Best Practices For Writing SQL Server Stored Procedures

Jul 23, 2005

Dear All,

Please suggest some of the best practices for writing SQL server
stored procedures?
I'm writing a business function (stored procedure), which calls
many-stored procedure one after another.
I want this to be best optimized, so that speed can be very good.

Suggestion in this regard will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

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Writing Stored Procedures In C#

Jun 17, 2008

Sorry, not sure if this is the right forum for this but hopefully you may be able to give me an answer.I have a website  which fetches data from a SQL Server database using stored procedures, so I only grant execute rights to the proceduresto avoid granting select rights to the tables. This has been working fine but I would like to try writing this code in C# instead. I have writtenstored procedure that runs a select to test, and I am getting the error that the user has no rights to do select over the table.My question is, is the code writen this way (in C#) considered equivalent to dynamic SQL (which would require select rights over the tables)?Would this mean that I want to code my procedures in C# I need to grant select privileges over the tables to the db user?Thanks for your time  

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TableAdapter Wizard Not Writing Stored Procedures?

Nov 9, 2006

My TableAdapter wizard will not write the update and delete stored procedures and I do not know why.  Any thoughts?

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Editing Tables & Writing Custom Stored Procedures

Feb 26, 2007

Hi all,

I’m currently writing a web application on student exam timetables, I’m using SQL Server 2005 as the back-end for the database.

At present, the case states that if a student is in one examination, he/she can’t attend, or be allocated another examination while the first examination is in place, which would result in a clash

The way I’m going to target this is by writing a stored procedure in SQL Server 2005 to return an error code, which I’ll translate using ASP,NET, however at present I’m having difficulty writing the SQL code. This is because…

I’m using SQL Server 2005 Management Studio; I created the tables using MS Access and upsized them using the wizard. I can now access my database, but having difficulty editing my tables and with code…

Any ideas??


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Writing Insert And Update Stored Procedures For Normalized Schemas?

May 25, 2006

I have a database schema that has an Address table used to store addresses for different entities such as Customers and Employees. I want to reuse the same Address record between different Customers and Employees without duplicating any address information. I'm not sure what the best approach might be.

Should have I have seperate stored procedures on the Address table that update and insert new addresses, where each Address record remains immutable once created? (So the update stored procedure actually creates a new Address record if the data changes). These stored procedures would then be invoked by business logic and used in tandem with stored procedures that act on Customers and Employees to ensure that no address records are duplicated.

Or should I create a view on a Customer joined with Address, and similarily with Employee and Address, and have stored procedures that act on these views and ensure that no Address records are duplicated. Should I use instead of triggers to override the behavior of insert and update on the view to achieve these?

I'm rather lost as to what direction I should take. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!

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SQL Server Stored Procedure Best Practices? - Long

Jun 13, 2007

I'm an experienced SQL Server and .NET developer, but I wanted to expand the way I look at things and see how other developers approach the situation I'm going to outline in this post. I'm going to be engineering a large, new project soon and I want to examine how I approach this and see if there is a better way.

I work in a small development group with two developers (myself and another). We pretty much wear all the design, testing ,and development hats during the course of a system's development. I had a discussion today with the other developer about creation of stored procedures.

I like to create small specific stored procedures for whatever I'm doing. I will usually have at least 4 stored procedures for each table; Insert, Delete, Update, and Select. Frequently I'll have more Select procedures for special cases. I do this for several reason. One I can get Visual Studio to generate the basic procedures for me and utilize them in a typed dataset. Secondly I can keep all my SQL code server side, and in small maintainable chunks. It is also fairly obvious what my stored procedures do from the name. The main drawback is that the list of stored procedures gets huge.

The developer I work with likes to create a single stored procedure for Insert, Update, and Deletes. Based on the passed primary key, the procedure determines what it should do. For example:

Code Snippet

CREATE PROCEDURE udp_users_processing
@key int output,
@name varchar(200),
@status int
IF IsNull(@key,0)=0
INSERT INTO ut_users(key, name, status) VALUES (@key, @name, @status)
IF KEY > 0
UPDATE ut_users SET key = @key, name = @name, status = @status
DELETE FROM ut_users WHERE key = @key
This has the advantage of being compact, but it has issues with VS.NET and designer support. Loss of designer support isn't a huge problem, but it can be handy to have. I'm also not certain how this approach would work when using typed dataset and the table adapter to do updates.

