Change Data Table From Into Sql Query

Apr 4, 2007

i someone had teach me how to write a query in datatable. however i need to get the data out from my database rather than the data table. can someone teach me how should i do it?
esp at the first like.... like DataTable dt = GetFilledTable()
 since i already have set of data in my preset table i should be getting data from SqlDataSource1 right ( however i am writing this in my background code or within <script></script>
 so can anyone help me?

protected void lnkRadius_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DataTable dt = GetFilledTable();
        double radius = Convert.ToDouble(txtRadius.Text);
        decimal checkX = (decimal)dt.Rows[0]["Latitude"];
        decimal checkY = (decimal)dt.Rows[0]["Longitude"];
        // expect dt[0] to pass - as this is our check point
        // We use for rather than fopreach because the later does not allow DELETE during loop execution
        for(int index=0; index < dt.Rows.Count; index++)
            DataRow dr = dt.Rows[index];
            decimal testX = (decimal)dr["Latitude"];
            decimal testY = (decimal)dr["Longitude"];
            double testXzeroed = Convert.ToDouble(testX -= checkX);
            double testYzeroed = Convert.ToDouble(testY -= checkY);
            double distance = Math.Sqrt((testXzeroed * testXzeroed) + (testYzeroed * testYzeroed));
            // mark for delete (not allowed in a foreach - so we use "for")
            if (distance > radius)
        // accept deletes
        GridView1.DataSource = dt.DefaultView;

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System.Security.SecurityException: Request For The Permission Of Type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientPermission, System.Data

Aug 21, 2006

I have created a windows library control that accesses a local sql database

I tried the following strings for connecting

Dim connectionString As String = "Data Source=localhostSQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=TimeSheet;Trusted_Connection = true"

Dim connectionString As String = "Data Source=localhostSQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=TimeSheet;Integrated Security=SSPI"

I am not running the webpage in a virtual directory but in


and I have a simple index.html that tries to read from an sql db but throws

the error

System.Security.SecurityException: Request for the permission of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientPermission, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.
at System.Security.CodeAccessSecurityEngine.Check(Object demand, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, Boolean isPermSet)
at System.Security.PermissionSet.Demand()
at System.Data.Common.DbConnectionOptions.DemandPermission()
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.PermissionDemand()
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionFactory.PermissionDemand(DbConnection outerConnection)
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionClosed.OpenConnection(DbConnection outerConnection,

etc etc

The action that failed was:
The type of the first permission that failed was:
The Zone of the assembly that failed was:

I looked into the .net config utility but it says unrestricted and I tried adding it to the trusted internet zones in ie options security

I think that a windows form connecting to a sql database running in a webpage should be simple

to configure what am I missing?

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Request For The Permission Of Type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientPermission, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, Pu

Mar 12, 2008

I created a .net console application within which I connect to a sql server (not local) as follows,

string conn_str = "Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=QuantEquitySql;Data Source=server name";

SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(conn_str);

Everything works fine when I run it from my computer. When I try to run it from a network share I get the following error,

Request for the permission of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientPermission, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.

I am using Visual Studio 2005 and .Net framwork v2.0.50727.

Does anybody know a fix to this problem?


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'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientPermission, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' Fail

Jun 20, 2007

I have a report that uses some embedded custom code. The embedded custom code is a function that execute some sql query on a sql server database.Everything works fine in Visual studio. The report gets deployed on the server successfully, however when running the report from report manager i get the following error message :

The Hidden expression for the table table1 contains an error: Request for the permission of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientPermission, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.

Here is the code :


Public function get_field() as string
Dim myConnection As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
Dim myCommand As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
Dim data_reader As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader
Dim field(100) as string
Dim i as integer
Dim j as integer
Dim sql_field as string
Dim nbr_field as integer
Dim rtn_string as string

i = 0
sql_field ="Select field from mytable"
myConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(";Initial Catalog=mydatabase;User Id=user1;Password=password1;")
myCommand = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(sql_field, myConnection)
data_reader = myCommand.ExecuteReader()
While data_reader.Read()
if data_reader.HasRows then
field(i)= data_reader(0).ToString()
end if
nbr_field = nbr_field + 1
i= i+1
End While

for j = 0 to nbr_field -1
rtn_string = rtn_string + field(j) + ","
Next j

rtn_string = left(rtn_string,rtn_string.length-1)
return rtn_string
'return sql_cmd
'return yes_no
'return lkupfield
end function


Why do i get the error message ?, is this related to Code Access Security issues with .net framework. if yes

how do i set the Security so the report server or report manager allows embedded custom code to be executed. Any advice ?


