Changing The Default Port

Nov 5, 2002

Does anyone thing it is a wise thing to change the default port for SQL? Will this adversely affect the server? Thanks.

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Changing Default PORT Config

Mar 9, 1999

Hi, I'm supporting a SQL 6.5 application through a firewall & I'm new to NT & SQLServer.
What's the easiest way to find out what port SQL is listening on? It should be 1433 but
the NT guys say 1433 isn't in use. What's the easiest way to change the default port? A search through Books online talks about editing registry keys & I'd prefer not to do this if this can be avoided. Any tips would be appreciated.

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Changing The Default Port Number And Still Connecting

Jul 23, 2005

Hello,I have SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition, and I'd like to change thedefault port to something else (we'll use 2033 for this example). I'vetried to connect from another computer on the same subnet using"ServerName:2033" as the server, but it doesn't connect. It will connect ifI change the Server to use the default port and change the server to connectto on the client to "ServerName", but either I"m not referencing the newport number properly or ????Any help you could provide would be great.Thanks In Advance!Rick

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Setup And Upgrade :: Changing TCP Port Of A Default Instance

Jul 31, 2014

I installed a default SQL Server 2012 instance on Windows Server 2012.I enabled the SQL Browser and changed the TCP port of the instance to 1435. I changed port 1433 to 1435 I was able to connect to the instance using SSMS on another server. Now I have to enter Servername,1435 to make a connection.Why does the SQL Browser not resolve the servername to the right IP address and port 1435? Why am I not able to make a connection when I enter the servername or <servername>MSSQLSERVER? Is a SQL Browser only resolving named instances?This works fine for a named instance. Is there something special about default instances or the SQL Browser?

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Changing The Default Port On A Clustered 2005 Server.

Feb 7, 2007

I am unclear as to which Ip address to change the standard port on. When setting up a cluster you have multiple IP address's including the nic that is used for the heartbeat. I have not found any documention on how to change both nodes to listen on a port other than 1433..

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Changing SQL Server 2005 Tcp/IP Port

Mar 14, 2007

When I change the tcp/ip port to anything other than 1433 my SSIS nor DTS packages run successfully. Does the tcp/ip port have to be on 1433 for the SSIS or DTS packages to run successfully?

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Sql Server Default Port Not Enabled

Mar 17, 2004

I am unable to access the default port 1433 on my SQL 2003 server. There is no firewall. I run telnet <ip> <port> and get "Connection failed" which explains my inability to connect to the server for weeks. I have being unable to connect to the server after I uninstalled sql 2000 and reinstalled it on my 2003 server. Some of the things I have checked is Network Configuration in EM. Named Pipes and TCP/IP is installed with port set to 1433. HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftMSSQLServerClientSuperSocketNetLibTcpDefaultPort port is set to 1433. Is there anything I need to configure on the server side to have the default sql server port enabled.


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How To Change The Default Port Number

Jul 15, 2004

hai all,
I need to change the default port number of the SQL server from 1433 to some other port number. i know that it can be done thru SERVER NETWORK UTILITY. Can some one confirm that. It will be helpful.
Also i want to make sure that port to given is free port. how can i find that particular port is free.

Thanking in Advance, awaiting Quick response.

Signing Off

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Need To Changes The Default Port Address Of Apache Server

Jan 16, 2007

can any one guide me how to change the default port address of apache which is 80 to any other port number. coz the default port number is taken by iis also.

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Transact SQL :: BPA On A Cluster Using Default Instance And Static Port

Aug 25, 2015

Having problems running the BPA for 2012. We setup using a clustered environment, SQL Server installed using default instance, and a static port not 1433. When I try to run the BPA using the instance name it says it doesn't exist, and won't let me add a port number. However, if I use MSSQLSERVER as the instance name it runs with no port specified and returns results. I assume that it doesn't require a port because the default instance would pull from the Browser Service and the using MSSQLSERVER is the same as running the default on a standalone server. Are those assumptions correct?

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Changing Default Aspnetdb Name

Jan 2, 2008

Hi, can anyone help me please - I'm still struggling with my database.
My set up is: Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005, SQL Express 2005, GoDaddy windows shared hosting.
On my PC I have a site which uses membership and the default database which was created after first compilation.
This works fine locally.
However, I need to export this to the GoDaddy server.
To do this I must rename the database (or recreate the project with a newly named database) and figure out how to alter any other settings.
I tried running aspnet_regsql.exe command but I really didn't have any luck.
I would have thought this would be a straight forward operation.
Can anyone give me guidance please.

