Hi All, I have a table containing 21 columns. I want to alternate the color on the rows, to make it more radable and nocer to the eye. As such I set the BackgroundColor property on the entire TableRow (so it is applied to every textbox) to the following:
In theory it should work. I checked a few of the texboxes to make sure everything was okay and indeed the BackgroundColor property on each one of them was properly set to the above expression.
When I tried to build the report, I was prompted by 21 errors (one per textbox) stating the following:
[rsCompilerErrorInExpression] The BackgroundColor expression for the textbox 'FIELDNAME' contains an error: [BC30455] Argument not specified for parameter 'TruePart' of 'Public Function IIf(Expression As Boolean, TruePart As Object, FalsePart As Object) As Object'.
Obviously the TruePart parameter has been specified ("LightGray" in my expression), so what could be wrong??
When using the back color property for SSAS 2008 R2, is there a good way to match the number to the desired color? I found some color pickers online, but the numbers don't match the same colors in SSAS. How can I best determine the number needed for the color I want?
I have a field in one of my tables that has the RGB colors stored as 255,255,255 format. Is there a way to convert this to Hex color code to be used inside SSRS for a conditional color expression?
tblMinibars ON tblChargeSummaryHistory.MinibarID = tblMinibars.MinibarID INNER JOIN
tblChargesDetailHistory ON tblMinibars.MinibarID = tblChargesDetailHistory.MinibarID INNER JOIN
tblRooms ON tblChargeSummaryHistory.RoomID = tblRooms.RoomID AND tblMinibars.RoomID = tblRooms.RoomID AND
tblChargesDetailHistory.RoomID = tblRooms.RoomID'
SET @Query=@Query+' WHERE tblChargeSummaryHistory.MonthYearStamp<'''+@Date+' 11:59:59 PM '' and tblChargeSummaryHistory.MonthYearStamp>'''+@Date+' 12:00:00 AM '''
SET @Query=@Query+' WHERE DATEPART(year,tblChargeSummaryHistory.MonthYearStamp)=DATEPART(year,'''+@MonthDate+''') and
SET @Query=@Query+' AND DATEPART(weekday,tblChargeSummaryHistory.MonthYearStamp) in('+@WeekDays +')'
SET @Query=@Query+' WHERE tblChargeSummaryHistory.MonthYearStamp between '''+@FromDate+' 12:00:00 AM '' and '''+@ToDate+' 11:59:59 PM '''
IF(@Weekdays IS NOT NULL)
SET @Query=@Query+' AND DATEPART(weekday,tblChargeSummaryHistory.MonthYearStamp) in('+@WeekDays +')'
SET @Query=@Query+' '
SET @Query=@Query+' and tblRooms.RoomID=(select DISTINCT RoomID from tblRooms where RoomNumber='''+@SingleRoom+''')'
SET @Query=@Query+' and tblRooms.RoomID IN (SELECT RoomID FROM tblRoomGroups WHERE GroupID=(SELECT DISTINCT GroupID FROM tblGroups WHERE GroupName='''+@ByGroup+''' )) '
SET @Query=@Query+' and tblRooms.RoomID IN (SELECT DISTINCT RoomID FROM tblRooms WHERE RoomNumber>='+@ByAreaFrom+' AND RoomNumber<='+@ByAreaTo+' )'
As the thread title state, I was wondering if it is possible to alternate the list table row colors between 2 colors. Just wanted to make it more presentable when viewing.
This part is working....and the image is stretching accordingly to scale.
I would now like to put in a condition to use a different image OR write some text in the row field if the Winback.Value is the highest in the table for that row...ie write ''top gun'' on top off the bar image
Im not sure if you can write text and have the image appearing but this would be ideal...
so Iam instead trying to create an image with the text and when the winback value is the highest use that image ELSE use the normal image.
I know that you can make an expression that will make it one color if a certain condition is met and a different one if it is not but is there anyway to make it so that if a number is less than another it's one color, if it's greater it's a different color and if they're equal it's a third color? Thanks for the help.
