Combine These Two Sql Statements

Jun 2, 2004

SELECT bms_id,email_address,COUNT(*)
INTO #temp
FROM emp_db
WHERE email_address IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY bms_id,email_address

SELECT bms_id COUNT(*)
GROUP BY bms_id

How can i put these two statements into a single sql statement.


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How To Combine 3 SQL Statements Into 1?

Oct 18, 2006

I have the following 3 SQL statements that need to be combined, ifpossible. The output of one feeds the input of the next. I need to viewall of the defined output fields (the output needs to be used in aCrystal Report).The SQL Follows:/* Input is ISBN (vendor_part_number) */QUERY_1 - returns 1 recordselect p.product_id,, m.description,, p.title,p.revision_number, p.copyright_edition, p.vendor_part_number,p.conforming_flag,m.code, mp.unit_price_product, mm.quota_pricefrom T_PRODUCT p, T_VENDOR v, T_PRODUCT_VENDOR pv,T_MULTILIST_PRODUCT mp, T_MULTILIST m,T_MULTILIST_MEMBERSHIP mm where/* p.vendor_part_number == input */p.vendor_part_number = '0153364475' and p.medium_type ='TEXTBOOK' andp.product_id = pv.product_id and pv.type = 'CONTRACT' andpv.vendor_id = andp.product_id = mp.product_id andm.code = mp.multilist_code and m.proclamation_year =mp.proclamation_yearand m.proclamation_seq_id = mp.proclamation_seq_id andm.code = mm.multilist_code and m.proclamation_year =mm.proclamation_yearand m.proclamation_seq_id = mm.proclamation_seq_id/* The above should return a single record */QUERY_2 - returns 2 recordsselect p.product_id, p.consumable, p.title, p.copyright_edition,p.vendor_part_number, p.product_type,p.item_type, p.hardware_requiredfrom T_PRODUCT p, T_PRODUCT_RELATION pr where (pr.relationship_type ='AID'or pr.relationship_type = 'KIT') andp.product_id = pr.child_product_id and pr.parent_product_id =90321/* 90321 = result from above: pr.parent_product_id = p.product_id*/QUERY_3 - returns 18 recordsselect p.product_id, p.consumable, p.title, p.copyright_edition,p.vendor_part_number, p.product_type,p.item_type, p.hardware_requiredfrom T_PRODUCT p, T_PRODUCT_RELATION pr where (pr.relationship_type ='AID'or pr.relationship_type = 'KIT') andp.product_id = pr.child_product_id and pr.parent_product_id in(90322, 90323)/* 90322, 90323 = result from QUERY_2: pr.parent_product_id =p.product_id */Only 21 records are returned from these combined queries. I need accessto all of them even though there are 3 different resultsets, 2 of whichcontain the same fields. Is there a way to simplify this into a storedprocedure or a view that can take 1 input parameter? It needs to beused in a Crystal Report, which is limited in its handling of thesetypes of complex queries.

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Combine Update

Jan 10, 2007

Hi guys! Is there a way to combine these update statements?
   Dim update_phase As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO TE_shounin_zangyou (syain_No,date_kyou,time_kyou) SELECT syain_No,date_kyou,time_kyou FROM TE_zangyou WHERE [syain_No] = @syain_No", cnn)  
 Dim update_phase2 As New SqlCommand(" UPDATE TE_shounin_zangyou SET " & " phase=2, phase_states2=06,syounin2_sysd=CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),GETDATE(),101) WHERE [syain_No] = @syain_No", cnn)
The same table is updated so I think it would be better to have just one update statement. But the problem is that, the first update statement retrieves values from another table, whereas the update values of the second statement is fixed. Is there a way to combine these two statements. I tried to do so but it does not update. Here's my code...
 Dim update_phase As New SqlCommand("UPDATE TE_shounin_zangyou SET TE_shounin_zangyou.syain_No=TE_zangyou.syain_No, TE_shounin_zangyou.date_kyou=TE_zangyou.date_kyou, TE_shounin_zangyou.time_kyou=TE_zangyou.time_kyou FROM TE_zangyou WHERE TE_zangyou.syain_No = TE_shounin_zangyou.syain_No", cnn)          
Please help me. Thanks.

