Best Way To Set User Vars Based On Query

Mar 1, 2008

what's the best way to set user vars in ssis from a query. I have some components that set a from and to date in a table. I'd like to select those values right into some user vars in the pkg.

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Select Record Based On Multiple Criteria (vars)

Apr 17, 2008

Hi! I'm new to SQL and have a question...

I'm writing a script that gathers a few variables from an outside source, then queries a table and looks for a record that has the exact values of those variables. If the record is not found, a new record is added. If the record is found, nothing happens.

Basically my SELECT statement looks something like this, then is followed by an If... Else statement

WHERE LastName = varLastName
AND FirstName = varFirstName
AND Address = varAddress

If RecordSet.EOF = True Then
'Item Not Found, add new record
'code to add new record......
'Item Found, do nothing
End If


Even when I try to delete the If.. statement and simply display the records, it comes up as blank. Is the syntax correct for my SELECT statement??

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User Vars Of Type String Initialized To Nulls Not Passing Correctly To Sp

Feb 24, 2008

i defined 3 pkg scope user variables of type string in the ssis variables window, typed null as their value, and tried passing them (thru exec sql task) to an sp who expects 3 varchar(23) params.

The sp is blowing up because their values arent null.

The sql task command reads exec sp_name ?,?,?. In the sql task editor's param mapping window, I have each param listed with direction "input", data type varchar and the individual sp params in the parameter name column. I think the plumbing is set up correctly because I'm fine when I send the System Variable StartTime as a 4th param to the sp with data type DATE on the ssis end and datetime on the sp end.

Does anyone know if ssis string and engine varchar are incompatible or perhaps if null in the variables window doesnt initialize variables?

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Query Building Based On User Selections

Sep 22, 2006

I currently have a form that has different options in a list box such as:Status Codes

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SQL 2012 :: How To Execute One Query From SP Based On User Selection

Dec 22, 2014

I have a SSRS report with 6 columns each column containing count of total# of applicants meeting certain criteria.
User want to click on each column and see the basic information and also want to get the ability to export the data into excel.

I know that I can create 6 drillthrough reports with basic information of applicants and link it to the count from each column respectively but I was wondering if it is possible to write a Stored procedure with all 6 select queries and execute only 1 select query based on the column that user clicks on main report ?

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Vars In From Clause

Oct 12, 1999


I've a dude about the "from" clause. I want execute a query where the from clause has variables wich repesent table names. Example:

select <..,..,>
from @var1, @var2

Can I do that? How?

I hope your help. Thanks in advance.

Francisco Castillo.

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Passing Vars To An In Statment

May 9, 2008

i am going mad. when i hardcode my usernames into my in statment i get the results i expect...

Select u.UserID from dbo.[User] u where u.UserName in ('iresponsejamie.seaton','iresponsephil.smith)


but when i use a variable with more than one user in it and pass that into my in clause i get nothing returned when i should have the same result set.

DECLARE @CollectorList VarChar(100)

Set @CollectorList= '''iresponsejamie.seaton'',''iresponsephil.smith'''

Select u.UserID from dbo.[User] u where u.UserName in (@CollectorList)


as i said if i use - Set @CollectorList= 'iresponsejamie.seaton' - it works fine but when i include another user - Set @CollectorList= '''iresponsejamie.seaton'',''iresponsephil.smith''' - i get nothing back.

any ideas guys

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Set Vars In Stored Proc To First And Last Day Of Year

Aug 8, 2006


Nice simple question from someone making there way with their first stored prcoedure. I am editing a procedure where I have hardcoded the two date variables to 01/01/06 and 31/12/06.

How could I make this year sensitive so that next year the variables are set to 01/01/07 and 31/12/07 automatically.

Many Thanks

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Dynamic Stored Procedures Uses Vars Only

Oct 7, 2006

Hi there,

I would like to know how to create Dynamic stored procedure which defines TableName as a Variable and return all fields from this Table.

And also how to Dynamicly create a sp_GetNameByID (for instance)

using vars only.


It would be very helpfull to me if you could give links of Dynamic SQL tutorials from which i can learn.

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How To Sum A Column Depending Of Another Colum Into Different Vars?

