Compare And Update A Table From One Database To Another Table On Another Database
Jul 17, 2007
Hi everybody.. need help on this situation which i am to.
I have two databases named db1 and db2
both of which has two identical tables named tbl1 and tbl2
I need to compare tbl1 of db1 to the tbl2 of db2
if there is a record that is existing on tbl1 and not on the tbl2 then
i need to create a tblnew on db2
from that tblnew then i need to append all the data from tblnew to tbl2 of db2.
I don't know how to start with it because i'm used to appending data on two tables on the same database but not on a different one...
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Jan 8, 2008
I imported a SQL Table into SQL DataBase, But I can not update this table even with SQL Server management Studio
When I change any data on mentioned table above, Red exclamation sign appears left of the record .
How can I correct this problem?
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Jan 22, 2008
Hi guys, may I know is it possible to create an update trigger like this ? Assuming there are two database, database A and database B and both are having same tables called 'Payments' table. I would like to update the Payments records on database A automatically after Payments records on database B had been updated. I can't use replication because both tables might having different records and some records are the same. Hope can get any assistance here, thank you.
Best Regards,
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Oct 26, 2015
I am using two database server. Both are sql server.Â
My task is :I want to insert data from server 1 table to server 2 table and update same when modified the existing data from server 1. is it possible to do the integration in single package.
I know to do insert and update seperately by ssis but need to do same with single task.Â
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Sep 1, 2015
I need to update the AcquiredFrom table from source_office table. both the tables are from different database and server. we can match them on Code and source code. Initially if we can find out the discrepancies and then how can we fix them. Also there might be some dealerships that would have to be added to acquiredfrom table from the source_office table if they are not there already.
Table 1 (AcquiredFrom) database (Service) Server(FS3)
Select Code, Name, ContactName, AddLine1, AddLine2, city, state, zip, PhoneNumber
FROM [dbo].[AcquiredFrom]
Order by Code
Table 2 (source_office) database (DCP_PROD) Server (DPROSQL)
Select source_code, name, addr1, addr2, city, state_id, zip, phone FROM [dbo].[source_office]
order by source_code
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Apr 27, 2015
I compare two table with JOIN statement. Now I would like to update one of them base on result. How it to do?
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Nov 23, 2004
I have a id field in sql database which is of data type varchar. I want to update multiple records in this table at once or in one query. Here is the code
sqlBuilder.Append("Update Students set EventDate='2004/12/24' ")
sqlBuilder.Append("Where ID IN (@StudIDs)")
cmdStudent= New SqlCommand
cmdStudent.Connection = connDB
cmdStudent.CommandType = CommandType.Text
cmdStudent.CommandText = sqlBuilder.ToString()
cmdStudent.Parameters.Add("@StudIDs", SqlDbType.VarChar, 1000).Value = strStudentIDs
The value of strStudentIDs is "A2227,B5629".
Its working fine if I am pasing only one id but its not updating the table if I am passing more that one IDs and I am not getting any error message. Then I tried to get it working by passing the strings with single quotes as:
The value of strStudentIDs is "'A2227','B5629'".
Still it did not work.
I got this to work by using Dynamic SQL but I want to do it with string builder instead.
How can I solve this problem?
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Jul 22, 2007
Table MediaImportLog
column ↘ImportIndex ImportFileTime ImportSource
value ↘80507 20060506001100 815
80511 20061109120011 CRD � P.S the values type of ImportFileTime 20060506001100 → 2006 -year 05-month 06-day 00-HH 11-minute 00-second】
Table BillerChain
column↘BillerInfoCode ChainCode
value ↘750 815
value ↘81162 CRD
Table Biller
column↘CompanyCode BillerCode
value ↘999 750
value ↘81162 516
TAble DataBackup
column↘CompanyCode Keepmonth
value ↘999 6
value ↘81162 12
when I'm in MediaImportLog , I want use column ImportSource to compare with column ChainCode in table BillerChain ( so I get BillerInfoCode) and then use the BillerInfoCode I got to compare with column BillerCode in Table Bill ( I get CompanyCode) finally I use CompanyCode to compare with column CompanyCode in table DataBackup so I can get the company's keepmonth
How can I get the keepmonth? can I use parameters ?
thank you very much
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Feb 18, 2006
The following code will not update and commit the update to a SQL Database Table. Now my where statement is looking for a Date field. Could this be the problem?
