Attaching Sql Express Files In Sql Server 2005

Apr 18, 2006

I am using the full version of sql server 2005 management studio to attempt to attach sql express mdf files to sql server 2005.

I was using the databases from an ASP.NET commerce starter kit in sql express. I want to update to sql server 2005, so i detached the dbs.
i deleted the sql express management studio ctp and installed sql server 2005 from the free 6 month trial available online.

I then attempted to attach the sql express files to sql server 2005 and get the following error:

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

Attach database failed for Server '<servername>'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

For help, click:

An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)

Could not find row in sysindexes for database ID 9, object ID 1, index ID 1. Run DBCC CHECKTABLE on sysindexes.
Could not open new database 'C:INETPUBWWWROOT<location>ASPNET.MDF'. CREATE DATABASE is aborted. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 602)

For help, click:

I also tried with the original mdf files i had downloaded without making any changes.

any help here?

thank you,

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Create Database In SQL Server 2005 And Attaching It In SQL Express

Jun 29, 2007


I've created a database in sql server 2005, but now I need to detach this database and attach it in sql express. Is this possible? I keep getting an error that my database is readonly. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

thanks in advance.

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Error In Attaching MSDE Database To SQL Server 2005 Express

Jul 3, 2006

I'm trying to attach a MSDE 2000 database to SQL Server 2005 Express.

I simply issue sp_detach_db XXX where XXX is the name of my MSDE database. Then sp_attach_db or create database ... with attach and both way gets the following message:

Event ID. : 3415

Description: Database 'XXX' cannot be upgraded because it is
read-only or has read-only files. Make the database or files writeable, and
rerun recovery.

What does it mean?

Thanks for any help,


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Attaching A DB In Express 2005

Jun 14, 2007

I am having trouble attaching a db to ms sql express 2005.I have the db in a folder deep down in my drive, within an website project. For some wierd reason i can't drill down more than two levels to get to the DB Anyone have any ideas why? Ilan   

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Installing SQL 2005 Express And Attaching Database From CD

Apr 11, 2007

Hi there,

I have created an .iss file which when compiled creates a setup.exe file on a cd rom. Within the .iss I have extracted the sqlexpress files out so that it will install straight from disk to the users machine rather than from the .msi file. All this has been successful so far....

My problem is:- I want to attach a database to the an instance of sqlexpress on the users machine. I have detached it from SQL Server 2000 and copied it over to the cd. The setup file copies these over the users hard drive. I have looked through many forums etc and the words that keep popping up are:-



type into the command prompt.

Sorry if I'm a little ignorant but I am not sure how to go about these. How do I open the command prompt on the users machine from CD? Do I have to create something to do this?

Any information would be appreciated, any guidance or scripts would be great.



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SQL 2012 :: Attaching SSAS Database Files On A Different Server?

Jun 26, 2015

I can detach/attach SSAS database.But I have a software that protects(backs up) the files of the SSAS Database.

What the customer needs is to be able to take these backed up files and port it to a different server and attach it there.But the new server complains that these files have no corresponding detach-log files.

The customer doesn't want to backup and restore the SSAS databases.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Attaching Received Files To New Database

Jun 25, 2014

I am actually very new to SQL databases, I have received an .MDF and .LDF for a database of size 50 GB...

I need to create or attach these files to a new database and extract some columns then convert them to .text or .csv...

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MDF Files With VS 2005 Installed SQL Server Express

Mar 21, 2006

I created a mdf file but couldnt for the life of me install it into SQL Sever Express [and when I say install i mean attach].     When I used SQL Server Ent, I had no issues.  The only warning I got was that my mdf file was used by another process when I tried to attach with VS 2005 [ which is correct because ent had it].  I think mdf files are pretty touchy.  Does anyone have any good articles on best practices?  It seems you cant have a db with the same name as your attachment [ which would make sense] or have mdf files in the Data directory of your SQL Server instance you are trying to attach to.  You will get the unc share error if you do.  I think I need to start using user Instances but I could be wrong.  You cant use them in ent but maybe i will solve my issue with attaching db files to express.  I noticed that by default express doesnt install in mix auth mode and there might be some issues with access.  How does everyone else normally install their mdf files for quick deployment [ say you want to deploy your db with your app so that users can quickly get started] ?

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SQL Server 2005 Express How To Protect Mdf Files

May 31, 2006

Panos writes "I am working with SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. How can I protect mdf files from being transfered (attached) and be used to another SQL server in another machine?

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Can I Use .dbp Files With Visual Studio 2005 + SQL Express Server?

