Article For Subscription That Does Not Exist ?!?

Jun 2, 2006

Hi There

I hope someone can help me asap.

I need to alter a column on a replicated table.

So i execute sp_dropsubscription and sp_droparticle for the table for all publication to that article in the database.

Usually i just alter the table and then execute sp_adddarticle and sp_addsubscription afterwards and everything is cool.

However in this case after i drop the subscriptions for the article, when i try alter the table it says it is being replicated.

I query sysobjects and see that the table has replinfo = 1 , this is snapshot replication, but i only have transactional replication ? I used to have snapshot but that was dropped long ago.

I then query sysarticles and i find the table, however the pubid (publication id) for the table is equal to the publication id of another databases publication ??? I also have found in sysarticles articles with a publication id's equal to publications that do not exist, for example articles will have pubid of 2 , but if i run sp_helppublication on all user databases there is no publciation with an id of 2 ?

Please help, even after i drop all subscriptions to an article it seems that sql server thinks the article belongs to another databases publciation or publications that no longer exist?

Maybe there is some sort of cleanup sp i can run or something but it seems to me sql server has gotten articles confused with old deleted publications that no longer exist.

Therefore after dropping all subscriptions i still cannot alter tables as sql server think it is still being published but it is not!


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Subscription Owner No More Exist In Active Directory...

Jan 8, 2008


A person from our company left few days ago and the Activ directory account has been deleted then the subscription give a error : Failure sending mail: The user or group name 'CORPvguillard' is not recognized.
Do you have a idea of what to do with this cause when I'm try to change the subscription I get the same Error...


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The Subscription To Publication 'xxxx' Has Expired Or Does Not Exist

Dec 7, 2006


Is there any way to find out if "subscription to publication has expired" in advance using RMO?

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Reporting Services :: Subscription Of A Report RDL Still Running Even When Report Does Not Exist

Oct 1, 2015

I'm still receiving the emails of some subscriptions of reports that were already deleted, how these subscription could be deleted or turned off.

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Where Exist Condition - Pull Out Whole ID Group Which Code Z Exist

Dec 3, 2013

I have data as below: select ID,code,go,back from tableA

ID code go back

I only want to pull out whole ID group which code Z exist. I tried as below:

select ID,code,go,back from tableA A
where exists
( select ID,go,back
from tableA B with (nolock)
where A.ID = B.ID
and A.code='Z')

But it only appear:

ID code go back

How can I appear with the group as well?

ID code go back

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SSRS - Resetting A Subscription After A Subscription Run Failure

Feb 11, 2008

It seems to me that if a scheduled SSRS report subscription fails ( Status Message - An error has occurred during report processing) , that I actually need to delete the subscription and reconfigure it from scratch. The scheduled job doesn't try to run again automatically (say the next Monday on a weekly Monday schedule).

Is there a way to "reset" a failed subscription without have to recreate the entire subscription?

Thank you
Devon Kyle

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Existing Subscription Already Contains Table Included In The New Subscription

Sep 26, 2007



Existing subscription already contains table included in the new subscription.

What are the possible causes of this merge replication error?
Could it be caused by a SQL Server Compact Edition User trying to sync their .sdf file after their subscription has already expired on the SQL Server?

Would you expect to see a different message if a SQL Server Compact Edition user tried to sync a subscriber database (.sdf file) with merge replication if it's been longer than the subscription retention period since their last sync?

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SQL To Search Exist Or Not Exist Data

Nov 24, 2005

Hello all,

I have a branch a data, now i need to search through a database to check whther it is exist in that database or not, any syggestion?

Now i have data 123, 234, 345. Let say data 123 and 234 is exist in that database, but data 345 is not exist in that database.

What SQL am i suitable to use to get those result exist(123, 234) and those result not exist (345)?

The database structure is someting like this:
-- ----- --------
1 120 123
2 234 234
3 345 345

1) The data consider 'exist' if it exist in column NAME or column O_NAME (either one).

2) The data consider 'not exist' if it not exist in neither NAME column nor O_NAME column

After the SQL query, someting is expected:


-- ----- --------
1 120 123
2 234 234

Not Exist:

-- ----- --------
3 345 345

I'll appreciate if anyone can provide me a solution..Thanks!

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Jan 9, 2004

Tech firms defend moving U.S. jobs overseas (

Any thoughts or comments?

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MS Kb Article 825019 And Beyond

Aug 8, 2006

I am experiencing the behaviour described in this kb article:;en-us;825019

but I am reliably informed that both the sql 2000 boxes which are linked have been patched to sp4.

Has anyone had any experience of this issue recurring post patching?

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How To Add New Article To Publication?