Dim DBConn As SqlConnection
Dim DBAdd As New SqlCommand
Dim strConnect As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ProtoCostConnectionString").ConnectionString
DBConn = New SqlConnection(strConnect)
'Update a existing row in the table
DBAdd.CommandText = "UPDATE [D12_MIS] SET [CSJ] = @CSJ, [EST_DATE] = @EST_DATE, [RECORD_LOCK_FLAG] = @RECORD_LOCK_FLAG, [EST_CREATE_BY_NAME] = @EST_CREATE_BY_NAME, [EST_REVIEW_BY_NAME] = @EST_REVIEW_BY_NAME, [m2_1] = @m2_1, [m2_2_date] = @m2_2_date, [m2_3_date] = @m2_3_date, [m2_4_date] = @m2_4_date, [m2_5] = @m2_5, [m3_1a] = @m3_1a, [m3_1b] = @m3_1b, [m3_2a] = @m3_2a, [m3_2b] = @m3_2b, [m3_3a] = @m3_3a, [m3_3b] = @m3_3b WHERE [EST_DATE] = " & EstDateText
With DBAdd.Parameters
.AddWithValue("@CSJ", pvCSJ.Text)
.AddWithValue("@EST_DATE", tmp1Date)
.AddWithValue("@RECORD_LOCK_FLAG", tmpRecordLock)
.AddWithValue("@EST_CREATE_BY_NAME", CheckedCreator)
.AddWithValue("@EST_REVIEW_BY_NAME", CheckedReviewer)
.AddWithValue("@m2_1", vb2_1)
.AddWithValue("@m2_2_date", tmp2Date)
.AddWithValue("@m2_3_date", tmp3Date)
.AddWithValue("@m2_4_date", tmp4Date)
.AddWithValue("@m2_5", vb2_5)
.AddWithValue("@m3_1a", vb3_1a)
.AddWithValue("@m3_1b", vb3_1b)
.AddWithValue("@m3_2a", vb3_2a)
.AddWithValue("@m3_2b", vb3_2b)
.AddWithValue("@m3_3a", vb3_3a)
.AddWithValue("@m3_3b", vb3_3b)
End With
DBAdd.Connection = DBConn
Dim rowsAffected As Integer = 0
rowsAffected = DBAdd.ExecuteNonQuery
Catch ex As Exception
tb2_2.Text = ex.ToString()
End Try
tb2_1.Text = rowsAffected
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Jul 23, 2005
I had previously posted this in an Access forumwith negative results so will try here.Although this question specifies an Access database,I also wish to accomplish this with a large MS SQL Serverdatabase that we have.Question follows:The following SQL statement, used in VBScript,will COPY a table from Excel to an Access mdb.SQL = "SELECT * INTO C1R0" & _" FROM [C1R0$] IN ''" & _" 'Excel 8.0;database=c:excelUpdateFinal1.xls';"What is the SQL statement that willUPDATE an already existing Access tablewith all rows from Excel spreadsheet?The columns of both Spreadsheet and database are thesame.ThanksJim
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Jul 20, 2005
Hello!We are developping a project using MS-SQLServer 7 and we need aprocess for the synchronization of 3 tables together.Inserts and updates in the table A should immediately andautomatically occur on table C, and updates on table C should alsoautomatically occur on table B.We think that the solution using triggers and stored procedures is theright choice. Could someone with knowledge on stored procedures helpus?We need the help soon, this is quite urgent, so we’d be happy toget an answer!If something is not clear just ask!Thanks in advance!E. Keller
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Feb 4, 2008
How can I copy a database table with all its data, indexes and constraints to a new table in the same database in sql server 2005
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May 6, 2007
I have a set of records in database table and I want to update one column to be the same for all of them.
