Ask User To Select Excel

Jun 6, 2007

Dear friends, can anyone please tell me that how at the time when user executes the package i can ask a user to choose the datasource excel sheet and what are the constraints i have to take care of in the integration package desing.


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Is There A Way To Show A User-friendly Error When User Did Not Select A Required Parameter ?

Apr 9, 2007

Hi all,

I was wondering whether there is a way to show the user an error when the user did not select a specific parameter.

In my case, I have two optional parameters. The user has to select either one to view the report. If the user does not select either one, I would like to show some sort of an error page indicating so. However, all i am getting is a complete blank with no report in sight. I as a developer know this is an error as a result of missing parameters, but i was wondering whether I could produce a page or direct it to a page so that the user doesn't go all horrified at an empty page ?



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Reporting Services :: Select Text Field Dataset Based On User Select Option?

Aug 4, 2015

I have a report that uses different datasets based on the year selected by a user.

I have a year_id parameter that sets a report variable named dataset_chosen. I have varified that these are working correctly together.

I have attempted populating table cell data to display from the chosen dataset. As yet to no avail.

How could I display data from the dataset a user selects via the year_id options?

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User Instance Connection From Excel 2003

Apr 13, 2008


I am trying to connect to SQL Express from Excel VBA using an user instance.
I have tried the following connection string:

Driver={SQL Native Client};Server=.SQLExpress;AttachDbFilename=full_path_to_mdf; Database=dbname;Trusted_Connection=Yes;

And I get the following error : Could not open new database 'dbname' CREATE DATABASE is aborted.

Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?

All I want is an Excel document to connect to a .mdf that is stored on a CD (The database will be readonly). I do not want the database to be stored on the users hard drive.

Many Thanks


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Import Excel Data From User-selected Source File

Dec 4, 2007

Is it possible to import data from an Excel spreadsheet using OPENROWSET or OPENDATASOURCE without having to explicitly define the filepath of the source file? Currently, I have this piece of code within a sproc:

INSERT INTO [dbo].[ProductionRequirementDetail]

([ProductionRequirementHeaderID], [SKU], [Quantity])

SELECT @ProductionRequirementHeaderID,



FROM OPENROWSET ('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0','Excel 8.0; Database=C:WeeklySchedule.xls', 'SELECT * FROM [Master$C5:Q65536]') AS XL

LEFT JOIN [dbo].[PartMaster] ON (RIGHT([XL].[CODE], 7) = [PartMaster].[SKU])





AND [LampTypeID] = @LampTypeID

I would like to remove the hardcoded reference 'Database=C:WeeklySchedule.xls' and replace it with a parameter for the filepath. Is this possible? This is in SQL Server 2000. Also, if there is a way to do this with DTS I'd be open to doing it that way too.

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Import/Export CSV, Excel And Multiple User Support Via Remoting

Nov 1, 2007


I'd recently posted a question about using SQL CE as a database server for a multi-user desktop app. I did some development and tested it, and it seemed to work fine. What I did was:

1. create a remoteable object that used SqlCe classes to perform read and write operations to an encrypted CE database.

public class RemData : MarshalByRefObject


public DataSet GetData()


//Read data

public int AddData(DataSet data)

//Write data

2. hosted this object in a Remoting Server

TcpServerChannel channel = new TcpServerChannel(props, bp);

// Register the channel with the runtime remoting services

ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(channel, false);


typeof(RemData ), // The type to register

"RM_RemData", // The objectURI



So, basically the CE DB is running in-proc with this Remoting Server. This is hosted on a regular P2 1GB box.

3. created client WinForms app to connect to this object through remoting with url tcp://myserverip/RM_RemData and distributed this client EXE to various machines within the intranet to execute the GetData and AddData methods

This seems to work perfectly fine and super fast, and i was also concurrently executing the above methods in loops of 100.

So what I don't understand is why most of the posts I read about multi-user scenario here and on the web are always discouraging people to only use CE for single-user desktop? As long as I use the SQL CE ONLY as a Data Store and all logic into my data layer such as the Remotabe Objects, will this be a feasible option for around 10-20 Users since CE allows 256 Connections anyway?

