Is there a way to set up line shading on a report that is created from a table in SRS? The report is great but I want to shade every other line to make it easy to read and being a beginner with SRS I have not been able to find a way to do this.
Hi: I created following temp table in a proc as create table #tempOutput (objID int identity (1,1) primary key clustered, DriverID varchar(10) not null, StatusID int not null constraint AK_tempOutput_DriverID_StatusID unique (DriverID, StatusID), Note varchar(50))
I run the proc first time ok. but the second time got the error: AK_tempOutput_DriverID_StatusID exists already....
after trace to tempdb ----- select * from tempdb..sysobjects where name = 'AK_tempOutput_DriverID_StatusID'
name id xtype parent_obj AK_tempOutput_DriverID_StatusID 849652640 UQ 833652583
select * from tempdb..sysobjects where ID = 833652583 Now, the temp table tempOutput becomes #tempOutput_____________________________0000000002 A1
But I could not drop this table in tempDB, and I could restart the SQLserver to clean the tempdb at this time.
after I renamed the AK_tempOutput_DriverID_StatusID to AK_tempOutput_DriverID_StatusID_1 in the create sql statement, the proc recreated and exec works.
Is there a way without restart SQL server to clean the Alternate key? Is there a way without restart SQL server to clean the temp table? Also, how to prevent the issue? This happens in both SQL2005 ent and SQL2000 ent. I think the exec proc ending should drop the #temp automatically and thus corresponding PK/AK?
Hi, for some AP issue, the file I upload must be without the line feed/carriage return in the last line. for example:
original fixed-length file (exported from SSIS) line NO DATA 1 AA123456 50 60 2 BB123456 30 40 3 CC123456 80 90 4 <-- with line feed/carriage return in the last line
The file format that AP request. The file only has 3 records, so it should end in the third line. line NO DATA 1 AA123456 50 60 2 BB123456 30 40 3 CC123456 80 90
Should I use script component to do it ? I am new for VB . Anyone would help me ?
I need the Trend line for the following data in Line chart they are the following data. The following are the graph are my output and i need the trend line for these Key_gap value.
This is the link [URL] ....
I need the same trend line for the Bar-Chart in SSRS 2005.
I hope I'm posting this in the correct forum (forgive me if I'm not) since I'm not sure if this is an issue with inserting an item into a db or the processing of what I get out of it. I wrote a basic commenting system in which someone my post a comment about something written on the site. I wanted to keep it very simple, but I at least want the ability for a user to have newlines in their comment without having to hardcode a <br /> or something like that. Is there a way for me to detect a newline if someone, for example, is going to their next paragraph? Let me know if you need a better explanation. Thanks in advance!
G'day everyoneThat's a space between the ticks.It's all part of a longer script but seeing as the failure occurs online 1if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[config]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') =1)drop table [dbo].[config]GOThat's three lines only. Does it matter that they're in Unicode?Any ideas?Kind regards,Bruce M. AxtensSoftware EngineerStrapper Technologies
I need to figure out hours based on StartTime and EndTime (year does not matter) from the first table and totaled for the entire week based on the effective date in the second table.
I need it to return the follwing: WorkHourGroup TotalWorkHours TJOHNSO 24 Hours
I am in poduction Support,I have scenario I have to drop the Index .....and ....Create index(cluster and non-cluster) on a table. will Create index take table off line.
We have a line graph which plots the actual data points (x,y), everything is working fine with this graph. Now we need to add a trend line to this existing graph after going thro. the articles we came to know that there is no direct option in SSRS to draw a trend line. So we need to calculate the trend values ourselves which we need to plot as atrend line. This trend line is similar to the trend line which comes in Excel chart, do anyone know how to calculate the trend values from the actual data points. We got through several formulas, but were not clear, have anyone tried out exactly the same, if so please help us out by providing an example to calculate the trend values.
I have a line graph which shows positive and negative values. Is it possible to have the line one color when its negative and another when its positive?
