Add SPACES In Data

Apr 22, 2008


i have 1 query please guide me,


here i want to add  BLANKS but not working so i have to show add spaces using  __ here any idea i can add SPACES or '  ' here.

please let me know if any. basically i want to align the data in my GRIDVIEW

Thanks in advance


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White Spaces In Data Fields

Jan 31, 2006

Whenever I insert a record into my table it adds trailing white spaces up to the amount of char's that the field is set to allow.  Obviously I don't want it to do this.
Among other problems then when I get the data back out it has a ton of white spaces, which normally wouldn't be a problem.  i could just use the .Trim() function, but for some reason when I bind the data to a drop down list and use the .Trim() function it doesn't trim the white spaces.
Anyways any ideas on how to make it so the white spaces don't get put in in the first place??  Or any other thoughts on this??  Thanks!

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Export Data Without Trailing Spaces

Jul 23, 2005

Hello,when I export data from a table to a text file, I get trailing spacesif the data type in char. (This dosen't happen if the data type isvarchar). I can get rid of the spaces by using the trim() function onevery signle column. here is an example:DTSDestination("first_name") = DTSSource("last_name")My question is:Is there any easier way to get ride of the training spaces for allcolumns when exporing a table? It is too time consuming if I have totype trim() for every single column in the table.Thank you in advance,Eddy

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Approach Help To Load Data From Flatfiles Into Relational Table Where Data Is Coming As Spaces In Few Columns From Flatfiles

Sep 18, 2007

Hi ,

My Input is a flat file source and it has spaces in few columns in the data . These columns are linked to another table as a foreign key and when i try loading them in a relational structure Foreigh key violation is occuring , is there a standard method to replace these spaces .

what approach should i take so that data gets loaded in a relational structure.

for example

Name Age Salary Address
dsds 23 fghghgh

Salary description level
2345 nnncncn 4

here salary is used in this example , the datatype is char in real scenario

what approach should i take to load the data in with cleansing the spaces in ssis

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Using Query Parameter When Data Cell Has Leading Spaces

Feb 21, 2008

In SQL Reporting I want the user to pass a parameter to the report; the parameter is a employee number. Easy right, you write a where statement like where table_name.employee_number =@employee_number. When the user runs the report they��re asked to type in the number.

My problem is the dB stores the employee number with leading spaces padding the number out to 9, so if the user types in 1 they get jack, but if they type in �� 1�� they get the right employee. I can��t roll it out that way

I��d do something in the where clause so the user could just type in 1 & it would auto pad out to 9 spaces. I��ve tried using the ��LIKE�� clause & I��ve tried using concatenate but so far neither works well.

I'd appreciate any advice

Thanks -- Vince

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SQL 2012 :: How Server Fills Empty Spaces In Data Files

Oct 1, 2015

I understand that we shouldn't shrink data files as it might cause heavy fragmentation along with log usage, high IO/CPU etc.

In a DB in which lot of DML transaction occur, there will be empty spaces whenever deletions occur.

Will SQL Server fill that part with data when new insertions occur ?.

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Replace Nulls With Blank Spaces In Float Data Type

May 8, 2008

I have a simple question. Is it at all possible to replace columns which has nulls with blank spaces for a float data type column.
The columns has null values( written)) in it in some rows and has numbers in other rows . I want to remove nulls before copying it to another file.

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Integration Services :: SSIS - Data Load To Excel - How To Retain Trailing Spaces In Text Column

May 8, 2015

I am loading data using SSIS 2008 from a table in SQL Server 2008 DB to excel 97 sheet pre-defined with column headers. All the columns in excel is has 'Text' format property and the columns in the SQL Server table are defined as nVarchar. One of the columns has trailing spaces in few rows in DB but after exporting to excel 97, the spaces are gone. We need to retain the whitespaces in the column values. How can we do that.

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Sep 24, 2001

Please how can remove spaces on a date field and a text field. THanks.