My other questions are with regards to programmatically Import/Export to and from CSV and this supported or anything planned?

Would appreciate a detailed product hangs in balance as i need some closure on this


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Select Data From Excel

May 22, 2008


Is there a good way in SQL to select records that have been sent in an excel spreadsheet and import them into a temporary table?

I have a list of order codes that have different seg codes for example:

Order CodeZSeg
7625 ZBL
717009 ZBL
3277 ZCI
8144 ZCI

Each order code is unique and is classifed into a zseq. Depending on this zseg I need to update an existing table with the following field names and values for each order code:

For example for an order code classified as a ZBL I need to insert into an existing table that uses order code as the PK

Value Code: Patrac
Value Description: Patient Race
Value Type: ST
Units: None
Template Name: Lab_Master_
Field Name: AOE_BL_Race

There are multiple Value codes for each Zseg that will be inserted for each order code.

Can someone tell me the best way to do something like this?

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SQL 2012 :: Allow Authenticated User To Query Excel File Via Linked Server?

May 25, 2014

I have a 3rd party dashboard application that I can only use SQL authenticated logins to connect to the database.

I'm trying to create a query within the application that will directly access an excel file through a linked server.

As a test, I login to SSMS as the sql auth user to run the linked server query below but the following error is returned:

select *
from Corporate...[Sheet1$]OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "Corporate" returned message "Cannot start your application. The workgroup information file is missing or opened exclusively by another user.".
Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "Corporate" reported an error. Authentication failed.
Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "Corporate".

When I login as a Windows auth user, I can successfully run the above query.

I noticed within the linked server's security definition that I cannot specify a windows auth user as the mapped Remote User or as the Remote login

I've tried creating a Credential object with the identity of the windows user and assign that object to the sql auth user but to no avail. I still get the same error

I am using SQL Server express so the option of an automated server agent job to import the excel file is not available.

SQL Server Express 2012
Office version: Excel 10
Provider: Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0

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Reporting Services :: Create Report From SSRS And Then Export It In Excel For User?

Nov 4, 2015

I need to create an report from SSRS and then exported it in excel for the user. It has dynamic header/footer and dynamic excel sheet name. The developer told that it is not possible to have both the things dynamic.

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Select Query Result In Excel Sheet

Mar 11, 2008

hi all
how can i put select query result in excel sheet.
can any one help me


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Transact SQL :: Select User By Name AND / OR ID

Apr 28, 2015

I'm working with the following query to try and determine if a user already exists in a DB before adding a new user.


The thing is there could be an existing DB record with the same name but the new user to be added may have a different N_USER_ID in which case I want to reject the new entry. But if the name is the same and the N_USER_ID already exist then I want to reject the new entry. I'm returning an Int from my query.

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Exterpise Manager Select Export (ASCII,Excel,Access)?

Nov 8, 2004

Hi All. A client needs to send me some sample data. He has insisted he can query the table in Enterprise Manager via a simple select... "Select * from Table1"...

Now I need to get the data in some simple form (ASCII, Excel, Access, etc.) sent to me.

Can someone please provide me the info so I can pass it on for him to query a table from Enterprise Manager and "export it" to a simple file so I can receive it.

ANY THOUGHTS would be helpfull and GREATLY Appreciated!



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How To Select Data From Excel Table By Original Column Order?

Feb 21, 2007

Hello, everyone:

I have an Excel table that has columns like,


I use the statemen

'Data Source=C: est.xls;Extended Properties=Excel 8.0')...[Sheet1$]

and got output by column order,


How to make output by original column order like,


Any help will appreciated. Thanks


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Select Latest Logged In User

Apr 23, 2007

I would like to select the 10 latest logged in users and then display them in a gridview-control....
But Iam not good at SQL, so I would really appreciate if someone could help me to write the select-part for this!!
(I use the database 'ASPNETDB.mdf', which is automatically created by VVD 2005 Express Edition)

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Select Statement For User Pyramid

Oct 28, 2004

I have a user table for an organization that can best be described as a pyaramid. We are using the terms parent and child to define the relationship between users. Each user is a child under a specific parent; accept for the top person who is not a child under anyone. Each user can be a parent over many children.

