Bcp Under Windows XP And Vista (performance)

Sep 14, 2007


Unit tests in our project make use of cp utility to import data into database. But the performance of running unit tests under XP and Vista differs much. The difference that I was able to notice is in CPU percentage usage: approximately 5% (XP) against 10% (Vista).

What can be the reason for bcp run slower under Vista?

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Unable To Connect To SQL SERVER 2005 Database Engine Using Windows Authentication Under Windows Vista...

Mar 26, 2008

Hallo there,

I just upgraded from Windows XP Pro to Windows Vista Bussiness and tried to reinstall SQL Server 2005 Developers Edition. After the installation i downloaded (using microsoft windows update) and installed all the service packs for sql and vista available.

My problem is when i open sql server management studio and try to connect to my default instance using windows authentication and database engine, an 18456 error occurs.

I enabled all the protocols and all the ports
I disabled windows firewall and antivirus (eset nod32)
I installed all service packs available
I have also installed Visual Studio 2005 without installing sqlexpress

But nothing happens!

Please i am very desperate, any information will be gratefully accepted.

This is my installation Information

Code Snippet

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 9.00.3042.00
Microsoft Analysis Services Client Tools 2005.090.3042.00
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 6.0.6001.18000 (longhorn_rtm.080118-1840)
Microsoft MSXML 3.0 5.0 6.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0.6001.18000
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.50727.1434
Operating System 6.0.6001

Thank you in advance,

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ASPState And Windows Vista

Jul 18, 2007

There is no ASPNET account on Windows Vista. Wich account do I need to use on ASPState database ?


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Windows Authentication And Vista

Sep 4, 2007

I would like to know if this is possible?

First, I am a consultant and have several clients. Before upgrading to Vista, I used Windows XP and was able to use SQL Server Management Studio to connect to SQL Servers (2000 and 2005) using my saved network passwords. I would establish a connection to the remote SQL Server by doing a Start - Run "\sqlservernamec$" and when prompted for credentials, I would give the domain account that the client has provided me and password and select the "Save password" checkbox. This would put these credentials in my saved credentials list for my user account. After doing this, I would be able to connect to the SQL Server via Windows Authentication in SSMS and Integrated Security (SSPI in connection strings) from applications (ASP and .Net). Everything worked happily with locked down SQL Servers and Windows Authentication.

Then comes Vista...

None of this works. It seems the stored credentials in Vista do not get honored when connecting to a SQL Server, other than the instance installed on my local machine. I have been able to connect to a remote instance via Named Pipes, but most of my clients have that disabled because of incompatibility with Distributed Transactions. So, I ask, is there any way to connect to a remote SQL Server instance (2000 or 2005) from Vista via TCP and Windows Authentication when the client Vista workstation is not in the same domain as the server?

I have tried so many things, I am not sure where to continue from. I have looked into setting SPNs for domain accounts, upgraded servers to latest service packs, etc.

Bottom line, this is the only thing i have found with SQL Server that ALWAYS worked in Windows XP does not work in Vista and, at this point, is getting close to being a killer causing me to go back to XP.

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Aug 8, 2007

2.7 GHZ
250 HD



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VB6 Programs Using ADO Do Not Run In Windows Vista

Apr 13, 2007


my VB6 programs that use ADO to access SQL or Access databases do not work in Windows Vista. While they run smoothly in all older Windows versions, they fail in Windows Vista environments. Especially, the ADO connection does not work anymore. The same connection strings that work perfectly in all older Windows versions, do not work in Windows Vista. The error message sent by ADO is this: Runtime error -2147217887 - "Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors". And, not only I get this error message on my development systems, but all other users of my programs on all Windows Vista systems.

I have been playing around with alternative connections strings, but no alternative works.

Can anybody explain this? And is there a remedy?

Any help is highly appreciated.


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SQL Express Edition With Windows Vista

Oct 6, 2007

i've a new laptop with windows vista and i've installed vwd express edition, framwork, asp.net and sql expresse edition, but once i try to use the sql connection from the vwd, i receive an error msg "Échec de la création d'une instance d'utilisateur SQL Server en raison d'une défaillance du démarrage de processus pour l'instance d'utilisateur. Fermeture de la connexion." it's in french sorry
sql can't creat a user instance because of a process startup....
is that any update i have to download for windows vista?