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Is It Possible To Combine UPDATE Statements?

Mar 13, 2008

hello gang, Is it possible to combine sql update statements? something like:
UPDATE table_nameSET column_name = new_valueWHERE column_name = some_valueANDSET column_name = new_valueWHERE column_name = some_other_value

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Is It Possible To Combine 2 SELECT Statements??

Jan 28, 2005

I am not sure if this is possible, but I was wondering if I can combine 2 SELECT statements so as to aquire a percentage..

I could be overthinking this....I am fairly new to SQL writing.

Here is an example of the 2 SELECT statements that I am using:


SELECT COUNT([Overall Rating]) FROM S526960.HDPIMaster WHERE Location = 'HBUS' AND [Overall Rating] = 'Good'


SELECT COUNT([Overall Rating]) FROM S526960.HDPIMaster WHERE Location = 'HBUS'

Within my output I am than taking the the data from the 1st query and dividing it by the 2nd query to get a percentage.

I was hoping that I could accomplish the same action within one SQL statement.

Thank you for your consideration!

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Combine Two SQL Queries With Separate Where Statements

Jun 18, 2008

I have two SQL queries that I would like to combine.  Each query is dependent on the same table, and the same rows, but they each have their own WHERE statements. I've thought about using some JOIN statements (left outer join in particular) but then I run into the problem of not having two separate tables, and don't see where I can put in two separate WHERE statements into the final query.  I've read into aliasing tables, but I'm not quite sure how that works (how to put it into code or a JOIN statement) , or if it would solve my question.  Do you have any ideas or examples of how to solve this scenario? 

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Can We Combine These 3 Statements Into One Single Query

May 13, 2004

SELECT 1 as id,COUNT(name) as count1
INTO #temp1
FROM emp

SELECT 1 as id,COUNT(name) as count2
INTO #temp2
FROM emp
WHERE name <>' ' AND name IS NOT NULL OR name <> NULL

SELECT (cast(b.count2 as float)/cast(a.count1 as float))*100 AS per_non_null_names
FROM #temp1 a INNER JOIN #temp2 ON

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Combine Columns From Two SELECT Statements

Sep 17, 2007

I have a database that tracks billing and payment history records against a "relationship" record (the "relationship" maps a many-to-many relationship between employees and cell phone numbers).

I have two statements that look like this:

SELECT CellPhone.PhoneNumber, SUM(BillingHistory.AmountOwed) AS TotalOwed
FROM Relationship
INNER JOIN CellPhone ON CellPhone.PKCellPhone = Relationship.FKCellPhone
INNER JOIN BillingHistory ON Relationship.PKRelationship = BillingHistory.FKRelationship
GROUP BY Relationship.PKRelationship, CellPhone.PhoneNumber

SELECT CellPhone.PhoneNumber, SUM(PaymentHistory.AmountPaid) AS TotalPaid
FROM Relationship
INNER JOIN CellPhone ON CellPhone.PKCellPhone = Relationship.FKCellPhone
INNER JOIN PaymentHistoryON Relationship.PKRelationship = PaymentHistory.FKRelationship
GROUP BY Relationship.PKRelationship, CellPhone.PhoneNumber

Each statement correctly aggregates the sums, but I need a record that shows me:

CellPhone.PhoneNumber, SUM(BillingHistory.AmountOwed) AS TotalOwed, SUM(PaymentHistory.AmountPaid) AS TotalPaid

I can't figure out how to join or merge the statements together to get all of this information into one record without ruining the sums (I can't seem to correctly join the PaymentHistory table to the BillingHistory table without the sums going haywire).

Any help is appreciated.

