Backup Agent For Msde Sql Version 2005

Jan 15, 2007

please help me, i need to know if i need to purchase a sql agent for veritas backup exec. i am using the sql msde version only, not the full scale version. any help would be great.

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Upgrade From 2000 MSDE To 2005 Express - Enable TCP/IP By Default && Current Version Of SQL Running?

Jan 23, 2007

i am working on upgrading the clients and server computers from 2000 MSDE to 2005 SQL Express Adv. Plan to upgrade using the template.ini.

i can find the version of sql server running on th server by @@version but how do i find the version of client connctivity components the computer has installed in order to ugrade?

1. somehow i need to know whether to upgrade a client computer CONNECTIVITY COMPONENTS from 2000 to 2005?

2. is there a way to enable tcp/ip in installation script of SQL Express?


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Upgrading Localized MSDE-server To The English Version Of SQL Server Express 2005?

Aug 6, 2007


at the moment I have the following problem:
We have installed a version of the MSDE 2000 Sp3 with our software since 2005. Now we install SQL Server Express 2005 in order to use the latest version and to be compatible with Vista.
We have never had any problems with the MSDE, so it was no problem that we installed the german version (by mistake) because there never was any output at installation time.
When we now upgrade the existing MSDE installing the new version of our software, there are often problems and there are error messages, unfortunately in german, which cannot be read by most of our international users.

The problem is, that there seems to be no possibility to upgrade the existing (german) MSDE with the english version of SQL Server Express 2005.
My question is, if it is possible to upgrade the german MSDE to the english SQL Server 2005 to enable our international users to read the error messages at installation time in english?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

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MSDE Version

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,How do I determine what version of the MSDE running on a server. I wantto know if SP3a has been applied.Thanks.Egbon*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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@@Version - Same For Both MSDE And SQL Server

Aug 28, 2000

During the install of a product, we need to know if they have MSDE or SQL Server installed and what version/service packs have been applied.
When you query the database with select @@Version, it will bring back exactly the same information....
Is their another way to determine if they are running MSDE or Sql Server?


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Latest Version Of MSDE

Jan 12, 2004

What is the latest version of MSDE (and SQL Server)
that I can install for a client that uses Windows XP ?

SQL Server 2000 SP3 ?

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Can I Install A Enterprise Version Analysis Service On A Standard Version Of SQL 2005 Server?

Jul 25, 2006

Hi all,

Since some analysis services features are only available in Enterprise version , I have to upgrade my SQL 2005 server from standard edition to enterpise edition.

So I uninstall originial standard version of analysis service and install a Enterprise version. However, the analysis service is still a standard version after installation.

Is it possible to keep data engine as standard version and install a enterprise version of analysis service?

Thank you very much


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Want To Upgrade Evaluation Version Of SQL 2005 To Full Retail Version. How Would I Do That. Thanks

Jan 31, 2007

Want to upgrade Evaluation version of SQL 2005 to full retail version. How would I do that. Thanks very much for your hel

Sam Commar

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Updading Sql Server 2005 From 32bit Version To 64 Bit Version

Mar 12, 2007

We have a 64bit os machine that we accidently loaded the 32 bit version of sql server on. We now want to upgrade it to 64 bit sql server, but we now have a production database on it. My understanding is that all I have to do is detach the production database, upgrade to 64bit sql server, then reattach the database. Is this really all I have to do?

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How To Determine MSDE Version And Service Pack Level

Feb 27, 2004

How can I determine what versioin and service pack of MSDE i have?

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MSDE SQL Agent Won't Start

Feb 23, 2004

I have installed the MSDE and use mixed mode authenticaton.
The SQL Server Agent will not start due to login failures.
Normally, I would use the Enterprise Manager Managment wizard to
correct the System Account and Connection Credentials.

Can anyone tell me how to achieve this using OSQL?


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Question About SQl Server Agent And MSDE

Nov 18, 2005

Does anyone know what registry key, controls the SQL Server Agent Service Login parameters?

