Changing Database Owner To Access Diagrams

Jan 23, 2007


i recently changed the machine name of my development computer and am now no longer able to create or view any diagrams for the sql database that was created by the old machine name user. i receive an error where I cannot make myself "the dbo of this database." i can see the old name in the "owner" properties field of the mdf database, but the box is grayed out and i am unable to change it to the new machine/user name. is there a way to change the owner of the database to my new machine/user name? the new name has admin rights and the computer is a standalone workstation not connected to a network.

i am using sql server 2005 express edition with visual web developer.


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Can't Access Database Diagrams?

Aug 1, 2015

Why am I getting the following message when I try to access the diagrams for a database?

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AdventureWorks Database - Cannot Access Database Diagrams

Feb 20, 2007


When I try to access the database diagrams in AdventureWorks, I get the following message:

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express

Database diagram support objects cannot be installed because this database does not have a valid owner. To continue, first use the Files page of the Database Properties dialog box or the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to set the database owner to a valid login, then add the database diagram support objects.



Why is this?

All advice / help apprecuated.


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Changing A Dts Package Owner

Nov 28, 2001


Does anyone know how to change the owner of a DTS package? Currently it is set to someone's domain login and I want to change it to the system administrator account.

The reason for the change is because I think this is why the package will not run when scheduled on the server, but will run locally for the user.


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Changing Owner On A SQLServer DB ?

Sep 3, 2004

We have received a DB from one of our customer.
We want to change the DB and tables (and all objects) owner to sa
How can we do that ?


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Changing Table Owner

Jul 20, 2005

Hi- apologies for asking a stupid newbie question, but I'm really stuck atthe moment. I need to change table ownership.I've got an asp script which is looking for a table owned by the dbo role,however the table was created under a different ownership. I understand theproblem, and almost understand the solution, but I can't seem to get all theway.THE PROBLEM (using [server].[database].[owner].[table])[mgbsvr1].[dnn].[dnnadmin].[aspsearch]needs to be[mgbsvr1].[dnn].[dbo].[aspsearch]I looked up the books online and found this syntax:sp_changeobjectowner [ @objname = ] 'object' , [ @newowner = ] 'owner'But I can't see how to use it, nor more importantly, where I should use it.It won't work in the query tool in Enterprise Manager. If I need to create ascript (which I've never done before), how do I execute the script?All help deeply appreciatedManning, Sydney

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Changing Object Owner Syntax

Jul 20, 2005

Hi there,We have a user name convention here that specifies users in thefollowing way:jane.doejohn.smithIn order to change a database object I must specify the owner name alongwith the object name. Does anyone know the proper syntax for doing thiswith a user name that contains a period? When I put the user namefollowed by the object name in quotes such as 'jane.doe.tb_test_table',SQL Server can not find the object.Any help is appreciated.Kelly

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Creating / Changing Owner Problem

Jul 20, 2005

I'm trying to create a new database and new login to allow a client(through my page) to create their own database, username andpassword. I've tried using the stored procedures I've found in BOL,but I can't get it to work right. It keeps saying that I can't assignthis username as the db owner since it's already a user for thedatabase. I then read other posts about reassigning the db owner toanother dummy account and then trying to reassign it to the new one,but that isn't working either. Can anyone look at my code and tell mewhat I'm doing wrong? Thanks.//create db loginqry = "sp_addlogin '" + username + "', '" + password + "', '" + dbname+ "'";cmd.CommandText = qry;cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();//grant login access to new database to new ownertmpCon = new SqlConnection("Data Source=ourserver;UserID=uid;Password=pwd;Initial Catalog=" + dbname + ";NetworkLibrary=DBMSSOCN;");tmpcmd = new SqlCommand("sp_grantdbaccess '" + username + "'",tmpCon);tmpCon.Open();tmpcmd.ExecuteNonQuery();tmpcmd.Dispose(); tmpcmd = null;tmpCon.Close(); tmpCon.Dispose(); tmpCon = null;//connect to new database under sa account and change owner to newaccounttmpCon = new SqlConnection("Data Source=ourserver;UserID=uid;Password=pwd;Initial Catalog=" + dbname + ";NetworkLibrary=DBMSSOCN;");tmpcmd = new SqlCommand("sp_changedbowner'HolderUserDoNotDelete'",tmpCon);tmpCon.Open();tmpcmd.ExecuteNonQuery();tmpcmd.CommandText = "sp_changedbowner '" + username + "'";tmpcmd.ExecuteNonQuery();tmpcmd.Dispose(); tmpcmd = null;tmpCon.Close(); tmpCon.Dispose(); tmpCon = null;

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Cannot Access Database After Changing Password

Dec 11, 2006

that sounds obvious but I'm stuck...
I have an application which someone else started and I continue.
on the SQL server there was a user X which was used to access the database from the ASP website.
 I accidently changed the password in the SQL server and now I cant restore the prior settings
(trying to reset password to blank or embedding the username and password in the connection string didnt work).
it stops on "" with -  "SQLException Login failed for user 'X'"
any ideas why that happens and how I can fix it?

