Case - When - Update - Insert Into - End

Mar 24, 2006

Hi guys,

My first question is, is it possible like this?

when a=b then
update table1
set columnA = convert(datetime,columnB,113)
from table2
where a=b
insert into table1 (columnames)
select (few columns, and few defined value)
from table2
where a=b
insert into table1 (columnames)
select (few columns)
from table2
where a=b

from there u can know im a newbie n know nothing bout sql :D

Thanks in advance guys!

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Using CASE With INSERT,UPDATE Statement

Mar 6, 2008

Is it possible to use CASE statement with INSERT /UPDATE statement?this is what i am trying to do
i have a table like this
Field1 Field2 Field3  FieldType1 FieldType2 FieldType3
1-when there is no data for a given combination of  Field2 and  Field3,i need to do "insert".i.e the very first time and only time
2-Second time,when there is already a row created for a given combination of Field2 and  Field3,i would do the update onwards from there on.
At a time value can be present for only one of the FieldType1,FieldType2,FieldType3) for insert or update
I am passing a parameter to the stored procedure,which needs to be evaluated and wud determine,which field out of (FieldType1,FieldType2,FieldType3)has a value for insert or update .this is what i am trying to do in a stored procedure
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.StoredProcedure
 ( @intField1 int, @intField2 int, @intField3 int,  @intFieldValue int , @evalFieldName varchar(4)  )So i am trying something like
CaseWHEN @evalFieldName ="Fld1" THENINSERT INTO TABLE1 (Field2,Field3,fieldType1,FieldType2,FieldType3)values (@intField1,@intField2,@intField3,@intFieldValue,cast(null as int) fld2 ,cast(null as int) fld3)
CaseWHEN @evalFieldName ="Fld2" THENINSERT INTO TABLE1 (Field2,Field3,fieldType1,FieldType2,FieldType3)values (@intField1,@intField2,@intField3,cast(null as int) fld1 ,@intFieldValue,cast(null as int) fld3)
CaseWHEN @evalFieldName ="Fld3" THENINSERT INTO TABLE1 (Field2,Field3,fieldType1,FieldType2,FieldType3)values (@intField1,@intField2,@intField3,cast(null as int) fld1 ,cast(null as int) fld2,@intFieldValue)
similar trend needs to be followed for UPDATE as well..obiviousely its not working,gives me synatax error at case,when,then can someone suggest me the alternative way?..i am trying to avoid writing  stored procedure to insert/update for each individual fields..thanks a lot

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Update + Case + When

Mar 12, 2004

I have 1 table (Test1)

010 15.2 20 0
030 13.8 25 0
090 10.3 1.2 0
010 7.25 10 0
030 25.1 25.23 0
010 21.01 14 0
090 10.50 8 0

I want to use SP to do something like this


If [A] = '010' then
SET [D] = [B]
end if

If [A] = '090' then
SET [D] = [C]
end if

It is possible to use SP and only one UPDATE statement ?

This is not acceptable (the table is read twice, 200.000 - 300.000 rows)

set [D] = [B]
WHERE [A] ='010'


set [D] = [C]
WHERE [A] ='090'

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Update With Case?

May 19, 2008

Okay, so i have to check to tables against each other.

if record in Table1 IS NOT in Table2 i want to set dnc to '' or null if record in Table1 IS in Table2 i want to set dnc to 'Y'

currently, i have to do two passes. i was wonder if anyone would help me make this one statement.


update t1
set dnc = ''
from test_new.dbo.consumer t1

update t1
set dnc = 'y'
from test_new.dbo.consumer t1
inner join residential.dbo.dnc on tl1=phone

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Using Case Within An Update

Mar 23, 2006

Im trying to do the following but get the error.
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
The statement has been terminated.

The code is

update [table]
set [field 1] = (select (case [field 2]
when 'B' then 'Y'
when 'C' then 'N'
when 'N' then 'N'
when 'P' then 'Y'
else 'N'
from [table]),
[field 3] = (select (case [field 2]
when 'B' then 'Y'
when 'C' then 'Y'
when 'N' then 'N'
when 'P' then 'N'
else 'N'
from [table])

ANy ideas?

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Case Update

Apr 1, 2008

I am selecting from the database table and while I am selecting I am changing the value of the field

so thisis how it goes.


