A Function That Creates A View (dynamic SQL)
Jan 23, 2008
I'm very new to SQL Server. Please help. I need to create a FUNCTION that creates a view. Then call this function in a SQL which is passed as a parameter to BCP. In Oracle, it would be something like:
create function CREATEVIEW
return number as
create view SampleView as SELECT a,b,c from Mytable;
return 1;
when others then return 0; -- for exception handling
create function DROPVIEW
return number as
Drop view SampleView;
return 1;
when others then return 0; -- for exception handling
Then my BCP will have something like:
BCP "select CREATEVIEW from dual"... QUERYOUT ..
BCP "select * from SampleView"... QUERYOUT ..
then drop the view again:
BCP "select DROPVIEW from dual"... QUERYOUT ..
I know there is no DUAL table in SQL SERVER. I just want to know how to code this in SQL Server.
The origin of my problem is that my SQL statement is too long to fit as BCP parameter, hence, am creating a view and reading there and dropping it again. If you can provide me with a better workaround, that would be great.
Thanks in advance.
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Aug 1, 2007
The following are the output lines from my code which is constructing some T-SQL queries on the fly. The query highlighted in yellow is the problem query. The code upto the problem query is working correctly and I am able to see the output tables in the Query Analyzer
STEP 1 : Create 3 Tables In Dynamic T-SQL : Showing 3 Strings from Exec statement
Create Table ##Test_word28July2007185548990201 ( t float, e float, s float, word varchar(80) )
Create Table ##OUT_Test_word28July2007185548990201 ( t float, e float, s float, word varchar(80), KeywordID int, rank float )
Create Table ##STVR_FLOAT_Test_word28July2007185548990201 ( var_val float)
Step 2: Retrieving A Value Into Another Global Table (table has only 1 row and 1 column)
Insert Into ##STVR_FLOAT_Test_word28July2007185548990201 ( var_val ) Select IsNull( t , 0 ) from ##Test_word28July2007185548990201
(1 row(s) affected)
Step 3: I need the value (var_val) in ##STVR_FLOAT_Test_word28July2007185548990201
Update ##Out_Test_word28July2007194827580759 Set t = Select var_val from ##STVR_FLOAT_Test_word28July2007194827580759 where t > Select var_val from ##STVR_FLOAT_Test_word28July2007194827580759
Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Select'.
Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Select'.
(1 row(s) affected)
Problem Definition
Part 1
The update query is trying to retrieve a value in a dynamically constructed table. ##STVR_FLOAT_Test_word28July2007185548990201 (1 column var_val , 1 row)
Update <Table_Name> set t = @var_val where t > @var_val
The update query is simple, except I need to "SELECT" @var_val from the dynamic table
The @var_val is a float value.
I have outputted the contents of the table that is holding the @temp_val variable
It has the correct value and the table has only 1 row and 1 column.
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Apr 18, 2008
I want to run a stored procedure in Database A that will create a View on a table in database B. Is that possible?
Example (Creating a Stored Procedure in Database A):
create procedure test
use B
create view Vjobs
select * from jobs
This does not work because you are not allowed "USE" in a Stored Procedure.
Please help.
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May 7, 2008
I got a situation in which I would like to create a Views which is using my Test database (Could use more then one test database), but when I test It I would like to create using my Production database (Which is different Database name). Is there any way so that I can pass a parameter at run time which hold a Database name and create those views using that parameter.
Any help really appreciated
Thanks in advance
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Oct 9, 2007
I am using dynamic sql in my report. I cannot see the sql the report is generating in sql profiler. Is there somewhere else I can view it?
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi i have a problem i have the following Trans SQL statement in afunctionSET @desc= (Select description From table Where id = @id)Now i want to make table dynamic. Something like thisSET @desc= (Select description From @table Where id = @id)Yeah yeah i know i can't do this:SET @desc= EXEC('Select description From '+ @table + ' Where id = '+@id)is not possibleWriting to a temporary table is prohibited by functions. But i need afunction because i want to use the result in a query..Can someone help me?Hennie
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Oct 11, 2007
I have a procedure that creates a large dynamic view of several tables. The view is a union view of up to 15 tables. The table names are all <name>_DDMM where name is the standard table name and ddmm is the day and month of the tables data. The tables are created by a software supplied by another company, so I can not ensure that the tables will always have exactly the same fields or number of fields. Sometimes the company will add more fields to the tables in thier updates. So, I have to include the field names in the SQL exec command to create the query. This makes for a very long exec command and depending on the number of tables it needs to include, it can require upwards of a 16,000 character string. Obviously, this can't work, so I had to break up the variable in order to create the procedure. However, I'm wondering if there isn't a better method than creating three different 8000 varchar variables and having overflow write to the next variable in line. Especially if the number of tables needs to be expanded, it could be a problem. Is there a better way to run a create view exec command on a large number of characters?
EDIT: Changed the title to read Procedurally generating a large view.
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Jan 14, 2008
Hi all, I have a sql problem i'd like to put to the masses because its driving me crazy! Before I start, this is a database i inherited so I cant change the schema.
