After Set New_broker, It Works For Half Hour And Don;t Work Anymore, Please Advise, Thanks!

Sep 10, 2006

I use ASP.NET 2.0 and SQL 2005, the SQLCacheDependency didn't work stable for me, it usually works and after a while, it stops working. Recently, It doesn't work. Today I reset service broker by

Alter DB set new_broker

It seems all work, but too early to be happy, it doesn't work now anymore. I don't see any record in


And I don't see new entries in

sys.dm_qn_subscriptions neither when I modify a record which bind to SQLCacheDependy.

I see some errors in log like

The query notification dialog on conversation handle '{8F8CC642-6340-DB11-8F09-0014227B7B80}.' closed due to the following error: '<?xml version="1.0"?><Error xmlns=""><Code>-8490</Code><Description>Cannot find the remote service &apos;SqlQueryNotificationService-f79776f7-9ca5-4c5f-8a66-0d81f7673683&apos; because it does not exist.</Description></Error>'.

Any idea how to find out the problem?


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Adding Half Hour Intervals To Time

Oct 6, 2014

I have data that looks like the following.

ID Date Time Length Interval_Num
1 10/11/2014 9:00 420 14

Basically, length represents the # of minutes a person is scheduled for. We have 30 minute intervals. Interval_Num = (Length/30). I need the data to show each interval. For the above example it should only be 14 intervals.For the above example the solution should look like....

ID Date Time Length
1 10/11/2014 9:00 30
1 10/11/2014 9:30 30
1 10/11/2014 10:00 30
1 10/11/2014 10:30 30

for 14 intervals up until 16:00

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How To Convert A Time-stamp To Half-hour?

Nov 16, 2007

I would like to make a function to convert a datetime to half-hour. E.g. If the timestamp is 1:23:05 then converts to 1:30:00, if 1:35:27 then converts to 2:00:00.

Anyone has any idea? Thanks.

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Transact SQL :: Split Half Hour In Number From String

Jun 11, 2015

How I can split the half hour in number from this string?
20130329070000 (it's varchar)
Easy for the date
cast (left(20130329070000,8)as date)

I can achieve even the Half Hour


But what I need is the Half Hour in numeric format, so 00:00

should be 1, 00:30 should be 22, 01:00
should be 3, 01.30 should be 4......23:30 should be 24.

I already did but I can't find the piece of code I used.

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...Works In Management Studio, Not In .NET Anymore

Jul 3, 2007

I have an ASP.NET/ADO.NET page i wrote. It was based off of the development database during most development, and it switched over seamlessly to the production database.

Except for yesterday, when i went back to edit the page. It simply stopped returning results on my queries. To see if it was caused by bad values being passed to the sqldatasource, i tried it in the "Configure Data Source..." window, and it returns zero rows. When passing all of the exact same parameters to the same procedure in the same DB engine, even using the same login information, it works.

Just not in my ADO.NET app anymore...

Can anyone tell me what the hell could be going on here, please? I already rebuilt the page from an older version this morning, being very minimal on changes, and the last thing i changed before it stopped working was the connection string... *BUT* I have triple-checked that against the canon string we have always used in every working copy.

I'm losing a lot of hair over this . Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance


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Auto Grow For DB Doesnt Work Anymore

Jul 3, 2001

Hello all!

I've a problem with my database. Till yesterday the option for Auto Grow of Database (10 %) was working very fine, but now it seems to be some problems with it. Finally I had to specify a restricted size for the database and then it again startd to give me some space in the database to write in. Ideally it should have worked automatically, isnt it ???

There is no problem with the space on the drive, I still have some 76 gb of free space there ...

Thanks in advance ...


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Filtering Duplicates In SQL2005 Doesn't Work Anymore

Aug 18, 2006


Made the jump from SQL2000 to 2005 - i'm not a DBA but like to play around with such nice tools- and tried to convert my DTS package into a 2005 one.

I've got a csv file containing some log in information.

As users log in everyday, this keeps getting added to the file.

