Combing In A Cursor, A Select Statement With The WHERE Clause Stored In A Variable
Mar 28, 2000
I am ramesh here from
I am using sql mail to send out emails to my mailing list
I have difficulty combining a select statement with a where clause stored in a variable inside a cursor
The users select the mail content and frequency of delivery and i deliver the mail
I use lots of queries and a stored procedure to retrieve thier preferences. In the end i use a cursor to send out mails to each of them.
Because my query is dynamic, the where clause of my select statement is stored in a variable. I have the following code
that does not work
For example
FOR SELECT DISTINCT Events.E_Name, Events.E_SDate, Events.E_City, Events.E_ID FROM Events, IndustryEvents + @sqlquery2
OPEN overdue3
I get an error message at the '+' sign
which says, cannot use empty object or column names, use a single
space if necessary
How do I combine the select statement with the where clause?
The stored procedure, below, results in this error when I try to compile...
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure InsertImportedReportData, Line 69 Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'ORDER'.
However the select statement itself runs perfectly well as a query, no errors.
The T-SQL manual says you can't use the keywords COMPUTE, COMPUTE BY, FOR BROWSE, and INTO in a cursor select statement, but nothing about plain old ORDER BYs.
What gives with this?
Thanks in advance R.
The code:
Code Snippet
-- ================================================ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO IF object_id('InsertImportedReportData ') IS NOT NULL DROP PROCEDURE InsertImportedReportData GO -- ============================================= -- Author: ----- -- Create date: -- Description: inserts imported records, marking as duplicates if possible -- ============================================= CREATE PROCEDURE InsertImportedReportData -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @importedReportID int, @authCode varchar(12) AS BEGIN DECLARE @errmsg VARCHAR(80);
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON;
DECLARE srcRecsCursor CURSOR LOCAL FOR (SELECT ImportedRecordID ,ImportedReportID ,AuthorityCode ,[ID] ,[Field1] AS RecordType ,[Field2] AS FormType ,[Field3] AS ItemID ,[Field4] AS EntityCode ,[Field5] AS LastName ,[Field6] AS FirstMiddleNames ,[Field7] AS Title ,[Field8] AS Suffix ,[Field9] AS AddressLine1 ,[Field10] AS AddressLine2 ,[Field11] AS City ,[Field12] AS [State] ,[Field13] AS ZipFull ,[Field14] AS OutOfStatePAC ,[Field15] AS FecID ,[Field16] AS Date ,[Field17] AS Amount ,[Field18] AS [Description] ,[Field19] AS Employer ,[Field20] AS Occupation ,[Field21] AS AttorneyJob ,[Field22] AS SpouseEmployer ,[Field23] As ChildParentEmployer1 ,[Field24] AS ChildParentEmployer2 ,[Field25] AS InKindTravel ,[Field26] AS TravellerLastName ,[Field27] AS TravellerFirstMiddleNames ,[Field28] AS TravellerTitle ,[Field29] AS TravellerSuffix ,[Field30] AS TravelMode ,[Field31] As DptCity ,[Field32] AS DptDate ,[Field33] AS ArvCity ,[Field34] AS ArvDate ,[Field35] AS TravelPurpose ,[Field36] AS TravelRecordBackReference FROM ImportedNativeRecords WHERE ImportedReportID IS NOT NULL AND ReportType IN ('RCPT','PLDG') ORDER BY ImportedRecordID -- this should work but gives syntax error! );
I have a table 'table_list' which contains two columns, table_name and a record_count. This table stores a list of tables and their corresponding record counts.
What I am trying to do is, to be able to write a select statement, that can read each table name in the 'table_name' column, execute a select count(*) for the same, and update its record_count with the result of select count(*).
This is the code in my procedure..
DECLARE @tab_list CURSOR set @tab_list = CURSOR FOR select * from table_list OPEN @tab_list
DECLARE @tab_name varchar(256) DECLARE @rec_cnt int FETCH NEXT FROM @tab_list INTO @tab_name, @rec_cnt
select count(*) from @tab_name
This select is looping around along with FETCH till all the table names are exhausted and their counts are updated from the cursor back into the table.
Problem is that, I am not able to use select count(*) from @tab_name, and its not accepting a variable there.
Please help me to construct the select statement that is similiar to
x=<table name> select * from x where x is a variable and the table name gets substituted.
