Code And Data Security In Hosted Servers

May 2, 2008

Dear guys

I want to publish my web site and sql server on a hosted server. But i'm worried about people behind the server. all of my codes including web and stored procedures of sql server are open. as far as I know, there is no effective way to protect web pages source. how about sql server? I mean compiling stored procedures.

and another important thing is data. I think certain people have potential to see or change all of my records, or for example give email address of my customers to a third party or ... .

Is there any way?

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Security In Hosted Database Servers

Sep 22, 2007


I am working on an ASP.NET apllication which will work with sensitve data that needs stored as encrypted. The ASP.NET application and SQL Server 2005 will be hosted outside of our company.

My questions are:

When I create a database master key, a certificate and a symetric key to encrypt and decrypt my data, will I be able to use these (master key, cert and symetric key) in other databases (say my local development SQL Server 2005 instance)?
Is a managed hosting a better solution to have total control over the the keys in the database?
Is there a white paper or guidance document for security in hosted databases?Thanks

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Code Access Security Across Multiple Assembly Security Extension

Oct 14, 2005

Hello there I have trying to figure out for days how to enable FullTrust for my Reporting Services security extension.

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Insert Data From Office To Hosted Database

Apr 28, 2006

What is the best way to insert records into an SQL Server 2005 database that's being hosted with my website.  The data will originate from customer sites as transactions.  Do I connect to the hosted database using TCP/IP or do I create web pages that accept the data variables?  This is all new to me!
I need this to happen unattended and 24/7/365

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SQL Security - Multiple SQL Servers

Feb 6, 2001


How to prevent a user/admin on one SQL 7 server, who knows the system admin password that is common to both servers, from accessing a second SQL 7 server via the SQL Server Group setup process.

Is there a way from shutting off remote access to a SQL server without limiting RPC?

All reading points towards 1) Remote Access Options, 2) Store User Independent, 3) Control Store as options to locking down a server. Would like to hear from someone that ran into this type of issue. Third party software available?

I've tried the following without any success: 1) I have deleted the second SQL server registration from the first SQL server group - but this is too easy to delete and recreate, 2) edit the SQL server registration for the remote server and force authentication - almost there if SQL prevented deletion of the registration without verifying the logon/password of the person who created it (again able to delete and recreate), 3) played around with the client utility to remove the TCP/IP pipe entry.

Anyone else pulling their hair out on this?


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Security Info Not Getting Transferred Across Servers

May 24, 2000

I backed up a database from one server and restored in it on another server
the database was installed with data, but the security info did not
get across.


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Script To Audit My SQL Servers Security

Mar 28, 2002

ask2much writes "I am trying to write a script that will audit my sql servers looking for weaknesses etc. I need it to report things like users with NULL paswords, users with excessive acces rights, users with direct access to tables, etc. I need a query that will give me a list of all the users in the server, the last time they logged in, and the last time they changed their password. How can I accomplish this? also if any one has already created a script similar to the one I am trying to create, could I please take a look at it to get some ideas?

thank you,


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SQL Code For Knowing The Servers

Apr 16, 2005

 Hi all...
I'm connected to a network with 3 Servers ( 3 sql servers on 3 different machines )
How can i know the name of the servers using SQL Code?

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Code Security When SQLSrvExp And App. Is Running On Same Pc

Dec 20, 2007


My application is running on one machine using SQL Server Express
in Administrator user.

How can softwre-user can be restricted to edit stored procedures,functions and triggers ?
{using SQL Server Management Studio Express}

Is the better way to write CLR based procedures,functions and triggers ?

Please tell me.


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Simulate Heart Beat Code To Manage Production Servers

Jan 1, 2008


I am currently developing a DBA management console for a company who have 45 SQL Servers, 20 of which are in the production environment. As part of the development I have created a DBA dashboard with various alerts and information dials regarding the state of the SQL Infrastructure. I came accross a problem yesterday that I cannot find the answer to.

