Attaching DB Using Single MDF File

Feb 9, 2004

Hi there,
I'm trying to attach a DB using a single MDF file. The file was not properly detached as our server had crashed suddenly neither was the a proper backup done..When I try to attach it says
"the file you've specified is not a valid sql server database file" . But another database was restored using a MDF file without any problems ?
Please do get back if anyone may get what the problem likely is ? It'd be of great help. Let me know if my problem was clear or if I've to put it in a different fashion.


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Attaching DB Without .ldf File ???

Aug 12, 2006

hi !!

I want to attach database to SQL Server, but I'hv only .mdf file.

I lost .ldf file, how should i attach this DB to server ?



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Attaching Just A Data File.

Nov 24, 2006

Hi guys,

we lost a drive that was holding our log files for a database. I have the .mdf file from the database. So I'm trying to attach the database using just the mdf file but it fails because its still looking for the log file.

How do i work around this?

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Creating Log File && Attaching Db?

Jul 7, 2004

Bit of a SQL newbie, having taken over a support role for a piece of software that my firm sells. It is basically a DB that runs on MSDE or SQL Server in either desktop or enterprise scenarios.

We do sell our software to clients who may or may not already have SQL on their machines. During installation, it searches for sqlservr.exe for existing SQL installations and if it finds nothing, will then install MSDE 1.0 to house the db files.

My question is this -

I can manually create a db or manually attach an existing db through sql query analyser where there is a full-blown SQL installation. Is there any way I can do the same where there is only MSDE installed? The simple solution, I guess, would be to download one of the freeware or shareware MSDE "Enterprise Managers", but this won't always be suitable for a client installation.

Many thanks for your assistance all.


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Attaching BAK File On Database

Apr 12, 2013

there was a failure due to power shutdown,and the .mdf and .ldf files on the DB is not longer available. there is a backup done 5days ago with the title nice_cls.BAK. How do i restore or reattach the .bak file on the NICE-CLS database.

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Error Attaching .mdf File...

Jan 7, 2008

Attemping to reattach a recovered .mdf and associated .ldf from a crashed disk drive and I am getting the error below. I attempted to create a new db, stop the service, replace the new data files with the recovered db files and restarted the SQL service so that I could run a dbcc checkdb while the db was in suspect mode, however was unable to do this. This error leads me to belive that the log file needs to be rebuild, but that the mdf files could be a decent shape. Any help would be apprecaited. Thanks!


Attach database failed for Server 'AUTOBASEAutobase'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

For help, click:

Program Location:

at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server.AttachDatabase(String name, StringCollection files, String owner)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlManagerUI.AttachDatabaseData.PrimaryFile.Attach()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlManagerUI.AttachDatabase.SendDataToServer()


An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)

Program Location:

at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection.ExecuteNonQuery(String sqlCommand, ExecutionTypes executionType)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection.ExecuteNonQuery(StringCollection sqlCommands, ExecutionTypes executionType)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ExecutionManager.ExecuteNonQuery(StringCollection queries)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server.AttachDatabaseWorker(String name, StringCollection files, String owner, AttachOptions attachOptions)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server.AttachDatabase(String name, StringCollection files, String owner)


An error occurred while processing the log for database 'ABSystem7'. If possible, restore from backup. If a backup is not available, it might be necessary to rebuild the log.
Could not open new database 'ABSystem7'. CREATE DATABASE is aborted. (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)

For help, click:

Server Name: .Autobase
Error Number: 9004
Severity: 21
State: 1
Line Number: 1

Program Location:

at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteNonQueryTds(String methodName, Boolean async)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(DbAsyncResult result, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection.ExecuteNonQuery(String sqlCommand, ExecutionTypes executionType)

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Attaching A Database Without A Log File

Jul 20, 2005

Hiis it possible to attach a database when a log file is missing?My database had one .MDF file and 2 .LDFs. I lost one of the .LDFs. Is itpossible to recover any data?Tegie

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Error Attaching .mdf File

Mar 6, 2008

I have a VBExpress 2008 application that uses LINQ to SQL to manipulate data in an SQLExpress 2005 database.

