Combine Sql Query Result Columns?
Jun 2, 2008
This might be a question with an extremely easy answer.. I don't know but here I go.
I want a report with lets say
|A | B | C |
I can easily figure out the sql statements to find the columns A, B and C individually but how do I combine them?
so lets say I have
select cola as A from table1 where ....
select colb as B from table2...
They are not from the same table so I cannot combine them either (I cannot do select cola, colb from table1 etc.. )
How would I do this? Am I missing something?
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Aug 20, 2007
In Sql Server 2005 Express I have this table:CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Sections](
[SectionID] [int] NOT NULL,
[DocumentNo] [smallint] NULL,
[SequenceNo] [smallint] NULL,
[SectionNo] [smallint] NULL,
[DocumentTypeID] [smallint] NULL,
[SectionText] [ntext] NULL)
Each paragraph of text (SectionText) is in its own row
(SectionNo) Each primary document has a DocumentTypeID of 1 with
three subdocument types (2=Index, 3=Background, 4=Report).I run this query and return a collection of single rows from various documents grouped together by DocumentNo: SELECT *
FROM Sections
WHERE CONTAINS (SectionText, 'exercise')
ORDER BY DocumentNo
For each row that contains the search term, I would like to
return the full document (all rows as parapraphs within one row of
returned data). In other words, I want to reconstitute the full
document as it existed prior to being inserted into the database with
paragraph separation. For exampe, if the search term is in row 3
of DocumentNo=5, DocumentTypeID=2, I want to return all the rows of
that document in one block of text that retains paragraph format
(preferablly with a line break and carriage return between
paragraphs). How can this be done?
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Jun 18, 2008
I have 3 sql queries:ex:select * from table 1 where id = 2select * from table 1 where name = 'name'select * from table 1 where date = 'date' I want to combine these three queries into one stored procedure.I am not sure how to do this.i want to display some column data from these 3 queries on 3 table rows as:<td> colum1 </td><td> colum2 </td><td> colum3 </td>so my SP should return some datatable .any suggestiions
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Feb 20, 2008
I have a question regarding Execute SQL Task as I combined one statement like select count(*) from destination table, and insert into error table (source count, error count, destination count) values (?,?,?).
If I use two Execute SQL Task, it should work. I was wondering that is it possible to combine select and insert into one Execute SQL Task direct input. How to approch this?
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Jan 9, 2014
I would like to pull all the columns from a table where the date column is within 6 months from the max date (i.e. Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, & Dec). In addition to that, I would like to pull another column -the summary column - from the same table where the date = max(date) (Dec only).
I have written 2 queries and they produce the correct data. However, I don't know how to combine them into one resultant table. I tried to do a left join and had difficulties dealing with the different where statements from the 2 queries..
Here is query #1:
select investor, full_date, month_end_summary, category, loan_count
from cust_table
where datediff(month,full_date,(select max(full_date) from cust_table)) < 6
group by investor, full_date, month_end_summary, category, loan_count
order by investor, full_date
Here is query #2:
select investor, full_date, month_end_summary
from cust_table
where datediff(month,full_date,(select max(full_date) from cust_table)) =0
order by investor, full_date
Can they be combined into one query to produce one result table??
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Jul 1, 2015
I need a query to publish the front page of a blog. Each blog post needs to show BlogTitle, BlogText, PublishDate, PublishBy, Primary Image and number of comments. I would like to be able to do this in one sql statement, if possible.
The table structure is below, you can assume the first image returned from the image table is the primary image.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Blogs](
[ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[BlogTitle] [nvarchar](200) NULL,
[BlogText] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[Tags] [nvarchar](200) NULL,
[Code] ....
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Jul 20, 2005
I need to send the result of a procedure to an update statement.Basically updating the column of one table with the result of aquery in a stored procedure. It only returns one value, if it didnt Icould see why it would not work, but it only returns a count.Lets say I have a sproc like so:create proc sp_countclients@datecreated datetimeasset nocount onselect count(clientid) as countfrom clientstablewhere datecreated > @datecreatedThen, I want to update another table with that value:Declare @dc datetimeset @dc = '2003-09-30'update anothertableset ClientCount = (exec sp_countclients @dc) -- this line errorswhere id_ = @@identityOR, I could try this, but still gives me error:declare @c intset @c = exec sp_countclients @dcWhat should I do?Thanks in advance!Greg
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May 3, 2006
I want to call my stored proc for that last 4 months. Basically all I need to do is pass each month's first date and it will do the rest. Should I shove this into a UDF first? I'm not sure if I can do that. The struction is here behind my stored proc:
EXEC IT_Get_Dashboard_Monthly '2006-05-03 12:03:43.910' <-- change to UDF or leave it? Then how can I loop and change each month to cover the last 4 months?