May 20, 2006

Hi all, I am trying to sum a column into different variables depending on another column. Let me explain my self better with an example

DECLARE @Initial decimal(18,2), @incomings decimal(18,2), @outgoings decimal(18,2)

@initial = CASE WHEN type = 1 THEN SUM(amount) END,
@incomings = CASE WHEN type = 2 THEN SUM(amount) END,
@outgoings = CASE WHEN type = 3 THEN SUM(amount) END,
FROM Transactions
WHERE date = '05/14/2006' AND STATION = 'apuyinc'
GROUP BY type, amount

What I am trying to do is to sum all of the incomings transactions into @incomings, all of the outgoing transactions into @outgoings and the initial transaction into @initial where
The incoming transactions is type 2,
outgoing transactions is type 3

Thanks for the help


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Declaring And Setting Vars In A Stored Procedure

Feb 2, 2008


I have a stored procedure that prompts the user for a year and
a month. Based on the month selected, I need to determine
the number of days in that month.

I have tried declaring variables to use to calculate number
of days in month and a counter, but they are not
working. When I try to run this it says I have to prompt user for
these as well. How do I declare and set a variable inside
a stored procedure.

Sample of my code is below...

REATE PROCEDURE crm_contact_frequency_report

@TheYear varchar(4),
@TheMonth integer,

@MyCount integer,
@NumDays integer



/* EMAILS (B) */
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.CampaignResponse A
INNER JOIN Email B ON A.subject = B.subject
WHERE (YEAR(B.CreatedOn) = @TheYear) AND (MONTH(B.CreatedOn) = @TheMonth)
AND (B.directioncode = 1)
) AS Total_EmailOutgoing,

(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.CampaignResponse A
INNER JOIN Email B ON A.subject = B.subject
WHERE (YEAR(B.CreatedOn) = @TheYear) AND (MONTH(B.CreatedOn) = @TheMonth)
AND (B.directioncode = 0)
) AS Total_EmailImconing,

(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.CampaignResponse A
INNER JOIN Email B ON A.subject = B.subject
WHERE (YEAR(B.CreatedOn) = @TheYear) AND (MONTH(B.CreatedOn) = @TheMonth)
AND (B.directioncode IS NULL)
) AS Total_EmailNotListed,

(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.CampaignResponse A
INNER JOIN Email B ON A.subject = B.subject
WHERE (YEAR(B.CreatedOn) = @TheYear) AND (MONTH(B.CreatedOn) = @TheMonth)
) AS Total_All_Emails,

(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.CampaignResponse A
INNER JOIN PhoneCall C ON A.subject = C.subject
WHERE (YEAR(C.CreatedOn) = @TheYear) AND (MONTH(C.CreatedOn) = @TheMonth)
AND (C.directioncode = 1)
) AS Total_CallOutgoing,

(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.CampaignResponse A
INNER JOIN PhoneCall C ON A.subject = C.subject
WHERE (YEAR(C.CreatedOn) = @TheYear) AND (MONTH(C.CreatedOn) = @TheMonth)
AND (C.directioncode = 0)
) AS Total_CallIncoming,

(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.CampaignResponse A
INNER JOIN PhoneCall C ON A.subject = C.subject
WHERE (YEAR(C.CreatedOn) = @TheYear) AND (MONTH(C.CreatedOn) = @TheMonth)
AND (C.directioncode IS NULL)
) AS Total_CallNotListed,

(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.CampaignResponse A
INNER JOIN PhoneCall C ON A.subject = C.subject
WHERE (YEAR(C.CreatedOn) = @TheYear) AND (MONTH(C.CreatedOn) = @TheMonth)
) AS Total_All_Calls,

/* FAXES (D) */
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.CampaignResponse A
INNER JOIN Fax D ON A.subject = D.subject
WHERE (YEAR(D.CreatedOn) = @TheYear) AND (MONTH(D.CreatedOn) = @TheMonth)
AND (D.directioncode = 1)
) AS Total_FaxOutgoing,

(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.CampaignResponse A
INNER JOIN Fax D ON A.subject = D.subject
WHERE (YEAR(D.CreatedOn) = @TheYear) AND (MONTH(D.CreatedOn) = @TheMonth)
AND (D.directioncode = 0)
) AS Total_FaxIncoming,

(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.CampaignResponse A
INNER JOIN Fax D ON A.subject = D.subject
WHERE (YEAR(D.CreatedOn) = @TheYear) AND (MONTH(D.CreatedOn) = @TheMonth)
AND (D.directioncode IS NULL)
) AS Total_FaxNotListed,

(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.CampaignResponse A
INNER JOIN Fax D ON A.subject = D.subject
WHERE (YEAR(D.CreatedOn) = @TheYear) AND (MONTH(D.CreatedOn) = @TheMonth)
) AS Total_All_Faxes

FROM CampaignResponse A

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Asssigning Values To Multiple Vars In A SP In One Go (without Temp Table)

Feb 22, 2007

I have to select several field values from a table and need to assign them to different variables in my SP.Here's what I do now:
declare @ReceiverEmail nvarchar(50)
SET @ReceiverEmail=(SELECT Email FROM Users WHERE UserCode=@UserCodeOwner)
declare @UsernameSender nvarchar(50)
SET @UsernameSender=(SELECT Username FROM Users WHERE UserCode=@UserCodeOwner)As you can see I have to search the Users table twice: once for the Email and a second time for the Username...and all that based on the SAME usercode...:SSo, is there an option where I only have to search the table once and return the Email and UserName fields and assign them to my variables (without using a temp table....)?

