Audit Login Fail And Restrict Number Of Atempt

Oct 14, 2003

Hi everybody,
I found 100 entries with milisecond
difference in error log
"Login failed for user 'sa'"

does it look like attack ?

1. Can I restrict number of failed login ?
2. What events to trace in order to get
ip address for for station that trying to login as sa and fail?

Thank you


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Audit Login Fail Get Computer Name

May 26, 2004

Hi can audit login fail and computer name for standard sql login?

Thank you


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Restrict Login To One Instance

Jul 20, 2005

Hello All,I'm using SQL Server 2000 and wish to restrict the user login to oneinstance only. Is this possible? Is this wise?

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Need To Restrict A Login To See Only One Database

Feb 6, 2008

Here is what I need to do, maybe someone could tell me what to do.
I need to create a login (I got that part) and then limit that login to only be able to see one of the databases on the server. So this is what I'm looking for.

user1 logs in to the server
user1 can only see the database I want them to see
and can not see anything else, no msdb, no tempdb, no security, no management etc.
I also need this user to be read only (only able to run select statements)
and this user will not be the owner of the database

Please help i'm pulling my hair out

Thanks Ahead of time

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Restrict The Number Of Records From Query

Feb 9, 2004


ive a table of over 90,000 records . is ther any method for restricting the number of records returned by a SELECT query

i want to implement a query system which will give me the first 50 records, next 50 ,... and so on

can ne body help ?

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Restrict Login Access By Hostname/ip Possible?

Oct 2, 2007

In SQL2005, is it possible to restrict incoming sql or windows authentication logins by source hostname or IP address? Perhaps using endpoints?

We are currently using hosts file on the db server as a temporary solution, but the SA will not allow us to use this as a permanent solution.

The app team I support is asking me to build an "idiot proof" database so that an Dev or Test app server they may configure, doesn't unintentionally connect to the Production database and damage/alter data.

Don't worry, I've already asked if they can't follow some kind of M&P's to prevent this kind of silly behavior, but they insist on DBA team creating a bullet-proof database that can outsmart app developers who try to attempt something dumb like this.

Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Phil Streiff

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Jan 18, 2007

I am using a SSAS cube as my data source for my reports. I have set up the roles on the cube and that works fine.

However, in my reports I want to be able to restrict the report filters based on the user that logs in.

E.G. we have a list of users from different countries. if a user from the US logs in then the country filter should have only USA in it. If a Japan user logs in then the country list should have only Japan.

Currently, the country filter still has all the countries but the logged in user can only get data for his country. I want that list to only be populated with user country only.

I think it has something to do with the dataset that is populating the country list but I have no idea as to how to fix it.

Any help will be appreciated.

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How To Restrict User To Enter Phone Number In Word

Dec 5, 2014

I am designing wepage using with Sql server as database. I have used Multiline textbox in which user has to enter their family detail. Like number of brother and sister family status, source of Earning for family.

But User do not have to enter his/her phone/contact number. For that I restricted the user to enter any nuberic digit through Regex. But User is too smart now they are entering his/her contact number in words.

Suppose somebody's Contact number is 533445928 as they can not enter numberic digit because of regex which allows the user to enter only alphabets. Now they are entering their contact number in words like five three three four four nine two eight seven. I would like to restrict the user to enter contact detail in words also.

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SQL Login Audit Log

Jul 23, 2005

Hi, AllI use SQL Server 2000 and Win 2003 Server. I try to create a SQL ServerLogin audit log using Profiler, but cannot find the tools. I looked at theWindows Event Viewer, it only logs Windows authentications users for SQLServer not SQL Server users (Mixed mode users).Please help on creating SQL Server Login log (username,password and time).ThanksKai

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How To Audit For Unused Login Ids???

Dec 9, 2002

I would like to verify that we do not have any unused login ids. I know I can turn on auditing for successful login attempta and either manually check the logs or write some type of findstring code to capture successful login attempts and then for each success, remove the id from a master list, but I was wondering if there may be a simpler approach. Any thoughts?

Thanks, Dave

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SQL Server 2000 Audit For Login

Jan 27, 2006

Is there a way to audit the login on SQL Server 2000? I'm looking for away to get a report login/logout events with the name of the database.Thanks in advance.

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SQL Conn Login Fail

Aug 9, 2007

Hi Forum,
I am having issues with hosted Sql05 server conn. Ive made the move from Oledb to Sql, so am unsure if trouble is permissions or connection related!
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.
<connectionStrings>    <remove name="LocalSqlServer" />    <add name="ConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=**.**.**.**;Initial Catalog=***_Database.mdf;Integrated Security=True;" />  </connectionStrings>  <system.web>    <roleManager enabled="true" defaultProvider="SqlRoleProvider">      <providers>        <clear />        <add name="SqlRoleProvider" type="System.Web.Security.SqlRoleProvider" connectionStringName="ConnectionString" />      </providers>    </roleManager>
Ive tried some conn varients re security id, but its always the same error. I can use SQL Server Management Exp to login/manage database, using SQL authentication.
The web app is the conn I cant open, hosting company support useles, now thats something new, cheers P

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Login Fail For User-- Help

Nov 26, 2004

i got this error----

Login failed for user 'MERIDIANIUSR_BARODA'.
.Net SqlClient Data Provider

what should i do?

my connectionstring is
conn.ConnectionString = "workstation id=BARODA;packet size=4096;integrated security=SSPI;data source=BARODAEMIS;persist security info=True;initial catalog=SMS"
i also create 'MERIDIANIUSR_BARODA' user.

give any solution.
it's urgent.

thanks in advance

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Login Fail ,need More Info

Dec 1, 2004

I deleted standard sql login (a123) few days ago.

