i want to select * from table1 where name =petter?
now if there is many type of petter in table linke PETTER , Petter And petter which record will come in display?
if i want all this three (PETTER,Petter,petter) will come in display which command is for this ???
My SQL Server database is not case sensetive. How can I compare like cluase with search for capital and small letter? For example SELECT add1 from xcty_all where add1 like '%AL'%' I need only ................... 10 ltncewwod way AL 456 Ruio St. AL NOT
In the database, most of our cities are stored in all upper case. For reporting purposes, I need to have them returned as upper/lower. I used the below function, which works great for one word cities. However I can’t figure out how to get it to capitalize the 1st letter of each word, for addresses containing multiple names such as Rancho Santa Margarita.
I'm still haven't resolved the issue with displaying information from a SQL database. The text I'm displaying is in ALL CAPS in the SQL database, and I'm trying to convert it so that when I display it in gridview, The First Letter Of Each Word Is Capitalized, as apposed to ALL CAPS. I've tried the text-transform feature of CSS, but I noticed in a SQL book there are LOWER() & UPPER() string functions. The ideal thing to do then, would be to do some select statement that converts all the incoming text to lowercase, then use the CSS text-transform: capitalize , to convert the first letter of each word to caps. Basically, I need a select statement or something that converts my sql material to lowercase. Thanks.
I want to search for alphanumeric values between an upper and lower bound in a sql database.For example: search for a serial number like pvf-456-3b. Upper bound is q, lower bound is g.I should then get every serial number starting with g - q.If possible the bounds should be more specific like "search for serial number between gt2 and qy"Can anybody help me out?
For example, select fieldA form tableA where fieldA = 'aaa' I got following output fieldA --------- aaa aAa AAA AAa ... if I want select only the lower case 'aaa', how can I do that?
I need to split a string in two if there are lowercase characters atthe end of it.For example:'AAPLpr' becomes 'AAPL' and 'pr''Ta' becomes 'T' and 'a''MSFT' becomes 'MSFT' and '''TAPA' becomes 'TAPA' and ''I am using SQL 2000. I read about "collate Latin1_General_CS_AS" butnot sure if I can use that outside of a select statement.Thank you in advance for any help.
Is there a method for converting the first character of a account name to uppercase and the the remaining characters to lower case? I've used the substring procedure but for a name like 'MY NEW COMPANY', how could I convert it to 'My New Company' ? Thanks, Terry
Folks, what script must I use, as a part of CREATE TABLE, to automatically convert characters to UPPER case on insert? I wrote <CHECK (country = UPPER (country)> in the CREATE TABLE, which was wrong, because the values were still in the lower case. The sample script is:
CREATE TABLE address (street varchar(40), city varchar(20), state char (2), zip varchar (10), country varchar (20))
When a user types "Canada", I want the inserted value be "CANADA"
The all caps text strings at the beginning of the field need to end up in a separate field than the mixed strings, and the mixed strings need to stay together. The field length varies, as do the lengths of the all caps text strings. There are a lot of records, so I would be interested to know if there was a way to proceed without manually editing each line.
Ho can I convert first letters of a string to Upper Case (i.e. UNITED KINGDOM - Untited Kingdom). I have country names table which has all entries in uper case. This makes a select box very larg and unproportional. Thanks in advance for the help.
Hello, we've an Oracle transition in the pipeline and want to convertall our database objects to upper case. Any one got a script ortechnique (other than manual) to do it?Many thanks, Kevin.
I have a problem. I need to rename all columns of a database to uppercase. Since SQL SERVER 2005 does not support changing system tables is there a smooth way to do this? Has anyone ideas for a script? point me to the right direction. I have found the stored procedure sp_rename which could be useful (or would it be better to alter the tables)... So any help would be appriciated very much...
Almost all of our character fields are stored in upper-case. Is there an easy way to force SQL Server char and varchar fields to upper-case? Something I can do in SQL Server instead of in the client? It needs to apply to any new records.
There are some exceptions (email addresses for one). I don't mind going through each field and changing something.
Hi,I am trying to convert string entered in a field to uppercase usingits formula property.I know it can be done using trigger but still I want to use formulaproperty to achieve the same.Any help will be greatly appreciated.-Max
Our sql server 2005 database is receiving data from a third part program over which we have no control. We need to be able to automatically convert data entered in one column of one table to UPPER case only.