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Spaces In A Sql Server

Nov 19, 2007

i collected the users information without using any trim fucntion(i have implemented now)
but the data which has been already posted into my server has text with some white spaces at the beginning of data
now how to remove this white spaces in this column in online server data.
the data is something like this
so how to remove white spaces in the above column

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Remove Spaces

Apr 12, 2006

How can you remove spaces in the middle of a string, RTRIM and LTRIM does not work

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White Spaces

Jan 8, 2002

Creating a text file using DTS, is there a function/way to take out white
spaces from columns. Example:
'1234 ','567 ' would come in text as

Thanks in advance.

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Spaces On An Insert

Jan 7, 2003


I am building my insert statements dynamically and am finding that there are spaces after certain integer fields.

example Insert Table A (col1, col2, col3)
values (1 ,'2',3 )

If col1 and col3 are integer fields, is there any affect to either how the value is stored or how it will be retrieved when the table is used in a join. By inspecting the values in the table, it seems fine. Do I need to worry?



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Trailing Spaces

Apr 28, 2003

If I run SELECT Len(' ') it returns 0, if SELECT Len('a ') it returns 1
I need this to return the correct length including the space that on the end. I thought it was an ansi_padding problem but even turning padding on results in a 0 length. Any ideas? Thanks!


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Erasing Spaces!

Apr 28, 2004


I am tring to join two tables. There is one problem of course. There is one column I would be able to join the two tables by. This column would be Loc_Code. The only problem is that both columns are not exactly the same. They look like this:

Table 1 Table 2
Loc_Code Loc_Code
A 12345 A12345
A 12346 A12346
A 12347 A12347
A 12348 A12348

I need to erase the spaces that exists in the Loc_Code column in table 1 so that I can join with table 2.

All help would be appreciated.

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Trimming Spaces

Mar 9, 2006

I need to trim what looks like two spaces from a field.


" 601274" needs to be "601274". Does anyone know the syntax?+

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Remove Spaces

Jan 25, 2007

is there a way to do remove spaces from a string if its they are in deifferent places on each row

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How To Ignore Spaces?

Jan 31, 2008

I'm writing a store procedure to accept search strings from user on my site. Currently, this is what I have.

Code Snippet
@schoolID int = NULL,
@scholarship varchar(250) = NULL,
@major varchar(250) = NULL,
@requirement varchar(250) = NULL
--@debug bit = 0
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
SELECT * FROM [scholarship]
WHERE ([sectionID] = @schoolID OR @schoolID IS NULL)
AND ([schlrPrefix] LIKE '%' + @scholarship + '%' OR [schlrName] LIKE '%' + @scholarship + '%' OR [schlrSufix] LIKE '%' + @scholarship + '%' OR @scholarship IS NULL )
AND ([Specification] LIKE '%' + @major + '%' OR @major IS NULL )
AND ([reqr1] LIKE '%' + @requirement + '%' OR [reqr2] LIKE '%' + @requirement + '%' OR [reqr3] LIKE '%' + @requirement + '%' OR [reqr4] LIKE '%' + @requirement + '%' OR [reqr5] LIKE '%' + @requirement + '%' OR @requirement IS NULL )

The problem is, somtimes the search doesn't work if there is a space behind or infront of the search string. I wonder if there is away to ignore any spaces and go right into whatever character comes next or after. If so, how do I implement that?

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Getting Spaces In A Column

Mar 7, 2008

I have a single column value like this. I want to get the charindex value whereever it is a single space.

'6 REP5426 15936 022708 107/0000 33003301985 BAILEY AMY NICOL 11454 PP 25.00 000-00 00110080 A O '


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Trailing Spaces - Such A Pain...