What is YOUR opinion? How would YOU approach this in your situations? Are there other alternatives that might work just as well?

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Oracle Stored Procedures VERSUS SQL Server Stored Procedures

Jul 23, 2005

I want to know the differences between SQL Server 2000 storedprocedures and oracle stored procedures? Do they have differentsyntax? The concept should be the same that the stored proceduresexecute in the database server with better performance?Please advise good references for Oracle stored procedures also.thanks!!

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NH: Best Practices Approach - Call Stored Proc - Or Run It Via Linked Server?

Mar 27, 2007

what pro's cons would there be to having a linked server run a local stored proc against another sql server or create that stored proc on that other sql server and call it from there in the c# code.
i would think that calling the stored proc would be more efficient that running a linked server - but please let me know your thoughts. I'm not sure i can have permission to add a stored proc on that server, so possibly the linked server is the only solution - but if i can put a stored proc on that server should i?

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Writing Stored Procedure In .NET 1.1 And Using In SQL Server 2005

Jul 7, 2006

I am working on an application in ASP.NET 1.1 and SQL Server 2005 as database.I wanted to use SQLCLR feature of SQL Server 2005. Is it possible that i write Stored Procedures in C# 1.1 and deploy on SQL Server 2005? as it is in case of C# 2.0.
Please refer some good tutorial for it.
Regards,Imran Ghani

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Need Help In Writing A Stored Procedure In MSSQL Server 2000

Mar 29, 2007

Hi Everybody,

I am trying to update a column Percentage in a table named Critical Doctors with a column named

PercentTime from tblPercent table, Where the column Doctor matches with any DoctorId from


I am getting an error message for the following query.

Have Two tables


update CriticalDoctors set Percentage =
(select PercentTime from tblPercent)
where CriticalDoctors.Doctor = (select DoctorId from tblPercent)

Server: Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <=

, >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
The statement has been terminated.

Pls give me reply on how to write a stored procedure so that I can equate the percentage column

with one value and also check the condition with one value.

Thanking you guys in advance.


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SQL Server 2012 :: Run Stored Procedure Without Writing To Transaction Log?

Feb 26, 2015

Any way to have a process run that will not write its changes to the transaction log? I have a process that runs every three hours and has a huge impact on the transaction log (it becomes larger than the database itself). We do hourly backups of the transaction log and normally it is reasonably sized but when this process runs, it gets HUGE.

The process takes source data, massages it and writes it to summary tables. It is not something we need to track as we can recreate the summary tables if needed and it has no impact on the source tables.

Everything is driven through a stored procedure. Is there a way to run a stored procedure and tell it that nothing it does should be written to the transaction log?

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Stored Procedures 2005 Vs Stored Procedures 2000

Sep 30, 2006


This Might be a really simple thing, however we have just installed SQL server 2005 on a new server, and are having difficulties with the set up of the Store Procedures. Every time we try to modify an existing stored procedure it attempts to save it as an SQL file, unlike in 2000 where it saved it as part of the database itself.

Thank you in advance for any help on this matter

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SQL Server Stored Procedures/VB.Net

Mar 24, 2004

IS there a way inside code for to programmatically change sorting in a stored procedure???Reason is I need a two way sort and did not want to have to write a SP for each way ....If so Do you have an example.....

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Stored Procedures In Sql Server 6.5

Jan 4, 2000


Everytime after I restore any database on the sql server 6.5, I have to recompile all the stored procedures in that database.Is there any method to overcome this problem?


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ADO And SQL Server Stored Procedures

Apr 19, 1999

Trying to run a SQL Server 6.5 stored procedure via ADO 2.0 in Visual Basic 6. The stored procedure moves roughly 10000 records from one table to another within the same database. The procedure works just fine when run from a SQL editor such as I/SQL, but only transfers a few hundred records when it is executed from a VB application using ADO 2.0.
The guilty code can be seen below. Any thoughts?