When I execute next query on sqlserver 6.5 nested in stored procedure I can see that 'open testCursor' selected rows using new value of @var. When I execute query on sqlserver 7.0 I can see that 'open testCursor' selected rows using value of @var before 'declare ... cursor'. Is there any way to force sqlserver 7.0 to proccess cursor like it did it before.
select @var = oldValue
declare testCursor cursor for select someColumns from someTable where someColumn = @var
After trying every way I could come up with I can't get a filter clauseto work with a passed variable ...I have a cursor that pulls a filter string from a table (works OK),then I want to use that filter in a second cursor, but can't get thesyntax ...@bakfilter is equal to "MISV2_db_%.BAK" before I try to open and fetchfrom the second cursor. Here is the cursor declaration:DECLARE curFiles CURSOR FORSELECT FileName, FileDateFROM DataFileWHERE (((Active)=1) AND ((FileName) LIKE '@bak_filter'))ORDER BY FileDate DESCWhat do I need to do to get it to use the string contained in@bak_filter?Thanks in advance, Jim
Is it possible to have an entire sql select statement as the input variable to a stored procedure? I want the stored procedure to execute the select statement.
exec sp_SomeFunc 'select * from table1 where id=1'
It may sound weird, but I have my reason for wanting to do it this way. Is this possible? if so, how do I implement this inside the stored procedure?
I need to dynamically construct the field order of a cursor based on fixed labels from another table, but when I put that resulting query I receive the error:
Server: Msg 16924, Level 16, State 1, Line 78 Cursorfetch: The number of variables declared in the INTO list must match that of selected columns.
I have 6 fields defined in the cursor select, and 6 parameters in the fetch. The results of running the @sql portion returns valid data. Should this be possible to define a parameter containing the select clause of the cursor?
select colnum, coldesc, colname into #ae_defs from ae_adefs select @Sql = (select colname from #ae_defs where coldesc = 'PATIENT NAME') + ', ' + (select colname from #ae_defs where coldesc = 'PATIENT NUMBER') + ', ' + (select colname from #ae_defs where coldesc = 'ACCOUNT NUMBER') + ', ' + (select colname from #ae_defs where coldesc = 'VISIT DATE') + ', ' + (select colname from #ae_defs where coldesc = 'VISIT TYPE') + ', DocID from ae_dtl1'
OPEN myCursor print @@Cursor_rows FETCH NEXT FROM myCursor into @var1, @var2, @var3, @var4, @var5, @DocID
What i am trying to do is concatenate variable "@Where" with CURSOR sql statement,inside a procedure . But, it doesn't seem to get the value for the @Where. (I tried with DEBUGGING option of Query Analyzer also).
============================================= SET @Where = '' if IsNull(@Input1,NULL) <> NULL Set @Where = @Where + " AND studentid='" + @input1 +"'"
if isnull(@Input2,NULL) <> NULL Set @Where = @Where + " AND teacherid =' " + @Input2 +"'"
DECLARE curs1 CURSOR SCROLL FOR SELECT firstname FROM school WHERE school ='ABC' + @where ============================================= Please check my SQL Above and Could somebody tell me how can I attach the VARIABLE with CURSOR sql statement ?
I'm trying to build a select statement for a CURSOR where part of the SQL statement is built using a variable. The following fails to parse:
Declare Cursor1 Cursor For 'select table_name from ' + @database + '.Information_Schema.Tables Where Table_Type = ''Base Table'' order by Table_Name' Open cursor1
That doesn't work, I've also tried using an Execute() statement, no luck there either. Any ideas or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
I can't seem to get a cursor to work when I'm passing in a variable for a column name of the select statement. For example:
declare @col varchar(50)
set @col = 'Temperature'
declare notifycurs cursor scroll for select @col from Table
Obviously this won't work correctly (since the result will simply be 'Temperature' instead of the actual float value for temperature). I tried to use quotes for the entire statement with an EXEC (ie. exec('select '+@col+' from Table' ) but that gave me an error.
Is there a way to pass in a variable for a column name for a curor select statement????
I have a stored procedure that rertrieves data from an sql database and sends out a mail to each receipient who meets the criteria
I am using SQL mail.
I dynamically generate the where clause for my sql query based on criteria taken from other stored procedures and store it in a varchar variable called @sqlquery
When i have the following code to run my cursor
DECLARE overdue3 CURSOR LOCAL FORWARD_ONLY FOR SELECT DISTINCT Events.E_Name, Events.E_SDate, Events.E_City, Events.E_ID FROM Events, IndustryEvents + @sqlquery2 OPEN overdue3
I get an error message at the '+' sign which says, cannot use empty object or column names, use a single space if necessary.