.InCompleteOther = CASE WHEN (ErrMessage='Beneficiary in status') THEN 'You have End_Stage'
ELSE InCompleteOther


some how I am getting an error what could be it.

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Update/Case Help

Apr 9, 2008

I can't seem to figure this out, trying to update from another table based on a case expression: Keep getting a syntax error by the join clause.

SET Table1.Id =

CASE WHEN Table1.AlphaCol = 'UNKNOWN' THEN 0

ELSE Table2.Id


JOIN Table2
ON Table1.AlphaCol = Table2.Description and Table1.Type = Table2.Type

WHERE Table1.Id is NULL

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Jul 23, 2005

Hello,Within an INSERT statement where the VALUES are expressed, is itpossible to evaluate one or more of the values with CASE or IFstatements?Consider the following code;INSERT INTO snbat011_app_clnt(entr_cd,app_id,clnt_id,clnt_type,clnt_frst_name,clnt_mid_name,clnt_lst_name,clnt_gender)VALUES(@EntrCode, @AppId, @ClientId, @FirstName, @MidName, @LastName,If @FormType = 'SimplifiedApp Or (@FormType = 'AccidentApp' And @FormId= 'AccidentAppRls0304') Then@GenderElse'' )The entry of a value for clnt_gender depends on the statements in theIf condition. If one condition is met, then the parameter value in@Gender is used, otherwise, the entry is an empty string.How would you recommend that I handle this kind of situation?Thank you for your help!CSDunn

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CASE In Update Statement

Oct 13, 1999

Is it possible to use CASE in update statement? What is the syntax? I need to pass parameter @week, when @week = 0, 2, 4, then field = @Status and so on

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Help Request With UPDATE/CASE

May 11, 2004


I have a table as follows:

[SaleYear] [smallint] ,
[SaleMonthNum] [smallint] ,
[SaleMonthName] [nvarchar] (20) ,
[TotalSale] [money] NULL

What I want is to update the field 'SaleMonthName' based on the 'SaleMonthNum' field using the CASE expression. I want something like this (pseudo-code):

update Mytable
set SaleMonthName
IF SaleMonthNum =1, then := 'January'
IF SaleMonthNum =2, then := 'February'
IF SaleMonthNum =12, then := 'December'

Many TIA.

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How To Use Case In Update Statements

Jun 5, 2007

I have this update statement that works, it updates the totalamount to calc amount, but I want to update totalamount only when it is not equal to calcamt.I have tried many things but in vain.Can some one please help me.
How do i use case statements to update only when totalamount!=calcamt.

update c
set totalamount= calcamt
from Prepay c
(select sum(amt) as calcamt, payid
from pay
group by payid
)b ON b.payid= c.payid
where c.cust_no='somenum'

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Update, Case Statement And Sum

