Access Table Body Row From Textbox Using Reportitems Collection

Jun 22, 2007


I need to access value of perticular row that is populated in table component from a textbox outside table.

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ReportItems Collection

Aug 16, 2007

I can add two reportitem controls, ie reportitems!begbal.value + reportitems!deposits.value, without a problem. However, when I add the 3rd reportitem control to the expression, ie + reportitems!withdrawals.value, some really funky arithmetic occurs. All of these controls I am referring to are in the same group footer.

Any help out there would be greatly appreciated.

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SubTotal With Reportitems In Table Group

Oct 29, 2007


Here is my problem,

I want to sum a textbox in my table group using =Sum(Reportitems!txt_erreur_cmt.Value,"table1_Group3")

but i always the same error as :

Report item expressions can only refer to other report items within the same grouping scope or a containing grouping scope

But my sum is the table group footer.

I have no ideas how do that sum.
Does anyone can help me ?

Best regards

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Custom Task: How To Access/modify The Expression Collection Of A Package

Feb 6, 2007


I created a Custom Task which it has a Property called ConfigFilePath. I'm overriding the Validate() method from Task. I want to throw an error if my property ConfigFilePath is empty and if the expression for this property is empty. So far, I can check if the property is empty but I don't see how I can access the Expressions Collection of my Custom Task.

Any thoughts? I'd appreciate your help.

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Script Component As Source: The Collection Of Variables Locked For Read Access Is Not Available At This Point.

Jan 17, 2008

Hello, I am trying to configure a Script Component as a data source. Although this should be a simple exercise, I am running into a problem.

My control flow contains a Foreach Loop with a file iterator. The Directory Expression of the Foreach Loop Editor is supplied by an expression mapped to a package level variable called inputdirectory. The FileNameRetrieval Expression is mapped to a package scoped variable called filename.

My data flow is encapsulated by the Foreach Loop, and contains a Script Component as Source for the Data Flow Source, and a Flat File for the Data Flow Destination. The contents of the Script Designer are as follows:

Code Block
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Math
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper
Imports System.IO
Public Class ScriptMain

Inherits UserComponent
Dim thisFileDate As Date
Dim thisFileName As String
Dim thisFilePath As String
Public Overrides Sub CreateNewOutputRows()

thisFileName = ReadOnlyVariables("filename").Value.ToString()
thisFilePath = ReadOnlyVariables("inputdirectory").Value.ToString()
thisFileDate = File.GetCreationTime(thisFilePath & "" & thisFileName)
FileSpecBuffer.FileName = thisFileName
FileSpecBuffer.FullPath = thisFilePath & "" & thisFileName
FileSpecBuffer.CreateDate = thisFileDate
End Sub
End Class

When I debug the package, I get the following error:

The collection of variables locked for read access is not available at this point.

at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ScriptComponent.get_ReadOnlyVariables()

at ScriptComponent_67311120e6eb4162a3ea1f70847f04de.ScriptMain.CreateNewOutputRows()

at ScriptComponent_67311120e6eb4162a3ea1f70847f04de.UserComponent.PrimeOutput(Int32 Outputs, Int32[] OutputIDs, PipelineBuffer[] Buffers)

at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ScriptComponentHost.PrimeOutput(Int32 outputs, Int32[] outputIDs, PipelineBuffer[] buffers)

My googlefu fails me at reconciling this. I have read various posts about changing the line ReadOnlyVariables("filename").Value to ReadWriteVariables("filename").Value, and handling the buffer assignment in PostExecute. The problem is that all examples shown are either for Script Component as Destination or Script Component as Transformation. I have tried playing with the Custom Properties in the Script Commponent set the ReadOnlyVariables and ReadWriteVariables, using a PreExecute method, a PostExecute method, all with different errors returning. I'm at a loss here. Could anybody provide me with a simple working example so that I can correctly populate my output buffer in the context of Script Component as Source?

I fully understand that I could just run a Script Task Using System.IO.Directory, and System.IO.File, but I really want to make this package work in the manner I've described. Any help would be appreciated.