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Default Language Changing

May 22, 2001

Hi ,

Can someone please help , we are trying to change the default language
from us_english to british englsish as the date formats have to be in dd/mm/yyy for our european clients.

We tried sp_configure 'default language' 23
Reconfigure . It worked 3 months back.

We are trying this on the reverse , now and it doesnt work.

Can some one please Help !! Its Urgent !

Thanks in advance


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Changing My Default Database?

Apr 27, 2007


I thought I had this solved but after running aspnet_regiis again
I am having the same problem.

I can't log onto my sql server because the default DB is master.
The following command using sqlcmd gives me the master db:



So, to try to fix this i ran:


EXEC sp_defaultdb 'sa', 'my_default_db'

and no luck. I went over to the DB server and checked
the permissions under SERVER/SQLEXPRESS > SECURITY > LOGINS. All except NTAuthority and Administrators have
my intended DB as the default (including ASPNET).

This is frustrating because I know I have figured it out
before but I can't remember what I did. Help appreciated.


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Changing The Default Value For A Column

Jul 23, 2005

Does anybody know how I can change the default value for a column?I was trying to remove the default value in order to add the new oneafterwards. This is what I tried:alter table /table-name/ drop default for /column-name/alter table /table-name/ alter column /column-name/(/new-decl-without-default/)It did not work. I cannot find a solution in the documentation. Maybeyou can help me out?Thank you,Johan

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Changing A BIT To An INT Where There's A CONSTRAINT And A DEFAULT

Jan 2, 2007

A few weeks ago a client asked me to add a column to a table so Icreated this script:ALTER TABLE dbo.tblIndividual ADD fldRenewalStatus BIT NOT NULLCONSTRAINT fldRenewalStatus_Default DEFAULT 0Now they want to change it from a BIT to an INT, to store an enum.Fair enough. However, no matter how much I wrangle with a script, Ican't find a reliable way to alter the column. I've mixed and matchedthe following and nothing seems to work:EXEC sp_unbindefault 'tblIndividual.fldRenewalStatus'DROP DEFAULT DF_tblIndividual_fldRenewalStatusALTER TABLE tblIndividualDROP CONSTRAINT fldRenewalStatus_DefaultALTER TABLE tblIndividualDROP COLUMN fldRenewalStatusGOALTER TABLE tblIndividualADD fldRenewalStatus int NOT NULLCONSTRAINT fldRenewalStatus_Default DEFAULT 0Thoughts?ThanksEdward

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Changing Default Values

Jul 20, 2005

How can i change the default value of a column? I already have a columnnamed DateOfRental but I want to alter it so that it has default valuegetdate()ThanksDavid--

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Changing The Default SQL Templates

Jan 23, 2008


I've created a new Stored Procedure template and saved it to .Microsoft SQL Server90ToolsShellTemplatesSqlStored Procedure. I can view (and use) the template via the Template Explorer, however, I want this new template to become my default template.

What do I mean by this? - I want to be able to right-click on stored procedures in my object explorer, click New Stored Procedure, and be forced to use my new template, rather than Create Procedure (New Menu).SQL.


Jon Derbyshire

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Changing From Default Installation

Jun 27, 2007


Our security center just scanned my database server and has asked that I change the database server from the default instance name and change the default port used. When installed MS SQL Server 2000 I used the default installation settings. I have installed SP4 and this is all running on a fully patched WIN 2003 Server machine. Is this possible without un-installing and then re-installing?

Thanks for any and all help.


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Changing Default Name In Tasks ?

Sep 20, 2006

Best practice talks about the use of name conventions in the SSIS packages.

Is there a way to rename the default names of the tasks in the DataFlow and ControlFlow once and for all, so that each time I drag a new DataFlowTask in, the default name will be DFT and so on.

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Changing The Default Drive And Folder For DB's

Nov 21, 2006

Hi;I feel like an idiot to be asking this,but how do I change the default drive and folderin which new databases are created?I've been looking all over Server Mgmt Studio,and I can't find anything. I'm thinking that someonecan tell me this off the top of their heads,or slip me a link to a web page.Thanks, 

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Changing The Default Location Of A New Database

Oct 16, 2006

If you enter "Create Database test", the database files (mdf file & log file) are created, by default, in:-
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLData
I want to change that to:-
D:Database Files
I sucessfully moved the model database to this location (using the instructions in BOL) assuming that all new databases would now get created in the same location, but they don't. They still get created in:
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLData

So how do I change the default?
(It's not satisfactory to have to move each database after it's created)

Thanks, Andy Abel

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Dynamically Changing Default Parameter??????