Jul 20, 2005

I would like to update a decimal column in a temporary table based ona set of Glcodes from another table. I search for a set of codes andthen want to sum the value for each row matching the Glcodes. Theproblem is I keep getting multiple rows returned errors."Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when thesubquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used asan expression.The statement has been terminated."This is correct as there can be many rows matching the Glcodes foreach iteration of the case statement and I need to catch them all.I have posted some of the code below and would appreciate any help asI'm scratching my head over this one. It's all very much work inprogress again.Regards,DECLARE@CostCentreNVARCHAR(3)DECLARE@COIDNVARCHAR(3)DECLARE@TheYearNVARCHAR(5)DECLARE@PlorBSNVARCHAR(2)DECLARE@BusinessUnitNVARCHAR(50)DECLARE@BranchNVARCHAR(3)SET@CostCentre= 'xxx'SET@COID= 'inc'SET@TheYear= '2004'SET@PlorBS= 'x2'SET@BusinessUnit= 'PBUS'SET@Branch= ‘usa'CREATE TABLE #SummaryTempTable ([GLD_ACCTNG_PER] int,[Order Num] decimal(9,2),[Summary Description] varchar(50),[Summary Amount] decimal(9,2))INSERT INTO #SummaryTempTable VALUES(199999, 1.1, 'Tot Ext Sales',0.0)INSERT INTO #SummaryTempTable VALUES(199999, 1.2, 'Tot Int Sales',0.0)INSERT INTO #SummaryTempTable VALUES(199999, 1.3, 'Inter Mark Up',0.0)INSERT INTO #SummaryTempTable VALUES(199999, 2.1, 'Tot Ext Costs',0.0)INSERT INTO #SummaryTempTable VALUES(199999, 2.2, 'Tot Int Costs',0.0)INSERT INTO #SummaryTempTable VALUES(199999, 2.3, 'Inter Mark UpCharges', 0.0)UPDATE #SummaryTempTableSET [Summary Amount] = (SELECT sum(CASEWHEN ((ACT_GL_NO between '4000' and '4059') or (ACT_GL_NO between'4065' and '4999') or (ACT_GL_NO IN ('4062','4063'))) THEN GLD_TotalWHEN (ACT_GL_NO IN ('4060','4064')) THEN GLD_TotalWHEN (ACT_GL_NO = '4061') THEN GLD_TotalWHEN ((ACT_GL_NO between '5000' and '5059') or (ACT_GL_NO between'5065' and '5401') or (ACT_GL_NO IN ('5805','5806','5062','5063')))THEN GLD_TotalWHEN (ACT_GL_NO IN ('5060','5064')) THEN GLD_TotalWHEN (ACT_GL_NO = '5061') THEN GLD_TotalELSE 0END)FROM howco_dw_test.dbo.cubeFinancePeriodWHERE ([coid] = @COID) AND (GLD_SSN_BRH = @Branch) AND(GLD_ACCTNG_PER like @TheYear) AND ACT_GL_NO BETWEEN 4000 AND 9999AND GLD_CST_CTR IN ('008','021','031','041')GROUP BY ACT_GL_NO, GLD_ACCTNG_PER)

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Help !!!!!using Case Statements In Update

Jun 5, 2007

I have this update statement that works, it updates the totalamount to calc amount, but I want to update totalamount only when it is not equal to calcamt.I have tried many things but in vain.Can some one please help me.
How do i use case statements to update only when totalamount!=calcamt.

update c
set totalamount= calcamt
from Prepay c
( select sum(amt) as calcamt, payid
from pay
group by payid
)b ON b.payid= c.payid
where c.cust_no='somenum'

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SQL Server 2008 :: Update Null Enabled Field Without Interfering With Rest Of INSERT / UPDATE

Apr 16, 2015

If I have a table with 1 or more Nullable fields and I want to make sure that when an INSERT or UPDATE occurs and one or more of these fields are left to NULL either explicitly or implicitly is there I can set these to non-null values without interfering with the INSERT or UPDATE in as far as the other fields in the table?


FirstName VARCHAR(50) NULL,
LastName VARCHAR(50) NULL,

[Code] ....

If an INSERT looks like any of the following what can I do to change the NULL being assigned to DateAdded to a real date, preferable the value of GetDate() at the time of the insert? I've heard of INSTEAD of Triggers but I'm not trying tto over rise the entire INSERT or update just the on (maybe 2) fields that are being left as null or explicitly set to null. The same would apply for any UPDATE where DateModified is not specified or explicitly set to NULL. I would want to change it so that DateModified is not null on any UPDATE.

INSERT INTO dbo.MYTABLE( FirstName, LastName, DateAdded)

INSERT INTO dbo.MYTABLE( FirstName, LastName)

INSERT INTO dbo.MYTABLE( FirstName, LastName, DateAdded)
SELECT FirstName, LastName, NULL

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Can I Insert/Update Large Text Field To Database Without Bulk Insert?

Nov 14, 2007

I have a web form with a text field that needs to take in as much as the user decides to type and insert it into an nvarchar(max) field in the database behind.  I've tried using the new .write() method in my update statement, but it cuts off the text after a while.  Is there a way to insert/update in SQL 2005 this without resorting to Bulk Insert? It bloats the transaction log and turning the logging off requires a call to sp_dboptions (or a straight-up ALTER DATABASE), which I'd like to avoid if I can.

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If Or Case In An Insert Statement

Apr 18, 2006

when inserting into a temp table, if im creating the table there an then with select into statement, can i use if or case statements to decide on column names.

eg select if bla = 0 then call col a else call col b

into #temptable

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Update Sub Query In Case Expression

Oct 3, 2005

Hello everyone,
is there anyway to use an update sub query in a case expression , something like this for exampleselect username,(case when password ='606' then (update users set username = 'me' where id= '3') else password end) from users i have been googling this issue just with no usefull resultsthanks for any replyMahmoud Manasrah

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Update Set Select Case When Statement

Nov 15, 2013

Update ed_abcdeeh set category = case when name_of_school = '' then category = 'No Facility' else '' end,status = case when name_of_school = '' then status = 'Non-Compliant' else 'Compliant' end.