What should i do. i have tested the variable @sqlquery and it is definately not blank. There is no bracket error or anything.
ssn sex dob rel_code 111111111 m 19500403 m 111111111 f 19570908 w 111111111 f 19770804 d 111111111 f 19801203 d 111111111 f 19869712 d 111111111 m 19870907 s 111111111 m 19901211 s
I have to convert the rel_code into a specific manner so the data will look as below in TableB:
ssn sex dob rel_code 111111111 m 19500403 01 111111111 f 19570908 02 111111111 f 19770804 20 111111111 f 19801203 21 111111111 f 19869712 22 111111111 m 19870907 30 111111111 m 19901211 31
Member's rel_code = 01 spouse's rel_code = 02 daughter's rel_code starts from 20 with the oldest and increments by 1. Son's rel_code starts from 30 and increments by 1 from oldest to the youngest.
I know You can write a Sp with cursor and do this, but I would like to know if you can accomplish the same thing by a select or case or something else instead of a cursor.
Using the sys.databases & sys.sysindexes views to display all the columns with a clustered index for all tables and all databases in a given server. So the end result will have 3 columns:
Database name Table name Column name from that table with a clustered index
I have already created the following script which displays all the databases for a given server:
declare @DBname nvarchar(128) declare testCursorForDB cursor for select name from sys.databases with (nolock) where name not in ('master','tempdb','model','msdb') order by name
open testCursorForDB fetch next from testCursorForDB into @DBname
while @@fetch_status = 0 begin print @DBname fetch next from testCursorForDB into @DBname end
close testCursorForDB deallocate testCursorForDB
I also have created the following query which will display all the table and column names which have a clustered index for a given database:
select object_name( as TableName, as IndexName from sys.sysindexes as i with (nolock) where i.indid = '1'
However, what I need help/advice on is how do I combine these two together into one working script (either using nested cursors or a better way). In other words, how can I specify which database to use (ie. using the "use database_name") so that my query above will be applied to each database found within the cursor.
Please can someone advise how to use SQL select statement with where clasue which is based on a textBox.text value. ex. below example I set the textbox.text value to a C# variable called TextBoxValue1 but I receive error this is not a valid This is all done in Page_Load event backend code. string strCommandtext = "Select Type.TypeName, Type.TypeDesc FROM Type Where Type.TypeName = TextBoxValue1";
col1 col2 col3 col4 36930.60 145 N . 00 17618.43 190 N . 00 6259.20 115 N .00 8175.45 19 N .00 18022.54 212 N .00 111.07 212 B .00 13393.05 67 N .00 In above 4 col if col3 value is B then cursor has to fectch appropriate value from col4. if col3 value is N then cursor has to fectch appropriate value from col1. here col2 values are unique.
I have the following stored procedure, I would like to use IF statement or something of the sort in the where clause i.e. The last line in the SP is: AND (category.categoryID = @categoryID), I only want to check this, if @categoryID is not = 12. So can I do something like this:
IF @categoryID <> 12 AND (category.categoryID = @categoryID)
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_get_total_risk_patients @categoryID int AS
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT patient.patientID) AS total_patients FROM patient INNER JOIN patient_record ON patient.patientID = patient_record.patientID INNER JOIN sub_category ON sub_category.sub_categoryID = patient.sub_categoryID INNER JOIN category ON category.categoryID = sub_category.categoryID WHERE risk = 6 AND (completed_date = '' OR completed_date IS NULL) AND (category.categoryID = @categoryID)
I have a table when user add new sales or puchase will be added to this table ITEM_TXNS. The above date is part of the table for a ProductID . (The field is removed here) In order to calculate the balance amount using moving average, I must calculated the cost_out_amt first on the fly. When user add new sales I also need to determine the cost/unit for a product id using moving average. The problem is I can not just use sum, because i need to determine cost_out_amt for each sales first which will be calculated on the fly. The reason i dont store the cost_out_amt (instead calculate on the fly) because User could Edit the previous sales/purchase txn or Insert new sales for a previous date. Example THe record with ID 9. By Adding this txn with ID 9, would cause all the cost_out_amt will be incorrect (Using moving Average) if i store the cost_amout_out on entrying txn and need to be recalculated. Instead I just want to calculate on the fly and able to determine the cost avr for a specific point of time. Should I just use Cursor and loop all the record and calculate the cost or maybe I can just use on Select Statement?