I'm building an Installer Package (.MSI) and part of my task is to alter the Login properties for the SQL Server Agent Service, and to also make its start-up parameter "automatic" Does anyone know where in the registry I can do this, or if its even in the registry?

Also does anyone know what DLL I can check for to see if SQL Server MSDE is installed on a computer (running XP)?

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Is It Possible To Make A Backup From MSDE ?? (Y/N)

Jul 19, 2004

Hi all;

Is it possible to make a backup from MSDE ?? (Y/N)

The problem: I am going to develop an application for a small company and it don't like to spend more $$ rather than some $$ for the App.

So, I don't know if it is possible to do a backup from MSDE or not?

BTW: How much MS SQL Sever200 will cost per a PC? (any idea even approx.)??

Thanks in advanced!


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Backup && Restore In MSDE, How ???

Aug 6, 2004

Hi all;

I am looking to add "Make Bakup" and "Make Restore" functionalty in my applicayion menu which uses MSDE for database.

My question is How to add these two functionalty (What is the source code)??

Thanks in advanced!

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Backup MSDE Database

May 4, 2006


we have about 12 databases in an MSDE server.

We can install the enterprise manager, but cant get the maintenance plans to work. (fields stay empty and setting dont get saved)
I've searched a bit, but couldn't fix it.

No problem, i created a job, with 12 T-SQL commands, and the backups are working perfect.

Now we wanne backup with a history (we take a backup every 4 hours of the day), because now they always get overwritten.

So im trying to change my transactSQL to create dynamic files.

The code i'm using right now :


I've tried different things like


but nothing worked.

so basically I wanne be able to create dynamic filenames in the above command.

You got any ideas/solutions.


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MSDE Backup/Migration

Sep 20, 2007

Can anyone tell me how to backup an MSDE database and then restore it to a second server?

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How To Make Self-backup Log In Msde?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi.I am trying to automatically backup transaction log when error 9002happened. So i have created appropriate job and alert to catch this error.I have two instances of sql server under Windows 2000. One of them is fullSQL Server, another is msde.When transaction log is full in full SQL Server error 9002 severity 17state 2 is logged in sql server log and in Windows Application log. Myalert firing my job. All is fine.But when transaction log is full in MSDE error 9002 severity 17 state 6 islogged only in sql server log. It is not logged into Windows Applicationlog so my alert does not work.So here is my questions:1. Why MSDE does not log error into Windows Application log?2. Why error 9002 has severity 19 in sysmessages table but is generatedwith severity 17?3. Why state of error 9002 differs under sql server and msde?Thank you.--Using M2, Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

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Backup SQL Using MSDE Writer

Jan 19, 2007

How do I backup my SQL Databases using MSDE Writers?

I do not see MSDE Writers under NT Backup.



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MSDE Db Backup To SQL Express

Oct 1, 2007

Hi everyone!

We are trying to restore a database backup created o MSDE 2000 server to SQL Express 2005.
The collation settings of both SQL Express and MSDE are the same: Turkish_CI_AS

The problem is that the log of restore operation has some warnings like:

Processed 344 pages for database 'MYDB', file 'MYDB_Data' on file 1.
Processed 1 pages for database 'MYDB', file 'MYDB_Log' on file 1.
Converting database 'MYDB' from version 539 to the current version 611.
Database 'MYDB' running the upgrade step from version 539 to version 551.