How to make this query right.. when name of school is blank i want to update my category to No facility, but if the name of school has data it will just make it blank. same to the status..

VFP9.0 via MySQL 5.0

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How To Make Update Not Change Case

Apr 15, 2015

This is on the uniqueidentifier column. Both tables are on the same database and have the same COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS.

But my plain update and insert results are all upper case.

Then when I tried to force by using

Insert (cols1, cols2) Values (source.col1, source.col2) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS


Update set target.col1=source.col1, target.col2=source.col2 target.col1=source.col1 COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS

I got

Msg 447, Level 16, State 0, Line 32

Expression type uniqueidentifier is invalid for COLLATE clause.

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Update Table With Case Statement

Aug 31, 2007

can plz anyone tell me how to fix the following update script. thanks

Update table
set rating =
when rating in
(select code from tbl_Codes
where code = '0')
then Rating = '0'

when Rating in
(select code from tbl_Codes
where code = '1')
then InternalRating = '1'
else rating

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UPDATE Involving CASE Expression

Oct 25, 2007

I am one very frustrated beginner. If it were not for wonderful information in this forum I would have taken early retirement by now!

Table contains information about new and departing computer and phone users in several departments which we support. This is an existing table which I'm trying to clean up.
The essential part:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[HelpDesk_NewUser](
[AutoNumber] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[SubmittedDate] [datetime] NULL,
[FirstName] [varchar](100) NOT NULL,
[LastName] [varchar](100) NOT NULL,
[Department] [varchar](100) NOT NULL,
[StartDate] [datetime] NULL,
[DepartDate] [datetime] NULL
[RequestedBy] [varchar](100) NOT NULL,
[UpdatedBy] [varchar](16) NOT NULL,
[CurrentStatus] [varchar](10) NOT NULL ,
[DateCurrentStatus] [datetime] NULL,
[FormType] [varchar](10) NOT NULL,

There can be more than one record per FirstName, LastName. FormType can be N for new or D for departing.
I want to do this for each record:
Read the FormType and Department from the record with the most recent activity (SubmittedDate) for each user
Convert Department to a 4 character department number
Update CurrentStatus with (FormType concatenated with the 4 character dept number) in all records for that user.

I have created another table called UserMostRecent which contains the most recent record for each user.

I have written a query to do this by brute force (read a record, set local variables, update a record), but I would like learn a simpler way to do it. I don't understand the syntax of CASE because it seems to change depending on where it is used.

Here is what I have tried that does not work. Error is "Incorrect syntax near word CASE"

UPDATE HelpDesk_NewUser
SET DateCurrentStatus = b.DateMostRecent,
CurrentStatus = (b.FormType + a.Department
WHEN 'Roads Department' THEN '3000'
WHEN 'Engineering and Survey Services' THEN '1900'
WHEN 'Waste Management' THEN '8999'
WHEN 'Kern Air Pollution Control District' THEN '9149'
WHEN 'Environmental Health' THEN '4113'
WHEN 'Building Inspection' THEN '2625'
WHEN 'Animal Control' THEN '2760'
WHEN 'Planning Department' THEN '2750'
WHEN 'Community and Economic Development' THEN '5940'
WHEN 'Resource Management Agency' THEN '2730'
WHEN 'Code Compliance' THEN '2620'
WHEN 'Roads Kern Regional Transit' THEN '8998'
FROM HelpDesk_NewUser a JOIN UserMostRecent b
ON (a.LastName = b.LastName and a.FirstName = b.FirstName)

Thank you, forum participants. You are the best!

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Can I Update Several Columns By CASE Expressions?

Apr 28, 2006

Hi, all here,

I am having a question-is it possible to update several columns using CASE expression in SQL language? like if I wanna set each CASE for each column.

Thanks a lot in advance for any help and guidance.

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Transact SQL :: Update Statement With Case

Nov 11, 2015

I am trying to run the below but I get an error of 'Incorrect syntax ')''  --- I have tried every angle I can think of around the parens to fix this but nothing I do is working.

