Automatic Number Increment In Ms Sql 2005
Jan 24, 2007
will it be possible to increase number as below automatically
whenever the row is inserted, number will be increased like above
which data type should I select and do some other setting to record
like that?
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Jun 6, 2001
I don't know very much about Sql Server and need help.
I have two primary keys called AirlineCode e ID in the same table.
This id is an automatic number. So I don't need to input this value, since
it's created automatic. What I need is this ID be created automatic but
for each new AirlineCode the ID starts as 1 again. For example :
If I put AirlineCode = 220 then ID starts as 1. In another row AirlineCode is
also 220, then ID is 2. But in another row AirlineCode = 500, then this
automatic number come back to 1.
then the rows can be like this :
AirlineCode ID
220 1
220 2
500 1
220 3
300 1
500 2
I think I have to create a script to make this, but I don't kwon how...
Ask someone to help-me
Best Regards
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi, i have imported an access database into sqlserver 2000. In access,i have some table fields which were using automatic number asdatatype. But i see that there is not a datatype in sqlserver likeautomatic no. I have to enter id numbers to my tables for each recordsautomatically. Would anybody help me about solving this problem? Anyidea? Thanks
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May 22, 2007
Is there a way to make the primary ID as Identity Column to always be in order? For example, I have 5 rows with ID 1,2,3,4,5. If I delete record number 5 and then added another record, the ID shows up as 6 and not 5. Or if I delete record number 3, the next ID is going to be 6 instead of 3. I like to keep all my ID in order if possible and not skipping if that is even possible or should I use that practice.
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Dec 2, 2013
I have a Column named 'Series' and a column named 'Linenumber'. They look like this:
Series Linenumber
234 NULL
234 NULL
235 NULL
235 NULL
234 NULL
234 NULL
235 NULL
235 NULL
236 NULL
236 NULL
236 NULL
And I want to run a query and make it look like this:
Series Linenumber
234 1
234 2
235 1
235 2
234 3
234 4
235 3
235 4
236 1
236 2
236 3
So basically I want Linenumber to be an increment column but to increment seperately for each value of Series. RDBMS is Microsoft SQL Server 2008.
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Feb 9, 2000
Here is a piece of code I found in an application I'm supporting.
Problem: We're seeing duplicate numbers and I think this code may be the source of it.
At first glance I did not understand how it worked.
It locks a table <begin tran> , updates a number, reads that number, then commits. This code appears to work - it returns the newly added number.
My Question - How? How can this code return a value that is not "Committed" to the database yet. Please critique..... I have an alternate method, please comment on it as well. Thanks for your input.
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_UpdateOrderNumber @customer int AS
DECLARE @NewOrderId int,
If @@ERROR <> 0 OR @@ROWCOUNT <> 1 /* Check for Errors */
Rollback Tran
Return -999
If @@ERROR <> 0 OR @@ROWCOUNT <> 1 /* Check for Errors */
Rollback Tran
Return -998
My Newly suggested method. Using Implicit transaction.
I believe this is more "concurrency" friendly. Do you?
Begin loop until success
Read Number
Update to Number+ 1 WHERE number is the one I just read
If row was updated, use this new number and set success flag
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May 16, 2008
Hi All,
Is there any option to get the velue of auto increment number before inserting record.
My problem is that I want to get the auto increment number, for this I am using MaxId function, but If i have deleted the some rows from table, I could not get the actual.
For example there are 20record s in the table I have delete the last 3 records now I have the last value of Identity is 17. When I used the Maxid function It gives me the 18 number. But I need 21.
help required.
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Apr 10, 2006
I have one master table and multiple detail tables. The primary key of the master table is an auto-increment number, which is a foreign key in those detail tables. I am wondering if SQL Server allows us to get the next available auto-increment number of the master table up front. Thanks a lot.
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May 22, 2006
Hi, in Access, I can use an Auto-Increment number for my primary key field. May I know how do I do that in SQL Express?
In addition, is there any tutorial on how to use SQL Express to generate customised unique numbers (such as membership number, Customer ID such as A001 where A is based on the customer's name while 001 is due to the fact that the customer is the first among those with names starting with A)?
Thanks a lot.