I also need to ensure all 4 values returned in each interation show up in one row in the final result set that is produced
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Jul 15, 2015
I have two cube and i would like to get data from both cube and combine the results from both cubes to get final result to display result in SSRS reports like we can do in Stored procedure using temporary tables/Joins.Is there any way in SSAS to combine the data from multiple cubes? Data needs to be retrieved from the cubes based on the user inputs.
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Feb 20, 2007
Hi all,
I have a table with multiple rows with the same ID.
a) How do I combine all columns into one row with the same ID?
b) Is this better to do the combine in the store procedure/trigger or a sub that involked by some sort of datarepeater, datagrid controls?
Since I am trying to brush up my sql. I appreciate any examples on top of conceptual solution.
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Dec 7, 2005
I have an stored procedure that returns 3 columns. Month, Date, and Total Number of Calls.
Here is the stored Proc:
It returns a table:
MONTH DATE TOTAL NUMBER OF CALLS======= ===== ===========1 1 10
1 2 15
My question is: is it possible to combine the Month and Date column into one column. e.g.
Date Total Number of Calls==== ==============1/1 101/2 15
Please Help, Thanks in advance :)
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Jun 12, 2006
i have a huge db and i wanna combine "date" fields with "time" fields.
eg. date time
03/06/1979 1758
03/09/1979 1759
i wanna datetime
03/06/1979 17:58:00
03/09/1979 17:59:00
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Nov 9, 2007
I have a query that looks at the stock levels in one warehouse and returns the quantity, have been asked to create a new column that shows the total of the same stock that is available in our two other warehouses.
Have tried this:
SELECT ItemCode, WhsCode, InStock FROM TABLE1 INNER JOIN TABLE2 ON TABLE1.WhsCode = TABLE1.WhsCode WHERE WhsCode = '31' or WhsCode = '61' GROUP BY InStock, WhsCode,ItemCode
This returns the results in one column rather than in a seperate column for 31 & 61, I then need to add the two columns together so a total stock is shown.
I realise this may be a basic query but I'm batting my head against a wall at the moment.
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Mar 8, 2007
I'm sure this has been brought up many times, but I will ask anyway.Let's say I have 2 tables related:Owner:---------o_ido_nameDog:---------d_idd_nameo_id - for Owner table.If the data is laid out aso_id o_name1 Johnd_id d_name o_id1 Skippy 12 Fido 1How can I make a query that will produce the following results:o_id o_name owned dog names1 John Skippy, FidoI think it has something to do with unions but I can't seem to get it. I'musing SQL Server Compact Edition.
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Mar 4, 2007
I have 2 text data type columns that I would like to combine into a new column. I'd also like to add a newline character between each column value when I combine them.
I've tried columnA + columnB but that didn't work.
How could I do that?
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Feb 28, 2008
Is there a way to combine 2 columns of different types for example varchar and decimal?
column1 = varchar, column2 = decimal
For example:
SELECT column1 + ' - ' + column2 AS CombineColumn FROM TABLE1
Without getting "Error converting data type varchar to numeric."
Thanks for any help!
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May 30, 2008
Hi Guys,
I have twotables(Employee and Borrower). In Employee table have EMPID and Borrower table have BorrowerID. I want to comebine these two columns into one column as EMPID in Employee table. Can any one help?
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Apr 12, 2006
Hey guys,
I realize I've posted something like this before, but i'm confused how to do something new, what I am trying to do is combine rows of data when certain columns equal one another.
For example, I have to sets of data who have in common the columns ctp_code and a mod_code (they are the same) however they have two other columns called billing_amt and amount_owed that need to be added together (literally taking the data and doing the math, so 100.00 + 100.00 = 200.00)
id ctp_code mod_code billing_amt amount_owed
1 1 1 100.00 100.00
2 1 1 100.00 100.00
My results should be this:
id ctp_code mod_code billing_amt amount_owed
1 1 1 200.00 200.00
Any help, thoughts?
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May 23, 2008
I have 2 tables called Table A, Table B,
In Table A i am having Data1, Data2 like 2 datas in Column 1
In Table B i am having Data2, Data3 Like 2 datas in Column 1
Now want a output like
Please help me to get this....
