Bp Server With The Lowest Price

May 25, 2004

bp server with the lowest price

Our company is a proffesional deticated bullet proof server and general server provider in china. If you're looking for a reliable and long term cooperation bp server provider, it deservers you to read our company file to know more about us.

we have the lowest price for bp server.


ICQ:226745581 MSN:dqkj#hotmail.com

ICQ:329211498 MSN:jiemie11#hotmail.com

Email: serverinchina#yahoo.com.cn
Website: www.mailinchina.com www.serverinchina.com

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SQL Server 2014 :: Get Product Config With Lowest Price

Feb 16, 2015

I Have 3 Tables

How to Get This Result :

ProductId - ProductConfigId (With Min Price) -MinPrice - HasGift

1 > 3 > 70 > 1
2 > 4 > 700 > 1
3 > 7 > 820 > 0
5 > 9 > 55 > 1

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TBL_Product](
[ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[ProductName] [varchar](100) NULL
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TBL_ProductConfig](
[Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

[Code] .......

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Best Bp Servers And Lowest Price

Feb 11, 2007

(Spam Removed)

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Display Only The Listing With The Lowest Price (was Need A Little Help Here.....)

Mar 13, 2006

I have a little problem that I just haven't been able to solve. I don't think it is very difficult but I can't seem to make it work. Here's the scenario:

I have a database with the following values:
Model Make Price
DA1100 GTN$88.00
DA1100 GTN $100.00
DA1000 GBN$110.00
DA668 GTN$100.00
DA880 GTN$200.00

In this case DA1100 is listed twice with 2 different prices. I only want to display the one with the lowest price. So the result I want is:
Model Make Price
DA1100 GTN$88.00
DA1000 GBN$110.00
DA668 GTN$100.00
DA880 GTN$200.00

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Select Price For A Product Based On Price Break?

Dec 12, 2014

I have to add the unit price on the order acknowledgement for products on our shelf.

Each product has different price breaks stored in a table called MaterialUnitCost.

I don't know how to pull the correct price based on the order quantity.

Let's say the customer orders 200 pieces,

I sell 1 pcs @ $20
50 pcs @$15
200 pcs @$10.

My order acknowledgement should pull a unit price of $10, but it pulls $20 instead, because in my select statement I have

select materialunitcost.unitcost.

I thought I should do a loop or use the row_number function, but I am new to SQL, and I never used any of these two.

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Price X Quantity - Total Price

Jun 19, 2000

I am developing basket and need a simple way to get price x quantity + total price.

I get back a recordset which has a varying number of items, each item has a price and quantity. Using
SELECT ((productprice)*(productquantity)) AS subtotal, product name, productid

I don't know how to add all subtotals to get a total, I have tried putting in SUM but but cant get it to work.

Any help would be well appreciated.

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Updating Price Column Based On Another Price Column?

Aug 13, 2013

My dataset looks like this:

AB CIRCLE PRO199.99203

I need to update the price of an item where the CompanyID is 344 and the ShadowOf is not null. The value in ShadowOf is the same as the ID that I want to get the BuyDotComPrice for. It should be simple, but I keep getting errors.

I use Microsoft SQL 2008

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SQL Server 2012 :: Lowest Child In Recursive Query?

Jan 13, 2015

I have following input:

Childid varchar(20),
Parentid varchar(20)
SELECT '123' , null UNION ALL
SELECT '456' , '123' UNION ALL
SELECT '789' , '456' UNION ALL
SELECT '870' , '456' UNION ALL
SELECT '985' , '870';


Child IDParent ID
123 NULL
456 123
789 456
870 456
985 870

I am trying to populate lowest level child with path and depth...Output should be:

Child IDParent IDLast ChildPath Depth
123 NULL 789/123 1
456 123 789/123/456 2
789 456 789/123/456/789 3
123 NULL 985 /123 1
456 123 985/123/456 2
870 456 985/123/456/870 3
985 870 985/123/456/870/9854