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Changing Owner Of User Datatype Objects

Jan 29, 2002

Usually all the user datatypes in our databases have the owner dbo.
One has a few that are owned by a user with dbo rights. I am trying to change them to dbo owner.
Sp_changeobjectowner gives 'object does not exist'

Any ideas


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From Asp Classic && To Access Database Changing To Sql Server

Dec 17, 2006

Hello, We are re-writing our site in using sql server.  Most of the site uses asp classic and it was to an access database.  During the conversion we have everything working correct to SQL Server except for the connection string.  There is an important part of the application using which works fine with our connection string to the access database.  To recap our problem is the connection string from to sql server. This code works fine for the to access in the web.cnfg file     </microsoft.web>     <connectionStrings>         <add name="SalesConnectionString" connectionString="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=E:inetpubvhosts hemarketingvp.comsubdomainsvphttpdocsfpdbsalesMain.mdb" providerName="System.Data.OleDb"/>         <add name="ODBCSalesConnectionString" connectionString="DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=URL=E:inetpubvhosts hemarketingvp.comsubdomainsvphttpdocsfpdbsalesMain.mdb"/>         <add name="RawConnectionString" connectionString="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=E:inetpubvhosts hemarketingvp.comsubdomainsvphttpdocsfpdbsalesMain.mdb" providerName="System.Data.OleDb"/>         <add name="ConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|inventoryStatus.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>     </connectionStrings>     <system.web> The code in the global.asa which works fine for classic asp to sql server also works fine and is as follows     '--Project Data Connection         Application("sales_ConnectionString") = "Driver={SQL Native Client};Server=DMSERVER01;Database=SQLsalesMain;UID=nTrack;PWD=nTrack2k3"         Application("sales_ConnectionTimeout") = 15         Application("sales_CommandTimeout") = 30         Application("sales_CursorLocation") = 3         Application("sales_RuntimeUserName") = ""         Application("sales_RuntimePassword") = "" Our programmer who set this up is out for a couple of weeks and I would appreciate any help in the correct connection string from to the sql server database in the web.cnfg file Thanks

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Changing The Owner Of A User-defined Data Type

Jul 20, 2005

Hi GuysWonder if you could help me.Basically I produce an accounts package that uses a SQL 2000 DB as theRDBMS. I always instruct users to login as 'sa' and the relevantpassword when doing an update to my program, as sometimes I need to dodatabase changes for new stuff.Found that one of my users has not only logged in with their loginname (in this case Edward), but have also made this login a 'db owner'so that when I created 2 new user-defined data types they belong toEdward rather than dbo.This must have happened a long time ago, but now that they want tomove Edward round the roles and/or delete him from a copy of thedatabase that they have, they can't because he's the owner of theseuser-defined types.This brings me to the reason for my post, how can I change the ownerfrom Edward to dbo for these data types? I found an article ontechnet of how to do this, but when it suggests changing myuser-defined type to standard format it doesn't seem to work.Any ideas?RgdsRobbie

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Data Access :: Cannot Open Database After Changing Its Name And Change Back To Its Original Name

Sep 3, 2015

I cannot open now my database after changing it name from the folder where it is save and also changed back to its original name.Message recovery pending now is appearing as shown below.Any chance that I could recover my database back?

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Database Diagrams

Mar 9, 1999

Is there a way to use an Oracle linked server to create a database diagram? Or do I have to bring the whole Oracle db into SQL7 and then create the diagram?

Peter Cwik

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Database Diagrams

Oct 11, 2001

Is there a way to allow a non-dbo to look at another's database diagram?

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Database Diagrams

Apr 5, 2004

Do you need to be a member of the dbo role or an sa on a particular sql server to create a database diagram? I just want to confirm this is the case.

Any assistance will be helpful.