Dec 23, 2004

I'm use MSSQL2000 SP3 with replication.
I want to know that Can i add new article to existing publication by
Enterprice Manager ?

someone told me that we can do that in older version but not now,right? :confused:

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How To Ask A Question...(MS KB Article)

Feb 2, 2006

MS has post a KB article on how to post a question on a online forum...

At first I though this was hilarious, but there is actually some good information in here that is applicable on this forum as well as anywhere else. Perhaps Brett could add this as a sticky?



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Add New Article To The Publisher

Jun 19, 2008

Dear All,
i'm in the transactional replication environment. we need to add one new table to the publisher. it is sql server 2005 environment. please explain me the steps

and in another table, i need to change the data type of a table.

please guide me

Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.

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Article About Replication

Oct 31, 2007

i'm new to replication. i'm looking for a full article that explains Replication good, can u take a link to that article ?

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Sp_dropsubscription, Article

Sep 26, 2005

Hi There

View 13 Replies View Related

Unpublishing An Article

Mar 8, 2006


If I want to unpublish an article thru Enterprise Manager, it does not allow me to uncheck it at publication properties. It only allows me to uncheck articles if I delete the subscription first. Does anybody know how tp do this in Enterprise Manager without deleting the subscription?


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Same Article In Different Publications

Sep 23, 2005


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Add Article To Transactional Replication?

Oct 14, 2014

Here's what my script boils down to when adding a new view (admin.replication_test):

EXEC sp_addarticle
@publication = N'<publication name>'
, @article = N'replication_test'
, @source_owner = N'admin'
, @source_object = N'replication_test'
, @type = N'view schema only'

If I check the GUI, the article appears to be ticked in the publication.

Generate a new snapshot.

View not found in replicated database!

View 9 Replies View Related

Article On Advantages Of Sql Server Over VFP

Oct 9, 2007

hi guys,

im new to sql server...

i am currently studying sql server 2000

i know this subject has been asked before...

i would just like to ask if you know some related articles regarding advantages of using sqlserver over vfp dbf/dbc?

i am going to discuss it to my class.

thanks very much!

any help is very much appreciated!


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Adding New Article In Replication

Mar 27, 2008

how to add new article within the existing replication

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Article Row Filter - 2 Parameters

Nov 10, 2006


i need to filter an article based on a user-supplied datetime filter (the datetime parameter is specified by the subscriber just before replication). at the same time i need to filter again by user (different subscribers get different rows).

i already did the user-based filter using HOST_NAME( ). but the difficulty here (al least i think so) lies in passing 2 parameters to the filter. i cannot rely on using SUSER_SNAME to pass the user filter, because no one will want to create 500 user accounts. so i guess the only solution here is to pass both parameters using only HOST_NAME( ) and then write 2 splitting functions which uses HOST_NAME( ) as its parameter. am i right ?

publisher/distributor is sql server 2005, all subscribers use sql mobile.

TIA, kamil nowicki

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Is There Any Way To Just Reinitialize Only The Changed Article?

Oct 24, 2007


I'm setting up Transaction Replication b/w SQL Server 2K and SQL Server 2K5.
I have published Tables, Views and SPs as articles.
When I try to modify the published Stored procedure, the changes are not replicated.

When I Reinitialize the Subscription and start the Snapshot agent, it is copying the changes

made. But all articles are reinitialized again, So it takes huge time to do this.

Is there any way to just reinitialize only the changed article?
Or Is there any work around for this problem?


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Upgrading Packages Article

Nov 3, 2006

The chapter from my book that talks about upgrading packages from DTS to SSIS has been posted here :

Didn't even know it until I happened to be doing a search on upgrading and the article popped up in the search...

How funny is that! :)

Hope it helps.

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Msdn Article On Getting @Identity Question

Sep 26, 2007

the msdn article explains how to input new data to a databse and return the primary key of the inputted row. It works perfectly. However, it explains how to insert a value, but there is a problem. It seems to set the value to be submitted in the VB code, instead of having the value be the user's input in the textbox. Look for the following line in the code below: newRow("ClientFileNumber") = "ClientFileNumber" It inputs "clientfilenumber" instead of what is actually inputted in the texbox. Does anyone know how to bypass this, to not have the words "clientfilenumber" inputted?Dim sqlconn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|Client.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True")
 Dim catDA As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Orders", sqlconn)
 catDA.InsertCommand = New SqlCommand("JobInsert", sqlconn)
catDA.InsertCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
 catDA.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("@ClientFileNumber", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50, "ClientFileNumber")Dim NewJobNumber As SqlParameter = catDA.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("@Identity", SqlDbType.Int, 0, "OrdersID")
NewJobNumber.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
 Dim catDS As DataSet = New DataSetcatDA.Fill(catDS, "Orders")
Dim newRow As DataRow = catDS.Tables("Orders").NewRow()
newRow("ClientFileNumber") = ""catDS.Tables("Orders").Rows.Add(newRow)
 catDA.Update(catDS, "Orders")
Response.Redirect("control_page_copy.aspx?NewJobNumber=" + NewJobNumber.Value.ToString())