Since delete I see multiple login
fail for a123 in sql server log files

Is any way to get host name or application that trying to login using

I did not now password for a123, so I can't restore it

Thank you


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Apr 27, 2005

exception information: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: user 'NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE' fail in loginerror source:

line 24: public void FillDataSet(MyDataSet dSet)
line 25: {
line 26: sqlDataAdapter1.Fill(dSet);
line 27: }
line 28:
source file: c:inetpubwwwroot estmywebformcomponent1.cs    line: 26 trace:

[SqlException: user 'NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE' fail in login]
System.Data.SqlClient.ConnectionPool.GetConnection(Boolean& isInTransaction) +472
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionPoolManager.GetPooledConnection(SqlConnectionString options, Boolean& isInTransaction) +372
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open() +384
System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.QuietOpen(IDbConnection connection, ConnectionState& originalState) +44
System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.FillFromCommand(Object data, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior) +304
System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior) +77
System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet) +38
mywebform.Component1.FillDataSet(MyDataSet dSet) in c:inetpubwwwroot estmywebformcomponent1.cs:26
mywebform.WebForm1.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in c:inetpubwwwroot estmywebformwebform1.aspx.cs:29
System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e) +67
System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +35
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain() +731
i can't solve the problem, i hope smart you can help me.

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Database Audit Specification To Audit Select On Certain User And Table

Nov 1, 2014

I have made a server security audit and specify from database audit specification to audit "select" on a certain user and on a certain table. I logged in by this user and made the select statement..when i run this query

"select * from sys.fn_get_audit_file('d:Auditaudit1*',null,null)"

It return a value at which time the query has done

after 15 minutes i repeated the same action, i run the audit query and the same result is showed off on the it suppose to return a list of values by how many times this user has made the select statement on that table ? for example at 5:00 pm then 6:00 pm and so on

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Audit Logon / Audit Logoff Problem With SQL 2K

Jan 18, 2006

I need is the problem.Last weekend, the servers in our datacenter where moved around. After thismove, and maybe coincidental, 1 server is performing very poor. Afterrunning a trace with SQL Profiler, I saw the problem which was laterconfirmed with another tool for SQL server performance monitoring. It seemsthat all connections to the SQL server (between 200 - 400) are doing a login/ logout for each command that they process. For example, the user'sconnection will login, perform a SELECT, and then logout. This is not a..NET application. The client software was not changed, it is still thesame. The vendor has said that it is not supposed to do that, it issupposed to use 1 connection that log's on in the morning and logs off atthe end of the day or whenever the user exits. 1 user may have severalconnections to the database.At times, the server is processing over 250 login / logouts (avgeraged for30 second period). Has anyone seen this problem? I have the server inAUDIT FAILUREs only. The server has become very unresponsive, things thattook 3 seconds now take over 15 seconds.Any ideas???

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Design Tools / Sql Server Mgt Tools Cause Login Fail

Sep 20, 2007

Login failed for user 'TOSHIBA-USERASPNET'
I know that the file persmission for the web application have to include aspnet, so i keep resetting the folder permission for aspnet in file manager, but the login failed keeps coming back every day or two
problem is after working with VS05 Pro, SQL Server Management Studio CTP, somehow the aspnet persmission get changed, use alot of sqldatasource wizards and often there is a conflict/hang between the datasource wizard and the need to have the mdf in a dettached state within VS server explorer,
not sure but the procedure to fix this seems to be to reboot, detach and re-attach the mdf in the Sql server Studio tool, re-apply the aspnet file permission on the web app folders (wonder should i be doing this in IIS instead), make sure the mdf within server explorer is detached, the it works
anyway, getting real tired of the resulting delays and design time derailment, clues greatly appreciated, thanks
 sometimes i can use View in Browser when in VS05 form view and i wont get the aspnet folder permission error and other times i do.
last thing, is it a bad idea to give aspnet full permission for the entire web applicaiton??

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User Login - How To Control Number Of Simultaneous Connections

Jul 30, 1998

Hi everyone!

Is it possible to control the number of simultaneous connections one login id can have?
I`d like to avoid my users to share their login ids and passwords to help them enter data into the system.


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SQL 2012 :: Login Information - Identify Who Changed Port Number

Jun 30, 2015

Is there a way to identify who have changed the SQL port number other than the DBA's?

For example through c2 audit or any other triggers?

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Error: Cannot Open Database Requested In Login 'projectAllocations'. Login Fails. Login Failed For User 'sa'.