Dec 31, 2006

Hi All...  I'm using a SQL Server 2005 database.  I've noticed that columns that are declared as "char" and that have a fixed size tend to put trailing spaces at the end of the data when I pull it out.  I guess I can understand why...  But it's a pain dealing with it.   As I'm bringing my application up, I can see spaces all over the place - I just havent gotten around to doing anything about it yet.  What's the easiest/best way to get rid of those spaces.  Geez, it'd be real cool if I could put something in the SELECT statement.  Any thoughts?  Thanks much!!  -- Curt

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Find Leading Spaces

Aug 23, 2001

What is the best way to check for leading spaces in your table, using ltrim?
Such as TableA(name, city)
the data in TableA Smith Dallas
John New York
Greg Richmond
David Chicago
Return only David.

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Spaces In SQL 7 Database Names

Mar 7, 2000

Hey all,

Hope I can get some help here.

Have a view that has to reference a table in another database on the same server. This isn't the problem. I am just using Databasename..tablename in the from statement. Get the results required in testing.

The problem is that in production the table name has a space character. i.e. 'accounting info' would be the table name. I have not been able to figure out the proper syntax to capture this properly to reference in the from statement.

I have tried enclosing the name in ' ', " ", [], (), {} and just about every combination I can come up with.

Any help in this would be great, and changing the databse name isn't an option at this time.


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Replace Null With Spaces

Sep 4, 2003

Hi all smart people,

Can someone please help me with how to replace null values with spaces in select statement.

I have to have a select statement which will select all the data but the field contain null value it has to replace with spaces. How can I do that ?


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Extra Spaces In Rows

Jul 10, 2006

I have some fields in my database that are char(50)

I use an insert to put some text into the fields (using perl)
when I look at the fields I find that spaces are used to "pad out" the text to the field size.

This didn't happen with MySQL and PHP, is there any way to disable this?

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Error In Replace With Spaces

Jun 2, 2004

Hi !
I'm trying to put a space after . and , in varchar fields.

I've tried

UPDATE Resultados
SET RespuestaAbierta = REPLACE(RespuestaAbierta, ',', ', ')

but nothing happened

What's wrong ??

Thanks and sorry if my english isn�t so good.

Eduardo (from Argentina)

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HELP! How To Reduce The Unused Spaces ..

Aug 9, 2004

HI all,

I have a database that allocated:

Data: 7300 MB
Log: 2000 MB

But only used

Data: 5500MB
Log: 50MB

How can I free the unused space in the transaction log because
the database is getting too big.

Thank you for your suggestion.

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All Spaces In A CHAR(5) Column

Jan 31, 2005

i'm going nuts with this, i suppose i will crack it eventually, but i thought i'd ask around here, seems like all the smart SQL Server guys hang out here

(i'm an SQL guy, not an SQL Server guy)

how does one place 5 spaces into a CHAR(5) column?
create table testzeros
( id smallint not null primary key identity
, myfield char(5)
insert into testzeros (myfield) values (' 1')
insert into testzeros (myfield) values (' 11')
insert into testzeros (myfield) values (' 111')
insert into testzeros (myfield) values (' 1111')
insert into testzeros (myfield) values ('11111')
insert into testzeros (myfield) values (' ')

select id
, myfield
, len(myfield) as L
from testzerosno matter what i do, id=6 shows up with L=0, just like an empty string

i've even tried inserting 4 spaces and a non-blank character, which enters just fine, just as you would expect, but when i update the value and replace the non-blank character with a blank, all 5 spaces collapse back to an empty string

is there some kind of server setting like SET ALL_SPACE_EQUALS_EMPTY_YOU_IDIOT to OFF or something?

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Removing Spaces From A Text

Aug 31, 2006

Hi. In our database, we have a Social Security Number field. We've made application upgrades and we can no longer have the dashes ( - ) between the numbers. So, I ran this update on our database to remove all the dashes. it did remove all the dashes except it put spaces in its spot:

UPDATE DefendantCase SET SSN = REPLACE(SSN, '-','')

so, i tried this query and it does nothing.

UPDATE DefendantCase SET SSN = REPLACE(SSN, ' ','')

does anybody have any ideas? Thanks!

