About SQL String (security Question)
Feb 12, 2007
I have a SQL Query String like below..
string SQLUpd = "UPDATE Member SET Member_pwd = '" + pwd + "',Member_nickname = '" + NickName + "',Member_mail = '" + Mail + "',Member_birthday = '" + BDay + "', Member_gende_no = " + Gender + ",Member_mobile = '" + Mobile + "' ,Member_tel_day = '" + DTel + "',Member_tel_night = '" + NTel + "',Member_occupy_no = " + occupy + ",Member_national_no = " + National + ",Member_area_no = " + Area + ",Member_address = '" + Address + "' WHERE (Member_no = " + MemberNo + " )";
in my program it does work perfectly ... but now I just recalled my teacher have told.. it may cause security problem in that way...
maybe I need to change �UPDATE Member SET Member_pwd = '" + pwd +】 to �UPDATE Member SET Member_pwd = '" + @pwd +】
is there any difference between pwd and @pwd?
thank you very much
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Dec 4, 2014
I use from sql server 2008. and c#
what is the best connectionstring?
I don't know if i use Persist Security Info and Integrated Security or not?
And if yes then their value must be true or false?
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Nov 8, 2007
Help desperately needed for SQL noobie..
I need to check long strings and only allow them through if they contain alpha-numeric characters and selected other characters (apostrophe, comma, colon, full stop), and reject all other strings.
So in pseudocode (very roughly) :
FOR EACH character in string
IF( character not alphanumeric AND character not valid character )
reject string
(end loop)
Accept string
What is the best way to do this in T-SQL?
Many thanks for any help,
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Nov 8, 2007
Hi all,
I need to have a check procedure which rejects long strings if they contain anything other than 'allowed' characters (alphanumeric characters and selected other characters - space,comma, apostrophe).
So in (very rough) pseudocode:
FOR EACH character in string
IF( chararacter is not alphanumeric AND character is not valid )
reject string;
(end checking)
Accept string.
What is the best was to do this in T-SQL??
Many thanks for helping a noobie,
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Jan 16, 2006
I installed my sql 2000 database server in my Lan server,and I installed the vs.net in my computer(workstation).now I want to develop my system in my computer with the remote sql 2000 database.
So how to create a security connect string of web.config in my project ?
thanks in advanced!
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Feb 6, 2007
Assume I have an asp.net/sql server 2000 web app in a shared hosting
environment. I then encrypt the connection string using
ProtectSection("DataProtectionConfigurationProvider") in the page load
of my default.aspx page.
Am I understanding the following concepts then correctly?
1. I upload the site to the shared hosting server.
2. The first time I run the app eg. www.whatever.com/default.aspx,
the ProtectSection method above is executed.
3. Now the conn string area of my web.config is encrypted, and
asp.net will decrypt as needed.
4. If someone were to hack the server and view the web.config --
whether via getting into the server or via ftp, they would see an
encrypted connection string.
Thanks very much!
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Oct 14, 2005
Hello there I have trying to figure out for days how to enable FullTrust for my Reporting Services security extension.
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Jul 31, 2007
I have posted this issue for a week, haven't got any reply yet, I posted it again and desperately need your help.
The article http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms365343.aspx says:
Model Item Security can be set for differnt security filters, but when I use SQL Server Management Studio to set Model Item Security, it seems "Permissions" property surpass "Model Item Security" property. -- My report server is using Custom Authentication.
For example, in "Permissions" property of the model, if I checked "Use these roles for each group or user account" without setting any user or group, no matter what users I added to "Model Item Security" with "Secure individual model items independently for this model" checked, NO one user can see the model on report manager and report builder;
in above situation, if I added "user1" and gave role such as "Browser" role to "user1" in "Permissions" property, if I checked "Secure individual model items independently for this model" in "Model Item Security" property, even I did NOT grant "user1" to root model and any entities under the model, the "user1" is able to access the model and all entities in report builder.
My question is on the same report model, how to set "AdminFilter" (empty security filter) for administrator permissions and set "GeneralFilter" (filtered on UserID) for general user based on their UserID?
The article also says:
"Security filters are always applied, even for users who have Content Manager or Administrator permissions to the model. To allow administrators or other users to see all rows of an entity on which row-level security is defined, you can create an empty security filter (which always returns True) and then use the filter to grant those users access to all the rows."
So I defined 2 filters "GeneralFilter" and "AdminFilter" for "Staff" entity for my report model "SSRSModel", I expect after I deployed the report model, the administrator users use report builder to build reports with all rows available, and the non-admin users can only see rows based on their UserID.
I can only get one result at a time but not both:
either the rows are filtered or not filtered at all, no matter how I set the "SecurityFilter" for the entity: I tried setting both "AdminFilter" and "GeneralFilter" for SecurityFilter at the same time, combination of "DefaultSecurityFilter" and "SecurityFilter", or one at a time.
