All The Records Update Or Just Half?
May 26, 2008update top (50) percent table1 set fields1 = 1
update top (50) percent table1 set fields1 = 2
like the subject, all or half? thanks
update top (50) percent table1 set fields1 = 1
update top (50) percent table1 set fields1 = 2
like the subject, all or half? thanks
All rows of a 1500+ record text file we have at work should be 512 spaces. Some are not and seem to be causing problems. I get half the records I should be getting on an import. When the DTS task comes across one of these records it takes it and appends them together and makes two rows one row. Any ideas? I tried making a table with one field of datatype char(1000) and tried to import into this table. I figured this would add any missing trailing spaces but no go.
I have a table that I need to do some computations on all the data but first I need to remove the duplicate records and insert the results into a destination table. Here's the example below. My table has 3.1 million rows. I have tried using the DISTINCT and the GROUP BY but both ways to select the data takes about half a minute to run. I'm wondering if there is a way to increase performance. Users are ok with this time since the process runs overnight but improving it won't hurt. I do have a clustered index on these fields but that doesn't seem to improve any.
SELECTDateYear ,
DateMonth ,
Nbr ,
Nbr1 ,
Nbr2 ,
Datafield1 ,
How to backup half of dbs from a server on C drive and the other half on D drive and vice versa, first half on D drive and other half On C drive using only one job and one stored procedure??
Using scheduling from job add 2 schedules to the job so first schedule backup first half to C and second half to D , the second schedule backup first half to D and second half to D.
Hi every one,
I have a database table and currently users may retrieve records for a specified date range by providing the start and end dates and then records between those dates provided are retrieved. For example if users wanted to view all records entered in april, they would have to select 04/01/2007 as the start date and then 04/30/2007 as the end date. The records for april would then be displayed in a gridview.
How can configure my sql query such that instead the user selectes a month from a dropdownlist of 12 months. I would love a user to just select the desired month from a list instead of selecting start and end dates. Eg if they are intrested in a report for june, then they should just select june from the list instead of specifying the start and stop dates. HOW can i achieve this.
I need a little help here..I want to transfer ONLY new records AND update any modified recordsfrom Oracle into SQL Server using DTS. How should I go about it?a) how do I use global variable to get max date.Where and what DTS task should I use to complete the job? Data DrivenQuery? Transform data task? How ? can u give me samples. Perhaps youcan email me the Demo Package as well.b) so far, what I did was,- I have datemodified field in my Oracle table so that I can comparewith datelastrun of my DTS package to get new records- records in Oracle having datemodified >Max(datelastrun), and transferto SQL Server table.Now, I am stuck as to where should I proceed - how can I transfer theserecords?Hope u can give me some lights. Thank you in advance.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHi all,
I am trying to create a table of counts but it is running too long and would be a waste of paper so in essence I want the table to wrap at the 50% mark. As far as I understand theres no way to do that with just one table in RS so Im planning on using two tables and filtering them somehow.
I have been looking at the top % and bottom % filters but they dont seem to work for my purposes.
Heres what I got:
Program 1
Program 2
Program 3
Program 4
Program 5
Program 6
Program 7
Heres what I want to do:
Program 1
Program 2
Program 3
Program 4
Program 5
Program 6
Program 7
gte 50%
lt 50%
Does anyone know an easy way to split a data set by group at the 50% mark?
Im really new to this and Im really bad.
but im trying to get the userID From a table,
but the table is named "Table"+the productID
ie Table23
or Table54
has 2 columns, UnitId and UserID
heres my code
CREATE Procedure UserDetail
@UnitId int,
@ProductID int,
@UserID int OUTPUT
declare @TSQL varchar(1000)
SET @TSQL= 'SELECT @UnitId , @ProductID , @UserID ' +
'FROM Table'+CAST(@ProductID AS char(20))+
' WHERE UnitId=@UnitId '
and i get this error
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Must declare the variable '@UnitId'
anyhelp would be aprciated,. thanks so much
I don't work much with the back end of software development so there is a lot about SQL Server I do not know.
We are building a database. The database will have about 10 tables in it. 3 of these tables will probably have a huge amount of data in them. Specifically each one of the 3 tables will each have about a half a million database records in it. Each record is about 100 characters max in length.(Im am including numbers as characters and summing the individual columns/fields to come up with 100).
Will a SQL server database table with A half a million records in it be possible? We have tried to normalize the database to cut down on the size of the table but it all comes out to about a half a million records per table.
Any help is deeply appreciated.