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Dec 28, 2013
writing the procedure for incrementing the number based on alphabets from A-Z
for example:
if alphabet is A then increment should be A001,next A002..etc
if alphabet is B then increment should be B001,next B002...etc
if alphabet is Z then increment should be Z001,next Z002...etc
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May 22, 2015
I need to create a script that adds an incrementing suffix to two columns, but restarts based on the value of another column. I found a similar question in the SQL Server 2000 forum, but it doesn't quite fit and also I'm working with SQL Server 2008 R2. The code below both creates a table with test data and tries to carry out the task. If you run this, you will see that the VISITNUM column has a value of UNS in row 4, UNS.1 in row 5 and UNS.2 in row 6. In row 7 it's V200, then in rows 8 and 9 it's UNS.3 for both. The same suffix gets applied to the VISIT column, but of course if I can solve this for VISITNUM then adding the suffix to VIST as well will be easy.
What I need is for row 8 to have UNS and row 9 to have UNS.1. In other words, any time the VISITNUM is UNS several times in a row, I need to add that ".X" suffix, but if a row has something other than UNS, I need to start over again the next time it's UNS again.
CREATE TABLE #testing(
KitID varchar(20),
SubjID varchar(20),
VISIT varchar(60),
VISITNUM varchar(20),
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Jun 25, 2014
I need to have a script where it ask the user for a value, the script will search for all records that match the value. Then it will display the numbers of records found and ask the user to enter a different value. The rest of the script will use this new value and increment by 1 n times as the number of records found. I started the script where it will ask for "HANDLE" and display the number of records found with that "HANDLE"
declare @HANDLE as varchar(30)
declare @COUNT as varchar(10)
declare @STARTINV as varchar(20)
set @HANDLE = ?C --This is the parameter to search for records with this value
set @STARTINV = ?C --User will input the starting invoice number
I just can't figure out how to proceed to use the entered invoice # and increment by 1 until it reach the number of records found.
This will be the end results:
Count=5 --results from query
STARTINV=00010 --Value entered by user
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Dec 11, 2007
I Have a table that needs to have 2 unique number.
detail_id and detail_print_id.
detail_id is already an IDENTITY.
both fields need to be different, because when importing, it imports the same data into a table twice, with only a slight data change (and id is not one of the changes).
So I thought i could do the following:
detail_id INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,2),
detail_print_id INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(2,2),
--blah blah
that way, the detail_id will always be odd, and the detail_print_id will always be even. however SQL Server 2005 only allows 1 identity per table, and both these fields need to be auto generated when the field is inserted, so as to prevent double data.
is there anyway I can create a int column to auto increment, without the column being an IDENTITY??
also, I would prefer to not have to create a second table with a single column just for this work.
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Jun 16, 2008
Can't find "auto increment", sure it is sitting right in front of me, but can 't find it.
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Nov 14, 2007
Hi all;I need to generate an automatic mail alert based on the SQL server 2005 database to list of user (email) four times year based In this table there are dates according to that date it need to send email automatically four time each email after three month. I would be great full if you can find me solution for this issue. Thanks reem
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Oct 12, 2005
Will this work with replication too. I see it with a mirror database, but could it work if I was keeping two copies of the database and wanted to transparently reroute the connection to a surviving server?
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Feb 2, 2007
Hello, we are running MSSQL 2005 express on a windows 2003 machine. I have looked in SQL Server Management Studio for close to an hour and could not find a way to setup automatic backups of databases. Where is this feature, and short tutorial would be great. Thanks!
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Oct 12, 2006
I have tried several times to fix the Performance counter issues using :How to: Increment the Counter Registry Key for Setup in SQL Server 2005.
I have had no luck.
Please help!!
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Jan 22, 2008
I am trying to use the identity data type ( column)
I am using examples from the book and management studio in sql server 2005.
I am using the identity property for the customer Id in customers table.I accidentatly executed the querry twice and I had two same record with different customer id numbers of 1 and 2 . I realised the problem and I had to delete the second record.
The problem is now even if I have deteted the 2nd record with customer id 2 , when I insert a new record the identity value ( customer Id) increments with a number after the value I deleted. i.e if I deleted a second row with customer id 2 ( identity 2) when I enter a new record it enters with a customer id of 3 and whenever i add a new record it increments from there.
So instead of first record have cust id 1 and second record customer id 2 etc , I get first record with cust id 1 , second record with cust id 3 , third record cust id 4 etc.
How can I get rid of this wrong values of identity values whenever I delete a record and try to add a new record?
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Jan 15, 2008
I have a problem regarding forwarding 'n number of parameters' from Visual Studio 2005 using VB to SQL-Server 2005 stored procedure.I have to save N number of rows in my stored procedure as a transaction. If all rows are not saved successfully, I have to roll-back else update some other table also after that. I am unable to handle - How to send variable number of parameters from Visual Stduio to Sql - Server ? My requirement is to use the SQL-Stored Procedure to store all the rows in the base table and related tables and then update one another table based on the updations done. Please Help .....