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How To Create A System Type Table/ Change User Table To System Table.

May 23, 2007

Is there any Posibility to change a User Table to System Table.

How to create one system table.

I am in Big mess that One of the Table I am using is in System Type.

I cant Index the same. Is there any Mistake we can change a user table to system table.....

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A First Chance Exception Of Type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException' Occurred In

Jan 18, 2008

I've written this code multiple times now. But for the first time i get an error at the line underlined. My procedure runs perfectly when i execute it through Sql Query analyzer.
plzz help.. Its urgent and am unable to find the reason for this error "A first chance exception of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException' occurred in"
Thanks !SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(DbConnectionString);
SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandText = "dbo.rqryTradesPRR";
cmd.Parameters.Add("@COBDate",SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = "2002-10-31 00:00:00.000" ;
SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
// have written something here

 Thanks in advance !

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Transpose Source Data From A System Via Metadata Lookup Table Into Destination Table

Apr 1, 2014

I am stuck on finding a solution to transpose source data from a system via a metadata look-up table into a destination table. I need a method to transpose/pivot the source data into columns (which are by various data-types). The datatypes for each column are listed in a metadata table.

Source Data Table:

Table Name: Source

SrcID AGE City Date
01 32 London 01-01-2013
02 35 Lagos 02-01-2013
03 36 NY 03-01-2013

Metadata Table:

Table Name:Metadata

MetaID Column_Name Column_type
11 AGE col_integer
22 City col_character
33 Date col_date

Destination table:

The source data to be loaded into the destination table(as shown below):

Table Name: Destination

SrcID MetaID col_int col_char col_date
01 11 32 - -
01 22 - London -
01 33 - - 01-01-2013
02 11 35 - -
02 22 - Lagos -
02 33 - - 02-01-2013
03 11 36 - -
03 22 - NY -
03 33 - - 03-01-2013

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How To Change Data Display In Sql Query

Oct 2, 2007

Hi there

Assuming this is the query used to return this result:

select, count( from department dept, project prj where = dept.uid group by

Dept, TotalProj
A , 10
B , 5
C , 2

Question: How do I change the query so that the result will return as follows:

A, B, C
10, 5, 2

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Could Not Load Type 'System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeDataAdapter' From Assembly 'System.Data.SqlServerCe'

May 10, 2006


I am trying to make a mobile application work, but I get the following error. The operating system on Pocket PC is Microsoft Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

The followings are the error and my codes:

System.TypeLoadException was unhandled
Message="Could not load type 'System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeDataAdapter' from assembly 'System.Data.SqlServerCe, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845DCD8080CC91'."
at SQLMobile.Form1.Form1_Load()
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnLoad()
at System.Windows.Forms.Form._SetVisibleNotify()
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.set_Visible()
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run()
at SQLMobile.Form1.Main()


Private Sub FillGrid()

Dim filename As New String _

("Program FilesSQLMobilesqlmobile.sdf")

Dim conn As New SqlCeConnection("Data Source=" + filename)

Dim selectCmd As SqlCeCommand = conn.CreateCommand()

selectCmd.CommandText = "select Destination from flightdata"

Dim adp As New SqlCeDataAdapter(selectCmd)

Dim ds As New DataSet()


DataGrid1.DataSource = ds

End sub

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Change The Column_Name Data Type With A Query? Possible?

Apr 6, 2004

Hi everyone,

Ive got a small question: Is it possible to change the Column_Name Data Type from a SQL table with a query?

I want to do this with a query.

The Data Type ntext must be changed to text

Thanks in advance!