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SQL Server 2012 :: Finding Lowest Level Descendants In Hierarchy

Mar 11, 2015

I've got a fairly large hierarchy table and I'm trying to put together a query to find the lowest level descendants of the hierarchy. I think there must be some way to use the "Breadth-first" approach that's stated in the MSDN technet sites about SQL Server HierarchyID but i'm not sure how to write the necessary T-SQL to traverse that. I know I can get all the descendants of a parent node like this

FROM AdventureWorks2012.HumanResources.Employee
WHERE OrganizationNode.IsDescendantOf(@ParentNode) = 1

However, this query returns all levels for that parent's branch. If I just wanted list of employees that were at the lowest level of the branch(es) for this parent node, how would I do this?

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High Price Of SQL Server 2000 Enterprice Edition

Oct 18, 2000


Why SQL Server 2000 Enterprice Edition price is so much higher than Standard Edition. I saw the SQL Server 2000 Editions Comparison and i did't find any good reasons.

Can you help me????



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SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition License && Price

Apr 24, 2007

What license (and price) is needed for distribute application build in SQL Server 2005 Express Edition?

SQL Server Reporting Services is include in this license?

Our users, those who get the application build in SQL Server 2005 Express Edition need license?

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SQL Server 2014 :: Combine Records That Are Identical And SUM Values In Price Field

Sep 30, 2015

I have a robust query that returns a dataset and the data is good, however some of the records contain the exact same data with the exception of the 'Price' field. I want to combine the records that are identical and SUM the values in the 'Price' field. My query and example return dataset is below.

select distinct
'On-Demand' as 'Business Line',
o.OrderID as 'Order #',
isnull(d.DisplayCode,'UNK') as Hub,
isnull(rz.RouteID,'UNK') as 'Default Route',
'On-Demand' as 'Assigned Route',

[Code] ....

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Lowest Cost

Nov 30, 2004

OK, this should be an easy one but my brain isn't quite working right now.

I have a table, we'll call Table1 like so:

ProductID Supplier Cost
12345 A 14.50
12345 B 13.49
12345 C 12.00
43222 A 15.00
43222 B 15.21
43222 C 13.99
12312 B 14.00
15421 A 21.99
15421 C 20.00

And I want to Get the name of the Supplier with the Lowest cost,
I know I can go like:

SELECT ProductID, MIN(Cost) FROM Table1 GROUP BY ProductID

and get the lowest cost, but what would be the most effiecent way to get all three fields returned by the query? I need the ProductID, Supplier and Cost.


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The Lowest Value Between Two Columns?

Sep 14, 2012


@AppId AS Application_Id
, MH.BFN_CHG_DATEAS Date_Of_Disinvestment
, AD.X_INVEST_AMT AS Original_Investment_Value
, MB.TOTAL_AMOUNT AS Encashment_Value
, WH.TOT_COMMISSION AS Top-Up_Commission

FROM: I select from lot of table, as specified from my select statement

My output:
AppId PolicyId Date_Of_DisIn Original_Inv Encashment_Value Top-Up_Commision ???
1-1-1; 1000000; Jan-01-12; 2882.07; 3312.00; 2306; ??

My Aliases returns just one values, of which that's what I am expecting, so I need to make a comparison between Original_Investment_Value and (Encashment_Value + Top-Up_Commision), and return the lowest value

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Get Lowest Date

Jul 23, 2005

Is there a more elegant way to do the following?...declare @d1 datetime, @d2 datetimeset @d1 = '2005-01-01'set @d2 = '2005-02-01'selectcasewhen datediff(dd,@d2,@d1)is nullthen coalesce(@d1, @d2)when (datediff(dd,@d2,@d1)> 0)then @d2else @d1endCheers,..N

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How To Insert A Row With Lowest Possible Key?

Aug 29, 2007

Hi, this seems to be an easy question but I can't find a quick answer to it.
I have an asp page that communicates with a database and I want the following example to work...

Insert 5 records into the DB with primary keys 1-5.
Remove record with key number 2.

