Backup Table Datas, Test Script Then Restore Datas ?

Jul 20, 2004

Hi all,

I have to make many tests on datas i have in 2 specific tables.

My goal would be to backup datas somewhere to be able to restart from clean environment and tests many things with the same datas into my tables.

Could someone explain how to do it ?



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How Can I Report On Entered And Updated Records

Oct 12, 2007

My database has many table, each table has a DateEntered (datetime), EnteredBy (nvarchar(50), LastUpdate (datetime), and LastUpdateBy (nvarachar(50). Is there an easy (ha) way to pull a list of the records that were entered and/or updated for a date range. Hopefully without a select for each table.
Maybe a tool someone knows of?

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Default Non-queried Report Parameter Not Updated When Project Is Deployed

Feb 22, 2007

Adding a value to a non-queried default report parameter value does not update on the target server after deployment.

To recreate

1. Create a report in Visual Studio and add a report parameter with the following properties:

Multi-value is checked
Available values = "From Query"
Dataset = [create a dataset that returns a table w/ a Id and Description column]
Value field = [the Id field from the table]
Label field=[the Description column from the table]
Default values = "Non-queried" (add several values the match the IDs from the table so that some of the values in the report dropdown will show up as checked when rendering the report)

2. Build and deploy the report to the reporting server. View the report and verify the specified items are checked in the report parameter.

3. Go back to Visual Studio and add a value to the Non-queried Default values.

4. Build and deploy the report again. View the report. The newly added item is not selected.


I verified that the newly added ID exists in the rdl file (as xml) on both the development box and the server where the report was deployed. However, when I view the report parameter using Management Studio (connect to the reporting server), the newly added value for the report parameter does not exist. I verified that changes are being deployed by adding new parameters and changing other properties of the parameter. I thought maybe the rdl itself was being cached somehow - I tried restarting IIS, SQL Server, and SQL Reporting services. None worked. Note that running the report on the development box by running the project through Visual Studio DOES reflect the change to the parameter.


1. Create a dataset for the report that returns a table of the Ids that you want pre-selected. The query could be something like this:

SELECT '4' AS SelectedId
SELECT '5' AS SelectedId
SELECT '6' AS SelectedId

2. Delete the report in Management Studio, then redeploy.

I have issue w/ both workarounds because for 1) it is not intuitive and you have to remember to do this for every similar case, and 2) this extra step has to occur each time the report is deployed w/ changes to the report parameter.

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Call Excel Function - XIRR From The Report

Apr 3, 2007

I need to call an excell function, xIRR, from my report.
How can I do that?



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Call Report From Link To Bypass Parameter Prompt

Oct 26, 2007


I would like to call the report from an external source:
The report requires a paramater.

I tried the following:
<a href='http://Report.aspx?ItemTakeOn%2fItemTakeOn&ProcessNo=278'> Report</a>"

The link works & i added the parameter in the link (ProcessNo=278)
it opens the report but i still have to manually insert the Parameter.
Also tried setting the parameter as hidden.

How do i bypass this?

Anyone please Assist!


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SQL Server 2014 :: Call SSRS Snapshot Report Dynamically

Oct 2, 2014

We are setting up a new reporting environment for our client and as part of the deliverable I need to achieve the following two things.

1. Most of our reports are snapshot reports and all the data needed gets populated into transaction DB tables from a batch program. Some of batches run monthly and others on request, we use a scheduling tool to run these batches. For monthly running batches since I know when they run, I have scheduled snapshot report for the respective dates. But the batch that run on request have no fixed schedule so my question : Is there a way I can invoke or kick off a particular SSRS snapshot Report as soon as the batch completes running. For example if a on-request batch program finishes running today at 6PM , I would like to create a snapshot report as soon as the batch finishes running. Is this achievable ?!

2. As I mentioned above most of the reports are snapshot reports and client wants Report history of 10yrs. We have about 170 reports on the whole which run monthly/daily/yearly. Is there a best practice known in maintaining all the reports and where to store them?

We are using MS SQL Server Reporting Services 2014.

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Saving A Reporting Services Report From A Command Line Call

Oct 15, 2007

I've created some reports in Reporting Services 2003 and would like to call them up from a .Net 2003 windows based application. I'm passing one parameter to the report and would like to be able to automatically call the Save As... command and provide a path and name to save the file. I wnat to render the report as a PDf file and save it in that format as well. I can generate the name of the file on the fly using the input parameter value.