Oct 27, 2004

Im getting this error when attempting to retrieve data from an sql database.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot open database requested in login 'projectAllocations'. Login fails. Login failed for user 'sa'.

Source Error:

Line 13: objConn = New SqlConnection( "Server=LAB303-066NETSDK; Database=projectAllocations; User ID=sa;Password=mypassword")
Line 14: objCmd = New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM project_descriptions", objConn)
Line 15: objConn.Open()
Line 16: objRdr = objCmd.ExecuteReader()
Line 17: While objRdr.Read()

Source File: C:finalyearproject2sample.aspx Line: 15

Please Help!! Im a beginner to this, so if anyone knows the answer, take baby steps when explaining. Thanks

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Cannot Open Database Requested In Login 'dbName'. Login Fails. Login Failed For User 'machineNameASPNET'

Jul 27, 2005

Been looking through the forums for a solution to this problem.I already tried granting access through statements such as:exec sp_grantloginaccess N1'machineNameASPNET'But they don't seem to work.. i vaguely remember seeing somewhere a DOS command line statement that grants access to the ASPNET_WP and that fixed my problem before on another computer.. but this is a new computer and i forgot to write down the command.Can anyone help explain and propose a solution to my problem. Many thanxs.

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Cannot Open Database Requested In Login 'sql'. Login Fails. Login Failed For User 'ASPNET'.

Dec 19, 2003

I am using the MSDE to connect to my ASP.NET application. I get this error after clicking the login button of my login page. Anyone know why this would happen?

Thanks for any help,

Cannot open database requested in login 'DataSQL'. Login fails. Login failed for user 'serverASPNET'.

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Restrict Deletion

Mar 11, 2007

What would be the best practice to prevent users who didn't create a record in sql from deleting? When a record is created I have the username who created the record in one of the fields. I was thinking maybe a query?
Thank you in advance.

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How To Restrict 100% CPU Hog User

Oct 5, 2004

I have an ETL product, every 30 minutes it loads maybe a coupla 100K records of various construction into an SQL Server Db (2000 SP3, on Win 2000 Std Server also Win 2003 Ent Server). It really hammers the Db with a combination of batch insert update and insert fallback to update etc. It does not use 100% CPU actually and is IO bound. Works a treat.

Now the problem, someone has built a .Net ADO based front end, and for the 5 minutes my product runs every 30 minutes they have a hope in hell of getting a reasonable response for their select queries. Now my take is that maybe I can delay for 5ms after each transaction I do to allow the other user processes a chance. But better maybe would be for my ETL product Db user to have a lower priority than other Db users.

What is the best way to achieve this end? If I understood more about how SQL Server prioritizes users and their requests it might help. (round robin?)



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How To Restrict 100% CPU Hog User

Oct 5, 2004

I have an ETL product, every 30 minutes it loads maybe a coupla 100K records of various construction into an SQL Server Db (2000 SP3, on Win 2000 Std Server also Win 2003 Ent Server). It really hammers the Db with a combination of batch insert update and insert fallback to update etc. It does not use 100% CPU actually and is IO bound. Works a treat.

Now the problem, someone has built a .Net ADO based front end, and for the 5 minutes my product runs every 30 minutes they have a hope in hell of getting a reasonable response for their select queries. Now my take is that maybe I can delay for 5ms after each transaction I do to allow the other user processes a chance. But better maybe would be for my ETL products user to have a lower priority than other users.

What is the best way to achieve this end? If I understood more about how SQL Server prioritizes users and their requests it might help. (round robin?)



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Restrict Access

May 28, 2008


Is it possible to restrict what IP numbers can access a sql server 2005 (can this do done in sql server 2005)?

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Restrict Query Results

Oct 25, 2006

Hi guys, say i wrote a query that returns 1,000 records.. what kinda query could i write that only returns say the first 50 records of the 1,000 recs..

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Restrict Delete From A Table

Jan 21, 2005


I need to restrict delete from one table by any user of SQL. How can we do this? This is our master table and we dont want any one to delete data from this table.


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Restrict Access To DB On SQL2K

Nov 12, 2001


Is there a way to prevent new users from accessing a SQL2000 db (like to put it into DBO mode) while leaving current users finish their running jobs.

I tried Alter Database and sp_dboptions and both in SQL2000 requires to close all current users. It was working in SQL7 but not in 2000.



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Restrict A Column To A User

Jun 19, 2001

Is there a switch in 7.0 that I can set if
I don't want users to see a certain column in
a table.

Ex: TableA(column1, column2, column3)
If they do a select * from tableA
they will receive information on all three columns,
I don't want them to see the last column3.

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Restrict MS Access From Accessing SQL

Dec 7, 1999

Is there any way of not allowing users with MS Access from using it to connect to a SQL 7 server? Basically, no connection to SQL through MS Access should be allowed. Any ideas?

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Restrict Client Access

May 27, 2005

Hello Everybody,

I need some help.
When we install the Database at the clients end, the client can see all
the SQL tables, views and stored procedure in the Enterprise Manager.
Is there a way via which you can restrict the client from viewing the
tables in SQL Enterprise manager?

I hope you understand my question.
I would be oblidged if my friends could help me...


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