Hello, I want to execute a sproc where the query statement goes something along these lines: SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE @aVarCharVariable @aVarCharVariable contains column names and their possible values How do I achieve this? Cheers! /Eskil
I'm trying to build a Where clause in a stored procedure based on the information that is passed into the stored procedure. Because I don't know how many items will be passed into the stored procedure, I'm having to split the string on a specific character and build the Where clause based on how many strings are found.
However, when I try to execute the Where clause it throws an error.
Code Snippet
ALTER PROCEDURE getUsersAddress -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @LName varchar(1000) @City varchar(1000), @State varchar(1000), @License varchar(1000)
declare @Count as int declare @x as int declare @wLName as varchar(2000) declare @wCityas varchar(2000) declare @wStateas varchar(2000) declare @wLicense as varchar(2000)
BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON;
if right(rtrim(@LName),1) <> ';' begin set @LName = @LName + ';' end
set @Count = PATINDEX('%;%',@LName)
set @wLName = '(tblUsers.LName = ''' while @Count <> 0 begin set @wLName = @wLName + left(@LName, @Count - 1)
set @LName = stuff(@LName, 1, @Count, '') set @Count = PATINDEX('%;%',@LName);
if @Count <> 0 begin set @wLName = @wLName + ''') OR (tblUsers.LName = ''' end else begin set @wLName = @wLName + ''')' end end
print cast(@wLName as varchar(5000))
-- Insert statements for procedure here SELECT tblUsers.FullName, tblUsers.Addy1, tblUsers.Addy2, tblUsers.City, tblState.StateAbbr, tblUsers.Zip, tblUsers.Zip4 FROM tblUsers INNER JOIN tblState ON tblUsers.FK_StateID = tblState.StateID INNER JOIN tblUserDetails ON tblUsers.UserID = tblUserDetails.FK_UserID WHERE (@wLName) OR (tblUsers.City = @City) OR (tblState.StateAbbr = @State) OR (tblUserDetails.CDLType = @License) END So when I print do an exec getUsersAddress 'Johnson;Smith', 'City;Test City', 'TX;OK', 'Class A;Class B'
@wLName comes out as (tblUsers.LName = 'Johnson') OR (tblUsers.LName = 'Smith')
However, I can't save the procedure as it gives me an error of: An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near 'OR'.
When I copy and paste the @wLName value in place of @wLName in the Where clause it works, so how can I get the @wLName variable to work in that Where clause?
I am writing a stored procedure and have a query where I create a variable from other table
Declare @Sem varchar (12) Null @Decision varchar(1) Null Select emplid,name, Semester Decision1=(select * from tbldecision where reader=1) Decision2=(select * from tbldecision where reader=2) Where Semester=@Sem And Decision1=@Decision
But I am getting error for Decision1 , Decision2. How can I do that.
I have a gridview that is based on the selection(s) in a listbox. The gridview renders fine if I only select one value from the listbox. I recive this error though when I select more that one value from the listbox: Syntax error converting the nvarchar value '4,1' to a column of data type int. If, however, I hard code 4,1 in place of @ListSelection (see below selectCommand WHERE and IN Clauses) the gridview renders perfectly. <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSourceAll" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="SELECT DISTINCT dbo.Contacts.Title, dbo.Contacts.FirstName, dbo.Contacts.MI, dbo.Contacts.LastName, dbo.Contacts.Suffix, dbo.Contacts.Dear, dbo.Contacts.Honorific, dbo.Contacts.Address, dbo.Contacts.Address2, dbo.Contacts.City, dbo.Contacts.StateOrProvince, dbo.Contacts.PostalCode FROM dbo.Contacts INNER JOIN dbo.tblListSelection ON dbo.Contacts.ContactID = dbo.tblListSelection.contactID INNER JOIN dbo.ListDescriptions ON dbo.tblListSelection.selListID = dbo.ListDescriptions.ID WHERE (dbo.tblListSelection.selListID IN (@ListSelection)) AND (dbo.Contacts.StateOrProvince LIKE '%') ORDER BY dbo.Contacts.LastName"> <SelectParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="ListSelection" DefaultValue="1"/> </SelectParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource> The selListID column is type integer in the database. I'm using the ListBox1_selectedIndexChanged in the code behind like this where I've tried using setting my selectparameter using the label1.text value and the Requst.From(ListBox1.UniqueID) value with the same result:
Protected Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListBox1.SelectedIndexChanged Dim Item As ListItem For Each Item In ListBox1.Items If Item.Selected Then If Label1.Text <> "" Then Label1.Text = Label1.Text + Item.Value + "," Else Label1.Text = Item.Value + "," End If End If Next Label1.Text = Label1.Text.TrimEnd(",") SqlDataSourceAll.SelectParameters("ListSelection").DefaultValue = Request.Form(ListBox1.UniqueID) End Sub What am I doing wrong here? Thanks!