Feb 7, 2008

Alright I'm using Visual Studio 2005 with SP1 and SQL Server Express 2005. I've downloaded all the updates on Windows Update. I'm joining a project late and trying to get the C#/SQL web-app up and running. My project manager has it built with Visual Studio 2005 pro and a full blown corporate license for the SQL server, but I don't have access to the SQL server quite yet.

When I try to open the "LLRCWEB.sln" file I receive the following error:

"The application for project 'C:Documents and Settings......LLRCSQL.dbp' is not installed.
Make sure the application for the project type (.dbp) is installed."

Has anyone encountered this problem before? Are there any plug-ins or particular application versions you know are required to handle '.dbp' files, or will I have to Install Visual Studio 2005 Pro and get access to the SQL server?

Any input would be greatly appreciated

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SQL Server Express...Attaching DataBase

Apr 14, 2007

Howdy Folks,
I have a site on WS2003, IIS 6 installed on c:.
I put the site in a folder on d:. Nothing else is on d: except the web site.
I added a new website in IIS and pointed to the site on d:.
Using the default connectionString in machine.config, I am unable to connect to ASPNETDB.MDF. Therefors, I can not log in.
In SQL Server Management Studio Express, I attached ASPNETDB.MDF. I then am able to log in.
Does ASPNETDB.MDF have to be manually attched like this when the web site is located on a drive othr than where IIS is installed and running?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Cannot Access Path When Attaching Database With Data Files On SMB Share

Oct 1, 2014

I have a Windows Server 2012 R2 2 node cluster with SQL Server 2014 FCI installed. Data files are on a separate Windows Server 2012 R2 file server. Data files share has been permissioned to the SQL Server service and SQL Server Agent service accounts as Full Control. NTFS Permissions are Full Control.

When I try to attach a database
CREATE DATABASE AdventureWorksDW2012
ON (FILENAME = 'apricotmssql_VIOLETMSSQL12.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLDATAAdventureWorksDW2012_Data.mdf')
FOR ATTACHI get this error:
Msg 5120, Level 16, State 101, Line 4
Unable to open the physical file "apricotmssql_VIOLETMSSQL12.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLDATAAdventureWorksDW2012_Data.mdf". Operating system error 5: "5(Access is denied.)".

If I log into the file server (called APRICOT) and look at the NTFS permissions they all look good. I have also reapplied the NTFS permissions from the root folder down.

If I log on to one of the nodes in the cluster as the SQL Server service account and navigate to apricotmssql_VIOLETMSSQL12.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLDATA and copy and paste the data file, it works fine.

If I log on to the file server and Enable Inheritance at the root level, then Replace all child objects with inheritable permission entries from this object, I get this error:

User Account Control settings on all nodes and the file server are set to Never notify

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Considerations... Backing Up IIS 6 Web Files And SQL Server 2005 Express Database

Mar 1, 2006

Anyone know of a good "free" way to back up web files and SQL Server 2005 Express Database?
I was able to use Windows Server 2003 Backup utility to back up the folder where the Databases were stored, as well as the web files, with no errors.
But I have heard a lot of discussion that you can't just simply backup SQL Server data files?
I'm wondering how sound the backup I've created is...
Any suggestions?

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Connection To SQL Server Files (*.mdf) Require SQL Server Express 2005 To Function Properly.

Jun 10, 2007

I dont have the SQL EXPRESS installed instead I have SQL Standard Edition.
 I have two SQL Server instances installed.
 1- UserLT (this is sql 2000)2- UserLTSQL2005 (this is SQL 2005 named instance)
But when i try to add a database to my VS website project I get the following error:
Connection to SQL Server files (*.mdf) require SQL server express 2005 to function properly. please verify the installation of the component or download from the URL:
I went in Tools>Opetions>DataBase tools>Data Connection>Sql Server Instance Name (blank for default)
and changed the "SQLEXPRESS" to "USERLTSQL2005".
But I still get the same error message. Any ideas how i can resolve this issue?

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Connection To SQL Server Files (*.mdf) Require SQL Server Express 2005 To Function Properly

Jan 11, 2006


i've installed SQL server 2005 express and Visual web developper 2005 express.

when i whant to create a database in VWD the following error occures:

connection to SQL Server files (*.mdf) require SQL server express 2005 to function properly. please verify the installation of the component or download from the URL:

i searched the internet but can't find the solution, i already reinstalled my complete workstation but the problem stays.

please help!

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VS2005 Error: Connection To SQL Server Files (*.mdf) Requires SQL Server Express 2005 To Function Properly.

Mar 6, 2008

Good Evening All,

I've serached this forum and Google'd for a resolution to this issue, to no avail. Here's the scenario:
I'm running VS 2005 on Windows Media Center laptop and need to create membership for my web application built using VB. I have SQL Server Developer installed with instance name MSSQLSERVER. Previously, I uninstalled SQL Express and installed Developer edition and can now open and utilize Management Studio.