Your help is highly appreciated!
Desperate developer
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Apr 26, 2007
hi i want to know what is the differance between
Persist Security Info=False;Integrated Security=Yes;
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Oct 18, 2015
Is there any possibility to schedule SQL job execution as Windows Security Group? I need to run powershell script through SQL job with one of this group member's permissions.Â
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Jul 6, 2007
I have Sql Server Express installed on Vista (service pack 2)
I have Visual Studio 2005 with an application that I'm trying to access it with within a WCF service.
The login ID of the service is added to the database.
The database has remote access turned on.
The ID is granted access to all databases within the server.
The thread is being set with WindowsProvider and the services set their thread to WindowsProvider.
The dataserver is set with using Windows Authentication for security.
When I open my connection to the database, though, it reports the typically useless message that the connection is not allowed and that the server may not allow remote connections.
How to I get past this? I've done everything right.
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Jun 18, 2007
I want to use an Active Directory security group that is a Distribution List for a new role assignment for an existing report. Can someone tell me if this is possible? I get an error each time I try:
The user or group name <DLName> is not recognized. (rsUnknownUserName)"
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Jul 20, 2005
Is there anybody out there with a MS SQL 2K Security Baseline orSecurity Checklist. Where can I get one????Thanks in advanceDavid
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Feb 28, 2008
I am looking for a way to log all security related events for SQL in Windows Security Log. I am trying to use SCOM for monitoring SQL and I am looking at ways to generate alerts in my SCOM Console for specific events in SQL e.g. A table is deleted, user is modified, deleted, etc. Is this possible and if yes how do I achieve the same?
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Aug 3, 2006
In an environment where there are many initaitors speaking to a central target with frowarders in between, from what i can understand this best policy is to disable encryption on the endpoints, since dialog encryption will be enforced this is all that is really required, is this correct.
If the endpoints used encryption the message would need to be encrypted and decrypted at each forwarder resulting in slower perfromance, where as dialog encryption would only encrypt at the sender and decrypt at the target, so is this the best way to go?
Secondly is it best practice to open a dialog initally and send messages over this dialog for years never ending the conversation? This way the services only have to authenticate eachother once, if there are no reboots etc that is of course.
I would think performance wise sending each message and ending the conversation each time is a much greater overhead ? So would it be best practice to keep dialogs open and keep sending messages ?
Initally when i was learning service broker i thought that one must send a message and end the dialog until the next message, but i think the other way is the best option ?
Is this correct ?
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Feb 19, 2007
I'm designing a distributed application where I will have SQL Server 2005 distributed databases replicating data to my central hub which is again a SQL Server 2005 database using SQL Service Broker. Data will be sent from the central hub to the distributed sites and vice versa. I need to authenticate the communication and also secure the communication by encrypting the messages. Which security shall I use? Where do I configure the type of security being used? What is the difference between transport security Vs dialogue security - Full security model?
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Jun 19, 2000
Can anybody tell me the advantage and disadvantage to use NT security for SQL Server 7.0? For a corporation with 400 users, what is your recommendation for the SQL Server security management. Thanks.
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Jul 30, 2004
What's the better security to use? Currently I'm always registering using the Windows authentication. When I'm trying to register using SQL authentication I always get "Login failed for user 'sa'" error....
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Mar 10, 2015
I have a scenario where in I need to use a comma delimited string as input. And search the tables with each and every string in the comma delimited string.
DECLARE @StrInput NVARCHAR(2000) = '.NET,Java, Python'
SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE titleName = '.NET' AND titleName='java' AND titleName = 'Python'
As shown in the example above I need to take the comma delimited string as input and search each individual string like in the select statement.
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Mar 20, 2014
We have some URLs within a bulk block of text some of which are very long. I need to identify rows where such urls exceed say 100 characters in length in amongst other text.So the rule would be return a record if within the string there is a string (without spaces) longer than 100 characters.
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Sep 8, 2015
I have following query which return me SP/Views and Functions script using:
select DEFINITION FROM .SYS.SQL_MODULESNow, the result looks like
Create proc
create procedure
create proc
create view
create function
I need its result as:
Alter Procedure
Alter Procedure
Alter Procedure
Alter View
Alter Function
I used following
select replace(replace(replace(DEFINITION,'CREATE PROCEDURE','Alter Procedure'), 'create proc','Alter Procedure'),'create view','Alter View') FROM .SYS.SQL_MODULESto but it is checking fixed space like create<space>proc, how can i check if there are two or more spaces in between create view or create proc or create function, it should replace as i want?
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Nov 2, 2006
I am trying to insert a row into a table of Microsoft SQL Server 2000.
There are various columns.
