Best Practice For Headings Above Dynamic Row Headers In A Matrix?

Dec 28, 2007

what is considered the best practice for placing headings above dynamic row headers if you want them to float with the row headers when scrolling horizontally?

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Matrix Headings On 2005, Pain In The Neck

Jan 9, 2007


I know this is a known issue since SSRS 2000, but it seems that it hasn't been solved: How can I have column headings on a Matrix Report ? (not in the data region, just in the columns that identifies the rows).

All the workarounds and tricks that I have found are quite nasty and have drawbacks when you export to Excel, for instance:

- Using a table inside upper left blank area in the matrix report: Problem, when you export to excel you loose the Header.

- Using an rectangle and placing textboxes (tweaking with pixels... :-(): When you export to excel you get excel columns merged, quite bad if somebody wants to make some macros or calculations).

- Using a list report... well I need a matrix report :-).

Is there other way to implement this ? This is a known issue since 2000 came up, no really a solution available ? I have seen on SP-2 and there is no solution for this issue... please heeelp.



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Reporting Services :: Saving Report With Taller Column Headings To Excel Cuts Off Taller Headers

Nov 20, 2015

we are running 2014 enterprise. A couple of column headings (even with smaller font) are a little tall, as much as 6 "lines".   All headings in the respective matrices are aligned vertically as "bottom".  When I save the report to excel, these taller headings get chopped off visually in their excel cell.   The cell contains the entire heading.  It appears that the second "line" of the heading is the one that is most visible in excel. 

How do I get these to be saved so user will see entire heading when opening excel doc? In the first matrix there is a text box directly above the matrix and only one row of column headings.  In the second there is a higher column group heading containing month name above the problem headings. 

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Dynamic Group Headings With Table Groups (Toggle)

Apr 21, 2008


I have a SSRS 2005 report with a table and several groupings. These groupings are made visible with toggle items.
I am trying to determine how to make the associated group headings (entered within table header) visible or not visible depending on the visibility state of the groupings.

Example: (initial state with group1 only visible)
Group1 Heading Count Sum
+Group1 999 999

(click + sign to make visible group 2)
Group1 Heading Group2 Heading Count Sum
-Group1 999 999
+Group2 888 888

etc.. for remaining groups

I've tried toggling the table header column the same way I did the group, but the group scope isn't available so I don't know what to use. (Manually putting it in causes report error.)
I don't know what visibility expression to use because I can't figure out what report item I can look at to determine the group's visibility "status" in order to make an expression.

Any ideas?

Note: I did see a similar post from sadsac, but the "answer" didn't address this.


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Multiple Matrix Headers

Jan 8, 2007

Hi All,

I have a project that deals with matrix or crosstab. I created an SP that looks like this in the RDL.

Month | Quarter

Channel | Revenue | Target_Revenue | Previous_Revenue | Revenue | Target_Revenue | Previous_Revenue

Channel2 | 100000 | 150000 | 1250000 | 100000 | 150000 | 12500000

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Matrix Scrolling Headers

Oct 24, 2007

Could someone describe to me how to have headers remain visible while scrolling in a matrix? I can do this in a table without a problem but can't seem to find this option for a matrix.

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Column Headers For Matrix

Sep 26, 2007

I am developing a matrix report in SRS. In columns group there are several values. When report runs they apper in any order based on the first record in row group. I want colums to apeear in specific order all the time. For example the column sequence in one out put is Follwup 1, Initial , Followup 2. I want to column header to be in order of Initial, Folloup 1, Followup 2.
Can someone help?

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Adding Headers To Matrix

Nov 10, 2005


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How Do You Display Headers In The Row Group In A Matrix??

Jun 26, 2007

Hi, I am creating a matrix and adding multiple row groups. The problem is that I am unable to display headers for each of these groups - can anyone help??

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Matrix Column Headers Not Displaying In IE7 (but Ok In PDF && Preview Tab)

Apr 29, 2008

My matrix column labels do not appear at all at the lowest level column grouping when viewing in IE7

All is ok when viewing the pdf, or when viewing using the preview tab.