UPDATE abcdefg
SET [Date] = GETDate(),
[readytogo] =
CASE WHEN [customername] NOT IN (Select [customername] from [server].[database].[dbo].[view])
THEN 'Yes'
'Needs Verification'


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Insert / Update Triggers When Insert Run Via Script

Oct 23, 2014

I'm working on inserting data into a table in a database. The table has two separate triggers, one for insert and one for update (I don't like it this way, but that's how it's been for years). When there is a normal insert, done via a program, it looks like the triggers work fine. When I run an insert manually via a script, the first insert trigger will run, but the update trigger will fail. I narrowed down the issue to a root cause.

This root issue is due to both triggers using the same temporary table name. When the second trigger runs, there's an error stating that a few columns don't exist. I went to my test server and test db and changed the update trigger so that the temporary table is different than the insert trigger temporary table, the triggers work fine. The weird thing is that if the temporary table already exists, when the second trigger tries to create the temporary table, I would expect it to fail and say that it already exists.I'm probably just going to update the trigger tonight and change the temporary table name.

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Using IsNumeric Within A Case Statement (within An Insert)

Mar 25, 2003

Hi - Please excuse me if this is really simple, but I'm fairly new to this lark.

My (made up) code is below... I'd be grateful for any pointers.

insert into [tblInvoices]
when substring(account_code,1,2) = 'FY' then '-'
when isNumeric(account_code) then left(account_code, 2)
when not isNumeric(substring(account_code,1,2)) then left(account_code, 1)
else 'oops'
end as function,

Is this even close?

I'm using a stored proc to insert the data from tblLoadMSV900_i into tblInvoices and at the same time insert some data into the function field.

In plain english I want make sure that:
If the first 2 chars of account_code are 'FY' then function='-',
If the first char of account_code is numeric then function=left(account_code, 2),
If the the first char is not numeric (and if first two chars are not 'FY' i.e. first char could be 'F') then function=left(account_code, 1)

And there's plenty more where this came from! But if I can crack this with your help then I should have a better idea about the rest of the proc.


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Update With Case Statement Not Working?

May 29, 2014

I have a situation where I want to update a column if and only if it is null.

UPDATE Employee
THEN ves.VEmployeeID
FROM Employee E
INNER JOIN VEmployeeStaging VES

But what happens is when I run the procedure every other time I run it, it changes everything to null. The other times it puts the VEmployeeID in.

So what is happening is the times when it is not null (where it is not supposed to do anything) it puts a null in. The next time it works.

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SQL 2012 :: Using CASE In Order To Update Columns To Be Either A Or B

May 13, 2015

I am relatively new to complex queries and need creating a query using a CASE in order to update columns to be either A or B. A few things about this is that I am joining tables from linked servers as well. This is the last part. I execute the query and receive the error:

Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'from'.

select (select FirstName from [ZZZXXX].HCM.dbo.tPerson where PersonGUID = tPersonJobHistAlias.SupervisorPersonGUID) as supervisorFirstName,
(select LastName from [ZZZXXX].HCM.dbo.tPerson where PersonGUID = tPersonJobHistAlias.SupervisorPersonGUID) as supervisorLastName,
(select PersonID from [ZZZXXX].HCM.dbo.tPerson where PersonGUID = tPersonJobHistAlias.SupervisorPersonGUID) as SupervisorEmployeeID,

[Code] .....

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Transact SQL :: Case Statement In Update Clause

Jun 4, 2015

I have used the below update query. However, its updating only the first value. Like its updating AB with volume when c.Type  = ABC, similarly for CD. Its not updating based on the 2nd or the next case condition.
Update XYZ Set AB = a.Amt * (CASE WHEN c.Type = 'ABC'  THEN  (c.volume)
 WHEN c.TYPE = 'DEF'  THEN  (c.volume)
 WHEN c.Type = 'GHI'  THEN  (c.volume)
 Else 0
 CD = CASE WHEN c.Type = 'MARGIN' THEN '4105.31'
 WHEN c.Type = 'ABC' THEN '123.1'
 WHEN c.Type = 'DEF' THEN '234.2'
WHEN c.Type = 'GHI' THEN '567.1'
 from table1 a join table2 b
 on a.Cust = b.Customer
 join table3 c
 on b.account = c.account and

Why its not working properly? But if i use Select statement instead of update query its working properly.