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LIKE And IN Can I Combine

Oct 10, 2005

I can use the IN with the WHERE clause as example:SELECT * FROM NORTHWIND WHERE LASTNAME IN ('FULLER','KING')I want to use the IN and LIKE at the same time:SELECT * FROM NORTHWIND WHERE LASTNAME LIKE ('A%','B%')I know this is a simplistic example, but the members for the IN will bemany, 5 to 10.I'm trying to avoid:SELECT * FROM NORTHWIND WHERE LASTNAME LIKE 'A%' OR LASTNAME LIKE 'B%'OR LASTNAME LIKE 'FU%' OR LASTNAME LIKE 'JON%' <...>and so forth.Any Ideas?TIARob

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How To Combine IN &&amp; LIKE

Aug 23, 2007

Hai All,
Could some one help me how to combine IN & LIKE in the query selection,
i'v try many syntac and i just have no find the way out

this is what I would like to write:

from T50001
where ACTINDX = 350
and DSCRIPTN Like in '%'+(select distinct rtrim(ORMSTRID) ORMSTRID from L10001)+'%'

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Best Way To Combine Columns

Feb 20, 2007

Hi all,
I have a table with multiple rows with the same ID.
a) How do I combine all columns into one row with the same ID?
b) Is this better to do the combine in the store procedure/trigger or a sub that involked by  some sort of datarepeater, datagrid controls?
Since I am trying to brush up my sql. I appreciate any examples on top of conceptual solution.

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Combine 3 Databases

Jun 14, 2007

Combine 3 Databases, Not tables.
Let me spell this out -- I have 3 databases (they are in isolation when in use, its a field app) that need to be merged into 1 "masterDB" database.  I've discovered I can use something like this to get to each DB in a query...
1    USE [database1]2    SELECT     table1.Name, table1.Location, table1.Date, table2.Blog3    FROM         table2 INNER JOIN4                          table1 ON table2.ID = table1.ID5    ORDER BY table1.Date
and then just repeat for database2 and database3.  Ok, fine, rah rah.  My question is how do I "merge" all of these into 1.  No data on each db will be identical, at all, ever so that is not a concern.  I just need all the data from db1, 2 and 3 into masterDB.
Ideas? Direction?

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Combine Sql Queries

Feb 19, 2008

Hello, I have these variables on my page:
userid = "10101"
RequestHost = ""
What would be the best way performace wise to first check if the userid 10101 exists in my sql server db.  If it does exist I would then need to check if "" exists for the userid in the userdomains table.  If these both exist I would then like to query some additional data.  I was hoping its possible to combine this into one query somehow.  I dont think this is the best solution:
 sqlcommand.CommandText = "SELECT UserId From Users Where UserID = '10101'"
dr = sqlcommand.ExecuteReader
if dr.hasrows then
sqlcommand2.CommandText = "SELECT UserDomain From UserDomains Where UserID = ''"
dr2 = sqlcommand2.ExecuteReader
if dr2.hasrows then
sqlcommand3.CommandText = 'Select Additional Data
dr3 = sqlcommand3.ExecuteReader
'read values
'do something
end if
'do something
end if  Thanks Very Much!

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How To Combine Two Columns Into One In An Sql

Dec 7, 2005

I have an stored procedure that returns 3 columns. Month, Date, and Total Number of Calls.
Here is the stored Proc:
It returns a table:
MONTH   DATE   TOTAL NUMBER OF CALLS=======   =====   ===========1                  1               10
1                  2               15
My question is: is it possible to combine the Month and Date column into one column. e.g.
Date   Total Number of Calls====   ==============1/1      101/2      15
Please Help, Thanks in advance :)

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Combine SQL Select With SP

Mar 27, 2002

I am looking for the correct T-sql statement. I want to put parameters in a SP from a select statement. And make the SP exec for each records that the select statement returns. The following is the SP that I want to pass the parameters.

CREATE PROCEDURE sp_sendSMTPmail (@To varchar(8000),
@Subject varchar(255),
@Body text = null,
@Importance int = 1, -- 0=low, 1=normal, 2=high
@Cc varchar(8000) = null,
@Bcc varchar(8000) = null,
@Attachments varchar(8000) = null, -- delimeter is ;
@HTMLFormat int = 0,
@From varchar(255) = null)

/* Name: sp_sendSMTPmail

Purpose: Send an SMTP mail using CDONTS object.

