Append Data To A Coulmn

May 22, 2006

ok can i append some data to the data inside a column??

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Exporting Data - Unable To Append All Data To The Table

Jun 28, 2012

I have a sql server 2008 backend with an Access 2007 frontend database. Each time I export a query I get the following error:

Microsoft Access was unable to append all the data to the table.

The contents of fields in 0 record(s) were deleted, and 1 record(s) were lost due to key violations.

*If data was deleted, the data you pasted or imported doesn't match the field data types or the FieldSize property in the destination table.
*If records were lost, either the records you pasted contain primary key values that already exist in the destination table, or they violate referential integrity rules for a relationship defined between tables. Do you want to proceed anyway?

I don't know what if anything is actually missing because of the amount of data is more thant 6000 records. It seems everything exported but I would have to comb through the data to be sure.

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[How Do I...?] Append Data Without Logging?

Jul 26, 2006

Hello. We are using SQL SErver 2000.

We are moving appending data from one table to another table. Many millions of records.

We don't have alot of extra log space. How would I do this without it writing to the log files?


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How To Append Data To Ntext Field?

Feb 27, 2006

Can anybody tell me how to append data to ntext field?

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Append Data To A Flat File

Nov 20, 2007


I was wondering if there was a way for me to append data to a flat file. The reason why i ask this is because i need to create a header for the report that i am exporting.

The way i imagined this working would to be create a dts that would export the header information to a flat file and the create another dts to export the report data and appensd it to the same file that the header dts created. This might not be the correct approach so i was hoping i could get some guidance of how i can accomplish this.

I am using SQL Server 2000.

Thank you!

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SQL Query - Append Data From Two Tables

Jul 20, 2005

I need to run a query which will pull data from two tables and appendit as one when it displays the result. The data are in two tables. Butthe result set will be identical in terms of number of columns. I wantto display it one set below the other.This is for pay history. From 2003 we have a new payroll system. Till2002 we used to have a different system. But I need to run a querywhich will pull the data for an employee for the last one year. So theinformation is spread out between these two tables. Both these tablesare in SQL Server databases.I want to write a Stored Procedure. I can use Shape/Append but I thinkit doesnt work on QA/Stored Proc. It needs an OLEDB.How can I write the query. I dont want to use temporary tables and doinserts.ThanksGIRISH

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Append Data To An Excel File

Aug 23, 2006

I have a DTS that exports a view to an excel file, is it possible to append data to an excel file, it seems if it sees that the sheet is available it creates a new sheet,
I have a logo in my excel file and I want to append the rows below it.

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Format Coulmn With Dates

Sep 29, 2006

Hello All,

I've been struggling with this for a few weeks now. I have this table with the following information:

08/10/2006 10:31:13 AM
08/14/2006 1:32:10 PM
9/20/2006 12:01:19 PM
09/08/2006 1:32:02 PM
08/10/2006 12:31:25 PM
08/10/2006 12:31:25 PM
08/09/2006 1:03:25 PM

What I'm trying to do is get these dates w/timestamps (38926.564954) into this format
08/09/2006 1:03:25 PM . Please help!!!!! Thanks.

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Faster Way To Import/append Data To Table...

Dec 13, 1999


I was wondering if there was a different approach I should take in appending data to a table...

My destination table has about 94+ million records in it, and I have been taking two approaches to getting new files into this table:

1) I do a data pump task in a DTS to import the file to a trans (temp) table, which is truncated every time, and then do an INSERT INTO statement from the temp table to my destination table.

The import to the trans table only takes a few minutes (about 1 - 2 million records per file, but have short record lenghts,) but when I do the INSERT INTO statement, it takes upwards of 6 hrs to append.

2) I have tried doing a bulk insert task, going directly to the destination table (which defeats the purpose of my trans table to check out the data prior, but I feel the data is clean at this point.)

I am running the bulk insert right now, and it's been running for over 3 I'm going to assume this will take just as long as the INSERT INTO statement does like I did before.