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Feb 3, 2007
Hi im trying to install Sql Server 2005 but it says i need to Increment the Counter Registry Key for Setup in SQL Server 2005 before doing so. Im following the guide at but in my registry the folder HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionPerflibdoesnt contain any keys"Last Counter"=dword:00000ed4 (5276)"LastHelp"=dword:00000ed5 (5277) or any key for that matter.How can i fix this?
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Feb 23, 2007
For anyone with a larger number of databases (500+): How many do you have in a single instance. If you are using multiple instance on a single server, how many dbs per instance. This is why I'm asking
We are experiencing 701 "out of system memory" and temporary (usually) system freezes when the error occurs. We have 32bit 2005 version 9.00.2153.00, 32GB of memory, AWE enabled, quad dual-core 3GHz hyperthreaded server. Nether the bPool or VAS show any pressure when the "out of system memory error" occurs. Since this error usually indicates a VAS problem we tried increasing VAS to 1GB w/the -g flag. It made no difference. PSS has been working on the case for 3 weeks. They dont seem to be finding any evidince of memory pressure either. When I last spole to the escalation engineer yesterday it seemed that they are going to recommend reducing the number of databases on the server. I asked for clarification as to whether we are hitting a 32 bit barrior, an instance limitation, or both. I am awaiting the answer. How many databases do you have on your server? We had between 1700 and 1900 (the number varies) at times when the error occured. We are now at 1500, and have not had the error in the 2 days since reducing the number of databases...
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Sep 20, 2007
Hello,If I have a database of 5 GB with only 20 tables in it, how many ofthose can we put in how many database servers on a high end machine(Dual Xeon 8 GB on windows 2003)?It is to maka a quotation and an estimation of the cost.TIAMario
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Feb 13, 2008
I know the ..Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLLOGErrorLog on the server contains the information. But that needs I to RDP to the server or open the file remotely. Is there any other way to find out the port from my SSMS connection?
I remember in SQL Server 2000 you could find the information by choosing Properties of a connection in EM and click on the Network Configuration button. (I know it works when you are ON THE SERVER! But when I tried from my desktop, pressing the button didn't do anything)
Canada DBA
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Mar 22, 2006
In MS Sql Server 2000, if you run a stored procedure that query's morethan 8 databases, you get this error gets raised:Maximum number of databases used for each query has been exceeded. Themaximum allowed is 8.In 2005, does this maximum number still exist? if so, is it still 8, orhas the number been increased?Thanks,Mike
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Mar 11, 2008
I know this is very simple, and I've done it before, but now I can't remember how to do it and I keep failing to do it correctly. I want to format a 6 digit number like this: 00-00-00. The number is returned from the database as 6 digits, and I just want to add the dashes.
I tried putting ##-##-## in the Format cell in the properties of the textbox (which I thought worked before) but it's not doing the trick. What am I doing wrong here?
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Mar 25, 2006
I have a table with two columns. First column is type and second column is ID. ID column must be unique and I want to give values in ascending order to the new records. For example first record's ID is 1 ,second one's is 2 ... How can I do this in sql server 2005?
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Jun 22, 2007
In one CPU installation of SSRS 2005, are there any restriction on number of users accessing the same concurrently?
Please let me know.
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May 5, 2008
is there a limit for number of Subscriptions per report? per folder? per RS 2005 service?
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Aug 31, 2006
number of connectios tcp/ip..........I have a 3 person but the 4 does not connect????
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Oct 19, 2007
Hi All,
I am having an issue with SQL 2005 unattended install, I cannot see where in the template.ini file you can specify the TCP port number for SQL 2005 to listen to I want to change it to a specific port number, I know you can do this in an unattended install on SQL 2000.
Also in an unattended install of SQL 2000 and 2005 is there any way you can specify the database and transaction logs location for new databases to be installed on another drive then the system databases. I know you can change this later in SQL server properties but I wanted this to be done during the install or is there a T-SQL script which can do this after?
Any help on this will be great.
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Oct 23, 2007
I have a table with a primary key titled as 'ID NUmber' which needs to be created automatically, however every time i add a new record the ID is not added and i have to write it manually i.e. 1, 2, 3.., could you please advice me how i can format this; i know you can do this with microsoft Access but with VS 2005 + VB language this option is not available under data type
*i am using VS 2005 and VB language
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