Calculating Salary Per Hour?
Jan 26, 2008is there a way to create a SELECT clause which counts the accumulate hours from tw columns in same row (entering hour and leaving hour) and then calculating the total price according to a parameter?
is there a way to create a SELECT clause which counts the accumulate hours from tw columns in same row (entering hour and leaving hour) and then calculating the total price according to a parameter?
My data is in the following form:
INSERT INTO Temp VALUES('Org Name', '2014-06-20 14:25:00.000', '2014-06-20 15:25:00.000') - AND many more like these with different START_TIME and END_TIME.
The Task:
- I need to calculate the duration of the activities PER HOUR.
i.e. in the example above, if I want to see the productivity for 2PM (i.e. activity duration from 2-3PM), I should only get 35 mins (as the activity started at 14:25). In the same way, if I see the productivity for 3PM (i.e activity duration from 3-4 PM), I should only see 25 minutes (as activity ended at 15:25).
There would technically be many activities with overlapping times - for example, there might be 5 activities starting at 14:30 and ending at 15:10. In this case, if I were to see the productivity for 2PM, I'd see 150 minutes (as each activity starts at 14:30, so 30 min per activity = 150 min). In the same way, if I saw the productivity for 3PM for those 5 activities, I'd see 50 minutes.
create table employee(empid int,empname varchar(20),managerid int notnull, sal int)insert into employee values(1,'ranga',22,5000)insert into employee values(2,'satish',22,8000)insert into employee values(3,'sunil',11,4500)insert into employee values(4,'sridhar',22,2000)insert into employee values(5,'ramesh',33,12000)insert into employee values(6,'srini',22,16000)insert into employee values(7,'sashi',33,54000)insert into employee values(8,'rajani',22,71000)insert into employee values(9,'praveen',11,6060)insert into employee values(10,'bhaskar',22,11120)insert into employee values(11,'baba',33,9000)create table employment (managerid int,managername varchar(20),sal int)insert into employment values(11,'rob',2500)insert into employment values(22,'babu',5000)insert into employment values(33,'ram',6000)now my problem isUpdate the salary of each manager to be double the averagesalary of the employees he/she managespls helpsati
View 3 Replies View RelatedLet us assume that there are 100 employee in a company. And sum of salary of all employee is 10000. Find list of highest paid employees whose sum of salary is 8000. Remaining employee will fall in 20% bracket.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a table that is recording hits to a website. Everytime someone views a page, the datetime of the hit is recorded in a field called hit_date_time. I would like to be able to come up with a query that will show how many hits occured on a given day or given days, broken down by hour.
The resulting table for two days would look something like:
Time Hits
1/1/01 12:00 1
1/1/01 1:00 23
1/1/01 2:00 54
1/2/01 1:00 15
1/2/01 2:00 14
I can't seem to figure out how to write the query so that I can take into consideration the date and hour of the event so that I can count it.
Select * from personnel
where salary > ALL (SELECT AVG (salary) from personnel group by bolno)
And how i find max average salary?
i have a table employee:
dept ename salary
---- --------- -------
10 A 2500
20 B 3500
30 C 4000
20 D 5500
10 E 4500
30 F 5200
select dept,sum(salary) from employee group by dept
the above one is working fine..
after working the first query output,
i want to select the dept,max(sum(salary)) from the table...
how?? could any one send me immediately...
thanks in advance
--Table Empmaster:-
create table Empmaster
empid int identity(1,1) constraint pkempid primary key clustered,
empname varchar(10),
empsalary numeric
insert Empmaster(empname,empsalary)values('Imran',5000)
insert Empmaster(empname,empsalary)values('Raja',5000)
--Table Salary:-
create table Salary
salid int identity(1,1) constraint pksalid primary key clustered,
empid int constraint fkempid foreign key references Empmaster(empid),
dos varchar(10),
salary numeric
insert Salary(empid,dos,salary)values('1','2005-08-01','5000')
insert Salary(empid,dos,salary)values('2','2005-08-01','5000')
insert Salary(empid,dos,salary)values('1','2005-09-01','5000')
insert Salary(empid,dos,salary)values('2','2005-09-01','7000')
insert Salary(empid,dos,salary)values('1','2005-10-01','7000')
insert Salary(empid,dos,salary)values('2','2005-10-01','7000')
i have two tables with relations. how do i find out whose salary has been hiked for the 9th month?
How to get the maximum salry from a table without using top and
aggreate function
i want to write a SQL statement to increment the salary by 10% for technicians who have done three tests on a particular date.
there are two employee types.(1)technicians (2)traffic controllers.
employee category is defined in "Type" attribute of Employee table. the increment should happen only to technicians.thank you in advance.
Employee (EmployeeID,Name,Salary,Tpye)
employee table having columns employeeid, salary
i want to write a query to get 1st, 2nd and 3rd max salary ?
I am going into salary negotiationyearly review next month after my week off and I am trying to determine what to ask for. I am thinking another 10K and an extra week off would not be unreasonable, but I wanted to get some idea of what you guys think I should ask for in terms of pay.I have been developing software for seven years and I have been a dba for a little over five. I live in pricey northern Virginia. On a fairly regular basis I do about 55 to 60 hour weeks. On my DBA team, I am the only one who can handle both development and production tasks. The others are strictly developers. Although I have been relieved of most of my customer support tasks by our newbie, the customer support manager still brings the nastier bits to me. It is my perception that the more complex tasks get assigned to me. I get told on a regular basis that I am the best dba this place has ever had and other embarrassing accolades are regularly thrown my way. After a year, other than my boss I am the dba that has been here the longest in high turnover high burnout company. This year as we try to move to a SAP model, it looks like we will be going to 24/7 support on a disaster recovery model I am designing and implementing, so I guess I am getting the pager.So how much money should I be asking for?you can PM me with a number if you want.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need to calculate the salary given to all employees in a year
select sum(emp_total_sal)from emp_salary
How to modify this code to get what i need ?