Can anyone tell me how can i make a column chart bar in two different colors.. acutally i have different teams in a table and each team as assigna a traget to achieve.. i want to present that each team in the chart with their column bar... but as i have two field target and achieved.. so i want a single bar wihich will be into two color Target and achive..
| | | | --- This is total Target | | | | | | --- This much they have achieve.... |___________ |__________|
Hi everyone, I am trying to get this to work, but I know its all screwed up. I want Fields!PERCENT_OF_STD.Value to display red if its less than 100% or greater than 200%. If its neither, then just be plain black. This is what I came up with:
Hi, Not sure what I did wrong to this code. What I would like this code to produce is, if any number is less than 0 (negative) than it should be red, if it's greater than 0, it should be black. Somehow it comes back red even though it's a positive number.
I am trying to do something where I say look through the row. When you come across the word "Start" color that box green and color all other boxes to the right in that row green as well until you come upon the word "stop". Is this possible? If I am not making sense just let me know and I will try to explain better. Thanks in advance for any help that I get.
My line chart displays all lines in a single color (the series color). I'd like a single color per item in the series just like the bar chart. Is there a way to change this? Or is the only differentiation the markers?
I am using toggle visibility feature in one of my reports and I am trying to change the background color of some cells when I toggle the view. Please help, any help will be appreciated.
I am having a problem setting the colors of the bars in a bar chart. It seems like it would be the simplest thing, but apparently it's not.
The "series" is grouped on whether or not the value is positive -- if so, the bars are blue (by default) and if not, green (by default). I want to change it so the positive color is blue and the negative color is red.
I found that I can change ALL the bars to one color by going to chart properties, Data tab, Values Edit, Appearance tab, Series Style, Fill. There I set the color to red and ALL the bars became red. But this is not what I want.
I tried using a conditional statement like IIf(Fields!IsPositive.Value=True,Blue,Red) for the color, but (not surprisingly), it told me I hadn't defined Blue and Red.
I am working with a report created by someone else using SQL Reporting Services. In layout view the background for the body of the report is set ti transparent; however, when I preview the report using print preview the background or margins of the pages are appearing as black - text boxes, tables, etc. appear according to the properties that have been set. As soon as I change the background color to say white the print preview looks fine. Is this normal or is there a setting somewhere that controls this?
Need to be able to change the color of the columns red for negative values and Green for positive-- Im thinking that this will have to be a custom code scenario and not a expression-- any suggestions??
I want to send out an email and the email body contains a table with data. I am using SQL to create the HTML table and to populate values inside the table. Below is the code I have so far
[Code] ....
But I am having trouble generating alternative colors for each row (tr:nth-of-type(odd) is not working for me)
I have a Matrix and in the total on the last row i want use conditions for the color on the background , i'm usign the option Subtotal but i cna't read the value for the subtotal for create my conditions , some body now how i will aprecciate thanks
I followed the instructions and the textbox named Color did indeed display alternate colors on the odd rows. However, when I tried to propogate the color to the whole row using the expression =ReportItems!color.Value for the value of the backgroundcolor property, it was ignored.
So I tried some custom code: Public Function GetColor() Dim retValue as String retValue = Me.ReportItems!Color.Value return retValue End Function
The syntax parser didn't like ReportItems either. I first tried it without the Me object and I got a message about requiring an object so I tried Me.
So I have created a chart in my report that counts the number of transactions by day. Each day in a month is a series. Now when I view the report, the series line is different color as expected until I hit the 17th, then the color associated with the line repeats. I.e. the 1st and the 17th are the same color line, the 2nd and the 18th are the same color...etc.
Does anyone know how to break the color limitation quandry?
Hi SQL experts How can I make charaters change to color such as red if some condition happen in a column of database tables? Using IF.... function? Thanks Daniel
I have a problem with a conditional format of the Color property in a matrix report. When the value of the textbox is greater than 0, the color should be Red otherwise it should be Blue. This is implemented via an IIF statement and works perfectly in Preview in Visual Studio 2005.
When the report is deployed, the formatting appears to be ignored and all values are the default value of Black.
Anyone else experienced this problem and, if so, is there a workaround?