[SNO] [numeric](3, 0) NOT NULL ,
[DATT] [char] (32) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL
[DATTA] [char] (3000) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL
[CODECS] [char] (32) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL
The [DATTA] column is causing a problem. Even if I am trying to put only 1700 character string into [DATTA], the java code throws the following exception:-
StaleConnecti A CONM7007I: Mapping the following
SQLException, with ErrorCode 0 and SQLState 08S01, to a
StaleConnectionException: java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000
Driver for JDBC]Connection reset
com.microsoft.jdbc.base.BaseExceptions.createException(Unknown Source)
Why is it throwing an exception even though the sum-total of this row doesn't exceed 8000 characters?
Can anyone please tell me what's wrong?
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May 22, 2007
Hello to all,
I have a problem with ms sql query. I hope that somebody can help me.
i have a table "Relationships". There are two Fields (IDMember und RelationshipIDs) in this table. IDMember is the Owner ID (type: integer) und RelationshipIDs saves all partners of this Owner ( type: varchar(1000)). Example Datas for Table Relationships: IDMember Relationships .
3387 (2345, 2388,4567,....)
4567 (8990, 7865, 3387...)
i wirte a query to check if there is Relationship between two members.
Declare @IDM int; Declare @IDO int; Set @IDM = 3387, @IDO = 4567;
select *
from Relationship where (IDMember = @IDM) and ( cast(@ID0 as char(100)) in
(select Relationship .[RelationshipIDs] from Relationship where IDMember = @IDM))
But I get nothing by this query.
Can Someone tell me where is the problem? Thanks
Best Regards
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Mar 12, 2008
Hello, I am tring to add a string my database. Info is added, but it is the name of the string, not the data contained within. What am I doing wrong? The text "Company" and "currentUserID" is showing up in my database, but I need the info contained within the string. All help is appreciated!
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.Common
Imports System.Data.SqlClientPartial Class _DefaultInherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Sub CreateUserWizard1_CreatedUser(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CreateUserWizard1.CreatedUser
'Database ConnectionDim con As New SqlConnection("Data Source = .SQLExpress;integrated security=true;attachdbfilename=|DataDirectory|ASPNETDB.mdf;user instance=true")
'First Command DataDim Company As String = ((CType(CreateUserWizard1.CreateUserStep.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("Company"), TextBox)).Text)
Dim insertSQL1 As StringDim currentUserID As String = ((CType(CreateUserWizard1.CreateUserStep.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("UserName"), TextBox)).Text)
insertSQL1 = "INSERT INTO Company (CompanyName, UserID) VALUES ('Company', 'currentUserID')"Dim cmd1 As New SqlCommand(insertSQL1, con)
'2nd Command Data
Dim selectSQL As String
selectSQL = "SELECT companyKey FROM Company WHERE UserID = 'currentUserID'"Dim cmd2 As New SqlCommand(selectSQL, con)
Dim reader As SqlDataReader
'3rd Command Data
Dim insertSQL2 As String
insertSQL2 = "INSERT INTO Company_Membership (CompanyKey, UserID) VALUES ('CompanyKey', 'currentUserID')"Dim cmd3 As New SqlCommand(insertSQL2, con)
'First CommandDim added As Integer = 0
added = cmd1.ExecuteNonQuery()
lblResults.Text = added.ToString() & " records inserted."Catch err As Exception
lblResults.Text = "Error inserting record."
lblResults.Text &= err.Message
End Try
'2nd Command
reader = cmd2.ExecuteReader()Do While reader.Read()
Dim CompanyKey = reader("CompanyKey").ToString()
reader.Close()Catch err As Exception
lbl1Results.Text = "Error selecting record."
lbl1Results.Text &= err.Message
End Try
'3rd Command
added = cmd3.ExecuteNonQuery()
lbl2Results.Text = added.ToString() & " records inserted."Catch err As Exception
lbl2Results.Text = "Error inserting record."
lbl2Results.Text &= err.Message
con.Close()End Try
End Sub
End Class
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Dec 17, 2014
I have a string 'ACDIPFJZ'
In my table one of the column has data like
My requirement is that if the string in the column has any of the characters from 'ACDIPFJZ' , those characters have to be retained and the rest of the characters have to be removed.
My output should be:
PFAG -- PFA (G Eliminated)
KML -- No data
JC -- JC
RPF -- PF (R Eliminated)
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Jul 14, 2015
I have a text field which has entries of variable length of the form:
I'm trying to pick out the numbers between resultid='...',clientip no matter what the rest of the string looks like. So in this example it would be the numbers:
the part of the string of the form resultid='...',clientip always stays the same except the length of the number can vary.
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Sep 11, 2006
Hello All,
I'm a non-programmer and an SQL newbie. I'm trying to create a printer usage report using LogParser and SQL database. I managed to export data from the print server's event log into a table in an SQL2005 database.