I have data that looks like the following.
ID Date Time Length Interval_Num
1 10/11/2014 9:00 420 14
Basically, length represents the # of minutes a person is scheduled for. We have 30 minute intervals. Interval_Num = (Length/30). I need the data to show each interval. For the above example it should only be 14 intervals.For the above example the solution should look like....
ID Date Time Length
1 10/11/2014 9:00 30
1 10/11/2014 9:30 30
1 10/11/2014 10:00 30
1 10/11/2014 10:30 30
for 14 intervals up until 16:00
I'm developing one leave application form in that I've declared "No of days"column as nvarchar type..If the user taking half(1/2) day leave then have to covert that 1/2 into 4 hours itseems..since I'm trying to display the table data on datagridview while displaying that half day in gridview again it has to conver 4 hours into 1.2 format..
My Table design:
Create table Leave_Form
Employee_id int primary key,
Emp_Date date,
Emp_name nvarchar(50),
[Code] ....
Windows form:
I would like to make a function to convert a datetime to half-hour. E.g. If the timestamp is 1:23:05 then converts to 1:30:00, if 1:35:27 then converts to 2:00:00.
Anyone has any idea? Thanks.
do all sql data types consume whole numbers of bytes? We have an app that might be best suited to bit manipulation at the nibble rather than byte level.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo I just got an email from Production Support saying an hour and a half downtime is unacceptable to move a half billion rows between 2 partitions because I am moving a clustered index and space is a consideration.
I can not use partition switching because the clustered index is changing.
This is what I am doing...
1. I am creating a new table with the new cluster on a new partiton
2. I am moving the records in 5K set based batches by doing a range search on the existing clustered index on the existing table.
3. I then reapply all of the nonclustered index from the original table to the new one.
4. I do a sp_rename swap out.
The same way I have done this many times before. Is there some new secret special sauce (other than partition switching) I can use?
How I can split the half hour in number from this string?
20130329070000 (it's varchar)
Easy for the date
cast (left(20130329070000,8)as date)
I can achieve even the Half Hour
But what I need is the Half Hour in numeric format, so 00:00
should be 1, 00:30 should be 22, 01:00
should be 3, 01.30 should be 4......23:30 should be 24.
I already did but I can't find the piece of code I used.
I have 2 tables:
tbl1: InstituteID, name
tbl2 ApplicantID, InstituteID ,Applicant_Name, address, city, state, status *
* Status field contains value A for acceptance or R for rejected
listing Institute names where more than half of applicants were accepted.
I use ASP.NET 2.0 and SQL 2005, the SQLCacheDependency didn't work stable for me, it usually works and after a while, it stops working. Recently, It doesn't work. Today I reset service broker by
Alter DB set new_broker
It seems all work, but too early to be happy, it doesn't work now anymore. I don't see any record in
And I don't see new entries in
sys.dm_qn_subscriptions neither when I modify a record which bind to SQLCacheDependy.
I see some errors in log like
The query notification dialog on conversation handle '{8F8CC642-6340-DB11-8F09-0014227B7B80}.' closed due to the following error: '<?xml version="1.0"?><Error xmlns=""><Code>-8490</Code><Description>Cannot find the remote service 'SqlQueryNotificationService-f79776f7-9ca5-4c5f-8a66-0d81f7673683' because it does not exist.</Description></Error>'.
Any idea how to find out the problem?
Having table like below. Here want to cumulative the values quarter and half yearly wise...
declare @table table
(month varchar(10),
value int)
insert into @table values('apr' ,100 )
insert into @table values('may' ,200 )
insert into @table values('jun' ,300 )
[Code] ....
Like wise the data should added...
Here is my question if anyone can help...
I have two tables
Table 1
Table 2
I would like to update Table 1 with the data from Table 2. Here is my problem..Lets say that I have two records in Table 2 that have the same policyNumber but two different NewEmpNames, it only takes the first. In other words, a single policynumber can be moved to a New EmpName and then again later on to another NewEmpName adn even again if need be
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I am trying to update a field within one table with the values from another table. With the criteria that another field in each table are equal. What is the correct way to do this. My syntax is all wrong.
Please help
I have table1 which has many unique ID numbers and table2 that has many records for each ID. some of the ID numbers in table1 have changed and I have created a translation table (table3) that links the old and new ID numbers.
What I need to do is some sort of update sql statement that updates all the records in table2 changing all the oldID numbers to the new ones using the translation table.