I have a table which holds field information for a form, namely the table name, column name and some other irrelevant stuff (X/Y coordinates for printing onto a document). Here is some sample data to explain better:
TableName FieldName Xpos Ypos
---------- --------- ----- -----
FruitTable FruitName 10 20
VegTable VegName 10 40
FruitTable FruitColour 20 10
(Thats not the real data of course)
What I need is a calculated field which returns the value of each field from each table – probably by constructing a dynamic sql statement(?) It would look something like this:
Select @FieldName From @TableName Where bla bla bla – don’t worry about the where clause. The completed dataset will hopefully then look like this:
TableName FieldName Xpos Ypos FieldValue (calculated field)
---------- --------- ----- ----- ---------
FruitTable FruitName 10 20 Oranges (result of: Select FruitName From FruitTable Where....)
VegTable VegName 10 40 Parsnips (result of: Select VegName From VegTable Where....)
FruitTable FruitColour 20 10 Green (result of: Select FruitColour From FruitTable Where....)
I have tried creating a scalar-valued function which takes TableName and FieldName as parameters and creates a dynamic sql string, but i cannot seem to execute the sql once I have built it. Here is a general idea of how I was trying to use the function:
Main query:Select
TableName, FieldName, Xpos, Ypos,
dbo.GetFieldValue(TableName, FieldName) As FieldValue
tblFieldAndPosition---------------Function: CREATE FUNCTION GetFieldValue (@TableName nvarchar(255),@FieldName nvarchar(255))
RETURNS nvarchar(255)
Declare @SQL nvarchar(max)
Set @SQL = 'Select ' + @FieldName + ' From ' + @TableName
sp_executesql @SQL??
return ???
END ------------------------- The alternative to getting this data all out at once is contructing the sql statement in code and going back to the database once for every row - which i really dont want to do. If anyone has had a situation like this before, or can point me in the right direction I will be very very grateful. Hope thats clear. Thanks in advance
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May 7, 2008
i want to know if i can use dynamic sql in a function like this:
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[udf_GetGradeAvgByNewHireID]
@NewHireID INT
1. The CourseIDs passed to this function will be in the form ",1,2,3,"
2. Replace the first and last comma with () so we will have "(1,2,3)"
3. Use this with the IN clause to filter out the right classes for these IDs
--grade average
--formatting the string to be in the form (1,2,3) from ,1,2,3,4,
SET @CourseIDs = '|' + @CourseIDs + '|';
SET @CourseIDs = REPLACE(@CourseIDs,'|,','(');
SET @CourseIDs = REPLACE(@CourseIDs,',|',')');
SET @SQL = 'SELECT @GradeAvg = AVG(NHC.Class_Grade)
New_Hires_Classes NHC
INNER JOIN Classes Cls ON NHC.Class_ID=Cls.Class_ID
WHERE Cls.Course_ID IN ' + @CourseIDs +
' AND NHC.New_Hire_ID=@NewHireID';
RETURN @GradeAvg
becase when i try to call this function from the query i get this error:
The name 'SELECT @GradeAvg = AVG(NHC.Class_Grade)
New_Hires_Classes NHC
INNER JOIN Classes Cls ON NHC.Class_ID=Cls.Class_ID
WHERE Cls.Course_ID IN (1,2,3,4,5,6) AND NHC.New_Hire_ID=@NewHireID' is not a valid identifier.
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Jan 15, 2008
Hi all, I have a sql problem i'd like to put to the masses because its driving me crazy! Before I start, this is a database i inherited so I cant change the schema.
I have a table which holds field information for a form, namely the table name, column name and some other irrelevant stuff (X/Y coordinates for printing onto a document). Here is some sample data to explain better:
TableName FieldName Xpos Ypos
---------- --------- ----- -----
FruitTable FruitName 10 20
VegTable VegName 10 40
FruitTable FruitColour 20 10
(Thats not the real data of course)
What I need is a calculated field which returns the value of each field from each table €“ probably by constructing a dynamic sql statement(?) It would look something like this:
Select @FieldName From @TableName Where bla bla bla €“ don€™t worry about the where clause. The completed dataset will hopefully then look like this:
TableName FieldName Xpos Ypos FieldValue (calculated field)
---------- --------- ----- ----- ---------
FruitTable FruitName 10 20 Oranges (result of: Select FruitName From FruitTable Where....)
VegTable VegName 10 40 Parsnips (result of: Select VegName From VegTable Where....)
FruitTable FruitColour 20 10 Green (result of: Select FruitColour From FruitTable Where....)
I have tried creating a scalar-valued function which takes TableName and FieldName as parameters and creates a dynamic sql string, but i cannot seem to execute the sql once I have built it. Here is a general idea of how I was trying to use the function:
Main query:Select
TableName, FieldName, Xpos, Ypos,
dbo.GetFieldValue(TableName, FieldName) As FieldValue
tblFieldAndPosition---------------Function: CREATE FUNCTION GetFieldValue (@TableName nvarchar(255),@FieldName nvarchar(255))
RETURNS nvarchar(255)
Declare @SQL nvarchar(max)
Set @SQL = 'Select ' + @FieldName + ' From ' + @TableName
sp_executesql @SQL??
return ???
END ------------------------- The alternative to getting this data all out at once is contructing the sql statement in code and going back to the database once for every row - which i really dont want to do. If anyone has had a situation like this before, or can point me in the right direction I will be very very grateful. Hope thats clear. Thanks in advance
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May 8, 2012
Basically, I'm working on a stored procedure which will retrieve data based on study parameter passed. The datasource is 'Views'. The name of the view is same for every study except that there is corresponding study name included. For example the views names are something like this for study abc 'v_abc_form' and for study def 'v_def_form'.