Jun 4, 2007

I am creating SSRS reports on top of SSAS cubes. I want the default value of parameter to change dynamically based on the current year or it should select the last of the parameter values.

Can this be done?

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Changing Default Database Creation Location....

Aug 7, 2002

I have installed my modell database onto c:mssql7data...

How do I now change the properties of this so that when someone creates a database, the path it will get created to is set to d:
I thought that I could just move model, but it seems that this isn't possible.

Any advice?



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Changing Default Directory For Stored Procedures

Oct 21, 2006

I want to change the default directory for my stored procedures. It is extremely inconvenient for me that they are placed in documents and settings... I cannot find a place in the Tools where I can change it.


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Changing Default Parameters Cause Postback Efresh

Jul 26, 2006

I think it has been discussed previously that having default parameter values based on expressions, e.g. a default parameter value of =Split("Bug",",") in multiple parameters will cause a postbacl whenever a user selects different values from the list.

Is this by design? Its a bit of an annoying thing. The refreshpostback doesnt happen if you have basic defaults like ="All" but only when an expression of some sort is used in more than 1 parameter. Does RS think they are linked or something, why does it need to psotback

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Changing Default Rendering Method Of Reports

Jan 29, 2007

Ladies and Gents,

I have a question with regards to the default rendering extensions for reports. I am using RS 2005 with SP1.

I am accessing a report as follows:

http://<ReportServerName>/Reportserver?/<Folder>/<Report Name>

Sample: http://TestServer/Reportserver?/Special Reports/Dealer Report

This displays the parameter bar and the view report button. When pressing the view report button, the report is automatically rendered into HTML 4.0. Is there a way to use the existing parameter bar and automatically render the report to a different extension (such as PDF) when the parameters are entered and the View Report Button is pressed.

Thank You for any advice you can give,


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SQL Server 2012 :: Use Of Default Keyword As Parameter Default - What Value Is It

Aug 11, 2015

@pvColumnName  VARCHAR(100) = Default,  

However, I am unable to determine what is the value for Default. Is it '' ?

Default is not permitted as a constant - below fails to parse:

AND (@pvColumnName = Default OR t1.[COLUMN_NAME] Like @vColumnName)

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Com + ....what Port Does It Use?

Apr 8, 2004

I hope someone could help me out here.....

I have set up a new web server in my DMZ. This web server needs to "talk" to an application server located on my LAN. It communicates via a COM + Component.

I would like to keep the access that is open between the DMZ & LAN to minimal, obviously for security reasons. Does anyone know what port is used for COM + communication?

Thank you!


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SQL Port

May 29, 2007

in SQL 2005, how do you find out what port number SQL is using and how can we change it Static port?


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Port 1433 Is Already In Use...........

Jun 7, 2000


The Scenario is as follows:

24/7 Production Call Centre server running NT4.0 and SQL 6.5 with all the latest service packs.

SQL mail fails(with dull regularity) and the SQL server services stop.

When the SQL server Services are restarted an error message appears stating that Port 1433 is in use after which nobody can connect via TCP/IP. Obviously the port believes the previous SQL session is still running, and won't release the port to the "New Application requesting it".

On a unix system you can force a port reset so you don't need to shutdown and restart the box. Can you do this from either SQL or NT?

Any solutions would be greatly appreciated the DBA's are 100 Miles from the Servers, so restarts are reliant on other people!

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Change PORT

Jan 31, 2003

Is there any way that I can avoid using 1433,1434 port on the clustered servers?

I have a active/passive (SQL1-active,SQL2-passive) cluster server and another active/passive cluster (SQL2-passive,SQL1-active).

(Its a Quassi active/active server)

I want to change all the sql server ports to other than 1433 and 1434.

Should I change in the registry


anywhere else?

Any suggestions are always welcome

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Port 1433

May 4, 2001

Does anyone have an idea on why when using IP with port 1433 that on the SQL 2000 Server a bind failure happens on port 1433 and are not able to get to the SQL using IP but you can use Named Pipes.

Would greatly appreciate any help.


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Deadlock With Port: 0

Apr 13, 2006

I've been diagnosing deadlocks for a last couple weeks at a client site and I understand the KEY: and TAB: locks issues. However, the client recently experienced a series of multi-branch deadlocks for which I can find no information. Attached is the deadlock text from the ERRORLOG. Any help would be much appreciated.


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