Since SQL 2005 Express doesn't appear to let you paste multiple lines of data into a cell -- a task as "basic" as the Commodore 64 -- I'm forced to enter the data for 2 records directly. I'm trying to insert line breaks, which SQL 2000 allowed you to do by simply pressing the Enter key. However, 2005 just moves you to another record. How do I do this extremely simple task?
I've the following T-SQL block that I'm executing where I want to print the following output in next line but not sure how to do this:
This is printing everything in one line: SET @BODYTEXT = ' Dear ' + @fname +',We realize you may have taken ' + @course_due + ' in '+ @month_last_taken +'.'
How do I do this: SET @BODYTEXT = ' Dear ' + @fname + ',We realize you may have taken ' + @course_due + ' in '+ @month_last_taken +'.'
Also how can I create a table in this variable, something like this:
(Course Name) (Last Completed) (Now due in Month/year)
My T-SQL code:
DECLARE @email varchar(500) ,@intFlag INT ,@INTFLAGMAX int ,@TABLE_NAME VARCHAR(100) ,@EMP_ID INT ,@fname varchar(100)
I'm having an interesting problem. In my report, I use a table to show my data set. The borders of the table are giving me a hard time...
The problem is, I'm not being able to display the bottom border for a row, but only at the end of the page, causing the table containing multi paged report data to be seen inside a box. Just to be clear;
I don't want to display borders of each row I don't want to display table footer in each page (Only on last page) I've already tried to display page footer, top border. Its not the answer :D
select name,id,case when maths>=35 then 'pass' else 'fail' end as maths, case when science>=35 then 'pass' else 'fail' end as science, case when tamil>=35 then 'pass' else 'fail' end as tamil , case when english>=35 then 'pass' else 'fail' end as english, case when social>=35 then 'pass' else 'fail' end as social from student
I dont want to use case in my querey? Is there any way can i replace case with something? Thanks in advance!
Hello,Is it possible to EXEC stored procedure from a query?I want to execute stored procedure for every line of SELECT resulttable.I guess it's possible with cursors, but maybe it's possible to make iteasier.Give an example, please.Thank you in advance.Hubert
My client will be receiving a .dbf file which needs to be uploadedinto a sql server database table (as an append) every week. They areNOT computer savvy and I would like to automate this process ratherthan go into enterprise manager and run data transformation.Is there any way to write a batch file or a set of command lines whichwill do this?Thanks.Monica
I want to get 100 rows from particular record and onward. in oracle i can use rownum and in mySql i have function limit ... i want to know what is the ms-sql alternate for it.
I want to get 100 rows onward to one particular data ... how can i ?
hi i have a view in oracle. in that i am using decode function. same query i want to write it in sqlserver. what it is the alternate to decode.
this is a cross tab query
SELECT code, SUM(DECODE(field1, 4, Present_Value, 0)) AS c1, SUM(DECODE(field1, 5, Present_Value, 0)) AS c2, SUM(DECODE(field1, 6, Present_Value, 0)) AS c3,SUM(DECODE(field1, 9, Present_Value, 0)) AS c4 FROM (SELECT field1,Code, Present_Value FROM table1) DERIVEDTBL GROUP BY code
Is there an efficient scripting method to update the connection string for ALL reports that reside on a reporting/web server? "(automating the process, rather than having to change the data source for each individual report that resides on that server)".