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Installing Sql2005 On Windows Vista

Apr 30, 2008


Unfortunately I'm still running windows 2000 as my development box here, since I'm unable to install so many things now, I am forced to upgrade.

I'm wondering if I can run sql2005 on my new windows vista box if I get it ? I won't go ahead if I can't so its a pretty big deal :)

I'm reading mixed answers so far from googling. Thought it would be best to ask here!

thanks very much!

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SQL Enterprise Manager On Windows Vista

Nov 6, 2007

Hi,I've just purchased a new machine with Windows Vista, and the cd Ihave for SQL Enterprise Manager (that works perfectly on Windows XP)no longer works.Is there a version for Windows Vista? Could someone provide me with alink to download?Many thanksSam

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SSRS 2005 On Windows Vista

Nov 19, 2007

Hello, I am deploying SSRS 2005 on Windows Vista and was wondering if there was a way to automate the following three tasks so that my end-users would not have to do them?

Add a URL to the Trusted Sites for the current computer name?

Change the Security Level setting for User Authentication for the Trusted Site added in step #1 to be automatic logon with current username and password?

Change the properties on IE7 to run with Administrative privileges?
I think, but am not sure that some of these can be done with VBScript? If these can't be automated, then end-users of my application will have to go through these 3 steps manually in order to view the SSRS reports that I have written without being prompted to log in, or encountering error messaged due to insufficient privileges.

Thanks in advance!


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Replication Sync On Windows Vista

May 28, 2007

On windows XP there is a Synchronize program in Accessories. When I run our replication scripts on a SQL Server Express on the XP machine and start the Synchronize program there are items there that allow me to replicate as well as set a schedule, etc.

On Windows Vista there is a Sync Center, but replication doesn't show up here.

I've searched high and low on Google and am not coming up with anything useful, which leads me to believe this is something very simple that I'm overlooking...

Does anyone know how to make your replication show up on the Sync Center in vista, or is there another application that I should download?



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Unable To Setup On Windows Vista

Feb 13, 2007


I cannot install SQL Server 2005 Express Edition on Windows Vista (Build 6000). I am logged on as the administrator. I tried to setup SP1 version, but it didn't work. Neither did after applying SP2 version.

What can be the reason? On the Problem Reports and Solutions panel it tells me to update to SP2. But it doesnt work.

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DELETE Query On Windows Vista

Sep 18, 2007

I am having trouble with 3 delete queries in my c# application, two other Delete queries run fine. All the Delete queries run fine on Win XP, just not in Vista(Vista's User Account Control off). Here is the simple query
DELETE FROM [tableName] I get error SQL Execution error 3640. I get this error whether I am debugging in msvs2005, or running in the Query Designer or if I just run the application outside of msvs2005.
I can get a Delete Query to work if i use the key columns like
WHERE (CODE = @p1) AND (Stable = @p2) AND (HorseName = @p3)

Hope some has an idea

If not is there any other way I can delete all rows from a data table?

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Windows Vista And Setup Question

Feb 21, 2007


I was finally able to get my hands of Vista so I excitely upgraded my PC to it yesterday.

After the installation goes smoothly and I ran the setup files from my SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition and I found that the setup script cannot detect IIS (perhaps it is due to the fact that Front Page extension is no longer part of IIS 7.0?) - So I faced with the problem of not able to setup Reporting Service on my PC....

Does anybody faced the same problem and how to fix this issue?

Thanks for the information in advance!


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Replication Sync On Windows Vista

Jun 7, 2007

On windows XP there is a Synchronize program in Accessories. When I run our replication scripts on a SQL Server Express on the XP machine and start the Synchronize program there are items there that allow me to replicate as well as set a schedule, etc.

On Windows Vista there is a Sync Center, but replication doesn't show up here.

I've searched high and low on Google and am not coming up with anything useful, which leads me to believe this is something very simple that I'm overlooking...

Does anyone know how to make your replication show up on the Sync Center in vista, or is there another application that I should download?