Table1 and table2 are not linked...can anyone help me with the sql statement
Table 1
12345 Joe
12346 Mary
12347 David
12345 hello
12345 goodbye
12346 hello
12347 goodbye
12346 hello
12346 goodbye
12345 54321
12347 74321
need to change the IDNUM in Table2 to 54321 where IDNUM = 12345 and same with 12347..Need to do this for many many IDs but not all.
Thanks very much
Good day to all, I am new here so i hope i am doing things correctly.
The Company i work for make coils of shaped wire and work a 6 - 6 shift pattern
I have a database that is updated from a data collection source (MS Access) at 06:00 every morning. This seems to be working ok, my problem is that most coils fit nicely into the 6 - 6 shift pattern, but some now and again drift over into the next shift. I have written a crystal report that picks up this data. at the moment the coils are put in the database as: [Coil Start Time], [Coil Finish Time], [Coil Start Weight], [Coil Finish Weight], etc.
I have written (been helped to write) a SQL statement that will do the following:
Step 1: If the Coil Finish time is greater than the shift end time, then set the shit end time to be coil end time and zero start and finish wheight.
Step 2: The original Coil record is duplicated and Coil Start time set to start time of shift, all other data left alone.
Example of code:
SELECT [Batch Name], [Batch Start], [Batch End], [Coil Start Weight], [Coil Finish Weight], [Product], [Shift], [Operator ID], [Works Order No]
FROM dbo.tblCoilData
WHERE (DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) >= 6 AND DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) < 18) OR
((DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) < 6 OR
DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) >= 18) AND (DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) < 6 OR
DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) >= 18))
SELECT [Batch Name], [Batch Start], DATEADD(hour, 17, DATEADD(minute, 59, CONVERT(char(10), [Batch End], 101))), 0, 0, [Product], [Shift], [Operator ID],
[Works Order No]
FROM dbo.tblCoilData
WHERE DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) >= 6 AND DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) < 18 AND (DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) < 6 OR
DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) >= 18)
SELECT [Batch Name], DATEADD(hour, 18, CONVERT(char(10), [Batch Start], 101)), [Batch End], [Coil Start Weight], [Coil Finish Weight], [Product], [Shift],
[Operator ID], [Works Order No]
FROM dbo.tblCoilData
WHERE DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) >= 6 AND DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) < 18 AND (DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) < 6 OR
DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) >= 18)
SELECT [Batch Name], [Batch Start], DATEADD(hour, 5, DATEADD(minute, 59, CONVERT(char(10), [Batch End], 101))), 0, 0, [Product], [Shift], [Operator ID],
[Works Order No]
FROM dbo.tblCoilData
WHERE (DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) < 6 OR
DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) >= 18) AND DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) >= 6 AND DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) < 18
SELECT [Batch Name], DATEADD(hour, 6, CONVERT(char(10), [Batch Start], 101)), [Batch End], [Coil Start Weight], [Coil Finish Weight], [Product], [Shift],
[Operator ID], [Works Order No]
FROM dbo.tblCoilData
WHERE (DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) < 6 OR
DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) >= 18) AND DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) >= 6 AND DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) < 18
I have 2 options now
option 1:
Leave this as a SQL View and report from this
option 2:
Insert updated records to the tblCoilData table so that the data in the table is permanent
I would prefer option 2 but am a bit of a nugget when it comes to writing update / insert statements, Could someone please help me with this
Thank you very kindly
Steve Dyson
I Have three tables
taskid, taskname, projectid, workid
projectid, projectname
1, project1
2, project2
3, project3
workid, workname
I need to do an update this way
Update the taskname as 'projectname' + '_' + 'workname' for any projectid.
projectname and workname coming from the projectid and workid in the task record
so the task table becomes
I can get all the records doing this
SELECT p.projectname+ ' ' + w.workname AS 'NEWNAME'
FROM task t
JOIN work w
ON t.workid = w.workid
JOIN project p
ON t.projectid = p.projectid
WHERE projectid = 2
how do i do an UPDATE?
any help is appreciated
I have this code
I want to update nilai = total where kd_bulan = 9 and nilai = 0 where kd_bulan = 12
I'm having a problem with the syntax for doing an update to the top 25 records in my table.... This is what i have...
UPDATE TOP (25) FROM ud402.jd_mcp_master SET comments = 'MONDAY 092313 ' WHERE QUEUE_NAME = 'JD_Testing' ORDER BY DATE_WORKED ;
i want to update the second row of the c column.can any one help me in this . this is the sample records.
a b c
Hi all,
I have confusing problem here. My table which have about 150.000 rows have problem with updates on 15 rows.