What I need is a sample of how to instantiate a reporting services object in .Net 2003 and the commands to execute the Save As function after the report has been rendered.


The Mad Jammer

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How To Retrieve Datas From A SqlDataSource

Jan 11, 2006

Hi! I'm a novice in asp .net
I've a SqlDataSource component on an Aspx page.In the associated C# file, I would like to use datas from the query stored in the SqlDataSource component.How to do this?
Thanxs :)

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Importing Datas Into MS SQL Serveur

Apr 7, 2004

hello !

I am a student in a compagny because it´s my training. But, I must use MS SQL server and i don´t know at all this software !
I must import datas , which are in a ascii form, into MS SQL serveur 7,0.

Can you give me further information please, because it´s not easy at all !

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Get Datas Filtering By Only Month

Sep 14, 2006


i want to get some results but only for one month. like that;

select * from News where PubDate = month(9)

i tried use between dates but i got errors because all of months aren't 30 or 31 days ... For example February is 28 days sometime.. So how can i get a month results...

thanks now for your helping ...

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Working With Big Size Datas?

Nov 1, 2007

i am using sql server ce 2.0 for my device application.but this database sometimes gets corrupt,and i am not working with big size datas,if sdf file's size grow up,sdf file's performance gets knock out. for example: work with 50 mb data..what can i do?please somebody help me ?

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Merge Datas From Many Field

Nov 20, 2007

Hello All

Im Developing Windows application using VS2005 and SQL SERVER 2000.

I have a table with five columns

ID 1
Clm1 A_B
Clm2 A_C
Clm3 D_A
Clm4 B_C

What i want is

from Clm1 to Clm4
A,B,C is repeating

what is the query to get output as

CLm1 A
Clm2 B
Clm3 C
Clm4 D

the repeated datas should be taken unique data

How to do this
please help

Thanks in Advance


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Save Updated Date When Row Is Updated

Apr 6, 2008

Hi,I want to save the last modification date when the row is updated. I have a column called "LastModification" in the table, every time the row is update I want to set the value of this column to the current date. So far all I know is that I need to use a trigger and the GetDate() function, but could any body help me with how to set the value of the column to getdate()? thanks for your help. 

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Problem In Insert Datas Et Into Database

Apr 18, 2008

For insert new entry...I used dataset and first all entry in dataset then i insert this dataset into datatabel of database.
For update edit entry....First i bind tabel to dataset then i update,delete in dataset then i insert dataset to database then there are problem that is there are once again entry of dataset to that tabel.
I also solved this problem by delete record which bind to dataset on save(insert )data set to database and then again insert dataset to tabel and solve it.
But if any other option for it then plz replay me

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Importing Partials Datas From 2 Tables In Another One

Nov 12, 2005

I am having a problem to get all datas into one table
I must get datas from 2 other tables
datas from the first table are columns
but datas of the second table are rows

I cannot change the structure of TableA because an other application is using it as it is

num | value | key
1 | a | 1400
2 | b | 1401
3 | c | 1402
4 | d | 1403
...|... | 1403

key | name | descr | value
400 | john | ok | 451

TableC (the table where I want to insert datas from Table1 and Table2)

val1 | val2 | val3 | val4 |name | descr | value
1 | 2 | 3 |4 | john | ok | 451

TableA has thousands of rows and different numbers
I must get 8 different datas from TableA

so I get an horrible Query !

SELECT, TableB.descr, TableB.value,
TableA_1.value AS val1,
TableA_2.value AS val2,
TableA_3.value AS val3,
TableA_4.value AS val4,
TableA_5.value AS val5,
TableA_6.value AS val6,
TableA_7.value AS val7,
TableA_8.value AS val8

dbo.TableA_1 ON TableB.key = TableA_1.key INNER JOIN
dbo.TableA_2 ON TableB.key = TableA_2.key INNER JOIN
dbo.TableA_3 ON TableB.key = TableA_3.key INNER JOIN
dbo.TableA_4 ON TableB.key = TableA_4.key INNER JOIN
dbo.TableA_5 ON TableB.key = TableA_5.key INNER JOIN
dbo.TableA_6 ON TableB.key = TableA_6.key INNER JOIN
dbo.TableA_7 ON TableB.key = TableA_7.key INNER JOIN
dbo.TableA_8 ON TableB.key = TableA_8.key

WHERE TableA_1.num = 145
AND TableA_2.num = 80
AND TableA_3.num = 3160
AND TableA_4.num = 41
AND TableA_5.num = 50
AND TableA_6.num = 51
AND TableA_7.num = 53
AND TableA_8.num = 56

how can i do it in the best way ?