One of the alerts I have developed is a simple "Heart Beat" indicator that displays that the SQL Server is present and "alive". To do this I have a central database running on SQL 2005 which has linked server connections toall 45 SQL Servers. This central database runs a simple select statement on each server (something that I know works if the server is there). The select is run as dynamic SQL as I need to build up the SQL as part of a cursor to place the server name within the from clause. Here is the select I am using: -

select top 1 dbid from [server].master.dbo.sysdatabases

If the server is not there an error occurrs. I trap this and record that the server may not be present. The cursor then moves on to the next server to check.

This works fine when ran from Query Analyser. I can simulate a failed server by deleting the link server connection. For the server in questions an error is raised when the select is run, I store the error and on the Dashboard screen you can see an indicator saying that the server is currently non-contactable (i.e. failed Heart Beat).

My problem comes when I try and schedule this procedure. If I run it as an SQL Agent Job it behaves differently. Here, as soon as the error is detected it bombs out stating that the step has failed. I don't mind it stating that the step has failed, what I want it to do is to complete the cursor loop on all the servers. You see at the top of the procedure I set all the heartbeats flags to 0 (i.e. not contactable) so I need to to complete the run. I have search the Agent set-up and can find no flag to stop it halting processes when an error occurs.

The servers are configured not to allow RPC and I would rather not have to put a job on every server to tell me they exist as this would need managing going forward.

Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated - Happy New Year by the way!

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Security Levels Of CLR Code When Deployed To Another Server.

Mar 29, 2006


My question kind of covers a couple of areas.

I have written some SQL 05 CLR code that produces a single DLL file. I have specified that the code is 'Safe' e.g. it will not be carrying out any external assembly access or other file accesss.

The code simply contains some stored procedures that will update/instert etc data from the database.

The question is, how do I actually deploy the code to a a remote server? Do i simply take the DLL and use CREATE ASSEMBLY code to set it up?

Furthermore, are there any security issues i need to consider when i deploy the assembly given that I have already set up the security to be 'Safe' ? e.g. is there anyway that a database can be locked down so that CLR code would not run irrespective of the safe setting.

As far as I understand it, SQL CLR code is ran under the SQL Server service account, so does this mean that if this user is locked down the code would not run?

Any clarifications or extra info would be greatly appreciated.


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Security Exception When Calling Custom Code From A Report.

Nov 13, 2006


When I run my report from within visual studio 2005 it generates just fine.

However, when I run the report from the reporting services local web site I get the following error. What do I need to do to fix this (temporarily turning off .net security uusing caspol didn't work).

An error occurred while executing OnInit: Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed

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Error When Transferring Data From Local Database To Hosted Database

Apr 10, 2006


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SSPI Handshake Failed With Error Code 0x8009030c While Establishing A Connection With Integrated Security; The Connection Has Be

Mar 7, 2006

Hello, I have a sql 2005 server, and I am a developer, with the database on my own machine. It alwayws works for me but after some minutes the other developer cant work in the application

He got this error

Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection. [CLIENT:]

and When I see the log event after that error, it comes with another error.

SSPI handshake failed with error code 0x8009030c while establishing a connection with integrated security; the connection has been closed. [CLIENT:]

He has IIS5 and me too.

I created a user on the domain called ASPSYS with password, then in the IIS on anonymous authentication I put that user with that password, and it works, on both machines.

and in the connection string I have.

<add key="sqlconn" value="Data Source=ESTACION15;Initial Catalog=GescomDefinitiva;Integrated Security=SSPI; Trusted_Connection=true"/>

I go to the profiler, and I see that when he browses a page, the database is accesed with user ASPSYS, but when I browse a page, the database is accesed with user SElevalencia.

Thats strange.

The only way that the other developer can work again on the project is to restart the whole machine. He has windows xp profession, I have windows 2000.

If you want me to send logs please tellme

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SQL Security :: Making Data Change In Read Only Database Without Letting Other Users Update Data

Aug 6, 2015

I want to make data changes in read_only database , that's why i must set database read_write. While database is at read_write mode, i want to be sure that no one makes change in database.

For this aim, i write the code below, but i suspect that after setting the database read_write, till the setting database
single_user ,is it possible get DML script from another user. Is the code below enough for this operation. Or is there another way?

