Hi! I wanted to execute an update command in T-SQL using some special characters like single quote ('). when i try with this it fails to accept the command. For example the text which i wanted to update is something like this "<Choice index="3" value="Don't know"/>", here i have a single quote('), less/greater than signs (<>), double quotes and forward slash (/). when i try with this type of text it fails to update, the field data type is NChar. I need help on how to successfully execute with this type of data.
I am running a SSIS package through a SQL 2005 job. The package has encrypted data used to access a FTP account. I changed the package's security protection level to "EncryptSensitiveWithPassword." I also added a password to the package. I then tried to add the password to the jobs command line, and it still failed. Does anyone have a suggestion? I think I may have built the command line wrong. Can I get an example?
I'm trying to execute a simple VBS file from the Executable command line in the Execute Process Task Editor.
My line is this : cscript.exe "c:convertcsvssisXlsToCsv.vbs"
SSIS keeps saying there are illegal characters here. Â I've Googled and looked about 20 articles and I can't resolve it.
I have a ForEach that loops through Excel files and changes them to CSV files using code i found. This script takes an original Excel file and transfers it to a new CSV file in a new directory.
So in DOS at the CMD line I would type : XlsTocsv.vbs originalfile.xls newfile.csv
I have the original file and new file in the Arguments line so I'm assuming that after the script executes it will look at the filepaths in the loop and loop through them so I want it do to this when it runs:
XlsTocsv.vbs [User::@ExcelFile] [User::@CSVFile]
I just can't get it to execute and I keep getting illegal characters. Â
I am receiving the following error message when attempting to create a new SQL Authenticated login id.
Password validation failed. The password does not meet the requirements of the password filter DLL. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 15119)
I have four servers all running SQL Server 2005 SP2 on Windows 2003 Ent. SP1. Of the four servers, only one received the above error message using the same TSQL below.
All four servers are in the same domain, which if I understand correctly, the password policies are therefore inherited at the OS level by the domain. The password being used is within the password policies of the domain.
Our SQL 2005 databases have "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" collation settings on the server. One of tables has one column declared as "ntext". When we try to insert "‚¬" character directly trough insert statement and retrieve it, we're getting right results. When we use web-services to insert data with this character (euro), and retrieving the data back, we're not getting this sign back. We are getting some characters like little squares. If I try to copy and paste them into notepad, I am getting ??? However, when I tried to place them here, I got them right:
‚¬ Å Å¡ Ž ž Å’ Å“ Ÿ
How can we assure visually they are inserted properly?
On the bills that our system generates there is a comments field that users fillout. We have occasional problems with special characters in the text messing up the validation code. Does anyone know of a query that can identify special characters in a text field? Like carriage returns, tabs, etc.? Thanks, Dave
I have to bring in data from a text file into the sql server database. I use the BCP utility in pulling the data.
The flat file data contains special characters like ®. This is the registered trade mark symbol. When I bcp the file using the character mode the special characters are automatically changed to «. So If I am going to pull a data like ACRYLON®, after the BCP I get it as ACRYLON«.
Inorder to replace all these I have written a program but since it has to scan every record the time taken is more. Will in be possible to accomodate iun the BCP to pull the data with special characters.
I have an DB in SQL Server 7, and in Portuguese we have special characters like "á","õ",etc. And I want to let the visitor to a site to do a search (written in ASP), and not to need to write the correct way (without the accents). But either he writes or not in the correct way, the results are the same, not necessarly in the same order. Is there a SQL Server mechanism that permits this functionality, without doing a very complicated SELECT (takes a lot of time) or replicating a field in the DB (takes a lot of extra space)...
I have a problem inserting German special chracters into a MSSql table.
üöäÖ works fine, but ßÜÄ are reduced to "_". I'm using a html form and a php script to enter the data into the database. Any idea why this isn't working? Funny thing is, when I use a german version of the SQL Server it also works without a problem... but I need this to work on ANY mssql server. Any help would be very much appreciated.