Below is the select statement I'm trying to use by declaring @study variable but not able to succeed. I'm not sure how to make the table name dynamic.
Select C1, C2, C3
From v_@study_form
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Oct 26, 2007
I have recently had to optimise a site. The DMVs are useful in establihing which queries are taking the longest to run but the data is skewed as it takes into account all queries than have run ever. This is not as useful as profiling a site which in fact I used.
Is there a way to clear all the data returned by the DMVs. This would be useful as all the data could be cleared and then I could just check the DMV every week.
Thanks in advance
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Jul 21, 2004
Hiya folks,
Having a problem with a view.
I'm using the syntax
Right('000' & Myfield,3) to 'pad' out the results.
ie if MyField contained 45 the answer should be : 045
but i'm getting the results of : 0
Stuck!! Any offers kind people??
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Sep 18, 2007
FROM dbo.Objects
WHERE (UserRights & dbo.GetUserRights()) > 0)
The purpose of this view is to implement row level security. The Field, UserRights is a BigInt and holds up to 64 bits corresponding to the user or group that has a right to view this record.
The Function GetUserRights() is a function which returns an Int corresponding to the user rights of the person who is currently logged in. In a bitwise fashion, it then "ands" them together to see if the value is greater than 0. If so, the user has rights to the record.
If I hardcode a value to replace the function, the Select statement is very fast. However, if I use the function it is extremely slow. I believe this is due to the function getting run once for each row of the table, instead of just once.
Is there a way to rewrite this so that it only runs once? I could do this in a stored procedure, but I need it in a view so that I can use replace "Objects" (the table) with "vwObjects" the view.
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Apr 10, 2007
Is it possible to write dynamic sql on scalar function and assign the value to return value? I like some thing like below but it is not working...
set @sql = 'select @CallLegKey= min(calllegkey) as CallLegKey
from rt_'+@platform+'_CallLegs
where datediff(day,convert(datetime, CallEndTime) ,'''+cast(@today as varchar(20))+''') = '+cast(@cutoff as varchar(5))
exec @sql
return @CallLegKey
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May 29, 2008
I would like to use a dynamic pivot table in my data source view. It seems that a named query can be only one sql statement. So, I cannot use my multi-statement procedure that creates a dynamic pivot table output.
What is the best course of action here? I could hard-code my pivot table query. I could maintain a redundant table in the pivot format. Do I have any good options?
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Jul 20, 2005
I am trying to create a dynamic SQL statement to create a view.I have a stored procedure, which based on the parameters passed callsdifferent stored procedures. Each of this sub stored procedure createsa string of custom SQL statement and returns this string back to themain stored procedure.This SQL statements work fine on there own. The SQL returned from thesub stored procedure are returned fine. The datatype of the variablethat this sql is stored in Varchar(I have tried using nvarchar alsosame problem).If I have more that 6 SQL statements concated then the main SQL getscut off. It doesnt matter in what sequence I create the main SQL.Here is the Stored procedure/**********************************************//*Main Stored Procedure *//**********************************************/CREATE PROC sp_generate_invoice1 @prev_date NVarchar(1000) ,@prev_month NVarchar(32)ASDECLARE invoice_driver_cur CURSOR FORSelect driversid From Invoice_driversOpen invoice_driver_curDeclare@C VARCHAR(8000),@L_args Varchar(8000),@@sqlstmt Varchar(8000),@L_driverid Int,@L_rowcount IntSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONSET TEXTSIZE 32768Set @L_rowcount = 0-- Drop the previous ViewIF EXISTS (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWSWHERE TABLE_NAME = 'custom_invoice')DROP VIEW custom_invoiceFetch Next From invoice_driver_curInto @L_driverid-- Create the new ViewSet @L_args = N'Create View custom_invoice As'--Select @L_driveridWHILE( @@FETCH_STATUS = 0)BEGINSet @L_rowcount = @L_rowcount + 1select @L_driveridIf @L_driverid = 2BeginExec sp_invoice_driver2 @prev_date, @prev_month, @@sqlstmt OutputIf @L_rowcount > 1BeginSet @C = @L_args + ' Union ' + @@sqlstmtEndElseBeginSet @C = @L_args + @@sqlstmtEndEndIf @L_driverid = 3BeginExec sp_invoice_driver3 @prev_date, @prev_month, @@sqlstmt OutputIf @L_rowcount > 1BeginSet @C = @C + ' Union ' + @@sqlstmtEndElseBeginSet @C = @L_args + @@sqlstmtEndEndIf @L_driverid = 4BeginExec sp_invoice_driver4 @prev_date, @prev_month, @@sqlstmt OutputIf @L_rowcount > 1BeginSet @C = @C + ' Union ' + @@sqlstmtEndElseBeginSet @C = @L_args + @@sqlstmtEndEndIf @L_driverid = 5BeginExec sp_invoice_driver5 @prev_date, @prev_month, @@sqlstmt OutputIf @L_rowcount > 1BeginSet @C = @C + ' Union ' + @@sqlstmtEndElseBeginSet @C = @L_args + @@sqlstmtEndEndIf @L_driverid = 6BeginExec sp_invoice_driver6 @prev_date, @prev_month, @@sqlstmt OutputIf @L_rowcount > 1BeginSet @C = @C + ' Union ' + @@sqlstmtEndElseBeginSet @C = @L_args + @@sqlstmtEndEndIf @L_driverid = 7BeginExec sp_invoice_driver7 @prev_date, @prev_month, @@sqlstmt OutputIf @L_rowcount > 1BeginSet @C = @C + ' Union ' + @@sqlstmtEndElseBeginSet @C = @L_args + @@sqlstmtEndEndIf @L_driverid = 8BeginExec sp_invoice_driver8 @prev_date, @prev_month, @@sqlstmt OutputIf @L_rowcount > 1BeginSet @C = @C + ' Union ' + @@sqlstmtEndElseBeginSet @C = @L_args + @@sqlstmtEndEndIf @L_driverid = 10BeginExec sp_invoice_driver_niku @prev_date, @prev_month, @L_driverid,@@sqlstmt OutputIf @L_rowcount > 1BeginSet @C = @C + ' Union ' + @@sqlstmtEndElseBeginSet @C = @L_args + @@sqlstmtEndEndPrint @CFetch Next From invoice_driver_curInto @L_driveridContinueEndClose invoice_driver_curDeAllocate invoice_driver_curExec (@C)--EXEC sp_executesql @CGO/**********************************************//*Sub Procedure sp_invoice_driver2 *//**********************************************/CREATE PROC sp_invoice_driver2 @args NVarchar(1000), @prev_monthNVarchar(100),@sqlstmt Varchar(8000) OutputASSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONSET @sqlstmt = ' Select 1 SortOrder ,( SELECT Drivers.Description) Description,(BillingReport.Active_Accounts * Cast(Fee.fee_rate As decimal(4,2))) / 12 Amount,Drivers.CurrencyFROM BillingReport, Drivers, FeeWHERE ( Fee.Driverid = Drivers.Driversid ) andDrivers.Driversid = 2 andbillingreport.fromdate = ''' + Cast(@args As NVARCHAR(20)) + '''andfee.currentmonth = ''' + Cast(@prev_month As NVARCHAR(12)) +' '''GO/**********************************************/This is what the Print Statement give:/**********************************************/Create View custom_invoice As Select 1 SortOrder ,( SELECT Drivers.Description) Description,(BillingReport.Active_Accounts * Cast(Fee.fee_rate As decimal(4,2))) / 12 Amount,Drivers.CurrencyFROM BillingReport, Drivers, FeeWHERE ( Fee.Driverid = Drivers.Driversid ) andDrivers.Driversid = 2 andbillingreport.fromdate = '9/1/2004' andfee.currentmonth = 'September ' Union Select 2,(SELECT Drivers.Description),(BillingReport.Zero_Balance * Cast(Fee.fee_rate As decimal(9,2) ))/ 12 Amount,Drivers.CurrencyFROM BillingReport, Drivers, FeeWHERE ( Fee.Driverid = Drivers.Driversid ) andbillingreport.fromdate = '9/1/2004' andfee.currentmonth = 'September' andDrivers.Driversid = 3 Union Select 3,(Select Drivers.Description From Drivers Where DriversID = 4),Count(*) * Cast((select fee.fee_ratefrom fee, driverswhere Fee.Driverid = Drivers.Driversid andfee.currentmonth = 'September' andDrivers.Driversid = 4 )As decimal(6,2)) / 12,(Select Drivers.CurrencyFrom Drivers Where DriversID = 4)From Fund Union Select 4,(Select Drivers.Description From Drivers Where DriversID = 5),(((Sum(BillingReport.Man_Reg_Purch + BillingReport.Man_Reg_Red +BillingReport.Man_Reg_Transexch +BillingReport.Man_Allo_Purch +BillingReport.Man_Allo_Red +BillingReport.Man_Allo_Transexch +BillingReport.Man_Allo_Adj_Purch +BillingReport.Man_Allo_Adj_Red +BillingReport.Man_Allo_Adj_Transexch +BillingReport.Man_Adj_Purch +BillingReport.Man_Adj_Red +BillingReport.Man_Adj_Transexch ) ) +(Select Sum(Cast(satuscnt As int ))From Awd_stubWhere CurrentMonth = 'September'))) *(Cast((select fee.fee_ratefrom fee, driverswhere Fee.Driverid = Drivers.Driversid andfee.currentmonth = 'September' andDrivers.Driversid = 5 )As decimal(6,2))),(Select Drivers.Currency From Drivers Where DriversID = 5)FROM BillingReportWhere billingreport.fromdate = '9/1/2004' Union Select 5,(Select Drivers.Description From Drivers Where DriversID = 6),( Sum( BillingReport.Auto_Reg_Purch +BillingReport.Auto_Reg_Red +BillingReport.Auto_Reg_TRansexch +BillingReport.Auto_Allo_Purch+BillingReport.Auto_Allo_Red +BillingReport.Auto_Allo_Transexch+BillingReport.Auto_Allo_Adj_Purch+BillingReport.Auto_Allo_Adj_Red+BillingReport.Auto_Allo_Adj_transexch+BillingReport.Auto_Adj_Purch+BillingReport.Auto_Adj_Red+BillingReport.Auto_Adj_Transexch )+(Select Sum(Cast(Processed_msg As Int))From XML_messagingWhere CurrentMonth = 'September'))*(Cast((select fee.fee_ratefrom fee, driverswhere Fee.Driverid = Drivers.Driversid andfee.currentmonth = 'September' andDrivers.Driversid = 6 )As decimal(6,2))),(Select Drivers.Currency From Drivers Where DriversID = 6)FROM BillingReportWhere billingreport.fromdate = '9/1/2004' Union Select 6,(Select Drivers.Description From Drivers Where DriversID = 7),( ( a.Accountholder_Active_Accounts -(select accountholder_active_accounts from billingreport whereMonth(fromdate) = Month('9/1/2004')-1 ) )+( a.Accountholder_Zero_Balance -(select accountholder_zero_balance from billingreport whereMonth(fromdate) = Month('9/1/2004')-1 ))) *(Cast((select fee.fee_ratefrom fee, driverswhere Fee.Driverid = Drivers.Driversid andfee.currentmonth = 'September' andDrivers.Driversid = 7 )As decimal(6,2))),(Select Drivers.Currency From Drivers Where DriversID = 7)FROM BillingReport a Where a.fromdate = '9/1/2004' Union Select 7,(Select Drivers.Description From Drivers Where DriversID = 8),( Select telephone From cfxbill Where currentmonth = 'September') *(Cast((select feThanks for any helpMD
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Dec 5, 2007
Hi, Is there anyway to create a view within a Function? The code is as below. I execute the code between "BEGIN" and "END". SQL Analyzer report error that said
'CREATE VIEW' must be the first statement in a query batch.