My destination table does not have any indexes in it at all, and I don't need to do any transformations to the data when bringing it into SQL since the data is clean. Also, I have a default value constraint on one of my fields on the destination table.

Plus there are other ppl and applications hitting the server which could impact the overall processing, but nothing out of the ordinary is going on the server today. I know there are only so many ways to get a file into a table...but maybe someone knows a different way I should try this.

Thanks for anyone's suggestions!


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Export Data To A Text File And Append...

Sep 11, 2001

I'm beginner in SQL and I would like to do a simple thing :
Extract data from different table to a text file.
I would like an automatic schedule job to extract these data and also I need that the result are "append" in this text file.
Could you help me and give me the process to follow.
Thanks in Advance

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Accessing Columns Without The Coulmn Names

Aug 31, 2004

I am looking for some help in MS SQL server. I want to access the columns of a table without using the names of the colulmns.

Example - SELECT table1.field[1], table1.field[2] FROM table1;

Any information to this effect is much appreciated.
cheers/- Pradeep

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Updating A Part Of Coulmn Value In A Table

Aug 14, 2006


I need to update just a portion of a column value in a table.


Order_data = 'source=ABD00050&ordsrc=&ecode=ABD00001'

Order_data ='source=ABD00050&ecode=ABD00001'

for both of these values of Order_data I just need to update value of ecode..

Please help..



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Importing Textfile Data To Existing Table (append?)

Jul 25, 2005

I have an existing table I need to add data to. The data is in a text file, and the existing table already has data in it (I don't want to delete this I want to add to it).

I used Microsoft's import utility but this created a seperate table with generic fieldnames (column01, column02, ect). Is there a step in this wizard I missed?

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How To Pass Coulmn Values To A Stored Procedure

Aug 30, 2007

I need to automate the procedure of selecting column with numeric and passing those column values as string to another stored procedure.

Here is sample code :
CREATE procedure procdeure1 @Utility varchar(50) WITH RECOMPILE
if @Utility='Electricity'
WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'gmmers1')
DROP TABLE gmmers1
WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'gmmers2')
DROP TABLE gmmers2
create table gmmers1(sitecode varchar(15),
Gen_Electricity_Usage bigint
create table gmmers2 (gmmerssitecode varchar(15),
Gmers_Electricity_Usage bigint
insert into gmmers1
Select site.Sitecode,sum(isnull(AcctRptdata.ElectricityUse,0)*factor) as 'Electricity Usage'
From GEN..AcctRptdata AcctRptdata, site,SuperAccesslevels.dbo.convfactor,SuperAccesslevels.dbo.countrysettings
Where ((AcctRptdata.Year*100)+AcctRptdata.Month) >= 200511 and
--((AcctRptdata.Year*100)+AcctRptdata.Month) < year(DATEADD(m,-1, GetDate()))*100+month(DATEADD(m,-1, GetDate())) and
((AcctRptdata.Year*100)+AcctRptdata.Month) >= 200511 and ((AcctRptdata.Year*100)+AcctRptdata.Month) <= 200707 and
site.idsite = AcctRptdata.siteid and site.sitecode not like ('C%')
and len(sitecode ) = 8
and AcctRptdata.idsvc in (100) and
SuperAccesslevels.dbo.convfactor.[Default] = SuperAccesslevels.dbo.countrysettings.IdUnitElec and
SuperAccesslevels.dbo.countrysettings.IdCountrySetting = Site.IdCustomerSetting and [user] = 1
and site.Sitecode not like '%B%'
and site.sitecode not like '9999%'
and AcctRptdata.ElectricityUse >0 --Added on 16th Aug
and site.sitecode in (select left (sitecode,8) from where len(sitecode) >8)--= 11)
--and site.sitecode in (select left(sitecode,8) from gmers_prodn..facility_data where len(sitecode) = 11)
Group by site.Sitecode having sum(AcctRptdata.ElectricityUse*factor) > 0 Order by site.Sitecode

