problem.
Does anyone know how I can get the import to work?
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Feb 23, 2006
I built a packaage in SSIS with the import/export utility. It created a Package.dtsx and Package1.dtsx. Both of these files seem to be XML files. I want to understand how these files work. For example, in the package I built I had about 80 tables exporting and importing data. Some of them I want to allow the identiy insert and delete the rows first. Others I want to append the data. How can I find the code or settings that does this? Or where can I find the options on the gui interface to change these settings. When I search the code I can't even find a some of the tables that are being transferred.
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Feb 14, 2008
Hi all,
In the VB 2005 Express, I can get the SqlConnection and ConnectionString of a Database "shcDB" in the Object Explorer of SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE) by the following set of code:
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.SqlTypes
Public Class Form1
Public Sub InsertNewFriend()
Dim connectionString As String = "Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=shcDB;Integrated Security=SSPI;"
Dim connection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(connectionString)
Dim command As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("sp_insertNewRecord", connection)
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
If the Database "shcDB" and the Stored Procedure "sp_inertNewRecord" are in the Database Explorer of VB 2005 Express, I plan to use "Data Source=local" in the following code statements to get the SqlConnection and ConnectionString:
Dim connectionString As String = "Data Source=local;Initial Catalog=shcDB;Integrated Security=SSPI;"
Dim connection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(connectionString)
Dim command As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("sp_insertNewRecord", connection)
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
Is the "Data Source=local" statement right for this case? If not, what is the right code statement for my case?
Please help and advise.
Scott Chang
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Sep 9, 2015
I am new to SSIS. I have been struggling with this for the past one week. I have a weird task. I need to import several tables from one database to a different server with a new database name. We need to do this at the end of every year. The main problem here is that the number of tables varies every year. You may not have all the tables as last year or may have more tables. So I need to create a dynamic task that takes care of this every year without changing the package.
I have performed the following tasks **
1. Create a new dynamic database. ( I have used Execute SQL Task to do this) 2. Copy all the table structures ( I have used Execute SQL Task to do this)
3. Import Data. This is the main problem. I was trying to create a dynamic connection string with variables as suggested in several forums but I finally came to know that this cannot be done if the table structures are different as the metadata cannot be refreshed at runtime.
4. The final step to create a process to validate the data (the count from each table for both source and destination. I think this can be done with Sql task.
What is the best method to do this? My DBA does not like “Transfer SQL Objects Task” or “transfer Database Task”. I would like to create this as a dynamic process.
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Apr 10, 2008
I am trying to use the Import Wizard to setup a daily job to import new records based on an ID field (PK). The source database is remote and a replica. I am inserting new records to update my table called the same thing. Both are SQL Native Client
Code Snippet
select *
from [CommWireless].[dbo].[iQclerk_SaleInvoicesAndProducts] as S1
join [IQ_REPLICA].[dbo].[iQclerk_SaleInvoicesAndProducts] as S2
on S1.SaleInvoiceID = S2.SaleInvoiceID
where S1.SaleInvoiceID > S2.SaleInvoiceID
When I parse the query, I keep getting an error message.
Deferred prepare could not be completed.
Statement(s) could not be prepared.
Invalid object name 'IQ_REPLICA.dbo.iQ_SaleInvoicesAndProducts'. (Microsoft SQL Native Client)
Anyone know an easy why to get this to work? Or should I add a create table to verify new records?
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Jan 12, 2008
I have a backup of sqlserver 2000 data base . Now presently i am working on sqlserver 2005. Is there any facility to IMPORT entire 2000 database intosqlserver 2005.Please help me if there is any chance. Thanks in advance.
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Sep 13, 2006
Hi, I want to create a database setup on a server. I've scripted my database from sql server express. I've tested the code in the query window and it worked. When i pasted the same code in a sqlcommand command text....the debuger threw an sql exception....saying the sintax is wrong near keywords GO, USE, some forgein keys, and so on. Here is a chunk of the script.USE [master]GO/****** Object: Database [estate_management] Script Date: 09/13/2006 09:19:32 ******/CREATE DATABASE [estate_management] ON PRIMARY ( NAME = N'estate_management', FILENAME = N'D:MSSQLestate_management.mdf' , SIZE = 2048KB , MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED, FILEGROWTH = 1024KB ) LOG ON ( NAME = N'estate_management_log', FILENAME = N'D:MSSQLestate_management_log.ldf' , SIZE = 1024KB , MAXSIZE = 2048GB , FILEGROWTH = 10%) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASSET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOIF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[admin]') AND type in (N'U'))BEGINCREATE TABLE [dbo].[admin]( [admin_id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [log_in_id] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, [password] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK__admin__07020F21] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [admin_id] ASC)WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, FILLFACTOR = 1) ON [PRIMARY], CONSTRAINT [IX_admin] UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED ( [admin_id] ASC)WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]END Thanks for your time.