Now, if I insert a new record I want it to take the smallest available key number (in this case number 2). This will save space in the database and keep the key numbers from increasing forever.

Does auto increment work like this?
If not, how do I do it?

Thanks for any replies!

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Find Lowest Value In 3 Columns

Jun 2, 2008

Im having trouble finding a solution to comparing columns to find the lowest value.


Row 1

COL 1 = 10
COL 2 = 20
COL 3 = 60
COL 4 = 5
COL 5 = 35

I would want to return 5.

I tried to write a case statement such as below but am unable to use Logical Operators.

WHEN C1 <= C2 and C1<= C3 THEN C1

any help would be great.


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Select Row With The Lowest Value In Column

Dec 20, 2007

I'm using sql express 2005. I need help with buliding a view.

I'm trying to join two tables and then, if duplicate ID's exist, retrieve the row with the lowest value in a specific column.

For instance:


ID Name Status

001 The Smith€™s A

002 The Jone€™s A

003 The Adam€™s A

004 The Grant€™s A


Pk HouseholdID ResidentID Name Gender

1 001 1 Mary Smith F

2 001 2 Jason Smith M

3 001 3 Rachel Smith F

4 002 1 Mike Jones M

5 002 2 Sara Jones F

6 003 2 Erik Adams M

The resident ID is auto increment and assigned by the server. It is possible for resident 1 for each household to have been deleted. It is also possible that a household does not contain any residents. Therefore, I wish to join these tables and return this:

ID HouseHoldName Status ResidentName Gender

001 The Smith€™s A Mary Smith F

002 The Jone€™s A Mike Jones M

003 The Adam€™s A Erik Adams M

004 The Grant€™s A null null

There are other columns in both tables that I will want to join, but for simplicity, the above example illustrates my need.

I was able to accomplish this by creating two views. But I€™d like to try and do this in one.

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Stored Procedure Lowest Priority

Jul 13, 2006

I have a long stored procedure that performs some inserts and updates on the table that users are accessing through a user interface. We this stored procedure runs users experience slowness, is there any way I can get the stored procedure runs with a lowest priority so that user will be able to perform their tasks first.

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Finding Lowest Value In A Table Greater Than A Certain Value?

Dec 19, 2013

finding the first value to cross a specific threshold in SQL Server

LoadTemp1 LoadTemp2 LoadTemp3 TimeStamp
300 350 200 12-10-2013 13:30
177 238 333 12-10-2013 13:05
240 190 170 12-10-2013 12:45

How do I design query to find the first LoadTemp* that cross a threshold of 340 degrees per TimeStamp.

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Difference Between The Highest And Lowest Salaries

May 8, 2007

I need to display the difference between the highest and lowest salaries. Label the column DIFFERENCE. like below:

From what I came up with is should look something like so:

<b>SQL> select * from 'salary' order by salary desc limit
select * from 'salary' order by salary desc limit 1,1 </b>


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Retrieve Next Lowest Number In Mixed Set

Oct 4, 2007

Let's say I have a result set (records) containing numbers such as:01239162145100101102103104105106How might someone write a procedure to get the next lowest number inthis sequence? In this case it would be: 4. Some combination ofSelect, Min & When, I am sure, but it escapes me at the moment.Thoughts? Thanks...

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Stored Procedure Lowest Priority

Jul 13, 2006


I have a long stored procedure that performs some inserts and updates on the table that users are accessing through a user interface. We this stored procedure runs users experience slowness, is there any way I can get the stored procedure runs with a lowest priority so that user will be able to perform their tasks first.

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Lowest Year And Month From Entire Database

Apr 4, 2012

I am attempting to only query the lowest year, and month from my entire production database. I am using the following query and when I do it individually it will bring back the lowest year but also with additional years. How can I remove those other years so I can only query the lowest year and month from the entire database?

select distinct RRCID, MIN(YEAR)as YEAR, MONTH
from Gas_Prodv1
where RRCID = 1221376
group by RRCID, MONTH
order by YEAR, MONTH

122137620071 <----- Only want this record

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Selecting Lowest DateTime If It Meets Some Conditions

Dec 6, 2012

ID (PK), userID (FK), from [Datetime], to[datetime], type [int] , value [nvarchar]

I want to select the column "to" which is a datetime-column for all users within the table.