User A has a parent - User B
User B has a parent - User C
User C has a parent - User D
User D has not parent

I want to do is create a select statement that would return all the parents for a particular user. For instance, if I ran the select statement for User A, it would return:

User A
User B
User C
User D

If I ran it for User C, it would return:
User C
User D

Ideas anyone on how I can accomplish this.

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Select Data From Table Name User

Jun 12, 2005

Hi,I using to do this. I need to retrieve data from a table name "User".  The table is in a sql server. I having trouble retrieve data from it. This is my code
Dim strsql As String = "SELECT DISTINCT NameID FROM User"Dim cmd As New sqlCommand(strsql, cn)Dim das As New sqlDataAdapter(cmd)Dim da As DataSet = New DataSetdas.Fill(da)This is the error message.
Syntax error in FROM clause. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Source Error:

Line 31: Dim das As New sqlDataAdapter(cmd)
Line 32: Dim da As DataSet = New DataSet
Line 33: das.Fill(da)
Line 34:
Line 35: DropDownList1.DataTextField = "NameID"I have tried other table, no problem, data is retrieved. Seem like "User" is restricted word... Worse is i cannot change the table name, only thing i can do is get data from it. So hope someone can help me on this. thanks in advance!!

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Use Of User Defined In SELECT Clause

Jul 23, 2005

I'm having this query:SELECTss.subscription_id AS SubscriptionId, AS ScopeId,s.[name] AS ScopeName,s.base AS ScopeBase,dbo.iqGetShapesByScopeAsString( AS ShapesAsStringFROMsubscription_scope ss,scope sWHEREss.subscription_id = @subscription_idANDss.scope_id = s.idORDER BYs.[name]The select only returns a single row but my database (SQL Server 2005CTP) seems to execute the "iqGetShapesByScopeAsString" function foreach row in the subscription_scope and scope tables. This is a bug,right? The function should be executed only once for each *returned*row in the SELECT, right? I believe that was the case in SQL 2k thoughI can't check it at the moment.// pt

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First Time SELECT CASE Statement User

Aug 31, 2006

Hi, I have created a login page (webform1) that enables me to enter my user number and password and if correct it re-directs to webform 2 where all data related to the usernumber that was entered in the login page, appears.  Now I want to be able to set different re-direct pages dependant upon different users as some may require more privileges then others. As for my query I have 2 types of users: staff and managers. I want to set the login page so that if staff logins in it goes webform 3 and if manager logins in it goes webform 4. My table in the Sql database is called Users & the fields are: unumber(pk), pwd, userRole, forename, surname.   I have been advised to use CASE statements, yet I do not know how to use them. Below  have left my code of a simple login without the userRole validation. Please help! Sub cmdLogin_ServerClick          If ValidateUser(txtUserNumber.Value, txtUserPass.Value) Then            Dim tkt As FormsAuthenticationTicket            Dim cookiestr As String            Dim ck As HttpCookie             tkt = New FormsAuthenticationTicket(1, txtUserNumber.Value, DateTime.Now(), _      DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(30), chkPersistCookie.Checked, "your custom data")            cookiestr = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(tkt)            ck = New HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName(), cookiestr)            If (chkPersistCookie.Checked) Then ck.Expires = tkt.Expiration            ck.Path = FormsAuthentication.FormsCookiePath()            Response.Cookies.Add(ck)             Dim strRedirect As String            strRedirect = Request("ReturnURL")            If strRedirect <> "" Then                Response.Redirect(strRedirect, True)            Else                strRedirect = "webform1.aspx"                Response.Redirect(strRedirect, True)            End If        Else            Response.Redirect("webform3.aspx", True)        End If     End Sub 

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Select Records For The Current Logged On User

May 14, 2007

Hi all
I've been having a really difficult time finding out how to run a query which selects records from an SQL database for the current logged on user. I've tried a whole manner of different approaches but here is where I am at now:
<script runat="server">
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
ds_meobservingcolleagues.SelectParameters(0).DefaultValue = User.Identity.Name
End If
End Sub
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataSourceID="ds_meobservingcolleagues">
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="ds_meobservingcolleagues" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:StPaulsDatabase %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT [observeTeacher], [observeBy], [observeReason] FROM [Observations] WHERE ([observeBy] = @observeBy)">
<asp:Parameter Name="observeBy" Type="String" />
This is not resulting in any error. But it is not returning the records that it should be either.
Please can anyone help? I'm sure it shouldn't be this difficult to do