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Nov 8, 2007
I have a database and would like to retrieve specific data via queries. This database is also connected to an ASP .Net 2.0 application to be the front end. Ive created the query in the database. Would you recommend i use parameter names to retrieve the data via code or should i have the query within my code to retrieve the data?
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Nov 29, 2007
VWD 2005 Express. I need to retrieve a value from a SQL database from the code behind a page and assign it to a variable. In Microsoft Access I can do this using the DLookup function. What I need to do is get the data that results from the following query into a variable:
SELECT [SystemUserId] FROM [SystemUser] WHERE ([Username] = @Username)
The name of the data source is SqlDataSource2
Also, in Access I can create a recordset from a query and then process through the recordset. Can that be done in VB code in VWD 2005 Express?
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Apr 26, 2008
What method would you suggest is the best way to deal with a website?
Say for example, writing SQL. Am I better using Stored Procedures and adding methods for accessing there or just writing the SQL inline. What do you think about this? Is it totally overkill to use stored procedures in a small website?
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Jun 6, 2008
Hi Friends, Please any one help me in writing the code in thisI have 3 fileds1)empId-->textbox2)Roles-->4 radiobuttons(MN,PL,TL,CL)3)Responsibilities--->3 check boxes(profile,register,change password)I have 3 tablestable1:RoleMasterTable:roleID roleName1 MN2 PL3 TL4 CLtable2:ResponsibilityMasterTableresId resName1 profile2 register3 changepasswordtables3MasterTable:empId roleId resIdthe form conatains the empId,Roles(radiobuttons),Responsibilies(chechboxes)for example I have to enter empId=1select one radiobutton that is "PL"and I can select check boxes profile,register and manyafter submitting the button("submit) these details has to store in the database table i.e master tableI have to show the final o/p like this in the tableMasterTableempId roleId resId1 2 1,2Please any one help in this I am beginner in database c# programmingPlease its very helpful to me............Thanks & RegardsGeeta
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Dec 30, 2005
i have a piece of code in an adp that is currently behind a form but i could put it in a module and make it public if i need to. how can I use DTS to run this piece of code? which connection and task could i use. can this even be done? i have little experiance with DTS.
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Dec 15, 2007
Where am I going wrong? I have no idea where to start to look for any incorrect code because it all looks ok! Please help!!!
I am entering a record into 5 textboxes - I can see the new record when I open the datagrid view, but when I close the programme and reopen it the record disappears, this code looks ok to me so where is it wrong? Obviously the record is not being written to the database so that when I reopen the programme there is nothing to fill the dataset..........any ideas?
Your help is appreciated!!!
Private Sub BtnSave_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnSave.Click
Dim TheNewRow As DataRow
TheNewRow = Mainform.Dataset1.Tables("ChartTable").NewRow
TheNewRow("Chart Number") = TB1CN.Text
TheNewRow("Chart Title") = TB2CT.Text
TheNewRow("Edition Date") = TB3ED.Text
TheNewRow("Print Date") = TB4PD.Text
TheNewRow("Edition Number") = TB5EN.Text
Me.Visible = False
End Sub
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Mar 6, 2008
I have the need to detach a database from code, at the moment I am using 'SSEUTIL -d' for this in my code and it works OK but now I want to change to using an SQLCommand. Here is my code so far:
Code Snippet
Dim conDatabase As SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=MyMDFPath"; Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=60;User Instance=True")
Dim comDetach As New SqlCommand("EXEC master.dbo.sp_detach_db '" + MyMDFPath + "'", conDatabase)
However, when I execute this I always get the following exception:
Code Snippet
Cannot detach the database 'MyMDFPath' because it is currently in use.
It seems obvious to me that the problem is that to do the detach I create a connection - how do i get around this?
