Accumulating Data And Transfer
Apr 3, 2008
I have a table called Daily.
It has 5 columns, "Testers ","Activity ", "GivenHours ","UsedHours " and " Delta ".
This table will be regularly updated every 12 hours.
Now I need to Accumulate the data from GivenHours and UsedHours with respect to the testers and insert the accumulated data Into a new table called "Weekly".
The accumulation should last only for 7 days and then it should be reset again to accumulate new data for the new week.
Weekly table should have 5 columns "Testers ","Activity ", "TotalGivenHours ", "TotalUsedHours " and " Percentage ".
Percentage is ( TotalUsedHours / TotalGivenHours ) *100.
Can anyone tell me how to do this?
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Apr 14, 2006
I've got a table that contains a column of accumulating uptime datathat looks similar to this:239.13239.21239.30239.38239.46239.550.350.440.530.600.680.780.850.93I need to SUM the data up the point where the data gets reset (the nextrow is less than the preceeding row). Then I start the SUM again untildata gets reset.Thanks in advance for help!
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Nov 10, 2004
Hi all,
I'm in a situation where I need to accumulate values from several columns in each of the rows returned in a result set and to then display each accumulation value for each row at the end of each row.
For example, if I had the following...
name - car - van - bus - total
Terry - 55 - 34 - 12 - 101
John - 01 - 23 - 05 - 029
etc etc
Where 'total' column is an accumuliation of the 'car', 'van', and 'bus' columns. The values for the columns 'car', 'van', and 'bus' are all values that have been derived from COUNT function. So what I want is to somehow genarate the values for the 'total' column (car + van + bus).
Now I have tried the following SQL, but to no avail
SELECT pveh.csign, pveh.name1 AS [Driver], COUNT(pveh.name1) AS Car, COUNT(pveh.name2) AS Van, SUM(COUNT(pveh.name1) + SUM(COUNT(pveh.name2))
FROM planvehicles AS pveh
... and I also tried...
SELECT pveh.csign, pveh.name1 AS [Driver], COUNT(pveh.name1) AS Car, COUNT(pveh.name2) AS Van, SUM(Car + Van)
FROM planvehicles AS pveh
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May 30, 2008
Is it possible/advisable when transfering very large amounts of data from server to server to:
trasnfer the data to a new table first
second alter new table adding indexes, defaults, ets based on original table
if it is what flow item would be used to transfer/alter the indexes and defaults?
I'm very new to ssis so the more detail you can give the better.
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Jul 21, 2015
I have an issue accumulating a value based on certain conditions:
I need to sum up the days column as you can see table below. The sum is based on the StartNewFlag.
When the flag is 1, I need to start a new sum from zero, else I need to accumulate to the previous rows.
ItemID int,
StartDate datetime,
EndDate datetime,
StartNewFlag bit,
[Code] ....
My Results must look like one of the following tables (either one would work, however the second one is preferred)
Result 1:
ItemID StartDate EndDate StartNewFlag Days TotalDays
1 2015-07-01 00:00:00.000 2015-07-05 00:00:00.000 1 4 5
1 2015-07-08 00:00:00.000 2015-07-09 00:00:00.000 0 1 5
1 2015-07-11 00:00:00.000 2015-07-15 00:00:00.000 1 4 11
1 2015-07-18 00:00:00.000 2015-07-21 00:00:00.000 0 3 11
1 2015-07-22 00:00:00.000 2015-07-26 00:00:00.000 0 4 11
Result 2:
ItemID EndDate TotalDays
1 2015-07-09 00:00:00.000 5
1 2015-07-26 00:00:00.000 11
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Oct 9, 2006
I'm trying to create an accumulating field based on a set of records. I need to fill in daily amount balances that accumulates on a daily basis. But I can't seem to figure out how to create a total for the daily dates and have it add on additional amounts if needed.
Here's some sample data:
5 6 20 1 200.00 5/5/20000
5 6 20 1 -149.00 5/8/2000
5 6 20 1 100.00 5/10/2000
Now I already have a table with the dates created via a stored procedure. I have a set of dates from 5/5/2000 to 5/8/2000. So that results set should look like this:
5 6 20 1 200.00 5/5/2000
5 6 20 1 200.00 5/6/20000
5 6 20 1 200.00 5/7/2000
5 6 20 1 51.00 5/8/2000
5 6 20 1 51.00 5/9/2000
5 6 20 1 151.00 5/10/2000
I'm trying to creating a rolling sum that accumulates the amount field for each daily record and if a new amount is listed, then roll that amount into the total. If you have any suggestions about how to perform this rolling total via TSQL or SSIS, I would greatly appreciate it.
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Apr 13, 2007
Hi all,
I found that my testing server is accumulating shapshot folder in repldata. Everytime, we refresh the tables (snapshot publication), a new folder created without the old folders. And I found that there is at most 1 snapshot folder remain in production server. Any parameter to adjust the retention period of the snapshot folder? Thanks in advance
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Mar 19, 2014
In the full recovery model, if i run a transaction that inserts 10MB of data into a table, then 10 MB of data is moved in the data file. Does this mean then that the log file will grow by exactly 10MB as well?
