Add Values To Dataset

Mar 27, 2007

i need to add values to dataset from an arraylist

any idea about how to achieve this

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Filter One One Dataset With Values In Another Dataset?

Dec 19, 2006


I have two datasets in my report, D1 and D2.

D1 is a list of classes with classid and title

D2 is a list of data. each row in D2 has a classid. D2 may or may not have all the classids in D1. all classids in D2 must be in D1.

I want to show fields in D2 and group the data with classids in D1 and show every group as a seperate table. If no data in D2 is available for a classid, It shows a empty table.

Is there any way to do this in RS2005?

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Get Dataset Values In Text Box

Jul 25, 2006


How can I get all the dataset value in textbox.

e.g in dataset I jave field call "CustomerName".

I would like to get in the textbox all the cutomer name seperated by ",".

Is the same as I can use join(Parameters!CustomersName.Value,",") but I need to do that from the data set and not from the parameters since I don't have parameters for my customer name


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How Can I Multiply Values Within A Dataset?

Mar 6, 2008

I have this case where I need to multiply the value of my dataset and finally deduce one to it. For instance if I have a dataset with three values, 2, 5, 15, I need to end up with a value of 150 (2*5*15). How can I achieve this?

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Inserting Dataset Values Into SQL Mobile Using C#

Apr 14, 2006


I have developed an application where i am inserting all the records from the dataset into sql mobile 2005. Dataset contains a primary key which is an uniqueidentifier datatype. While inserting the data it is inserting properly into the database but it is changing the value of primary key which is in the dataset.

I am using the below syntax, please suggest me so that to avoid creating a different uniqueidentier key into the database.

conAdap = new SqlCeDataAdapter(strQuery, conSqlceConnection);

SqlCeCommandBuilder cmdBuilder = new SqlCeCommandBuilder(conAdap);

conAdap.AcceptChangesDuringFill = false;


conAdap.MissingMappingAction = MissingMappingAction.Passthrough;

conAdap.InsertCommand = cmdBuilder.GetInsertCommand();

conAdap.InsertCommand.Connection = conSqlceConnection;

int r =conAdap.Update(dsData.Tables[0]);

Thank you,

Prashant Mulay

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How Can I Have A Variable Number Of Parameter Values In A Dataset?

Apr 20, 2007

I have a strongly typed dataset, and I need to be able to do a search on multiple values of a parameter.  The problem is I don't know how many.  I have a textbox that the user can enter search words in.  The select string is built from the string of words that are entered, like this:For iCount = 0 To UBound(sArray)    strSQL = strSQL & "Description LIKE '%" & sArray(iCount) & "%' OR "Next Can I do this is a dataset method?  How?  If I can't, what are my options?Diane 

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Reporting Services :: Evaluate Two Values That Came From Different Dataset

Sep 17, 2015

I have an ssrs (report builder) with 2 dataset. the first dataset is a summary if records which the report has a column name qty and i put also a total qty summary in the last rows. the second dataset is a raw data and have a column name qty, also i put a total qty summary in the last row.  The requirements is to be able to evaluate or check the total qty under dataset1  from total qty of dataset2 if equal else if not equal i have to make the font as red so that the user will inform that the total qty has a discrepancy. the users will validate from raw data which are the one items that have a missing qty. How to work on this or is this appilcable in report builder.

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How To Get The Values From Dataset To Parameters On Report Header

Mar 13, 2008

Is it possible to get the reportdataset field values into parameters. dynamically when the report is generated.


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Adding Dataset Column Values To My Table At The End

Mar 14, 2006


I am mapping an entity from SQL 2005 to another entity in another system on SQL 2000. Since the destination system has its own ID generator, I want to keep the generated ID for each row of my table in a column of my table in SQL 2005. The new column is in the dataset now , but I don't know how to update my table to have that column values (The OleDbDestination just insert new items.)