Warning: The index "myt_idx01" on "dbo"."myt" may be impacted by the
collation upgrade. Run DBCC CHECKTABLE.
Warning: The index "PK_BankLDef" on
"dbo"."BankLDef" may be impacted by the collation
Warning: The index "AgreeHist_idx1" on
"dbo"."AgreeHist" may be impacted by the collation upgrade.
Database 'MYDB' running the upgrade step from version 551 to version 552.
Database 'MYDB' running the upgrade step from version 552 to version 553.
Database 'MYDB' running the upgrade step from version 553 to version 554.
Database 'MYDB' running the upgrade step from version 554 to version 589.
Database 'MYDB' running the upgrade step from version 589 to version 590.
Database 'MYDB' running the upgrade step from version 590 to version 593.
Database 'MYDB' running the upgrade step from version 593 to version 597.
Database 'MYDB' running the upgrade step from version 597 to version 604.
Database 'MYDB' running the upgrade step from version 604 to version 605.
Database 'MYDB' running the upgrade step from version 605 to version 606.
Database 'MYDB' running the upgrade step from version 606 to version 607.
Database 'MYDB' running the upgrade step from version 607 to version 608.
Database 'MYDB' running the upgrade step from version 608 to version 609.
Database 'MYDB' running the upgrade step from version 609 to version 610.
Database 'MYDB' running the upgrade step from version 610 to version 611.

RESTORE DATABASE successfully processed 345 pages in 0.420 seconds
(6.712 MB/sec).

What is the severity of this warnings? Is there a way to make them disappear?
Thanks in Advance.


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SQL Agent Backup Failed. Help!!!

Jun 10, 2004

Hi All,

I got SQL agent backup failed problem which took me 2 days , but still couldn't figure out, so tired. Help please!!!

2 days ago,the database was using my domain account to logon both SQL server and SQL agent, the backup jobs worked good. Since I changed db to another domain account which has same permission as mine at both SQL server box and database, but almost all jobs got failed except "check integrity", and the error is "The job failed. The Job was invoked by User rose. The last step to run was step 1 (Step 1).". I checked the log files and backup report, could't get any clues, and I switch domain account back to mines, it works good . But my boss required me using another domain account , what should I do? HELP!!!

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Backup And Restore Databases In My MSDE

Jul 13, 2004

Hi all! How can i backup databases which are running in my MSDE 2000 & then how can i restore them with all the data, Yes i know that their is no visual tool for doing this in MSDE but can we do it with scripts, if Yes then how

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Attaching, Restoreing, Backup DB In MSDE , How??

Oct 14, 2004

Hi all;

I created a DB in MS SQL Server 2000.. (has Tables, SPs, Views..etc.) and I want to attached to a customer that has ONLY MSDE?


Also, how can my customer make Backup & Restore from his MSDE? (BTW: can I do that in code (VB.NET/ASP.NET)??

Thanks in advanced!

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Dbbackup.exe To Backup MSDE Instance

Feb 16, 2007

I'm running a Scheduled Task to execute dbbackup.exe to backup a local MSDE Instance for Live Comm. Server. When I save it to the local drive it works fine but I'm trying to save the backup to a remote server. I can't seem to get it to work. The account being used has full access to the remote computer and backup folder share.


"C:program filesms lcs 2005serversupportdbbackup.exe" /backupfile:\servernameackupmsdebackup

but when I run the following it works fine:
"C:program filesms lcs 2005serversupportdbbackup.exe" /backupfile:c:ackupmsdebackp

Any ideas? Thanks for any help!!!

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Backup / Restore Question - MSDE

Jul 20, 2005

MSDE2000I have an application in which I am running a TSQL command of BACKUP DATABASE and RESTORE DATABASE for the backup and restore commands for my application. For testing purposes, i did the following:1) Ran a BACKUP DATABASE command to a file named C:TEST.BAK.2) Deleted the database completely.3) Ran a RESTORE DATABASE on the same file (note, I did NOT recreate the database)Now I have the database back with all my data. What are the gotchas when doing a backup and restore using this method? I am not relying on transaction logs to restore to a certain point, the user can only restore back to their last backup (may be daily, weekly or monthly)TIA-- Tim Morrison

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Automatic Backup Of MSDE Database.

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,How to automate database backup (MSDE server v8.0)? Is some free toolwhich can help on this or can I use some stored procedure? Plan:Complete - 1 per weekDifferential - 1 per day--*Best regards,*Klaudiusz Bryja

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Problems With Backup Exec 7.0 SQL Agent?