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Jul 6, 2006
I think its silly question but i expect some solution .
Is there any way to create sql sever database by using VB.NET code ? I have to create database,tables,sps and also transfer the data from one database to newly created database.
Please, if somebody have some solution then guide me in detail.
Thanks in adv.
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Feb 2, 2007
if i have one table from database A, and i want to copy the table to database B, then how to do it in SQL server management studio express? is it i have to make sql query?
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Sep 13, 2006
I'm looking for the best way to export a database to another database. Essentially making a copy of it. I need to keep all of the database structure and data. I need a way to do this all programmatically, rather then through the wizard.
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Sep 26, 2007
Hi,How to import csv file to sql server databse?Can anybody have the code? Regards Brijesh singh
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Aug 11, 2006
Hi all,:confused:
I doing some Online projects....
for that some time i want to import database from online database server(located in Newyork), some time i want to transfer datatabse from one server to another server.
At this time i was used DTS Import/Export wizard, but i am not able to copy the relatioships of the tables(Primary key,foreign key,defaults,views,storedprocedures,triggers).
My query is How i downlod a database with exact structure and all data as it as in remote server.
thanks in advanse
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Jun 7, 2015
how can i import the database that i have created in mysql and ms access to ms sql server
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Dec 18, 2006
I need to import a database from MS SQL 2000. I created the database. Then I create the database scripts and run them in sql express but I get this error.
"The specified schema name "username" either does not exist or you do not have permission to use it."
I have also tried to use DTS on MS SQL 2000 to export the data into text file. I do not have the ability to copy the mdf files and attach them in SQL express or make a backup.
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Apr 11, 2007
I have a database containing several tables with many different fields. I need to create an admin section that lets me search on one field or the combination of several. Does anyone have links to pages that offer a general overview for inhouse database search strategy and admin edits.
Thank you
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Aug 2, 2007
i want to return a Log of my stored procedure to my asp app, how do i do that i have problems with that i tried Dim log As String = cmd.Parameters("@Log").ToString but that gave "An SqlParameter with ParameterName '@Log' is not contained by this
SqlParameterCollection."my code below SQL 1 ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.RevertDB
2 (
3 @Log varchar(MAX) = NULL OUTPUT
4 )
6 /* Reverts Database to original "Clean" State */
7 AS
9 DECLARE @RowsInDB AS int
10 SET @Log = 'RevertDB Started at ' + CAST(GETDATE() AS varchar(50)) + '<br />'
12 /* *** Disable Constraints ***
18 /* *** Start Deletes *** */
19 DELETE FROM Booking
20 SET @Log = @Log + 'Clear Table Booking - Done' + '<br />'
21 SET @RowsInDB = (SELECT COUNT(BookingID) FROM Booking)
22 SET @Log = @Log + '-- Rows Affected: ' + CAST(@@ROWCOUNT AS varchar(10)) + ', Rows in Table: ' + CAST(@RowsInDB AS varchar(10)) + '<br />'
24 DELETE FROM InventoryPC
25 SET @Log = @Log + 'Clear Table InventoryPC - Done' + ''
26 SET @RowsInDB = (SELECT COUNT(InventoryID) FROM InventoryPC)
27 SET @Log = @Log + '-- Rows Affected: ' + CAST(@@ROWCOUNT AS varchar(10)) + ', Rows in Table: ' + CAST(@RowsInDB AS varchar(10)) + '<br />'
