I've a problem with auto-generated key. In my parent table, some lines have been deleted. I would like to add new lines with the same content in order to restore my database, but I cannot decide on the id value which is an auto-generated key. Is there a solution to set an auto-generated key with a specific value ?
Hello everyone,i have a web form to take user details.as soon as the submit button is clicked the form is submitting and the new row is being added into the sqldatabase.its fine ..but in the newly added row, i want the user id(primary key and auto generating) to display in different manner.in mytable column(userid),instead of userid auto displaying 1,2,3,4 ...i want it to display in this way.these are all primary keys of rows added.todaydate-username-1 eg(2.2.2008-jack-1)todaydate-usernaem-2 eg(2.2.2008-zak-2)todaydate-usernaem-3 eg(2.3.2008-leme-2)any idea how to achieve this.?thanks.jack.
I downloaded the AdventureWorks OLTP Schema and am trying to use some of the design concepts that are used in this example but I don€™t quite understand some things.
First there is a column named rowguid, at the moment I assume that this is a GUID. If this is wrong most likely my next question will make no sense.
Second if that is indeed a guid all the tables have another id; example would be Employee table would have employeeid and rowguid, why do this? My best guess is that you would use the guid to easily insert (linked/sync) data into multiple tables without needing to retrieve the id from the table that was first input into. My scenario would be inserting an employee; to insert an employee you need to create a row in the employee, contact and address tables and for ease you would use the guid to link these rows. But if this is the case wouldn€™t there be sync issues that would arise?
If my guess is totally off please correct me also if anyone can direct me to some good resources that cover database design.
The schema can be downloaded at http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=0F6E0BCF-A1B5-4760-8D79-67970F93D5FF&displaylang=en#filelist
Hey there :)I'm using Ruby on Rails to create a migration of a legacy database onan MS SQL Server. I'd like to name my constraints myself, such as'pk_authors', but in the cases where a table has an auto incrementedIDENTITY(1,1) id field, Rails takes over and adds the primary keyitself when creating the table.This is fine, except then the constraint gets a name like'PK__authors_384934' which is not very intuitive or easily remembered;)I'd like to just throw in an 'ALTER TABLE authors...' statement justafter that table has been created, but I'm not sure how to go aboutrenaming the auto generated constraint since the name it gets ispartially random. Is there any way to indirectly refer to theconstraint like 'RENAME PRIMARY KEY CONSTRAINT ON authors TOpk_authors' or something like that, so that I can rename theconstraint?Thanks in advance,Daniel Buus :)
i have a table with an auto-generated primary key but the problem is this:
say i have 4 records,so logically they'll be numbered 1 to 4.so the problem is whenever i delete all records and add new ones,the numbering will start from 5 and not 1 again.
My question: Is it okay to drop all the auto generated column statistics? (for the following scenario)
- I am cleaning up unnecessary objects (tables, unused indexes, overlapping statistics etc) from databases and found out there are more than 1400 auto generated column statistics on one database (lets call it A). - Database A was used to be our reporting database but from last several years we are using database B for reporting. DB A has all the historical data while DB B only has valid records. - We are updating all the column statistics with full scan nightly on database A and it is talking almost 2.5 hours to do that. Now I want to drop all the "unnecessary" statistics those were created when DB A was reporting database and they are no longer in use. There is no way to know the creation date of the column statistics that I know of. Statistics "last update date" is of no use because of our nightly job. So I was thinking of dropping all the auto generated column statistics and let the sql server create as it needs from now.
Ok, let's say that I do a following inline INSERT statement..... INSERT INTO Car ( carMake, carModel ) VALUES ( 'Honda', 'S2000' ) When I do this, a carId int value will automatically be generated because it is the Car table's PK and is an int identity. How do I obtain this value so I can immediately use it in let's say, the following example. INSERT INTO Person ( carId ) VALUES ( @carId ) ..... where @carId is the value I need Maybe you would say I should do something like..... SELECT carId FROM Car WHERE carMake = 'Honda' AND carModel = 'S2000' However, let's assume that the carMake and the carModel fields are NOT unique. I'm sure there's an easy way to extract the new identity value (maybe even in the same query) as the INSERT, but I just don't know how. Thanks.