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Search Based On User Input

Jul 25, 2007

I have a search page that allows users to type/select values contined within the entry they're looking for. My SELECT statement returns columns in a table that get compared to the user input. So if someone selected Status (Open) then all of the 'Open' Request entries should populate the search page. How do I phrase the SELECT statement to compare values if the user gives them, but ignore the fields where no data was input when it's searching? So a search where no values were entered would return every Request Entry instead of an error; no entry.

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Selective Updates Based On User

Nov 27, 2007

We have a Table that contains a schedule. The schedule has certain pieces of information that are required to be updated by certain members of the
organization, specifically Shift, Start Date, and Line. Each record also has a column for the customer that it is for.

The schedule has a Column, [CSR] which lists the name of the person who is responsible for updating it. Format of that is domainnamejohndoe

What we would like to do is block domainnamejohndoe from being able to update or insert on any of the records that he is not responsible for.

So if he attempts to change the shift for example, it denies the change and possible pops up an error indicating that the change was blocked because he is not the responsible party.

Input in this is through a query which views the table data in MS Access. It cannot be moved to a Form without some serious redesign, so I cannot put the block in there. I assumed that this could be blocked with a Trigger that checks the [CSR] column, matches it to the logged in user through the suser_sname(suser_sid()) and then either allows or denies the update.

So is this a viable idea, or should I explore the move to an input form and make the change there in MS Access via VBA.

At first we started with just an audit trail, but I started to think that the audit trail would be needed only for records that should be allowed to be changed and that we should deny changes to those who are not allowed to make them.

Below is the audit trail trigger, I figure that the change should occur somewhere within that first IF statement, or make the first IF the second, and the first should be the permission check.

At this point I am stuck as to how to block the updates. I tried using Deny but that was not working. Filtering the results by only showing the logged in user their records is not an option as they need visibility to the entire schedule.

This is for SQL 2000 SP4/Windows 2000 SP4

CREATE TRIGGER audit_mschange
ON dbo.T_PP_Table_2
FOR update AS
IF (UPDATE([Start Dt]) OR Update(shift) or Update
or Update(status) or Update (line))


(ord_no,line_tank_old,line_tank_new,shift_old,shif t_new,comments_old,comments_new,status_old,status_ new,trx_dt,trx_username,

SELECT ins.[PP Ord No],
del.status, ins.status,
del.[Start Dt],
ins.[Start Dt]
FROM inserted ins, deleted del
WHERE ins.[PP Ord No]=del.[PP Ord No] AND
ins.autonumber=del.autonumber AND
(ins.status <> del.status OR ins.[Start Dt] <>
del.[Start Dt] or ins.status <> del.status
or ins.comments <> del.comments or ins.line <>
del.line )

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Calculating Totals Based On User ID

Sep 14, 2013

I have created an SQL report that returns order data from a shop DB.

How can you get the output to total the number of order instances and the total value of those orders, both per user_id? Is this possible?

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User Accounts Based Start-up

Oct 24, 2006


I would like to know whether it is possible to start-up SQL Server for selective user accounts in Windows XP.

Say I have 2 user accounts - A and B.

I want A to use SQL Server 2005, but dont want B to use the engine.

Is it possible my any means?

Thanx in advance.

Best Wishes.

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Dynamic WHERE Operator Based On User Input

Oct 17, 2007

Let's say I have a table with 3 fields: an ID field (primary key, set as an id field, etc.), a Name field (nvarchar50), and an Age field (int). I have a form that has three elements:
DropDownList1: This drop down list contains 3 choices- "=", ">", and "<".
Age: This text box is where someone would enter a number.
Button1: This is the form's submit button.
I want someone to be able to search the database for entries where the Age is either equal to ("="), greater than (">"), or less than ("<") whatever number they enter into TextBox1.
The code-behind is shown below. The part I'm confused about is that if I load this page, the query works the -first- time. Then, if I try to change the parameters in the form and submit it, I get the following error:
"The variable name '@Age' has already been declared. Variable names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure."
Any help would be appreciated.
Here is what I'm using in my code behind:
    protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)    {        System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();        sb.Append("SELECT * FROM People WHERE Age ");        switch (DropDownList1.SelectedValue)        {            case "=":                sb.Append("= ");                break;            case ">":                sb.Append("> ");                break;            case "<":                sb.Append("< ");                break;        }        sb.Append("@Age");        SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = sb.ToString();        SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters.Add("Age", TypeCode.Int32, Age.Text);    }