Can you suggest code solution?
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Apr 24, 2008
ASP 3.5 VB: Visual Studio 2008, 2005 Developer Server
I'm new to web development so my question may seem basic. I created a stored procedure:CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[CaseDataInsert]
@ReportType varchar(50),
@CreatedBy varchar(50),
@OpenDate smalldatetime,
@Territory varchar(10),
@Region varchar(10),
@StoreNumber varchar(10),
@StoreAddress varchar(200),
@TiplineID varchar(50),
@Status varchar(50),
@CaseType varchar(200),
@Offense varchar(200)
BEGININSERT CaseData(ReportType, CreatedBy,OpenDate,Territory,Region,StoreNumber,StoreAddress,TiplineID,
I created textboxes and dropdownboxes on my asp page, and with a button put the following code behind it:Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim cs As String = "Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=Database1.mdf;Integrated Security=True;"Using con As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(cs)
con.Open()Dim cmd As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
cmd.Connection = con
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.CommandText = "CaseDataInsert"cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ReportType", DropDownList1.SelectedItem)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CreatedBy", DropDownList2.SelectedItem)cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@OpenDate", TextBox1.Text)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Territory", TextBox2.Text)cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Region", DropDownList3.SelectedItem)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@StoreNumber", TextBox3.Text)cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@StoreAddress", TextBox4.Text)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TiplineID", TextBox5.Text)cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Status", DropDownList4.SelectedItem)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CaseType", DropDownList5.SelectedItem)cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Offense", DropDownList6.SelectedItem)
End Using
End Sub
On the web page I can enter the data, click the button, and no data is entered into the database?
I believe that I may have problems with the datasource?
Any help would be appreciated.
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Oct 10, 2007
Sent: 10/10/2007 4:13:43 PM
To: []
Subject: forum
Hi all,
I need to Insert the XML File data into SQL SERVER 2005 db(table).
For that I created the table with XML Native column (using typed xml)
*********************************create table command************
Document XML(CONTENT xyz))
In order to Create the table with typed xml ,before that we have to create the xml schema which i
mentioned below
************************************create schema command********
'Place xml schema file ’
I created the xml schema file by using the xmlspy software.
--------------------------Insert command---------
INSERT into XmlCatalog VALUES
(1,'copy xml file ‘)
I need to retrieve the xml data from the table
------------select query----------
SELECT Document.query (‘data (/X12//UserId)') AS USERID,
Document.query (‘data (/X12/X12_Q1/header/ISA//ISA_Authorization_Information_Qualifier)')
ISA_Authorization_Information from XmlCatalog.
I Need to update/insert/delete the xml data in the table
Can you please suggest the procedure to implement the above requirement(insert/update/delete)
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Feb 28, 2006
hi e'body:
I have some database tables, and each one of them have a creation_date and modified_date in them. I was trying to figure out a way where when a row in one of these tables is changed using Enterprise Manager (Database -> Tables -> select table -> right click -> select all rows -> change a field in a row inside a table), is there a way apart from triggers, such that the "modified_date" column for that row get changed to 'getdate()' (rather picks up the current datetime).
thanks in advance.
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Aug 25, 2007
Hi everyone, this is is my first post, so please reply and help.
I'm working on a project right now that uses asp 2.0 and SQL server 2005 express edition. This is a general idea of the project. In our company some of us receive ECO notifications (engineering change orders) for our products and we need to implement these to the test scripts that are on the production floor. So the project is about entering the new ECO into a database which will send an automatic notification to our test team. When they receive the notification they will have to sign in to the website and introduce their login and password to sign off the ECO (Following some checkpoints already defined by me, for example, Area ready, Test script modification necessary, new firmware introduction, comments, etc...) but I also need to record WHO and WHEN sign that ECO. We have 3 different test areas in our factory: Electrical, Functional and Systems, so all THREE areas must be signed off in order to the ECO go to a IMPLEMENTED state (at this point i need to send a new email saying that the eco has been implemented in all three areas).