I could make the variable constant in SELECT statement, but I'm wondering if there is a way to make CREATE VIEW as part of code piece.
CREATE Function GetCommonFailurs()
DROP VIEW CommonFailures
DECLARE @Run1Result as char(4), @Run2Result as char(4);
SET @Run1Result='Fail';
SET @Run2Result='Fail';
CREATE VIEW CommonFailures
SELECT Run1Failures.RunID as Run1ID,
Run2Failures.RunID as Run2ID,
@Run1Result as 'Run1Result',
@Run2Result as 'Run2Result',
Run1Failures.SmartyDOTXMLFilePath as Run1SmartyFilePath,
Run2Failures.SmartyDOTXMLFilePath as Run2SmartyFilePath,
Run1Failures.SDET as SDET,
Run1Failures.CommandLine as CommandLine,
Run1Failures.OutputFilePath as OutputFilePath
FROM Run1Failures
INNER JOIN Run2Failures
ON Run1Failures.TestID = Run2Failures.TestID
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Jul 20, 2006
I have the following data in a table:
Item Qty
1 1
1 -1
2 3
2 -1
2 -1
Using a function, how can I code it so that I get the following:
Item Qty
1 0
2 1
Also, if a Qty does equal 0 (as in item 1), can I use a >0 in the Criteria field of the resultant expression to remove it from the Function results?
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Sep 5, 2007
what is more efficient between a table-value function or a View
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Apr 7, 2008
I am looking for assistance coming up with a function (or maybe not a function if there is a better way) to make the Status column in my order table dynamic. The default value for new records will always be "1" to designate a quote. At this point the field is not dynamic. Once the customer confirms the order, the user needs to execute a command to change the status to "3" to designate a Confirmed order. At this point the field needs to be dynamic based on the shipping records. There are two order details tables. One for sales items and one for rental items. Each of these details tables has their own shipping record. the CheckInOut Tables are for rental while the Ship tables are for sales. So, if some (but not all) of the items in either of these order details tables has a shipping record associated with it, then the status should be changed to "5". If everything has been shipping, the status is changed to "4". If everything has been shipping but some items have been returned, the status is "6" if everything has been shipping and all of the RentalDetail items have been returned then the status is "7" and if there is any other combination of a variety of ships and returns, the status is "8". Also, at any time, the user needs to be able to execute a command to change the value to "2". once the value is changed to "2" the field stops being dynamic again.
Below are my tables creation commands.
OrderID int identity primary key,
Status int,
StartDate datetime,
EndDate datetime
)--Use Type 1 = "Quote" Type 2 = "Cancelled" Type 3 = "Confirmed", Type 4 = "Shipped", Type 5 = "Part Shipped", Type 6 = "Part Returned", Type 7 = "Returned, Type 8 = "Mixed"
CREATE TABLE OrderRentalDetail
OrderRentalDetailID int identity primary key,
OrderID int FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES OrderHeader(OrderID),
ItemName varchar(30),
Qty int,
SiteID int,
CheckInOutID int identity primary key,
Type int,
SiteID int,
ActionDate datetime
)--Use Type 1 = "Ship" Type 2 = "Return" Type 3 = "Lost"
CheckInOutDetailID int identity primary key,
OrderRentalDetailID int,
Qty int
CREATE TABLE OrderSalesDetail
OrderSalesDetailID int identity primary key,
OrderID int FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES OrderHeader(OrderID),
ItemName varchar(30),
Qty int,
SiteID int,
ShippingID int identity primary key,
Type int,
SiteID int,
ActionDate datetime
)--Use Type 1 = "Ship" Type 2 = "Return"
ShipDetailID int identity primary key,
ShippingID int NOT NULL FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES ShipHeader(ShippingID),
OrderSalesDetailID int,
Qty int
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Jul 22, 2014
I have a view created from only one table.
VW_Stats ( Tab_Name,Load_Status,User,....)
Tab_Name & Load_Status columns provides the information about Name of table and status of data getting loaded to this table.