We have implemented a very small reporting database which has a main table that started off small and has now grown to around half a million rows. Initially, there were no indexes on the table apart from a clustered index, but as the data has grown, performance has dropped and so we have added a number of indexes. This has resolved the performance issues.
Before creating the indexes SQL Server had auto created a number of statistic objects (_WA_Sys_000... etc). After creating the indexes, new statistic objects where created for the new indexes. In some cases, there are duplicate statistics (auto and index) for the same columns.Should I go through and drop the duplicate auto statistics? Will having duplicates cause issues at all?
I tried the Beta 1 of the service pack 1 to .net 3.5. If I try to add an entity (and try to save this), I get the Exception "No support for server-generated keys and server-generated values".
How can I add entities to my Sqlce- database?
I tried to give the id- column (primary key) in the database an identity, another time without identity, only primary key --> none of them worked. I always get the same error.
What do I have to change to make successfully a SaveChanges()?
Since upgrading from SQL Server Management Studio 2008 R2, I've noticed that it no longer autosaves queries that have not been manually saved first. If a file has been manually saved the autorecover files end up in the following directory:
%appdata%MicrosoftSQL Server Management Studio11.0AutoRecoverDatSolution1
However, I have ended up in the situation where I have unsaved queries when my computer has crashed and have not been able to recover them.
I have also found references to .sql files stored in temp files in the following directory, but the files here seem to be very haphazardly caught:
I have an MS SQL Server table with a Job Number field I need this field to start at a certain number then auto increment from there. Is there a way to do this programatically or within MSDE?
In Column I there is a sequence of numbers from 1 to 3 with a step of 1 In Column 2 there is a sequence of numbers from 100 to 120 with a step of 2 In Column 3 there is a name that is repeated accross the whole column
Can I generate such a table with just a single SQL Statement . I don't see any reason why it should not be possible. We know the logic to generate all the numbers of every row. It would be possible using a while loop , but that is be tedious and I am looking for a better way.
One application I can think of is, Suppose I want to find out all deleted primary key ids from a table or say if I have a set (1,2,3, 7,8,9) , and wish to know the missing numbers in the range 1 to 9. If an sql like above is possible I could use it in a left join to get me the desired output.
Could anyone tell me if it is possible and if not , why not ?
Is there any way to look at behind-the-scene SQL query that gets generated by SSRS engine to pull the data out of the data source (particularly SQL Server).
So far, I only know that you can see the query generated by semantic query engine by changing trace option in configuration file.
Hi I have a windows application. I am using following code right after setting the LocalReport ReportPath. Report rendering is too slow if use following line of code and Report viewer does not show spiny and the text that says €śReport is being generated.€?
I have created a report and deployed it successfully to a seperate machine with SSRS on. Both my dev machine and the SSRS machine are in the same workgroup. I can then Browse to the Report Manager though IE and click & run the report (The connection is using integrated security). The report requires a single parameter to be entered which once done works successfully. The report has a single table, an inbedded image and a few static fields in the report header.
If I however add a report viewer control to an aspx test form all is not well. As soon as the page opens I am prompted to enter the parameter which is good news as it shows there has been some communication with the SSRS metabase. I then click the view report button. Using Profiler I have proved that the report Stored Proc. is running with the correct parameter value. The report viewer however seems to hang and only displays "Report is being generated" without displaying the results. It does this even with a timeout set of 1000ms.
I don't think this is a security issue as both the Report Manager works and the test form prompts me for the parameter and effectively runs the report SP. I can only assume it is a problem with returning the report to the browser.
I created a PDA application with a database, which has a table with a uniqueidentifier field and primarykey.
While doing the bulk insert from dataset into sql mobile database, It is inserting the record but it is not inserting the id which was entered into the sql server 2005 database, instead the id by creating a new id and the code is as below.
conAdap = new SqlCeDataAdapter(strQuery, conSqlceConnection);
SqlCeCommandBuilder cmdBuilder = new SqlCeCommandBuilder(conAdap);
I have a report which doesn't work. It has a datatset based on a store procedure. The store-procedure take 10 to 50 second to execute, depending on the parameters.