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Dataset Store Procedure Return Values

Apr 1, 2008

Hi All,
I have written a stored procedure that has a return value (OUTPUT Parameter) and was wondering if there is any way to retreive this value in SQL Server Reporting Services 2005? I get the result fine, but cannot figure out how to get the return parameter.

Thanks in advance.


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Pass Parameter Values To Stored Procedure In Dataset

Jul 10, 2007

I have a stored procedure "spDetailsByDay" which takes parameters @StartDateTime as datetime, @Day as int, @Hour as int, @Value1 as varchar(20), @value2 as varchar(20)

My report Parameters are StartDateTime as DateTime, Day as integer, Hour as integer, Value1 as string, Value2 as string, ReportType as string

In the dataset, I typed

=IIF(Parameters!ReportType.Value="Day", "EXEC spDetailsByDay " & Parameters!StartDateTime.Value & "," & Parameters!Day.Value & "," & Parameters!Hour.Value & "," & Parameters!Value1.Value & "," & Parameters!Value2.Value", "EXEC spDetailsByMonth")

I am getting syntax errors. Can anyone help me how to pass parameters to stored procedure in dataset.


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Need An Optimal Way To Merge External Dataset To Database Values

Jan 3, 2008

C# .Net Application as front end
Sql Server2000 as back end

I need to merge an external dataset from .Net app(in XML format) with the information in database with one column in database table as the merging criteria. A situation similar to Left Outer Join, wherein i need all records from external dataset and if matched in database the corresponding values from there too, the only difference here is that the join is not between two Tables its between a table and external dataset.
There is no need to store the external dataset in the database in persistent form, its just a query - merge - response operation.

So, can anyone suggest the best possible solution for this? A table variable / temporary table / some other schema, what and how?

Thanks in advance..

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How To Assign Dataset Values In Header In RDLC Report

Apr 25, 2008

I am using RDLC report with Microsoft visual studio 2005. In the first page of rdlc i have two text boxes and one table in body section. In the second and subsequent pages i want to repeat the data from textbox1 and textbox2 along with table data continuation of page1.

Currently the continuation of table data from page1 to page2 is working properly. But the textbox1 and textbox2 data also needs to be repeated in every pages.

I tried the following steps, but fails to work.

1. added two text boxes in header section and another two text boxes in Body section.

2. Assigns the dataset value to textboxes in body section.

(Ex: =first(Fields!Address.Value)

3. Assigns the textboxes value from Body section to the corresponding text boxes in header section.

(Ex : =first(ReportItems!textbox1.Value))


The header text box value displayed in the first page only and not repeated in the subsequent pages.


Whatever assigned to the header section should be repeated in the subsequent pages. But only page number, date... is reflecting in other pages and not the text box values in header section.

Kindly give me the solution.

Thanks in advance.

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Display Column Names And Its Values Programatically From The Dataset

Apr 18, 2008


In my report, I need to display column names (and its values) from my dataset, which uses the stored procedure and within it use the PIVOT statement. I cannot use the matrix control in report since I need to add another static column to the right of the matrix, but since that cannot be done ni SQL SSRS 2005, I need to PIVOT it through stored procedure. The parameter passed to stored procedure is the year and it is used for pivot. The statement looks like this:

@sql = 'SELECT * FROM (SELECT YearId, SchoolId, ReportText, OutputValue_Text from AggregateTable) AS AGAM
PIVOT (MIN(OutputValue_Text) FOR YearId IN ([' + @YearId + '])) PVT'


So, since the years passed as parameters can change, I cannot hard-code it as column in my report, so I need to programatically display column names and values from my dataset, something like dataSet.Tables[0].Columns[].ColumnName; I have tried with writing the code, but I do not have much experience with it and I have not been very successful. Can someone help me with the code?


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Table Column Names = Dataset Column Values?!

Apr 28, 2008

I need to create the following table in reporting services

PRODUCT April March Feb

2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007
chair 8 9 7 4 4 4
table 3 4 5 6 4 6

My problem is the month names are a column in the dataset, but I dont know how to get it to fill as column headers???