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DataBase Diagrams

Nov 29, 2007

In our organization, we are using SQL Server 2005 Management studio as the client interface to access all our enterprise Databases.Most of the databases are built on SQL 2005 DB Server.
However, We have one of the Database built on SQL Server 2000, which also has Database diagrams in it. Though We are able to view all the DB objects through SQL 2005 managment studio interface, but unable to view the diagrams.
I understand that, the binary data of the diagrams are stored in "dtproperties" table on SQL 2000 but in SQL 2005, it is stored in "sysobjects"(not sure) table and both are entirely different.

Following are my questions.
1.Since the DB is still on SQL 2000,How can we view the diagram objects thru the SQL 2005 Enterprise manager.

2.For the migration process of SQL 2000 to SQL 2005, How can i migrate the database diagrams.

Appreciate the responses.

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Database Diagrams

Jan 11, 2008

Hi All
I am using SQL server 2000 and I would like to create Database diagrams but It doesn't give me any option to crate one. It only shows "Working with SQL Server 2000 diagrams" and "Refresh" with no "create new diagram" and in other servers it but its only in my desktop that doesn't and I have full access

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Database Diagrams

Apr 26, 2006

Hello all,

I upsized an access backend to sql 2005. In the process, the relationships were lost. When I go to the database in Sql, right click on database diagrams, all I get is refresh and a link to go to learn about database diagrams. How can I recreate the diagrams?


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Database Diagrams !!!!

Apr 23, 2007

I am trying to follow this walkthrough<br><br><br>And getting nowhere as it says I need to set up database diagrams which I cannot due to not being in db_owner role, or not being valid db user etc etc.I cannot find out how to set this up for the database I created so far in t his tutorial.I have searched and searched and got nowhere.I then went into SSMSE by chance and found a load of roles but none named db_owner. I then tried to add my database file but SSMSE wont let me drill down into the required folderI weep!!!!Please can anyone help?

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Changing DB Owner From Kate To Bob, But Kate Owns Objects

Apr 13, 2006

Im having trouble changing the DB owner from Kate to Bob, because Kate owns some objects in the DB.
I first try to run sp_changedbowner Bob....but it tells me:
The proposed new database owner is already a user in the database.

When I run scripts on a table that such as;
sp_changeobjectowner 'customers', 'Bob'...I get the message of

Server: Msg 15001, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_changeobjectowner, Line 38
Object 'customers' does not exist or is not a valid object for this operation.

Please help with what I can do.

Thank you

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SQL Database Diagrams Online?

May 10, 2001


I hope i'm in the right forum. Is there a way to create a DB diagram schema via ASP/HTML and publish it on-line - keeping it up-to-date?
I want to at least output a diagram schema to HTML format? Any ideas. TIA!

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Database Diagrams Problem....

Oct 17, 2005

Hi all,
I am trying to make DATABASE DIAGRAMs....I have restored a database called Tel from a backup file...n in that i have all the tables and whenever i m clicking on its DATABASE DIAGRAMS it gives me the error as:

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

Database diagram support objects cannot be installed because this database does not have a valid owner. To continue, first use the Files page of the Database Properties dialog box or the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to set the database owner to a valid login, then add the database diagram support objects.

so,what should i do??any suggestion will be helpful for me...thnks in advance...

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How To Copy Database Diagrams?

Apr 18, 2008


I remember I asked the similar question before.But I have not solve this.

I am working with SQL Server 2005. I just make a copy of the production database.

I use "tasks -> Generate Script" to copy the table structure and use "tasks -> import Data" to copy Data. But I can not copy the database diagrams,I need to keep the primary keys - foreign keys relations.

Please let me know how to copy database diagrams.I try many ways but I can not figure it out.

Thanks for your help


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Error In Database Diagrams

Apr 17, 2007

When I try to Create a Database Diagram it sends me an Error message like this:

Error Number: 207
Severity: 16
State: 1
Procedure: sp_upgraddiagrams
Line Number: 55

Invalid column name 'uvalue'.
Invalid column name 'uvalue'.
Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.sp_upgraddiagrams'.
Object is invalid. Extended properties are not permitted on 'dbo.sysdiagrams', or the object does not exist.
Object is invalid. Extended properties are not permitted on 'dbo.sp_upgraddiagrams', or the object does not exist. (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)

How can I find that Stored Procedure 'dbo.sp_upgraddiagrams'?
Why doesn't it work OK?

Thank you!