So far I've completed the following things:
-users validation (logins, areas)
-New custom entry form for the ECOs and automatic email notification (part of what I did is described below). Dim ECODataSource As New SqlDataSource()ECODataSource.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ECO_ICSConnectionString1").ToString()
ECODataSource.InsertCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.StoredProcedure
ECODataSource.InsertCommand = "EcoNew"
ECODataSource.InsertParameters.Add("EcoNumber", EcoNumberTextBox.Text)
ECODataSource.InsertParameters.Add("EcoDescription", EcoDescriptionTextBox.Text)
ECODataSource.InsertParameters.Add("EcoMandatory", EcoMandatoryDropDownList.Text)
-Depending on which test area is the the engineering from, I can filter the ECOs and just shows the ones that their test area is pending. (using GridView)
But I'm stuck right now when the engineers have to sign the ECO for their test areas. I was able to use the Gridview and DetailsView to EDIT most of the things that I need. But there are somethings that I don't like:
1. When using the EDIT option on Gridview or Detailsview, all fields can be edited including ECO number, description and mandatory, which I don't want them to change. If I set those columns to read only, when editing that row again. It gives me an error that says that the ECOnumber can't be NULL, but if I remove these 3 columns the Engineer will not know which ECO they have sign. They are only going to be able to see the EcoId, which doesn't say much.
2. Also I saw that I wasn't able to do is to enter the USER login and CURRENT system date and time automatically. I don't want them to manually enter the date and their login manually.
3. Finally, when the last area signs the ECO, I want to update that record and set a flag that tells me that the ECO has been completed.
So what I really want is to create some sort of form (textboxes, labels, checkboxes, etc.) that will UPDATE the selected ECO from the gridview for instance. So when I select the row from the GridView, It will show the data (Econumber, description and mandatory as READ ONLY) and use the rest of the things as INPUT for the engineer to complete. At the end an "update button" and when I click it, It will enter/update the data on that specific row, but including the time and user login as well.
Also to check if the other 2 areas have signed and if so, change the ECOReadiness flag to 1 and send the email.
Is there a code like the one I used above to do this ? Or if you think there a better way to do this, I'll be very glad to hear it.
I'm new using sql and asp, so If i'm asking some dumb questions please forgive me. .
Here's my table definition for your reference:
EcoId - primary key.
EcoReadiness <- Flag for the entire ECO, when ALL 3 areas have signed, this will be 1.
ATE < - Flag for Electrical area.
ATEscripts < - Just a Yes/no input.
ATEengineer <- user login
ATEdatetimestamp <- Date.Now()
FAT < - Flag for functional.
SYSTEMS < - Flag for systems.
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Dec 26, 2012
I am getting following error on "Table Import Wizard" of Tabular model Cannot update the 'Database' object 'Tabular Sample_', it needs to be part of a connected Server object.
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Mar 16, 2004
I have two database and both of them has the same table, i want to copy all info from this first table to the secornd table
For Example:
Database : DB_1, table is table_1
Database : DB_2, table is table_2
both table_1 and table_2 have the same struct
how can i insert all records from table_1 to table_2
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Jan 9, 2008
Hi all,
The following dbo.Tables of Northwind.mdf in my .SQLEXPRESS (SQL Server Management Studio Express) are missing:
dbo.Order Details
But, I have these dbo.Tables in a different Database "xyzDatabase". How can I copy each of these dbo.Tables to the another blank dbo.Table of Northwind Database?
I right clicked on the dbo.Categories and I saw the following thing:
New Table...