Now, when I try to create a new SQL Server database in my solution's App_Data directory, I receive the above error. I already changed instance name in VS2005 per Tools-Options-Database Tools-Data Connections to MSSQLSERVER.

Could someone provide me with a list of procedures to ensure proper setup of VS2005 with SQL Server Developer Edition?

Thanks much for your help.

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Connections To SQL Server Files (*.mdf) Require SQL Server Express 2005

Nov 4, 2005

When ever I click on an MDF file in VS2005 I get the following message.

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Error Creating Mdf - Connection To SQL Server Files (*.mdf) Require SQL Express 2005 To....

Apr 11, 2006

Connection to SQL server files (*.mdf) require SQL express 2005 to function properly.  please verify the installation of the component or download from
I AM GOING TO RIP MY HAIR OUT WITH THIS PROBLEM.  I have reinstalled both sql server express 2005 and VWD about 5 times with the same problem.  please, please, please someone throw me a bone here  and help me resolve this problem. 
When I create a new EMPTY website and I rightclick on my website in the solution explorer and choose add item, I chooe SQL Database, I give it a name 'database.mdf' and click add.  I get the following message:
you are attempting to add a database to an application.  for a database to be gfenerally consumable in your site, it should be placed inside the 'app_data' folder.  would you like to place the database inside the 'app_data' folder?  I click YES (I know this message is normal)
then I get the following message:
Connection to SQL server files (*.mdf) require SQL express 2005 to function properly.  please verify the installation of the component or download from
I can add anything else but this damn mdf file. 
thanks for all your help in advance.

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Attaching A SQL Express Database To SQL Server Standard Instance...

Oct 18, 2006

If I create a database in SQL Express and then copy the MDF/LDF files and attach them to a machine running SQL Server 2005 Standard - will this new database have SQL Express limitations?

Are there good reasons not to do this and create the database in SQL Server Standard using scripts generated from the SQL Express instance instead?

Basically, I'm setting up a merge replication between Standard and SQL Express for a common database and I figure attaching a copy of the database created in SQL Express is the fastest way to get this started.

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Can't Play Files: Video Series: SQL Server 2005 Express Edition For Beginners

Apr 20, 2006

I cannot play any of these video files in RealPlayer or in Windows Media Player. Any suggestions? Anyone else having this problem?



Video Series: SQL Server 2005 Express Edition for Beginners

C00D1199: Cannot play the file

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Attaching Files

Jun 21, 2005

I have just started using have to develop a system that attaches word and PDF files to form.  I also need to be able to do a full text search on the documents attached.I'm currently using SQL server 2000 as my backend DBMS, but I have never used it to attach files. My mates recommend using BLOGS but I'm not sure how to do this and I'm not sure if I can do a full text search using this solution.Could some body please recommend a solution to get me started.Thanks in advancedPaddy

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Can Multiple Workstations Running SQL 2005 Server Express Attach To The Same Database Files On A Shared Network Location?

Mar 15, 2007

Can multiple instances of SQL 2005 Express attach to the same database files on a network share? I have seen this done before with MSDE where the database files are stored on the server, but instead of having a SQL server running on the network and then connecting to it, only the database files exist on the network share and the users connect through MSDE running on the local machine. Is this possible with SQL2005Express? I do not have the ability to share an SQL instance from one workstation to another nor do I have the ability to install an instance on the corporate server. Is it as simple as creating the database and storing the files on the share then attaching the database to the SQL Instance on each workstation?

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Attaching .mdf To SQL Server 2005???

Feb 27, 2006

If I only have a .mdf file available, how can I attach it to SQL Server 2005? It keeps asking for a .ldf file which I don't have.This one's related to post

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SQL Server Management Studio Express On Vista Home Premium (Error On Attaching And Detaching .mdf)

Sep 5, 2007

I have SQL Express 2005 SP2 installed in my Vista Home Premium. I am using SQL Server Management Studio Express to manage .mdf.

When I click "Add..." to attach .mdf database, I have this prompt error message :

The server principal "My-PCMyName" is not able to access the database "model" under the current security context. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 916)

I have elevated the rights, "Run as administrator", of my SQL Server Management Studio Express, but still having problem.

I also encounter security error when detaching the existing .mdf :
The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'sp_detach_db', database 'mssqlsystemresource', schema 'sys'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 229)

Please advice. Thanks.