insert into gmmers2
select left (sitecode, 8) BU, sum(isnull(KWh_Purchased_Quantity, 0 )) as 'electric use' from gmers_prodn..electricity_data
where sitecode in --(select sitecode from facility_data where left (sitecode ,8) in
(select sitecode from where sitecode not like 'C%' and len(sitecode ) > 8 )
-- and len (sitecode) = 11)
and rpt_dt >= '2005-11-01' and rpt_dt < '2007-08-01'
--and sitecode like 'A0916323%'
and sitecode not like '%B%' and left(sitecode,8) not in ('N0010024','N0010088','N0010101','N0010173',
'N0010373','N0010447') and sitecode not like '9999%'
group by left (sitecode, 8) order by left (sitecode, 8) -- yyyy-mm-dd

select *,(Gen_Electricity_Usage-Gmers_Electricity_Usage)as Diff from gmmers1,gmmers2
where gmmers1.sitecode=gmmers2.gmmerssitecode and (Gen_Electricity_Usage-Gmers_Electricity_Usage) <>0
else if @UTILITY='GAS'
WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'gengas')
WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'gmmersgas')
DROP TABLE gmmersgas
create table gengas(sitecode varchar(15),
Gen_Gas_usage bigint
create table gmmersgas (gmmerssitecode varchar(15),
Gmers_Gas_Usage bigint
insert into gengas
Select site.Sitecode,sum(isnull(AcctRptdata.NaturalGasUse,0)*factor) as 'Gas Usage' From GEN..AcctRptdata AcctRptdata, site,SuperAccesslevels.dbo.convfactor,SuperAccesslevels.dbo.countrysettings
Where ((AcctRptdata.Year*100)+AcctRptdata.Month) >= 200511 and
--((AcctRptdata.Year*100)+AcctRptdata.Month) < year(DATEADD(m,-1, GetDate()))*100+month(DATEADD(m,-1, GetDate())) and
((AcctRptdata.Year*100)+AcctRptdata.Month) >= 200511 and ((AcctRptdata.Year*100)+AcctRptdata.Month) <= 200707 and
site.idsite = AcctRptdata.siteid and site.sitecode not like ('C%')and
len(sitecode ) = 8 and AcctRptdata.idsvc in (200,300) and
SuperAccesslevels.dbo.convfactor.[Default] = SuperAccesslevels.dbo.countrysettings.IdUnitGas and
SuperAccesslevels.dbo.countrysettings.IdCountrySetting = Site.IdCustomerSetting and [user] = 61
and site.sitecode not like '%B%' and site.sitecode not like '9999%'
and site.sitecode in (select left (sitecode,8) from where len(sitecode) >8)
and AcctRptdata.NaturalGasUse >0 ----Added on 16th Aug
--and site.sitecode in (select left(sitecode,8) from gmers_prodn..facility_data where len(sitecode) = 11)
Group by site.Sitecode having sum(AcctRptdata.NaturalGasUse*factor) > 0 Order by site.Sitecode

insert into gmmersgas
select left( sitecode, 8 ) BU , sum(Utility_Natural_Gas_Volume) as 'gas use' from GMERS_PRODN..fuel_data
where sitecode in --(select sitecode from facility_data where left (sitecode,8) in
(select sitecode from where sitecode not like 'C%' and len(sitecode ) > 8 )
-- and len(sitecode )= 11 )
and rpt_dt >= '2005-11-01' and rpt_dt < '2007-08-01'
and sitecode not like '%B%' and sitecode not like '9999%'
group by left( sitecode, 8 ) order by left( sitecode, 8 )

select *,(Gen_Gas_usage-Gmers_Gas_Usage)as Diff from gengas,gmmersgas
where gengas.sitecode=gmmersgas.gmmerssitecode and (Gen_Gas_usage-Gmers_Gas_Usage)<>0

My aim is to pass sitecode having difference <>0 and from date and todate as an parameter to another stored procedure which updates sitewise for the utility so that in case a particular sitecode with same date range is included in one utility it should not be repeated in another utility.

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How Can I Append Children To Parents In A SSIS Data Flow Task?