I'm only interested in the latest appearance of a certain machine on the network so i filter by creating an unique Index

the CSV file get's imported into a temporary table first and then i executed the following on SQL2000

CREATE TABLE [patchings].[dbo].[allfilter] (

[username] varchar (20) NULL,

[machine] varchar (20) NULL,

[os] varchar (20) NULL,

[sp] varchar (20) NULL,

[date] smalldatetime NULL,

[time] varchar(10) NULL,

[logonserver] varchar (20) NULL,

[country] varchar (20) NULL,

[domain] varchar (20) NULL,

varchar (20) NULL,

[brand] varchar (20) NULL,

[model] varchar (20) NULL,

[speed] int NULL


CREATE unique INDEX [my filter] ON [dbo].[allfilter]([machine], [os]) with ignore_dup_key ON [PRIMARY]


insert into "Allfilter" select * from temptable order by date desc

This worked perfectly in SQL2000.

when i try to do the same in SQL2005, it doens't start inserting the most recent machines (filtered on the date) but machines at random

selecting the select * from temptable order by date desc shows me the correct order for the machines by date so i'ld presume that it adds the most recent combination of machine and operating system from "today" and ignores the older appearances.

if the temptable contained for instance..

MY-MACHINE MY_USER Windows XP Service Pack 2 2006/06/13 10:02:34 Mydomaincontroller BE MY_DOMAIN my_ip IBM type 2593
MY-MACHINE MY_USER Windows XP Service Pack 2 2006/06/15 9:59:59 Mydomaincontroller BE MY_DOMAIN my_ip IBM type 2593
MY-MACHINE MY_USER Windows XP Service Pack 2 2006/06/16 12:33:09 Mydomaincontroller BE MY_DOMAIN my_ip IBM type 2593
MY-MACHINE MY_USER Windows XP Service Pack 2 2006/06/19 10:48:56 Mydomaincontroller BE MY_DOMAIN my_ip IBM type 2593
MY-MACHINE MY_USER Windows XP Service Pack 2 2006/06/20 11:03:49 Mydomaincontroller BE MY_DOMAIN my_ip IBM type 2593

under SQL2000 i'ld see one record in the final "allfilter" table

MY-MACHINE MY_USER Windows XP Service Pack 2 2006/06/20 11:03:49 Mydomaincontroller BE MY_DOMAIN my_ip IBM type 2593

under SQL2005 i don't see the last one though coding is the same

MY-MACHINE MY_USER Windows XP Service Pack 2 2006/06/16 12:33:09 Mydomaincontroller BE MY_DOMAIN my_ip IBM type 2593

I guess i'm missing something here but what?



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SQL 2000 Stops To Increment @cpu_busy Value, Sp_monitor Does Not Work Anymore

Apr 29, 2006

1) After a couple of months of work SQL 2000 server stops to increment @@cpu_busy. If you query it you��ll get a constant value as well as error:

select @@CPU_BUSY

Arithmetic overflow occurred.

2) If you execute sp_monitor you'll get nothing but errors:

Arithmetic overflow occurred.
Arithmetic overflow occurred.
Arithmetic overflow occurred.

This happens only on multiprocessor machines. SQL Service pack 3. The only way to fix it is to restart the SQL service. If you have a performance tool based on that value, like Idera's SQLdm- sorry, it will show zero.

Is there a fix from MS for that?

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SQL Server Express: Restore, Backup And Attach Do Not Work Anymore &&amp; Database Locations Fault

May 7, 2008

Hello there,

I've some really big problems with SQL Server 2005 Express. I Recently, I had 2 instances on my machine, one was a SQL Server 2000 Developer and the other a 2005 Express Version. The 2000 version was not necessary anymore, so I unstalled it, since then, the Express version keeps having probems.

Under the Server Properties -> Database settings -> Database Locations I've changed the path to D:sqldatamssql, but now, the programm always takes the "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLData" to store and load the databases, no matter what I do.

And there are more problems see here:

Restoring does not work=======================
I wanted to restore a database called "fw40_admin" from a backup file (.bak), but that didn't work at all, it always says this as an error:

"System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: The operating system returned the error '5(error not found)' while attempting 'RestoreContainer::ValidateTargetForCreation' on 'D:sqldatamssqlfw40_admin.mdf'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.Smo)"

But as soon as I type in the installation path "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLData" inside the "Restore As" under "Options", it works.

Why does the backup only work in "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLData", BUT the database locations under the server properties is indicated with "D:sqldatamssql"????