An IBM Global Services consultant is telling my client that in order to have SAP BI read any data from any other application supported by SQL Server 2005, that all tables and fields MUST be in UPPER CASE. This would mean that SAP BI could not read ANY data from AdventureWorks (which everyone needs ) but more importantly from 95% of applications written and stored on SQL Server. I find this to be ludicrious, frankly, but don't know how to find out if it is true. Anyone?
There may/may not be an upper limit for the number of rows in a table, but is there any performance-related limit?
I'm designing a database that stores results that have been acquired from a number of devices. Each device provides a set of data measurements every 10 minutes. Therefore each year a device will produce 52000 sets of results. If I design a table to store a row for each set of measurements from a device (PK is based on the timestamp and the deviceID), and if there are 100 devices recording for 5 years, there will be 52000x100x5 rows. Would I get a performance increase by separating this data into one table per year? Perhaps the year could be appended to the table name to identify the particular tables.
A secondary issue is some devices can also be configured to produce a different set of measurements every 10 seconds. In this case there will be hundreds of millions of rows over a 5 year period. Therefore I am considering bulking the results into an array for a 10 minute period, and storing this array as a blob each 10 minutes. Is this going to be faster or slower than having hundreds of millions of rows?
SELECT whatever_field, CASE LEN(DrAccount) WHEN 12 THEN DrAccount ELSE CASE (Note1) WHEN NULL THEN Location + DrAccount ELSE Note1 + DrAccount END END AS Account FROM Table1 The purpose of the CASE(Note1) is when Note1 column is null, return Location+DrAccount. The actual result is when Note1 column is null, it always returns null, Location+DrAccount is not executed. When Note1 column is not null, it returns correctly Note1+DrAccount. The problem seems to reside in validating the null value in WHEN NULL How to check for null in CASE(fieldname) WHEN ???
I have a scenario which i must check if the value of the inputted word is exact (case sensitive) in a string. And print the word if correct. using a user defined function.
Example:The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog.
If the user enter "jump" it must print "jump". If the user enter "Jump" it must print "jump" which is the correct word.
I have a case statement that provides filtering of hours during certain days of the week. An example is the data I want to show on Sunday is different from the rest of the week. I am using....
Code Snippet
WHERE ((CASE WHEN Datepart(dw, TestDateTime) = 1 AND datepart(hh, TestDateTime) BETWEEN 8 AND 22 THEN 1 WHEN Datepart(dw, TestDateTime) >= 2 AND datepart(hh, TestDateTime) BETWEEN 6 AND 23 OR datepart(hh, TestDateTime) BETWEEN 0 AND 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) >= @ShowCore)
Esentially it gives a parameter (@showcore) to where it shows the filtered hours when 1 is selected, and all hours if 0 is selected.
Basically, Sunday I want to show transaction from between 8am and 10pm, All other days would be 12am - 2am and 6am to 11:59:59 when selecting 1 as the parameter.
I have a table that keeps track of all changes that were performed in an application. There is a column called "old value" and column called "new value". There are some values in the application that don't require data therefore the "old value" or "new value" values can be empty. These columns are an nvarchar data type because the value can be text or numbers or dates. An example is "ReceivedDate". There is a report that is generated based on this table.
What is happening is the query in the report dataset is adding dates when it should be displaying empty. They query is using "CASE/WHEN/THEN". What I need is "When the column is "RecievedDate" and it is not null then convert it to a date". This is for formatting purposes.
This is an example of the table:
UpdateColumn Old Value New Value ReceivedDate 7/8/2015 5:00:00 AM ReceivedDate 7/8/2015 12:00:00 AM 7/9/2015 5:00:00 AM ReceivedDate 7/9/2015 12:00:00 AM
So, the first time it was updated there was no value but it was replaced with July 8, 2015 and so on.This is what the report is displaying
This is the query:
CASE UpdateColumn ... WHEN 'ReceivedDate' THEN (replace(convert(varchar(11),CONVERT ( date, oldvalue ), 106), ' ', '-') ) ... I tried adding CASE UpdateColumn ... WHEN 'ReceivedDate' IS NOT NULL THEN (replace(convert(varchar(11),CONVERT ( date, oldvalue ), 106), ' ', '-') ) ...
I have a table called SrcReg which is having a column name called IsSortSeqNo smallint. I am mapping this column in SSIS and the problem comes when I try to execute against different database which has this table but the column name as ISSortSeqNo. I mean both databases having same name but one with upper case. So SSIS fails executing due to meta validation issue.Is there any way to check whether the column name is in small case or upper case through query?