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Connection String Based On Current User

Oct 23, 2007

Hi All,
His there any way to build a connection string to sql server based on the current user credential?
I mean, intead of using
user id=Adminpassword=adminPass
Is it possible to do something like
user id= Context.User.IDpass=???
I'm asking cause, iI don't want to use impersonisation in my code.So that I can be sure logged user only sees what they can
(I'm a newbie, so this whole thing may makes no point(thanks for clarifying

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How To Show Partial Report Based On User

Mar 18, 2008

Hi, I am new to SSRS. Is there a way to show part of a report based on User. Say we have a report consisting data for all department. When a department director view it, the report only display data for his/her department. Can this be achieved in SSRS? Thank you in advance for your help.

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Display Report Based On User Role

Oct 30, 2007

I have created reports using SSRS 2005 and deployed in ReportServer.

I calling these reports form my web application.Users have different roles based on their login into web application.I need check these user roles and display the reports based on their roles. There could be 10 reports in total, but for this user i should display only 4 out of them. Its pretty urgent. Can somebhelp on this?

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Showing Data Based On The User Logged In.

Feb 25, 2008

Assume I have a heirarchy like the following:

- John Smith

- James Jones
- Robert Allen

- Lisa Andrews
- Bob Thompson

Now, I have a report where whoever is logged in will only see data for themselves and those below them, so John Smith would see everyone including himself, but Lisa Andres would only see herself and Bob Thompson. James Jones would be able to see everyone except John Smith.

How do I go about implementing this code, for example in an page where one of the user's logs on to view the report. Currently, there is a T-SQL function that creates a user heirarchy table, but it is very slow and I am curious if SSRS 2005 has any new capabilities in handling this.


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Jan 18, 2007

I am using a SSAS cube as my data source for my reports. I have set up the roles on the cube and that works fine.

However, in my reports I want to be able to restrict the report filters based on the user that logs in.

E.G. we have a list of users from different countries. if a user from the US logs in then the country filter should have only USA in it. If a Japan user logs in then the country list should have only Japan.

Currently, the country filter still has all the countries but the logged in user can only get data for his country. I want that list to only be populated with user country only.

I think it has something to do with the dataset that is populating the country list but I have no idea as to how to fix it.

Any help will be appreciated.

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Filtering Data Based On Logged In User

Mar 10, 2008

Is this level of security possible in RS 2005? if so how?

Any guidance would be appreciated.


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Filter SqlDataSource Select Based On Membership User Name

Jul 11, 2006

I am running into an issue trying to declaratively set up a SqlDataSource.  I want to be able to filter some of my queries based on the user that is currently logged into the web site.  I want to do it Declaratively as that's one of my favorite 2.0 features.Is there any way to do this with the Membership information?  I know I can use the code behind to set the parameter, or store the User Name in Session Variable, and use a <asp:SessionParameter> but I think there should be a way to bind directly to the Membership user...Am I missing another option, or is there no built in way to do this?  Any other suggestions...Thanks

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Changing SQL Server Connection String Based On User.

Mar 1, 2007

I’m working with a team of programmers who are in the process of upgrading an older ASP application to ASP.NET 2.0 (VB).  The existing application connects to the SQL Server Database using different Logins, depending on the User logged into the ASP Application.
We are hoping to do the same using ASP.NET 2.0, although we haven’t been able to find a simple solution.  The most feasible solution we have found includes programmatically trapping all the Selecting etc events and changing the SqlConnection at run time.  This allow for ease during Designing of the Web Pages, but implementation requires adding code to each web page (>100 pages).
We are hoping there may be a simple solution which can be implemented once for the application where the event can be trapped at the application level, and the SqlConnection set at this point.  Or possibly another type of solution such as creating a new class etc that can be used?
Does anyone have a simple solution where the username / password for the Database Connection can be set at run time?

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Creating Table Based On A User Defined Tabletype

Mar 13, 2014

I have my defined table type created with

Name varchar(10) NOT NULL,
ValueDate date NOT NULL,
TenorSize smallint NOT NULL,
TenorUnit char(1) NOT NULL,
Rate float NOT NULL
PRIMARY KEY (Name, ValueDate, TenorSize, TenorUnit)

and I would like to create a table of this type. From this answer [URL] .... the suggestion was to try

CREATE TABLE dbo.MyNewTable AS dbo.MyTableType

which produced the following error message in my SQL Server Express 2012:

> Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'OF'.