-- tested schema below ---- create tables --create table tbl_test(serialnumber char(12))gocreate table tbl_test2(serialnumber char(12),exportedflag int)go--insert data --insert into tbl_test2 values ('123456789010',0)insert into tbl_test2 values ('123456789011',0)insert into tbl_test2 values ('123456789012',0)insert into tbl_test2 values ('123456789013',0)insert into tbl_test2 values ('123456789014',0)insert into tbl_test2 values ('123456789015',0)insert into tbl_test2 values ('123456789016',0)insert into tbl_test2 values ('123456789017',0)insert into tbl_test2 values ('123456789018',0)insert into tbl_test2 values ('123456789019',0)insert into tbl_test values ('123456789011')insert into tbl_test values ('123456789012')insert into tbl_test values ('123456789013')insert into tbl_test values ('123456789014')insert into tbl_test values ('123456789015')-- query --Select serialnumber from tbl_test2where serialnumbernot in (select serialnumber from tbl_test) andexportedflag=0This query runs quite fast with only the data above but when bothtables get million plus rows, the query simply bogs down. Is there abetter way to write this query?
Hi,I have a situation where I am loading data into a stagingtable for multiple data sources. My next step is to pick up therecords from the staging table and compare with the data in thedatabase and based on the certain conditions, decide whether to insertthe data into the database or update an existing record in thedatabase. I have to do this job as an sp and schedule it to run on theserver as per the requirements. I thought that cursors are the onlyoption in this situation. Can anyone suggest if there is any other wayto achieve this in SQL 2005 please.ThanksSeshadri
I am currently with sql 2k5 and using web assistant to generate some HTML files and email the same automatically to a set of users. these html files that are generated are processed via a JOB in sql server. I am in process of replacing of the web assistant procedures. Is this possible to make this with XQuery of SQL Server 2K5 and convert it into HTML files with Stored Procedure. Is there any other possible way to do it?
"Update STR_RGSTR_DFLT " & _ " Set GST_SVY_FREQ_P = " & iNewSurveyPct & _ " Where dhc_co_c = " & iCo & " and store_i = " & iStore & _ " And RGSTR_PROTO_C not in (0,3,4,8,10,11,12,13)"
in this the values in the where clause 'not in' i.e (0,3,4,8,10,11,12,13) are directly given but we want some alternate solution. the entire script is writen in VBScript. these values are already populated in an array like proto_code_ary = {0,3,4,8,10,11,12,13} shall we use that array directly without hard coding the values in the query?
In times past I connected my web app to SQL Server by embedding the following in the web.config file: <connectionStrings> <add name="XyzApp_DB" connectionString="Data Source=MyServerSQLExpress;Database=XyzApp;User ID=sa;Password=secret_password"/> </connectionStrings> And it worked fine. But it was pointed out to me that this wasn't a very proper way to do things. So I was advised to set things up with a different connection string: <connectionStrings> <add name="XyzApp_DB" connectionString="Data Source=MyServerSQLExpress;Database=XyzApp;User ID=Xyz_Admin;Password=different_password"/> </connectionStrings> To get this to work, I've followed these instructions: A more secure login than “sa� is required to access your application. In the “connectionStrings� section of “Web.config� you’ll find a User ID called “Xyz_Admin�. Here are the steps to ensure that your DB has this login id:
a. Using the Microsoft SQL Server Management tool, look in the root for the “Security� folder and open it. Inside that, open the “Logins� folder.
b. If “Xyz_Admin� doesn’t exist then right-click on “Logins� and choose “New Login�:
i. Enter “Xyz_Admin� in the “Login name� textbox.
ii. Click on “User Mapping� on the left side and in the ‘Map’ column check the box beside “XyzApp�.
iii. Go back to the “General� page and choose SQL Server Authentication.
iv. Specify any secret password you wish.
v. You can uncheck “Enforce password expiration� if you wish.
vi. Specify “XyzApp� as the default database and press OK.
c. Open “Databases�, right-click on “XyzApp� and select “New Query�. Run this query: sp_change_users_login 'update_one', 'xyz_admin', 'xyz_admin'
Now, I was pretty sure that this procedure was working fine but it doesn't seem to work for me today. I know that the client computer I'm using can connect to the DB on the server because I temporarily changed the User Id to "sa" and it connected fine. But when I change it back to "Xyz_Admin" it does not. So I'm thinking that there's something incorrect with the procedure above but I don't know what.Any ideas?Robert W.