One user can have multiple registered rows in "mytable", so I want to select the row that contains the newest "from" date.The newest "from"-column for a specific user is where I am struggling... Because if the "to"-column of any of the registered rows by the current user is equal to the newest "from -1 day" column for the user, I want to select the second newest from-date.

DECLARE @from DATETIME //Current Selected datetime [the newest of the current user doing the query]
DECLARE @id INT //userID
DECLARE @tbl TABLE (from datetime, userid int)


But for user ID 201 [all users with Type = 1], I need to run through some more code, to figure out which date we want... Which date do I want? The "from"-date that is the newest, but if "to" is just 1 day before "from", I want to select the "from" at that row instead... Example with numbers [integers] instead of Date:

From - To
5 8
10 15
16 20

I want to select "10" in the from column as the maximum "from"-integer, and not 16. Because in the "To" column we have a match in the "from" column on the condition "To + 1" [15+ 1 == 16], so then I want the "from" value where "To" equals 15, which is 10. The top row I do not want, because the difference between From and To [10 - 8 is larger than 1]...

This means that the Image shown... I am first selecting the "1", then I do some checks, if the "to" for the user is 1 day earlier than the MAX(from) I grab a new "from" value...

SELECT MIN (t1.from) FROM table as t1
t1.from IN
SELECT t2.to+ 1 FROM table as t2
WHERE t2.userID = @id

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Select Last 20 Records By Date Then Sum Lowest 10 Scores???

Jan 21, 2004

I have a table and am usuing ASP to query the database, the connection is to a MS Access table at the moment but am working to convert to SQL Server.


I need to select the last 20 records, by a date field, then from those 20 records select the 10 lowest scores.

Example is a member logs on an that member has say 80 total records in the table. Then I need to select the last 20 records entered by the date field then select the lowest 10 scores out of those 20.

I am new to more compex SQL Statements any help would be mostly appreciated!

table = HC_ID
date field = date
member_id = member
score = ScoreHC

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Problem Displaying Lowest Date From Two Fields

Nov 19, 2007


























I have a select query that looks like this

Select table1.id, table1.original_date,
(select €¦€¦..from €¦..) as Date1,
(select €¦€¦..from€¦..) as Date2
from table1

Date 1 and Date 2 are both complex subqueries that retrieve a date from other tables. I would like another column displaying the oldest date between date1 and date2. Can anyone help?

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Getting The Right Price

Feb 21, 2008

Hello all, I have a question. I have two tables, one called Products which is comprised of various lookup values for IDs. The sceond table is a join table where I enter through a tool that I built another series of lookup IDs for Product, Size, Color, Quantity and Price. Each product in the join table can have multiple entries because there is not one price for each product. Instead, based on the product size, color there are price breaks at certain quantities - for example if someone orders one dozen widgets then the price will be one amount, while if they order two dozen they will get a different price.

Here is an example:

Product table
ProductID ProductName Description
1 Widget This is a widget description...

ProductPrice tbl
ProductID ColorID SizeID QuantityID Price
1 1 1 1 10.00
1 1 1 2 9.50

Quantity tbl
ID Description
1 12 - or one dozen
2 24

So what I want to do is get a complete list of products with the MAX price for each product returned. This will be displayed on a page where I will have the Product Name, Description, etc and the Price will state something like 'Starting at $10.00'

Here is what I have so far but I am not getting any results....