Public cnSQL As New ADODB.Connection
Public qry As New ADODB.Command

With cnSQL
.ConnectionString = ConnectStringSQL
.ConnectionTimeout = 20
End With

Set qry.ActiveConnection = cnSQL
qry.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
qry.CommandTimeout = 120

qry.CommandText = "sp_VGInsertBOMStructure"


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ADO SQL/Server Stored Procedures

Jun 6, 2002

I have a stored procedure on SQL/Server 2000 that inserts into a #temptable. When I execute it from Query Analyzer it works fine.
When I execute it from an ASP using ADO it gives me an Open Error message. When I comment out the
#temptable the ASP works fine. Can someone shed some light on this? Do I have to do an ADO opent on the

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SQL SERVER Stored Procedures

Apr 11, 2006

Is there any application which can tell you the procedure called within a procedure.

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Stored Procedures In SQL Server

May 16, 2008

I come from a MySQL background, and have recently began migrating to SQL Server.

I can't, for the life of me, find an example of a stored procedure that does the following in SQL Server:
- Multi-lined
- Contains both input and output parameters
- Sets one of the output parameters within the stored procedure

Can anyone provide some insight? I.e. Why does the following not work?

IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM syscomments WHERE id = object_id('usp_test'))
(@num1 INT, @num2 INT, @result INT OUTPUT)
SET @newValue = num1 + num2;
SET @result = @newValue;

I get these errors (I'm using the Management Studio Express)

Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 3
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'PROCEDURE'.
Msg 155, Level 15, State 2, Line 7
'INT' is not a recognized CURSOR option.
Msg 137, Level 15, State 1, Line 8
Must declare the scalar variable "@newValue".
Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 9
Must declare the scalar variable "@newValue".

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Creating Stored Procedures In Sql Server

Jul 2, 2007

I just installed sql server 2005 on my machine.  I've been using Access for some time and have created my stored procedures easily in it.  However, this sql server 2005 is so complicated.  In Access, all I had to do was "Create a New Query", write my sql statement, name and save it.   However, I am having so much trouble with this sql server.  For example, when I create a stored procedure in sql server, it has a .sql extension.  I am assuming the stored procedure is a file.  However, after saving it, I expand my database, expand programmability, and expand stored procedures, yet my new stored procedure is not there.  It's placed in a file called projects.  I need to access this stored procedure from code, but in visual studio, I get an error message, "Cannot find stored procedure sp_Roster".  Here is the code I used to access my stored procedure from  I thought it would work but it didntDim comm As New SqlCommandDim strsql As StringDim strconn As String        strsql = "sp_Roster"        strconn = "server=Home; user=sa; pwd=juwar74; database=Book;"        With comm            .Connection = New SqlConnection(strconn)            .CommandText = strsql            .CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure            With .Parameters.Add("TeacherID", SqlDbType.Char)                .Value = ""            End With            With .Parameters.Add("ClassID", SqlDbType.Int)                .Value = CInt(classid)            End With            With .Parameters.Add("sID", SqlDbType.Int)                .Value = ssID            End With            With .Parameters.Add("sLastName", SqlDbType.Char)                .Value = lastname            End With            With .Parameters.Add("sFirstName", SqlDbType.Char)                .Value = firstname            End With            With .Parameters.Add("sMiddleName", SqlDbType.Char)                .Value = middlename            End With            With .Parameters.Add("Student", SqlDbType.Char)                .Value = fullname            End With            With .Parameters.Add("Password", SqlDbType.Char)                .Value = password            End With            .Connection.Open()            .ExecuteNonQuery()            With comm.Connection                If .State = ConnectionState.Open Then                    .Close()                End If            End With        End With Here is my procedure that I created and that was saved as sp_Roster.sql in sql server CREATE PROCEDURE sp_Roster     ASBEGIN       SET NOCOUNT ON;    -- Insert statements for procedure here    INSERT INTO Roster (TeacherID, ClassID, sID, sLastName, sFirstName, sMiddleName, Student, Password) VALUES (@TeacherID, @ClassID, @sID, @sLastName, @sFirstName, @sMiddleName, @Student, @Password)ENDGO Why isn't finding it in sql server.  Is the sqlstr correct?  