Attaching does not work=======================
Attaching an existing database does not work either. Most databases (mdf) are located on the path D:sqldatamssql, but as soon as I press

Attach Databases -> Add

The dialog window appears with the "D:sqldatamssql" path, but it is unable to find any *.mdfs altough THERE ARE .mdfs in this directory. But Express can find databases in the selected installation: "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLData".
Why can't Express see the directory on the D: partition???

What is wrong? Here? Can anybody help me?

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SQL 2012 :: How To Backup Half Of DBs From A Server On C Drive And Other Half On D Drive

Jan 16, 2015

How to backup half of dbs from a server on C drive and the other half on D drive and vice versa, first half on D drive and other half On C drive using only one job and one stored procedure??

Using scheduling from job add 2 schedules to the job so first schedule backup first half to C and second half to D , the second schedule backup first half to D and second half to D.

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Please Help.. Can't Get ASP.NET App To Work On Web Server, Works On Local System

Jul 27, 2006

I have an application I developled for a shopping cart function using Wrox ASP.NET book as a guide. I have everything working great on my local system using SQL 2005 Express. When I move the app to an IIS 6.0 Web Server with SQL 2005 Express installed I get the following error.
Line 103:    Public Overridable Property Cart() As Wrox.Commerce.ShoppingCartLine 104:        GetLine 105:            Return CType(Me.GetPropertyValue("Cart"),Wrox.Commerce.ShoppingCart)Line 106:        End GetLine 107:        Set
It has some comments up top about not being able to establish a connection to the SQL Express Database. I have made the changes to allow TCP/IP and Named-Pipes
The App has to be connecting to the database because it displays grid views during the order process.
The Database is located in the App Data folder
IIS is set to Integrated Authentication and configured as a Web Application.
Can someone please tell me what is wrong.

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Scheduled Job Doesn't Work, But Works Manually

Apr 17, 2007

I have scheduled a job in Management Studio, but it doesn't work. However, when I run it maually in Visual Studio it works. I have connected an outside server by mapping it to mine. Maybe this is the problem?

I have also tried to configure a linked server, but I cannot find out how to connect my SSIS package to the linked server.

Can anybody help me?


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Job Doesn't Work But Package Works Fine

Jun 26, 2007


I have many jobs on sql 05 and all work but one. This one writes to an Access DB on the same server as SQL. The package works fine. But when executed in the context of the SQL Agent job, it fails.

Jobs that write to a text file work fine. The Access DB has no password required. By the way, that job in sql 2000 worked fine.

Any ideas?

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Query Works Fine Outside Union, But Doesn't Work .. .

Mar 31, 2004

hi all

I have the following query which works fine when it's executed as a single query. but when i union the result of this query with other queries, it returns a different set of data.

any one know why that might be the case??

select top 100 max(contact._id) "_id", max( "callback_date", 7 "priority", max( "recency", count(*) "frequency" --contact._id, contact.callback_date
from topcat.class_contact contact inner join topcat.MMTRANS$ old_trans on contact.phone_num =
where contact.phone_num is not null
and contact.status = 'New Contact'
group by contact._id
order by "recency" desc, "frequency" desc

i've included the union query here for completeness of the question

declare @current_date datetime
set @current_date = GETDATE()

select top 100 _id, callback_date, priority, recency, frequency from
select top 10 _id, callback_date, 10 priority, @current_date recency, 1 frequency --, DATEPART(hour, callback_date) "hour", DATEPART(minute, callback_date) "min"
from topcat.class_contact
where status ='callback'
and (DATEPART(year, callback_date) <= DATEPART(year, @current_date))
and (DATEPART(dayofyear, callback_date) <= DATEPART(dayofyear, @current_date)) -- all call backs within that hour will be returned
and (DATEPART(hour, callback_date) <= DATEPART(hour, @current_date))
and (DATEPART(hour, callback_date) <> 0)
order by callback_date asc
--order by priority desc, DATEPART(hour, callback_date) asc, DATEPART(minute, callback_date) asc, callback_date asc
select top 10 _id, callback_date, 9 priority, @current_date recency, 1 frequency
from topcat.class_contact
where status = 'callback'
and callback_date is not null
and (DATEPART(year, callback_date) <= DATEPART(year, @current_date))
and (DATEPART(dayofyear, callback_date) <= DATEPART(dayofyear, @current_date))
and (DATEPART(hour, callback_date) <= DATEPART(hour, @current_date))
and (DATEPART(hour, callback_date) = 0)
order by callback_date asc
select top 10 _id, callback_date, 8 priority, @current_date recency, 1 frequency
from topcat.class_contact
where status = 'No Connect'
and callback_date is not null
and (DATEPART(year, callback_date) <= DATEPART(year, @current_date))
and (DATEPART(dayofyear, callback_date) <= DATEPART(dayofyear, @current_date))
and (DATEPART(hour, callback_date) <= DATEPART(hour, @current_date))
order by callback_date asc
select top 100 max(contact._id) "_id", max( "callback_date", 7 "priority", max( "recency", count(*) "frequency" --contact._id, contact.callback_date
from topcat.class_contact contact inner join topcat.MMTRANS$ old_trans on contact.phone_num =
where contact.phone_num is not null
and contact.status = 'New Contact'
group by contact._id
order by "recency" desc, "frequency" desc
) contact_queue
order by priority desc, recency desc, callback_date asc, frequency desc