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How To Change Query In Data-driven Subscription

Nov 13, 2007

Hi All,

I have some problems when changing and running report subscription in the existing data-driven Email subscription using console app.

arg[0] is the ReportID
and arg[1] is the permissionkey

I passed these parameters in command_line when I call the executable. (e.g RunSubscription.exe 1 2)

After I run my application, the query changed successfully,
however, I didn't get the email from the subscription So I checked the subscription status,
Error: Cannot create a connection to data source ''.

If I remove the get & set subscription property codes, then application runs fine but then I can't change the query on the fly. Please help!!! I will be very appreciate if someone can give me some helps or suggestion.

static void Main(string[] args)


ReportService.ExtensionSettings ExtensionSetting;

ReportService.DataRetrievalPlan DataRetrievalPlan;

String Description;

ReportService.ActiveState ActiveState;

String Status;

String EventType;

String MatchData;

ReportService.ParameterValueOrFieldReference[] Parameter;

ReportService.ReportingService2005 MyRS = new ReportService.ReportingService2005();

MyRS.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

ReportService.Subscription[] subs = MyRS.ListSubscriptions("/MyReports/" + args[0], null);

if (subs != null)


int i=0;

while (i < subs.Length)


// Get Subscription Property

MyRS.GetDataDrivenSubscriptionProperties(subs.SubscriptionID, out ExtensionSetting, out DataRetrievalPlan, out Description, out ActiveState, out Status, out EventType, out MatchData, out Parameter);

//set the query based on parameters

DataRetrievalPlan.DataSet.Query.CommandText = "exec dbo.GetReportPermission @ReportID=" + arg[0]+ ", @RegionPermission=" + arg[1];

MyRS.SetDataDrivenSubscriptionProperties(subs.SubscriptionID, ExtensionSetting, DataRetrievalPlan, Description, EventType, MatchData, Parameter);

MyRS.FireEvent(sets.EventType, subs.SubscriptionID);

Console.WriteLine("Event Fired: "+ subs.SubscriptionID);




} //main

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Update Query Containg Static Data And Data From Another Table.

Sep 28, 2006

Hi,First post so apologies if this sounds a bit confusing!!I'm trying to run the following update. On a weekly basis i want toinsert all the active users ids from a users table into a timesheetstable along with the last day of the week and a submitted flag set to0. I plan then on creating a schduled job so the script runs weekly.The 3 queries i plan to use are below.Insert statement:INSERT INTO TBL_TIMESHEETS (TBL_TIMESHEETS.USER_ID,TBL_TIMESHEETS.WEEK_ENDING, TBL_TIMESHEETS.IS_SUBMITTED)VALUES ('user ids', 'week end date', '0')Get User Ids:SELECT TBL_USERS.USER_ID from TBL_USERS where TBL_USERS.IS_ACTIVE = '1'Get last date of the weekSELECT DATEADD(wk, DATEDIFF(wk,0,getdate()), 6)I'm having trouble combing them as i'm pretty new to this. Is the bestapproach to use a cursor?If you need anymore info let me know. Thanks in advance.

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Change Data In Column Of Table

Feb 24, 2014

How to modify/change data that is in a SQL table column. Here is what I need or have

I have 2 tables, Table 1 and Table 2, within those 2 tables there is 1 Column that has the same column heading aswell as data within,(I will call it the serial_number column) there is also a 2nd column that is labeled the Same in both tables, I would like to be able to update the Values in the 2nd column of table 1 with the values from table 2 column 3, using the Serial_number column as my matching reference between the 2, the data is not in the same order between the 2 Tables,

More or less I need to set the value of table 1/column 2 to match table 2/column 3, where the serial_numbers are the same in both tables serial_number columns, the data being changed is set as Small int...

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SQL - System Table In Data Access Layer?

Apr 5, 2007

How do I get a System Table like 'Sysobjects' into the Data Access Layer?
My app generates tables on the fly, and has to check in the sysobjects table which tables are present.

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System Table For Data Sources In Job Step

Apr 10, 2008

Is the connection manager/connection string data that is visible in a SSIS Job Step on the Data sources tab stored in a system table or DMV? Perhaps the agent service parses the SSIS package in order to display this information? We're trying to identify all of the dependencies on a specific database and the only dependency type that we can't identify systematically is SSIS package data sources.

