I'm trying to solve an undesired behaviour on my report. I have two nested drill-through groups (in fact, it doesn't matter if there two nested groups), and although I haven't ticked any option related to insert a page break after the group, if the group is too large to fit in a page, i get the first element of the group in the first page (collapsed), and the second element in the third page. So, by now, my report looks like this:
I am using RS 2005 with SP2. I am trying to print a table Group footer on a brand spanking new page. I have checked the "Page Break at Start" of the Group, However in the Report view the footer starts printing directly below the end of the group, and not on a new page. I have also tried to add a rectangle to the group footer and selected Page Breaks before rectangle but the group footer still doesnt print on a page of its own. I would appreciate any suggestions.
I am using three groups in my report on a table. The option "page break at end" is checked in all three groups. It is working fine as for report output is concerned but in print preview it generates extra pages. In print preview page break gets occured at every group regardless of the fact that group break occurs or not. As a result, it is generating extra pages. please help me out
I'd like a parameter for the report layout: Portrait Or Landscape. So is it possible to set the page high and width using an expression or in code based on my parameter?
Also on a similar note. I want a parameter for 'Page Break After X'. Is it possible to apply a page break after my table group X based on this parameter? I know if I edit the group I can tick 'page break at end' but I can't apply an expression to this.
Is there a "clean" way to group rows from a table by the row count, and then force a page break each time the count hits a maximum number (say 25 rows)?
As an alternative, can you set the maximum count of rows in a table, and then force a page break if it reaches that count? (this may actually be a better solution for my needs).
Hi, I have a report where i do a page break for each supplier. I want to reset my page number to '1' when there is a group break.When i googled for this functionality i found the following chris Hay's blog which provides the solution. http://blogs.msdn.com/chrishays/archive/2006/01/05/ResetPageNumberOnGroup.aspx But if i follow the same, I get #Error instead of page number during the run time.How do i resolve the error? Also, I want to display the "page 1 of totalpages in group" like that. Is that possible?
I developed a main report containing numerous subreports. But now I'm trying to page break on these subreports and because these subreports all have sub-sub reports, I get this error when I try to run this report..The value '22' is invalid. Valid values are between '0' and '1'. (rrRenderingError)..I am grouping on uniqueidentifers and I do not get errors on subreports that have sub-subreports. How can I avoid this error and get these subreports to page break? (I don't get any errors if I remove the page breaks).
I have a group in my report that contains an empty footer row to get a better visibility. Because the row has a frame it should be hidden if its the last row on the page. How can I manage that?
I have a report with several matrix objects. The data contained in each matrix is simple. One matrix has one column of labels and a column of data. The other has 3 columns of data. Both matrix's only show about 25 rows of data. A variable amount of data is displayed above the matrix's so that sometime the render across a page boundary. Whenever this happens the matrix doesn't render rows down to the bottom of the page. A considerable amount of empty space is left on the page, the completed matrix is displayed on the next page. I'm wondering how to get the matrix to render in this empty space.
This problem only occurs when I view the report on screen, in the Visual Studio "Preview" window, or from the Report Server web site. Tiff, pdf and printed output doesn't contain the extra space.
I've tried adding my matrix to a List and a Rectangle to see of this would fix the problem but it didn't help.
I've check the dimensions and margins or the page and I don't think I have any sizing problems, everything should fit on the page.
I have a report with multiple tables. I need to show each tables in different pages. When there is no data for tables/tables , it is coming with the next table which has data. I have given "Add a page break after" option in the tablix but still the tables are coming together when no data available. How can I show it in different page?
I have a table that I want to show only 3 times in every page. If the dataset return to me 7 results i want to show The first 3 in page 1, the second 3 in page 2, the last in page 3... only 3 in every page.
I created that function:
Function saltoCada(ByVal n As Integer)
If (iCount < n) Then
iCount = iCount + 1
iCount = 1
End If
Return iCount
End Function
I created a group in a table with that expression: =Code.saltoCada(3) and then add a page break at end in the group.
Is that the way to do this?It doesn't work.. Any ideas?
I have a main report that calls subreports. When a subreport has enough data such that it will not fit into the remaining area of the current page the renderer inserts a page break leaving alot of ugly white space. Is there any way to sop this behaviour? This seems like a very basic thing.
I must be missing a check box somewhere........ I simply added a group to a report and need to do a "Page Break Before" each group. I found the check box to do that, and the report works as expected, BUT I get a blank fist page. So how do I prevent a "page break" on the "first time through"?