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Help: Why IN-Operator With Select-Statement It Doesn't Work? But With Given Values It Works

Jun 4, 2007

Hello to all,
i have a problem with IN-Operator. I cann't resolve it. I hope that somebody can help me.
I have a IN_Operator sql query like this, this sql query can work. it means that i can get a result 3418:
declare @IDM int;
declare @IDO varchar(8000);
set @IDM = 3418;
set @IDO = '3430' 
select *
from wtcomValidRelationships as A
where (A.IDMember = @IDM) and ( @IDO in (3428 , 3430 , 3436 , 3452 , 3460 , 3472 , 3437 , 3422 , 3468 , 3470 , 3451 , 3623 , 3475 , 3595 , 3709 , 3723 , 3594 , 3864 , 3453 , 4080 ))
but these numbers (3428 , 3430 , 3436 , 3452 , 3460 , 3472 , 3437 , 3422 , 3468 , 3470 , 3451 , 3623 , 3475 , 3595 , 3709 , 3723 , 3594 , 3864 , 3453 , 4080 ) come from a select-statement. so if i use select-statement in this query, i get nothing back. this query like this one:select *
from wtcomValidRelationships as A
where (A.IDMember = @IDM) and ( @IDO in (select B.RelationshipIDs from wtcomValidRelationships as B where B.IDMember = @IDM))
I have checked that man can use IN-Operator with select-statement. I don't know why it doesn't work with me. Could somebody help me? Thanks
I use MS SQL 2005 Server Management Stadio Express
Thanks a million and Best regards

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Setting ReportViewer URI And Path In Designer Works, C# Doesnt Work

Feb 26, 2008

in both vs2008 I added a ReportViewer control to my WinForm, intending to render an RS 2005 report remotely. In the design pane (Report Viewer Tasks Popup) I specify <server report>,
URL http://server name/reportserver$instance name
path /folder/report name

and everything is fine.

When I set these values in c# as

reportViewer1.ProcessingMode = ProcessingMode.Remote;

reportViewer1.ServerReport.ReportServerUrl = new Uri("http://server name/reportserver$instance name");

reportViewer1.ServerReport.ReportPath = "/folder/report name";

I started getting a msg saying "the source of the report definition has not been specified". If I hit refresh, the report renders. Before I started playing with the designer setting, and only had the c# stuff specified, I wouldnt even get the message, the control would appear with all RS buttons (eg page forward arrow etc) disabled.

Does anybody know why the message is appearing and how to get c#'s settings to work immediately like designer settings?

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DateAdd Expression Works In Tsql But Doesn't Work In Ssis

May 9, 2007

Hi There,

I am trying to set a variable with this default value using expression. This works in tsql but doesn't in ssis. Can anybody tell me what is wrong with this?

dateadd("dd", -1, datediff("dd", 0, getdate()))


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Works Fine In Designer But When I Load The Report It Doesn't Work

Oct 23, 2006

works fine in designer but when i load the report services
I get the following error
anybody know what to do
there is one subreport with this report
maybe the passing value but what could be wrong ????

Item has already been added. Key in dictionary: '9' Key being added: '9'

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Function That Works In Sql Server Management Studio Does Not Work In Derived Column Transformation Editor

May 12, 2007


I'm a relative SQL Server newbee and have developed a function that converts mm/dd/yyyy to yyy/mm/dd for use as in a DT_DBDATE format for insert into a column with smalldatatime.