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Sql Server Stored Procedures, Just One Thing After Another

Jul 2, 2007

 In a previous post, someone helped me with creating stored procedures, and I am grateful because I am transitioning from the Access World.
Anyway, I get an error at .ExecuteNonQuery in visual studio 2005 when I run the following code: 
Dim strsql As String        Dim strconn As String        strsql = "sp_Roster"        strconn = "server=xxxx; user=xxxx; pwd=xxxx; database=xxxx;"        With comm            .Connection = New SqlConnection(strconn)            .CommandText = strsql            .CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure            With .Parameters.Add("TeacherID", SqlDbType.Char)                .Value = ""            End With            With .Parameters.Add("ClassID", SqlDbType.Int)                .Value = classid            End With            With .Parameters.Add("sID", SqlDbType.Int)                .Value = ssID            End With            With .Parameters.Add("sLastName", SqlDbType.Char)                .Value = lastname            End With            With .Parameters.Add("sFirstName", SqlDbType.Char)                .Value = firstname            End With            With .Parameters.Add("sMiddleName", SqlDbType.Char)                .Value = middlename            End With            With .Parameters.Add("Student", SqlDbType.Char)                .Value = fullname            End With            With .Parameters.Add("Password", SqlDbType.Char)                .Value = password            End With            .Connection.Open()            .ExecuteNonQuery()            With comm.Connection                If .State = ConnectionState.Open Then                    .Close()                End If            End With        End With
The error was:  Error converting data type char to int.
The stored procedure in sql server was as follows 
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_Roster     -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here@TeacherID varchar(50),@ClassID  int,@sID int,@sLastName varchar(50),@sFirstName varchar(50),@sMiddleName varchar(50),@Student varchar(50),@Password varchar(50)ASBEGIN    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from    -- interfering with SELECT statements.    SET NOCOUNT ON;    -- Insert statements for procedure here    INSERT INTO Roster (TeacherID, ClassID, sID, sLastName, sFirstName, sMiddleName, Student, Password) VALUES (@TeacherID, @ClassID, @sID, @sLastName, @sFirstName, @sMiddleName, @Student, @Password)ENDGO
The error also says "sqlexception was unhandled by user code.
This is strange because this code worked perfectly when connecting to Access and when I used oledb. 
So how is it the code's problem?  Is the stored procedure causing the error or the code.  Can someone please help. thanks. 
<Edited by Dinakar Nethi>
Please mask your useird/pwd info in the connection string when posting to a public forum like this

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Sql Server Stored Procedures Grouping

Feb 25, 2008

In Oracle database we can group our stored procedures in packets. It is very useful when we are creating big business solutions with hundreds stored procedures. Can we do something like this in SQL server? 

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Debugging SQL SERVER Stored Procedures

Jun 8, 2005

I don't see the option to debug a stored procedure. I right click on
the procedure and should'nt it appear in the properties window. Do I
need to install some extra component to get the debugger.

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How Do You Transfer Stored Procedures To Another SQL Server?

Jan 28, 2006

How do you transfer stored procedures from SQL Express 2005 to MS SQL 200 ?  I am using the Personal home page starter kit and also need to know if I have to attach and detach the database to my ISP's server?thanks,

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Stored Procedures In MSSQL Server

May 6, 2006

hi, anyone can guide me on how to create stored procedures in MS SQL Server?

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SQL Server 7.0 System Stored Procedures

May 1, 2001

About a year ago we inherited a SQL server (7.0) from another division of our company. The time has come to migrate the SQL Server functionality onto a new machine. Before I do this though, I need to figure out what the initial installation configuration was so I can set up the new server with the same specs. I am looking for a system stored procedure(s) that can tell me the following:

Case sensitivity, accent sensitivity, SQL build (SP), character set, etc. Basically I need to know what checkboxes were ticked during the initial set up of the server.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. TIA.

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Versioning SQL Server Stored Procedures With VSS?

Oct 19, 1999

Hi everyone,

Is versioning SQL Server 7.0 stored procedures with VSS possible? If so,
how? How are people versioning stored procedures out there?

Thanks in advance...

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Exporting Stored Procedures In Sql Server

Nov 8, 2004


Does anyone know how to export all stored procedures attached to a database (MS SQL Server) into a sql script. Please help.


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Wildcards In SQL Server Stored Procedures

Jul 20, 2005

I thought this problem would go away over the Christmas holiday, butof course it did not. I'm trying to write a stored procedureincorporating wildcards, so I can search for variations. Example, ifname 'Smith' is submitted, sproc should retrieve all recordscontaining 'John Smith', 'Zenia Smith', 'Smithfield & Co.' You get theidea.Using SQL Query Analyzer, the queryselect * from filewhere name like '%smith%'works like a charm.But if I write a stored procedure declaring the variable @name andusing a where clause 'where name like '%@name%'', I get zero results.The query doesn't bomb. It just doesn't produce anything - even thoughI know there are records that meet the criteria.Any ideas? Or are sprocs and wildcards incompatible?