I successfully instatiate a DataContext object and examine its metadata through its .Mapping methods and properties. But when I attempt to set the DataSource for a BindingSource control to one of the tables, I get a run-time error.


Dim dc As New DiabetesData(My.Settings.DiabetesData_dbPath)

For Each mt As MetaTable In dc.Mapping.GetTables

...(examine some properties)...


frmEZView.bsPrimary.DataSource = dc.GetTable(Of BGTest)()

generates the error:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException was unhandled
Message="An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file SbearMedicalDiabetesDiabetesData2.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share."
Server="\.pipe8280AA0D-38A6-41 sqlquery"
Source=".Net SqlClient Data Provider"

From the Immediate window: ?My.Settings.DiabetesData_dbPath


bsPrimary is a BindingSource on a form named frmEZView.

Public Class DiabetesData includes a property Public BGTests As Table(Of BGTest) and a subsequent definition of BGTest.

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?


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Attaching Database Without Ldf File?

Jul 24, 2007

Hi all,
I have deleted the .ldf file now i am having only the .mdf file. Is it possible to attach the database without shutdown the sql server.

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Attaching A SQL Server 2000 DB W/out The Log File

Oct 31, 2001

How do I reattached a SQL server database if the log file was not backed up and none is available. Our server went belly up and the backups were only copying the *.MDF files. The log files were not being included in the backup for some reason.

I know in version 7.0 you could reattach with out the log file but I am having a more difficult time figuring out how to get around thin in SQL 2000. Anybody got any ideas???


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Attaching A .mdf File To The MSSQL 2000 Using Commandline

Mar 30, 2007

Hi ,

we have a requirement to create a database of our application in client's system. and we assume that already MS Sql server is installed.

we have a .mdf file of our database. Is there any way I can attach .mdf file to the database using command line. so that I can write a batch file and run that batch to create the database in our client's system.



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Attaching SQL 2000 Database (.mdf) With Missing (.ldf) File

Mar 27, 2007


Please can anyone help me

I've been given a .mdf file from sql server 2000 which i need to attach but we do not have the .ldf file

I am unable to recover the old .ldf file

I have tried the attach single file command but obvioulsy this still looks for the old .ldf file path which no longer exists

any help would be mostly appriciated

many thanks


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Problem Facing When Attaching Back File To Database

May 24, 2008

I had taken back up on employee from my office. Office server name is UMASHANKAR. My server name is XYZ.  I had attached that back up file BY RIGHT CLICKING :: SERVICE OBJECT-->BACKUP DEVICES-->NEW BACK UP DEVICE.Now i create database of EMPLOYEE my server XYZ. I had tried to restore EMPLOYEE back file by right clicking EMPLOYEE database-->TASKS-->RESTORE-->FILE OR FILEGROUP-->To Database: EmployeeSource of Restore:From Device: Employee.bak(I had selected from file by browsing)i had selected recent back up.But server name in back up is UmashankarMy server name is XYZwhen i am clicking ok then i am getting this error.Restore failed for Server 'XYZ'.(Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)Additional information:|--> An exception occured while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch.       |       --> The media set has 2 media families but only 1 are provided. All members must be provided. All members must be provided. RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 3132)Plz solve this problem. I need it urgently

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Getting Error On Mail Task While Attaching File Of Size &&> 2MB

Mar 14, 2007


can any one help me , i am facing an issue on SSIS mail task, i want to attach a file of size 2 MB. it's getting error :

[Send Mail Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "The operation has timed out.".



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To Rename A File By Attaching Date Stamp Using SSIS

Feb 26, 2008

Hi All,

I have a dataflow task that creates a text file and posts it in a FTP share.
In need to rename the file attaching datestamp(current date of package execution) at the end of filename.
For ex: My dataflowtask creates a file called 'Samplename.txt'

I need to rename it to : 'Samplename20080225.txt.