30 SET @Log = @Log + 'Clear Table PC - Done' + '<br />'
32 SET @Log = @Log + '-- Rows Affected: ' + CAST(@@ROWCOUNT AS varchar(10)) + ', Rows in Table: ' + CAST(@RowsInDB AS varchar(10)) + '<br />'
34 DELETE FROM Platform
35 SET @Log = @Log + 'CLear Table Platform - Done' + ''
36 SET @RowsInDB = (SELECT COUNT(PlatformID) FROM Platform)
37 SET @Log = @Log + '-- Rows Affected: ' + CAST(@@ROWCOUNT AS varchar) + ', Rows in Table: ' + CAST(@RowsInDB AS varchar(10)) + '<br />'
39 /* *** Enable Constraints ***
45 SET @Log = @Log + '*** End Truncates ***' + '<br />'
46 /* *** End Truncates *** */
48 /* *** Start Insert Platform *** */
49 SET @Log = @Log + 'Start Insert Platform' + '<br />'
51 EXEC dbo.InsertPlatfrom 'Windows XP SP2 Professional Edition', 'Some description for Windows XP SP2 Professional Edition over here …'
52 EXEC dbo.InsertPlatfrom 'Windows Vista Ultimate', 'See everything you''re working on more clearly with Windows Aero, and quickly switch between windows or tasks using Windows Flip 3D and Live Thumbnails. You can easily find what you need—when you need it―with Instant Search and live icon previews that display the actual contents of your files. And while you''re at it, give your personal productivity a boost with instant access to the information you care about using Windows Sidebar and Gadgets. Put these easy-to-use and customizable mini-applications on your desktop and reveal the information you''re looking for at a glance. Website:'
53 EXEC dbo.InsertPlatfrom 'Apple Mac OS X Tiger', 'Some description for Apple Mac OS X Tiger over here …'
54 EXEC dbo.InsertPlatfrom 'Apple Mac OS X Leopard', 'Desktop: The new look of Leopard showcases your favorite desktop image and puts new file Stacks at your fingertips for a stunning, clutter-free workspace. Finder: Browse your files like you browse your music with Cover Flow. Time Machine: See how your system looked on any given day and restore files with a click. Website:'
55 EXEC dbo.InsertPlatfrom 'Red Hat Linux', 'Some description for Red Hat Linux over here …'
57 SET @Log = @Log + 'Rows In Platform: ' + CAST((SELECT COUNT(PlatformID) FROM Platform) AS varchar(10)) + '<br />'
58 /* *** Start Insert PC *** */
59 SET @Log = @Log + 'Start Insert PC' + '<br />'
61 DECLARE @WinXP int, @WinVista int, @OSXTiger int, @OSXLeopard int, @RedHat int
62 SET @WinXP = (SELECT PlatformID FROM Platform WHERE Title = 'Windows XP SP2 Professional Edition')
63 SET @WinVista = (SELECT PlatformID FROM Platform WHERE Title = 'Windows Vista Ultimate')
64 SET @OSXTiger = (SELECT PlatformID FROM Platform WHERE Title = 'Apple Mac OS X Tiger')
65 SET @OSXLeopard = (SELECT PlatformID FROM Platform WHERE Title = 'Apple Mac OS X Leopard')
66 SET @RedHat = (SELECT PlatformID FROM Platform WHERE Title = 'Red Hat Linux')
68 EXEC dbo.InsertPC 'Fusion PC One', 'Description here ...', 'Intel Core2 Duo E6600 2.4 GHz 1066MHz', '1GB Dual Channel DDR2 667 SDRAM', '120GB SATA2 NCQ HDD', 'NVIDIA GeForce 8600 256MB GDDR3', '22" 3000:1 Wide Screen LCD', @WinXP
69 EXEC dbo.InsertPC 'Fusion PC Two', 'Description here ...', 'Intel Core2 Duo E6850 3 GHz 1333MHz', '2GB Dual Channel DDR2 800 SDRAM', '240GB SATA2 NCQ HDD', 'NVIDIA GeForce 8800 Ultra 256MB GDDR3 SLI', '24" 3000:1 Wide Screen LCD', @WinVista
70 EXEC dbo.InsertPC 'Fusion PC Three', 'Description here ...', 'AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 6000+ 3 GHz', '2GB Dual Channel DDR2 667 SDRAM', '240GB SATA2 NCQ HDD', 'ATI Radeon Cross Fire 2900 256MB GDDR3', '24" 3000:1 Wide Screen LCD', @WinVista
71 EXEC dbo.InsertPC 'Fusion X1', 'Description here ...', 'Intel Core2 Extreme Q6850 3 GHz 1333MHz', '6GB Dual Channel DDR2 800 SDRAM', '500GB SATA2 NCQ HDD', 'NVIDIA GeForce 8800 Ultra 256MB GDDR3 SLI', '30" 3000:1 Wide Screen LCD', @OSXLeopard