I receive the following erros when using the function in the Derived Column Transformation Editor. First, the function, then the error when using it as the expression Derived Column Transformation Editor.

Can anyone explain how I can do this transformation work in this context or suggest a way either do the transformation easier or avoid it altogerher?

Thanks for the look see...


ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[convdate]


@indate nvarchar(10)


RETURNS nvarchar(10)



-- Declare the return variable here

DECLARE @outdate nvarchar(10)

set @outdate =




RETURN @outdate



And the error...

expression "lipper.dbo.convdate(eomdate)" failed. The token "." at line number "1", character number "11" was not recognized. The expression cannot be parsed because it contains invalid elements at the location specified.

Error at Data Flow Task [Derived Column [111]]: Cannot parse the expression "lipper.dbo.convdate(eomdate)". The expression was not valid, or there is an out-of-memory error.

Error at Data Flow Task [Derived Column [111]]: The expression "lipper.dbo.convdate(eomdate)" on "input column "eomdate" (165)" is not valid.

Error at Data Flow Task [Derived Column [111]]: Failed to set property "Expression" on "input column "eomdate" (165)".

(Microsoft Visual Studio)


Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0204006 (Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap)

Program Location:

at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper.CManagedComponentWrapperClass.SetInputColumnProperty(Int32 lInputID, Int32 lInputColumnID, String PropertyName, Object vValue)
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.DtsDerivedColumnComponentUI.SaveColumns(ColumnInfo[] colNames, String[] inputColumnNames, String[] expressions, String[] dataTypes, String[] lengths, String[] precisions, String[] scales, String[] codePages)
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.DtsDerivedColumnFrameForm.SaveAll()

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Counting Popularity, Hour By Hour

Nov 14, 2001

I have a table that is recording hits to a website. Everytime someone views a page, the datetime of the hit is recorded in a field called hit_date_time. I would like to be able to come up with a query that will show how many hits occured on a given day or given days, broken down by hour.

The resulting table for two days would look something like:
Time Hits
1/1/01 12:00 1
1/1/01 1:00 23
1/1/01 2:00 54
1/2/01 1:00 15
1/2/01 2:00 14

I can't seem to figure out how to write the query so that I can take into consideration the date and hour of the event so that I can count it.



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SET NEW_BROKER Statement Hangs System

Feb 7, 2007

SQL Version - SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition, SP 1

I have a database which is Broker Enabled. We use Query notification extensively and the application is in testing stage. Both Testing and development database is on the same server. When I create database for testing I used to do Backup-restore method. When i restore a borker enabled database, the restored database and the source database will have same GUID for Broker. So by default the restored database will not be broker enabled. So what I do is , i run

Alter database somedatabase SET NEW_BROKER.

This statement will generate new GUID for this database and then we can enable the Broker by SET ENABLE_BROKER statement. Till last week this process was working fine. When I did the same thing yesterday the Alter database somedatabase SET NEW_BROKER query was runing for whole night and it could not complete the process.
What SET NEW_BROKER internally does as per BOL is

Specifies that the database should receive a new broker identifier. Because the database is considered to be a new service broker, all existing conversations in the database are immediately removed without producing end dialog messages.
When I checked the Conversation in the database there were millions of rows.
My question is , can I do the same process in a better way and how. Is there any way to clear Conversation in a faster method. I googled , but I could not find a better solution.

pse help


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Set New_broker When The Activated Stored Procedure Changes.

Sep 4, 2007

Hi I have a couple of questions to understand better Service Broker..

Every time I alter the activation Stored Procedure on the receiving queue I also execute the:
alter database set new_broker rollback

1) can somebody explain me in a detailed way why I have to do that? what happen inside SQL Server when there is a Stored Procedure activated on a queue??
Also link to white papers, resouces on so on are appreciated.

My Activation Stored Procedure calls other stored procedure.
2) If ONLY one of the nested stored procedures changes I have to execute the command:
alter database set new_broker rollback ???

I think that the answer to the first question will answer the second one..

Thank you for any helps!
Marina B.

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Why The Query Works In Query Analyser And Doesn't Work In Reporting Service ?