John T

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How To Set The Height Of The Report Body/table Dynamically

Feb 2, 2006

I have a report of 8.5"(W) by 11"(H).The header and footer size are fixed.
The header size is 4.75 in and footer size is 2.375in.
In the report body I have a table where the data is dynamic.
The problem is when the data is small i mean like 2 or 3 columns it doesnt touch the footer .
If we have more than 10 columns or so it goes to the next page and even then it doesnt touch the footer beacuse the data stops there.
If we have like 4 columns or so in the table then it touches the footer.
I tried to replace the table with the list but I got the same problem there also.
I tried to place the table in a rectangle and it has the same problem.
I want the table to touch the footer no matter how much the data is .
Is there any work around for this problem?

I really appreciate your help and time

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Access Database To Textbox

Jan 9, 2008

I am currently developing a website for a friend of mine.
Is there a way using sqldatasource or accessdatasource etc to pull data from a access database to 3 textboxes? Name / Surname / Email Address
Textbox1 = name / Textbox2 = surname / Textbox3 = email
Name / Surname / Email
I have searched on the web however can only find help on how to insert into a access database from a textbox.

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How To Incorporate A Table Field Into The Email Message Body Nto As An Attachment?

Oct 5, 2005

Hello everyone,

Please i need your help...

I dont know how to place the field 'strTitle and datBorrowed " in my email? Not as an attachment though....Just write it in the mail as part of message body...

I use this SQL select statement to retrieve the strTitle and datBorrowed fields

strSQL += @"Select replace(strtitle,'[Original Book] - ',''), datBorrowed from tblBooks where convert(varchar(10),datBorrowed,101) = convert(varchar(10),(getdate() - 1),101) ORDER BY strTitle asc";

Now, I have the following code to write the email

static void SendTest()

int iEmailLanguage = 0;
MailMessage objMail;
objMail = new MailMessage();
objMail.From = MAIL_FROM;
objMail.To =MAIL_TO;
objMail.Subject = "Books Borrowed Yesterday";
objMail.Body = Dict.GetVal(iEmailLanguage, "EMAIL_MESSAGE");
objMail.Attachments.Add(new MailAttachment(strAttachment));
SmtpMail.SmtpServer = SSMTP_SERVER;

And the body of the email is this......

Dict.AddVal(0, "EMAIL_MESSAGE", "*** This e-mail is automatically generated. ***" +
"" +
"Books Borrowed Yesterday are:" +

"" +
"" +
"Thank you," +
"" +
"eLibrarian" +
"" +
"================================================== ===============" +
"" +
"This e-mail is automatically generated by the Library system." +
"Please do not reply.");

i need to put or wedge the data i got from the SQL Statement into this or after the line "Books Borrowed Yesterday are:" +

So how should i do this?

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SSIS- The Element Cannot Be Found In A Collection. This Error Happens When You Try To Retrieve An Element From A Collection On A

May 19, 2008


this is sanjeev,
i have SSIS package, using my c# program i want to add one execute package task to this package's sequence container.

it is creating the new package with out any probelm. but when i opened the package and try to move the newly created exeute package task it is giving the following error.

the element cannot be found in a collection. this error happens when you try to retrieve an element from a collection on a container during the execution of the package

this is my code

Package pkg = new Package();
string str = (string)entry.Key;
pkg.Name = str;
alEntity = (ArrayList)entry.Value;

ConnectionManager conMgr;
Executable chPackage;
TaskHost executePackageTask;

Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application app = new Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application();

//string PackagePath = @"c:Genesis.dtsx";

//p = app.LoadPackage(PackagePath, null);
p = new Package();
p.LoadFromXML(parentPackageBody, null);

p.Name = str;

//Sequence seqContainer;

IDTSSequence seqContainer;
//seqContainer = (Sequence)p.Executables["Extract Genesis Data"];
seqContainer = ((Sequence)p.Executables[0]);

string packageLocation = @"Geneva Packages";
conMgr = p.Connections["SQLChildPackagesConnectionString"];

foreach (string val in alEntity)
if (seqContainer.Executables.Contains("Load_" + val) == false)
chPackage = seqContainer.Executables.Add("STOCK:ExecutePackageTask");

executePackageTask = (TaskHost)chPackage;
executePackageTask.Name = "Load_" + val;
executePackageTask.Description = "Execute Package Task";

executePackageTask.Properties["Connection"].SetValue(executePackageTask, conMgr.Name);
executePackageTask.Properties["PackageName"].SetValue(executePackageTask, packageLocation + ddlApplication.SelectedItem.Text + @"" + executePackageTask.Name);


app.SaveToXml(Server.MapPath("../SynchronizeScript/Packages/" + ddlApplication.SelectedItem.Text + @"") + str + ".dtsx", p, null);

please let me know what is the wrong in my code.

thanks in advance.

sanjeev bolllina

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: SSIS - Extract Data From Table And Insert In Message Body And Email To User

Jun 25, 2014

What I am trying to do, Extract the data from SQL table and Insert in Email Body and email to user. I got good article on Internet, I follow all steps as it is, but still I am getting error.