I would like to know how to use a criterion on this example. I want to know only when the total salary is at a certain amount
SELECT SUM (salary) as Total Salary
FROM employees
WHERE Total Salary > 25000; ---this is where i am having issue
i have 2 tables emp and dept
emp has columns:
dept has columns:
now my aim is:
List of the employees and their department who is top salary earner of the department.
wht i can think of is:
select distinct empname,deptname,max(salary) as 'max salary'
from emp e,dept d
where e.deptid=d.deptid
group by empname,deptname
but it gives unexpected result...
help appreciated
i want to write a database trigger to increment the salary by 10% for technicians who have done three tests on a particular date.
there are two employee types.(1)technicians (2)traffic controllers.
employee category is defined in "Type" attribute of Employee table. the increment should happen only to technicians.thank you in advance.
Employee (EmployeeID,Name,Salary,Tpye)
View 12 Replies View RelatedDear All,i want to know how to get top three salary getters from the employee(eid , ename, salary) table
i tried this select top 3 salary from employee order by salary desc
but it gives me top three salary record say there is salary 1000,1200,1300,1300,1500then my query return me 1500,1300,1200 whereas i want to 1500,1300,1300,1200
how can i do it
please help
I would like to find the average salary for each department which has min salary
In my case I will have 3 departments which have min salary.
select distinct d.department_name, E.SALARY, avg(E.salary)
What is the query to find a 5th highest emp table.i also use top1,top2,..but i don't get a result.what is new in sql server 2005.
View 11 Replies View Relatedi want to calculate the month salary of an employee.which will be calculated on the basis of previous available leaves and present available leave(i.e) 2 per month.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHello people,
I'm migrating an application from asp to and access to ms sql 2005. On the old db, there's a table with a column to store date and a column to store time. Ms sql only works with date and time together, right? I created a query to get the time from time column and update the date column inserting the time. I did something like this:
UPDATE S_ACC_MONEYSET Date_Oper = CONVERT(varchar, Date_Oper, 101) + ' ' + CONVERT(varchar, Time_Oper, 108)
Does anyone knows a better way to do that? Any other comments?
I have about 23 SQL servers running 6.5 SP3 or SP5a in a 24 hour environment. Most of the activity takes place between 6am and 11pm, with few transaction after 11pm. What is best to do with the main DB's transaction log, have the truncate at checkpoint option checked OR back up the transaction log a couple times a week? The Database is backed up every 6-8 hours.
Thanks in advance for your opinions/help.
Hi all,
We have many messages in SQL server logs that say 'Log backed up:Database:COM,creation date(time):2003/03/26(19:41:58),first'
why is this message appeared every one hour?
How to get hour from a date
Msg_Time = 10/28/2006 12:20:00 AM
here how to get hour, minuts
see for month we are using month(Msg_Time),
for year we are using year(Msg_Time) same way how to fetch the hour and minutes
all are appreciate
Hi All,
I have several servers each with an instance of SQL Server with a number of databases in each instance. We are a law firm dealing mostly with documents (Modifying and creating new). Is there an easy way to determin how many transactions the transaction log handles per hour? Not all tables have a create date or modify date. Is there some way to monitor the transaction logs them selves?
I have a pretty straight forward fact table that contains order information like this:
DateTimeStamp Price OrderID
I have a measure that does a simple row count for orders placed. How can I get the Max Orders Placed grouped by Hour? Something similar to this:
0:00 15
1:00 25
2:00 50
23:00 75
I tried to do a max function like max([time].[hour], [measures].[Order Row Count]) but ended up with only one value. I know I'm doing it wrong.
I appreciate any help on this.
Hey guys,
I am doing a project that has start time and end time. i was given only the start time of cases, but not the end time.
for example:
start time
It was like, thousands of start time. I need to create an end time (smalldatetime) which is one hour passed the start time. can anyone tell me how to do it in sql query? thanks.
I'm trying to create a query, where I add one hour to a value (I marked it below with "+ 1 HOUR"). I can't find any informations, how I can do this.
Code Block
"SELECT field1, enddate, (enddate < GetDate() FROM table WHERE (enddate + 1 HOUR) < GetDate()"
Does anybody can help me with this problem?
Kind regards
Hi All,
I have an orders table which has a filed called OrderTime which is the exact time when the order was received ? I need to write the following queries
1. Get number of orders per year
2. Get number of orders per month (obviously if a month (for example, november) is in a different year, its to be in a different row)
3. Get number of orders per hour
Note: If there are no orders in a year etc, it should return a row with 0.
How do I get the hour in HH24 format from a datetime value?
Many Thanks.
I am trying to get a count of how many times a badge is entered in each hour it appears. In other words, I would like to find out how many times badge 3333 comes up in each hour of the day, the same with badge 4532.
The task at hand is to find out productivity for items processed per hour per badge number. I know I will need to take the hour out of timedate using datepart, but the results do not look right. Would anyone have any ideas on this? Thanks!
the table I have looks like this:
6112133333781267941/10/05 9:19
6112084532781275591/10/05 9:21
6111973333781265611/10/05 9:29
6111903333781261671/10/05 9:30
6111774532781253021/10/05 9:38
6111693333781257811/10/05 9:40
Hi all:
As I can extract the hour values and minute of a field of type datetime to compare it with the values of a field of type smalldatetime of another table