Apr 30, 2007

Hello everybody,

I'm developing a report using the following structure :

declare @sql as nvarchar(4000)

declare @where as nvarchar(2000)

set @sql = 'select ....'

If <conditional1>


set @where = 'some where'


If <conditional2>


set @where = 'some where'


set @sql = @sql + @where


I run it in query analyser and works fine, but when I try to run in Reporting Services, Visual studio stops responding and the cpu reaches 100 %.

I realize that when I cut off the if clauses, then it works at Reporting services.

Does anybody know what is happening?

Why the query works in query analyser and doesn't work in Reporting Service ?



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Will ALTER DATABASE ... SET NEW_BROKER Retain Structure?

Oct 3, 2006

I am considering the use of ALTER DATABASE ... SET NEW_BROKER within an existing Service Broker instance. The reason is that I have about 23 million old endpoints in Service Broker that I am unable to clean up using the standard END CONVERSATION loops that have been discussed on these forums previously. It's a busy database, and it just cannot do the job within a reasonable timeframe.

There are no critical conversations to be lost, becuse the majority of the old endpoints deal with ASP.NET SQL caching, so they are disposable.

I have read that using the ALTER DATABASE command will delete all past endpoints, but I haven't seen much in the way of the retention of the existing message framework.

If I execute ALTER DATABASE ... SET NEW_BROKER, will it retain everything I have setup, including security, message types, contracts, services, queues, etc.? Is there anything, other than the old conversations and endpoints, that is deleted?

Thanks very much!

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Feb 20, 2007

System Configuration :
OS : Windows 2003 latest SP
SQL Server : Standard Edition, SP2
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3042.00 (Intel X86)
Feb 9 2007 22:47:07
Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation
Standard Edition on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 1)

DownTime : This is not a 24x7 kind of machine. It can have downtime

Reference :

I have been discussing this Service Broker issues in this forum for quite sometimes and sorry to bother u all again�� To make things more clearer before implementing in production environment I have few doubts and it should be clarified..

As discussed in the first link we can clear sys.conversation_endpoints by just giving ALTER DATABASE GPx SET NEW_BROKER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE. But my apprehension is that if we run this command on production server and it truncate this table�� what will be the impact and overall overhead on the system�� Is it recommended to give this statement on Production Server daily at less traffic times, to clear this table ?�� will it have adverse effect. I repeat I have downtime , I can even shutdown this server daily��

I also, just want to know why Microsoft has not looked into this aspects�� why the system itself is clearing the expired messages.. What is the thought behind this architecture

I have the script to run in batch�� but in high-level meetings it is always difficult to convince this architecture/process��

Thanks in advance

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Can&#39;t Connect To My Server Anymore.

Apr 5, 2000

I've got SQL 7.0 installed on a desktop to develop DTS packages. I've been using it fine for a month or so. Now, all of the sudden, I cannot connect to the server using Enterprise Manager, SQL Analyzer or anything. I get an error stating 'Connection could not be established: ConnectionTransact(GetOverLappedResult())'. The error log states that the max number of connections has been reached. Also, when restarting the server, there is an inticonfig statement that's says it's only allowing one connection. Why? Nobody/nothing else is connected to this server. How do I change it so it'll allow more than one connection? I can't connect to change this setting.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Enterprise Manager Won&#39;t Let Me In Anymore?

Oct 24, 2000

I'm using SQL Server 7 and have it installed on one PC, Not networked.
Without any explanation Enterprise manager won't let me look at my databases. It lets me look at a server on the web but not my own Server on this PC.

It has worked without any problems until now. I receive this message when I try and look at the servers databases.

**A connection could not be established to H3G5Z8- Cannot open user default database <ID> using master database instead.

Please verify SQL Server is running and check your Server Registration properties.

Total mystery right out of the blue.

Appreciate any help you could give me.