But, I can't never see my report as i wait more than 10 minutes and it's never generated.
So, I have think that maybe it could be because of the matrix inside the report, so I have try to create another report which have the same dataset but with nothing inside, just a textbox, and it doesn't work too !! So now, i'm very disapointed and I don't know what to do ! Someone can help me please ? It's very important.
I created a new DataSet object using the wizard and had no probs, it's very straightforward. I created a GetProducts() method and also added a GetProductCount() method. I read somewhere that when the DataSet is saved, it will generate the TableAdapter classes and store them in the project nested under the DataSet object. This isn't happening, the files aren't there and yes I'm displaying all files. There *is* however the TableAdapter class but it's in not in the project, it's a temporary file w/ the following path:
C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727Temporary ASP.NET Fileswebsitef38f8b5500014aeSources_App_Codepw_products.xsd.72cecc2a.cs.
I saved the DataSet several times, compiled the entire solution and even closed the solution yet this temporary file isn't getting saved where it should be. Does anyone have any ideas abt this? I'm eager to start developing my DAL and def want to use these TableAdapter classes.
Can someone explain the generated sprocs of VS2005 if one column can be nullableDependentOfSeqID = @Original_DependentOfSeqID OR ((@IsNull_DependentOfSeqID = 1) AND (DependentOfSeqID IS NULL))In VS2003 the generated sprocs would beDependentOfSeqID = @Original_DependentOfSeqID OR ((@Original_DependentOfSeqID IS NULL) AND (DependentOfSeqID IS NULL))Which is the best?
HI all, if this issue has been solved, please provide me the post, or I've put this issue in a wrong category please let me know. The following is my code: DateTime dtBFWNow = DateTime.Today; String dtBFW_range1 = dtBFWNow.AddDays(-7).ToShortDateString(); String dtBFW_range2 = dtBFWNow.AddDays(3).ToShortDateString(); SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "SELECT * FROM [MORTGAGE] WHERE ([BringForwardDate] is not null) and ([BringForwardDate]>= '" + dtBFW_range1 + "' and [BringForwardDate] <= '" + dtBFW_range2 + "')"; lblHeader.Text = "Bring Forward Reminders Due From '" + dtBFW_range1 + "' To '" + dtBFW_range2 + "'"; lblHeader.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromName("#000000"); GridView1.DataBind(); When I compiled, the following exception occurred: The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value. and the exception points right at the line: GridView1.DataBind() I use the webhost4life as my server provider. My codes run fine with the server. I mean I uploaded my program to the server, set up and run the program online, everything is fine. But on my PC it gives me the above exception. I can't compile my code. There must be some sort of setting somewhere in my PC that can't handle the exception. Please help. Regards. Joey.
I ran a SP that lists fragmented tables in our DB which listed almost all the tables and indexes in the DB. The list includes index names that start with "_WA_Sys_tablecolumn name_.....". Are these SQL Server generated indexes or are these statitics on the tables? What are they? If these are system generated indexes as I thought they were, how are they generated? Can these indexes be dropped or should one want to? IF so, how? Any effect on the DB performance if dropped?
I am using Enterprise Manager to generate a script of the stored procedures on my database. Under File|Options, I selected Windows Text(ANSI). The file which is generated contains all stored procedures, but there are some procedures which are so long that they wrap to the next line.
When I then try to run this script from ISQL in a batch file, those procedures which wrap error out. Is there any way to generate the script in a more formatted manor, avoiding the wrapping?
I'm having trouble getting the namespaces correct in the XML that is generated by SQL. The XML consists of two parts: a header part with some context information and the payload part with the actual data. With my current SQL script, the namespace is also copied to the payload part.
Here are some DDL and DML scripts to generate two test tables and some test data:
Code: CREATE TABLE dbo.context( idintNOT NULLconstraint pk_dbo_context primary key, namenvarchar(100)NOT NULL ) INSERT INTO dbo.context(id, name) VALUES (1, 'Here comes some great context information.')
