Capture Error Msg Into Another Table
Nov 15, 2013
One of my co-worker told me I can do this to capture errors and insert into error table but when I test it, it doesn't work. Here is what I try to accomplish. SQL 2012. In reality, I have more complicate queries than below.
1. Insert data FROM SourceEmployee INTO Employee table and capture emp_id and error msg insert into dbo.##temperror table
2. Continue on the process until no more record. Basically, skip the error records and do a while loop until end of record.
--DROP TABLE dbo.Employee;
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Employee]
[emp_id] [int] NOT NULL,
[last_name] [varchar](20) NULL,
[first_name] [varchar](15) NOT NULL,
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Apr 10, 2015
I created am inventory table with few columns say, Servername, version, patching details, etc
I want a tracking of the table.
Let's say people are asked to modify the base table and I want a complete capture of the details modified and the session of the user ( ) who (system_user) is actually modifying the details.
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Dec 25, 2014
I need to capture changes in my table and store it in another table. Here is how my table would look like.
[Hno] [nchar](10) NULL,
[Status] [smallint] NULL,
[Date] [datetime] NULL
[Code] ....
In return I need to check column Status for whenever the value has changed and need to store that in my table. If there are two records for which value in column Status is same, I need to pick only one of the records and that being the earliest of them and therefore the Date field is mentioned in my table . My output should be something like below.
100 02014-12-20 00:55:44.667
100 12014-12-22 00:55:44.723
100 02014-12-24 00:55:44.723
100 12014-12-26 00:55:44.723
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May 2, 2002
Hi all,
Is there anyway to capture the SQL Server Error and act accordingly?
I donot want sql server to raise an error when a Primary key violation has occured. Instead i want to capture that error(number,description etc) and act
Whats happening is, from the application we are trapping this sql error
and raising it. Instead, if somebody inserts a record which already exists, then we want to trap that error from the sqlprocedure itself and then do an update to that record.
thanks for the help
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Apr 26, 2004
Is possible to capture the message of error generated in the execution
of a command SQL?
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Jan 8, 2008
Using SQL Server 2000
I have to leave a production trace running for a couple of days to track down a little bit of data corruption. I am setting the stop time and maximum file size and I am running it from another machine and writing to a file and not a table and all of that good stuff.
however since I am going to be leaving this running for a while I do not want to deal with a gigantic file to sift through I am trying to limit my trace to all of the stored procs, which can be coming from other databases, to those inserting and and updating a particular table.
I have been goofing around with the Objects:Closed and Objects:Open and the SP:Starting And SP:Completed events, but I can not seem to make this work. I skimmed through the first 5 pages of my google search and my BOL search, but came up empty.
Is this possible? I thought I had done this before.
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Jul 20, 2005
I trashed SQL Server2000 when I added the WINXP SP2, and had to reinstallit. When I did, my database(DEV_DATA) remained intact, but when I go inthru Enterprise Manager, it is not located in the system tree, and istherefore inaccessible. Can anyone suggest how I could get this databaseincluded.
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Jun 14, 2007
I'm wondering if SSIS can capture the table schema structure, including the primary keys, foreign keys and indexes applied from the source table to the destination table? My source tables will be coming from AS400/DB2 and I'm using OLEDB Provider for DB2. I would like to automatically generate the table schema of my destination table in SQL Server 2005 (thru SSIS) as similar as my source table from AS400.
May Lanie
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Sep 14, 2007
I need to capture the primary key violation error:
If e.CommandName = "Insert" Then Dim EmployeeIDTextBox As TextBox = CType(dvContact.FindControl("EmployeeIDTextBox"), TextBox) Dim LastName As TextBox = CType(dvContact.FindControl("LastName"), TextBox) Dim FirstName As TextBox = CType(dvContact.FindControl("FirstName"), TextBox)
Using cmdAdd As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
'Establish connection to the database connection Dim sqlcon As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("eConnString").ToString)
'Open connection sqlcon.Open()
'Pass opened connection (see above) to the command object cmdAdd.Connection = sqlcon
'Using "With/End With" pass content to columns from text objects and datatime variables (see above) With cmdAdd .Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@EmployeeID", EmployeeIDTextBox.Text)) .Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@LastName", LastName.Text)) .Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@FirstName", FirstName.Text)) 'Establish the type of commandy object .CommandType = CommandType.Text
'Pass the Update nonquery statement to the commandText object previously instantiated .CommandText = "INSERT INTO ATTEmployee(EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName & _ "VALUES (@EmployeeID, @LastName, @FirstName)" End With
'Execute the nonquerry via the command object cmdAdd.ExecuteNonQuery() '<==Need to capture primaryKey violation, give user message, cancel insert,return to detailView ReadOnly
'I haven't figured out the correct code to capture the primary key violation
EDITMsg.Text="You can not insert an duplicate record. Try Again."