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News / Article Application Storage

Jun 2, 2006

I'm building a straightforward-ish news site. Currently, the story details (e.g. headline, description, author, date) are stored in a SQL DB. The news is categorised and the category details are also stored in an SQL table.
However - what is the best way to store the actual news article?
At the moment, when the user enters a story, they input the details and article text. The details are saved in the DB and the text is saved as an XML file with filename corresponding to the article DB primary key. When the story is "read" the app pulls the details from the DB and loads up the appropriate XML file from disk. 
For various reasons, I need to keep the article stored as XML, either in a file or in the DB. The DB provides for faster sorting and retrieval, and I don't want to store large amounts of data (i.e. the article itself) in the DB if avoidable.
I guess there are a few ways to do it -
1. Store details in DB and article as XML file.2. Store details and article in same DB table3. Store details in one DB table and articles in another
I would imagine that 3 would be the best, but would there be a performance hit? What is the maximum size of field (i.e. article size) I can have in a table?
Graham Wilson.

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Replication - How To Add Article From Enterpise Manager

Feb 3, 2001


It would be very nice if some people out there, using merge replication can tell me their strategy to add Article through Enterprise Manager.

I have Merge Replication, I have new table which has to be replicated. I counld not find options in Wizard to add New article for replication.

Any Help will be appreciated.

Thanking you in anticipation


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Added Column To Article But DTS Isn't Recognizing It

Dec 9, 2002

We're replicating columns in a table from 7.0 server to SQL2k server. Once we've got the data on SQL2k, we were able to take advantage of DTS that was not available in version 7.0.

I recenlty added a column to the article and changed the DTS accordingly (transformation columns). However, I'm getting this error ever though I added the new column in the DTS.

The number of columns in the bcp file does not match what is defined in the DTS package. Regenerate the package.


I've recreated the package with no luck. This is becoming urgent as it's supposed to go into production soon.

Please help!!



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Adding Article To The Existing Replication

Feb 11, 2005

Hi All,

I am having a server where replication is set up between 2 differnt databases. It is currently running. I want to add a couple of tables to the replication. I tried using sp_addArticle, but after executing it, in the properties of the publication it shows the new tables, but at the database level the tables are missing.

I tried with sp_addsubscription but I am getting strange error:

Server: Msg 14100, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_addsubscription, Line 240
Specify all articles when subscribing to a publication using concurrent snapshot processing.

What can I do to publish the tables into the target database?

Thanks in advance.

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Add Article To Merge Repl. Publication

Apr 22, 2004

I am running merge replication (SQL 2000 with SP2) with an anonymous pull subscription. The application vendor has come out with update that requires adding a table to a database. The vendor has created scripts that will add the table, as well as some stored procedures. If I apply the scripts to both servers and add the table as a new article to the publication, am I going to have to apply a snapshot of the entire database (which is very large)?

Your help is greatly appreciated.


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Looking For A Good Article About Indexed Views.

Apr 29, 2004

Hello folks!
I'm looking for a good article about Indexed Views.


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Comparative Article On SQL Express And MS Access

Dec 13, 2005

RD writes "Do you have a comparative article on SQL Express and MS Access?"

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High Performance SQL Server (article)

Jul 23, 2005

I posted a link to a prior article in here, that one about highperformance hierarchies, and have the first two parts of a new series.Hopefully this is of value to someone.

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My Article On Dynamic Search Conditions

Jun 5, 2006

I've uploaded a new version of my article on Dynamic Search Conditionson I've revised the article tocover SQL 2005, and made a general overhaul of the content. There was a*very* embarrassing error that I've corrected.I've also added a new interesting method for static SQL. I've found that ifyou say:SELECT ...FROM tblWHERE (key1 = @key1 AND @key1 IS NOT NULL)OR (key2 = @key2 AND @key2 IS NOT NULL)OR (key3 = @key3 AND @key3 IS NOT NULL)This will use indexes if all columns are indexed, and furthermore SQLServer will decide at run-time which index(es) to access. The articleincludes a trick where you can combine this with the normal conditions fordynamic searches for very good performance under some circumstances.I also cover the new OPTION (RECOMPILE) to force statement recompile.I was hoping that it could lead to just as good query plans as dynamicSQL, but it's far cry from that.--Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, Join Bytes!Books Online for SQL Server 2005 at Online for SQL Server 2000 at

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