Hi,I have a MSSQL Server communicating with an Oracle database through aMSSQL linked server using a MS ODBC connection.If I query the Oracle database through the Oracle ODBC 32Bit Test, theresult is fine:select addrsurname from address where addrnr = 6666;HÅKANSSONIf I do the same query within the SQL Query Analyzer (using the linkedserver), I get:select * from openquery(TESTSW, 'select addrsurname from address whereaddrnr = 6666');H?KANSSONI have tried to both check and uncheck the Automatic ANSI to OEMconversion, but the result remains the same.Does anyone know what to do to make the result display the specialcharacters in SQL Query Analyzer?Thanks,Kenneth
Hi,This is a generic question, but for arguement's sake, let's say, myenvironment is SQL Server 2000.It seems that setting quoted_identifier off is the best way toaccomodate all sort of data input/update especially for data set thatcontains special characters like single quote as in O'Brien, otherfunky stuff like %^$*@#(!).However, this option won't help with a situation like data value of5'9",and let's say, we really can't predicate if this type of value will beused for ColA or ColB or ColC ...Examplecreate table #tmp (col1 varchar(30));set quoted_identifier off;insert into #tmp values("O'Brien's barking dog'");-- successinsert into #tmp values("O'book has funky (%^$*7) stuff");-- successinsert into #tmp values("John said "funky is OK" in his speech");-- failedGlobaly search and replace the double quotes before insert/update isjust too "expensive", not a good option.Now, if we can set a custom quoted_identifier, we can solve the aboveproblem easily, for instance,if MS SQL Server permits/acceptsset quoted_identier = '//$$';theninsert into #tmp values(//$$John said "funky is OK" in hisspeech//$$);(or the like)would succeedAny other thoughts/ideas? Thanks.Quote "Never stop thinking even though at times it may produce waste,which we all do, btw :) "
Currently I have got a report where I want to insert special characters (like @, !, ?) at the end of a String which will be displayed in a textbox of the report. Wenn I insert the String value "test!?" the report will return this value "!?test".
Good day I've looked for information about this but to no avail. Essentially why does Reporting Services not support spaces and special characters in a Field Name? I know that SQL supports spaces utilizing [] brackets e.g. [Field Name With Spaces]. So how come RS doesn't? Thanks
I am trying to display data that has trademark and copyright symbols. Reporting services does not display them in the standard format. Anyhelp is appreciated on how to get this done.
I am trying to store the content (body) of an email message that I want to create in a column SQL 2000. I need to know how I can store the special characters (carriage returns, bullets, etc) so that when I select them from the database to reform the email the correct formatting appears.
I am trying to move distinct data from one table to another based on two columns regardless of special characters such as : ( ) ; ' " / - _ = >< etc. The two columns that are the defining factors that I need to match as duplicates are Col1 & Col3, the rest I want to get the maximum data from each column for that row (I hope this made sense).
Here is what I have tried, but it does not seem to work:
select ID, Col1, max(Col2)as Col2, Col3, max(Col4)as Col4, max(Col5)as Col5, max(Col6)as Col6, max(Col7)as Col7, max(Col8)as Col8, max(Col9)as Col9 where patindex('%[^-:]%',Col1) = 0 AND patindex('%[^-:]%',Col3) = 0 into Newtable from dbo.CLEANING_bk group by Col1,Col3
Basically if there are 10 rows of duplicate data based on Col1 & Col3 (regardless of special characters), I want to move the distinct info to a new table with the maximum amount of info from the other columns of the duplicate rows.
If row 3, 4,5, & 6 are all considered duplicate and Row3/Col2 has info in it that row 4 & 5/Col2 does not, I want to combine it with the single row I export to the new table retaining as much information from the rows of the duplicates as possible.
Can anyone help and let me know why my script is not wanting to play nice?