Requirements: SMTP server (comes with IIS but doesn't require IIS) must be loaded.

Returns: 0 if successful, 1 if any errors

Sample Usage:
sp_sendSMTPmail '', 'Testing', 'testing sp_sendSMTPmail, please reply if you receive this',

02/07/2001 VRI Created.



DECLARE @object int,
@hr int,
@StrEnd int,
@Attachment varchar(255),
@return int,
@Msg varchar(255)

SELECT @From = isnull(@From, @@SERVERNAME)

-- Create the CDONTS NewMail object.
EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'CDONTS.NewMail', @object OUT
IF @hr <> 0 GOTO ObjectError

-- Add the optional properties if they are specified
EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @object, 'Body', @Body
IF @hr <> 0 GOTO ObjectError

EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @object, 'Cc', @Cc
IF @hr <> 0 GOTO ObjectError

EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @object, 'Bcc', @Bcc
IF @hr <> 0 GOTO ObjectError

IF @HTMLFormat <> 0
EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @object, 'MailFormat', 0
IF @hr <> 0 GOTO ObjectError

-- Loop through the ; delimited files to attach
CREATE TABLE #FileExists (FileExists int, FileIsDir int, ParentDirExists int)

WHILE isnull(len(@Attachments),0) > 0
SELECT @StrEnd = CASE charindex(';', @Attachments)
WHEN 0 THEN len(@Attachments)
ELSE charindex(';', @Attachments) - 1
SELECT @Attachment = substring(@Attachments, 1, @StrEnd)
SELECT @Attachments = substring(@Attachments, @StrEnd+2, len(@Attachments))

-- Ensure we can find the file we want to send.
DELETE #FileExists
INSERT #FileExists
EXEC master..xp_fileexist @Attachment

IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM #FileExists WHERE FileExists = 1)
RAISERROR ('File %s does not exist. Message not sent.', 16, 1, @Attachment)

EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @object, 'AttachFile', NULL, @Attachment
IF @hr <> 0 GOTO ObjectError

SELECT @Msg = 'File ' + @Attachment + ' attached.'

-- Call the Send method with parms for standard properties
EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @object, 'Send', NULL, @From, @To, @Subject, @Importance=@Importance
IF @hr <> 0 GOTO ObjectError

-- Destroy the NewMail object.
EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @object
IF @hr <> 0 GOTO ObjectError

PRINT 'Message sent.'

EXEC sp_displayoaerrorinfo @object, @hr


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Combine 2 Tables

Sep 20, 2007

I have two tables in MS SQL 2000 that I need to combine into one. they will share 3 columns and the rest will stay the same. the existing tables are very large and I REALLY don't want to plug in all the data by hand...Any nifty tricks??? I found software but dont want to spend $$ on it.

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Combine Two Tables Into One RS

Mar 5, 2005

Here is my dilemma, i'm trying to combine the results of two different tables. Both tables are very similar but the data returned must be sorted before they are combined because I'm only returning the top xx records based on a hits column.

Here is a sample of the two databases:

Table 1
1 - tb1SONG 1 - 356
2 - tb1SONG 2 - 1459
3 - tb1SONG 3 - 278
4 - tb1SONG 4 - 965
5 - tb1SONG 5 - 124

Table 2
1 - tb2SONG 1 - 412
2 - tb2SONG 2 - 85
3 - tb2SONG 3 - 2035
4 - tb2SONG 4 - 693
5 - tb2SONG 5 - 745

I have tried the following union query which combines the two RS's then sorts the data:
SELECT Top 2 ID, Song, Hits FROM Table1
UNION SELECT Top 2 ID, Song, Hits from Table2
Which would return the first two records from each then sort them like this:
2 - tb1SONG 2 - 1459
1 - tb2SONG 1 - 412
1 - tb1SONG 1 - 356
2 - tb2SONG 2 - 85

I would like to sort based on the hits column then combine the RS producing this:
3 - tb2SONG 3 - 2035
2 - tb1SONG 2 - 1459
4 - tb1SONG 4 - 965
5 - tb2SONG 5 - 745

Any ideas or solutions will be greatly appreciated.