Thank you

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How To Import A Excel Datas To SQL Server Database

Apr 27, 2007

How to Import a Excel Datas to SQL Server Database

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Inserting From Datas In One Table From Multiple Tables

Dec 5, 2007

Hi guys,I have a problem with my query. What i want to happen is to populate my table EV_NOTIFICATIONDETAILS (Docownerid, CurrentSentDate, LastSentDate, detailsID, GeneralRemarks) using the datas from the two different tables EV_NOTIFICATIONHEADER and EV_DOCDETAILS.I tried to create some a query but im having a error. The problem is once i insert the data from datas to the columns Docownerid, CurrentSentDate, LastSentDate the datas are stored in the database and when i tried to insert the remaining columns TO EV_NOTIFICATIONDETAILS detailsID, GeneralRemarks getting the datas from EV_DOCDETAIL it creates a new set of records in the database. Meaning it doesn't update the records in the table EV_NOTIFICATIONDETAILS but it creates a new set of's my code:INSERT INTO EV_NOTIFICATIONDETAILS (Docownerid, CurrentNoticeSentDate, LastNoticeSentDate) SELECTDocownerid, CurrentSentDate, LastSentDateFROMEV_NOTIFICATIONHEADERINSERT INTO EV_NOTIFICATIONDETAILS (detailsID,GeneralRemarks) SELECTdetailsID,GeneralRemarksFROMEV_DOCDETAIL   Any ideas and suggestions will be greatly appreciated. 

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Replication Conflict Error.. How To Add Datas To Publisher ....

Aug 29, 2006


I have configured publisher, distributer,subscriber... and tried to replicate it... it has done successfully...

When i try to add datas to the publisher ... it says

"conflict error"

can you please tell me how to check the replication is successfull or not.

and i want to add datas to publisher so that it should frequently updated in subscriber...

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Reporting Services - Exec SP Before Retrieving Datas

Jan 30, 2008


I have a report in reporting services which has use many datasets.
Those datasets retrieve data from a same table.

Each Dataset use a store procedure.

In the first store procedure (associated to the first dataset), i call an another store procedure which fill the table.

My problem is that datasets haven't datas retrieved in the order of their position. So the third (for exemple) can begin retrieve data while the first store proc (called in the first dataset) is still running.
I had logging start/finish time of each SP and it appears that Dataset are retrieved in an asynchronous way.

Does anyone face the same problème. Is there a solution to execute an store procedure before retrieving data ?

Thank in advance for your help.

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Populating Datas From Sql Server Database And Displaying Them In CSV File Format Using C#

Dec 7, 2006

       I have to populate some datas from sql server database and display it directly in a CSV Format or CSV file. When i run the project it should provide me an option to whether open or save or cancel the file. when i click open it should be opened and be viewed in a excel sheet in CSV format and when i click save it should ask the destination folder and should be saved there in CSV format and when i click cancel it should be cancelled and the application should be closed. pls note that all these actions should happen in the same browser and should not be redirected to anyother page. Can anybody give me the detailed description and code in Asp.Net using C# .It's very Urgent.

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I Just Want One Entry For Each Call, With SLA Status 'Breach' If Any Of The Stages For The Call Were Out Of SLA.

Mar 19, 2008


I am producing a php report using SQL queries to show the SLA status of our calls. Each call has response, fix & completion targets. If any of these targets are breached, the whole SLA status is set as 'Breach'.

The results table should look like the one below:







SLA Status


Approval for PO€™s not received



05-01-06 14:48




PO€™s not published



06-01-06 10:21




Approval for PO€™s not received from Siebel.



05-01-06 14:48



Whereas I can pick the results for the first 6 columns from my Select query, the 'SLA Status' column requires the following calculation:

if (due_date < completed_date)
{ sla_status = 'OK';
else sla_status = 'Breach';

The Select statement in my query is looking like this...

Select Distinct CallRef, Description, Severity, ProblemRef, Logdate, Status, Due_date, Completed_date;

The problem is that my query is returning multiple entries for each stage of the call (see below), whereas I just want one entry for each call, with SLA status 'Breach' if any of the stages for the call were out of SLA.