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Install SQL Server In Windows Vista

Sep 5, 2007

Dear All,

Hope everyone is doing well.

I want to ask a question, I am using Windows Vista Home Premium Edition in my notebook, I installed Visual Studio 2005 in it, it is working properly. Now I want to install SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition in it, in the begining it was giving me errors while installing Sql Server 2005 Enterprise Edition, but then it installed properly, but the problem is I cant see the "SQL Server Management Studio" in installed SQL Server, I think it is not installed properly.

Can anyone help me regarding this?

Thanks & Regards


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Cannot Install Reporting Services On Windows Vista

May 15, 2008

Hi Guys,

I was struggling with installing reporting services from Sql 2005 dev edition on windows vista. I somehow managed to install the SQLExpress edition for Reporting Services, but now i want to unistall it and install Sql Reporting Services from Sql 2005 Dev edition CD.

When I try to unistall the SQlExpress Reporting Servie instance, the screen which says unistalling components disappears in a couple of secs and when i refresh the list of programs installed under Programs and features, i can still see SQLExpress Reporting Servies, i do not understand why this is happening and probably this is the reason behind not able to see the Reproting Services check box ungreyed when installing SQL 2005 dev edition.

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Programm Using Ado(sql Server 2005) Do Not Run In Windows Vista

Aug 1, 2007


My C++ programm that use ADO to access SQL Server 2005 Express do not work in Windows Vista. Programm code works in Windows XP, but fails in Vista.

_bstr_t strCnn = L"Provider = 'SQLNCLI'; Data Source='SERVERSQL';Uid=sa;Pwd=devel; ";
ADODB::_CommandPtr _command;

Unhandled exception in test.exe (secur32.dll) 0xC0000005. Access Violation.

Help Me please.


C:>OSQL.exe /S USER123-VISTA\SERVERSQL /U sa /P devel /i c:\test1.sql

[SQL Native Client]Client unable to establish connection due to prelogin

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Problem Attaching DB SQL Svr 2008 On Windows Vista OS

Apr 10, 2008

Hi much appreciate any advise given on this query I have. I am using a user instance to manage my DB which is management studio express, when I right click and select attach DB the attach window open I go and select my DB from the default location and then it gives me the details of what I'm about to attach and when I click OK to complete it throws an exception and says cannot attach DB as the you cannot attach a DB with the same name which is already in the DB. only problem is is that there is no other DB in there with a dupe name and I just installed this DB and I was just following the Tutorials, any info would be great Thanks


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Windows Vista Compatibility With SQL Server 2005

Mar 10, 2008

Hi to All,

I want to choose between Windows Vista editions. Please help me I should go for Windows Vista Business or Windows Vista Home Premium as I intend to install SQL Server 2005.

Thanks to All

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Create Database Failed In Windows Vista

Apr 16, 2008

Hi All,

I have installed SQL Server 2005 Express in windows vista. I am trying to create database it is giving me error
"CREATE DATABASE Permission denied in database 'master'".

I read some article and they told, have to add an administrator account from SQL Server 2005 Surface Area Configration.
But, I cannot find any option in SQL Server 2005 Surface Area Configuration called "Add New Administrator".

What could be reason for this?

Any Idea....??

Narayana Ayyagari

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Not Able To Connect SQL Server 2005v On Windows Vista OS

Nov 14, 2007


I am getting an compatibility error when I am installing SQL: Server 2005 on my machine which has WIndos Vista OS.


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SQL Server Express With Windows Vista Business?

Sep 6, 2007

Hi y'all,
I just know that SQL Server Express Edition SP2 is being released by Microsoft recently, and from previous informations I gathered; it seemed that SQL Server 2005 Express Edition is not compatible with Windows Vista (any editions).
With the release of SP2, does this mean SQL Server 2005 Express Edition is now compatible with Windows Vista?
If so, do I have to install .NET Framework v2.0 first in my Windows Vista Business edition? BecauseI know that Vista Business edition already has .NET Framework v3.0 in it.
Thanks for your help! Appreciate it...

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IIS Detection On Vista: Where's My Windows Authentication Option ?

