I have a reported that generated over 100,000 leter to the individual clients. Because this is involved with the law firm, the orginal letter from report pdf patch need to be keep. To make matter worst, the pdf file need to break down individual letter for the client, for record keeping and instant access by client via the website. Does report server have the ablility to break the batch report into individual file? Have anyone had similar project? Any suggestion on how to tackle this problem?
I have a report for a Quote print that has 1 table with 1 group in it by Quote #. The detail level is showing the line items on the quote and a second detail line for a sub report to show any notes. If the quote has 1 line on it, I am always getting a page break after the sub report even if it doesn't display anything.
The report shows the following:
Note each of these will contain a rectangle that the text boxes are displayed in unless it is a sub-report then no rectange.
Group header 1 - Address information Group header 1 - contains a sub report for some notes Group header 1 - Opening paragraph Group header 1 - Blank line Group header 1 - contains the line headings Detail - contains the line details Detail - contains the sub report for line notes Detail - blank line for spacing Group footer 1 - hidden based on expression Group footer 1 - hidden based on expression ** One of these 2 lines will print based on the expression Group footer 1 - sub report for more notes Group footer 1 - Closing paragraph Group footer 1 - Signature area Group footer 1 - sub report for last page of terms / scope notes. NOTE: This sub report also contains a table and the table has a page break before so that I can get these on another page.
So, after # 8 above there is a page break. The remaining footers before # 14 easily fit on the rest of the page. The group 1 also has a page break at the end so it breaks between quotes. I have tried to insert a page break on the rectangle for # 13 and remove the page break on the sub report in # 14 but although everything fits it doesn't page break before the sub report.
It looks like it always page breaks after the last page in the sub report.
I have a 2 column report that is not page breaking the way I would like. The report has a list that is grouped by a "Type" field. The header includes this type, though I had to use an aggregate of the report field like:
=Max(ReportItems!PlanType.value) & " Contacts"
I want a brand new page when the type changes, but since RS treats columns like pages, if my type ends in the first column, the new type begins in the second column. Is there any way to force it to leave that column blank and start a brand new page?
I have a Report In that report I need to break out company code and export this report on excel and each company code shown its own tab in excel .I just add image about report details.I tried this issue but i cant get the exact names on excel sheet.
When I use the PageBreakAtEnd on the table or on a group in the table, all it does is create a new column of the column report.
I'd want it to start a new page, how can I do this ? Should I work around this issue using code ?
Background: What I need to achieve is a report with 2 columns where the list of products in category 1 are listed in the left column and then snake to the 2nd column on the same page, then to column 1 on page 2, column 2 on page 2, etc...
When it comes to category 2, it should start a fresh new page regardless of whether the previous product was rendered in column 1 or column 2.
I get the snaking to work using the "Columns" property of the report Body. However page breaks do not start a new page, they just start a new column.
Do some one has idea how we can create pagebreak in matrix based on RowNumber.Say I have 40 rows in matrix(I don't have group on which I can create a group by setting PAGE BREAK AT THE END)
I don't have any distinct value on which I can create Group like
= IIF(Parameters!PageBreak.Value,Fields!CategoryID.Value,1) and setting Page Break At The End
I created a subreport1 with tablix.I created second subreport2 that has a tablix and one column chart and both are placed in a rectangle. No page break is applied to this rectangle. When I run the sub report, both tablix and Column chart are displayed on one page .
I created a main report and added Subreport 1 and Subreport 2 in 2 different rectangles. I set page break property of Rectangle(Subreport1) to End and no page break is applied to Rectangle of Subreport2.
When I run the main report, subreport1 is displayed in one page, subreport2 is displayed in 2 different pages.
It seams that I have run into a know and apparently unsolved problem.
How do I force a page break, not column break, on a multi-column report?
I have 4 columns, my data is grouped and is setup to page break after each group. But all I get is a column break, due to RS thinking of column's as pages.