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Path Spaces Using Xp_cmdshelll

Sep 26, 2006

I know this is probably a DOS question but does anyone know how the following would work without taking out the spaces in the folder "Audit Tax Planning" (works fine in paths without spaces)?

Declare @ren varchar(255)
Declare @path varchar(100)

Set @path = '\mainWGDATAAccountingAudit Tax Planning'--G:AccountingAudit Tax Planning5BE

IF EXISTS(SELECT id FROM tempdb..sysobjects WHERE id = object_ID('tempdb..#Tax_File'))

[File_Name] varchar(50),

Set @ren = 'dir /B ' + @path + 'test.txt'

Insert into #Tax_File ([File_Name])
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @ren

If not exists(select [File_Name]
from #Tax_File
where right([File_Name],4) = '.txt')
RAISERROR ('File does not exist.', 16, 1)

select * from #Tax_File

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Inserting A Value With Spaces Into A Column

Jun 17, 2008


I am fairly new to SQL I have started to administer a system which handles carrier information for a mail order system. The logic behind the system is quite simple there are 5 or so columns in a table the first column is the first part of the postcode i.e EX15, the other columns contain which delivery services and depot numbers are associated with that postcode. It works fine at the moment.

However now the main carrier has decided that they are now going to split these postcodes so for example EX15 1* goes to a different depot than EX15 2*

I cant seem to insert EX15 1 into the first column, I get the following error:

Attempt to store duplicate value in unique column. (-155)

Is this because of the space in 'EX15 1'? Because 'EX15' already exists in that column? In which case do I need to somehow tell SQL that there is a space there?

I hope this makes sense

Below is a snap of the table with the existing EX15 postcode data


Here is a snap of how I would like to set up another entry:

EX15 1...|NF/S93......|........1|34........|C.......|DEVO
EX15 1...|NF/SAT......|........1|34........|C.......|DEVO
EX15 1...|NF/930......|........1|34........|C.......|DEVO
EX15 1...|NF/AM.......|........1|34........|C.......|DEVO
EX15 1...|NF/ON.......|........1|34........|C.......|DEVO
EX15 1...|NF/48.......|........1|34........|C.......|DEVO
EX15 1...|NF/3D.......|........1|34........|C.......|DEVO


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HT Make Spaces Render In

Jun 22, 2008

All- I'm using the SQL SP below to drive an gridview. Note how, after "else", I attempt to send to the browser the HTML code that should create a hard space. However, the characters are simply rendered verbatim by the browser. I've tried putting actual spaces in the quotes, and also the SPACE(x) argument. SP test executes appear to show the spaces in the results, but isn't rendering the spaces at all. Any thoughts.

(Its really more of an question, but I thought I'd post this here too for your thoughts. Thx in advance.)

SELECT person_id, male, female, last, CASE WHEN fam_adult = 1 then first else ' ' + first end as first, fam_adult, is_adult, is_kid, is_y_parent_or_kid, is_guest, is_person_type_5, grade, school, is_person_type_6, fam_dad
FROM person

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Trim Spaces In Middle

Jun 20, 2006

In a table I have a coulmn of postal-codes where there is a space in the middle of the postcode. How do I do to trim them away?

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Replace Blank Spaces

Oct 3, 2006

i have a field with blank spaces.
i wanna replace the spaces with just one spaces. ihave 500 fields in 500 tables.

any input will be appreacited.

i have something like this but its not working.

declare @field varchar(50)
declare @minVoter int
declare @maxVoter int
declare @tableName varchar(20)

set @tablename = '00001'

-- select ad_str1 from [00170]

select @minVoter = min(id_voter),
@maxVoter = max(id_voter) from quotename(@tablename)

while (@minVoter <= @maxVoter)
select @field = ad_str1
from quotename(@tablename)
where id_voter = @MinVoter

update [00170]
set ad_str1 = replace(@field, ' ', ' ')

select @minVoter = min(id_voter)
from quotename(@tablename)
where id_voter > @minvoter


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