It's access application which connect to sql server 2005 database. Access gets error:
"ODBC --update on linked table 'MyTable2 failed"
If i try to update on sql it's take couple minutes to update.
Evrything else on that table is ok.
I have one table of new records (tableA) that may already exist intableB. I want to insert these records into tableB with insert if theydon't already exist, or update any existing ones with new data if theydo already exist. A column (Action) in tableA already tells me whetherthis is an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE. I'm able to derive that I can doan insert withselect * into tableB from tableA where Action = 'INSERT'....and I think I can handle the delete.But I'm stuck on the update. How do I do the update? An ordinaryUPDATE statement just won't do unless I use a cursor to cycle throughthe recordset. I want to avoid a cursor.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow to use db-lib to update/insert database records without using SQLlanguage. I want to change the value of the data individually withoutplugging in the new values in the SQL language then execute it. Theperfect situation for me is loop through the retrieved records thenedit the values individually until EOF.Thanks,Carlo
View 1 Replies View RelatedHi everyone,
I'm fairly basic in SQL and I was wondering if it was possible to update the id field of a certain table in all records of that table. And to update the links to those ids in other tables.
Hope you understand and thanks in advance,
I'm using SQL Server 2000.
I have a table with data similar to this.... Multi field = 0 indicates current record, 1 indicates an old record
FWK NVQ Multi Key Start Date NVQ Date FWK Date
NULL NULL 0 123456 03/04/2006 NULL NULL
NULL NULL 1 123456 03/04/2005 01/09/2006 NULL
NULL NULL 0 234567 03/04/2006 NULL NULL
NULL NULL 1 234567 03/06/2005 04/10/2005 03/11/2005
NULL NULL 0 345678 03/04/2004 NULL NULL
NULL NULL 1 345678 03/07/2003 NULL 01/12/2003
NULL NULL 1 345678 03/08/2002 NULL NULL
NULL NULL 0 456789 30/09/2002 11/06/2003 NULL
NULL NULL 1 456789 29/08/2000 NULL NULL
NULL NULL 0 567890 30/09/2002 11/06/2003 11/06/2003
NULL NULL 1 567890 29/08/2000 30/05/2001 NULL
NULL NULL 0 678901 03/04/2006 01/09/2006 15/09/2006
NULL NULL 1 678901 30/03/2005 30/08/2005 15/08/2005
NULL NULL 0 789012 02/03/2000 03/09/2000 15/09/2000
NULL NULL 0 789013 30/06/2001 07/08/2001 14/08/2001
I need to update the table, setting the first two columns to the date of the old records... ie. I want the table to look like this...
FWK NVQ Multi Key Start Date NVQ Date FWK Date
NULL 01/09/2006 0 123456 03/04/2006 NULL NULL
NULL NULL 1 123456 03/04/2005 01/09/2006 NULL
03/11/2005 04/10/2005 0 234567 03/04/2006 NULL NULL
NULL NULL 1 234567 03/06/2005 04/10/2005 03/11/2005
01/12/2003 NULL 0 345678 03/04/2004 NULL NULL
NULL NULL 1 345678 03/07/2003 NULL 01/12/2003
NULL NULL 1 345678 03/08/2002 NULL NULL
NULL NULL 0 456789 30/09/2002 11/06/2003 NULL
NULL NULL 1 456789 29/08/2000 NULL NULL
NULL 30/05/2001 0 567890 30/09/2002 11/06/2003 11/06/2003
NULL NULL 1 567890 29/08/2000 30/05/2001 NULL
15/08/2005 30/08/2005 0 678901 03/04/2006 01/09/2006 15/09/2006
NULL NULL 1 678901 30/03/2005 30/08/2005 15/08/2005
NULL NULL 0 789012 02/03/2000 03/09/2000 15/09/2000
NULL NULL 0 789013 30/06/2001 07/08/2001 14/08/2001
Can anyone help me with this?
