Automatically Running Sql Query Every Week
Aug 14, 2007
I have a simple query (a select statement which retrieves results from 2 tables via join). I run this query every week and just copy the results from Management Studio (Ctrl-A) and then open Microsoft Excel and just paste it there.
Is there a way I can automatically run this every week and generate the Excel from the results? If so what steps I have to do?
I use SQL Server 2005 Express Edition.
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Aug 9, 2007
anyone any pointers on how to set up a query that will run every week? just to clean up the database a bit
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Feb 15, 2007
how do some of you set a script to run automatically... we are looking to have one of our scripts run once a week at a particular time.
any info to do it through the following:
- in sql query analyzer? (cause this is what the clerks are using to run scripts)
- sql server mgmt studio?
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May 18, 2007
I need to be able to click a hyperlink in one report to open a linked report, but without automatically running the linked report.
I have a report showing customer details and on this page there is a link to a price enquiry report. This price enquiry report has two parameters: customer code and product code.
When I click the price enquiry hyperlink in the customer details report I can only attach a value to the customer code parameter. The product code parameter is not known at this stage and would have to be provided by the user after the price enquiry report is opened (but not run). The customer code parameter should already be filled (carried in the link).
When I click the link at the moment I get the error "The 'product' parameter is missing a value".
Any advice much appreciated.
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Mar 7, 2007
hi frnds,
i have SSIS package, i would like to schedule the SSIS package inorder to run automatically once in a day.
can anyone suggest me the solun. pls its urgent.
thnkx in adavance..
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Feb 4, 2008
I have a report that gets two parameters of type date.
These parameters have default values.
When I press preview the report runs automatically.
I want to prevent the report from running automatically, and let it run only when I press the button "view report".
How should I do it?
Thanks in advance!
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Apr 23, 2008
I have an SSIS which goes to a web hosting site and gets the store xml file, saves the file on my computer. Then I want to run a T-SQL script but if fails because the files contains DOCTYPE StoreExport SYSTEM>
I want to manully remove then line before running the T-SQL script. Here is the beginning of the script:
SELECT @x =cast(bulkcolumn as XML)
FROM OPENROWSET(BULK 'C:databasexmldtdyahoostore.xml', SINGLE_BLOB) AS x
I thought the cast statement would get rid of the line, but it does not.
Any suggestions?
Thank you
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Feb 4, 2008
Hi All
I'm hoping someone here will be able to guide me in the right direction. I am trying to figure out a way of looping through table columns or a flat file in which there will be three parameters every time. With these parameters I am then wanting to run a report using two of these parameters to feed into the report and then email this out to an email address which would be my third parameter. Does anyone here have any idea how I would go about doing this?
Many thanks in advance.
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Jan 16, 2008
Good Morning,
I am trying to find a way of creating my Repoting Services reports of automatically refreshing once our ETL load has completd. I have created a process that creates a file is a particular directory once the data has completed loading however I am unsure how to make the report look for this file and then refresh the report.
Is this something that can be created?
Thanks in advance.
Steve (Novice!)
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Nov 10, 2006
If all the parameters for a report have default values, the report runs automatically as soon as you open it. Is there a way to prevent this?
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Sep 5, 2007
I have a ssis package that has multiple large lookups without memory restriction. When running the package manually from SSMS on the same server it runs on when running automatically under the job agent, the package errors out when the server memory gets depleted by the loading of the large lookup reference data. One of the messages I get is
"An out-of-memory condition prevented the creation of the buffer object. "
Anyway, the package runs successfully when it runs automatically under the job agent.
I was curious as to why the above happens. Is that a bug or is the run time behavior different under these 2 environments by design.
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Nov 30, 2015
We are trying to compare our current calendar week (based on Monday being the first day of the week) with the previous calendar week.
I'm trying to produce a line chart with 2 axis:
- x axis; the day of the week (Mon, Tues, Wed etc - it is fine for this to be a # rather than text e.g. 1 = Mon, 2 = Tues etc)
- y axis; the cumulative number of orders
The chart needs two series:
Previous Week. The running count of orders placed that week.
Current Week. The running count of orders placed this week.