We use package configurations (of type = SQL Server database) for some packages but not all packages are using this.



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MDX Query Disappears From Data Tab And Can't Change The Report In Layout Tab

Oct 31, 2007


I am using SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services and Reporting Services with Visual studio 2005 Professional Edition. I have developed couple of reports in visual studio 2005 environment using report server project of business intelligence projects.
In one of my report I am using MDX query which is created using Query Builder of Report wizard. Once I finished with report wizard a report created and shown with data, layout and preview tabs. I can preview the report. But, when I click on data tab there is no MDX query exists. After that I can't even preview the report.

Please let me know how can I solve this issue



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Change Value Of Column Mimetype In Table Data

Aug 23, 2013

I have two tables:


I need to change the value of column mimetype in table data, but only for these entries which have the value 144 in column "Subtype" in table dtr.

Here is my sql:

with cte as (
from dtr A1, data A2
where A1.dataid=A2.Docid And A1.Subtype='144'
update cte set MimeType = 'application/x-outlook-msg'

I've tested it and it works. Do you see any problems with this SQL?

As updates are risky I'll do a database backup. Is it possible to get all changed entries so that I can track my update, because I don't have a report about the changes? Maybe that everythin is transferred to an output file?

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Transact SQL :: Change Data Format In A Table

Jun 4, 2015

I have 900000 rows of data in a table and a sample of it is as shown below.Now I need to convert data into the format shown.

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What Is The Best Practice To Change A Column's Data Type In A Very Big Table?

Dec 11, 2007

Hi All,

I am using SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition fully patched. Database is in Simple Recovery mode.

I need to change a column's data type from "int(4)" to "smallint(2)". I know for sure that there will be no data (precision) lost, because I know the possible values that this column could have.

My problem is that the table I am dealing with has 600,000,000 records in it. I dropped all indexes before I tried to alter the table. But still it is taking forever and filling up my 280GB disk with transaction log file.

I know that in Oracle, if I want I can turn off logging and do these kind of modifications relatively faster.

I was wondering if there is a way of disabling logging before running this alter command.

What is the best practice to handle a situation of this sort?

I appreciate your help.

Thanks in advance,
Sinan Topuz

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Transact SQL :: Capture Data Change From Multiple Table Joins

Jun 9, 2015

I have 5 tables that are joined respectively,

Each one of the tables listed below has a “CreateDateTime” and “UpdateDateTime” fields, I need to get yesterday changes, I can get any record where either CreateDateTime or UpdateDateTime is greater than midnight yesterday butI need to watch dates on all of the tables so I need to do atleast 10 date checks.

If any table shows an updated or created record, I need to gather ALL of the information for that customer.  So, if my name didn’t change (SCUS table), but my email does (SEML table), I have to pull out both the SCUS and SEML tables (and the others, of course).  So It may not be simple WHERE clause, How can I achieve this:

[Code] ....

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Check System Date Format And Then Change It Thru SQL Query.

Nov 4, 2007

Hi All,

Is it possible to check the local system date format and then change the format to another format using SQL command in VB.


-check current system format dd/MM/yyyy
-change current system format to MM/dd/yyyy format


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Update On Large Table - Change Data Type For Text Column

Dec 10, 2014

I need to update a large table, about 55 million rows, without filling the transaction log, in the shortest time as possible. The goal is to alter the table and change the data type for Text column from VARCHAR(7900) to NVARCHAR(MAX).

Since I cannot do it with an ALTER TABLE statement (it would fill up the transaction log) I'm thinking to:

- rename column Text in Text_OLD
- add Text column of type NVARCHAR(MAX)
- copy values in batches from Text_OLD to Text

The table is defined like:

create table DATATEXT(

[Code] ....

I've thought about a stored procedure doing this but how to copy values in batch from Text_OLD to Text.