Thanks in advance!!!

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SQL Server 2008 :: Populate One Dataset In SSRS Based On Results From Another Dataset Within Same Project?

May 26, 2015

I have a report with multiple datasets, the first of which pulls in data based on user entered parameters (sales date range and property use codes). Dataset1 pulls property id's and other sales data from a table (2014_COST) based on the user's parameters. I have set up another table (AUDITS) that I would like to use in dataset6. This table has 3 columns (Property ID's, Sales Price and Sales Date). I would like for dataset6 to pull the Property ID's that are NOT contained in the results from dataset1. In other words, I'd like the results of dataset6 to show me the property id's that are contained in the AUDITS table but which are not being pulled into dataset1. Both tables are in the same database.

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Integration Services :: Perform Lookup On Large Dataset Based On A Small Dataset

Oct 1, 2015

I have a small number of rows in a dataset, Table 1.  There is a CLOB on a large dataset, Table 2.  They join on a PK.  I would like to retrieve this CLOB and add it to the data flow for Table1.  In short I want to emulate the following:

Table 1:  Small table without CLOB, 10 rows. 
Table 2: Large table with CLOB, 10,000,000 rows

select CLOB
from table2
where pk = (select pk from table1)

I want this to return the CLOBs for the small number of rows in Table 1.  The PK is indexed obviously so it should be a fast look up.

Table 1 and Table 2 live on different Oracle databases.  How do I perform this operation efficiently in SSIS?  It seems the Lookup and Merge Join wont do this.

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Reporting Services :: Populate One Dataset In SSRS Based On Results From Another Dataset Within Same Project?

May 27, 2015

I have a report with multiple datasets, the first of which pulls in data based on user entered parameters (sales date range and property use codes). Dataset1 pulls property id's and other sales data from a table (2014_COST) based on the user's parameters.

I have set up another table (AUDITS) that I would like to use in dataset6. This table has 3 columns (Property ID's, Sales Price and Sales Date). I would like for dataset6 to pull the Property ID's that are NOT contained in the results from dataset1. In other words, I'd like the results of dataset6 to show me the property id's that are contained in the AUDITS table but which are not being pulled into dataset1. Both tables are in the same database.

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How Can I Use SQL Reporting Services To Get A Dynamic Dataset From Another Web Service As My Reports Dataset?

May 21, 2007

I found out the data I need for my SQL Report is already defined in a dynamic dataset on another web service. Is there a way to use web services to call another web service to get the dataset I need to generate a report? Examples would help if you have any, thanks for looking

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Listing Datasets In Report (dataset Name, Dataset's Commands)

Oct 12, 2007

Is there any way to display this information in the report?


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Dataset.Tables.Count=0 Where There Are 2 Rows In The Dataset.

May 7, 2008

I have a stored procedure attached below. It returns 2 rows in the SQL Management studio when I execute MyStorProc 0,28. But in my program which uses ADOHelper, it returns a dataset with tables.count=0.
if I comment out the line --If @Status = 0 then it returns the rows. Obviously it does not stop in
if @Status=0 even if I pass @status=0. What am I doing wrong?
Any help is appreciated.

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[MyStorProc]


@Status smallint,

@RowCount int = NULL,

@FacilityId numeric(10,0) = NULL,

@QueueID numeric (10,0)= NULL,

@VendorId numeric(10, 0) = NULL





If @Status = 0


SELECT ......
If @Status = 1

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How To Transfer Data From One Dataset To Other Dataset

Apr 11, 2008

i have two dataset have old data from some other database.second dataset have original data from sql server 2005 database.both database have same field having id as a primary key.i want to transfer all the data from first dataset to new dataset retaining the previous data but if old dataset have the same id(primary key) as in the new one then that row will not transfer.
but if the id(primary key) have changed values then the fields updated with that can i do that.