Is this an ie7 bug?

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How Can A Matrix's Row And Column Headers Be Made Floatable?

Dec 25, 2007

when paging down or across in a matrix based report, it would be nice for headings (row and column) to float (ie not disappear) with the position of the report. Is this possible in RS?

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Interactive Sort On Column Headers In Matrix

Dec 7, 2007

Hi there,

I'm trying to implement Interactive Soring on the column headers in a matrix in a report. Is it actually possible to do this? I've read several internet posts and stories of implementing the Interactive Sorting in the upper-left corner of the matrix, but this is not what I want, I want to implement it on the column headers .

The goal I'm trying to achieve is to give the user the possibillity to click on a column header to sort the rows below in asc- or descending direction.

Please tell me if this is possible, because all my efforts have not been succesfull! If it's possible, please provide the solution to do this.

If you need more information, please don't hesitate to ask.

Thanks in advance,

Dave Ruijter
BI Consultant

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Ensuring That Matrix Data Region Col Headers Are Sorted

Dec 25, 2007

i ran a preview of a matrix based report whose column headers are dates. The dates seem to be displaying in a somewhat (not completely) random order from left to right. How can I ensure that they display chronologically from left to right?

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BCP To Csv (that Part Is Ok) WITH Dynamic File Headers And Footers (NOT Ok)

May 5, 2008

Hi All.
I am building an SSIS job that will export some data to a csv then ftp it to a remote site.
I have been able to create the csv alright, but I need to add header and footer lines to the csv.

The header must be:

Filename+ crlf (will not change)
File type+ crlf (will not change)

Create date+ crlf (obviously changes) -- format is mmddyyyy as text

And the footer is:

Filename+ crlf (will not change)
File type+ crlf (will not change)

Create date+ crlf (obviously changes) -- format is mmddyyyy as text

Total rows+ crlf (obviously changes)

So I need to first open the file, count the number of rows, then add the header and footer lines.

I would like to do this as a step in ssis, as a function (not by calling a compiled assembly or anything like that). I have no experience with, and haven't been able to find any snippets on the web that seem to work. Can anybody lend a hand? thx. David

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SQL 2012 :: SSRS Report With Dynamic Column Headers

Sep 22, 2013

I have a report which runs for last 12 months data. Since this is going to be last 12 months the column headers change every month. How can we implement this with dynamic column headers in the dataset?

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Dynamic Row Group In Matrix

Oct 9, 2006

Hi All !

I want to show row groups as hierarchy levels and need the
sub total values belongs to each group and sub group levels. But the
most important point is that my top next top group (from child to
parent ) is not static its dynamic.i.e for a diffrent senario my under
displayed example can have Universe--->Earth as parent for Australia and USA.






|------North US

|------North US(1)

|------North US(2)

|------South US

|------South US(1)

|------South US(2)

Can I get some help from anybody for making a dynamic row groups in the matrix.

Waiting for a kind help.


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Matrix Dynamic Column Problem HELP!

Jun 20, 2007

Ill start off by saying that I am an ASP.NET developer and I am self-taught in using SSRS2005. (quite poorly I might add) That being said I am having a problem with a report im building. This report has 10-12 different metrics I am reporting on and I have each of them displayed in their own matrix. The first matrix was created by the report wizard that launches when you add a new report.

To give you an overview of how I am setting up these reports I will describe the structure I am using on nearly all of the matrices. I am reporting on classes that are managed by my company and held at 3rd party locations. My matrix has the 3rd party location in the rows and the quarter the class was held is the column. Matrix setup looks like this:


The problem Im having is this. All matrices that weren't created by the wizard don't grow dynamically. Say I have 2 quarters of data I am reporting on, Instead of having a column for quarter1 and quarter 2, the report generates separate matrices for each quarter. This is true for each matrix that I created using a matrix control from the toolbox. The matrix that was created by the wizard however, has dynamic columns that grow to the right as expected.

I am populating my datasets using Stored Procedures and the matrix that behaves normally uses a different dataset than the 4 others I have completed thus far which share a dataset.