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Using User Input As Part Of A SELECT Statement

Jun 16, 2004

I know this is an easy one and I know I've read it somewhere, but I can't seem to write the correct format to run correctly. I am trying to build a SELECT statement base on the selected values of a dropdown list on a webform. The selected values will be part of the Table name.. ("client_info" & location_option.selecteditem.value) Can someone show me the correct syntax for adding a form variable into a SELECT statement? Thanks

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SSRS Drop Down - Allow User To Select Value To Appear In A Report

Jul 30, 2013

I am really new to SSRS (This is my first report) and I am looking to create a drop down that will allow a user to select the value to appear in a report. Meaning that is my values are:


If the user types a B it would "jump to that letter in the selection.

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SELECT Last 5 Days User Login Report

Oct 28, 2013

I have to select last 5 days login data from UserLog Table, Based on the LogMessage, Please find below example for clarity

Table : UserLog
Sample Data :
LogId | UserID | IP | DateTime | LogMessage
1 | 1012 | 102.34.23.xx | 2013-10-22 08:42:00 | User ID 1012 (Soft Token)[] - Primary authentication successful from RDS
2 | 1012 | 102.34.23.xx | 2013-10-22 08:43:00 | User ID 1012 (Soft Token)[] - Network Connect: Session started from RDS Location
3 | 1012 | 102.34.23.xx | 2013-10-22 08:45:00 | User ID 1012 (Soft Token)[] - Network Session Initiated: Success Session from RDS Location
4 | 1015 | 102.xx.203.xx | 2013-10-22 09:42:00 | User ID 1015 (Soft Token)[] - Primary authentication successful from RDS

[Code] ...

Expected Result:

I would like to select the user loged data by UserID for last 5 days, I will pass the UserID as a parameter, Time taken should be calculated based on LogMessage ( Time Between "Primary authentication successful" message and "Network Connect: Session started " Message), If multiple login for the same day We have to take the most recent one for the day.

Input : @UserID = 1012
UserID | Date | IP Address | TimeTaken (Min)
1012 | 2013-10-22 | 102.34.23.xx | 1
1012 | 2013-10-23 | 102.34.25.xx | 2

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Date Range Select - User Input

Jul 15, 2014

I have a table has following fields(Process, datestart,dateend,datedue,,,,)

Process datestart dateend ...
A 14.07.2017 20.07.2014
B 15.07.2014 21.07.2014
C 24.07.2014 30.07.2014

What i want when user enters from date and end date. i want to filter records which are fallen between those two input dates.

if user enters 17.07.2014 and 20.07.2014 as input range. query should show only A and B process as
A 14.07.2017 20.07.2014
B 15.07.2014 21.07.2014

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The User's Select Query Should Be Denied But It Didn't?

Nov 24, 2006

hi ..

my problem is
i create a user in sqlserver from enterprise manager as follows:-

1- goto logins and new login
2-type a name and choose sqlserver authentication and type a password
3- from server roles tab i choose system administrators
4 from database access i choose the database i need that user to connect to .and OK
5-i goto database node in enterprise manager and select the database and the table
and double click on it and choose permissions and de-select the SELECT privilige

then i use ADO to connect to sqlserver through that user and when i select(SQL query) the table the data appeared normally !!!! and it suppose to give me exception

thanks in advance.

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Cannot Add Select User Permission For A Person On A Table

Feb 24, 2008


I am trying to grant solely the SELECT privilige to a particular user and to a particular database.I am using Sql server management studio express to do this and SQL Server 2005.

I have created a new login and set the server roles to public, then on the user mapping page, I have checked the box next to the table I wish the user to access and have selected the database membership role - public.
Next, On the Table Properties, I have added the user on the Permissions Page and Selected "Select" under the grant column

When I click on effective permissions, the select command does not show and when I try to login with that user, the table does not display.