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Not Connecting To SQL Database Anymore

Nov 18, 2004

I have the following code in my ASP program
dbRows = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset");
dbRows.Open( dbCmd );

newUser=((dbRows.EOF) || ((!dbRows.EOF) && (dbRows("isActive").value != 1)) )
if ( newUser ) {
if(Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") != "/profile_edit.asp" ) {
} else {
Session("logon_user") = Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER")+"";
Session("fullname") = dbRows("full_name").value;
Session("email") = dbRows("email_address").value;
Session("q1") = dbRows("q1").value == " " ? "" : dbRows("q1").value;
Session("q2") = dbRows("q2").value == " " ? "" : dbRows("q2").value;
Session("q3") = dbRows("q3").value == " " ? "" : dbRows("q3").value;
Session("ct") = dbRows("ct").value == " " ? "" : dbRows("ct").value;
Session("so") = dbRows("so").value == " " ? "" : dbRows("so").value;
Session("graphic_level") = 3;
Session("er_view") = dbRows("er_view").value;

dbCmd.CommandText = "knet_user_setLastLogin"

This same code used to work but doesn't anymore. The connection times out and the error points to the dbCMD.Execute command. Here same things I have found:
1. If I point the database calls to the development server it works. If I point the database calls to the production server it fails. I am to get to production through other calls just fine.

2. If I comment out the dbCmd.Execute or dbCmd.CommandText = "knet_user_setLastLogin" seperately the code works.

What is the dbCmd.Execute doing when it is called?
Could it be a problem with the store procedure?
Could it be a software upgrade on the Database server that is causing the problem?

Your help will be greatly appreciated.


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Cannot Create ADO Connection To DB Anymore...

Jul 20, 2005

I rebuilt my machine a few weeks back - re-installed the developer version...The app in question can see all it's tables in the SQL back end via ODBC andeverything looks normal via Enterprise Manager, but I can no longer createan ADO Connection.Source code is unchanged, what's changed is the PC rebuild and consequentre-installatin of SQL Server developer version.I suspect it's something to do with the provider (at least that's the only thingI can see in the .Connect string that's not verifiably correct....)The error looks like this after I trap and format it:-----------------------------------------------------------------12/30/03 21:34:30v0.71 Userid: UPQC on SAGProc: basADO: ADO_ConnectionCreate-2147467259: [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server doesnot exist or access denied.Errors encountered when trying to connect:''''''''''[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist oraccess denied.----------Connect String:Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;SERVER=SAG;DATABASE=TRETS;UID= Trets;PWD=trets-----------------------------------------------------------------Can anybody see anything obvious to look for?I'm thinking I need to know how to verify/validate the presence of provider"SQLOLEDB.1"... But how?--PeteCresswell

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Splitting A Table In Half

Jul 30, 2007

Hi all,
I am trying to create a table of counts but it is running too long and would be a waste of paper so in essence I want the table to wrap at the 50% mark. As far as I understand theres no way to do that with just one table in RS so Im planning on using two tables and filtering them somehow.

I have been looking at the top % and bottom % filters but they dont seem to work for my purposes.

Heres what I got:


Program 1

Program 2

Program 3

Program 4

Program 5

Program 6

Program 7
Heres what I want to do:


Program 1

Program 2

Program 3

Program 4


Program 5

Program 6

Program 7

gte 50%
lt 50%
Does anyone know an easy way to split a data set by group at the 50% mark?


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All The Records Update Or Just Half?

May 26, 2008

update top (50) percent table1 set fields1 = 1
update top (50) percent table1 set fields1 = 2

like the subject, all or half? thanks

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Package Doesn't Run Anymore On SP2

Feb 26, 2007

Hi all,

I've installed SP2 on my server. If I run the package on the server, the package worked there before the installation of SP2. Now with SP2 it doesn't work anymore. In VS2005 on my computer the package works before and after the installation of SP2.

He gives an error with the execution of a sql-task on an oracle server:

Error :Executing the query "insert into cube_content values (trim(?), trim(?), trim(?), trim(?), trim(?), sysdate) failed with the following error: "ORA-01401: inserted value too large for column". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

Anybody an idea?



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Get Data From Half-Variable Table Name

Apr 17, 2004

Im really new to this and Im really bad.

but im trying to get the userID From a table,

but the table is named "Table"+the productID

ie Table23
or Table54

has 2 columns, UnitId and UserID

heres my code

CREATE Procedure UserDetail
@UnitId int,
@ProductID int,
@UserID int OUTPUT

declare @TSQL varchar(1000)

SET @TSQL= 'SELECT @UnitId , @ProductID , @UserID ' +
'FROM Table'+CAST(@ProductID AS char(20))+
' WHERE UnitId=@UnitId '


and i get this error

Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Must declare the variable '@UnitId'

anyhelp would be aprciated,. thanks so much

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