Several people have posted about the same problem, but I can't find a solution. See... http://forums.microsoft.com/TechNet/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=884945&SiteID=17 http://forums.microsoft.com/TechNet/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=226045&SiteID=17
I have a Sales report with 3 lists each being nested inside of the other and they also each contain a Matrix. Top list is for Region, followed by District and then State. I have page breaks setup so that each region appears on it's own page, followed by each District summary appearing at the top of the page with a breakdown on that page for that Districts states. In total the report exported to PDF or printed runs around 19 pages. This report when exported to PDF or printed works fine.
When I export it to excel I get a full document map on the first worksheet. I then get 10 worksheets of information breaking off the last 9. The document map links reflect the absence of this data by not actually being links from that point on. If I remove page breaks so that the number of pages created are less than 10 excel worksheets the export works fine and my document map links are created.
So does the export to Excel have a limitation on the number of Worksheets that can be created? In my case it appears to happen at 10 each time. Oh and by the way I've attempted this in VS.2003 and 2005 and SQL Reporting Services 2000 and 2005 for the same reports.
I have tried asking the same question in other forums. All i get is links
Please help me. I have the following requirement:
I have the following tables: Theater - TheaterId, TheaterName, Revenues,locationid, stateid State - StateId, StateName Location - LocationId, LocationName, StateId
I want to generate reports that will tell me the revenue generated for each theater in each location in a state. I want to run a batch process which will loop through the 3 tables and will passing the location and state id as parameters one by one. I want each report to be generated as a pdf and stored in a location. How do I do this?
I have to invoke a batch file (.bat) when an ad-hoc report is executed. I've currently written a .Net code for invoking (using System.Diagnostics.Process) the batch file. The rdl file calls the method.
When I run the report from Report Designer the batch file is getting executed. But if I deploy it in the Reporting Server and run the report through Web Interface the batch file is not getting executed.
Looks like some security issue. Can someone provide a solution for this?
I want to use Report Designer in SQL Server 2005 to generate monthly invoices for customers. I would need to somehow automatically repeat running the same report, but for a different customer ID each time. Kind of like a batch process.
How can I make this happpen?
The data is in SQL Server 2000. I have Visual Studio 2008 if that helps.
I know Crystal Reports can do this, using the Crystal Reports server. But I'm hoping to find a way to do it using MS Reporting Services.
I have a report with several matrix objects. The data contained in each matrix is simple. One matrix has one column of labels and a column of data. The other has 3 columns of data. Both matrix's only show about 25 rows of data. A variable amount of data is displayed above the matrix's so that sometime the render across a page boundary. Whenever this happens the matrix doesn't render rows down to the bottom of the page. A considerable amount of empty space is left on the page, the completed matrix is displayed on the next page. I'm wondering how to get the matrix to render in this empty space.
This problem only occurs when I view the report on screen, in the Visual Studio "Preview" window, or from the Report Server web site. Tiff, pdf and printed output doesn't contain the extra space.
I've tried adding my matrix to a List and a Rectangle to see of this would fix the problem but it didn't help.
I've check the dimensions and margins or the page and I don't think I have any sizing problems, everything should fit on the page.
I need to take a variable from a tabel in SQL Server pass to a Batch file and execute the batch file. Right now I can exec the batch file with XP_CMDSHELL but how can I pass the variable to the batch file and loop through all the variables.
I am using the following batch file to execute a script that creates a db and all its objects in the local sql express:
sqlcmd -S (local)SQLExpress -i C:CreateDB.sql
This works fine, but I'm wondering if there's an easy way to put the script in the batch file, so users don't have to worry about putting the script in the C drive. I tried getting rid of the i parameter and pasting the script from the sql file into the batch file, but it didn't work.
I need to break a column Fullname into two columns called Firstname and Lastname. The Fullname column contains users fullname with a space between first and last name, for example (jonh smith). I want the first name to be in Firstname and last name in Lastname. Can any one help me on this? Thanks in advance.