I have looked everywhere I can think of for a checkbox or a property I need to adjust and I cant find one. Anyone have any ideas??

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Dynamic Dates In Columns On Matrix Report?

May 25, 2007

I need to display 12 months dynamically in columns of a matrix report, starting with the current MMM, yy - 3 in the first column, current MMM, yy and incrementing by 1 month in columns 2-12.

For example a report that would run on today's MM, yy (5/2007) would look something like this:

MAR-07, APR-07, MAY-07, JUN-07, JUL-07, AUG-07, AUG-07, SEP-07, OCT-07, NOV-07, DEC-07, JAN-08, FEB-08

(Col 1 - Col 12 separated by commas)

How do I do this in a matrix report column?

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Best Practice To Pull Data From Sql Server 2000 To Sql Server 2005 With Dynamic Queries

May 3, 2007

Hi There,

I need to pull data using input from one table in sql server 2005. I have to query against the sql server 2000 database and pull data into sql server 2005. I have a list of ids that I have to pass to a query to get the desired data. What is the best practice for this. Can I use SSIS or do I need to build an app in C#? Can somebody please reply back?

Thanks a lot!!

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Reporting Services Matrix Static And Dynamic Columns

Jun 15, 2007

Hi every one,

Could you please anyone tell me how to have static and dynamic columns in a matrix?

We can add static columns by right clicking detail text box and add column. But it will repeat for each column group. I need static columns in the dynamic columns level itself.

Thanks in advance!

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Dynamic Change Of The Column Size And Location Of A Matrix

Feb 24, 2007

I have a report that has a matrix. That matrix can have from 2 to 16 columns dependinging on the dataset result. Right now I am forced to place this matrix on the left side of the report and make a column layout pretty narrow. When dataset has more than 13 or so columns it looks OK, but when dataset has only two or three columns it looks weird with a matrix sitting in the left corner with two or three narrow columns and a lot of empty space to the right.

Is it possible programmatically change the width of the columns depending on their number in the dataset?

Is it possible to move the location of the matrix (horizontally) depending on the number of columns in the dataset?

Thank you,


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How Can I Apply Dynamic Sorting For Columns In Matrix Reports

Apr 30, 2008


We have a matrix report which displays columns in a default sorting order. This report columns vary dynamically depending on the user input.

e.g. If user wants to see the report for column Alfa, Beta , Gama then a report will be genarted with column Alfa, Beta , Gama sorted in alphabetical order.



However the users want the Columns to be sorted in the order which they provide the inputs e.g. if the user entered Gama, Alfa, Beta the report should display the columns in the same order instead of applying the default sorting order.




Any thoughts on ways to achieve this in SSRS matrix report would really help.


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Report Headers Vs Page Headers

Feb 8, 2007

Hi, this is probably a simple question but I just can't figure it out. I'm using SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 sp1.

I'm trying to design a report that displays a particular embedded image on the first page, and then a different one on every subsequent page. I.e full, fancy company logo on the first page, and a trimmed down version on every other. In Crystal, I would have simply used the Report Header and Page Header sections to achieve this - easy.

However, in SQL Reporting Services, there is only a Page Header section - therefore whatever I place in the Page Header shows on every page. Now, I know how to stop it displaying on the first page, but I don't know how to display the other image instead.

I read in a support forum that it is possible to do this by "placing report items above or below your data regions" but I can't get it to work.

Grateful for any assistance.


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Reporting Services :: SSRS Matrix Dynamic Formatting Of Cell

Oct 16, 2015

I have the following result set that I am putting into a SSRS 2012 Matrix:

RowNum RowLabel Val Title

1.00 Advance 10000.0000 TestTitle1
4.00 List Price 18.0000 TestTitle1
5.00 Units Shipped 20000 TestTitle1
6.00 Return Units -8125 TestTitle1
7.00 Net Sales Units 11875 TestTitle1
8.00 Return % 45.0%/10.0% TestTitle1

*Note: The data in Val for 'Return %' is a text field - informational only and necessary.

When setting it up such that the Columns are Title, and the Rows are RowLabel, I get the following:


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BCP - Output With Headings

Jun 13, 2007

Does anyone know how to output the contents of a table via BCP utility to a file WITH the column headings?