Here is the link : [URL] ....

But I am getting Error:

Error: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.FormatException: Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list.
at System.Text.StringBuilder.AppendFormat(IFormatProvider provider, String format, Object[] args)
at System.String.Format(IFormatProvider provider, String format, Object[] args)
at ST_7f59d09774914001b60a99a90809d5c5.csproj.ScriptMain.Main()

[Code] ....

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Trying To Save Editted Textbox Value In Table But Original Value Saves Instead - Trouble With Table Update Query

Jan 9, 2008

This program gets the values of A and B passed in. They are for table columns DXID and CODE. The textbox GET1 is initialized to B when the page is loaded. When I type another value in GET1 and try to save it, the original initialized value gets saved and not the new value I just typed in. A literal value, like "222" saves but the new GET1.TEXT doesn't.

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Textbox.Value = Table(c,r).Value

Jan 26, 2007

what is the syntax to write:

a Textbox.Value = data from a cell in the table????

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How To Refer To Report Textbox Values In Another Textbox

May 24, 2007

I want to add up the values in a couple of text boxes in another textbox. How do I refer to the textboxes?

fields!textbox1.value doesn't work..what does?

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Inserting Data To Table From Textbox

Jun 17, 2008

Hello all....
I am trying to submit data from a form(textbox) to a sql table. but I am getting an error message "NullReferenceException was unhandled by user code" Can any help me with this? This is my code inProtected Sub btnSubmit_ServerClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click
Dim cnstr As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnectionString").ToString()Dim pa1 As Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter = New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("Keyword", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 50, Data.ParameterDirection.Input)
pa1.Value = Keyword.Text
SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(cnstr, Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure, "spNewRec", pa1)
Thanks in advance...

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Keyboard Shortcut To Edit TextBox In Table

Mar 29, 2007

Anyone know if there is one and if so what it is? I know I can type directly into a text box in a table, but what if I want to edit the contents? Equivalent of F2 in Excel...


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Apr 26, 2007

Is there a way to hide the value of an aggregated value in a matrix report when a row is hidded?

Something like IIF(ReportItems!TextBox1.Hidden,True,Flase)

The above gives me an error saying that Hidden is not a member of ReportItem.

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Sum Reportitems

Jun 12, 2007

I want to do is display the sum of textboxes in a group so I can have a subtotal for every group.

I tried these things:


I can't use Fields collection because the textbox value is from custom code so there are no Fields.

I searched for options on this and one option was supposed to be adding a field to the dataset. I tried this and I get "An error occured on the report server" when building the report before I even reference the field in the report.

I even wrote code to do the sum and passed in the ReportItem. I then get the error about the grouping scope.

I want the payroll sum to be the subtotal of each column. The budget values along with some other columns are from custom code that makes database calls (which was a workaround for another problem).

Object Title
Current Spent
YTD Spent





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Need Help Inserting Data Into Table With Sql Insert Into Using Textbox Values

Oct 6, 2007

the error message I get is
{"Object reference not set to an instance of an object."}
and it points to <  Tickr As String = CType(FindControl("TickerTextbx"), TextBox).Text >   
 this is my code":
 Protected Sub TickMastBtn_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TickMastBtn.Click
REM Collect variablesDim Tickr As String = CType(FindControl("TickerTextbx"), TextBox).Text
Dim Comp As String = CType(FindControl("CoTextbx"), TextBox).TextDim Exch As String = CType(FindControl("ExchTextbx"), TextBox).Text
REM Create connection and command objectsDim cn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDataVTRADE.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True")Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
cmd.Connection = cn
REM Build our parameterized insert statementDim sql As New StringBuilder
sql.Append("INSERT INTO TickerMaster ")sql.Append("(Ticker,Company,Exchange,) ")sql.Append("VALUES (@Tickr,@Comp,@Exch,)")
cmd.CommandText = sql.ToString
REM Add parameter values to command
REM Parameters used to protect DB from SQL injection attacksWith cmd.Parameters
.Add("Tickr", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Tickr.Add("Comp", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = Comp
.Add("Exch", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = Exch
End With
REM Now execute the statement
End Sub

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After Sorting Textbox Is Getting Collapsed Making Table Invisible

Apr 15, 2008


I found unpleasant issue within RS:

1. Imagine RS report with Table(with interactive sorting) whose visibility is toggled by Textbox:

2. After sorting the Table the Textbox is getting collapsed making the Table invisible. But the Table should remain visible.