Jan 4, 2000

We've been experiencing some problems on some of our databases ever since we've updated our servers to SP5. Backup exec seems to hang up after reaching a small number of bytes and then goes no further. I've installed the new MDACS drivers but it hasn't solved the problem.

Any ideas would be greatly apreciated!

Thank you,

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Getting The Backup Exec Sql Agent To Work

Mar 22, 2004

i know this topic has been covered and i've searched but i can't find the answer.

-SQL server is a diffrent server than my backup server
-i've installed the sql agent option on the backup exec server
-i've installed the client network utility on the remote server

the backup server doesn't see the SQL server databases. any thoughts

could it be a security issue?


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SQL Server Agent - Backup Steps

Apr 7, 2008

Can anyone describe step by step how we specify a backup plan for our database? For example to backup our db and execute every night.


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Arcserve Backup Agent For SQL Server, Trouble?

Aug 7, 1998

This seems to happen just after our backups run. the result is that the SQL Server
Enterprise Manager can be brought up the next day but nothing can be accessed or
inquired of. The service is still running, the server is still up and rebooting the server
resolves the problem.

98/08/06 20:32:31.68 kernel dpdb_asyncread: mirror: Operating system error 6
(The handle is invalid.) encountered

Is anybody else using Arcserve Backup Agent for SQL Server for Windows NT, RAID 5?
Have you seen this? I`ve been to MS home page and on technet. No mention of this
problem. Next stop is Arcserve home page, if they have one. I have read the error logs
and this is the second time this has happened this week. Both times since we added
Arcserve to manage our MS SQL Server Database backups.

Best Regards and Thanks for your time.

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SQL Backup Agent Service Account Permissions

Dec 11, 2007


If we were to assign permissions to a backup agent such as Backup Exec to backup the databases on the SQL server, what role would give the least amount but sufficient permissions to perform the backup? I know domain admin would make the agent a local admin and therefore allow it to back up the database but is there a role available to allow backup only?

Please note that I'm referring to a domain account used by Backup Exec to directly backup the databases rather than sql server agent.


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Backup Database Aborts Job In The Agent, But Not When In A Query Window

Sep 17, 2007

Does anyone know why a backup database statement aborts a job in a stored procedure so that you can't handle the error with @@error, but when you run the same stored procedure in a query window the error handling does get run?

The snippet of code looks like this:



set ansi_warnings off

set arithabort on

declare @backup_status int

declare @cmd varchar(1024)


print 'Options value: ' + convert(varchar, @@options)

set @backup_status = 0

if (@backup_mode = 'F')



@DB TO DISK = @BackupFile


NAME = @Name,

DESCRIPTION = @Description,

MEDIANAME = @MediaName,


STATS = 10,

init, nounload, noskip

if @@error != 0


set @backup_status = 1

print '**************** Backup of ' + @DB + ' Failed'

end end

When this is run in a query window, the print statement at the bottom does get executed, but when run as a step in a sql agent job it does not.


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How To Schedule A Database Backup In SQL Server Agent Jobs?

Jan 7, 2008

I want to schedule a database backup using SQL Server Agent Jobs how can i do this?

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Migrating A Db From SSE 2005 December CTP To SSE 2005 Release Version

Feb 22, 2007

I have a developer who built an application using the SSE 2005 December CTP and I would like to bring the db's into the official SSE 2005 released version. I have attempted the following:

1. Create the db's in the released version, detach and re-attach the CTP db's. I got an error telling me they were incompatible.

2. Installed CTP version on one server, backed up the db's and then attempted to restore the db's on another server running the official released version of SSE 2005. Got an error attempting that too.

3. Installed the Management Studio for SS 2005 Developer edition thinking that I could connect to the two seperate instances of each server and like I could in EM 2000 run the transfer wizard to move the db's and data from one server to the next. Problem with this is that I can't get an object browser connection established. I have TCP/IP all config'd correctly, too.

Any other ideas where I can go with this at this time?

Thanks in advance.


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