I understand that all transactions are logged to the log file to enable rollback and point in time recovery, but what is actually physically stored in the log file for this transactions record? Is it the text of the command from the transaction or the actual physical data from that transaction?
I ask because say if I have two drives, one with 5MB/s write speed for the log file and one with 10MB/s write speed for the data file, if I start trying to insert 10 MB of data per second into the table, am I going to be limited to 5MB/s by the log file drive, or is SQL server not going to try and log all 10 MB each second to the log file?
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Apr 21, 2006
hi all,
Im running a snapshot replication on table.
first, i gonna copy the entire table with a regional filter other than date
second i'm going to replicate a days worth of data by using both the regional filter and date filter (getdate) to capture a days wordth of data.
the publication are working fine.
my question is how am i going to accumulated the result of
the filtered snaphot replication in a single table in my db.
many thanks,
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Jun 3, 2004
I am trying to create a procedure which will calculate the total tuition
This process involves 3 tables.
Contract table has tuition information which is all $100 (set price).
Discount table has discount type and discount percentage (ex. 0.3) on each discount type.
ContractDiscount table have contract number and discount number to connect both tables
I think I need to create a loop since some contract gets more than one discount.
I have to calculate and get result nee to be like this
total_tuition = (tuition - discountPer * tuition) - this has to be a loop condition
Do you have any suggestion ?
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Jun 11, 2007
My vendor requires data to be sent in Excel format. Some of my tables have rows over 65,536 so I need to use Excel 2007 (Max of 1,048,576). Right now my data sits in SQL 2000. I am using MS SQL Enterprise Manager 8.0 to prepare the data. Is there some kind of add on or selection I am missing to use DTS to export from SQL to Excel 2007?Thanks in advance.
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Jun 9, 2013
I have two database(MYDB1 , MYDB2) on two different server's(SERVER1 , SERVER2) . I want to create an store procedure in MYDB1 on SERVER1 and get some data from a table of MYDB2 on SERVER2. How can i do this?
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Nov 15, 2006
I have an excel sheet that contain colummns as in a table in a sql database i want to transfer this data from the sheet to the table frombusiness logic code layer not from the enterprise manager by wizardwhat can i do?? ...please urgent
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Aug 29, 2006
I have created a SSIS package that transfer data from a Foxpro database to an instance of SQL Server 2005 Express. I used the wizard to create the package but I load and execute the package within a custom application that I have written in C#.
The way the custom application is intended to work is that the user can have the database in any location on the computer and all he has to do is specify the location then the application programatically changes the location of the source on the package that it has loaded and then execute it. When I initially run the package the first time (using the original path), it works fine and transfers the data. However, every subsequent time I run the application and specify a different path, the database on the SQL Server side gets created as expected but the data is not transfered!
Where am I going wrong? Do I need to save the package after I modify the source then reload and run it again or do i need to change something else in the Data Flow to make this work?
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Nov 26, 2015
I am newbie to MDS of SQL,want to know how we can transfer tables from two different SQL Databases to MDS.Suggest me the steps to proceed with any examples.
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May 8, 2007
I have a SSIS project where I am transferring data from DB2 table to SQL Server table. There is a column called REC_ID which I need to encrypt before we store it in SQL Server. Now, SQL Server has buildin encryption functionality and we need to use that as there are views that will decrypt this column and give data to authenticated users.
So, the question is, is there anyway that I can encrypt the column data in my SSIS package using my target SQL server database key and using SQL server encryptbykey function while transferring?
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Feb 1, 2007
Can I transfer data between two dataflow.
Is it possible through anyway?
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Aug 22, 2005
Hi everyone,I need some help transfering my database(SQL2005) to the host's server.In SQL 2000 I had the Management tools > DTS or ImportExport tools.SQL2005 lacks this, all I've got is Express Manager > can't connect to multiple databases.Can connect to one database and has a screen to excute TSQL commands.I don't want to have to recreate the whole database on the server.....This would be crazy... 150 stored procedures and 30 tables. Not to mention all the individual settings for each column.I know there is SQL Studio Management tools for the full version of SQL 2005. Anyone got any idea's ?Any input/suggestions is greatly appreciated.Thanks,JShep
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Aug 3, 2000
can any body can tell how data trnsfer from oracle database to sql server database. what is the methods i can use? is it required to write scripts.
if scripts required, can anybody can give me sample scipt.
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Nov 16, 2000
SQL v7.0 - DTS
Tying to transfer all object info, sp's, constraints and data in to a fresh new database in the same instance, but it's hit and miss when it comes to getting everything transferred. Followed step by step instructions (GUI/Scripts) and sometimes the table structure will transfer without PK's, as well as some data and if you're lucky, some constraints. Stored proc's have a tendency to show up 20 minutes later. I'm testing this on a machine with IE 5, SP2 and fresh new Dll's (just in case something was corrupted). Is there a priority as far as what to transfer first? For example, tables only 1st, then constraints on down to records parent to child? I am assumming you should be able to transfer all at the same time since it's built in to the utility. Or, does it come down to something in the schema? If anyone out there has experienced something similar and found a solution, please advise.