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Calling Sql Server Stored Procedures From C#

Apr 3, 2008

I have a simple stored procedure:

create procedure sp_testres

@mult1 int,

@mult2 int,

@result int output


select @result = (10*@mult1) + @mult2


When I call it

declare @result int

exec sp_testres 5, 6, @result output

print @result

(Result is correctly shown as 56).

I then in C# wrote the following:

m_cmd.CommandText = "sp_testres";

SqlParameter param2 = new SqlParameter("@mult2", SqlDbType.Int);

param2.Value = 6;

SqlParameter param1 = new SqlParameter("@mult1", SqlDbType.Int);

param1.Value = 5;

SqlParameter param3 = new SqlParameter("@result", SqlDbType.Int);

param3.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

m_cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;





This works and param3.Value holds the result value.
I also notice that I can supply the parameters in any order, and things work fine.

What I want to know is: can I call the stored procedure with parameters, where I haven't supplied the parameter name, and just rely on the parameter order matching instead?

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Force SQL Server To Recompile Stored Procedures Every Time They Run (SQL Server 7/2000)

Apr 27, 2005

This is a solution for a very specific problem, and it's one that you'll hardly ever use, but it's important to know about that one scenario where it can save your neck. Ordinarily, stored procedures are only recompiled if they're no longer in the procedure cache. But if a stored procedure's execution plan is still in the cache, then SQL Server reuses the compiled storedprocedure and its existing execution plan. This is almost always the best course of action. Almost always, but not always.Sometimes, however, reusing an existing plan doesn't offer the most efficient performance. Imagine, for example, that your stored procedure accepts a parameter that determines the natureof a JOIN operation. The results can vary in a big way, so you wouldn't want your procedure to be locked into an execution plan that might be completely inappropriate for that JOIN. In a highlyspecialized case like this, you might want to force SQL Server to recompile the procedure every time the procedure runs. Doing so comes at a performance cost, but this might be offset by thesavings you gain in not executing the procedure with an awful compiled execution plan. Consider carefully whether to use this approach (or whether to re-engineer the over-design of yourapplication to avoid this situation in the first place). Should you need to instruct SQL Server to recompile each time, add the WITH RECOMPILE directive to the procedure, like this:    CREATE PROCEDURE ProcName        @Param int /* ... other parameters */        WITH RECOMPILE    AS /* ... procedure code follows */
If we omit "WITH RECOMPILE", what will be the consequence? Thanks

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SQL Server 2005 Stored Procedures Running On Server 2003 Machines

Jan 20, 2006

Stupid question but please be gentle and answer anyway please....

Background: We have SQL Server 2003 (32bit) running on our servers. Our .Net applications (from old release of VS) are still running on them and using the old databases. From what I understand there is no immediate plans to upgrade the servers. However the developers were just given this new upgrade (2005) SQL Server and VS (and fixing depreciated code etc in the .net apps).

Question: Can the applications and new stored procedures written via the 2005 environment be deployed successfully on the 2003 Servers? Same goes with Reporting Services?

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SQL Server 2005: Copying Tables And Stored Procedures Between Databases On Same Server

Mar 5, 2008

This question is about SQL Server 2005:
I have been trying to figure out how to copy tables and stored procedures between 2 databases (on the same server) using SQL Server Management Studio. I have tried right clicking on the table name, "script table as", "drop to", "clipboard", then I click on the 2nd database, and then click on the "tables" . I change the name of the database and click "execute". This creates the table but does not copy the data. I have also tried "create to" "clipboard" and "insert to" "clipboard" and cannot seem to be able to figure out how to get the results that I want. I am new at this but need to get the tables with the data copied along with the stored procedures, even if I have to do them one at a time. When I was using SQL Server 2000, I was able to use DTS to copy objects to other databases easily. Can someone please tell me a way to accomplish what I need to do? I have gotten information here before that was very useful and was hoping that someone can help me again.Thank you so much. Carol Quinn

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Unable To Find Stored Procedures On Server

Aug 8, 2007

I have just successfully published an web app and db to a server
but when the web app tries to use a stored procedure it says that
it cannot find stored my data base......eeeer
anyone had this problem

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