Reminding: Read_only database can not be set single_user mode. That's why, first you must set database read_write.

The code;

use master
alter database xxx set read_write
with rollback immediate
alter database xxx set single_user
with rollback immediate

use xxx
update  tablexxx set columnxxx=yyy
use master
alter database xxx set read_only
with rollback immediate
alter database xxx set multi_user
with rollback immediate

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Master Data Services :: Error Code 8 While Loading Data From MDS Stage To Model

Apr 22, 2015

I am getting ErrorCode 8 while loading the data from stage to model. I have checked my error view it states that "Member Code is Inactive".

Initially I have loaded same set of data in Model from MDS Stage table but then deleted with ImportType = 5 which removed all the data from the MDM model.

Now i want to load it back but its giving the Error Code 8 ..  Before loading the same data i have changed the stage table Importtype to 2 and Importstatusid to 0.

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Data Transfer Between Two Or More SQL SERVERS

Dec 8, 2006

I want to transfer data in between two or more sql servers. Actually One server is on the web while others are in small networks in diffrent locations.
I want to update the main server with the changes in local servers. My problem is if  the connection goes failed in between process of data transfer then how will it be recovered that how much of data is uploaded and how much is left.
Please I need help on this isue.
Thanks in advance

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Getting Data From Remote Servers

Jun 20, 2007

 am an authenticated user of a remote data base
I can log in using sql server management studio and add tables and
even I can back up the database .

 But I want to get a copy of the
database to my local computer
Is there any way to do
this?The problem is that i don't have access  to the directory of sql sever  pleases tel me a way that is possible just by using sql server or any add on on it 

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Data Access Across Servers

Aug 27, 1999

I have a developer here who wants to be able to access two databases on different servers with the same query statement.
Both servers have SQL Server 7.0 ??? Any suggesstions?


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How To Query Data From To Servers

Aug 25, 2000

I have a question. how do query data between the two servers.

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Replicating Data Across Servers

Jun 17, 1999

We have a database that I would like to replicate on another server but am unable to use regular replication via publish/subscribe due to the fact that the production database has no primary keys on tables, only clustered indexes. The backup db needs to be as close to real-time synchronized as possible and will be in fairly active use most of the time. Has anyone had success in developing such a system? How did you do it and what are the pitfalls? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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Accessing Data Across 6.5 Servers

Jun 22, 1999


I need to access data across my sql servers . All the servers are 6.5. Think MS DTC is the solution. But how to implement the same. Can somebody give me step by step instructions.

Thanks in Advance.


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Transfer Data Across Servers

Apr 1, 2008


Not sure thisis the right forum for my question.
I have to insert data from one table into another. The problem is that the 2 tables are on different servers and computers for that matter. I only need data that is in one specific table.
What is the easiest and most efficient way to do that.

If I access the 2 computers via remote desktop from my computer and actually go and copy the data from the table in computer 1 and paste it inside the table in computer 2 it does paste the data.However, for some reason it doesn't paste all the data. The column datatype is ntext.
I mean if the entry is for example 'hello world how are you today? blah bla blah'
It will only paste 'hello world how are'

I will appreciate your help.

Many thanks

Whisky-my beloved dog who died suddenly on the 29/06/06-I miss u so much.

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View Data From 2 Servers

Apr 6, 2006


How do I create a view that will pull data from dbases on 2 different servers ?

I have 2 server names....


2 Databases...

PWBstaff on svr10mbr01
PWBdata on svr10mbr02

I need to create a view in PWBdata that will do something like....

Select * from PWBstaff.dbo.staff

Is this possible, if so what is the syntax.


"I dislilke 7am. If &am were a person, I would kick 7am in the biscuits." - Paul Ryan,

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Transfer Data Between SQL Servers

Sep 20, 2006


I've got a quick question here. I'm still quite new to SQL Server. My question is how to transfer file between SQL Servers. For example, i have been working on the database - updating or editing some tables in the SQL Server 2000 at my end. Then, i need to pass whichever tables got updated on to my client who also uses the SQL Server 2000. So we have two separate SQL Servers 2000. i wonder how to transfer data like tables between the two SQL Servers.