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Jun 14, 2000
I am having two servers one is 6.5 and another is 7.0.
I would like to export a one database from 6.5 to 7.0.
when i was trying to transfer the data it is saying u have to upgrade the server of 6.5.
pls tell me how i have to transfer data from 65 to 7.0
without bcp.
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Nov 15, 1999
here we have 5 servers,application server,datawarehousing server,web server,QA server and production server. so i suppose to transfer(by using DTS) the total data(GDWReports) from production server to QA server. so actually i exported that data from production server to one destination by using export wizard and i tried for import that data to qa server by using VB script.but i got one error that "login failed like that". so how to import the data. pl give the suggestions asap.
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Nov 25, 2004
I want to transfer data from a sql2k database to access file.
How can I make a program which I can specify the database?
Can SQLDMO or bcp make it? then how?
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Jan 10, 2006
I would like to ask about the Data transfer . I have huge data in Access database and want to transfer in the MS SQL Server 2000. Can some body help me how i can do it.
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Jun 5, 2006
I would like to transfer data from an SQL Server 2000(standard edition) on a server located outside of the department TO a laptop/notebook using MSDE located within the department. This will be 1 or 2 times a year of transfering the data from a server to a laptop. So what are some ways or the best ways of transferring data?
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Jul 23, 2007
We are working with a Mexican developer to share data between our English database (SQL 2005) and his Spanish database (SQL 2000). We are thinking the best way to gain access to his data (since our website will need data from both databases) is to have them Export data from their Spanish tables into English tables within their database and replicate those tables to our database several times a day. Does this seem like a good idea - any suggestions for a better way to share the data? Thanks
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a table in a database that has just over 1 million records, eachrecord about 50-60 characters. I need to transfer this data to anotherdatabase. I implemented two options:1) Read the data record by record and insert into the destinationdatabase, using ODBC. I played with different commit intervals, up to100,000. This version takes about 12 minutes. Having indexes on thedestination table or removing them made little difference.2) Dump the data into a flat file, and use bulk copy to read the fileinto the destination table. This takes less than a minute.Are these results within the normal ranges? I am particularlyinterested in a way to improve upon the first method.
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Aug 22, 2006
hi,My problem is I am creating a new database. I need to all the tablesand procedures fromone databse to another database in sql server 2000, both in sameserver.Kalaivanan.
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi,We have a unique situation here that is puzzling me. I have a programthat uploads data to our SQL Server. The program runs fine on WIndows95. I have installed it on a Windows 2000 machine and it will connectto our data but will not upload. It processes the file but the datadoes not appear in the database.I have checked the ODBC setup and everything is the same except I usedsqlsvr32.dll instead of sqlsrvr.dll for the 32 bit driver.I know this isn't a lot of information to go on, but the program waswritten by a contractor who has since been replaced and I don't reallyhave an idea of even where to begin checking.Any suggestions would be appreciated.Thank you,
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Jul 10, 2007
Using SSIS, how is it possible to transfer the content of an xml file into an xml/varchar(max) field of a table in sql server 2005?
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Sep 4, 2006
Not certain whether this is the right forum to post this question - please advise.
I am fairly new to SQL Server and need to know the best way to transfer data from one data base to another.
For example:
I have a database running via SQL Server 2005 developer edition and another running using SQL Server 2005 Express edition.
If I do a backup on the developer edition I get an error and failure when attempting to upload the data on to the Express edition.
What am I doing wrong can anyone advise?
Also what is the best way to add/remove/update stored procedures and or change the database table structures for a current database (MySql for example allows one to type command line calls direct to the relevant database to alter database tables).
Thanks Andrew
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Jul 26, 2007
i hv got the following tables
title form vol issue
dssc 23 12 5
fdfa 11 33 4
dssaa 43 23 5
wqee 112 76 4
formname id
werd 23
sql 11
dera 43
qsdv 112
i transferred the data of table2 to a new table3 with new id
formname formid
werd 145
sql 655
dera 656
qsdv 657
i created another new table for vol transferringdata from table1
volid formid vol
123 145 12
124 655 33
125 656 23
126 657 76
i creayted another table for issue transferred data from table1
issueid issue formid volid
221 5 145 123
222 4 655 124
223 5 656 125
224 4 657 126
now i need to transfer data from table1 to another table like the form
title formid volid issueid
dssc 145 123 221
fdfa 655 124 222
dssaa 656 125 223
wqee 657 126 224
i tried my best but couldnrt get the correct ans could
any one help
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Apr 28, 2008
Hi everyone,
I have the following scenario:
two laptop computers with sql server 2005 express
and a server in the office with sql 2000 server,
what I need to do is, when a laptop user is in the office, to sync all the data from the sql server 2005 express to the
sql 2000 server and vice versa.
what are the options to achieve that?
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