Obviously in such a chart the 'Current Week' series is going not going to have values along the whole axis until the end of the week. This is expected and the aim of the chart is to see the current week compares against the previous week for the same day.
I have two tables:
Orders TableCalendar Table
The calendar table's main date column is [calDate] and there are columns for the usual [calWeekNum], [calMonth] etc.
My measure for counting orders is simply; # Orders: = countrows[orders].
How do I take this measure and then work out my two series. I have tried numerous things such as adapting TOTALMTD(), following articles such as these:
- [URL] ...
- [URL] ...
But I have had no luck. The standard cumulative formulas do work e.g. if I wanted a MTD or YTD table I would be ok, it's just adjusting to a WTD that is causing me big issues.
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Apr 9, 2013
How can I get Saturday's date given the week number?
This is my week number, SELECT DATEPART(WEEK, DATEADD(MONTH, +3, ApptDt2)). I need to get Saturday's date from this week.
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Sep 17, 2015
i have the following table I need to select dates grouping them by weeks, my week start is Saturday to Friday
datevalue datetime NOT NULL
, numericvalue INT NOT NULL
INSERT INTO weekdays (datevalue, numericvalue) VALUES
The output should look like this
362015-09-01 00:00:00.000
362015-09-02 00:00:00.000
372015-09-07 00:00:00.000
372015-09-08 00:00:00.000
382015-09-12 00:00:00.000
382015-09-13 00:00:00.000
382015-09-14 00:00:00.000
392015-09-19 00:00:00.000
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May 23, 2007
Hi all,
I'd like to add a yesterday dimension member to a new dimension, like a "Time Utility" dimension, that references the second last day of non empty data in a cube.
At the moment, I'm doing this:
Code Snippet
create member [MIA DW].[DATE TIME].[Date].[Yesterday]
as [DATE TIME].[Date].&[2007-01-01T00:00:00]
select [Measures].members on 0,
non empty [DATE TIME].[Date].members on 1
from [MIA DW]
But the [yesterday] member does not seem to belong to [DATE TIME].[Date].members?
So I guess there's two questions:
1) Can I have a new empty dimension which contains all these special members like "Yesterday" or "This Week" and "Last Week" (these last two obviously refer to a set of Dates)
2)How come the Yesterday member is not returned by the .members function?
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Jan 16, 2006
How would you write a query to create a report based on weeks ?
i want to use the reporting services dropdown parameter
to query between weeks as in 01/09/06 to 01/13/06 ?
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Sep 1, 2006
If I start a long running query running on a background thread is there a way to abort the query so that it does not continue running on SQL server?
The query would be running on SQL Server 2005 from a Windows form application using the Background worker component. So the query would have been started from the background workers DoWork event using If the user clicks an abort button in the UI I would want the query to die so that it does not continue to use sql server resources.
Is there a way to do this?
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Jan 29, 2014
I am adding week hrs using while loop , but it can continue next week hrs also.
I can get every week start hrs while update @tem1 table
12902014-01-29 00:00:00.00009:3019:1556001
12902014-01-28 00:00:00.00009:0018:4555802
12902014-01-27 00:00:00.00009:0018:455585583
12902014-01-25 00:00:00.00008:0010:0012004 -- week end
12902014-01-24 00:00:00.00009:1718:4554105
12902014-01-23 00:00:00.00009:1918:4654606
12902014-01-22 00:00:00.00009:1718:4754507
12902014-01-21 00:00:00.00009:1618:3552608
12902014-01-20 00:00:00.00009:1818:555435439
My loop statement
while(select MAX(wrh) from @tem1 where wrh = 0) < 1
update @tem1
set wrh = (select toaccount from @tem1
where reportdate = (select min(reportdate) from @tem1 where wrh = 0))+(select max(wrh) from @tem1)
where wrh = (select max(wrh) from @tem1 where wrh = 0 )
and reportdate = (select min(reportdate) from @tem1 where wrh = 0)
this is the result while executing loop statement .