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Reporting Services :: IF Statement If Dataset Field Value Equals Value Of Dataset Field

Sep 3, 2015

Using this IIF statement:

=CountDistinct(IIF(Fields!Released_DT.Value = Fields!Date2.Value, Fields!Name.Value,
Released_DT = a date  - 09/03/2015 or 09/02/2015
Date2 = returns another date value in this case 09/03/2015

What I'm trying to do is: count distinct number of people (Fields!Name.Value) if the Relased_DT = Date2.My IIF statement is returning a zero value.

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Using Parameter From XML DataSet In Another XML DataSet

Apr 5, 2007

Hi every body...
I have a probleme
I have a web Services which contains a method getValue(IDEq (int), idIndicator(int), startTime(dateTime), endTime(dateTime))
I need to call this method. But my problem is how pass parameter ?
I see the tab Param but it isn't work as I wait,... maybe I do a mistake...

I want that statTime and endTime are select by the user via a calendar for example...
now idIndicator and idEq was result of an other dataSet from a xml datasource...

But I don't how integrate dynamically... I try to enter a parameter via the param tab, and create and expression :
=First(Fields!idEq.Value, "EquipmentDataSet")
but when i execute the query, the promter display <NULL>...
So I don't know how to do and if it is possible !
I hope someone can help me !
Thank you !

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Dynamic Dataset For Another Dataset!

Dec 3, 2007

Hi experts,

I'm not sure my design is normal or not. Please give me some advice.

I've a dataset and query by a field name 'companyid'.

select * from companyid where companyid = @icompany which @icompany is a input field.

if user select all, i'll send 0 to @icompany then I need to select all records.

question 1. How can I get all records? (i think about this query select * from companyid <> 0)

if user select for example companyid = 1, i'll send 1 to @icompany and the query work fine.

question 2. How can I change the query to adopt this 2 condition?

Thanks a lot,


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Count Number Of Values That Exist In A Row Based On Values From Array Of Numbers

Apr 16, 2014

How to count the number of values that exist in a row based on the values from an array of numbers. Basically the the array of numbers I want to look for are in row 1 of table [test 1] and I want to search for them and count the "out of" in table [test 2]. Excuse me for not using the easiest way to convey my question below. I guess in short I have 10 numbers and like to find how many of those numbers exist in each row. short example:

Table Name: test1
Columns: m1 (int), m2 (int), m3 (int) >>> etc
Array/Row1: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Table Name: test2
Columns: n1 (int), n2 (int), n3 (int), n4 (int), n5 (int)

Row 1: 3, 8, 18, 77, 12
Row 2: 1, 4, 5, 7,18, 21
Row 3: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10

Answer: 2 out of 5
Answer: 4 out of 5
Answer: 5 out of 5

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Lookup / Merge Join / Script - Howto Look Up Values By Comparing To A Range Of Values?

Jun 4, 2007

Hello all,

I am trying to think my way through a solution which I believe others have probably come across... I am trying to implement a matching routine wherein I need to match an address against a high value and a low value (or, for that matter an input date vs. a start and end date) to return the desired row ... i.e. if I were to use a straight vb program I would just use the following lookup:

"SELECT DISTINCT fire_id, police_ID, fire_opt_in_out, police_opt_in_out FROM ipt_tbl " & _

" WHERE zip_code = @zip_code AND addr_prim_lo <= @street_number AND addr_prim_hi >= @street_number " & _

" AND addr_prim_oe = @addr_prim_oe AND street_pre = @street_pre AND street_name = @street_name " & _

" AND street_suff = @street_suff AND street_post = @street_post " & _

" AND (expiry_date = '' OR expiry_date = '00000000' OR expiry_date > @expiry_date)" & _

" GROUP BY fire_ID, police_ID, fire_opt_in_out, police_opt_in_out"

My question, then, is how would you perform this type of query using a lookup / merge join or script? I have not found a way to implement a way to set the input columns? I can set the straight matches without a problem, i.e. lookup zip code = input zip code, but can't think of the correct way to set comparisons, i.e. lookup value 1 <= input value AND lookup value 2 >= input value

Any suggestions?

thanks for your time...