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Transact SQL :: Using Case Statement With Update Query

Jun 22, 2015

I have a table A  and lookup table B.

table A:
|  1  | orange | cabbage     |  no   |
|  1  | apple  | lettuce        |  yes   |
|  1  | kiwi     | broccoli      |  no   |
|  1  | pear    | kale           |  yes   |

table B:
| 1  | apple  |  lettuce       |
| 2  | pear    |   kale         |

If the fruit and vegetable in table A is found in table B, then set the GOOD column = yes, else no.

This is what I have so far.

update tableA
set GOOD =
(case when = then 'yes'
else 'no'
(select as id
from tableA A
left join tableB B on B.fruit = A.fruit
and B.vegetable = A.vegetable) C

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Can Insert Statement Works In Case When Function

Nov 5, 2007


Im beginer in sql,Please guide

can insert statement works fine in case when function

for example

case when condition1=true then (first insert statement based on some condition) when condition2=true then (second insert statement based on some other condition)

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Trigger To Update A Table On Insert Or Update

Feb 15, 2008


I've to write an trigger for the following action

When a entry is done in the table Adoscat79 having in the index field Statut_tiers the valeur 1 and a date in data_cloture for a customer xyz

all the entries in the same table where the no_tiers is the same as the one entered (many entriers) should have those both field updated

statut_tiers to 1
and date_cloture to the same date as entered

the same action has to be done when an update is done and the valeur is set to 1 for the statut_tiers and a date entered in the field date_clture

thank you for your help
I've never done a trigger before

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Update Multiple Columns In One Table With Case Statement

Nov 15, 2013

I want to update multiple column in one table using with case statement. i need query pls..

stdidnamesubject result marks
1 arun chemistry pass 55
2 alias maths pass 70
3 babau history pass 55
4 basha hindi NULL NULL
5 hussain hindi NULL nULL
6 chandru chemistry NULLNULL
7 mani hindi NULLNULL
8 rajesh history NULLNULL
9 rama chemistry NULLNULL
10 laxman maths NULLNULL

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Jul 23, 2005

Hello,I am writing a stored procedure that will take data from severaldifferent tables and will combine the data into a single table for ourdata warehouse. It is mostly pretty straightforward stuff, but there isone issue that I am not sure how to handle.The resulting table has a column that is an ugly concatenation fromseveral columns in the source. I didn't design this and I can't huntdown and kill the person who did, so that option is out. Here is asimplified version of what I'm trying to do:CREATE TABLE Source (grp_id INT NOT NULL,mbr_id DECIMAL(18, 0) NOT NULL,birth_date DATETIME NULL,gender_code CHAR(1) NOT NULL,ssn CHAR(9) NOT NULL )GOALTER TABLE SourceADD CONSTRAINT PK_SourcePRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (grp_id, mbr_id)GOCREATE TABLE Destination (grp_id INT NOT NULL,mbr_id DECIMAL(18, 0) NOT NULL,birth_date DATETIME NULL,gender_code CHAR(1) NOT NULL,member_ssn CHAR(9) NOT NULL,subscriber_ssn CHAR(9) NOT NULL )GOALTER TABLE DestinationADD CONSTRAINT PK_DestinationPRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (grp_id, mbr_id)GOThe member_ssn is the ssn for the row being imported. Each member alsohas a subscriber (think of it as a parent-child kind of relationship)where the first 9 characters of the mbr_id (as a zero-padded string)match and the last two are "00". For example, given the followingmbr_id values:1234567890012345678901123456789021111111110022222222200They would have the following subscribers:mbr_id subscriber mbr_id12345678900 1234567890012345678901 1234567890012345678902 1234567890011111111100 1111111110022222222200 22222222200So, for the subscriber_ssn I need to find the subscriber using theabove rule and fill in that ssn.I have a couple of ideas on how I might do this, but I'm wondering ifanyone has tackled a similar situation and how you solved it.The current system does an insert with an additional column for thesubscriber mbr_id then it updates the table using that column to joinback to the source. I could also join the source to itself in the firstplace to fill it in without the extra update, but I'm not sure if theextra complexity of the insert statement would offset any gains fromputting it all into one statement. I plan to test that on Monday.Thanks for any ideas that you might have.-Tom.

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