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Combine Fields

Oct 30, 2006

I have two fields that I would like to combine into 1 field is this possible.

Example: Document # 555, Doc Description ABCD in the 3 field I would like 555-ABCD.

Is that possible in SQL Server thanks

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Combine Two Queries Into One

Jun 16, 2008

I need to combine to sql queries. Separately they work fine, but I need the "total qty" from second query put into the first query

Query 1

SELECT dbo.Job.CompanyJobId, dbo.Job.Name, dbo.Region.CompanyRegionID, dbo.Job.Active,
FROM dbo.Job
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Division ON dbo.Job.DivisionGuid = dbo.Division.DivisionGuid
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Region ON dbo.Job.RegionGuid = dbo.Region.RegionGuid
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.JobType ON dbo.Job.JobTypeGuid = dbo.JobType.JobTypeGuid
WHERE dbo.job.CompanyJobId = 3505048
ORDER BY dbo.Job.CompanyJobId

Query 2

SELECT case dbo.SourceType.CompanySourceTypeId
when 'PR' then SUM(dbo.ProductionEvent.Quantity)
AS Ttl_Qty
dbo.Event ON dbo.Batch.BatchGuid = dbo.Event.BatchGuid INNER JOIN
dbo.Job ON dbo.Event.JobGuid = dbo.Job.JobGuid INNER JOIN
dbo.ProductionEvent ON dbo.Event.EventGuid = dbo.ProductionEvent.EventGuid INNER JOIN
dbo.Item ON dbo.Event.ItemGuid = dbo.Item.ItemGuid INNER JOIN
dbo.Source ON dbo.ProductionEvent.SourceGuid = dbo.Source.SourceGuid INNER JOIN
dbo.SourceType ON dbo.Source.SourceTypeGuid = dbo.SourceType.SourceTypeGuid LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.Product ON dbo.ProductionEvent.ProductGuid = dbo.Product.ProductGuid left outer join
dbo.JobNoteEvent on Event.EventGuid = dbo.JobNoteEvent.EventGuid
WHERE dbo.Job.CompanyJobId = 3505048 and dbo.SourceType.CompanySourceTypeId = 'PR'
GROUP BY dbo.SourceType.CompanySourceTypeId

I have tried this but it doe not work:

SELECT dbo.Job.CompanyJobId, dbo.Job.Name, dbo.Region.CompanyRegionID, dbo.Job.Active,
dbo.Job.ChangeDate, Ttl_Qty
FROM dbo.Job
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Division ON dbo.Job.DivisionGuid = dbo.Division.DivisionGuid
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Region ON dbo.Job.RegionGuid = dbo.Region.RegionGuid
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.JobType ON dbo.Job.JobTypeGuid = dbo.JobType.JobTypeGuid
WHERE dbo.job.CompanyJobId = 3505048 and where Ttl_Qty =

(SELECT case dbo.SourceType.CompanySourceTypeId
when 'PR' then SUM(dbo.ProductionEvent.Quantity)
AS Ttl_Qty
dbo.Event ON dbo.Batch.BatchGuid = dbo.Event.BatchGuid INNER JOIN
dbo.Job ON dbo.Event.JobGuid = dbo.Job.JobGuid INNER JOIN
dbo.ProductionEvent ON dbo.Event.EventGuid = dbo.ProductionEvent.EventGuid INNER JOIN
dbo.Item ON dbo.Event.ItemGuid = dbo.Item.ItemGuid INNER JOIN
dbo.Source ON dbo.ProductionEvent.SourceGuid = dbo.Source.SourceGuid INNER JOIN
dbo.SourceType ON dbo.Source.SourceTypeGuid = dbo.SourceType.SourceTypeGuid LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.Product ON dbo.ProductionEvent.ProductGuid = dbo.Product.ProductGuid left outer join
dbo.JobNoteEvent on Event.EventGuid = dbo.JobNoteEvent.EventGuid
WHERE dbo.Job.CompanyJobId = 3505048 and dbo.SourceType.CompanySourceTypeId = 'PR'
GROUP BY dbo.SourceType.CompanySourceTypeId)