SLA Status


Approval for PO€™s not received



05-01-06 14:48




Approval for PO€™s not received



05-01-06 14:48




Approval for PO€™s not received



05-01-06 14:48



Any help will be much much appreciated, this issue has been bothering me for some time now!!!

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How To Tell If A Row Is Updated

Jan 15, 2008

Hi Im doing a simple update in my SP:     update users    set Name = @Name    where id=@userID and password=@password i want to know if a row gets updated. for example if the userID and password dont match then the row will not get i want some way to tell if a row has been updated. how do i do this?thanks  

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Query Cannot Be Updated Because The FROM

Apr 5, 2007

Hi everybody,
 I am a total noob conserning ASP, but I am willing to learn
We have a sql2005 SRV(hosted by our ISP, so limited access) and a ASP based forum (WEB WIZ)
When I try to login I get this error: Support Error Code:- err_SQLServer_loginUser()_update_USR_CodeFile Name:- functions_login.aspError details:-Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC DriversQuery cannot be updated because the FROM clause is not a single simple table name.Can somebody tell me whats wrong?
Thanx in advance.
 Gerry de Bruijn!

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SQL Help: Get The Record I Just Updated

Jul 6, 2007

Hi -
 apologies if this is not the right forum for this - I've searched a bit and this seems to be the best fit.
I have the following problem: I want to update records in a table that fit certain criteria. The way the insert logic works make sure that there will always be only one record that fits the criteria and I'd like to get the ID value of that record once the update went through. So here is what I tried:
 1 UPDATE Timeslot
2 SET StartTime = @StartTime, EndTime = @EndTime
3 WHERE (ProfessionalID = @ProfessionalID) AND (ProviderLocationID = @ProviderLocationID) AND (RequestID IS NULL) AND (StartTime > @StartTime) AND
4 (EndTime < @EndTime);

 My hope was that the select scope_identity would return the Timeslot ID of the row that was affected, but it doesn't. How do I get that row?

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Jun 20, 2000

is there a such thing as a "UPDATED table".. as in a trigger's INSERTED table or DELETED table ....

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Who/When Was A Table Updated?

Apr 10, 2000

How can I determine who and when a table in a db was updated, I dont need this per record, I only need to know the last time an update was made to a table. Thanks.

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File Last Updated

Sep 21, 2000

Is there a way to tell when a file was last updated?

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Get Last Updated Records?

Jun 28, 2004

If I update a recordset a group of records using dynamic SQL where I update the TOP n records, is it possible to get the set of records that was updated?

CREATE PROCEDURE usp_Structural_ScheduleComponent
@cProject char(7),
@cComponentID char(10),
@iPour int,
@iQuantity int,
@iAvailable int OUTPUT,
@dtCast datetime OUTPUT

SET @dtCast = convert(char(10), getdate(), 120)

DECLARE @cSql varchar(500)
SET @cSql = 'UPDATE tbStructuralComponentSchedule SET PourNumber = ' + CAST (@iPour AS VARCHAR) + ', ScheduledDate = ' + '''' + CAST(@dtCast AS VARCHAR) + '''' +
' FROM tbStructuralComponentSchedule ' +
' WHERE fkProjectNumber = ' + '''' + @cProject + '''' +
' AND fkComponentID = ' + '''' + @cComponentID + '''' +
' AND IssueDate IS NOT NULL' +
' AND ScheduledDate IS NULL' +

IF(@@ERROR <> 0 OR @@ROWCOUNT < = 0)
RAISERROR('Failed to add components to pour!',16,1)

FROM tbStructuralComponentSchedule WHERE fkProjectNumber = @cProject AND fkComponentID = @cComponentID


-- Is there a way to return the recordset that were modified in the update?

Mike B

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How To Get Last Updated Date

Oct 19, 2004

I am looking for a function (or something else) that shows me, when a row in MS SQL Server was updated the last time. is it possible?


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Updated Column Name

Feb 10, 2005


Can anybody tell me how to find the column name(s) for recently updated table.



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Index Not Updated.

Dec 13, 2005


We run SQL SERVER 2000 on win2000

I've a question regarding Index on a table.
I've a table (1 milj rows) with a extra index ZINDEX1.

Now lets say I insert 1000 rows in that table.

Now what will happend if I search on these NEW rows in my table.
The Index is not updated.


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Log All Updated Tables

May 3, 2006

We have a third party process that runs and updated several SQL tables.
Is there any way to find out what tables are being updated and store it in another table?

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