Thank you in advance

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Data Collection From Many To One Servers

Mar 7, 2008

I need to feed head office sql server with the data from regional servers. Servers are spread through all continents
Data input done locally on Head office server as well and plus need to ship data from other servers.
So clarify this - Head office server is not standby one. Mirroring is out of the picture, I think..
Initially, I thought ship a log every 15 min and restore on Head office server but is this going to create an issue for the local data processing?

Any bright ideas welcome!

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Transferring Data Between Servers

May 14, 2006

I need to append data from a database on one server to a table in a databaseon a different server. Both servers are running SQL 7. How can that be done?Thanks.

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Sync Data Between Two SQL Servers

Jul 20, 2005 is my problem. I have two SQL servers that I need to haveidentical, at least semi-real time data on. One is in a public DMZwith full access to and from the internet, and one is behind acorporate firewall and the box can get out to the internet but cannotbe hit directly from the internet in. The two are on seperatenetworks and cannot be connected via lan. Is there a way for me tohave semi-real time data transfers between the two to keep bothservers identical? I have thought that the server behind the firewallcould initiate an XML session with my dmz sql server and processupdates, but I am unfamiliar with how it would know what has changedon the remote server and how the remote server would know what haschanged on the server behind the corporate firewall. Any good ideas?ThanksDan Hirsch

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Synchronize Data Between Servers

Mar 29, 2006

What is the easiest way to synchronize all data and database objects between my development machine and hosting server? Is there any SSIS free script I can use?

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Hosted SQL Server: Where To Start?

Dec 17, 2004

I just added a 30MB SQL Server 2000 space for my site.

My host said that it only provides the space and nothing else. They will not be providing any means to connect to the database like Enterprise Manager 2000 or MS Client Network Utility. I'm not familiar with any of these and I looked at Microsoft's site to download it but I cannot find it.

Do you have any suggestions on how I go about setting up my hosted SQL Server? If those utilities are costly, are there cheaper/free alternatives?


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Exchange Data Between Databases On Two Servers??

May 29, 2007

Dear all
I have tow server on the same intranet. One server has a sql server 2000 database and the other one has SQL server 2005 databse.
 The sql 2000 database has a table called employee. When ever a new employee is inserted in the database i would like the same values to be sent to the sql 2005 database. But this cant be done on the application level. It has to be done in the database. The application level can not be changed.
I was thinking a trigger but how to achieve the writing from one database to another. If they were on the same server then it would be easier but because they are on different servers i dont know how to do it.
 Has anyone had similar issue before?
Any help is apreciated.

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Select Data From Two Databases On Different Servers

Oct 27, 1999

Hi there,
I was just wondering is it possible to select data from two different databases on two different servers?

ie Select * from
Server1.databasename..table, Server2.databasename..table

If anyone has any suggestions they would be appreciated,

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Transfer Data Between Linked Servers

Nov 12, 2004

Hello to all,

my problem is about the slow execution of a query.

I have two database located in two different servers. The servers are linked with the linked server connection made with the enterprice manager.

The databases structure is the same and I copy some data from a database to the other with the following query:

INSERT INTO DATASERVER.RESULTS.dbo.Tab_Tests SELECT * FROM LINESERVER.WIP.dbo.Tab_Tests WHERE ID_Result = '{76271FC1-9470-4EF7-A403-000CF75C2215}' OR ID_Result = '{08C8EEB9-CD22-4CF9-8269-8C1CC58C752B}' OR ID_Result = '{B7B7EED1-36E4-48FA-9636-ABBE62AAE04D}' OR ID_Result = '{8F7BA69E-D2CE-4EB2-BBC4-AFFA165CE0CE}' OR ID_Result = '{273CB805-945F-4EFA-AE20-BC4E0898A19F}'

Everything works till the database grows up more than 400 MB.

Also if I select one result, that consist of some records, the query is very slow and the CPU is working over the 75 %.

I ask you if my working way is corret or if you have some solution or some explanation for me.

Thank you

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