'Close the sql connection sqlcon.Close() End Using End If
Thank you for your help
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Apr 25, 2007
I have a package which has 5 connection managers. One of the Connection Manager has incorrect server name, which results in Package Validation error. Which event handler should be used to run on such errors for OnError Event handler doesnt work @ all.
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Dec 10, 2007
I want to capture an error through dynamic query. I have got a link server. I will execute a procedure in database a which will insert data into a table of database b. If while inserting into the table if database b generates an error I have to catch that error in database a and show it.
Please help.
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Aug 23, 2002
Hi everybody, is anyway to capture error description into variable?
insert into tabMaster(col1) values(1)
select @@error
will produce output
Server: Msg 2627, Level 14, State 1, Line 1
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_TabMaster'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'TabMaster'.
The statement has been terminated.
(1 row(s) affected)
I want to capture " Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_TabMaster'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'TabMaster'."
and assign it to variable
BOL state:... All other parts of the error, such as its severity, state, and message text containing replacement strings such as object names, are returned only to the application in which they can be processed using the API error handling mechanisms
thank you
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Jul 24, 2015
I want to create a SSIS package as follows
If there are about 100 records in text file, if there is an error at 43 and at 67 record respectively , it should capture 43 and 67 record in failure folder and remaining 98 records , should be processed
1) Successful record into table and move the success record from the folder
to new path say( Success folder) (98 records to table)
2) Unsuccessful records to new path (Failure folder) (2 lines )
3) Error message to capture the failed records and store them in another folder(Error log) (2 line failure information)
While writing the 3rd condition to error log table , it has to point out the record which is failed for what reason, say it may be due to invalid data type for column 10 for 43 record, and incorrect syntax error at 67 record.
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Feb 15, 2008
I have a SQL Task that executes some stored procedure. When a condition is met the stored procedure raises an error by calling RAISERROR (@ErrorMessage,16,1). Following the SQL Task I have Send Mail Task that sends an error email.
I would like to know how to include the @ErrorMessage in the error email.
Thank you,
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Oct 16, 2006
I have a flat file with several rows of entire type in one of the rows a string comes and when it goes away to guard in the BD it falls, since I can know in that this row of the flat file the string?????
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May 30, 2007
I am creating a package that has many SQL tasks. Each task executes a stored procedure. I need to capture any error messages returned by the stored procedures. Eventually, the error messages will be logged so that we can audit the package and know if individual tasks succeeded or failed.
I'm not sure where or how I can access a stored procedure message. What is the best way?
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Nov 16, 2006
We have set up an SSIS package which goes to an FTP site and downloads files.
Everything is fine... EXCEPT (lol) when there are no files to download. This then fails the task.
However, I want the package to continue to run.
Is there away of assigning the error message given to an expression and then using the expression in the precedence contraint?
thanking you in advance
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Feb 5, 2008
In my SSIS program I have a main package that calls bunch of packages step by step. I would like to find out how can I capture the status of each task once its done and insert the value whether its "success" or "failure" into a sql server table.
any ideas how should I go about doing this?
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Sep 18, 2007
Let me preface by saying I am not very familiar with SSIS.
Ideally, since the Transfer SQL Server Objects task can do all tables, I would like to use it to copy only data from one server to a new server that has the tables pre-created. When I encounter any kind of error, in addition to the error information provided by SSIS, I also need the actual row data.
If using the Transfer Object task can't do that, how would I loop through all the tables on an OLEDB source and capture the same error information on the destination? I figured out how to do the Data Flow a table with a redirect error output but that does not give me the actual row data.
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Jun 5, 2014
I'm trying to capture the sizes of all Databases into a Permanent Table and include the Date.
It works when inserting into a #Temp Table.
When I try inserting into a permanent table it returns NULL.
The following code needs modified to create a permanent table and store the Date:
INSERT #Databases EXEC ('EXEC sp_databases');
ROUND((DATABASE_SIZE / 1024) / 1024, 2) AS 'GB',
CONVERT(date, getdate()) AS Date FROM #databases
DROP TABLE #databases;
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Apr 24, 2015
Is there a dbcc flag that will capture all error messages in the log
e.g. when inserting data into a table, a PK violation occurs throwing, Msg 2627
..similar to trace flag 1222 to capture deadlock info..
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Mar 24, 2006
Ok, I'm not quite sure how to approach this one. This is a VB.NET console app in which I want to capture each row and throw it into a table. The reason being, they want a report on what was processed...which I'll be able to do easily in Reporting Services 2005 once this crap is in a table where it should be.