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Attaching An .mdf Database To SQL Server 2005

Sep 19, 2007


I need your help in attaching an .mdf database (Created in SQL Server 2005 in another computer) to SQL server 2005. I tried the original way (right click>attache), but all I get is the following:

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Attaching SQL 2005 Db To A SQL 2000 Server

May 31, 2006

Is this possible to attach a database from a SQL 2005 server to a Server runnning SQL 2000?

I have searched but came up empty.

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Error In Attaching .mdf Files.. How Can This Be Solved?

May 11, 2006

We've tried attaching the mdf files given to us by some customers using the script they've provided, too.

I created the database with the corresponding names, and tried to run their script. However, I get the message "The media family on device 'D:DatabaseDVVAD01.mdf' is incorrectly formed. SQL Server cannot process this media family."

What could possibly have gone wrong? Is it also possible that the file was not properly detached, or what?

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Views On Attaching/Detaching Mdf Files

Apr 9, 2008

I am currently having a problem in the implementation of a Database for my winform application.

Look at the 2 diagrams below:

Diagram 1 : A typical databse design where it usees only 1 mdf file.

Diagram 2: A new proposed approach to implement the Database with multiple mdf files of the same schema!!

In the new proposal of the DB, each mdf files is kept separately and an additional module is required to attach and detach these databases as and when required. The purpose: the performance of all actions on the small data is not affected by the size of the large data

How does this 2 methods measure up in terms of resource usage, performance, etc??

Need comments and views. Thanks.

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Recovery/attaching Database Files

Jun 2, 2006

hello, (this was originally posted in Administration Forum)

I am helping out with a disaster recovery of a database and i was given 4 files. 2 MDF and 2 LDF files. When I try to attach the files to SQL Server I recieve this err msg:

Server: Msg 823, Level 24, State 6, Line 1
I/O error (torn page) detected during read at offset 0000000000000000 in file 'E:chivirtualGPS0Dat.mdf'.
Connection Broken

I then tried many other combinations hoping something would work --> tried individual files, just data files, tried to create a new DB and then switching/replacing out with the files i needed...etc, nothing seems to work for me. The people I am trying to help out do NOT have backups.

Any thoughts would be appreciated. thanks...

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Attaching Northwind (2000) Into SQL Server 2005

Nov 14, 2006

I am trying to attach to the SQL Server 2000 sample Northwind database using SQL Server 2005. When I do the Database-->Attach using the GUI everything seems alright. I can open the Northwind database and see the usual listing of stuff.

However, when I click on the Database Diagrams, I get an error message stating "Database diagram support objects cannot be installed because this database does not have a valid owner. To continue, first use the Files page of the Database Properties dialog box or the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to set the database owner to a valid login, then add the database support objects."

I have tried repeatedly to get the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to work, all to no avail. I have restarted my machine, and the properties of the database is now saying that the owner is the same as the other databases I have, but I keep getting the error message.What am I doing wrong here? How can I fix this?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

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Attaching A Valid Database Fails Because Of Old Mdf-files

Sep 3, 2007

I have a database that consists of 4 files (1 MDF, 2 NDF's and 1 LDF-file). I can confirm that by running:

select name from sys.database_files

The result is:

About a year ago this database had 3 more NDF-files, but we moved all the objects that were stored in these secondary datafiles to the other datafiles and removed them completely from the database. This operation worked correctly otherwise the sys.database_files view would have returned more files I assume.

Everything works perfectly with this database until I try to detach and reattach it. If I detach this database and immediately try to attach it again on the same server using Sql Server Management Studio it wants me to attach 7 database files! The 4 database files that are still being used by this database (which is perfectly valid), but it also wants me to attach the 3 old database files which obviously don't exist anymore and that aren't even reported by the sys.database_files view. Is there anything I can do to make sure that an attach of this database will work again? How can I completely remove these old database files?


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Database Diagram Support Objects Cannot... Attaching Sql 2000 Db To Sql Server 2005

Jan 3, 2006


I've seen threads concerning this problem. I have followed the prescribed steps to fix the problem. I've set the db owner to sa, I've set compatibility to 2005. Still I can't get the diagram to function.

Can anyone out there help me?

Thanks, Bill

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How To Apply SQL Server 2005 Express SP1 To The Version Of SQL Server 2005 Express Which Installs With Visual Studio 2005?

Aug 8, 2006

When I installed VS 2005, it installed the default version of SQL Server 2005 Express that ships with Visual Studio 2005 installer media.

How can apply SQL Server 2005 Express SP1 to update this existing instance?

Currently, if I run this query:

SELECT @@version

I get the following:

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.1399.06 (Intel X86) Oct 14 2005 00:33:37 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Express Edition on Windows NT 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 2)

After applying SP1, I should get 9.00.2047.00.

Should I just go to this link and download & install the SQL Server 2005 Express Edition SP1:

Thank you,


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