ORDER BY dbo.Job.CompanyJobId

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Combine To 1 New Column

Dec 18, 2013

I have data as below:

IDJourneySegmentType Depart Arrive 1st2nd

How can i make it to 1 row for 1st and 2nd column?


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Combine 2 Columns

Jun 12, 2006


i have a huge db and i wanna combine "date" fields with "time" fields.

eg. date time
03/06/1979 1758
03/09/1979 1759

i wanna datetime
03/06/1979 17:58:00
03/09/1979 17:59:00

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Combine The Rows

Nov 11, 2006

i have the data like this

Id [name] value
1 sam abc
1 sam def
1 sam ghi
2 john abc
2 john def

for a unique Id all the fields are same except the value.Now I want to join them and the data should appear like below.

Id [name] value
1 sam abc,def,ghi
2 john abc,def

please help me regarding the query.

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Combine 3 Fields Into 1

Nov 5, 2007

I have 3 fields: DOB_DAY (ex: 15), DOB_MO (ex: 8), and DOB_YEAR (ex: 1975). I have a blank field named BIRTH_DATE.

What would be the SQL to set the BIRTH_DATE field to be equal to the Day, Month, and Year field. I need it in "DateTime" format.


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Combine SUM Of Two Columns Into One

Nov 9, 2007


I have a query that looks at the stock levels in one warehouse and returns the quantity, have been asked to create a new column that shows the total of the same stock that is available in our two other warehouses.

Have tried this:
SELECT ItemCode, WhsCode, InStock FROM TABLE1 INNER JOIN TABLE2 ON TABLE1.WhsCode = TABLE1.WhsCode WHERE WhsCode = '31' or WhsCode = '61' GROUP BY InStock, WhsCode,ItemCode

This returns the results in one column rather than in a seperate column for 31 & 61, I then need to add the two columns together so a total stock is shown.

I realise this may be a basic query but I'm batting my head against a wall at the moment.


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Combine Two Statement

Mar 25, 2008

Help please!

I have two statements getting data from two different tables.

1: select dataDate from table1,- gives ‘20080325’

2: select count (recordNumber) from table2,-- gives ‘4566’

Each table has one row but more than one column. The columns are not the same in each table.

Question. I need to combine two statements to give the outcome in one row as '200803254566'. '2008032' from first statement and '54566'from second statement. How do you combine them?


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Combine SQL Queries

Mar 29, 2008


I wonder if anyone can help. All I am trying to do is combine three SQL SELECT queries into one. They are:

SELECT COUNT(ISNULL(Result, 0)) AS Win FROM Games WHERE (CurrentSeason = 'True') AND Result = 'Win'AND ([MatchType] = @MatchType)

SELECT COUNT(ISNULL(Result, 0)) AS Lose FROM Games WHERE (CurrentSeason = 'True') AND Result = 'Lose'AND ([MatchType] = @MatchType)

SELECT COUNT(ISNULL(Result, 0)) AS Draw FROM Games WHERE (CurrentSeason = 'True') AND Result = 'Draw'AND ([MatchType] = @MatchType)

As you can see they are all doing pretty much the same thing. I have experimented by using GROUP and HAVING but end up with no results. Sorry if this is obvious but I am new to SQL!