Hello everyone, I have a view, NAS_vPosition that has a coloumn vLogin_Acting and I want to use the to select the row from this table that matches. So far i have tried: SelectCommand = "Select * FROM NAS_vPosition WHERE vLogin_Acting = ' <%=User.Identity.Name %> ' " with no success. Any help is appreciated
I basically want to select all GRNID's from one table but they have to be between dates in another table.So I want all GRN's between two dates found in the ABSPeriodEndDate table. To find out the start date for the between clause I need to find the MAX Period then minus 1 and the max year. To find the end date of the between clause I want I need to find both the max period and year. But I want the DateStamp column to return the results for the between clause. My query is below:
SELECT tblGRNItem.GRNID FROM tblGRNItem INNER JOIN ABSPeriodEndDates ON tblGRNItem.DateCreated = ABSPeriodEndDates.DateStamp WHERE tblGRNItem.DateCreated BETWEEN (SELECT ABSPeriodEndDates.DateStamp FROM ABSPeriodEndDates WHERE ABSPeriodEndDates.DateStamp = (SELECT
I am fairly new with SQL and still learning. I have used a case statemtent for a column in my select list and want to use the results of that statement's field in my WHERE clause but it is not working for me. Here is the code I have so far:
SELECT l.loanid, p.investorid, l.duedate, case when pc.duedate >= l.duedate then pc.duedate end as RateDueDate, pc.interestrate FROM loan l inner join participation p on p.loanid = l.loanid inner join paymentchange pc on pc.loanid = l.loanid where p.investorid = '12345' and RateDueDate is not null order by l.loanid, pc.duedate
I want to put the results of this case statment in my where clause like highlighted above but it is not working because RateDueDate is not an actual column in the table. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have a two tables each having a uniqueidentifier column person_id
I am trying to a select statement where I want a list of the person_id's in one table that are not in another table.
-- insert into wch_needed those who need checked
insert into #wch_needed (person_id, rendered_by ) select distinct e.person_id, e.rendered_by from #wch_who o, encounter e where o.person_id not in (select distinct person_id from #wch_have ) and o.person_id = e.person_id
the where conditional
where o.person_id not in (select distinct person_id from #wch_have )
I have a C# application that calls a stored procedure to query the database (MSSQL 2005). I only have one field/column returned from the query but I need that column ordered.
How do I use the ORDER BY clause without returning the index column which does the sorting? The first example is NOT what I want. I want something that works like the second example which only returns the 'Name' column.
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[MyProcedure]
FROM ... ... ORDER BY A.[Index], A.Name ASC
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[MyProcedure]
I have scenario where i have to pick one particular value from where condition. Here is the example:A store can have different types i-e A or B , A and B or either A or B.
Store Type Sales 11 A 1000 23 A 1980 23 B 50 5 B 560
I want to filter the store in "where clause" where
1)- if the store has type A and B, then assign only A 2)- if the store has type A associated with it then assign A 3)- if the store has type B associated with it, then assign B.
Select Store, sum(sales), Type from table1 where (TYPE]= (case when [TYPE] in ('A','B') then 'A' when [TYPE]='A' then 'A' else 'B'end)) GROUP BY [store], [TYPE]
The above statement is not working for when store has only Type B associated with it.
Is there anyway to use a variable to define a column in a select statement. I can put the variable in but I'm sure it will be read as a literal instead of the column.
Hi,I'm trying to dynamically assign the table name for a SELECT statement but can't get it to work. Given below is my code: SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO
DECLARE @ProjectNumber int SET @ProjectNumber = 'ProjectNumber' + REPLACE(CONVERT(char,@DeptCode),'.','') SELECT MAX(@ProjectNumber) FROM 'tbl_ProjectNumber' + REPLACE(CONVERT(char,@DeptCode),'.',''); END TRANSACTION Basically, I have a bunch of tables which were created dynamically using the code from this post and now I need to access the last row in a table that matches the supplied DeptCode. This is the error I get:Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure GetLastProjectNumber, Line 29Incorrect syntax near 'tbl_ProjectNumber'. Any help would be appreciated.Thanks.