129029 Jan 201409:3019:15008:0009:20024:00065:54
129028 Jan 201409:0018:45008:0009:18016:00056:34
129027 Jan 201409:0018:45008:0009:18008:0009:18
129025 Jan 201408:0010:00005:0002:00045:00047:16 -- week end
129024 Jan 201409:1718:45008:0009:01040:00045:16
129023 Jan 201409:1918:46008:0009:06032:00036:15
129022 Jan 201409:1718:47008:0009:05024:00027:09
129021 Jan 201409:1618:35008:0008:46016:00018:04
129020 Jan 201409:1818:55008:0009:03008:0009:03
How to update only that week hrs , don't continue next week...
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Apr 29, 2008
In my reports I am extracting the data of number of people joined in all the weeks of the year. And in one of reports I have to extract the data of the number of people joined until the last week from the first week. I am trying out all the logics but nothing is working for me as such. Can any one help me with this issue??????
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Jul 23, 2015
I need a Select sentence that return me the first week of the month for a given week.
For example If I have week number 12 (Begins 2015/03/16 and Ends 2015/03/22) I need that returns 9, I mean Week number 9 wich is the first week of march (having in mind @@DATEFIRST).
I only need give a week number of the year and then returns the week number of the first week of that month.
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Feb 2, 2008
I'm looking for a way to convert the [week number, year] back to the date for the 1st day of that week.
Example (assuming DATEFIRST has been set to 1) : Week 3, 2008 = January 14, 2008
Is there a SQL function that will do this?
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Jun 6, 2006
seriously now
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Aug 15, 2006
I have a query that run every day to update a summary table which has week number and day of week. what I currently do is delete all records from the summary table and then summarize all the data availabe from four tables adn then populate the table daily. I want to know if I can run the update query to run only for the week number and day of week depending on getdate. Can I do this?
Please help..
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Jan 18, 2006
Function F_ISO_YEAR_WEEK_DAY_OF_WEEK returns the ISO 8601 Year Week Day of Week in format YYYY-W01-D for the date passed. W01 represents the week of the year from W01 through W53, and D represents the day of the week with 1 = Monday through 7 = Sunday.
The first week of each year starts on the first Monday on or before January 4 of that year, so that the year begins from December 28 of the prior year through January 4 of the current year.
This code creates the function and demos it for the first day, first date+60, and first date+364 for each ISO week/year from 1990 to 2030.
drop function dbo.F_ISO_YEAR_WEEK_DAY_OF_WEEK
create function dbo.F_ISO_YEAR_WEEK_DAY_OF_WEEK
returns the ISO 8601 Year Week Day of Week
in format YYYY-W01-D for the date passed.
declare @YearWeekDayOfWeekvarchar(10)
--Format to form YYYY-W01-D
@YearWeekDayOfWeek =
right('00'+convert(varchar(2),(datediff(dd,a.YearStart,@Date)/7)+1),2) +
YearStart =
-- Case finds start of year
whenNextYrStart <= @date
whenCurrYrStart <= @date
-- First day of first week of prior year
PriorYrStart =
-- First day of first week of current year
CurrYrStart =
-- First day of first week of next year
NextYrStart =
--Find Jan 4 for the year of the input date
) aaa
) aa
) a
return @YearWeekDayOfWeek
-- Execute function on first day, first day+60,
-- and first day+364 for years from 1990 to 2030.