1) What should I use to do this, dataset? I want to use stored procedures also, not inline SQL
Function here takes an incoming file, and splits it up into separate files. I want to insert each row that is succesfully split
Public Sub ProcessFiles(ByVal sIncomingfile As String, ByVal sOutputDirectory As String)
If sIncomingfile <> "" And sOutputDirectory <> "" Then
Dim f As New Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission(Security.Permissions.PermissionState.None) f.AllLocalFiles = Security.Permissions.FileIOPermissionAccess.Read
Dim file As New IO.FileInfo(sIncomingfile) Dim filefs As IO.FileStream = Nothing If file.Exists Then Try filefs = New IO.FileStream(file.FullName, IO.FileMode.Open) 'Place: 1 Catch ex As Exception SendEmail("Incoming .mnt or .naf Filename Invalid or not found", "Place: 1") Application.Exit() End Try End If
Dim reader As New IO.StreamReader(filefs) Dim counter As Integer = 0
Dim CurrentFS As IO.FileStream Dim CurrentWriter As IO.StreamWriter Dim extension As String = IO.Path.GetExtension(file.FullName)
If extension = ".mnt" Then While Not reader.Peek < 0 Dim Line As String = reader.ReadLine If IsNumeric(Line.Substring(0, 1)) Then Dim Parts() As String = Line.Split(" "c) ' split row into parts If Parts(0).Length = 8 Then ' if first part is 8 then know we hit another header so cut and then write to file counter += 1 If Not CurrentWriter Is Nothing Then CurrentWriter.Flush() : CurrentWriter.Close() CurrentFS = New IO.FileStream(IO.Path.Combine(IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(sOutputDirectory), Line.Substring(59, 4) & "[" & counter.ToString & "]" & Now.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy") & IO.Path.GetExtension(file.FullName)), IO.FileMode.Create) CurrentWriter = New IO.StreamWriter(CurrentFS) End If
If Not CurrentWriter Is Nothing Then CurrentWriter.WriteLine(Line) End If
End If End While
If Not CurrentWriter Is Nothing Then CurrentWriter.Flush() : CurrentWriter.Close()
MoveFilesFTP(sOutputDirectory, "mnt")
ElseIf extension = ".naf" Then While Not reader.Peek < 0 Dim Line As String = reader.ReadLine If Not IsNumeric(Line.Substring(0, 1)) Then ' if first part is not a number, then we know it's a header so split the file counter += 1 If Not CurrentWriter Is Nothing Then CurrentWriter.Flush() : CurrentWriter.Close() CurrentFS = New IO.FileStream(IO.Path.Combine(IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(sOutputDirectory), Line.Substring(6, 4) & "[" & counter.ToString & "]" & Now.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy") & IO.Path.GetExtension(file.FullName)), IO.FileMode.Create) CurrentWriter = New IO.StreamWriter(CurrentFS) End If
If Not CurrentWriter Is Nothing Then CurrentWriter.WriteLine(Line) End If
End While
If Not CurrentWriter Is Nothing Then CurrentWriter.Flush() : CurrentWriter.Close()
MoveFilesFTP(sOutputDirectory, "naf") End If Else 'input file not valid SendEmail("Incoming .mnt or .naf Filename Invalid", "Place: 1") End If End Sub
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May 28, 2015
I am trying to update a table and then also use OUTPUT clause to capture some of the columns. The code that I am using is something like the one below
SET Exception_Ind = 1
OUTPUT s.Master_Id, s.TCK_NR
INTO #temp2
FROM Master_Summary s
INNER JOIN Exception d
ON d.Id = LEFT(s.Id, 8)
AND d.Barcode_Num = s.TCK_NR
WHERE s.Exception_Ind IS NULL
The above code is throwing an error as follows:
Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Procedure Process_Step3, Line 113
The multi-part identifier "s.Master_Id" could not be bound.
Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Procedure Process_Step3, Line 113
The multi-part identifier "s.TCK_NR" could not be bound.
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Jun 19, 2015
How to capture execute sql task results.
Example if the execute sql task runs select statment (select * from table)means , how do i capture into sql table.
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Jun 9, 2015
I have 5 tables that are joined respectively,
Each one of the tables listed below has a “CreateDateTime” and “UpdateDateTime” fields, I need to get yesterday changes, I can get any record where either CreateDateTime or UpdateDateTime is greater than midnight yesterday butI need to watch dates on all of the tables so I need to do atleast 10 date checks.
If any table shows an updated or created record, I need to gather ALL of the information for that customer. So, if my name didn’t change (SCUS table), but my email does (SEML table), I have to pull out both the SCUS and SEML tables (and the others, of course). So It may not be simple WHERE clause, How can I achieve this:
[Code] ....
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Jan 13, 2013
Or can it record before and after column changes based on the LSN only?