What I am doing wrong?


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Transact SQL :: Execute Select Query By Fetching Results Form Excel Sheet?

Jul 9, 2015

I am trying to fetch records from excel sheet using Select Query but I am getting the error message saying

"Msg 7302, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot create an instance of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "(null)"."
Here is my Query,
sp_configure 'show advanced options',1
reconfigure with override
sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries',1
reconfigure with override
('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'Excel 8.0;Database=C:M2MworkedworkedBOS.xlsx;HDR=YES', 'select * from [Sheet1$]') AS A;

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Failed To Generate A User Instance Of SQL Server Due To Failure In Retrieving The User's Local Application Data Path. Please Make Sure The User Has A Local User Profile On The Computer. The Connection Will Be Closed

Dec 7, 2006

This is my first time to deploy an asp.net2 web site. Everything is working fine on my local computer but when i published the web site on a remote computer i get the error "Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed" (only in pages that try to access the database)
Help pleaseee

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Filter SqlDataSource Select Based On Membership User Name

Jul 11, 2006

I am running into an issue trying to declaratively set up a SqlDataSource.  I want to be able to filter some of my queries based on the user that is currently logged into the web site.  I want to do it Declaratively as that's one of my favorite 2.0 features.Is there any way to do this with the Membership information?  I know I can use the code behind to set the parameter, or store the User Name in Session Variable, and use a <asp:SessionParameter> but I think there should be a way to bind directly to the Membership user...Am I missing another option, or is there no built in way to do this?  Any other suggestions...Thanks

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Significant Performance Difference If SELECT Command Contains User

Oct 25, 2006

SQL 2000 Connection String:user id=MyUserName;password=MyPassword;initial catalog=MyDB;server=MyServer;Connect Timeout=30 This SELECT statement returns its 10 results nearly instantly:SELECT * FROM MyTableDitto from above, but completes in 30-40 seconds:SELECT * FROM [dbo].[MyTable]Ditto from above, but completes nearly instantly:
SELECT TOP 1000 * FROM [dbo].[MyTable] Obviously I have stopped using the [dbo] syntax in my SqlCommand's (SELECT's and EXECUTE's) but still would like to know why this is.vr, Rich

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Gridview Select Statement With In The Where Clause

May 5, 2008

Hello everyone,
I have a view, NAS_vPosition that has a coloumn vLogin_Acting and I want to use the to select the row from this table that matches.
So far i have tried:
SelectCommand = "Select * FROM NAS_vPosition WHERE vLogin_Acting = ' <%=User.Identity.Name %> ' "
with no success.
Any help is appreciated

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SQL Security :: How To Grant Two Tables (select Only) Access To New User

May 5, 2015

i want to create new sql user and grant him two tables access. we have several databases created on same server so we want to allow only two table in ABC database. user should not be able to see other databases and their tables. And user also should not be able to access any other tables in ABC database except two tables.

is there any query to deny all tables in schema for all clauses (Select, Update, Insert) then grant two tables to user with select clause?

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[SQL2k5] Dynamic SQL Query Select On All User Tables

Jul 17, 2006

In one query, I would like to query every user table in a specified database for

SELECT TOP (3) COUNT_BIG([Event Count]) AS EventNum, [Target IP], MAX([Time]) as LastSeen
GROUP BY [Target IP]

How is this possible?

Please give examples, I am a beginner.

Assume every table has the same structure for columns event count, target ip, and time.

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Select Based On User Identity Name Included In Insert Into Second Table

Aug 25, 2006

I am having issues getting this to work.  I have the user login to a page to
put in a request for vacation.  When they login, I have a label that isn't
visible that is equal to their User.Identity.Name.
I select the user from the employee table where the username = the label User
Identity Name and pull in the emp_id which is the primary key that identifies
the user. 
I need to insert the request into the request table with the emp_id from the
select statement, without showing the em_id on the screen.  I tried using a
hidden field and assigning the emp_id as the value, but it isn't working. 
Not sure if this is the best way to do this.  Really new to ASP.NET 2.0 so I
really appreciate any help.
Thank you!

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