Thank you,
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Apr 29, 2015
I want to combine 2 columns from different table.
let said my table1:
id: A1 customername: WesternDigital
id: A2 customername: Sony
id: A3 customername: Samsung
my table2 :
id: A1 customername: Rose
id: A3 customername: John
My output is like that:
WesternDigital, Rose
Samsung, John
my sql as below:
select table1.customername + table2.customername as customername
from table1
inner join table2 on =
how to make the table1 sony appear also even it does not exist in table2?
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Jun 9, 2006
Hi I have a table that has two columns whose values need to be combined into one column and pipe delimed into the first one.
But I am not sure how to writed the query.
Here is my atmempt, which by the way does not work, but you might understand what I am trying to do.
update tabmodulesettings
set settingvalue =
(Select settingvalue from tabmodulesettings as t2 where t2.settingname='m2' and t.tabmoduleid=t2.tabmoduleid) + '|' +
(select settingvalue from tabmodulesettings as t3 where t3.settingname='m7' and t.tabmoduleid=t3.tabmoduleid)
from tabmodulesettings t
where settingname='m2'
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Aug 20, 2007
I would appreciate any help with my following problem... lets say
i have...
select A.firstname + '' + B.lastname as fullname, 'Their Home is ' + A.City + ' ' + (select top 1 C.State from States C where C.City = A.City) as Location
from tableA A, TableB B
Where =
This is not the actual statement but follows the same kinda logic... the problem that i get is that some of the rows in both my fullname column and in my location column show up as null... how would i fix it so for instance even if the state is missing it would still show: their home is LA or if just the last name is available it would show the lastname?
Thank you
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Mar 3, 2008
I have the following query :
select uname, count(ID) from tbh_Axis
group by uname
which works fine and displays
How can i display the result as :
When I do this:
select uname + '(' + count(ID) + ')' from tbh_Axis
group by uname
It doesnt work.
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Aug 28, 2007
adate atime
08-21-2007 11:09
08-20-2007 16:49
08-03-2007 00:39
I would like to combine adate with atime to get adatetime
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Sep 17, 2007
I have a database that tracks billing and payment history records against a "relationship" record (the "relationship" maps a many-to-many relationship between employees and cell phone numbers).
I have two statements that look like this:
SELECT CellPhone.PhoneNumber, SUM(BillingHistory.AmountOwed) AS TotalOwed
FROM Relationship
INNER JOIN CellPhone ON CellPhone.PKCellPhone = Relationship.FKCellPhone
INNER JOIN BillingHistory ON Relationship.PKRelationship = BillingHistory.FKRelationship
GROUP BY Relationship.PKRelationship, CellPhone.PhoneNumber
SELECT CellPhone.PhoneNumber, SUM(PaymentHistory.AmountPaid) AS TotalPaid
FROM Relationship
INNER JOIN CellPhone ON CellPhone.PKCellPhone = Relationship.FKCellPhone
INNER JOIN PaymentHistoryON Relationship.PKRelationship = PaymentHistory.FKRelationship
GROUP BY Relationship.PKRelationship, CellPhone.PhoneNumber
Each statement correctly aggregates the sums, but I need a record that shows me:
CellPhone.PhoneNumber, SUM(BillingHistory.AmountOwed) AS TotalOwed, SUM(PaymentHistory.AmountPaid) AS TotalPaid
I can't figure out how to join or merge the statements together to get all of this information into one record without ruining the sums (I can't seem to correctly join the PaymentHistory table to the BillingHistory table without the sums going haywire).
Any help is appreciated.
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Jan 18, 2004
It's rather easy to combine resultset from the same table structure...we can either insert the entries or union the results.
But let's say you select different columns from different tables and want to combine them to form a new table, how would you do it (assuming you can't join those tables since they are not related), assuming they all return the same number of rows.
select col1 from table1
select col2 from table2
Now I want to combine them so table3 is made of col1 and col2.
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Aug 31, 2007
When quering a table with given criteria, For ex:
select notes, jobid, caller from contact where status in (6) and jobid = 173
I am getting this:
This job will be posted to Monster for 2 weeks. 173 906
Waiting for full budget approval 173 906
TUrns out we're uppin 173 906
What should I do so that these three columns for the same jobid from the same caller appears in only one column, either separated by a comma or semicolon?