To this I would like to add a column to display the running count in the table, I mean how many records so far loaded, as below the recordCount coming from the same table tbl_collection
Table_name Load_Status RecordCount User...
tbl_collection Running 1244 XYZ
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Sep 17, 2007
Hi Friends,
I have used some dynamic parameter of type string and integer.
When I hit my detail report from my menu report(Where I pass the values for these parameters from menu to detail). The Detail Report comes fine.
But when I click view report button of my detail report the vaues for all these parameters are set to default value.
So the parameters are not able to retain their pass value from the menu report.
This thing is happening when I m hiting the published report but the reports are working fine in Report designer.
Please help me.
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Aug 17, 2007
Is there a way in 2005 to script out, directly, a funciton/SP/View or whatever and not have it binary? I used to be able to script something out in 2000 and it would be text and then I could check it into sourcesafe NP and as you know text is much easier to use the compair feature against than binary. Is there a setting in SQL 2005 to handle this? Is it something in Sourcesafe that I need to set?
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Sep 12, 2007
Hello. I'm a real newbie - using Access 2003 front end and connecting to SQL Server 2005 ODBC.
I'm having trouble accessing functions through access. I've built the following function:
SELECT dbo.tblTRACT.STR, dbo.tblTRACT.[TRACT_#], dbo.tblMIN_OWNERS.Min_Owner_Name AS [OWNER OF RECORD], dbo.tblLEASE_TRACTS.LOC_ID, dbo.tblLOCATION.LPR_No, dbo.tblLOCATION.Lease_ID, dbo.tblLEASE_LOG.Date_Mailed, dbo.tblLEASE_LOG.Scan_Lease_Received, dbo.tblLEASE_LOG.Orig_Lease_Recd, dbo.tblLPR_INVOICES.Invoice_No, dbo.tblLPR_PAY.CHECK_DRAFT_No, dbo.tblLESSORS.Name AS [Lease Name]
FROM dbo.tblTRACT LEFT JOIN ((dbo.tblMIN_OWNERS RIGHT JOIN dbo.tblTRACT_OWNER ON dbo.tblMIN_OWNERS.Min_Owner_ID = dbo.tblTRACT_OWNER.Owner_Lease) LEFT JOIN ((((((dbo.tblLPR RIGHT JOIN dbo.tblLOCATION ON dbo.tblLPR.LPR_No = dbo.tblLOCATION.LPR_No) LEFT JOIN dbo.tblLESSORS ON dbo.tblLPR.Lessor_Number = dbo.tblLESSORS.Lessor_Number) RIGHT JOIN dbo.tblLEASE_TRACTS ON dbo.tblLOCATION.LOC_ID = dbo.tblLEASE_TRACTS.LOC_ID) LEFT JOIN dbo.tblLEASE_LOG ON dbo.tblLPR.LPR_No = dbo.tblLEASE_LOG.LPR_No) LEFT JOIN dbo.tblLPR_INVOICES ON dbo.tblLPR.LPR_No = dbo.tblLPR_INVOICES.LPR_No) LEFT JOIN dbo.tblLPR_PAY ON dbo.tblLPR.LPR_No = dbo.tblLPR_PAY.LPR_No) ON dbo.tblTRACT_OWNER.TRACT__Owner_ID = dbo.tblLEASE_TRACTS.Tract_Owner_Id) ON (dbo.tblTRACT.[TRACT_#] = dbo.tblTRACT_OWNER.[TRACT_#]) AND (dbo.tblTRACT.STR = dbo.tblTRACT_OWNER.STR)
WHERE (((dbo.tblTRACT.STR)=@TRS))
I understand now I can create a view of the function Simply by using the function name in my FROM statement. However I get an error that arguments provided do not match parameters required. However, I'm not getting the prompt to enter my criterion. Is my error in my function statement? I can't save the view. I also understand I could use a pass-through query. Is there some sort of guidance or tutorial on that to which you could point me?
Thanks for your time.
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Oct 16, 2006
I am translating some of my Access queries to SQL views. In one of those, I had a very convenient function called "IIF" (e.g. IIf(IsNull([Remark]),"NULL","NOT NULL").
How is this function called in the MS SQL Server 2000? Apparently I cannot use either "IIF" nor "CASE" in the query/view.....
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Aug 23, 2007
I was thinking about Luis' post about a similar question here. After thinking about this, I was left with this particular question:
What is the difference between an inline TVF that takes no arguments and a view? Do / should these optimize the same?
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Apr 19, 2006
I have the following procedure, that calls a Padding function to pad characters to a field.
Here is what the procedure looks like
@Table VARCHAR(255),
@Column VARCHAR(255),
@PadChar CHAR(1),
@PadToLen INT
DECLARE @Query Varchar(5000)
SET @Query = 'UPDATE ' + @Table + '
SET ' + @Column + ' = dbo.Function_PadLeft(' + @Column + ', ''' + @PadChar + ''', ' + @PadToLen + ')'
When I run this I get the error
Server: Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Procedure Pad_Left, Line 13
Syntax error converting the varchar value 'UPDATE Lincoln
SET baths = dbo.Function_PadLeft(baths, '0', ' to a column of data type int.