In our schools we have a number of East-European, Turkish, Scandinavian, ... students. Their names contain "special" characters, like Ö, Ü, Ø, ... Our users want to be able to search for student names without having to enter those special characters. Most often they don't know the exact spelling of the names and they get "no match found" messages as a result.
They want to have persons with the name Ösgür, Osgueld, ... in the result set after entering "osgu" in the search field.
What is the best way to do this? I was thinking about using another collation near the LIKE, but I don't know if that would work and how it should be done. The Database collation is Latin1_General_CI_AS.
I am trying to import a file to a db table from a mainframe system. When I look at it on the PC has some special characters in it. They look like nulls and or tabs. When I try to define the fields in DTS, I only see up to the first special character. I tried to write a quick VB program to strip them out, but when VB is reading the file they get stripped out before I see them in the program. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I would like to know how can i only get the characters before the special character?
For example if the mail id is The.Champ123@gmail.com i need to extract The.Champ123 and if the mail id is TheChamp@gmail.com I need to get TheChamp.So basically i would like to get the characters from the string before '@' character.
In my database, I have records stored as "Scooter, gears, hard hat" When the user enters in the textbox "Scooter gears hat" it does not return any records. How can I tell the DB to ignore the characters in the column and search for the full text only and return all values?
I'm trying to figure out how to insert a special character that will make the values in the column BOLD when I use that table as reference in my Word Mailmerge. For starters, I was able to insert char(10) as carriage return, so when I use the values from that table in my mailmerge, the char(10) is effective, meaning, the carriage returrn is working, but how about making the font bold? Please help.
Example is:
insert into table(customer_address) values ("123 hayworth drive" + char(10) + "new land grove" + char(10) + "chicago" + char(10))
This value when used in a Word Mailmerge, will be displayed as: 123 hayworth drive new land grove chicago
Now, how do I insert a special character for bold font?
I have a web form that needs to be bilingual. It contains several dropdown lists. The "text" and "value" for each item in the dropdown list is retrieved from a database. The logic reads the database and then populates the various dropdowns with logic such as:
dim newItem as new ListItem(textString, valueString)
The problem that I am having occurs when the textString needs to contains special characters such as accented vowels or an "n" with a tilde. I have tried populating the database with HTML-formatted strings such as "Avión", hoping that this would display "Avion" with an accute accent over the "o". Unfortunately it displays "Avión".
How do I get dynamically-created dropdowns to display special characters? If the answer is to simply store the special characters directly in the database, then the question becomes how do I get the special characters into the database? I tried to figure out how to write a T-SQL command such as
update tablex set SpanishName = 'Avion' where id=999
but I can't figure out the syntax to insert an accented 'o' into the string.
group by [LRI_MAINT_KEY], ascii(substring(lri_maint_key,1,1)),ascii(substring(lri_maint_key,2,1)),ascii(substring(lri_maint_key,3,1)),ascii(substring(lri_maint_key,4,1))
having count(1) > 1
LRI_MAINT_KEY (No column name) (No column name) (No column name) (No column name)
I was wondering what would be the best way to remove special characters like, '-', '&' '(',')','#','*', etc... from a number string. To be specific a phone Number string where the string is >= 10.
I've got a tricky one. I'm trying to do a SELECT statement to return all of our email fields that include the Newline character, or Char(13). I've tried all of the following with no result:
WHERE Email like "%Char(13)%" WHERE charindex(Char(13), @Email) > 0 WHERE patindex(@NewLine, @Email) > 0
Hey everyone! I'm doing an export from SQL into excel spreadsheet and then am going to clean out certain parts of the data with global search/replace. The problem is that the SQL data is full of special characters such as |'s and the little box looking characters. How do I export without these characters? I know its possible, I did it about 2 years ago and remember I did some crazy file conversion (make wk3 or something) but I no longer remember Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks, Geoff
PS, attached is a screenshot of the data to give you an idea of what I'd like to strip!