Please HELP!!!!!
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Oct 8, 2007
Suppose that I have a table with following values
Col1 Col2 Col3
P3456 C935876 T675
P5555 C678909 T8888
And the outcome that I want is:
P3456 - C935876 - T675
P5555 - C678909 - T8888
where CombinedValues column contains values of coulmn 1,2 & 3 seperated by '-'
So is there any way to achieve this?
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Sep 11, 2014
DECLARE @EmployeeID nvarchar(1000)
DECLARE @FiscalYear nvarchar(1000)
SET @EmployeeID = '101,102,103,104,105'
SET @FiscalYear = '2013,2014'
SELECT Data FROM dbo.Split(@EmployeeID, ',')
SELECT Data FROM dbo.Split(@fiscalyear, ',')
This is part of a bigger project but I am stuck on this part. I get back 2 result sets
Data Data
101 2013
102 2014
I want to insert the results in a new table 2 columns and get the results below.
New Table
ID Fiscal Year
101 2013
101 2014
102 2013
102 2014
103 2013
103 2014
104 2013
104 2014
105 2013
105 2014
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Feb 13, 2001
I ran a select * from customers where state ='va', this is the result...
(29 row(s) affected)
The following file has been saved successfully:
C:outputcustomers.rpt 10826 bytes
I choose Query select to a file
then when I tried to open the customer.rpt from the c drive I got this error message. I am not sure why this happend
invalid TLV record
Thanks for your help
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May 1, 2008
As the topic suggests I need the end results to show a list of shows and their dates ordered by date DESC.
Tables I have are structured as follows:
SQL is as follows:
SELECT shows.showID AS showID, shows.showTitle AS showTitle,
(SELECT MAX(videos.videoFilmDate) AS vidDate FROM videos WHERE videos.showID = shows.showID)
FROM shows, showAccess
WHERE shows.showID = showAccess.showID
AND showAccess.remoteID=21
I had it ordering by showTitle and it worked fine, but I need it to order by vidDate.
Can anyone shed some light on where I am going wrong?
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Jul 22, 2015
So I have been trying to get mySQL query to work for a large database that I have. I have (lets say) two tables Table_One and Table_Two. Table_One has three columns: Type, Animal and TestID and Table_Two has 2 columns Test_Name and Test_ID. Example with values is below:
Type Animal TestID
Mammal Goat 1
Fish Cod 1
Bird Chicken 1
Reptile Snake 1
Bird Crow 2
Mammal Cow 2
Bird Ostrich 3
Test_name TestID
Test_1 1
Test_1 1
Test_1 1
Test_1 1
Test_2 2
Test_2 2
Test_3 3
In Table_One all types come under one column and the values of all Types (Mammal, Fish, Bird, Reptile) come under another column (Animals). Table_One and Two can be linked by Test_ID
I am trying to create a table such as shown below:
Test_Name Bird Reptile Mammal Fish
Test_1 Chicken Snake Goat Cod
Test_2 Crow Cow
Test_3 Ostrich
This should be my final table. The approach I am currently using is to make multiple instances of Table_One and using joins to form this final table. So the column Bird, Reptile, Mammal and Fish all come from a different copy of Table_one.
For e.g
Test_Name AS 'Test_Name',
Table_Bird.Animal AS 'Birds',
Table_Mammal.Animal AS 'Mammal',
Table_Reptile.Animal AS 'Reptile,
Table_Fish.Animal AS 'Fish'
From Table_One
[Code] .....
The problem with this query is it only works when all entries for Birds, Mammals, Reptiles and Fish have some value. If one field is empty as for Test_Two or Test_Three, it doesn't return that record. I used Or instead of And in the WHERE clause but that didn't work as well.
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Apr 6, 2005
I am new to SQL Server development, but I use the automated features in Enterprise Manager a lot.
I have a table with a specific format already existing in a SQL Server 2000 database. This is generated once a day from a flat file received from an outside vendor. I am now receiving a similar flat file from another vendor which is nearly identical, but with two differences.
First, the new flat file is missing two columns (not critical data).
Next, there is one column that is out of order in comparison to the other flat file (aside from the 2 missing columns).
I need a generic example of how to remove specific records from a table and add these new ones (from the new flat file) through the SQL Server. My intention is to have a job run at a specific time through the SQL Server.
Any help is appreciated. If you know of a good tutorial or something out there, I would be more than happy to check it out. Thank you so much for your help!
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