There are 3 main columns in the table (PrintJob) - Server (the print server name), TimeWritten (timestamp of each print job), String (eventlog message containing all the info I need). My problem is I need to split the String column which is a varchar(255) delimited by | (pipe). Example:
2|Microsoft Word - ราย�ารรับ.doc|Sukanlaya|HMb1_SD_LJ2420|IP_192.10.1.53|82720|1
The first value is the job number, which I don't need. The second value is the printed document name. The third value is the owner of the printed document. The fourth value is the printer name. The fifth value is the printer port, which I don't need. The sixth value is the size in bytes of the printed document, which I don't need. The seventh value is the number of page(s) printed.
How I can copy data in this table (PrintJob) into another table (PrinterUsage) and split the String column into 4 columns (Document, Owner, Printer, Pages) along with the Server and TimeWritten columns in the destination table?
In Excel, I would use combination of FIND(text_to_be_found, within_text, start_num) and MID(text, start_num, num_char). But CHARINDEX() in T-SQL only starts from the beginning of the string, right? I've been looking at some of the user-defind-function's and I can't find anything like Excel's FIND().
Or if anyone can think of a better "native" way to do this in T-SQL, I've be very grateful for the help or suggestion.
Thanks a bunch in advance,
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Sep 1, 2015
Is there way to search for the particular string and return the string after that searched string
Rejection reason
The timeout period elapsed hence disqualified
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Mar 21, 2007
I am trying to find a way to find a certian character in a string and then select everything after that character.
for example i would look for the position of the underscore and then need to return everthing after it so in this case
i would return no
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Jul 13, 2006
I have a nasty situation in SQL Server 7.0. I have a table, in whichone column contains a string-delimited list of IDs pointing to anothertable, called "Ratings" (Ratings is small, containing less than tenvalues, but is subject to change.) For example:[ratingID/descr]1/Bronze2/Silver3/Gold4/PlatinumWhen I record rows in my table, they look something like this:[uniqueid/ratingIDs/etc...]1/2, 4/...2/null/...3/1, 2, 3/...My dilemma is that I can't efficiently read rows in my table, match thestring of ratingIDs with the values in the Ratings table, and returnthat in a reasonable fashion to my jsp. My current stored proceduredoes the following:1) Query my table with the specified criteria, returning ratingIDs as acolumn2) Split the tokens in ratingIDs into a table3) Join this small table with the Ratings table4) Use a CURSOR to iterate through the rows and append it to a string5) Return the string.My query then returns...1/"Silver, Platinum"2/""3/"Bronze, Silver, Gold"And is easy to output.This is super SLOW! Queries on ~100 rows that took <1 sec now take 12secs. Should I:a) Create a junction table to store the IDs initially (I didn't thinkthis would be necessary because the Ratings table has so few values)b) Create a stored procedure that does a "SELECT * FROM Ratings," putthe ratings in a hashtable/map, and match the values up in Java, sinceJava is better for string manipulation?c) Search for alternate SQL syntax, although I don't believe there isanything useful for this problem pre-SQL Server 2005.Thanks!Adam
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Jul 28, 2015
I have a string variable and following data.
Declare @ServiceID varchar(200)
set @ServiceID='change chock','change starter','wiring for lights','servicing'
when I assign values in @ServiceID Â in the above manner then it shows error. How to get string array in @ServiceID variable so that i can go ahead.
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Feb 13, 2006
We have the following two tables :
Link ( GroupID int , MemberID int )
Member ( MemberID int , MemberName varchar(50), GroupID varchar(255) )
The Link table contains the records showing which Member is in which Group. One particular Member can be in
multiple Groups and also a particular Group may have multiple Members.
The Member table contains the Member's ID, Member's Name, and a Group ID field (that will contains comma-separated
Groups ID, showing in which Groups the particular Member is in).
We have the Link table ready, and the Member table' with first two fields is also ready. What we have to do now is to
fill the GroupID field of the Member table, from the Link Table.
For instance,
Read all the GroupID field from the Link table against a MemberID, make a comma-separated string of the GroupID,
then update the GroupID field of the corresponding Member in the Member table.
Please help me with a sql query or procedures that will do this job. I am using SQL SERVER 2000.
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Mar 26, 2007
Hi,We have stored proc name proc_test(str nvarchar(30)). So far this prochas been invoked from a .NET application assuming that only Englishcharacter strings will be passed to it. The calls are likeproc_test('XYZ')We now have a requirement for passing Chinese strings as well. Ratherthan changing the calls throughout the application, we would like tohandle it in the stored procedure so that it treats the string as aunicode string. Can we apply some function to the parameter to convertit to unicode so that we don't have to call with an N prefixed to thestring?Thanks,Yash
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