Is this MS bug? Are there workarounds?

If my question is not understandable I can send simple *.rdl report with sample.

Thank you in advance for help.

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ReportItems In My Footer

Apr 27, 2007

I am having a problem viewing my footer on all pages of my report. I have created a page footer that reads
="The " & ReportItems("textbox213").Value
I am getting the value on the first page only and then only getting "The" on the rest.
My "PrintOnFirstPage" and "PrintOnLastPage" are both marked True in the Page Footer properties. I am completely confused. This is not the only textbox in my footer I have two others both which print on all pages, but neither of them use the ReportItems.

Can anyone help on this?


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ReportItems In Page Header

Oct 23, 2006

I've added a hidden field to my report so I can show the value in the page header using ReportItems. However it only works for the first page - the value is blank on subsequent pages. Does the hidden field need to appear on all pages of the report? Would I need to make it a hidden field in a repeated list or table?

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Please Help In Setting Up A ReportItems Expression

Apr 26, 2008

I am trying to create a report which uses a table. I have typed manually each cell.

In the subtotal lines, on rows, I have used ReportItems expression. On rows it is working. However, on column, the similar ReportItems expression, instead of adding the values, it is concatenating.
Could you please help?



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Adding Two Reportitems In Different Scoepes

Apr 28, 2008

Hi All,

Is there anyway that I can add two reportitems which are in different scopes?


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ReportItems Only Visible On Print/export

Jan 14, 2008

Is there a way to make some elements on a report appear only when printed/exported ?

I recall this is possible in MS Access forms/reports, but am unable to find it in RS.

I'm thinking of Disclaimers, Company Logo etc...

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Green Bar Matrix =ReportItems!Color.Value Ignored

Aug 24, 2007

I followed the instructions and the textbox named Color did indeed display alternate colors on the odd rows.
However, when I tried to propogate the color to the whole row using the expression =ReportItems!color.Value for the value of the backgroundcolor property, it was ignored.

So I tried some custom code:
Public Function GetColor()
Dim retValue as String
retValue = Me.ReportItems!Color.Value
return retValue
End Function

The syntax parser didn't like ReportItems either.
I first tried it without the Me object and I got a message about requiring an object so I tried Me.

Has anyone got another idea?


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Divide By Specific Cell In The Same Reportitems

Jan 2, 2008


May I know how can I make a simple calculation in reporting services using below formula:-








I have build above table in reporting services. Row a, b, c, d are all belong to the same reportitems. However, I need to make a division using B3 as a based, where group = a.

I tried to make an expression with logic but it doesn't work:

Calc = reportitems!Amt.value / reportitems!Amt.value where reportitems!Group.Value='a'

Please help!! Thanks in advance!!

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Parent/Child Rows In Report, Nested Table, Textbox Value In Filter Condition

Mar 26, 2008

Hi All,

I am working on SQL server 2005 Reports.
I have one report, one dataset is assigned to it, and one table which displays it.
Now I come accros requirement that, the column value in the filter condition for the table is present in one textbox.

I can not use textbox i.e. reportItems in filter condition. Can someone suggest me how to use textbox value in filters?

I want to display parent/child records on report. I am not getting the proper solution.

The data is like this:

Sequence ItemCode IsParent

1 XYZ 0 'do not have child record

2 PQR 1 'have child records with sequence no 3

3 ASD 0


3 VDC 0

4 ASR 1 'have child records with sequence no 5
5 ASR 0

If IsParent = 1, that record has child records with sequence = parent sequenece + 1

I think u can understand the data I need to bind, and it is like:







On + click we can do show/hide of child records.

I m not getting how to achive this in SQL server report. Can u give some hint?

Thanks in advance

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Getting Results With Stored Procedure From Single Textbox Searching Table With Multi Columns

Feb 12, 2007

I admit I am a novice to queries and stored procedures but understand stored procedures are more secure, so I am choosing to challenge myself with a stored procedure and have not been successful at all.

