What is the best way (short of backing up the entire DB) to make a copy of a Table so that It can be easily restored. We have a table that we want to make some serious changes to, but I want to make sure I can restore if if I need to (if the changes don't work)
Hi, I am in a production database server. Data has been added and deleted via the web. So there is alot of traffice in and out of the database. How can I make a backup plan to make sure I am not lossing any input or deleted data . I am familiar with backing up a database in regular intervals, but I amnot sure if this is the best way in this senario.
How can I take advantage of the transaction log in restoring the database.
I want to reformat my servers harddrive and install a newer operatingsystem (Win 2003). I am running SQL Server 2000 with about 10databases. What is the best way to backup and restore SQL Server forthis so I don't lose anything.Thanks,Rick
I have been using the backup feature of SQL Express for some time and I thought it would be good to test a restore in case the worst happend. I moved my bak files to a usb memory stick and copied them to a machine and installed SQL Express so its empty no database's etc. So I right click the databae folder and choose restore from device and point to the db's but I get errors restoring them. What am I doing wrong? Is their any guides that give steps to backup and restore database's ? Any help would be great - I can of course provide more information need be.
Transactional replication includes the sync with backup option, which can be set on the distribution database and the publication database:
It is recommended to set this option on the distribution database in all cases. Setting this option on the distribution database ensures that transactions in the log of the publication database will not be truncated until they have been backed up at the distribution database. The distribution database can be restored to the last backup, and any missing transactions are delivered from the publication database to the distribution database; replication continues unaffected.
Does database will not be truncated until they have been backed up at the distribution database mean that the database itself needs to be backed up OR the log file with it?
Hi all, plz help... I have an asp.net login control on my website; my users are stored in a SQL DB; The problem is when I back-up my DB from my PC and restore it to my server; the logins doesn't work anymore. I mean the user I've created on my PC can't login on the website on the internet... Thanks a lot...
i wanted to test routines using my local sql server engine and thought I could backup the mdf ldf file on the true network sql server in which I am listed as a dbowner with full permissions. In fact i can add users for the at db etc.The backup allows me to browse to a local folder
with the following being the default C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL10_50.CMS_PROJECTMSSQLBackup
i name the file and it executes properly but when i try to restore that file to my local db that path is not even visible to me.In fact when i use exploreer I cannot even find the folders after Microsoft SQL Server!I search for .bak but nothing.How can I see that folder construction in the sql browser but never in explorer -
I am trying to backup and restore a 20GB SQL database from a SQL Server 2012 to another SQL Server 2014, but I have come across the following issues:
1) The developers [against best practice] have stored multiple images in fields within the database as binary code.
This therefore exceeds the 65532 character limit in some fields, so even though the images do show [based upon the data saved within this field], I cannot find the data in the field beyond this 65532 limit, within SQL Server.
How can I export / locate this data after the 65532 character limit?
2) When I have attempted to restore the database I am getting this error message:
Restore of database 'zapkam' failed. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.RelationalEngineTa sks)
Additional information:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: RESTORE detected an error on page (1:1592996) in database "zapkam" as read from the backup set. (Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoExtended)
I have managed to restore two other smaller databases using the same technique, but am wondering if it's an issue with the database itself.
3) I have uploaded this database to the new server using FileZilla FTP Client, but it has cut out, painfully at 80% + 90% on a couple of occasions.
Is there a better solution for uploading these big files that I could possibly use? For example, uploading table by table or similar...
Hi There, I want to know how to backup and restore database from VB.net. ie I am trying to put two buttons on my form, Backup and Restore. When I click on Backup a Backup of the SQL Database with extension of *.bak is created. Similarly when I click on restore and select a database with *.bak extension it should restore that database. I saw a software where it created a backup of Sql database with extension of .zip containing the bak file which is password protected. when u restore the database it automatically gets unzipped and the database is restored. Can anyone help me. Thanks in advance. Regards, Amit
I have an online SQL Server database provided by an ISP. I do not havepermission to create a backup device and I understand this is normalpractice.I am not using Enterprise Manager to administer the online database.I know I can back up the structure of the database using SQLscripts.My question is:How do I back up on my own machine the data contained in the onlinedatabase tables I have created? If I were using Enterprise Manager Icould do it by downloading tables using the DTS facility but how can Ido it without Enterprise Manager?Is there some work around which I have missed eg creating a csv fileof the data?Best wishes for 2005 to all those helpful people in this newsgroup!John Morgan
Actually I have very big size of databse. Also its back up is obvious that also biger size.
In case of only data loss of one table or view or sp or change then restore whole database then get back previous backup database & restore table i.e. it consuming too much time.
I want to restore only one table or view in faster way. how i can do it. plz give any suggestions
I'm in trouble, I have just dropped a table from a sql dbase and now need to recreate it. I have no backup and I am panicking!!! I need to know if I can recrreate them .