Many Thanks

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Combine Two Queries - Help Please

Jul 23, 2005

I have a table that has two dates in it, a date opened and a dateclosed. I would like to create one query to give me the number ofrecords that have been opened each month plus, and this is the hardpart the number of those records that have been closed each month. Ican get the result with two seperate queries but have been unable toget it combined into one query with three values for each month, i.e.,the month, the number opened and the number of those that were openedin the month that have been subsequently closed.Here's my two queries. If anyone can help I'd appreciate.SELECT COUNT(*) AS [Number Closed], LEFT(DATENAME(m, DateOpened),3) + '' + CAST(YEAR(DateOpened) AS Char(5)) AS [Month Opened]FROM tableWHERE (DateClosed IS NOT NULL)GROUP BY CONVERT(CHAR(7), DateOpened, 120), LEFT(DATENAME(m,DateOpened), 3)+ ' ' + CAST(YEAR(DateOpened) AS Char(5))ORDER BY CONVERT(CHAR(7), DateOpened, 120)SELECT COUNT(*) AS [Number Opened], LEFT(DATENAME(m, DateOpened),3) + '' + CAST(YEAR(DateOpened) AS Char(5)) AS [Month Opened]FROM tableGROUP BY CONVERT(CHAR(7), DateOpened, 120), LEFT(DATENAME(m,DateOpened), 3)+ ' ' + CAST(YEAR(DateOpened) AS Char(5))ORDER BY CONVERT(CHAR(7), DateOpened, 120)TIABill

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Combine Two Databases

Jan 22, 2007

Hello,I am working with a database that is in use in several locations.The structure of the databases are identical, but the data isdifferent.I am tasked with combining the data into one large database.(It is SQL 2000)I have .bak files for each location.Is there any way to restore a backup into a database, combining thedata?If not, what is the best way to accomplish this?Thanks,Rodjk #613

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SQL To Combine Columns

Mar 8, 2007

I'm sure this has been brought up many times, but I will ask anyway.Let's say I have 2 tables related:Owner:---------o_ido_nameDog:---------d_idd_nameo_id - for Owner table.If the data is laid out aso_id o_name1 Johnd_id d_name o_id1 Skippy 12 Fido 1How can I make a query that will produce the following results:o_id o_name owned dog names1 John Skippy, FidoI think it has something to do with unions but I can't seem to get it. I'musing SQL Server Compact Edition.

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How Can I Combine Different Rows?

Jul 6, 2007

Hi!I have a table looking like(username) (account number) (start date) (end date) (product)wich I can have up to 4 lines for the same client.I wist to transfert those lines into a new table looking like(username) (account number) (start date 1) (end date 1) (product 1)(start date 2) (end date 2) ... (product 4)How (in SQL) I could do it?

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Combine Record

Aug 18, 2007

Hi there any query to do this action:i want to combine view record into a single record.exm.table 1Name A BJack 10 22jack 12 21jack ... ....jack 1 11ben 12 2ben 3 2ben ... ...into:View 1Name combinejack 10,22 and 12,21and1,11 and .....ben 12,2 and 3,2 and......thx before..

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Combine 2 Queries

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I have 2 queries that I need to join. I have the following tables:attendancelog :headeridreportmonthattlogstuds:headeridsidclass:sidclassstatusyearcodelogdatecdatemidThe result must return all the classes that appear in query2 but notin query1.I am not sure how to join the 2 queries.Help will be appreciated :-)ThanksQUERY1select sid fromattlogstuds studsinner joinattendancelog attlogon studs.headerid=attlog.headeridwhere reportmonth=10query2-- students learning excl. studs left before 1th class.SID from classleft outer JOIN ( select * from class where yearcode=26 and status=6and ( logdate <'20041001' or CDate< '20041001' )) c6 ON c6.sid = class.sid and c6.mid=class.midand c6.cdate >= class.cdatewhere class.yearcode=26 and class.status in (3,5) andclass.cdate<'20041101' and c6.sid is null

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Combine Fields

Sep 25, 2007

Hi there!

I have a table with three columns: Id, Name and Departament. (ex: 23, "Mary", "Check-out")

I'd like to write a SQL Select clause so that the three columns are combined in just one column (ex: "23 - Mary - Check-out")

Is it possible? Many thanks for any kind of help.

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