What I am looking for is a stored procedure which would query the single table named Hospital, which would search from a single textbox the end user would enter the text they are searching for on a Windows VB application but is dependant on a few end user selected items.

1. The end user can select a radio button either "Starts with" or "Contains"
2. The end user can select from 6 checkboxes (Hospitals, Address, City, State, Zip, Type) to limit or expand their search from the columns in the table.

The table has 17columns (CO, PARENTCO, ADDR, POBox, CITY, State, ZIP, TEL, FAX, WEBSITE, HOSP_TYPE, OWNERSHIP, BEDS, CONTACT, TITLE, Email) but I am only allowing the end user to search by the above 6 columns and need to display the above 6 columns plus the phone, fax and website columns.

After the user clicks the search button it displays the results in a listbox and the user will then select the one they want and it displays the information in another set of textboxes.

Hopefully someone can get me pointed in the right direction! Thanks for your help!

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Export ReportItems In Header Different Btwn Excel And PDF

Sep 20, 2007

I have a sum on a reportitems cell in my header:

When I run the report, it looks excellent. My issue is when I export it. When I export to Excel, it looks just like it did.
When I export to PDF, it gives me a total per page, not for the report.

Does ReportItem behave differently when rendered between excel and PDF? Or is it because I am putting a SUM on a ReportItems cell?

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ReportItems Value Not Working Across Multi-page Report

Dec 13, 2007


I'm trying to get a data value to appear in the report footer on each page of my report. Using the technique described in various text books etc. I have placed a hidden text box in the report body, and the footer references this text box value.

The report is 4 pages long when I print preview it. The hidden field was initially placed near the top of the report body, so it is there on page 1 in print preview and the footer works on page 1. Pages 2,3,4 (where the hidden field ain't) just gets #Error in the footer.

If I simply move the hidden field further down in the report body so that now its on page 2 in print preview, then guess what - the footer now works on page 2 but errors everywhere else!

Why are ReportItems not known across the whole report? This is maddening. Does anyone know how to make a simple hidden text box value, that is referenced by the page footer, work so that every instance of the page footer shows the correct value?


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Can I Check For Null Reference Before Referencing ReportItems?

Feb 4, 2008

A report I maintain has an extensive footer that appears on each page, populated with information I've stashed into invisible cells in the table's header. This works great, except in rare circumstances where the report includes a page that doesn't display the table at all--in which case the report errors when it attempts to print ("Object reference not set to an instance of an object").

Due to the requirements of the report, I cannot guarantee that the table will appear on every page, every time. Is there a way I can safely refer to the reportItems collection, in case of Nulls? I'll be okay with blank values in the footer in the cases where the page has no reportItems to work with, but I can't have the report blow up when printing.

Thanks in advance,
Jeff Lautenschlager

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Export To Excel Failed With ReportItems And Sub Report

Apr 18, 2006


I have two RDL files, one is main.rdl, the other one is sub.rdl.

In the body of main.rdl, I threw in a subreport that links to sub.rdl. Follow by the subreport is a table, in which has a textbox called mytitle. In the page footer, I added one text box that references to mytitle by using ReportItems!mytitle.Value.

When this report rendered in HTML or PDF format, it worked fine. However, when exporting to excel format, it failed. I figured it is because there isn't a ReportItem in the subreport called mytitle. I tried adding a dummy textbox into the subreport and called it mytitle, but again, no luck.

Did anyone ever encounter the same problem? Is there a work around way?


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=Sum(ReportItems!FinalCost.Value, Group_1) In Group Footer Problem

Dec 18, 2006


Im currently writing a report in SSRS which requires to take data in the fields, manipulate and perform functions on it then display it within its own textbox. For example the field Cost is manipulated so that a column will show the cost depreciated after 5 years.

Cost Final Cost

500 250

1000 634

700 500

Footer: Totals 1384

My problem is that within each group (as the data is grouped by its type) I need to have a sum of the Final Cost data. As this is NOT a field I cannot use =Sum(Fields!FinalCost.Value, "group_1") but rather I need to use =Sum(ReportItems!FinalCost.Value, "group_1"). I know that SSRS does not allow this, but after trying to find an answer going extensively through google and many forums, I am not able to find a solution on how to sum up the Final Cost column.

If anyone has any ideas on how to resolve this issue I will be greatly thankful,



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