The code I would start with (doing just this part) is the following, but maybe there are more efficient ways to do it, or at least there's a better way to select @startSeq in the WHILE loop (avoiding to select a bunch of 100000 sequences and later selecting the max).

declare @startSeq timestamp
declare @lastSeq timestamp
select @lastSeq = MAX(sequence) from [DATATEXT] where [Text] is null
select @startSeq = MIN(Sequence) FROM [DATATEXT] where [Text]is null
WHILE @startSeq < @lastSeq

[Code] ....

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SQL Server 2008 :: Does Change Data Capture Require A Table Have Primary Key

Jan 13, 2013

Or can it record before and after column changes based on the LSN only?

An extract from a file based legacy accounting system is performed every night. The system does not have a primary key because transactions are managed through program code. (the more things change...). The extract is copied to text in Unix and FTP'd to Windows, where the file is loaded into SQL Server by kill & fill. Because of the expense of modifying the source system, there is enormous inertia/resistance to injecting a primary key at the source, so kill & fill it stays.

In reading about Change Data Capture, it seemed to me that column level insert update and delete are stored in tables that remember the before and after content of each column tracked. In my reading I have seen many references to the LSN to decide when and what to record as changed, but I have not seen any refereference to the necessity of a primary key for Change Data Capture to work. This is in contrast to replication, where the requirement for the existence of a primary key is made plain.

Is it possible to use Change Data Capture against a table without a primary key? How to use it to change the extract from kill and fill to incremental.

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System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Error Converting Data Type Numeric To Decimal.

Aug 31, 2004

Hi There,

I'm using C# to get a value for a DOUBLE precision variable, called "Length", from a textBox using the following line:

Length = Convert.ToDouble( txtLength.Text )

I'm also using the following lines to prepare my stored procedure call:

arParms[9] = new SqlParameter("@Length", SqlDbType.Decimal, 5);
arParms[9].Value = record.Length;

My stored procedure has the following parameter definition:

@Length decimal(9,3)

My problem is that if someone types a value bigger than 999999 in the textbox he will get for sure the following error:

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Error converting data type numeric to decimal.

I don't know how to either make sql or C# to truncate the value or catch the exception to automatically assign 0 to the parameter.

Please Help.

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System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Syntax Error Converting The Varchar Value 'V' To A Column Of Data Type Int

Aug 31, 2006

 I am using  a stored procedure which returns a value of charecter datatype 'V' to the calling program.I am getting an sql exception System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Syntax error converting the varchar value 'V' to a column of data type inti didnot define any int datatype in my tablethis is my codeSqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("StoredProcedure4", connection);com.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;  SqlParameter p1 = com.Parameters.Add("@uname", SqlDbType.NVarChar);SqlParameter p2 = com.Parameters.Add("@opwd", SqlDbType.NVarChar);SqlParameter p3 = com.Parameters.Add("@role", SqlDbType.NVarChar);p3.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;p1.Value = username.Text.Trim();p2.Value = password.Text.Trim();com.ExecuteReader();lblerror2.Text = (string)(com.Parameters["@role"].Value); can your figure out what is the error ? Is it a coding error or error of the databse

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Articles About Data Access Using System.Data.SqlClient Namespace?

Mar 20, 2004

Aaarrgghhhhhhh, still searchin' for a nice step-by-step article to learn data access (all insert delete update commands) with the SQL Server .NET Data Provider found in [System.Data.SqlClient] namespace....

Can anyone plz help me to find it?

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Retrieve Text File Data In SSE For Data Acquisition System

Oct 24, 2007

Hey All,
I am developing a data acquistion system which monitors the amount of energy that a user consumes in different parts of a house and displays the information in real time on their computer screen. I am collecting the data through tranducers attached to the circuit breakers in the breaker box and sending the data to analog-to-digital converter channels in a MCU. I am retrieving the data from the serial port and storing it to a text file. Each line of data in the text file represents three fields which are separated by commas. I will be reading data from multiple data collection boxes so the first field is the unit number, the second fied represents the analog-to-digital converter channel number from each unit, and the third field is the data that is collected from the ATD channel. I am trying to use SSE to retrieve the data from the text file, and parse each line of data into individual columns in a databse. Then I want to be able to extract the data associated with a particular ATD channel number from the databse and display it in the appropriate text field on a windows form.
I've got the MCU programmed. I have no problem collecting the data from the serial port, and I can do the visual basic programming okay. I have absolutely no clue how to read the data into the database, continuosly read new values into the databse, and then access the stored data to update the text fields on the form. Please help if you can, I've been working on this specific problem for a couple of weeks and I'm not making any progress. Thanks.