Open Table
Script Table as |> CREATYE To |>
DROP To |>
INSERT To |> New Query Editor Window
DELETE to |>
From the above observation,I think it is possible to copy the dbo.Table from the one Database to the Northwind Database that needs to be repaired. Please help and advise me how to do this task or tell me where I can find the Microsoft document that gives the details of this X-copy thing.
Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang
P. S. I am using VB 2005 Express to create a project to learn "Calling Stored Procedures with ADO.NET" (see Paul Kimmel's article in that needs the dbo.Tables of Northwind Database and my Northwind Database has been screwed up for quite a while and needs a big repair.
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Feb 24, 2006
I have an application where I'm filling a dataset with values from a table. This table has no primary key. Then I iterate through each row of the dataset and I compute the value of one of the columns and then update that value in the dataset row. The problem I'm having is that when the database gets updated by the SqlDataAdapter.Update() method, the same value shows up under that column for all rows. I think my Update Command is not correct since I'm not specifying a where clause and hence it is using just the value lastly computed in the dataset to update the entire database. But I do not know how to specify a where clause for an update statement when I'm actually updating every row in the dataset. Basically I do not have an update parameter since all rows are meant to be updated. Any suggestions?
SqlCommand snUpdate = conn.CreateCommand();
snUpdate.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
snUpdate.CommandText = "Update TestTable set shipdate = @shipdate";
snUpdate.Parameters.Add("@shipdate", SqlDbType.Char, 10, "shipdate");
string jdate ="";
for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count - 1; i++)
jdate = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["shipdate"].ToString();
ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["shipdate"] = convertToNormalDate(jdate);
da.Update(ds, "Table1");
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Jul 12, 2007
Hello ALL
what I want to achieve is to load a text file that has email addreses from disk and using the email addresses in the text file look it up against the email addresses in the database table then once matched delete all the users in the table whose email address were in the text file.
I also want to update some users using a different text file.
Please help me with the best way to do this
Thanks in advance
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Aug 12, 2014
I want Compare two Table data and insert changed field to the third table ...
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Apr 10, 2008
I am trying to use the Import Wizard to setup a daily job to import new records based on an ID field (PK). The source database is remote and a replica. I am inserting new records to update my table called the same thing. Both are SQL Native Client
Code Snippet
select *
from [CommWireless].[dbo].[iQclerk_SaleInvoicesAndProducts] as S1
join [IQ_REPLICA].[dbo].[iQclerk_SaleInvoicesAndProducts] as S2
on S1.SaleInvoiceID = S2.SaleInvoiceID
where S1.SaleInvoiceID > S2.SaleInvoiceID
When I parse the query, I keep getting an error message.
Deferred prepare could not be completed.
Statement(s) could not be prepared.
Invalid object name 'IQ_REPLICA.dbo.iQ_SaleInvoicesAndProducts'. (Microsoft SQL Native Client)
Anyone know an easy why to get this to work? Or should I add a create table to verify new records?
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Jun 25, 2007
Hi, all experts here,
I am wondering if tempdb stores all results tempararily whenever I query a large fact table with over 4 million records which joins another dimension table? Since each time when I run the query, the tempdb grows to nearly 1GB which nearly runs out all the space on my local system drive, as a result the performance totally down. Is there any way to fix this problem? Thanks a lot in advance and I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly for your kind advices.
With best regards,
Yours sincerely,
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Dec 16, 2007
Hello friends,
I am new to the SQL Server 2005 development.
From last 1 week or so, i have been facing very strange problem with my sql server 2005s database
which is configured and set on the hosting web server. Right now for managing my sql server 2005 database,
i am using an web based Control Panel developed by my hosting company.
Problem i am facing is that, whenever i try to modify (i.e. add new columns) tables in the database,
it gives me error saying that,
"There is already an object named 'PK_xxx_Temp' in the database. Could not create constraint. See previous errors.
Source: .Net SqlClient Data Provider".
where xxx is the table name.