An extract from a file based legacy accounting system is performed every night. The system does not have a primary key because transactions are managed through program code. (the more things change...). The extract is copied to text in Unix and FTP'd to Windows, where the file is loaded into SQL Server by kill & fill. Because of the expense of modifying the source system, there is enormous inertia/resistance to injecting a primary key at the source, so kill & fill it stays.
In reading about Change Data Capture, it seemed to me that column level insert update and delete are stored in tables that remember the before and after content of each column tracked. In my reading I have seen many references to the LSN to decide when and what to record as changed, but I have not seen any refereference to the necessity of a primary key for Change Data Capture to work. This is in contrast to replication, where the requirement for the existence of a primary key is made plain.
Is it possible to use Change Data Capture against a table without a primary key? How to use it to change the extract from kill and fill to incremental.
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Jul 8, 2015
I get the following error message when a job calls a Stored Procedure that TRUNCATES a Table:
Cannot truncate table 'CombinedSurveyData' because it is published for replication or enabled for Change Data Capture
Is my only option to change the TRUNCATE to DELETE?
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Jul 31, 2013
I am working on an HR project and I have one final component that I am stuck on.
I have an Excel File that is loaded into a folder every month.
I have built a package that captures the data from the excel file and loads it into a staging table (transforming a few bits of data).
I then combine it with another table in a view.
I have another package that loads that view into a Master table and I have added a Slowly Changing Dimension so that it only updates what has been changed. (it’s a table of all employees, positions, hire dates, term dates etc).
Our HR wants to have this data in a report (with charts and tables) and they wanted it to be in a familiar format. So I made a data connection with Excel loading the data into a series of pivot tables.
I have one final component that i cant seem to figure out. At the end of every year I need to capture a count of all Active Employees and all Termed employees for that year. Just a count.
So the data will look like this.
|2010|447 |57 |
|2011|419 |67 |
|2012|420 |51 |
The data is in one table labeled [EEMaster]. To test the count I have the following.
SELECT COUNT([PersNo]) AS HistoricalHC
FROM [dbo].[EEMaster]
WHERE [ChangeStatus] = 'Current' AND [EmpStatusName] = 'Active'
this returns the HistoricalHC for 2013 as 418.
FROM [dbo].[EEMaster]
WHERE [ChangeStatus] = 'Current' AND [EmpStatusName] = 'Withdrawn' AND [TermYear] = '2013'
This returns the Number of Termed employees for 2013 as 42.
I have created a table to report from called [dbo.TORateFY] that I have manually entered previous years data into.
|2010|447 |57 |
|2011|419 |67 |
|2012|420 |51 |
I need a script (or possibly a couple of scripts) that will add the numbers every year with the year that the data came from.
(so on Dec 31st this package will run and add |2013|418|42| to the next row, and so on.
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Jan 10, 2008
I have application in which i am performing synchronization between SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005 CE.
I have one table "ItemMaster" in my database.There is no relationship with this table,it is standalone.I am updating its values from Windows Mobile Device.
I am performing below operations for that.
Step : 1 Pull To Mobile
Code BlockmoSqlCeRemoteDataAccess.Pull("ItemMaster", "SELECT * FROM ItemMaster", lsConnectString,RdaTrackOption.TrackingOn);
Step : 2 Using one device form i am updating table "ItemMaster" table's values.
Step : 3 Push From Mobile
Code BlockmoSqlCeRemoteDataAccess.Push("ItemMaster", msConnectString);
So i am getting an error on 3rd step.
While i am trying to push it says,
"The Push method returned one or more error rows. See the specified error table. [ Error table name = ]".
I have tried it in different ways but still i am getting this error.
Note : Synchronization is working fine.There is not issue with my IIS,SQL CE & SQL Server 2k.
Can any one help me?I am trying for that since last 3 days.
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May 29, 2008
Cmd.CommandText = "Drop Table Raj"
Cmd.CommandText = "Select * Into Raj From XXX"
This generates error that Table already exist.
If Wait 1 sec then execute statement then it works fine.
Thanks in Advance
Piyush Verma
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May 23, 2002
Is there a way to capture every change made in a database? I would like to be able to audit and report on all changes made in our corp. database. Is there a system tool or function that can accomodate such a thing? Transaction Log maybe??
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Aug 3, 2015
I have to create DDL trigger for audit to capture the object definition before and after the changes.
Like If any user running the Alter table Statement, i need to capture the Object definition before and after changes..
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Jul 27, 1998
We would like to capture events in our system. There seem to be
three obvious capture points for us - application, triggers, transaction
log. The latter seems to be the most attractive, since we`re looking
for a solution with minimal performance impact. In general, our
problem is similar to populating data warehouses from on-line databases.
Can anyone proffer some advice? In particular, being quite new to
SQL Server, I am not sure how difficult/possible it is to read the
transaction log in order to cull events. Some direction here would
be greatly appreciated.
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