I have a stored procedure that accepts the table name as a parameter. Is there anyway I can use this variable in my select statement after the 'from' clause. ie "select count(*) from @Table_Name"? When I try that is says "Must declare the table variable @Table_Name". Thanks!
I'm trying to add a 'change password' control to my site and seem to be having some issues. I have code that works if I statically define what user is displayed on the form, but I cant get it to detect the 'authenticated' user and show them the reset for for that ID.If I take the "+ myid" out of the select statement and just define the username statically the form works properly. Error:System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The column prefix 'System.Security.Principal' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query. Here's a piece of the code that is supposed to detect the current logged in user. However, it gives the error. (some of the code may be redundant but its not causing issues that I can tell) public void InitPage() { IPrincipal p = HttpContext.Current.User; String myid = HttpContext.Current.User.ToString(); SqlServer sqlServer = new SqlServer(Util.SqlConnectionString()); DataTable dt; SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["myconnection"].ConnectionString); SqlDataAdapter cmd1 = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from USER WHERE USER_NAME = "+ myid, cnn); DataTable UIDtable = new DataTable(); cmd1.Fill(UIDtable); User_Id.Value = UIDtable.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString(); dt = sqlServer.USER_SELECT(Util.SiteURL(Request.QueryString["Pg"].ToString()), User_Id.Value);
this querry below works perfect when i assign the us.UserID = 29 but i need to be able to use the @UsersMaxID variable..... when i debug all of my values are right where they need to be... even this on ((( @UsersMaxID ))) but for some reason it will not work with the next select statement...
can someone make the pain go away and help me here..??
GOSET ANSI_NULLS ON GO ALTER PROCEDURE AA ASDECLARE @GenericColumn Varchar (200) DECLARE @GenericValue Varchar (200) SET @GenericColumn = 'FirstName'SET @GenericValue = 'Erik' DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(4000) DECLARE @UserID INT DECLARE @UsersMaxID INT DECLARE @MaxID INT declare @tempResult varchar (1000) -------------------------------------------Define the #Temporary Table----------------------------------------------CREATE TABLE #UsersTempTable ( ID int IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, UserID [int], FirstName [varchar](30), LastName [varchar](30), CompanyName [varchar](200), Address1 [varchar](75), Address2 [varchar](75), City [varchar](75),ActiveInd [int], Zip [varchar](10), WkPhone [varchar](12),HmPhone [varchar](12), Fax [varchar](12), Email [varchar](200), Website [varchar](200), UserType [varchar](20),Title [varchar](100),Note [text], StateCD [char](2), CountryCD [char](2), CompanyPhoto [varchar](50), CompanyDescr [varchar](2000)) ---------------------------------------Fill the temp table with the Customers data-----------------------------------SET @SQL = 'INSERT INTO #UsersTempTable (UserID, FirstName, LastName, CompanyName, Address1, Address2, City, ActiveInd, Zip, WkPhone, HmPhone,Fax, Email, Website, UserType, Title, Note, StateCD, CountryCD, CompanyPhoto, CompanyDescr) Select Users.UserID, Users.FirstName,Users.LastName, Users.CompanyName, Users.Address1, Users.Address2, Users.City, Users.ActiveInd, Users.Zip, Users.WkPhone, Users.HmPhone,Users.Fax,Users.Email,Users.Website, Users.UserType,Users.Title, Users.Note,Users.StateCD, Users.CountryCD,Users.CompanyPhoto,Users.CompanyDescr FROM USERS WHERE ' + @GenericColumn +' = ''' + @GenericValue + '''' EXEC sp_executesql @SQL SET @MaxID = (SELECT MAX(ID) FROM #UsersTempTable)SET @UsersMaxID = (SELECT UserID From #UsersTempTable WHERE ID = @MaxID) SELECT SpecialtyName FROM Specialty s INNER JOIN UserSpecialty us ON s.SpecialtyCD = us.SpecialtyCD WHERE us.UserID = 29 SELECT * FROM #UsersTempTable
==========================================================================================SET @UsersMaxID = (SELECT UserID From #UsersTempTable WHERE ID = @MaxID) SELECT SpecialtyName FROM Specialty s INNER JOIN UserSpecialty us ON s.SpecialtyCD = us.SpecialtyCD WHERE us.UserID = 29 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< i need @UserMaxID ........RIGHT HERE