Thanks in advance,

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Get Field Headings?

Mar 17, 2004

I use the following to get the column names from a table but it is giving the error "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Where'"

Here is the Stored Proc:

CREATE PROCEDURE usp_GetTemplatePrompts

@cCode varchar(5)


declare @cTableName varchar(100), @iError int, @cError varchar(255)

SELECT @cTableName = s.TableName
FROM tbShapes AS s INNER JOIN tbProductCodes AS pc
ON s.Shape = pc.fkShape
WHERE pc.Code = @cCode

SELECT @iError = @@Error
if(@iError = 0)
EXEC('SELECT * FROM ' + @cTableName + ' WHERE Template = 0')
SELECT @iError = @@Error

if(@iError <> 0)
set @cError = 'Error while attempting to get input fields for product ' + @cCode + '.'
RAISERROR(@cError, 16, 1)

The table structure is as follows:

Account (PK) | Description

Code (PK) | fkAccount | fkShape | Description

Shape (PK) | TableName | ShapeName

Template (PK) | fkCode | SectionName | Width | Height | Flange

Template (PK) | fkCode | SectionName | Width | Height

Template (PK) | fkCode | SectionName | Radius

Template (PK) | fkCode | SectionName | X1 | Y1 | X2 | Y2

Any ideas?

Mike B

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Csv Export Without Headings

Jan 15, 2007


is it possible to export a report to a csv file without the headings?

at best i have been able to hide the headings in the report, but when exported to csv file it includes a row at the top of commas, then the data follows. I need the file to be just the data.


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SQL DTS Source Without Column Headings

Mar 3, 2004

If the SOURCE doesn't have column headings in a txt file (the format will be pipe delimited), how can I make it work (Through DTS) to load the source into my designed SQL Table? Thanks in advance!


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Using Records As Column Headings

Sep 22, 2006

This may be a stupid question, but I have a table of orders that consists of various data. I want to take by date all orders that have been completed but have not had a previous order in 180 days. I have this part done. What gets returned is Date, Count, Status. What I want to get is the various status's returned as headings. So I get Data, Total Order Count, Completed Count, Abandoned Count, etc. I'm returning this data to Excel for display. My original thought was seperate queries, but some of the data will not have a count so the ordering would be off. Any ideas?

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Force IS To Use Column Headings

Feb 2, 2006

I've got an IS package which reads a lot of records from a text file and loads that into the database. The text file has column such as Firstname, Lastname, phone number etc and same as the database table.

The problem:
IS works fine if I have the text file columns in the same order as the database columns but for example if have phone number in the place of firstname (in the text file) IS puts the phone numbers as firstname in the database and moves all the columns dow the order.

Is there anyway I could force IS to use the heading names in the text file and put it in the appropriate database columns?

Thanks guys...

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Scrolling Column Headings

Nov 30, 2007


I have generated a report that requires the user to scroll down the page since it is fairly long. I want to be able to show the column headings as the report is being scrolled. Much like excel locking the column headings as you would scroll down the spreadsheet so you know what values correspond to what heading. How do I configure this report to do this? Any suggestion is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Dynamically Changing Column Headings

Feb 5, 2008

We have a query in which we have data in fields called TS1Min, TS1Max, TS1Avg, TS2Min, TS2Max, TS2Avg etc.

We have a different table in which we define that vale of TS1, TS2, as an example TS1 might equal RED, TS2 might equal BLUE.

We have written a query that puts TS1Min, TS1Max, TS1Avg, TS2Min, TS2Max, TS2Avg in a temp table #TEMPA

and we also put the values of RED and BLUE in another temp table #TEMPB

now we want to select * from #TEMPA but rename the headings TS1Min to display RED-TS1Min, TS1Max as RED-TS1Max, TS1Avg as RED-TS1Avg etc...

any ideas on how to do this

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Vertical Text In Report Headings

Oct 30, 2007


Is it possible to display Report headings text vertically bottom-up?
It goes from top to bottom by default now, which seems unusual.


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