I think it can be done using the File task...I see an option to rename the file but not sure of how to configure the task to attach current datestamp.

I see some suggestions online, but complete steps on how to implement the above would be highly appreciated.


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Copy A Database With Copy The .mdf File And Attaching It With A New Name?

Nov 4, 2006


if i have a given database (a model) and i want to copy this database in the same database instance. Is it ok to copy the mdf and ldf file and attach the files with a new database name in the same instance.

Or is the datebase name part of the .mdf file?


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DB Design :: Partition With Single File Group Or Multiple File Group?

May 19, 2015

partition with single file group or multiple file group which one best.

we have some report running from partition table, few reports don't have any partition Key and after creating 400  partition  with 400 file group it is slow.what is best practices to crate  400 file group or single file group.

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Making A Single File

Feb 5, 2004

i m having 2 Database files for the same DB and 2 Logfiles ,i want it to make a single file..... is it possible with DTS or any other thing.....

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Back Everything Up In A Single File?

Jul 20, 2005

Greetings,Our former SQL Server 2000 DBA backed up everything in a single diskfile. By everything I mean, full backup, differential backup andtransaction logs. See below for details of how the backup is currentlyset up. When I did 'view contents' of DBBackup, I saw it contained themixture of log, full and diff backups of verious dates. She has quit.Other coworkers said (in a not-sure tone) she was able to restore thedatabases from such a single file, although nobody ever saw or knew howshe did recovery. My knowledge about SQL Server, especially regardingits backup/restore is limited. But I've ever worked with otherdatabases, e.g. Oracle, MySQL and Postgres. I think log backups, fullbackups and differential backups should be completely separated. Also,in each type of backups, each database should have its own backup file.Please advise.=====Log backup:CREATE PROCEDURE sp_lbackup ASBackup log AGEP To DBBackupBackup log careerfairs To DBBackupBackup log CoEdocuments To DBBackupBackup log committee To DBBackupBackup log conference To DBBackupGOFull backup:CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_fullbackup ASBackup database AGEP To DBBackup WITH INITBackup database CoEdocuments To DBBackupBackup database careerfairs To DBBackupBackup database committee To DBBackupBackup database conference To DBBackupGODiff backup:CREATE PROCEDURE sp_diffbackup ASBackup database AGEP To DBBackup with differentialBackup database careerfairs To DBBackup with differentialBackup database CoEdocuments To DBBackup with differentialBackup database committee To DBBackup with differentialBackup database conference To DBBackup with differentialGO=====Thanks in advance for any help,Bing

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To Get All Stored Procedures Together As A Single File

Feb 5, 2008


i have sql server 2005 and sqlserver management studio;I want to get all  stored procedures in my db as a filewhat can I do  to get all stored procedures together as a single  file 

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How To Run Multiple Sql Statements From A Single File?

Nov 15, 2005

Hi,I am wondering if anyone has any examples of how to run multiple sql statements from a file using .net?  I want to automatically install any stored procedures or scripts from a single file on the server when my web application runs for the first time.  Thanks for your help in advance!

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How To Load Text File Into Single Row ?

Feb 23, 2005

how to load text file into single row

I already created dts using
Read File Transformation to place
data in to buffer table then
update row in main table

Is Any way to do it without using DTS , just with T- Sql or bcp ?

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Split Single File Over Two Tables.

Jul 18, 2006

I have an input file with fixed-width columns that I want to import into two tables.. 5 of the input columns go to 1 table and the remaining 15 go to another table. What's a good way to do this in SSIS?



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Exporting To Muliple File From A Single Table Using DTS

Aug 15, 2003

Hi Friends

I have been trying to solve this problem for the last 2 days but no luck.

Here is the problem that I am facing.

The task on had is to transfer data from a single table (the source) to multiple files (Destination) based on the record type.