SELECT p.ProductID,
SUBSTRING(p.Description, 1, 150) + '...' AS Description,
FROM ProductColorSizeQuantityPrice
WHERE ProductId = 1) AS 'Price'
FROM Products p
INNER JOIN ProductColorSizeQuantityPrice pcs
ON pcs.ProductID = p.ProductID
INNER JOIN ProductCategory pc
ON pc.ProductCategoryID = p.ProductCategoryID
The area highlighted in blue is what I am trying to do logically but this is not getting any results. If I removed this section I get all the fields I want but I need to include this price. Any ideas?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Get Lowest Unused Value Of Nvarchar Field Being Used As Primary Key

Mar 21, 2014

Trying to get the lowest unused value of CrewID from the below table in a efficient manner. I cant change the table structure as its from a 3rd party and it would break our support agreement.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Crews](
[CrewID] [nvarchar](10) NOT NULL,
[CrewName] [nvarchar](200) NOT NULL,
[CompanyID] [nvarchar](10) NOT NULL,
[StartTime] [nvarchar](50) NULL,

[Code] .....

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GROUP BY Speed Up Query On Data That Is Already At Lowest Granularity?

Jul 9, 2015

I have just been running a query which I was planning on improving by removing a redundant GROUP BY (there are about 20 columns, and one of the columns returned is atomic, so will mean that the "group by" will never manage to group any of the data) but when I modified the query to remove the grouping, this actually seems to slow the query, and I can't see why this would be the case.

Both queries return the same number of rows (69000), as I expected, and looking at the query plan, then they look nearly identical, other than at the start, there is a "stream aggregate" and "sort" being performed. The estimated data size is 64MB for the non-grouped query (runs in 6 min 41 secs), vs 53MB for the aggregated query (runs in 5 min 31 secs), and the estimated row size is smaller when aggregated.

Can rationalise this? In my mind, the data that is being pulled is identical, plus there is extra computation for doing an unnecessary aggregation, so the aggregated query should be unquestionably slower, but the database engine has other ideas; it seems to be able to work more quickly when it needs to do unnecessary work :) Perhaps something to do with an inefficient query plan for the non-aggregated query? I would have thought looking at the actual execution plan might have made this apparent, but both plans look very similar.

Edit: More information, the "group by" query had two aggregations on it, a count of one of the columns, and an average of another one. I changed this so that it was just "1" instead of the count, and for the average, I changed it to be the expression within the average aggregate, since the aggregation effectively does not do anything.

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Is There A Keyword Or Function Opposite Of TOP? How Do I Get Various LOWEST/BOTTOM Values?

Jan 26, 2008

Hello Group,

I'm still a bit new to T-SQL and am wondering how to get various LOWEST values from a table, rather than TOP values. There does not appear to be a keyword opposite of TOP in T-SQL.

My real problem is this: I know how to get the 2nd highest value, third highest value, etc...but how does one get the 2nd lowest value, third lowest value, etc?

Would anyone be able to help?


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Transact SQL :: Select Lowest Level From Hierarchical Data

Jun 22, 2015

I have hierarchical data such as:

Id    Level    ParentId
1     0         1
2     1         1
3     2         2
4     0         4
5     1         4
6     0         6
7     1         6
8     2         7
9     3         8        
10   4         9
11   0         11

As you can see even the parent element has parentId(in this case id = parentid)

How can I select the lowest level data in the hierarchy and get this result:

Id    Level    ParentId
3     2         2
5     1         4
10   4         9
11   0         11

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Apr 3, 2008

 I want to make stored Procedure that get sum total of the order and return the ship pricethis is my table:in my procedure I want to get the order subTotal and return the ship priceFor example if the subTotal is 60$ than return  300$etc,my problem is that if the "toPrice" = 0, than its mean "higher than"How can I Write this Code, here is my try:declare @subTotal intset @subTotal = 60SELECT [ShippingPolicyId]      ,[Header]      ,[fromPrice]      ,[toPrice],[price]  FROM [dbo].[xxx_ShippingPolicy]where @subTotal >=[fromPrice] and    @subTotal <= [toPrice]--where @subTotal >=[fromPrice] and case when [toPrice] > 0 then   @subTotal <= [toPrice] else 1=1   

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