I have done quite a bit research on the problem and have also searched on the net for solution but still
the problem persist.
Thanks in advance. Any help will be appreciated.
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Aug 4, 2015
I am looking for a Sql query to verify the inserted values from one table(in CSV file) with another table(in sql database)
For example: I have below Values column that is present in once CSV file, after my data migration the values get stored in Results table under Message column.
I need to very whether values(1X,1Y) are inserted in Message record "successfully inserted value 1X"
Values (CSV)
Results Table(SQL)
CreatedDate                  Message
2015-08-04 08:45:29.203Â Â successfully inserted value 1X
2015-08-04 08:44:29.103Â Â TEst pass
2015-08-04 08:43:29.103Â Â successfully inserted value 1X
2015-08-04 08:42:29.203Â Â test point
2015-08-04 08:35:29.203Â Â successfully inserted value 1Y
2015-08-04 08:30:29.203Â Â Test Pass
2015-08-04 08:28:29.203Â Â successfully inserted value 1Y
If all values are inserted:
All values from values table are inserted successfully
Total count of values inserted: 2
If only few values are inserted, example only 1X from Values table is inserted in Message
Results Table CreatedDate    Message
2015-08-04 08:45:29.203Â Â successfully inserted value 1X
2015-08-04 08:44:29.103Â Â TEst pass
2015-08-04 08:43:29.103Â Â successfully inserted value 1X
2015-08-04 08:42:29.203Â Â test point
All values from values are not inserted successfully in result table.
Total count of values inserted: 1
Missing Values not inserted in results table are: 1Y
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Mar 28, 2008
Hi all, please help. I m trying to create an "empty" table from existing table for the audit trigger purpose.
For now, i am trying to create an empty audit table for every table in a database named "pubs", and it's seem won't work.
Please advise.. Thanks in advance.
Here is my code:
Code Snippet
USE pubs
AND TABLE_NAME!= 'sysdiagrams'
AND TABLE_NAME = 'sales'
AND TABLE_NAME = 'sales'
ALTER TABLE @AUDIT_TABLE ADD UserAction Char(10),AuditStartTime Char(50),AuditUser Char(50)
AND TABLE_NAME!= 'sysdiagrams'
Thanks. ..
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Jul 26, 2007
How do I compare a SQL Server table to an Oracle table? Looking to compare table structure and data. Is there a tool that I can use to perform this?
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Oct 1, 2001
How do I copy a column(or colums) from a table in one database to another table in a different database
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Nov 17, 2011
Any easy way for a batch file or automated process to read from one db and table and what ever entry is missing out of another database + table it writes those missing entries to.
This is a simple table in one db that is filled with usernames, I want to see if there are missing usernames in another db and table and write those entries.
db1.usr_table.usr_name = jdoenew
If jdoenew is missing in the 2nd db I will need to write entries like:
db1.usr_table.usr_name = jdoenew
db1.usr_table.password = tmppassword = 1
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Aug 23, 2006
Here is my issue I am new to 2005 sql server, and am trying to take my old data which is exported to a txt file and import it to tables in sql. The older database is non relational, and I had made several exports for the way I want to build my tables. I built my packages fine and everything is working until I start building relationships. I remove my foreign key and the table with the primary key will get updated for the package again. I need to update the data daily into sql, and once in it will only be update from the package until the database is moved over.
It will run and update with a primary key until I add a foreign key to another database.
Here is my error when running the package when table 2 has a foreign key.
[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "TRUNCATE TABLE [consumer].[dbo].[Client] " failed with the following error: "Cannot truncate table 'consumer.dbo.Client' because it is being referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
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May 1, 2008
Hello I have a Source database and a Target database.
I want to join one table from the source to the other table in the target.
Please can some one write a sql query for this.
i gues its something like
select tablesource.col,tabledest.col
from database..tablesource,database..tabledestination
Ok One more question is where do I execute this Query in which database.. IF at all its possible to this.
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