I have tried changing the Datasource property of the Text File Connection object dynamically by using an ActiveX Script. But the data is still being written only to one file.

Can anyone please help me.

Thanks in advance.


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Exporting Multiple Tables To A Single File

Oct 1, 2004

I need to export data from multiple tables into one single file. The big problem here is that the tables will have different column types.

I am attempting to create something that allows users to be able to send me the contents of their tables's, through either email or ftp. I would prefer to make it easier for them so they only have to deal with one file, instead of the multiple files that bcp and dts create when exporting from multiple tables.

I was thinking of using DTS or BCP and then join (append) the files (either zip them or append the files together in some fashion), but I was hoping that there was an easier method out there.

Any ideas on how I may accomplish this would be greatly appreciated.


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Use All Records From Single Day And Put In Different Sheets Of Excel File

Mar 16, 2012

Ihave simple table..

| ID | DateVal |
| 4971 | 17.10.2008. 13:30:40 |
| 4972 | 27.10.2008. 21:56:51 |
| 4973 | 27.10.2008. 22:30:28 |
| 4974 | 28.10.2008. 0:01:53 |
| 4975 | 28.10.2008. 0:03:23 |
| 4976 | 28.10.2008. 0:04:50 |
| 4977 | 29.10.2008. 4:24:10 |
| 4978 | 29.10.2008. 4:30:51 |
| 4979| 29.10.2008. 4:36:00 |

I need query that will use all records from single day and put it in excel file.

Records need put in same excel but in different sheet.

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Deleting Expired Backupsets From Single .BAK File

May 28, 2008


I'm new to SQL Server 2005 (up until now I've been an Oracle DBA exclusively) and have been tasked with backing up all (6) of our SQL Server 2005 databases on a regular basis. To accomplish this, I've created individual SQL Server jobs for each database I wish to backup. Each of these jobs executes a T-SQL script like this:

BACKUP DATABASE [MYDATA] TO DISK = N'\networksharemydata.bak' WITH RETAINDAYS = 4,
NAME = N'MyData-FullBackup',
STATS = 10

My goal in specifying 'RETAINDAYS = 4' was so that there would always be 4 days worth of "backupsets" (forgive my Oracle-ese) kept in mydata.bak. But when I look at the amount of backupsets kept in mydata.bak I noticed that all of them were being kept and none were being deleted.

I researched this problem a little bit and thought I had discovered a solution by specifying 'INIT' instead of 'NOINIT' and 'NOSKIP' instead of 'SKIP', but this deletes the entire contents of mydata.bak only-if all of the backupsets contained in it are past their expiration date. I was hoping it would just delete the expired backupsets and keep the non-expired ones, but this isn't the case.

Does anyone know the simplest way - with T-SQL commands - to accmplish the task of backing up a database to 1 individual .bak file and also only retain x amount of "backupsets" within it? Any help would be greatly appreciated, and the more detailed the better. Thanks.

- Gary

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Deleting Expired Backupsets From Single .BAK File

May 27, 2008


I'm new to SQL Server 2005 (up until now I've been an Oracle DBA exclusively) and have been tasked with backing up all (6) of our SQL Server 2005 databases on a regular basis. To accomplish this, I've created individual SQL Server jobs for each database I wish to backup. Each of these jobs executes a T-SQL script like this:

BACKUP DATABASE [MYDATA] TO DISK = N'\networksharemydata.bak' WITH RETAINDAYS = 4,
NAME = N'MyData-FullBackup',
STATS = 10

My goal in specifying 'RETAINDAYS = 4' was so that there would always be 4 days worth of "backupsets" (forgive my Oracle-ese) kept in mydata.bak. But when I look at the amount of backupsets kept in mydata.bak I noticed that all of them were being kept and none were being deleted.