I did a full backup of a db from one server(Express2005) and trying to restore it to a different instance of SQL2005 on the same development machine. (Also had some fulltext columns if that means anything)
Many failures but finally got it to report all was successful except the icon in Object Explorer shows (Restoring...) with no indication of any real activity going on. It's a tiny database with hardly any data in it.
Just not sure what the heck is going on there. It also won't let me into the database until this the (Restoring...) goes away.
With all the new functionality, can 2014 now restore a single table from a standard backup without using any third party tools? I have looked, but can't see this listed as a feature (though that doesn't mean it's not there, maybe I've just missed it).
When I run:select * from testtableI get this error message:Invalid object name 'testtable'.However, if I run:select * from testuser.testtableIt works. I'm logged in as testuser, and testuser is the databaseobject owner and tableowner. This was a restored database from adifferent server in SQL Server 2000. The testuser login was in theprevious database. I created the same login in this new test databaseand made it database owner.I've also tried running: sp_change_users_login 'Update_One','testuser', 'testuser'It completed successfully but I still get:select * from testtableInvalid object name 'testtable'.I've also tried creating a different user and making it database ownerand when I change table object owner to this new user, I still get thesame problem. I need to specify:select * from newtestuser.testtableEven though I'm logged in as newtestuser.I also then tried changing table owner to dbo. This seems to worklogged in as either user, but I want to have the tables owned by theuser not dbo. How can I resolve this?Any help would be appreciated.Erin
I need to recover some data in a table but i'm not 100% sure the right way to do this safely.
I'll need to query the two tables to compare the before and after but how do i go about restoring/attaching the backup database to SQL without causing conflicts?
If I restore, I assume this would just overwrite which is obviously the worst thing that can happen. if i attach the backup, how does this affect the current live DB? how do i make sure that it's not getting accessed and mistaken for the live DB?
We're trying to create a .bak file to send it to our site's admin to restore it on the server: 1. When I try to do that get this error:http://www.radiorient.net/errors/export_sql.gif Why is that? and how can I fix it? 2. Should we add both files of the db (.MDF, and .LDF) or only the .MDF file? Can please someone help me with this, Thanx.
I just got SQL 7.0 and was curious how other environments run their backup. I know ArcServe has a product that backs up open SQL databases and not sure how reliable this product was. Any thoughts would be appreciated .. thanks.
HiI'm hoping that some could point me in the right direction for "bestpractice" in:1) securely backing up a complete sql7 and 2000 server containing manydatabases.2) backing up an individual database3) Securing the transaction on the hour as a mile stone to return to in theevent of error or system failure.ThanksMark
Hey, please forgive me if my infomation source was incorrect. But a friend of mine mentioned to me he had hurd of a program, or code that will make an "install script" of your database. Basically it`ll back up all the tables on your server and if the worst case senario happens then you can run the file like an install script. Is this true? It sounds invalueable! If it isnt true, can someone tell me if it is possible to use code to create a "install script" of your own database? I am using "Microsoft SQL Server".Thanks in advance John
I have August22 full backup and August22 and August23 transactions log backups . I want to get the August23 and August23 full backup. So I performed a restore backup with August22 full backup and all the August22 trn backups. Then I backed up giving it August23 name and repeated the process with the August23 trn backups. But, I get an error saying that the transactions haven't been rolled foward far enough. But, I am not missing any trns! I will really be grateful if anyone would help. thanks.
i want to take a backup a database which is on a different machine to my machine.Iam trying to give unc naming conventions i.e backup to //servername/sharename/file.bak but its not working.iam getting an error saying device error or device offline-access denied.
Anyone could tell me how to do it step by step plz.
When backing up a database in MS SQL 7.0, there is a window that appears in the destination section of the backup window. In this window is where the filename appears that the backup will proceed to and to the right of this window are "add", "remove" and "contents" buttons.
If there are multiple names in this window, will the entire backup go to both files or does it split the backup between the two filenames.
I use SQL Server 2000 and I create scripts on a daily basis to do the following
1. Rename a table 2. Create table with original name and add new field 3. Copy data from renamed table to new table 4. Build indexes ----------------------------------------- execute sp_rename ORIGINAL, OLD GO
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ORIGINAL] ( [A] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL , [B] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL , [C] [int] NOT NULL , [Notes] [text] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] TEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY] GO
CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX [ORIGINAL_A_B] ON [dbo].[ORIGINAL]([A], [B] DESC ) WITH FILLFACTOR = 90 ON [PRIMARY] GO -----------------------------------------
Forgive me if I'm asking a lot, but I'm lost and these scripts take way too long for what seems like such a simple task.
Here is the situation, I have a web application (asp.net/vb.net) with ms sql 2000 as the database. I have two database server. I would like to backup database 1 with database 2. I would like to do it at intervals and through code. If anyone can give me some ideas on how to do this or any research material, please do.