72 EXEC dbo.InsertPC 'Fusion X2', 'Description here ...', 'AMD Athlon 64 FX 74 3 GHz', '6GB Dual Channel DDR2 800 SDRAM', '500GB SATA2 NCQ HDD', 'NVIDIA GeForce 8900 Ultra SLI 256MB GDDR3', '30" 3000:1 Wide Screen LCD', @WinVista
73 EXEC dbo.InsertPC 'Fusion Tiger 1', 'Description here ...', 'Intel Core2 Duo E6600 2.4 GHz 1066MHz', '2GB Dual Channel DDR2 800 SDRAM', '120GB SATA2 NCQ HDD', 'NVIDIA GeForce 8600 256MB GDDR3 SLI', '22" 3000:1 Wide Screen LCD', @OSXTiger
74 EXEC dbo.InsertPC 'Fusion Linux 1', 'Description here ...', 'AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ 3 GHz', '1GB Dual Channel DDR2 800 SDRAM', '120GB SATA2 NCQ HDD', 'NVIDIA GeForce 8600 256MB GDDR3', '22" 3000:1 Wide Screen LCD', @RedHat
76 SET @Log = @Log + 'Rows In PC: ' + CAST((SELECT COUNT(PCID) FROM PC) AS varchar(10)) + '<br />'
78 /* *** Start Insert Inventory *** */
79 SET @Log = @Log + 'Start Insert Inventory' + '<br />'
81 DECLARE @F1 int, @F2 int, @F3 int, @FX1 int, @FX2 int, @FT1 int, @FR1 int
82 SET @F1 = (SELECT PCID FROM PC WHERE Title = 'Fusion PC One')
83 SET @F2 = (SELECT PCID FROM PC WHERE Title = 'Fusion PC Two')
84 SET @F3 = (SELECT PCID FROM PC WHERE Title = 'Fusion PC Three')
85 SET @FX1 = (SELECT PCID FROM PC WHERE Title = 'Fusion X1')
86 SET @FX2 = (SELECT PCID FROM PC WHERE Title = 'Fusion X2')
87 SET @FT1 = (SELECT PCID FROM PC WHERE Title = 'Fusion Tiger 1')
88 SET @FR1 = (SELECT PCID FROM PC WHERE Title = 'Fusion Linux 1')
90 EXEC dbo.InsertInventory 10, @F1, 2.5, 'iCluster Fusion One'
91 EXEC dbo.InsertInventory 10, @F2, 2.5, 'iCluster Fusion Two'
92 EXEC dbo.InsertInventory 10, @F3, 2.5, 'iCluster Fusion Three'
93 EXEC dbo.InsertInventory 6, @FX1, 6, 'iCluster Fusion X1'
94 EXEC dbo.InsertInventory 6, @FX2, 6, 'iCluster Fusion X2'
95 EXEC dbo.InsertInventory 10, @FT1, 3, 'iCluster Fusion Tiger One'
96 EXEC dbo.InsertInventory 30, @FR1, 2, 'iCluster Fusion Linux One'
98 SET @Log = @Log + 'Rows In Inventory: ' + CAST((SELECT COUNT(InventoryID) FROM InventoryPC) AS varchar(10))
100 RETURN @Log
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Aug 24, 2007
Hi there,
Values in my database need to updated periodically. The code, upon starting the application, queries the database and stores the values in the Application collection. This is to avoid making a database call everytime the values are needed (increases performance). The drawback is that changes to the database values are not updated in the code.
How can I create a database trigger that will update the C# Application colllection whenever a table value is updated?
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Dec 31, 2007
This morning I found that during the night someone hacked into my remote hosted SQL server 2005 database. Every record in a description field in each of three tables had everything after the first sentence replaced with the same URL. The three pages that used these tables badly infected anyone who viewed them in IE.I had my host restore the 12/30 backup, and I changed all the database and ftp passwords, now I want to be sure my code isn't giving anyone access. I'm using strongly typed datasets. This is my code behind code.Dim sCategory = Request.QueryString("cat")Dim ResourceAdapter As New ResourcesTableAdapters.ResourcesTableAdapterDim dF As Data.DataTable = ResourceAdapter.GetDataByCategory(sCategory)Dim numRows = dF.Rows.CountLabelCat.Text = sCategoryRepeater1.DataSource = dFRepeater1.DataBind() Is there anything I can do to better secure this? Oh, my connect string is in the web.config file only, but it isn't encrypted. I will be encrypting it today.Diane
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Apr 8, 2004
i learn by practice and i would like an asp code using c# that connects to sql database can retrives information from a table.
can you please copy paste me some code or give me exact link a?
thank you
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