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NULL Values Returned When Reading Values From A Text File Using Data Reader.

Feb 23, 2007

I have a DTSX package which reads values from a fixed-length text file using a data reader and writes some of the column values from the file to an Oracle table. We have used this DTSX several times without incident but recently the process started inserting NULL values for some of the columns when there was a valid value in the source file. If we extract some of the rows from the source file into a smaller file (i.e 10 rows which incorrectly returned NULLs) and run them through the same package they write the correct values to the table, but running the complete file again results in the NULL values error. As well, if we rerun the same file multiple times the incidence of NULL values varies slightly and does not always seem to impact the same rows. I tried outputting data to a log file to see if I can determine what happens and no error messages are returned but it seems to be the case that the NULL values occur after pulling in the data via a Data Reader. Has anyone seen anything like this before or does anyone have a suggestion on how to try and get some additional debugging information around this error?

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Power Pivot :: Calculating Values For Future Dates Based On Past Values

Nov 13, 2015

I am working with a data set containing several years' of monetary values. I have entries for past dates and the associated values, and I also have entries for future dates. I need to populate the values of the future date records with the values from the same date the previous year. Is there any way this can be done in Power Pivot?

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Transact SQL :: Convert Comma Separated String Values Into Integer Values

Jul 28, 2015

I have a string variable

string str1="1,2,3,4,5";

I have to use the above comma separated values into a SQL Search query whose datatype is integer. How would i do this Search query in the IN Operator of SQL Server. My query is :

declare @id varchar(50)
set @id= '3,4,6,7'
set @id=(select replace(@id,'''',''))-- in below select query Id is of Integer datatype
select *from ehsservice where id in(@id)

But this query throws following error message:

Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '3,4,6,7' to data type int.

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How Do I Enter In A Default Values For A Report Parameter That Accepts Multi Values

Apr 11, 2008

I have my stored procedure set to
Territory_code IN (@Territory)

, now , how do i enter in more then one value. When i select the multi value check box, it gives me more spaces. But then doesnt recognize the values when i put in more then one. am i doing something wrong?

The field is a Varchar 20

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Compare Incoming Input File Row Values With Database Row Values In SSIS

Jan 23, 2008

Hi All,

I receive the input file with some 100 columns and some 20k+ rows and I want to check the incoming input row is existed in the database or not based on 2 key columns. If the row is existed then I need to check all the columns (nearly 100 columns) values in input and the database are equal or not. If both are equal I need to treat them seperately if not there is a seperate logic. How Can I do that check for each row and for each column?

Basically the algorithm is like this, if the input file row is not existed in the database then treat that as new row else if the input row is existed in the database then check all the columns are equal or not. If all the columns are equal then treat that as existing row and do nothing else if some columns are not equal then treat this row seperately.

I found some thing to achieve the above thing.
1. Take the input row and check in the database.
2. If the row is not found in the database then treat it as new row.
3. If row is found in the database then
a) Take the source row and prepare a concatenated string for all the columns
b) Take the database row and prepare a concatenated string for all the columns
c) Find out the hash code for the 2 strings and then compare hash codes for equal.

The disadvantage of this is running a loop 2*m*n times where m is the number of rows and n is the number of columns. It should be done 2 times for input file row and database row.

Can anybody suggest a good method to do this?

What does the function "GetHashCode" for InputBuffer in method "Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)" will do?
Will it generates hash code based on all the columns values?

Pls clarify.


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Reporting Services :: SSRS - Get Common Values Between Two Columns Where Values Sorted Comma Separated

May 6, 2015

I have a situation in SSRS to get the common values between the two columns where the values are sorted comma separated as below.Ex:

ColumnA :  abc,cde,efg    
ColumnB : cde,xyz,abc    

the result in    

ColumnC : cde,abc

similarly Column A and B will have n number records. I need to right an expression or the Code function to get the required result in ColumnC. I am using SharePoint Lists as Datasource. Cannot write SQL query to achieve this requirement.

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