I need to break a column Fullname into two columns called Firstname and Lastname. The Fullname column contains users fullname with a space between first and last name, for example (jonh smith). I want the first name to be in Firstname and last name in Lastname. Can any one help me on this? Thanks in advance.
I want to generate a breakup report using Transact-SQL. The report is to broken on three parameters and on each breakup I need to calculate the sum of another parameter.
Not long ago I accountered this situation: I had two databases on "MS SQL Server". In one of the databases there was a nomenclature with very large primary key. I had to transport that nomenclature and transform the wide PK into single identity column into the other database.
I decided to use a function for that transformation. BUT that function had to mark somewhere which combination of the PK columns is relative to which identity value. BUT functions CAN'T WRITE under MSSQL. So I took the challenge and mine all sources of information. The result was a function "Exec4Fun" that breaks the rule. I suppose that with this function it's possible to avoid the restriction for triggers, which prevents writing in the triggering table? (not tested yet)
If someone needs such tools, just write back your e-mail and I'll send some code.
Hi all, I am writing a database for a sport club. In order to be able to show reports for achievements I need to break apart the datetime format in SQL.
Example table with columns: 1)Date of competition ||| 2)Time achieved by competitor for 100m(in format mm:ss.fff, minutes:seconds.hundreds) | 01/01/2008||| 00:15.231 | | 01/02/2008||| 00:12.543 | | 01/03/2008||| 00:15.332 |
Then I need to show this in a graph with axis X Date and axis Y Time to show personal development for the whole year. I do not want to CONVERT to VARCHAR because it won’t be possible to compare in the graph.
Hello,In a Stored Proc, I am building a string variable. I am getting outputsfrom 4 different queries and would like the string to have line breaksto display each entry in a different line in a text area. How can I dothis?i.eresult = result1 + result2 + result3 + result4.What characters can I enter so that the output is displayed in thetextarea asresult1result2result3result4Thanks,
HiI am trying to figure out how to exit a cursor loop if a specifiedcondition occurs.I have a select count(*) on a table like thisselect lagplats, count(*) from arsi where artnr = '1440'if that count(*) is > 1 I want to break that cursor loop and fetch thenext row into the cursor and continue.however if that count(*) > 5 I need to exit the entire procedure andnot try and fetch the next row into the cursorI find this hard to explain and the code is long and complicated so Ihope it is possible to understand what I am afterrgdsMatt
I have a table that I want to show only 3 times in every page. If the dataset return to me 7 results i want to show The first 3 in page 1, the second 3 in page 2, the last in page 3... only 3 in every page.
I created that function:
Function saltoCada(ByVal n As Integer)
If (iCount < n) Then
iCount = iCount + 1
iCount = 1
End If
Return iCount
End Function
I created a group in a table with that expression: =Code.saltoCada(3) and then add a page break at end in the group.
Is that the way to do this?It doesn't work.. Any ideas?
Hello, I am using a sqldatareader to get back a whole set of data. The columns are id, data_id and data_desc for example, the collection is id data_id data_desc0 100 this is name for id 00 101 this is address for id 00 102 this is gender for id 01 100 this is name for id 11 101 this is address for id 11 102 this is gender for id 12 100 this is name for id 22 101 this is address for id 22 102 this is gender for id 23 100 this is name for id 33 101 this is address for id 33 102 this is gender for id 3 I want to be able to go thru' this list and break up for each id and create a txt file. So, i will have four text files. txt0.txt will contain100, this is name for id 0 101, this is address for id 0102, this is gender for id 0 I would like to know, how do i use a dataview to break up the sqldatareader so i can then repeat the loop for each id and generate the text file. I don't have a problem generating the text file. Please let me know, how should i go about it. Thanks a bunch,-Sean
I am recieving complete row in one single column and I have pipe delimeter in this row . I want to retrieve the data in individual columns...Currently row is in one column