Is this not supported by SQL Server Express? If so, could I create it some other way, for example using `DECLARE`?

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Security For Row Level But Not Based On Database User's Login

Apr 21, 2006

HiI need to set security for row level but not based on Database user'slogin. It should be based on the user table login. For the particularuser I need to allow only the particular records to access insert,update delete and select.Let me explain clearlyFor example think we are using asp/ websiteEg:www.test.comSo take this is our website and if you try this URL then you will get awindow for Login name and password.For example the Login name is windows user name (Here windows usermeans server windows user and not client) and windows password. So ifyou have login user id you can able to login in our site and we haveanother check. We have our own usertable this table consist all theuser login names and user rights. We will check the windows user whologin in our site has rights in the usertable I mean he is present inthe usertable if he is not present then we will display a message youhave no rights to access this site.If he has login id in our usertable then he allowed viewing ourpages. Still if he has the login id we will check the user who loginhas how much right to access to each page and the records of each tableits all depend on the user rights.So, here I need the row level security. For each and every table weneed to check the corresponding user and executing the record producelot of business logic problem for us.So after the user login we need automatically to set row levelsecurity for all the tables. Based on the user who login.So from there if we try select * from <tablename> then we can only ableto get the allowed records to select, insert, update, delete.Please can some one help how to solve this?Note:For some help you can refer the below URL (See in that they only givenabout the row level and column level security for each database usersnot for our required concept) in advanceRams

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Passing Parameter To Subreport Based On User Action.

Sep 12, 2007

I have a main report and a subreport. Subreport is not at row level but is at report level. The sub report has a parameter that needs to be passed from mainreport. However, the subreport's parameter should be set and the subreport should be refreshed when the user clicks on a row in mainreport. Can I use drill-through / navigation feature in any way to build this functionality?

Any help will be most appreciated.

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How To Design Dynamic Reports Based On User's Choice

Dec 13, 2006

Hi all,

I'm a beginner to Report Services, and have tons of questions.

Here's the first one:

if the reports are created based on the condition that the user selects, how can I create the reports with Report Services?

For example,

the user can select the fields that will be shown on the reports, as well as the group fields, the sort fields and restrict fields. So I would not be able to pre-create all possible reports and deploy them to the report server, and I think I should create the reports dynamicly based on what the user select.

Could someone tell me how to do it (create and deploy the reports)?

Thanks a million!


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Controlling Export Formats Based On User Role

Apr 26, 2007

I'm using Reporting Services 2000 and I have a situation where I need to specify the file formats available to export. I know I can change the RSReportServer.config file to change these at a global level, but what I really need is to be able to configure these differently for different user groups. For example:

group 1 - has all available export formats available

group 2 - only has the ability to export to excel

group 3 - has no option to export to any format.

Is there a way for this to be done? If so, can anybody give me any pointers on how it can be done?

Any help given will be most appreciated!!

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Report Builder - Data Model Based On User Id

Oct 18, 2007

I am trying to develop a data model that will filter data based on the user logged in. SUSER_SNAME()
I have a list of User Id's in a look up table, a where clause in a view that filters the data based on who is logged in. This works fine and the data even seems to be filtered when I explore the data in the Data Source View. How ever when I publish the data model to the reporting services site and use report builder the user logged in is no longer recognized. All I am really trying to do is set up report builder so that users can generate reports and only have access to thier data via a customer number. I just can't allow users to see other users data and I don't want to set up a different datasource view for each user. Does any one have any experience with this?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Query To Find User Who Last Modified User Roles / Access?

Dec 6, 2013

I would like to know if there is a way to find out who changed a users roles/access WITHOUT using the audit function. For example, if a user account was created and given SA access then changed to read only, how can I find out who made that change? I tried searching for an answer, but kept getting no results. I'm thinking this may tie into the sys.sysusers view?

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Select Based On User Identity Name Included In Insert Into Second Table

Aug 25, 2006

I am having issues getting this to work.  I have the user login to a page to
put in a request for vacation.  When they login, I have a label that isn't
visible that is equal to their User.Identity.Name.
I select the user from the employee table where the username = the label User
Identity Name and pull in the emp_id which is the primary key that identifies
the user. 
I need to insert the request into the request table with the emp_id from the
select statement, without showing the em_id on the screen.  I tried using a
hidden field and assigning the emp_id as the value, but it isn't working. 
Not sure if this is the best way to do this.  Really new to ASP.NET 2.0 so I
really appreciate any help.
Thank you!

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