Using SSRS 2005, I have a simple "letter" report that has a page header and body. The body has a single table and I have set the "page break on end" property to true, but the report ignores that setting and prints the report as one long letter.
I'm sure I'm just missing some very simple point, but cannot figure out what it is. Any ideas?
I have a tabular data region. Outside of this tabular, I have to put a text box (Entity) with a field. I want to get a page break with this field. How can I do that, as this field is outside of the tabular data region.
I have developed a simple report containing a table which has one group. The group has property 'Repeat Group Header '.
I can see the report when it returns data which spans more than one page. Other wise I see a blank page when seen from the web application. The report is seen properly in Designer.
I found out that if I had a 'Page Break at start' = True for the table, I can see the reports containing single page. But this page break is not acceptable.
Has anyone faced similar issue? Whats the solution to it?
I'm having an odd problem that I've never experienced before. I have a couple of tables and then a bunch of text fields. Each table needs to start on a new page, as does the collection of textboxes. I can accomplish this for the two tables but not for the text boxes. When I set pagebreadatend to true for the second table, the textboxes come right after it as if it were set to false. I even embedded a rectangle in btween the table and the textboxes and set its pagebreakatend to true, but this also did not have the expected effect. What is going on here? There's nothing funky about this report, no subreports, no conditional visibility, etc.. Thanks for any help!
Hi, I am planning to put some page break in my SQL 2005 report using Table Property-general tab and it does not have any effect, if I select INSERT PAGE BREAK or not. It gives a page brreak byitself and when I print the data in PDF, it gives extra page breaks arbirtory.
I want to page break after after 6 grno  recored.I used ceiling(rowNumber(Nothing/6))  but it worked differ(this fun used on top most group )below I attached screeshot. I need to page break after 6 grno record but above syntax measure 6 datafiled row and then page break.how I can page break after 6 grno record
Hello, In crystal these are available- 1- Conditional Page break 'OnLastRecord'- I have few groups and if I put page break it breaks on each group even if that group has 2 rows but I want a break at the end of the page. So is there conditional page break in SSRS 2005. 2- I am also having problem with controlling Number of lines in a page, few pages are very long as compared to others, though when export to pdf it gives according to the page size set, but not while viewing, is there any work around to this in SSRS 2005.
I defined a report based on a matrix having 3 field groups. I defined Interactiveheight to have fixe number of rows in HTML rendering. My problem is that this parameter is only taken into account after first page. My first page always breaks after end of first field group + 1 row of next group.
Do you have any idea, what's causing such behaviour? And what would be the solution?
I have a situation where a textBox can span multiple pages. When this occurs I lose a label that I have at the top of the page, containing data from the dataset. The label is set to repeat on every page and works great with the exception of this case.
So my questions would be :
1) is it i possible to force the render of the a label (a textbox) in the case that a page break is due to an abhorrently long textbox value? -OR- 2) is it possible to inject a field from my dataset into the page header?
I have a report that prints 20+ invoices and I need a page break after each invoice.
STEPS TO REPRO: 1) Create a report to show an invoice (one row of data) using a query that pulls 20+ rows of invoice data. 2) Table Properties | "Insert a page break after this table" is checked.
How can I add a Columns Group page break for the Group Categegory in Reporting Services 2005 so the first page break takes place after Total A and rest of the data moves to the next page?
I have a letter I am creating in SSRS and would like the data to flow smoothly from one page to the next even if the whole section doesn't fit on a page instead of it forcing a page break which results in a large blank space on the page before. I have put the data into multiple text boxes (can grow is set for the text boxes) because of formatting requirements (I also tried the table object).
--Start Example--
TEXT HEADER 1 very long report letter information here (call it detail 1)
TEXT HEADER 2 even more very long report letter information here (call it detail 2)
TEXT HEADER 3 The term ""Accountant€™s Letter"" as used herein shall mean the certain math verification report, to be provided by an independent certified public accountant, certifying that the Securities shall generate the debt service payments due under the Loans. (call it detail 3)
--End Example--
So assume that everything but detail 3 fits neatly on the first page. Now part of detail #3 should fit on page one but it pushes the whole section to page 2 because it doesn't all fit. All I want is for say line to to be the last line on page #1 and lines 2 and 3 to be in page 2 instead of lines 1 through 3 on page 2. In reality, this letter is about 6 pages and each section is about a half page to 2 pages. This perceived minor issue has cost me a good day+ set back. Thanks,