Mar 3, 2007

I am trying to install RS on Vista. I notice that the list of IIS features to turn on, listed in the KB article and blog entries, mentions a "Windows Authentication" IIS feature to check under Security. I don't have that (although I have one labeled "Basic Authentication") -- I'm on a "workgroup" computer at home.

Does this mean that you simply can't install RS on Vista unless you're joined to a domain? Thanks,


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Sql Server Express Compatibility With Windows Vista???

May 1, 2007

Sorry.. but.. sql server express has compatibility with windows vista????

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SQL Server 2005 And MS Windows Vista Home Edition

Dec 26, 2007


Can we install SQL Server 2005 on MS Windows Vista Home Edition???

Please guide..


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Sql Management Studio Failed To Load Windows Vista

May 19, 2008

I am using Windows vista ultimate 32 bit. I installed SQL Server 2005 developer edition on my machine it installed ok but i cant open sql management studio. I have just installed SQL Server 2005 and SP2. but didnt get it working. I dont have any SQL Server Express or visual studio installed on the machine. I can see an icon of sql management studio in the programms menu When i try to open sql management studio it gives me an error saying "Progarm is closing" and it closes the whole SQL Server. Can any one help me please what is going wrong and where thanks in advance.

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Installing And Running SQL Server 2000 On Windows Vista

Jan 17, 2008


Ive read on some pages that it is in fact possible to install and run SQL Server 2000 on Vista. In my university, SQL Server 2000 is still used to teach us about databases and how to administrate them. The computers run Windows 2000 Professional. I need to be able to use 2000 so I can not only have compatibility but also know the steps and all possible conditions and solutions to problems.
Would installing and running SQL Server 2000 on Vista be possible or am I better off using 2005? Is there much difference between these 2 versions?

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SQL Server 2005 Setup On Windows Vista Basic

Jul 19, 2007


I just installed SQL Server 2005 on Windows Vista Basic platform with just windows authentication, installation went pretty well, but when I tried to logon to the server, it gave me error "Logon failed with error code 18456".

I logged on as administrator, service for SQL server is started, but I can't logon. Can you please help.


Rajat Aneja

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SQL Server 2005 SP2 Windows Updates Install On Vista X64

Mar 31, 2007

I'm currently running Windows Vista x64 and SQL server 2005 on an HP laptop with a AMD Turion 64 processor. I've install all of the Windows Vista x64 update so far with no issues. However, I'm unable to install SQL server 2005 SP2 via Windows updates.

I was able to successfully download the service pack with no issues and it is currenly on my machine ready to install. The system does take a check prior to the install process beginning to perform the install.

I continuely get and "Error Code A91" when the install process is running. As a result the install does not complete successfully. When I used the "Get Help" option I get a list of possible error conditions but none of them seem be useful. I checked each one and none of them provide any help with a solution.

I've successful installed SP2 on Vista x32 system with no problem. Is this a "Windows Update" issue?


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SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services On Windows Vista

Jun 13, 2006

Hello out there!

I've tried to install all features in the SQL Server 2005 to run on Windows Vista. The Reporting Services failed to install. I think it is because of the IIS 7.0 that 's not recognised by SQL Server.

Is there anyone who have had the same problem and is there anyone who have a suggestion to solve this problem?

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Getting Exception While Installing SQL Express 2005 In Windows Vista OS

May 21, 2007

Hi All,

I have developed an windows application using C#. I am using SQL Express as back-end.

I have created an installer class which first installs .NET Framework2.0, SQL Express2005 and then the

application. It is woking fine with WindowsNT and XP oprating systems.

If i try to install this on Windows Vista OS, I am getting expection while installing SQL Express(Creating SQL


Can anybody help me in this scenario.


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MSDE 2000 Installation Fails On Windows Vista 64-bit

May 30, 2006

Installation of MSDE 2000 fails on 64-bit Windows Vista (Build 5308).

The error message is "Setup failed to configure the server.Please refer the error logs for more information". No error log can be found on the machine at the time of installation. Please let me know if anyone else has encountered this problem?

Is it possible to install MSDE 2000 on 64-bit Windows Vista(Build 5308)?

Thanks in advance.

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