DT= convert(varchar(10),DT,121),
select DT = getdate()union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'1990/01/01') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'1990/12/31') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'1991/12/30') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'1993/01/04') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'1994/01/03') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'1995/01/02') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'1996/01/01') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'1996/12/30') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'1997/12/29') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'1999/01/04') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2000/01/03') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2001/01/01') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2001/12/31') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2002/12/30') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2003/12/29') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2005/01/03') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2006/01/02') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2007/01/01') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2007/12/31') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2008/12/29') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2010/01/04') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2011/01/03') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2012/01/02') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2012/12/31') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2013/12/30') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2014/12/29') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2016/01/04') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2017/01/02') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2018/01/01') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2018/12/31') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2019/12/30') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2021/01/04') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2022/01/03') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2023/01/02') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2024/01/01') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2024/12/30') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2025/12/29') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2027/01/04') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2028/01/03') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2029/01/01') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2029/12/31') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2030/12/30')
) a
Function Test Results:
---------- ----------- -------------- ---------------
2006-01-18 2006-W03-3 2006-W11-7 2007-W03-3
1990-01-01 1990-W01-1 1990-W09-5 1991-W01-1
1990-12-31 1991-W01-1 1991-W09-5 1992-W01-1
1991-12-30 1992-W01-1 1992-W09-5 1992-W53-1
1993-01-04 1993-W01-1 1993-W09-5 1994-W01-1
1994-01-03 1994-W01-1 1994-W09-5 1995-W01-1
1995-01-02 1995-W01-1 1995-W09-5 1996-W01-1
1996-01-01 1996-W01-1 1996-W09-5 1997-W01-1
1996-12-30 1997-W01-1 1997-W09-5 1998-W01-1
1997-12-29 1998-W01-1 1998-W09-5 1998-W53-1
1999-01-04 1999-W01-1 1999-W09-5 2000-W01-1
2000-01-03 2000-W01-1 2000-W09-5 2001-W01-1
2001-01-01 2001-W01-1 2001-W09-5 2002-W01-1
2001-12-31 2002-W01-1 2002-W09-5 2003-W01-1
2002-12-30 2003-W01-1 2003-W09-5 2004-W01-1
2003-12-29 2004-W01-1 2004-W09-5 2004-W53-1
2005-01-03 2005-W01-1 2005-W09-5 2006-W01-1
2006-01-02 2006-W01-1 2006-W09-5 2007-W01-1
2007-01-01 2007-W01-1 2007-W09-5 2008-W01-1
2007-12-31 2008-W01-1 2008-W09-5 2009-W01-1
2008-12-29 2009-W01-1 2009-W09-5 2009-W53-1
2010-01-04 2010-W01-1 2010-W09-5 2011-W01-1
2011-01-03 2011-W01-1 2011-W09-5 2012-W01-1
2012-01-02 2012-W01-1 2012-W09-5 2013-W01-1
2012-12-31 2013-W01-1 2013-W09-5 2014-W01-1
2013-12-30 2014-W01-1 2014-W09-5 2015-W01-1
2014-12-29 2015-W01-1 2015-W09-5 2015-W53-1
2016-01-04 2016-W01-1 2016-W09-5 2017-W01-1
2017-01-02 2017-W01-1 2017-W09-5 2018-W01-1
2018-01-01 2018-W01-1 2018-W09-5 2019-W01-1
2018-12-31 2019-W01-1 2019-W09-5 2020-W01-1
2019-12-30 2020-W01-1 2020-W09-5 2020-W53-1
2021-01-04 2021-W01-1 2021-W09-5 2022-W01-1
2022-01-03 2022-W01-1 2022-W09-5 2023-W01-1
2023-01-02 2023-W01-1 2023-W09-5 2024-W01-1
2024-01-01 2024-W01-1 2024-W09-5 2025-W01-1
2024-12-30 2025-W01-1 2025-W09-5 2026-W01-1
2025-12-29 2026-W01-1 2026-W09-5 2026-W53-1
2027-01-04 2027-W01-1 2027-W09-5 2028-W01-1
2028-01-03 2028-W01-1 2028-W09-5 2029-W01-1
2029-01-01 2029-W01-1 2029-W09-5 2030-W01-1
2029-12-31 2030-W01-1 2030-W09-5 2031-W01-1
2030-12-30 2031-W01-1 2031-W09-5 2032-W01-1
(43 row(s) affected)
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Oct 1, 2007
I'm trying to print my query name with my results. I know I can use PRINT and a string, but I would like to know if a variable exists that contains my query name. That way I could have one command I can use in all queries.
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Jun 4, 2008
I have problem using the sp will give error like "the EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'sp_send_dbmail', database 'msdb', schema 'dbo'". i am using godaddy...plz help me how to rectify the error...give me the full answer....
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Jun 4, 2008
Hello everyone!
I have a question for you. I have a product database with a lookup that pulls by product number. All my product numbers are made up the same way. IE. N59840, N00951, N00951. ect.
I have a stored procedure that looks up by that product number with a "LIKE" statement that looks like this.