I researched this problem a little bit and thought I had discovered a solution by specifying 'INIT' instead of 'NOINIT' and 'NOSKIP' instead of 'SKIP', but this deletes the entire contents of mydata.bak only-if all of the backupsets contained in it are past their expiration date. I was hoping it would just delete the expired backupsets and keep the non-expired ones, but this isn't the case.

Does anyone know the simplest way - with T-SQL commands - to accmplish the task of backing up a database to 1 individual .bak file and also only retain x amount of "backupsets" within it? Any help would be greatly appreciated, and the more detailed the better. Thanks.

- Gary

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Single Config File Across Multiple Packages

Dec 21, 2005

I've read that a single config file can be used across multiple packages, but am unsure if it applies to what I'm trying to achieve. As an example, I have 2 packages, PackageA and PackageB. Each package has a connection manager defined - ManagerA and ManagerB and I want a single package configuration file to contain the connection string for each manager.

I can define the package configuration of PackageA with no problems. I choose XML file, define the filename and add the connection string to the config.

I then open PackageB Package Configuration and point it to the existing config file, IS tells me the file already exists and allows me to choose the option to "Reuse Existing". I then supply a configuration name and the wizard finishes, without letting me expose any properties. At this point, the configuration file still contains config details from PackageA.

If I then choose to Edit the package configuration in PackageB, I get a warning saying the config values in the config file (relating to PackageA) cannot be found, and the wizard continues. The subsequent PackageB properties which I add overwrite the existing PackageA properties.

So it would appear that what I'm trying to do cannot be done, and I need a separate configuration file for each package?

Any ideas much appreciated.


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How To Merge Report Output Into Single File?

Mar 14, 2008


I have read a few other posts about how to merge multiple report output files into a single document e.g. a single pdf.
There are a few approaches:
1) Generate post script files and then merge and oprint via a post script driver.
2) Generate seperate pdf files and then merge them into single document using a custom library.

I have a third idea and would appreciate any input:

Dynamically generate a RDL file that contains sub-reports, one for each report required in the final document, publish and run this as the final report. This could happen way before actually running the report i.e. the user has a tool where they select reports for a pack, tool then generates new RDL file and publishes it to sql reporting services, gets run at some later point in time.

Some challenges:
-Generate a table of contents with page numbering?
-Layout of sub-reports, not sure how they would be rendered across multiple pages?
-Managing parametes across sub-reports at run time.

Any suggestions or ideas?



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How To Use Deployment Utility Using A Single Package Configuration File

Jan 22, 2007


We are trying to create a deployment utility for a solution. The issue we are facing is, we are using a single package configuration file and when we try to build the solution to create the deployment utility, the build process fails saying that the package configuration file already exists. THe reason for this is while trying to build, the utility copies the configation fiel for the packages, it copies for one, but for the second onward, when it tries to copies, it fails saying the file already exists.

Any idea how to overcome this, or else any suggestions how to perform the similar steps to create a deployment utility for a solution in which the packages share a single package configuration file.

Any suggestion would be really appreciated.

Thanks in Advance,

Manish Singh

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DB Engine :: Splitting Data Of Single Large MDF File

Nov 13, 2015

We have a 5 TB database in our environment. Both MDF & LDF are location in 1 single drive which is of 10 TB.

Now, we want to move to new server but we have multiple drives each of max 1 TB per drive. How can I go about splitting the data from 1 MDF files into multiple data files? How about moving indexes ?

SQL Version : Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP1) - 11.0.3513.0 (X64) -  Enterprise Edition (64-bit)

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Combining Multiple Tables Into A Single Flat File Destination

Aug 21, 2007


I want to combine a series of outputs from tsql queries into a single flat file destination using SSIS.

Does anyone have any inkling into how I would do this.

I know that I can configure a flat file connection manager to accept the output from the first oledb source, but am having difficulty with subsequent queries.

e.g. output

personID, personForename, personSurname,
1, pf, langan

roleID, roleName
1, developer
2, architect
3, business analyst
4, project manager
5, general manager
6, ceo


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