Code Snippet
([FWK] datetime,
[NVQ] datetime,
[Multi] Smallint,
[Key] varchar(10),
[Start Date] datetime,
[NVQ Date] datetime,
[FWK Date] datetime)
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,0,'123456','2006-04-03',null,null)
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,1,'123456','2005-04-03','2006-09-01',null)
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,0,'234567','2006-04-03',null,null)
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,1,'234567','2005-06-03','2005-10-04','2005-11-03')
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,0,'345678','2004-04-03',null,null )
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,1,'345678','2003-07-03',null,'2003-12-01' )
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,1,'345678','2002-08-03',null,null )
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,0,'456789','2002-09-30','2003-06-11',null)
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,1,'456789','2000-08-29',null,null)
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,0,'567890','2002-09-30','2003-06-11','2003-06-11')
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,1,'567890','2000-08-29','2001-05-30',null)
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,0,'678901','2006-04-03','2006-09-01','2006-09-15')
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,1,'678901','2005-03-30','2005-08-30','2005-08-15')
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,0,'789012','2000-03-02','2000-09-03','2000-09-15')
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,0,'789013','2001-06-30','2001-08-07','2001-08-14')
Hi, I am trying to use a formView with an update button to update individual records in an sql database. (when i click update it doesnt perform the update and just refreshes the page. ) One of the fields in my records is a NULL - this is also one of the fields that i need to update. When i manually go into the database and enter some data, and then go back to my form, it updates fine, but as soon as i delete the data from the field, it returns to NULL and im back to square one. Any Ideas on how to get around this problem?THanks
View 4 Replies View RelatedI wrote a sproc which does four things:
1. It looks at an option master to see if the record exists before inserting a new one
2. If the record is not there it inserts the optino record
3. Once the record is inserted I have to run a CASE statement on the record to determine its level
4. Once the level is determined, the record needs to be updated with the correct level.
1-3 work fine (when run without the update command).
However, even though I set a criteria, UPDATE still updates and not the one records.
Any idea why? set ANSI_NULLS ON
--CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_AddNewOption_OptionMaster_WithLevel]
@CommunityID INT,
@PhaseID INT,
@SeriesID INT,
@PlanID INT,
@ElevationID INT,
@CurrentSalesPrice Smallmoney,
@LocalComments Nvarchar (500),
@RoomID int,
@Package bit,
@Active bit
--check to see if the option record exists
IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM optionmaster WHERE BuilderID = @BuilderID AND OptionID = @OptionID AND CommunityID = @CommunityID AND PhaseID = @PhaseID AND PlanID = @PlanID AND ElevationID = @ElevationID)
SELECT ' This option already exists in your Option Master'
--if the option record option does not exist, insert it
INSERT INTO [OptionMaster] ([BuilderID], [OptionID], [CommunityID], [PhaseID], [SeriesID], [PlanID], [ElevationID], [CurrentSalesPrice], [LocalComments], [RoomID], [Package], [Active], [DateAdded], [DateAvailable], [SalesPriceEffective], [OptionLevel])
VALUES (@BuilderID, @OptionID, @CommunityID, @PhaseID, @SeriesID, @PlanID, @ElevationID, @CurrentSalesPrice, @LocalComments, @RoomID, @Package, @active, GETDATE(), GETDATE(), GETDATE(),'10' )
SELECT ' Added to Option Master Successfully'
--once the option record is inserted, case it to find the its level (1-9)
--update the record with the approciate level.
UPDATE Optionmaster
SET optionlevel (
SELECT CASE WHEN CommunityID = '0' AND PhaseID = '0' AND PlanID = '0' AND ElevationID = '0' THEN '9' WHEN CommunityID = '0' AND PhaseID = '0' AND
PlanID > '0' AND ElevationID = '0' THEN '8' WHEN CommunityID = '0' AND PhaseID = '0' AND PlanID > '0' AND
ElevationID > '0' THEN '7' WHEN CommunityID > '0' AND PhaseID = '0' AND PlanID = '0' AND ElevationID = '0' THEN '6' WHEN CommunityID > '0' AND
PhaseID = '0' AND PlanID > '0' AND ElevationID = '0' THEN '5' WHEN CommunityID > '0' AND PhaseID = '0' AND PlanID > '0' AND
ElevationID > '0' THEN '4' WHEN CommunityID > '0' AND PhaseID > '0' AND PlanID = '0' AND ElevationID = '0' THEN '3' WHEN CommunityID > '0' AND
PhaseID > '0' AND PlanID > '0' AND ElevationID = '0' THEN '2' WHEN CommunityID > '0' AND PhaseID > '0' AND PlanID > '0' AND
ElevationID > '0' THEN '1'
END AS OptionLevel --provides the option level required to update the record
FROM optionmaster
WHERE (BuilderID= @BuilderID And OptionID = @OptionID and CommunityID = @CommunityID AND PhaseID = @PhaseID AND PlanID = @PlanID AND ElevationID = @ElevationID))
--even through I specify the above criteria, it upates all records.