[Code] ....
This is my current FOR XML script that generates the XML:
Code: ;WITH XMLNAMESPACES (DEFAULT 'http://services.registersubscription-02_00.a.cool.url.com') SELECT CEXT.name AS [Context/Name], (SELECT CONT.id AS [Content/Reference],
[Code] ....
This generates this XML (notice that the namespace is repetated in the <Questions> element):
Code: <RegisterSubscription xmlns="http://services.registersubscription-02_00.a.cool.url.com"> <Request> <Context> <Name>Here comes some great context information.</Name>
[Code] ....
The XML should be like this:
Code: <RegisterSubscription xmlns="http://services.registersubscription-02_00.a.cool.url.com"> <Request xmlns=""> <Context> <Name>Here comes some great context information.</Name>
[Code] ....
The generated XML does not pass the XSD validation.
use dbWebsiteLO SELECT A.vehicleref,A.manufacturer,A.cvehicle_shortmodtext,A.derivative,min(a.ch) as price,A.capid,B.studioimages,(SELECT term FROM vwAllMatrixWithLombardAndShortModel WHERE vehicleref = a.vehicleref and ch = price) FROM vwAllMatrixWithLombardAndShortModel A LEFT OUTER JOIN dbPubMatrix..tblCarImages B on A.capid = b.capid WHERE a.source <> 'LOM' AND a.type = 'car' GROUP BY a.vehicleref,a.manufacturer,a.cvehicle_shortmodtext,a.derivative,a.capid,b.studioimages
I get Invalid column name 'price'. I'm trying to reference the "min(a.ch) as price"
SELECT DISTINCT product.product_id AS Expr1FROM [SELECT product.product_id, product.item_name, product.display,product.selling_price, product.smallpicture, product.main_size,product.main_dinnerware, dbo_coupon_special.coupon_id,dbo_coupon_special.special_price, coupon.effective_date,coupon.expiration_date, dbo_ssc_product.mc_idFROM dbo_ssc_product LEFT JOIN ((product LEFT JOIN dbo_coupon_specialON product.product_id = dbo_coupon_special.product_id) LEFT JOINcoupon ON dbo_coupon_special.coupon_id = coupon.coupon_id) ONdbo_ssc_product.product_id = product.product_idGROUP BY product.product_id, product.item_name, product.display,product.selling_price, product.smallpicture, product.main_size,product.main_dinnerware, dbo_coupon_special.coupon_id,dbo_coupon_special.special_price, coupon.effective_date,coupon.expiration_date, dbo_ssc_product.mc_idHAVING (((product.item_name) Like "*coaster*") AND((product.display)="y"))]. AS [Alias]This is the error I get:The identifier that starts with 'SELECT product.product_id...' is toolong. Maximum lenght is 128Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AS'Any ideas?Thanks
When editing the data driven subscription query I SOMETIMES get the following error: The dataset cannot be generated. An error occurred while connecting to a data source, or the query is not valid for the data source. (rsCannotPrepareQuery) Invalid object name '##XX'. The datasource is ok, authentication also, the query works... Why can't it see the temporary table?
Is it possible to reposition the "Report is being generated" graphic?
I have most of my reports set to 1000 px by 1000 px which forces the graphic off of the screen. I would like to be able to see it without having to scroll to it.
Also, is there any way to change the properties of that image? I would think a progress bar that actually showed how far along the report was before completion would be better.
I am working with an .xml file that I want to break up into various tables. A couple of fields in my xml file include html tags (<p> tags specifically). The generated xsd file thinks these are nested xml tags and creates a "P" table for the information contained. Is there a way I can modify the generated xsd within the designer? Or is the only way to fix this is to manually modify the xsd?
There is also an <id> tag within the xml. However, SSIS is not using that <id> as the primary key as it adds data to the various tables that I've specified. Instead it appears to be creating its own primary key - calling it "Id". Is there some way to specify that SSIS use the <id> tag contained within the xml instead of creating its own primary key?