But when I just run this query, it works
@Table VARCHAR(255),
@Column VARCHAR(255),
@PadChar CHAR(1),
@PadToLen INT
UPDATE Lincoln
SET Baths = dbo.Function_PadLeft(Baths, '0', 4)
Why would one work but not the other? I don't understand, as they are the same thing, just one calls the function dynamically?
I must be missing something very obvious
Thanks for any help!
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Mar 3, 2015
I have created a function that will check whether the data is null or not. If its null then it will display that as No data else it will display the original value. Below is the function
Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[fnchkNull] Script Date: 3/4/2015 12:01:58 PM ******/
The code is working good. However i want the return type to be dynamic. If the data type supplied is integer then i want to return a integer value like 0 if its null. if the data value is varchar then i want to return 'No Data'.
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Aug 5, 2014
I want to write a function, which accept 3 parameters, 1 TableName 2 ColumnName 3 DateValue, and returns number of records in that table for that particular date(in parameter date), I have written below function but it is not returning the desired result.
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.[f_Rec_cnt]
(@InTableName NVARCHAR(100),
@InDtColName NVARCHAR(50),
@InDate NVARCHAR(50)
[Code] .....
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Jun 11, 2007
I'm trying to use the NEWID function in dynamic SQL and get an errormessage Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'ORDER'. Looks like I can'tdo an insert with an Order by clause.Here's the code:SELECT @SQLString = N'INSERT INTO TMP_UR_Randoms(Admit_DOCID,Client_ID, SelectDate, SelectType,RecordChosen)'SELECT @SQLString = @SQLString + N'(SELECT TOP ' + @RequFilesST + 'Admit_DOCID, Client_ID, SelectDate, SelectType, RecordChosen FROMFD__UR_Randoms 'SELECT @SQLString = @SQLString + N'WHERE SelectType = ' +@CodeRevTypeSt + ' AND SelectDate = ''' + @TodaySt + '''' + ' ORDERBY NEWID())'execute sp_executesql @SQLStringMy goal is to get a random percentage of records.The full SP follows. In a nutshell - I pull a set of records fromFD__Restart_Prog_Admit into a temporary table called FD__UR_Randoms.I need to retain the set of all records that COULD be eligible forselection. Based on the count of those records, I calculate how manyneed to be pulled - and then need to mark those records as "chosen".I'd just as soon not use the TMP_UR_Randoms table - I went that routebecause I ran into trouble with a #Tmp table in the above SQL.Can anyone help with this? Thanks in advance.Full SQL:CREATE PROCEDURE TP_rURRandomReview @ReviewType varchar(30)--Review type will fill using Crystal Parameter (setting defaults)AS/* 6.06.2007UR Requirements:(1) Initial 4-6 month review: 15% of eligible admissions(eligible via days in program and not yet discharged) must be reviewed4-6 months after admission. This review will be done monthly -meaning we'll have a moving target of names (with overlaps) whichcould be pulled from each month. (Minimum 5 records)(2) Subsequent 6-12 month review: Out of those already reviewed(in #1), we must review 25% of them (minimum of 5 records)(3) Initial 6-12 month review: Exclude any included in 1 or 2 -review 25% of admissions in program from 6-12 months (minimum 5)*/DECLARE @CodeRevType intDECLARE @PriorRec int -- number of records already markedeligible (in case user hits button more than once on same day for sametype of review)DECLARE @CurrRec int --number of eligible admitsDECLARE @RequFiles intDECLARE @SQLString nvarchar(1000)DECLARE @RequFilesSt varchar(100)DECLARE @CodeRevTypeSt char(1)DECLARE @TodayNotime datetimeDECLARE @TodaySt varchar(10)--strip the time off todaySELECT @TodayNotime = DateAdd(day,datediff(day,0,GetDate()),0)--convert the review type to a codeSelect @CodeRevType = Case @ReviewType when 'Initial 4 - 6 Month' then1 when 'Initial 6 - 12 Month' then 2 when 'Subsequent 6 - 12 month'then 3 END--FD__UR_Randoms always gets filled when this is run (unless it waspreviously run)--Check to see if the review was already pulled for this recordSELECT @PriorRec = (Select Count(*) FROM FD__UR_Randoms whereSelectType = @CodeRevType and SelectDate = @TodayNotime)If @PriorRec 0 GOTO ENDThis--************************************STEP A: Populate FD__UR_Randomstable with records that are candidates for review************************If @CodeRevType = 1BEGININSERT INTO FD__UR_Randoms (Admit_DOCID, Client_ID, SelectDate,SelectType,RecordChosen)(SELECT pa.OP__DOCID, pa.Client_ID,Convert(varchar(10),GetDate(),101) as SelectDate, @CodeRevType, 'F'FROM dbo.FD__RESTART_PROG_ADMIT paInner join FD__Client cOn pa.Client_ID = c.Client_IDWHERE Left(c.Fullname,2) <'TT' AND (Date_Discharge IS NULL)AND(DATEDIFF(d, Date_Admission, GETDATE()) 119)AND (DATEDIFF(d, Date_Admission, GETDATE()) <= 