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SQL 2012 :: Cannot Truncate Table Because It Is Published For Replication Or Enabled For Change Data Capture

Jul 8, 2015

I get the following error message when a job calls a Stored Procedure that TRUNCATES a Table:

Cannot truncate table 'CombinedSurveyData' because it is published for replication or enabled for Change Data Capture

Is my only option to change the TRUNCATE to DELETE?


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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Change Data Capture(CDC) For Data Warehouse / Reporting?

Aug 12, 2015

I have a requirement to implement CDC for 50+ tables to implement incremental data changes warehouse/reporting rather than exporting the whole table data. The largest table is having more than half a billion records.

The warehouse use a daily copy of OLTP db (daily DB refresh). How can I accomplish this. Is there a downside in implementing CDC just for the sake of taking incremental changes on the tables?

Is there any performance impact if we enable CDC on OLTP db?

Can we make use of the CDC tables on the environment we do daily db refresh so that the queries don't hit OLTP database?

What is the best way to implement CDC to take incremental changes for reporting.

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SQL Security :: Making Data Change In Read Only Database Without Letting Other Users Update Data

Aug 6, 2015

I want to make data changes in read_only database , that's why i must set database read_write. While database is at read_write mode, i want to be sure that no one makes change in database.

For this aim, i write the code below, but i suspect that after setting the database read_write, till the setting database
single_user ,is it possible get DML script from another user. Is the code below enough for this operation. Or is there another way?

Reminding: Read_only database can not be set single_user mode. That's why, first you must set database read_write.

The code;

use master
alter database xxx set read_write
with rollback immediate
alter database xxx set single_user
with rollback immediate

use xxx
update  tablexxx set columnxxx=yyy
use master
alter database xxx set read_only
with rollback immediate
alter database xxx set multi_user
with rollback immediate

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SQL 2012 :: CDC (Change Data Capture) Is Not Capturing Data Correctly

Apr 21, 2014

I am using SQL Server 2012 and to me a part of data captured by CDC is not making sense.

I have a table called 'Schema.Table1', and I enabled CDC on it by running 'sys.sp_cdc_enable_table'. I see that a table called 'cdc.Schema_Table1_CT' got created which now gets an entry when ever I Insert, Update or delete a record in the original table.

Till this point every thing works fine.

My original Table has a NOT NULL INT column called 'AuditTrackerUserID' with a default value of 1996. My application does not provides a value for this column, but because the column itself has a default value, records get inserted without error.

When I try to execute the following Query I see multiple records with __$operation of 3 and 1.

SELECT * from cdc.Schema_Table1_CT where AuditTrackerUserID IS NULL

My expectation is that I should not ever see any record returned by this query because AuditTrackerUserID is a not null column, but I do.

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System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The Conversion Of A Char Data Type To A Datetime Data Type Resulted In An Out-of-range Datetime Value.

Dec 14, 2005

After testing out the application i write on the local pc. I deploy it to the webserver to test it out. I get this error.

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The conversion of a char data type to a
datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.

Notes: all pages that have this error either has a repeater or datagrid which load data when page loading.

At first I thought the problem is with the date, but then I can see
that some other pages that has datagrid ( that has a date field) work
just fine.

anyone having this problem before?? hopefully you guys can help.


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System.Data From NETCF And System.Data From .NET

May 11, 2006

Currently, I have a WinCE application which uses the System.Data from NetCF and System.Data.SqlserverCE from MSSQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition. Now, I'm trying to use the System.Data.Sqlclient but I can't seem to find it in my System.Data. I notice that there are different version which is one from NetCF and one from the MS.Net framework itself.

Here's my question: Is it possible for me to use both System.Data? or should I only choose one. This is for my attempt to connect also from an SQLServer and connect to the local SQLServerCE as well.

Thanks in advance,

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