WHERE ([Product#] LIKE '%' + @PRODUCTNUM + '%')
Which has this problem if someone types in "852" it returns
Is there anyway that I can have SQL put in zeros to fill up the 5 number spots so "852" brings up "00852" or "5852" brings up "05852"
I hope this makes sense.
Thank you for your help!!!
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Aug 14, 2007
I'm very new to SQL but I have figured out how to do my first query. Now I would like to automate it to send the query as an attachment to users automatically (scheduler/cron??). How would you go about this, I need step by step hints. I'm using SQL Query Analyzer ver 8.00.2039 to generate the query from CDR records. Is this even possible?
Thank you for any guidance.
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May 2, 2007
hi friends,
how to get the date of the first/last day of the week in sql...
can any one help me
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Jul 12, 2005
I'm trying to update (increment)
from CompanyUsers.NumberOfLogons
where CompanyUsers.CompanyID = Company.CompanyID
I'd like to either write a formula (if it is even possible to fire a formula from one table update/insert to increment a field in another table), or a stored procedure that triggers an auto update/append into Company.SumTotalLogons
I know this is possible in access, so i'm wondering how to go about it in ms-sql?
any ideas?
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Jan 21, 2014
I have a data column named Date_In with format of 20-May-13. How can I filter the data to select based on year only. I used
From apps.xdmc_852@erpprod
Where Year(Date_in) = 2014
This code is not working. I also need a way to automatically update to next week range. For example, last week I used where function like this
Where Date_in = to_date('01/12/2014','MM/DD/YYYY')
Is there a way it will automatically at the next 7 days to the code above when the date is available. This week I have to go back and changed the code in to this:
Where Date_in = to_date('01/19/2014','MM/DD/YYYY')
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Apr 7, 2004
Got a problem I hope some clever people can help me out with..
I have a web form that displays a set of records in a grid. The grid is "paged" according to a PageNum column, with a dropdown box to change pages and buttons allowing the items to be moved up or down a list within a page or moved between pages. So the backend table (simplified) looks something like this
PageNum ItemNum ItemDescription
----------- ----------- -------------------
1 1 aaaaaaa
1 2 bbbbbbb
1 3 cccccccc
2 1 ddddddd
2 2 eeeeeee
2 3 ffffffffffff
3 1 ggggggg
3 2 hhhhhhh
3 3 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
The problem is when I want to delete a page - I need the page numbers to automatically resequence themselves, so for example, If I delete "Page 2" (i.e. delete rows where PageNum = 2), all items on "Page 3" become "Page 2" (and any items on "Page 4" become "Page 3" etc).
This has proved straightforward to when deleting an item from a particular page, and can resequence ItemNum thanks to a clever bit of code found on
DECLARE @intCounter int
SET @intCounter = 0
UPDATE <Item Table>
@intCounter = ItemNum = @intCounter + 1
WHERE Pagenumber = <Currently Selected Page>
However I haven't been able to adapt this to resequence the Page number, as this involves resequencing blocks of numbers. The closest I can get is:
DECLARE @intCounter int
SET @intCounter = 1
UPDATE <Itemtable>
SET @intCounter = PageNum = CASE
WHEN @intCounter = PageNum - 1 THEN @intCounter + 1
WHEN @intCounter = PageNum - 2 THEN @intCounter + 1
ELSE @intCounter
But this doesn't quite work.
Anyone got any other ideas??
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Apr 9, 2006
I hope I am not asking about something that has been done before, but Ihave searched and cannot find an answer. What I am trying to do is torun a query, and then perform some logic on the rowcount and thenpossibly display the result of the query. I know it can be done withADO, but I need to do it in Query Analyzer. The query looks like this:select Varfrom DBwhere SomeCriteriaif @@Rowcount = 0select 'n/a'else if @@Rowcount = 1select -- this is the part where I need to redisplay the resultfrom the above queryelse if @@Rowcount > 1-- do something elseThe reason that I want to do it without re-running the query is that Iwant to minimize impact on the DB, and the reason that I can't useanother program is that I do not have a develpment environment where Ineed to run the queries. I would select the data into a temp table, butagain, I am concerned about impacting the DB. Any suggestions would begreatly appreciated. I am really hoping there is something as simple as@@resultset, or something to that effect.
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