Apr 11, 2007

I need to extract data to send to an external agency in their supplied format. The data is normalised in our system in a one to many relationship. The external agency needs it denormalised.

In our system, the parent p has p_id, p_attribute_1, p_attribute_2, p_attribute_3 and the child has c_id, c_attribute_a, c_attribute_b, c_parent_id_fk

The external agency can only use a delimited file looking like

p_id, p_attribute_1, p_attribute_2, p_attribute_3, c1_attribute_a, c1_attribute_b, c2_attribute_a, c2_attribute_b, ...., cn_attribute_a, cn_attribute_b

where n is the number of children a parent may have. Each parent can have 0 or more children - typically between 1 and 20.

How can I achieve this using SSIS? In the past I have used custom built VB apps with the ADO SHAPE command but this is not ideal as I have to rebuild each time to alter the selection criteria and and VB is not a good SQL tool.

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How To Append A New Values Like Uniqueidentifiers, Sequence Numbers To Data Flow?

May 9, 2006


I would like to know different possible ways in appending extra values like new uniqueidentifiers, sequence numbers, random number. Can you please tell what type of data flow components helps us ?

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How To Append Data To A Destination Flat File Without Appending The Column Names Again

Mar 13, 2008

Hello guys,

here is my issue.

I created a ssis package which exports the data from oledb source to flat file (csv format). For this i have OLEDB source and Flat File as destination. I generate the file and filename dynamically with the column names in the first row. So if the dynamically generated file name already exists , then i want to append the data in the same existing file. But I dont want to append the column names again. I just want to append the rows to the existing rows.

so lets say first time i generate a file called File1_3132008.csv.

Col1, Col2

After some days if my ssis package generates the same file name i.e. File1_3132008.csv, this time i just want to append the rows to the existing file. So the file should look like this-
Col1, Col21,23,45,67,8

But instead my file looks like this if i set Overwrite propery to false


Can anyone help me to get the file as shown in the highlighed

Any help would be appreciated .


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Creating SSIS Package To Extract Data From MySQL And Append To SQL 2005

Apr 26, 2007

Hi guys,

I'm a newbie DBA and i'm trying to create a package that would extract data from MySQL and inserts them to a SQL 2005 Server. I'm quite new to this SSIS and would like to ask help from you to help me go through with this.

I hope you guys can help me with this.

Hoping to hear from you soon.

Thank you so much.

Kind regards,

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Placing Sub Total Coulmn To The Left Of The Coulumn In Matrix Report

Jul 4, 2007


If I am taking a Matrix and right clicking on the column header and click on the SubTotal then it always place that column on the right of it .If I want to place that column to the left of my original column then I can't do it.

Adding manual column and then puuting the Expresstion =Sum(Fields!MyCol.Value) is not halping as it will give me the same value that is there in the column instead of giving me the column



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Format DateTime Coulmn In Mssql 2005 Express Edition

Jan 1, 2008

hi ,
this is my first post on MS Forums .

Q: my question is that , i want to format a date column .. d/m/yyyy .. but there is no any format facility ..

anybody can help me here ??

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URGENT::Oracle To SQL 2005 Replication ( Drop Coulmn From Publication)

Jul 9, 2007

I'm in a middle of a project where replication established between Oracle 8i and SQL server 2005. Now we need to drop one column from on of the tables replicated from Oracle side. My question : Is there anyway I can do this in Oracle and automatically reflected on SQL server? If not what is the proper steps to do it. Realy appreciate your fast response.


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Creating Stored Procs That Need To Continusiouly Append To A New Table (this Is To Scrub Data That Is Imported Into DB).

Jan 9, 2005

I have 1 table with a huge amount of data that I recive from someone else in a flat file format. I want to be able to filter through that data and scrub it and find out the good data and bad data from it.

I'm scrubbing the data using different stored procs that i've created and through a web interface that the user can pick which records they wish to create.

If I were to create a new table for clean records, what is the syntax to keep Appending to that table through the data that i'm obtainig via the stored procs that i've created.