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Protecting EM Database Diagrams

Jul 20, 2005

Hidoes anyone know of a way of giving developers read only access to adatabase diagram in Enterprise Manager (SQL Server 2000). The database wassupplied by a third party and we don't want them tinkering with it, butthey do need to be able to create additional tables etc. to extend thefunctionality of the package.TIAChloe Crowder

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Database Diagrams Missing

Apr 19, 2008

Hi All,

I€™ve just installed SQL 2008 Express CTP. Everything seems to be fine except that the folder €śDatabase Diagrams€? is absent in the tree of SQL Server Management Studio. It is the same for newly created databases and databases upgraded from 2005 Express.
Any ideas how to get the diagrams back?

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Can't Create Database Diagrams

Apr 14, 2006

Hello, I'm using C# express with SQL express.

I can create a database, create tables and I can even delete the database but I cannot create database digrams. I get an error that says I don't have a valid dbo user or permissions to impersonate. It asks me if I would like to impersonate but it just fails. Any Ideas? Thanks

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Database Diagrams Tool

Jun 26, 2006

When I use the sql 2005 "Database Diagrams" tool for the first time I always get the message: "The Database does not have one or more of the support objects required to use database diagramming. Do you wish to create them?"

1. Does anyone know what the " support objects" referred to are?

2. Why SQL doesn't automatically create these support objects for me? (e.g. do they require a lot of hard disk space so they shouldn't routinely be created?)

3. Is there any way to make Sql automatically create them?

If you can address any of these points I'd appreciate it.



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Cannot Install Database Diagrams On AdventureWorks Database

Jun 11, 2007

Error Message: Database diagram support objects cannot be installed because this database does not have a valid owner.

How do I create a valid owner for the database?

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Having Trouble Creating Database Diagrams

Aug 29, 2007

tried to add a third and fourth table to an exsiting relationship diagram in VS05 server explorer, when i click save i get an error "the operation could not be completed"  i am able to create new diagrams but it seems every time i click save, and close the diagram the reopen it and add new tables then click save i get the same error message, i dont even try and create the actual relationship but just add a third table and boom the problem occurs
thanks in advance

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Want To Be Able To Create Or View Database Diagrams

Jan 21, 2006

Our MS SQL (SQL Server 2000) DBA has database privileges locked downpretty tightly. We end users/developers do not have administratorprivileges for most databases. That arrangement has worked out OK forthe most part. However, it's a bit aggravating that we can't evencreate our own database diagrams. When we attempt to do so (inEnterprise Manager), we get a dialog that says "You do not havesufficient privilege to create a new database diagram."Our DBA is so busy that it's difficult to get them to create ones forus. And even when they do, it seems that we can't even view it online-- we rely on the DBA to give us printed copies or screenshots for ourdocumentation. How ridiculous is that? We'd also like to be able tomanipulate the diagrams online so that we can more easily study ourtable structures, indexes, foreign key constraints, etc. In fact,there doesn't even seem to be any other way to easily view currentforeign key constraints.I realize that this might have to do with the diagramming tool havingthe ability to actually manipulate the database in ways we aren'tsupposed to do (e.g., like creating new tables). However, isn't therea "read-only" version of this tool that will give us what I'm lookingfor? Short of that, are there any other free or cheap tools that willprovide this? Thanks!(Please forgive my ignorance if this has been hashed out before.However, I did search news groups and the web before posting, figuringthis had been covered before, but I didn't find anything thatspecifically addressed this issue.)

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SQL Server 2005 Database Diagrams

Mar 24, 2006

This question has been asked several times on this forum, but none of the answers I've seen have worked for me. I just upgraded from SQL Server 2000.

The error I'm getting is:

does not have a valid owner. To continue, first use the Files page of the Database Properties dialog box or the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to set the database owner to a valid login, then add the database diagram support objects.

This is a new database I created in SQL Server management studio. It's set to 90 compatibility level. I've tried the "alter authorization" command, which works, but it has no effect (the error is still returned).

The odd part is that if I go to Server Properties->Permissions, select the Login that owns this database, and click "Effective Permissions", I get the error:

Could not obtain information about Windows NT group/user '<username>', error code 0x6e. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 15404)

But I know for certain that this account is valid and that my machine can reach the domain controller: 1) I received no error when I added this Login to the server and 2) I'm logged into SQL Server Management Studio using the same login.

If I switch to the "sa" user, it works. But I'd really rather find out what I can't use Windows authentication.

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