211)AND pa.OP__DOCID not in (Select Admit_DOCID from FD__UR_Randomswhere RecordChosen = 'T'))ENDIf @CodeRevType = 2--only want those that were selected in a batch 1 - in program 6-12months; selected for first reviewBEGININSERT INTO FD__UR_Randoms (Admit_DOCID, Client_ID, SelectDate,SelectType,RecordChosen)(SELECT pa.OP__DOCID, pa.Client_ID,Convert(varchar(10),GetDate(),101) as SelectDate, @CodeRevType, 'F'FROM dbo.FD__RESTART_PROG_ADMIT paInner join FD__Client cOn pa.Client_ID = c.Client_IDWHERE Left(c.Fullname,2) <'TT' AND (Date_Discharge IS NULL)AND(DATEDIFF(d, Date_Admission, GETDATE()) 211)AND (DATEDIFF(d, Date_Admission, GETDATE()) < 364)AND pa.OP__DOCID in (Select Admit_DOCID from FD__UR_Randomswhere SelectType = 1 AND RecordChosen= 'T'))ENDIf @CodeRevType = 3--only want those that were not in batch 1 or 2 - in program 6 to 12monthsBEGININSERT INTO FD__UR_Randoms (Admit_DOCID, Client_ID, SelectDate,SelectType,RecordChosen)(SELECT pa.OP__DOCID, pa.Client_ID,Convert(varchar(10),GetDate(),101) as SelectDate, @CodeRevType, 'F'FROM dbo.FD__RESTART_PROG_ADMIT paInner join FD__Client cOn pa.Client_ID = c.Client_IDWHERE Left(c.Fullname,2) <'TT' AND (Date_Discharge IS NULL)AND(DATEDIFF(d, Date_Admission, GETDATE()) 211)AND (DATEDIFF(d, Date_Admission, GETDATE()) < 364)AND pa.OP__DOCID NOT in (Select Admit_DOCID from FD__UR_Randomswhere SelectType < 3 AND RecordChosen= 'T'))ENDSELECT @CurrRec = (Select Count(*) FROM FD__UR_Randoms whereSelectType = @CodeRevType and SelectDate = @TodayNoTime)--*************************************STEP B Pick the necessarypercentage **************************************--if code type = 1, 15% otherwise 25%If @CodeRevType = 1BEGINSELECT @RequFiles = (@CurrRec * .15)ENDELSEBEGINSELECT @RequFiles = (@CurrRec * .25)END--make sure we have at least 5If @RequFiles < 5BEGINSELECT @RequFiles = 5End--*************************************STEP C Randomly select thatmany files**************************************--convert all variables to stringsSELECT @RequFilesSt = Convert(Varchar(100),@RequFiles)SELECT @CodeRevTypeSt = Convert(Char(1),@CodeRevType)SELECT @TodaySt = Convert(VarChar(10),@TodayNoTime,101)SELECT @SQLString = N'INSERT INTO TMP_UR_Randoms(Admit_DOCID,Client_ID, SelectDate, SelectType,RecordChosen)'SELECT @SQLString = @SQLString + N'(SELECT TOP ' + @RequFilesST + 'Admit_DOCID, Client_ID, SelectDate, SelectType, RecordChosen FROMFD__UR_Randoms 'SELECT @SQLString = @SQLString + N'WHERE SelectType = ' +@CodeRevTypeSt + ' AND SelectDate = ''' + @TodaySt + '''' + ' ORDERBY NEWID())'print @SQLStringexecute sp_executesql @SQLStringSELECT * FROM TMP_UR_Randoms/*--This select statement gives me what i want but I need to somehowmark these records and/or move this subset into the temp tableSelect Top @RequFilesFROM FD__UR_RandomsWHERE SelectType = @CodeRevType and SelectDate =Convert(varchar(10),GetDate(),101))ORDER BY NewID()*/ENDTHIS:GO
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May 29, 2015
I have written a script to pivot a table into multiple columns.
The script works when run on its own but gives an error when i try to create a view or aprocedure from the same script. The temporary table #.... does not work so i have converted it to a cte.
Here is a copy of the script below
-- Dynamic PIVOT
IF OBJECT_ID('#External_Referrals') IS NULL
DROP TABLE #External_Referrals;
[Code] ....
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Mar 2, 2007
I have created the following view:
Create view vwOrderItemTotal2
SELECT ItemName, fkMenuItemID, Sum(Quantity) as [SumOfMenuITems] FROM OrderItems GROUP BY fkMenuItemId, ItemName
When I present my data in a GridView, it works fine. For example, several orders for milk are returned as a summary quantity of 26 gallons in a single row of the GridView like this:
26 Milk
Now I need to filter my data by OrderDate and Zipcode. I created this new view:
Create view vwOrderItemTotal5
SELECT Orders.Zipcode, Orders.OrderDate, OrderItems.ItemName, OrderItems.fkMenuItemID, Sum(Quantity) as [SumOfMenuITems]
FROM Orders INNER JOIN OrderItems
ON Orders.OrderID = OrderItems.fkOrderID
GROUP BY fkMenuItemId, ItemName, Zipcode, OrderDate
When I present my data in a Gridview using the new view I get a GridView with multiple rows for milk where each order has its own row like this:
1 Milk
5 Milk
6 Milk
6 Milk
3 Milk
1 Milk
4 Milk
But I want the data presentation in one row for each ItemName (e.g. Milk) as with my first view. Can I adjust my new view to achieve this, or should I stick with my first view (vwOrderItemTotal2) and adjust the Select Command in my SqlDataSource (hasn’t worked yet).
I think that what I want is for the returned data to be grouped by fkMenuItemId only, but the sql server admin won’t let me create a view without including the other fields in the Group By clause. Thanks for any help provided in solving this.
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