Any thoughts or suggestions are greatly appriciated in advance

Thanks again in advance

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How Do You Do An Append In SQL

Feb 26, 2007

I want to create a stored procedure that will take filtered entries from one table and insert them into another table. I have created stored procedures using variables but what is the best way of taking data from one table to another?

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May 4, 2006

i hav column in table which already conatins data, now i want to append some more data to do i do it so that earler content does not get deleted

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Nov 15, 2006

I'd like to create a table on our SQL server that I can append records to when running a query.

What i intend to do is create a new table with the same fields as the query then when the query runs i want it to append the results to this new table. Is this possible? How would I go about creating the table, primary key etc?

I've tried doing this through an access front end but its not efficient and was a bit of a struggle to be honest.

Also, we need other people who may not have access to enterprise manager to be able to run this append query.

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How Do I Append A Row To SQL Results?

Aug 31, 2007

I have a problem with a dropdowncontrol. It is databound, but I need to add "select..." to be the first item in the dropdown. Here is the SQL:SELECT * FROM [PB_Subtopics] Where BriefID=" + DropDownList1.SelectedValueSo the problem I am having is I can't just make an item in the dropdownlist called "select..." and then use appenddatabounditems="true". I'm using ajax and it keeps appending stuff over an over without resetting. So I think I'm going to have to do this within the sql. So maybe that was more information than you needed to know. Anyone know how to make the first row of my SQL results be "select..." or whatnot with a value of 0. 

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Append A Field

Aug 27, 2004


How do I append data on an update?
I have a table with a field that is nVarchar(1000) and the initial insert is a few sentences. If I wanted to add to that row using an update statement and without starting at the end of the sentences, how would I write that?

Update table set fieldname = 'more data' where value = @variable

instead of

Update table set fieldname = 'initial data more data' where value = @variable

and the 'more data' appends to the initial data... hmmm

help please.

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Append Views

May 20, 2005

My Problem is
   I have 2 views --> 2 Databases (2 Products) but there are same fields (Same structure)
and I have to created the report by Crystal Reports to compare the Quatity of all product in my Company
So how Can I combine them (2 views with the same recoed but not the same data)
thanks for helping me

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DTS Append And Update

Jul 5, 2001

I need to copy data from one SQL table to another SQL table. Is is possible to use DTS to Append and update data from one table to another....along the line of using a Microsoft Access append or update query?

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Append Error

May 28, 2000

I have a huge table with data.I run a procedure everyday to update the table's data with our daily current sales.Let's say the table's primary index is product type.The procedure recreates a skeleton of the table to make sure that it will add only those records whose product type is new to our database thus ignoring the rest of the records due to duplicate key violation error.Now this used to work in access where I used to get a message saying that only 200 out of 4000 records were added,3800 were ignored due to violation key errors.
But in SQL Server, no records at all are being added.Is there a way to overcome this problem?? I tried using "set xact abort" but it only worked in case of foreign key violation but not primary key.
I would really appreciate your inquiry.
Thank you.

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Simple Append ?

Feb 24, 2007

Here is a sample query:

SELECT column + 'xyz'
FROM table

Works great and I get the data I need, but how do I get this into a new column?Any help would be appreciated.


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SQL Append Tables?

Dec 1, 2007

Hi guys I have a quick Q:
I have two tables:
ID/ PageName / Desc /URL
12/Home Page/This is the home page/
ID/ Name /Link
34/News Page/

I wish to create a new table or stored procedure to append one table(which has 4 colums) onto the other(which has only 3 columns) giving the following results:
ID / Name /Link
12/Home Page/
34/News Page/

Thanks for help in advance!

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Database Append

Oct 26, 2004

I would highly appreciate help to :
I have two databases that are of the same schema but in one-database-A the records are a bit older than the other database-B. I would lilke to sync the records from database-B to database-A appending the records to database-A. The schemas have constraints,primary keys and other defaults in common.

What is the best way to do this task? I tried to use DTS but it fails throwing error Primary key violations on the tables.

Thanks a lot for a good suggestion.

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